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Full text of "A manual of costume as illustrated by monumental brasses"

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"  And  Dckkcr,  in  his  "  Gull's  Horn  Book,"  published  in  1 609,  contrasting  the  fashions 
"  of  his  day  with  the  simplicity  of  the  old  times  (though  where  he  found  simplicity  in 
"any  later  than  the  Deluge  I  am  not  aware),  says  : — 'There  was  then  neither  the 
"Spanish  slop  nor  the  skipper's  galligaskins;  the  Danish  sleeving,  sagging  down 
"like  a  Welsh  wallet  ;  the  Italian's  close  strosser,  nor  the  French  standing  collar; 
"your  treble,  quadruple  Dzedalion  rufTs  ;  nor  your  stiff-necked  rabatos,  that  have 
"  more  arches  for  pride  to  row  under  than  can  stand  under  five  London  bridges, 
"  durst  not  then  set  themselves  out  in  print,  for  the  patent  for  starch  could  by  no 
"  means  be  signed.  Fashion  then  was  counted  a  disease,  and  horses  died  of  it.' 
"The  disease  is  a  very  old  one,  and  Dekker  would  have  been  puzzled,  I  fancy,  to 
"point  out  an  age  in  which  it  was  not  deplored  as  epidemic." — J.  R.  Planche, 
A  General  History  of  Costume  in  Europe,  1879,  p.  230. 


The  aim  of  this  book  is  to  give,  as  far  as  possible,  a 
straight-forward  account  of  the  costume  to  be  found 
represented  on  that  large  class  of  sepulchral  memorials 
known  as  Monumental  Brasses.  The  student  of  Costume, 
to  whom  this  volume  is  addressed,  has  before  him  the 
task  of  clothing  one  of  an  earlier  age  than  his  own  "  in  his 
habit  as  he  lived."  If  his  period  be  the  first  quarter  of  the 
nineteenth  century  he  collects  and  compares  the  fascinating 
copper-plate  engravings  of  that  time ;  if  the  seventeenth 
century  claims  his  study,  he  consults  the  portraits  of 
Van  Dyck,  Kneller,  and  Lely;  but  if  his  attention  be  turned 
to  the  costume  of  the  fourteenth  or  fifteenth  century,  he 
finds  his  examples  less  easy  of  access,  and  mainly  to  be 
sought  in  illuminated  manuscripts  and  in  sepulchral 
effigies.  Of  the  latter,  in  England,  a  large  number  con- 
sists of  memorials  in  brass.  Of  these  he  must  collect 
examples,  either  by  means  of  heel-ball  rubbings  or  of 
photography.  By  these  methods  he  will  be  able  to  show 
the  various  styles  of  armour,  the  vestments  of  the  clergy, 
the  dress  of  the  merchant,  the  fashions  of  the  ladies,  so 
that  his  collection  will  form  a  valuable  companion  to  the 
study  of  English  History. 

In  dealing  with  such  a  subject  as  Costume,  the  enormous 
scope  of  the  study  renders  necessary  a  strict  adherence  to 
stated  Hmits,  and  a  plain  statement  of  those  limits.  The 
present  volume  treats  of  Costume,'  so  far  as  it  appears  on 
EngHsh  Monumental  Brasses,  including  an  introductory 
chapter  dealing  generally  with  this  class  of  memorial. 
The  author  has  not  commented  upon  the  beauty  or 

'  Two  classes  of  costume,  if  such  they  may  be  considered,  have  been 
omitted : — the  swaddling  clothes  of  infants  with  the  class  known  as 
"  Chrysom  Brasses,"  and  the  class  represented  by  "  Shroud  Brasses." 



ugliness  of  English  fashion,  holding  that,  at  the  most,  such 
treatment  conveys  but  the  expression  of  individual  taste, 
and  that  it  is  futile  to  criticize  adversely  a  fifteenth-century 
head-dress,  merely  because  it  may  not  be  supported  by  the 
sanction  of  a  nineteenth-century  mode.  Dresses  which 
appear  to  us  to  be  graceful,  or  the  reverse,  occur  in  every 
age.  The  light  which  they  throw  on  the  manners  of  their 
period  constitutes  their  importance,  and  justifies  an  in- 
telligent study  of  their  origin,  use,  and  development. 

The  adequate  acknowledgment  of  an  author's  indebted- 
ness to  authorities,  in  a  work  of  this  kind,  presents  many 
difficulties.  It  was  intended  that  a  Bibliography  should 
have  been  printed  at  the  end  of  this  book,'  which  would 
have  shown  the  range  of  these  obligations ;  but  it  was 
found  to  be  impossible  to  include  this,  as  it  would  have 
increased  unduly  the  size  of  the  book.  This  bibliography 
will  be  issued,  with  some  additions,  in  a  separate  form  at 
a  later  date,  when  it  is  hoped  that  it  will  prove  of  service 
to  the  student.  But  it  must  be  stated  here  that  the 
author's  chief  indebtedness  is  to  the  Rev.  Herbert  Haines' 
Manual  of  Monumental  Brasses,  now,  unfortunately,  out  of 
print,  and  comparatively  costly,  but  which  for  more  than 
forty  years  has  been  and  still  remains  the  standard  work 
on  the  subject. 

Many  of  the  illustrations  are  from  photographs,  taken 
directly,  of  the  brasses  themselves.  The  author's  grateful 
acknowledgments  are  due  to  Mr.  E.  M.  Beloe,  junr.,  for 
his  photographs  of  the  Elsing  brass ;  to  Mr.  W.  H.  H. 
Rogers,  F.S.A.,  for  his  kindness  in  allowing  the  use  of 
some  thirty  blocks,  made  from  his  own  carefully  prepared 
rubbings ;  and  to  Mr.  H.  K.  St.  J.  Sanderson  for  the  use 
of  his  block  of  the  brass  at  Cople. 

The  author  thankfully  records  his  indebtedness  to  many 

I  This  will  explain  the  reference  on  p.  145,  and  the  absence  of  the  list 
of  books  there  mentioned.  In  the  Index  of  Persons  the  names  of  authors 
cited  will  be  found  printed  in  italics.  The  author  has  endeavoured  by 
means  of  footnotes  to  show  the  sources  of  statements  in  the  text. 



of  the  clergy  and  to  others,  who  have  given  him  informa- 
tion and  assistance,  more  especially  to  'the  Rev.  Canon 
C.  H.  Mayo,  Professor  E.  C.  Clark,  LL.D.,  F.S.A., 
and  to  Messrs.  Mill  Stephenson,  F.S.A.,  and  Albert 
Hartshorne,  F.S.A. 

That  errors  and  many  imperfections  must  exist  in  his 
work  the  author  is  well  aware.  He  will  be  grateful  to  any 
one  who,  detecting  such,  will  bring  them  to  his  notice. 



Preface  -  v. 

Contents    -       --       --       --       --       -  ix. 

Illustrations      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -  xv. 

Introduction. — Of  Monumental  Brasses 

Rise  of  this  branch  of  archaeology — its  literature — its  im- 
portance— Haines'  classification  of  monumental  effigies — 
Incised  slabs — Limoges  enamels — inlaying  slabs  with  colour 
and  metals — inlaying  of  brasses — advantage  of  use  of  brass  for 
sepulchral  monuments — material  used — how  made  and  en- 
graved— brass  inlaid  in  marble  slab — cost  of  brasses — artists 
and  engravers — devices  and  signatures — thirteenth  century 
brasses — development  of  brasses  following  that  of  architecture 
— arrangement  in  periods  with  their  characteristics — four- 
teenth century — fifteenth  century — sixteenth  and  seventeenth 
centuries — rarity  of  brasses  in  eighteenth  century — modern 
brasses — distribution  of  brasses — their  size — some  account  of 
the  treatment  to  which  they  have  been  subjected  from  the 
sixteenth  to  the  nineteenth  centuries — modern  recoveries, 
practices,  restorations — palimpsest  brasses — three  classes  de- 
scribed, with  examples — palimpsest  at  Burwell  described — 
Flemish  brasses — list  of  those  in  England  of  fourteenth  century 
— some  fine  Continental  examples — Flemish  palimpsests — 
brass  of  Abbot  Delamere  described — effigy  of  abbot,  British 
Museum — the  Lynn  brasses — those  at  North  Mimms,  Wensley, 
and  Elsing — characteristics  of  fourteenth  century  Flemish 
brasses — fifteenth  and  sixteenth  century  Flemish  brasses — 
foreign  brasses  in  London  museums — brasses  showing  French 
influence — English  brass  of  Bishop  Hallum  at  Constance 

Costume  divided  into  four  main  groups — notes  on  royal 
brasses  i 

Chapter  I. — Of  Ecclesiastical  Costume  on  Brasses 

Origin  of  vestments — early  examples  on  brasses — brasses  of 
cardinals — division  into  mass  and  processional  vestments — 
Mass  Vestments :  i.  Amice;  2.  Alb  ;  3.  Stole;  4.  Maniple  ; 
5.  Chasuble — examples  of  priests  in  mass  vestments,  and  of 




demi-figures  similarly  vested— some  variant  brasses  combining 
mass  and  processional  vestments — Episcopal  Vestments  {pontifi- 
calia): I.  Dalmatic;  2.  Tunicle ;  3.  Buskins  or  Stockings; 
4.  Sandals;  5.  Gloves;  6.  Ring;  7.  Mitre;  8.  Pastoral  Staff 
or  Crozier — Archiepiscopal  Insignia:  i.  Cross  Staff;  2.  Pall 

A  list  of  brasses  of  archbishops  and  bishops  in  pontificals — 
some  other  brass  memorials  of  bishops — the  ornamentation  of 
mass  vestments,  and  their  characteristics  on  brasses 

Processional  or  Choral  Vestments:  Cassock,  Subtunica, 
Surplice,  Almuce,  Cope— examples  showing  hood— examples 
showing  cope  embroidered  throughout — decoration  of  the 
cope— its  morse— choral  cope  {cappa  «/^-rt)— examples- 
Mantle  of  the  Garter — brasses  of  Canons  of  Windsor  wearmg 
it  examples  of  priests  in  processional  vestments — examples 

lacking  the  cope  . 

Brasses  of  the  Monastic  Orders  (male)— abbots  in  pontificals 
—in  monastic  habit— examples  of  Benedictine  habit— brass  of 
an  Augustinian  canon— Monastic  Orders  (female)— two  brasses 
of  abbesses — examples  of  vowesses  and  nuns 

A  Note  on  the  Chalice  Brass— with  or  without  efiigy— 
examples  of  chalices  with  or  without  wafer— examples  showing 
chalice  held  by  effigies  in  mass  vestments  and  by  others  m  pro- 
cessional vestments  and  academicals— ornamentation  of  the 

^'^Clerical  habit— examples  showing  cassock,  tippet,  and  hood 
—others  showing  cassock  and  scarf-like  tippet  _ 

Post-Reformation  Ecclesiastics— their  vestment  regulations 
—Rochet,  Chimere,  Scarf  or  Tippet-gown— ///m  quadratus 
—brasses  of  Bishops  Geste  and  Robinson,  and  of  Archbishop 
Harsnett— three  instances  of  mitre  brasses— some  other  epis- 
copal brasses— examples  of  clergy  in  clerical  costume  - 

Chapter  II —Of  Academical  Costume  on  Brasses 

Difficulty  of  subject— some  authorities— ecclesiastical  origin 
of  universities  and  of  their  costume-its  regulation-Articles 
of  dress:  l.  The  Under  or  Body  Garment;  2.  Cassock; 
.    Gown  :  a.  cappa  clausa;  b.  gown  with  two  slits,  or  sleeveless 

Iberdun  talare/c.  sleeved  tabard  ;  ^-l^-^^^ /^kdHap 
medias  tibias ;  4.  Tippet;  5-  Hood;  6.  P.leus :  skull-cap, 
b  Pointed— Order  of  precedence  of  faculties 
■  Examples  in  academicals  and  other  costume-Sacr^  Theo- 
loei^  Professor,  Doctor  of  Divinity-Decretorum  or  Juris 
Cfnonici  Docto'r-Legum,  or  Juris  Ciyilis  Doctor-Utriusque 
Juris  Doctor-Medicine  Doctor-Licentiati  (m  decretis)- 
Sacre  Theologie  Baccalaureus-Artium  Magister  (Haines 




M.A.  I.  and  M.A.  II.) — Sacrae  Theologiae  Scholaris — Juris 
Canonici  or  In  Decretis  Baccalaureus — Juris  Civilis  or  Legum 
Baccalaureus — Utriusque  Juris  Baccalaureus — Physics  Bacca- 
laureus— Artium  Baccalaureus — Student  of  Civil  Law — 
Undergraduate — Schoolboys — Note:  Doctor  of  Music        -  119 

Chapter  III. — Of  Military  Costume  on  Brasses 

Surcoat  Period — examples — mail — hawberk — coif  de  mailles 
— chausses — genouillieres  or  poleyns — prick  spurs — hauketon 
— surcoat — ailettes — shield — sword — brasses  of  Sir  John 
D'Aubernoun — Sir  Robert  de  Trumpington  (with  tilting 
helm) — Sir  Robert  de  Bures — Sir  Robert  de  Setvans — two 
half-effigies — matrices  of  the  Surcoat  Period 

Transitional  Period — brasses  at  Pebmarsh  and  Gorleston — 
brassarts  (rerebraces  and  vambraces) — coutes  or  coudieres — 
roundels — jambs  or  jambarts — sollerets 

Mixed  Mail  and  Plate  Period,  called  Cyclas  Period — 
examples — cyclas — camail — brasses  of  Sir  John  de  Creke,  Sir 
John  D'Aubernoun  II.,  Sir  John  de  Northwode 

Transitional  Period — brasses  of  Sir  Hugh  Hastings,  Sir  John 
de  Wantyng,  and  Sir  John  GifFard  described 

Camail  Period — hawberk — chausses — camail — bascinet — 
rerebraces — vambraces — coutes — epaulieres — cuisses  —  genou- 
illieres— jambs — sollerets — rowell  spurs — gauntlets — jupon — 
bawdric — sword — basilard  or  misericorde — tilting  helm — 

Transitional  Period — breastplate  or  cuirass — skirt  of  taces 
— examples 

Complete  Plate  Period  (Lancastrian) — bascinet — gorget  or 
standard — breastplate — backplate — skirt  of  taces — epaulieres 
— brassarts — coutes — roundels  —  palettes — gauntlets — cuisses 
— jambs —  genouillieres — sollerets  —  rowell  spurs  —  sword — 
misericorde — tuilles — heraldic  tabards  (brasses  of  heralds) — 

Yorkist  Period — demi-placcates — pauldrons — gardes  de  bras 
— hausse-col  or  collar  of  mail — tuilles — tuillettes — examples 
showing  lance-rest — gussets  of  mail — shell-backed  gauntlets — 
salade — mentoni^re — examples  of  the  Yorkshire  school  show- 
ing it — examples  of  heraldic  tabards — early  examples  of  period 
—examples  of  the  London  school — later  examples — examples 
with  short  mail-skirt  showing  signs  of  transition — examples  of 
the  Norwich  school 

Early  Tudor  or  Mail  Skirt  Period — its  characteristics — pike 
guards— cuirass — its  tapul — lamboys  or  bases — tuilles — skirt 
or  petticoat  of  mail — sabbatons — other  characteristics — ex- 
amples— examples  showing  heraldic  tabards 




Transitional  Period — mail  skirt  worn  with  tassets — examples 

Tasset  Period — characteristics — tassets  taking  the  place  of 
taces — a  few  examples  in  heraldic  tabards — examples  of  the 
period — alterations  under  the  Stuarts — examples 

Knights  of  the  Garter — examples  on  brasses — matrices — 
restored  example — shields  within  Garter 

Livery  Collars  on  Military  Brasses — Collars  of  SS.  and  of 
Suns  and  Roses — some  authorities — John  H.  Mayo  quoted — 
examples  showing  Collar  of  SS. — examples  showing  Collar  of 
Suns  and  Roses — some  other  examples 

Brasses  of  Serjeants  at  Arms — Bishop  Wyvill's  brass — ^his 
champion  holding  a  croc — representations  of  the  Resurrection 
showing  halberds  and  other  weapons         -        -       -        -  H3 

Chapter  IV. — Of  Civilian*  Costume  on  Brasses 

Of  fourteenth  century — examples — cote  hardie,  long  and 
short — its  liripipia — chaperon — other  examples — examples  of 
latter  part  of  fourteenth  century — anelace — mantle — examples 
with  mantle — others  without  mantle — examples  in  long  loose 
tunic — Reign  of  Henry  IV. — bag-sleeved  gown — examples — 
brass  of  a  hunter — middle  of  fifteenth  century — houppelande 
fur-lined  tunic — examples — transitional  period — latter  part  of 
fifteenth  century — cassock-like  gown — hood  or  bourrelet— its 
origin  and  shape — examples — Reign  of  Henry  VII. — fur-lined 
open  gown — gypciere  and  rosary — examples — change,  f.  1 520 
 the  false-sleeved  gown — examples — Reign  of  Queen  Eliza- 
beth characteristics — gown  with  false  sleeves — short  cloak — 

examples  in  long  gown — examples  in  short  cloak — Crown 
keepers— Yeomen  of  the  Guard— Reign  of  Charles  I.— ex- 
amples in  false-sleeved  gown— examples  in  short  cloak — 
eighteenth  century  vbrass  of  Benjamin  Greenwood— civic 
mantle — examples  from  1432  to  1 574      -       -       -  -195 

Chapter  V. — Of  Legal  Costume  on  Brasses 

Its  origin— r/i^?  Order  of  the  Coif,  by  Alexander  Pulling,  S.L. 
Attornati  et  apprenticii  ad  /^^m— Serjeants-at-law— Judges- 
Coif  —  Serjeants'  long  robe— tabard  —  illummations  temp. 
Henry  VI.— costume  of  Judges— long  robe— girdle— cape- 
hood— coif— Barons  of  the  Exchequer— Masters  m  Chancery 
—examples  of  brasses  of  Judges— of  Serjeants-at-law— of 
Barons  of  the  Exchequer— of  Masters  in  Chancery— ot 
Barristers  (with  some  inscriptions)— of  Students— of  other 
legal  functionaries— of  Notaries  (with  some  inscriptions)      -  219 

I  The  term  Ci-vilian  is  here  used  in  a  broad  sense,  not  in  its  academical  significance. 




Chapter  VI. — Of  Female  Costume  on  Brasses 

Brass  of  Margarete  de  Camoys,  r.  1310,  described — cote- 
hardie — kirtle — wimple — covrechef — brass  of  Lady  Joan  de 
Cobham,  c.  1320 — two  other  brasses — examples  of  the  middle 
of  the  fourteenth  century  described — mantle — liripipes  of 
cote-hardie — sideless  cote-hardie — tunic  or  cote — head-dress: 
(i)  veiled;  (2)  zig-zag,  nebule,  reticulated — examples  ar- 
ranged according  to  coiffure — in  veil  head-dress — costume  of 
widows  with  examples — examples  showing  the  hair  plaited  at 
the  sides  and  bound  with  a  fillet — showing  the  zig-zag, 
nebule,  and  reticulated  head-dresses — examples,  c.  1400,  of 
the  long  close-sleeved  gown — early  form  of  crespine  head- 
dress— examples — first  part  of  fifteenth  century — kirtle — side- 
less  cote-hardie — mantle — houppelande — bag-sleeved  gown  

crespine  head-dress — its  early  form — examples  with  kirtle  and 
mantle — examples  with  bag-sleeved  gown — square  cauls  of 
crespine  head-dress — examples — horned,  lunar,  mitre  or  heart- 
shaped  head-dress  (hennin) — examples  showing  it  worn  with 
kirtle  and  mantle — examples  of  the  surplice-sleeved  gown  or 
houppelande — examples  of  the  girded  bag-sleeved  gown  worn 

with  the  horned  head-dress — and  with  the  veil  head-dress  

costume  of  widows — barbe — examples  from  1405  to  1501  

fur-lined  gown,  c.  1460,  worn  over  kirtle — horned  head-dress 
more  acutely  pointed — examples  of  it  worn  (i.)  with  kirtle  and 
mantle,  (ii.)  with  other  costume — mitre-shaped  head-dress  of 
Jane  Keriell — decorated  cauls,  surmounted  by  coronets,  worn 
by  Joice,  Lady  Tiptoft,  and  by  Isabel,  Countess  of  Essex- 
Transition  from  horned  to  butterfly  head-dress— examples- 
later  form  of  hennin— steeple  and  butterfly  head-dresses  

examples  wearing  butterfly  head-dress— curious  treatment  on 
Norfolk  brasses— modified  form— examples— Reign  of  Henry 
"^^I-— Pedimental  head-dress— its  cornet  and  frontlet— gown 
of  the  period  described— its  girdle— pomanders— examples 
showing  veil  head-dress— examples  showing  pedimental  head- 
dress and  in  some  cases  heraldic  mantle— change  in  the  gown 
sleeves,  f.l  1 525— partlet— lappets  of  pedimental  head-dress 
turned  up— examples— some  provincial  examples  in  Norfolk, 
bufFolk,  and  Essex— Reigns  of  Edward  VI.,  Mary,  and  the  first 
part  of  thatof  Elizabeth— Paris  Head  or  French  Hood— open 
gown  with  embroidered  petticoat— a  few  instances  of  heraldic 
mantles— one  of  heraldic  tabard— list  of  some  examples  of  the 
period— changes  in  the  latter  part  of  the  reign  of  Elizabeth— 
shadoe  or  bongrace— hood  (calash)— farthingale— large  ruff 
with  examples-hats-examples  of  the  period -Reign  of 
Charles  I.— falling  lace  collars— virago  sleeves,  etc.— examples 
—two  later  examples,  at  Great  Chart,  c.  1 680,  and  at  St.  Mary 




Cray,  1747 — widows  in  the  sixteenth  century — examples — 
hair  worn  long  by  young  unmarried  ladies  —  examples — 
maiden  garlands — examples  of  married  ladies  with  long  hair 
— some  examples  of  peculiar  head-dresses 

A  Note  on  the  Effigies  of  Children,  with  examples  -       -  237 


A.  Extract  from  Dugdale's  Jnttquities  of  Warwickshire, 
quoting  the  contract  for  the  tomb  of  Richard  Beauchamp, 
Earl  of  Warwick    --------  301 

B.  Extract  from  Weever's  Ancient  Funerall  Monuments, 
163 1,  giving  some  account  of  the  spoliation  to  which  they 
have  been  subjected,  and  quoting  the  Proclamation  of  Queen 
Elizabeth  against  breaking  or  defacing  of  Monuments  -       -  306 

C.  Note  on  vestments  showing  personal  devices,  as  illus- 
trated by  the  Exhibition  of  the  Burlington  Fine  Arts  Club, 
1905   ---------       -  311 

Addenda  et  Corrigenda      -       -       -       -       -       -  "3^3 


Of  Persons    -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -  3^9 

Of  Places  -  349 

Of  Costume-       --------  366 

General       -       --       --       --       --  377 


Those  marked  *  lent  by  W.  H.  H.  Rogers,  Esq.,  F.S.A. 


Sir  John  D'Aubernoun,  1277  {seep.  145)  ;  Sir  John  D'Aubernoun, 

1327  {see  p.  1 5  2),  Stoke  D'Abernon,  Surrey  {photogravure)  Frontispiece 

Incised  Cross  Slab,  New  Romney,  Kent  {from  a  photograph)  .  3 

Cross  Brass,  Thomas  Chichele  and  wife  Agnes,  1400,  Higham 

Ferrers,  Northants :  i.,  whole  brass ;  \\.^d.&fx\\.{from  photographs)  22 

Bracket  Brass,  John  Strete,   1405,  Upper  Hardres,  Kent,  see 

pp.  104,  128  {from  a  rubbing  .  .  .  .22 

Chrysom  Brass,  Elyn,  daughter  of  Sir  Edmond  Bray  and  his  wife 

Jane,  15  16,  Stoke  D'Abernon,  Surrey  {fom  a  photograph)      .  25 

Flemish  Brass,  Simon  de  Wenslagh,  f.  1 360,  Wensley,  Yorkshire 

(from  a  rubbing)      .  .  .  .  .  .43 

Flemish  Brass,  Abbot  Thomas  Delamere,  f.  1360,  St,  Alban's 

Abbey,  Herts.        .  .  .  .  .  .46 

Flemish  Brass,  Thomas  de  Horton,  c.  1360,  North  Mimms,  Herts.  49 

Flemish  Brass,  Andrew  Evyngar  and  wife  Ellyn,   i  535>  -All 

Hallows'  Barking,  London,  see  pp.  212,  276 «.        .  '55 

p.  55,/or  1536  read  1535. 

St.  Ethelred,  King  of  the  West  Saxons,  872,  engraved  c.  1440, 

Wimborne  Minster,  Dorset,  see  p.  17  (from  a  photograph)      .  5^ 

Richard  de  Hakebourne,  <r.  1 3 1 1 ,  Merton  College,  Oxford  {from  a 

photograph)  .  .  .  .  .  .  •  63 

Priest  in  Mass  Vestments  (John  Seys),  1370,  West  Hanney, 
Berks.,  mutilated \ 

Priest  in  Mass  Vestments,  c.  1480,  Childrey,  Berks,  (from  photo- 
graphs) ......  70 

Thomas  Cranley,  Archbishop  of  Dublin,  141 7  (Warden),  New 

College,  Oxford ;  effigy  (from  a  photograph)  .  .  79 

John  Yong,  Bishop  of  Callipolis,  1526  (Warden),  New  College, 

Oxford,  mutilated  (from  a  photograph)  .  .  .80 




Thomas  de  Hop,  c.  1320,  Kemsing,  Kent,  see  p.  71  ; 
John  Verieu,     1370,  Saltwood,  Kent,  see  p.  71  {from  photographs)  82 
Note  apparels. 

Thomas  Buttler,  1494,  Great  Haseley,  Oxon.  (Jrom  a  photograph)  .  87 
Richard  Malford,  1403  (Warden),  New  College,  Oxford; 

Note  length  of  surplice. 

Walter  Hyll,  1494  (Warden),  New  College,  Oxford,  see  p.  138 

{from  photographs)    .  .  .  .  .  .89 

Henry  Sever,  S.T.P.,  1471  (Warden),  Merton  College,  Oxford 

{see  pp.  126,  128) ;  effigy  {from  a  rubbing)    .  .  -93 

Robert  Hacombleyn,  1528,  King's  College,  Cambridge  {from  a 

photograph)  .  .  .  .  .  .  '95 

Richard  Bewftbreste,  Abbot,  f.  1510,  Dorchester,  Oxon.  {from  a 

photograph)  .  .  .  .  .  .96 

*Martin  Forester,  c.  1460,  Yeovil,  Somerset,  on  the  lectern  {from 

a  rubbing  .  .  .  .  .  .  .97 

John  Frye,  S.T.S.,  1507,  New  College,  Oxford,  see  p.  138  ; 
Chalice  Brass,  William  Weststow,  r.  1520,  Little  Walsingham, 

Norfolk,  see  p.  100  {from  photographs)  .  .  .101 

Ecclesiastic,  .'1372,  in  head  of  cross,  Merton  College,  Oxford 

{from  a  photograph)  .  .  .  .  •  .103 

William  Geddyng  ?,  15  12,  Wantage,  Berks.; 

John  Yslyngton,  S.T.P.,  f.  1 520,  Cley-next-the-Sea,  Norfolk,  see 

pp.  106,  129,  {from  photographs)      .  .  .  .105 

Edmund  Geste,  Bishop  of  Salisbury,  1578,  Salisbury  Cathedral 

{from  a  rubbing)      .  .  .  .  •  •    ^  1 3 

William  Dye,  1567,  Westerham,  Kent  {from  a  rubbing)    .  .116 

Thomas  Hylle,  S.T.P.,  1468,  New  College,  Oxford,  see  p.  128 

{from  a  photograph)  .  .  .  •  •  .121 

John  Argentein,  D.D.,  M.D.,  1507,  King's  College,  Cambridge, 

sec  pp.  128,  133  ; 
Robert  Brassie,  S.T.P.,  1558,  King's  College,  Cambridge,  see 

pp.  95,  129  {from  photographs)  .  •  •  .127 

William  Hautryve,  Decretorum  Doctor,   1441,  New  College, 

OySox^^  see  "p.  i^o  {from  a  photograph)         .  .  .129 

John  Lowthe,  Juris  Civilis  Professor,  1427,  New  College,  Oxford 

{from  a  photograph)  .  .  •  •  •  '    1 3  ^ 




Bryan  Roos,  Doctor  of  Lawe,  1529,  Childrey,  Berks.,  see  p.  131 

(Jrom  a  photograph)  .  .  .  .  .  •  13^ 

John  Bloxham  {d.  1387),  S.T.B.,  Warden,  and  John  Whytton, 
see  p.  104,  f.  1420,  Merton  College,  Oxford;  effigies  on 

bracket  (from  a  photograph)  .  .  .  .  -134  i 

John  Kyllyngworth,  M.A.,  1445,  Merton  College,  Oxford; 
John  Bowke,  M.A.,  1519,  Merton  College,  Oxford,  see  pp.  102, 

137  {from  photographs)         .  .  .  .  .136 

Geoffrey  Hargreve,  S.T.S.,  1447,  New  College,  Oxford  (from  a 

photograph  .  .  .  .  .  .  .138 

John  Palmer,  B.A.,  1479,  New  College,  Oxford  (from  a  photograph)  141 

John,  son  of  Walter  Stonor,  Esq.,  15 12,  Wyrardisbury,  Bucks. 

(from  a  photograph)  .  .  .  .  .  .142 

Sir  Roger  de  Trumpington,  1289,  Trumpington,  Cambs.  (from  a 

photograph)  .  .  .  .  .  .  .145 

Sir  Hugh  Hastings,  1347,  Elsing,  Norfolk,  see  pp.  43,  49,  51 

The  author  is  indebted  for  much  information  concerning  this  brass  to 
Mr.  Albert  Hartshorne,  F.S.A.,  whose  account  of  this  monument  will 
appear  in  the  Archeeologia.  The  treatment  of  the  Elsing  figure  resembles 
in  some  respects  that  of  Sir  John  de  Wantyng's  brass  at  Wimbish,  and 
it  is  not  improbable  that  they  are  of  French  rather  than  of  Flemish 
workmanship.  Witli  regard  to  the  figures  in  the  side  shafts,  coloured 
pigments  seem  to  have  been  employed  in  the  backgrounds  and  on  the 
heraldic  jupons.  The  shields  of  the  Lords  Grey  de  Ruthin,  Stafford,  and 
St.  Amand  probably  contained  their  respective  arms  in  enamel,  which 
has  long  since  disappeared. 

The  following  illustrations,  with  the  exception  of  that  of  the  figure  of 
Thomas  Beauchamp,  Earl  of  Warwick,  are  from  photographs  taken  by 
Mr.  E.  M.  Beloe,  junr. 

I.  Brass  of  Sir  Hugh  Hastings,  1347,  Elsing,  Norfolk  .154 

II.  King  Edward  III.,  from  the  Hastings  Brass  .  .    154  ' 

The  diapered  background  of  this  figure  is  similar  to  that  of  the 
opposite  figure  of  the  Earl  of  Lancaster. 

III.  Ralph,  Lord  Stafford,  from  the  Hastings  Brass       .  .     154  I 

The  opposite  figure,  lost,  was  that  of  Edward  le  Despenser. 
P.  155,  the  arms  have  disappeared  from  the  shield. 

IV.  Almeric,  Lord  St.  Amand,  from  the  Hastings  Brass  .  154 

The  diapered  background  of  this  figure  is  similar  to  that  of  the 
opposite  figure  of  Lord  Grey  de  Ruthin. 

P.  155,  the  arms  have  disappeared  from  the  shield. 




V.  {a)  Thomas   Beauchamp,  Earl   of  Warwick,    from  the 
Hastings  Brass ; 

The  opposite  figure  (lost)  was  that  of  Lawrence  Hastings,  Earl  of 
Pembroke.  An  impression  exists  in  the  British  Museum  (Douce 

{6)  Henry  Plantagenet,  Earl  of  Lancaster,  from  the  Hastings 
Brass ; 

(f)  Roger  Grey,  Lord  Grey  de  Ruthin,  from  the  Hastings 

Brass      .  .  .  .  .  .    1 54 

He  is  represented  leaning  upon  a  pole-axe. 

The  arms  {see  pp.  155,  316)  are  on  the  jupon  ;  those  on  the  shield 
have  disappeared. 

VL  Shield  from  the  Hastings  Brass     .  .  .  .156 

VIL  Detail  of  Canopy,  from  the  Hastings  Brass .  .  .156 

Vin.  Figure  of  the  Virgin,  from  the  Hastings  Brass       .  .156 

*Sir  John  de  Cobham,  c.  1367,  Cobham,  Kent  (J.  1407)  (from  a 

rubbing     .  .  .  .  .  .  .160 

As  founder,  holding  model  of  church. 

On  p.  160  it  is  wrongly  stated  that  there  is  no  misericorde. 

*Sir  William  de  Echingham,  1388,  Etchingham,  Sussex  (p.  161), 

mutilated  {Jrom  a  rubbing)  ,  .  .  .  .162 

*  Sir  Thomas  Cheddar,  1442-3,  Cheddar,  Somerset  (pp.  165,  169)  ; 

effigy  (Jrom  a  rubbing)         .  ,  .  .  .165 

*  Sir  William  Molyns  (p.  168)  and  widow  Margery  (p.  265),  1425, 

Stoke  Poges,  Bucks,  (from  a  rubbing)  .  .  .167 

Thomas  Brokill,  Esq.,  and  wife  Joan?,  1437,  Saltwood,  Kent 

(Jrom  a  photograpK)  .  .  .  .  .  .    1 69 

The  wife  wears  a  costume  similar  to  that  of  Joan  Bacon  (^eepp.  262-3). 

*Sir  John  Harpedon,  1457,  Westminster  Abbey  see  p.  264  {from 

a  rubbing  .  .  .  .  .  •  .169 

Thomas  Peyton,  Esq.  (p.  175),  and  wives  Margaret  and  Margaret 

(p.  273),  1484,  Isleham,  Cambs.     .  .  •  •  ^7S 

♦Matrix  of  Shroud  Effigy  of  Alianore  Mullens  (Molyns),  c.  1476, 

Stoke  Poges,  Bucks  ra/^^/«^)  .  .  •  •'^77 

Note  the  tilting-shields  (see  p.  177  «)• 

*  Thomas  Golde,  Esq.,  1525,  Crewkerne,  Somerset,  kneeling, 

wearing  armour  or  the  Early  Tudor  or  Mail-Skirt  Period 
(Jrom  a  rubbing)      .  .  •  •  •  .178 





*  Sir  Thomas  Brooke,  Lord  Cobham,  and  his  first  wife,  Dorothy, 

i^2(),  CohhAvn,  Kent;  effigies  (from  rubbings)  .  .180 

Lady  Cobham  wears  kirtle,  sideless  cote,  mantle,  partlet,  and  pedi- 
mental  head-dress  (see  pp,  275-80). 

Christopher  Septvans,  a/ias  Harflete,  Esq.,  1602,  Ash-next-Sand- 

wlch,  Kent,  male  effigy  only,  wife,  etc.,  omitted  [from  a  rubbing)    1 84 

Sir  John  Drayton,  141 1,  Dorchester,  Oxon.,  wearing  Collar  of  SS. 

(from  a  photograph)  .  .  .  •  •  .    1 90 

Nichole  de  Aumberdene,  f.  1350,  Taplow,  Bucks.,  effigy  in  head 

oi  cross  (from  a  photograph)  .  .  •  •  •  "97 

Priest  (p.  70)  and  Frankelein,  f.  1370,  Shottesbrooke,  Berks,  (from 
a  photograph) 

*Sir  Thomas  Brook  and  wife  Joan  (p.  269),  1437,  Thorncombe, 

Devon  (from  a  rubbing       .  .  .  .  •  200 

Richard,  son  and  heir  of  Robert  Manfeld,  aged  19,  with  his  sister 
Isabel  (p.  295)  (his  brother  John,  in  shroud,  omitted),  1455, 
Taplow,  Bucks,  (from  a  photograph)  .  .  •  •  208 

Jenkyn  Smyth  and  wife  Marion  (p.  274),  r.  1480,  St.  Mary, 

Bury  St.  Edmund's,  Suffolk  (from  a  photograph)         .  .  208 

William  Walrond,  Gent.,  and  wife  Elizabeth,  f.1480,  Childrey, 

Berks,  (from  a  photograph)  .  .  .  •  .208 

For  costume  of  husband,  see  pp.  206-8  ;  for  that  of  wife,  see  pp.  268-9. 

Geoffrey  Kidwelly,  Esq.,  1483,  Little  Wittenham,  Berks,  (from  a 
photograph)  .  .  .  •  •  ... 

*  Gyles  Penne,  Gent.,  and  wife  Isabell,  15 19,  Yeovil,  Somerset, 

inscription  and  two  shields  omitted  (from  a  rubbing) .  .212 

The  costume  of  the  former  corresponds  with  that  described  on  pp. 
210-11;  that  of  the  latter  to  that  described  on  pp.  276-7,  of  which 
examples  are  given,  pp.  278-80. 

*  William  Strachleigh,  Esq.,  with  wife  Anne  and  daughter  Christian, 

i^S^,  Etmington,  Devon,  (from  a  rubbing)  .  .  .214 

For  male  costume,  see  pp.  213-14;  for  female  costume,  see  pp.  284-5. 

Walter  Septvans,  a/ias  Harflete,  Esq.,  and  wife  Jane  (p.  293),  1642, 

Ash-next-Sandwich,  Kent ;  effigies  only  r«M/ff^)       .  216 

Nichol  Rolond  (p.  230),  and  wife  Pernel  (p.  265),  f.  1410, 

Cople,  Beds,  (from  a  rubbing)  .  .  •  .221 

Block  lent  by  H.  K.  St,  J.  Sanderson,  Esq. 




Sir  William  Laken,  1475,  Justice  of  the  King's  Bench,  Bray, 

Berks,  {frovi  a  rubbing        .  .  .  .  .227 

*John  Brook,  Serjeant-at-Law  (p.  230),  and  wife  Joan,  1522, 

St.  Mary  Redclift'e,  Bristol  (from  a  rubbing)  .  .  .230 

The  costume  of  the  wife  corresponds  with  that  described  on  pp.  276-7. 

Sir  John  de  Creke  (pp.  152-3),  and  wife  Alyne  (p.  241),  c.  1325, 

Westley  Waterless,  Cambs.  .  .  .  .  .239 

*Sir  John  de  la  Pole  and  wife  Joan,  c.  1370,  Chrishall,  Essex,  the 

former  in  armour  of  the  Camail  Period  [Jrom  a  rubbing  .  250 

Dame  Margarete  de  Cobham,  1375,  Cobham,  Kent       •  •  250 

*Dame  Margarete  (p.  251),  wife  of  Sir  John  de  Cobham  (p.  160), 

1395,  Cobham,  Kent  (Jrom  a  rubbing)         .  .  .  250 

*Sir  William  Echyngham  (p.  169)  with  wife  Joan  (p.  259),  and 

son  Sir  Thomas,  1444,  Etchingham,  Sussex  {from  a  rubbing)  .  259 

Joan,  wife  of  Sir  William  Echyngham,  1444  ;  part  of  figure  show- 
ing head-dress  {/rom  a  photograph)    .  .  .  .259 

John  Bacon  (p.  207)  and  wife  Joan,  1437,  All  Hallows'  Barking, 

London     .......  263 

*Joan,  Lady  de  Cobham,  1433,  Cobham,  Kent;  for  children  see 

p.  297  (Jrom  a  rubbing)       .  .  .  .  .264 

*  Sir  Reginald  Braybrok,  and  sons  Reginald  and  Robert  (p.  299), 

1405,  Cobham,  Kent;  armour  of  the  Camail  Period  (Jrom  a 
rubbing)     .  .  .  .  .  .  .264 

*Sir  Nicholas  Hawberk  and  son  John  (p.  299),  1407,  Cobham, 

Kent ;  armour  of  the  Camail  Period  (Jrom  a  rubbing)  .  264 

*  Matilda  ?,  widow  of  Richard  r  Clitherow,  Esq.,  c.  1440,  Ash-next- 

Sandwich,  Kent  (from  a  rubbing)     .  .  .  .266 

*Isabel  (nee  Scobahull),  widow  of  Sir  Thomas  Cheddar,  f.  1475, 
Cheddar,  Somerset,  in  widow's  weeds  as  described  p.  264, 
three  shields  omitted  (Jrom  a  rubbing)  .  .  .266 

*Jane,  wife  of   Keriell,  f.  1460,  Ash-next-Sandwich,  Kent, 

daughter  of  Roger  Cletherowe  (from  a  rubbing)        .  .  269 

In  the  Connoisseur,  July,  1905  (Vol.  XII.,  p.  182),  is  an  illustration 
showing  a  piece  of  fifteenth-century  tapestry  "exhibited  by  Count  of 
Valence  de  Don  Juan  at  the  Madrid  Exhibition,  1892-93."  The  costume 
of  the  lady  therein  represented  bears  much  resemblance  to  that  of  Jane 
Keriell,  and  reveals  the  nature  of  the  latter's  head-dress  :— the  horse-shoe 
ornament  being  formed  of  some  costly  material  surmounting  the  horned 
cauls  of  the  head-dress  and  falling  behind. 




Joice,  LadyTiptoft  and  Powis  (p.  269),  d.  1466,  engraved  c.  1470, 

Enfield,  Middlesex,  canopy  omitted  .  .  .270 

Two  Ladies  of  the  Clopton  family,    1480,  Long  Melford,  Suffolk 

(from  photographs)    .  .  .  .  .  '273 

*  Margaret  (nee  Nevill),  wife  of  Sir  John  Brooke,  Lord  Cobham, 

1506,  Cobham,  Kent,  male  effigy  lost  rai5/^/«^)         .  278 

Thomas  Pekham,  Esq.,  and  wife  Dorothy,  15 12,  Wrotham,  Kent; 
Armour  of  Mail-Skirt  Period,  Pedimental  Headdress,  etc. ; 

Reynold  Pekham,  Esq.,  and  wife  Joyce  (p.  279),  Wrotham,  Kent ; 
Heraldic  talsard  worn  over  armour,  Heraldic  mantle  (Jrom 
photographs)  .  .  .  '         .  .  .278 

*The  Lady  Katherine  Howard,  </.  1452,  engraved  c.  1535,  Stoke- 
by-Nayland,  Suffolk.    Daughter  of  Sir  William  de  Moleyns  of 
Stoke  Poges,  Bucks.;  wife  of  John  Howard,  created,  1483, 
Duke  of  Norfolk  ;   mother  of  Thomas  Howard,  created, 
15 13/4,  Duke  of  Norfolk  (Jrom  a  rubbing)    .  .  .  280 

p.  280,  line  i^-tfor  Thomas  ri<j(/ John. 

*  Sir  John  Basset,  and  wives  Honor  (Grenville)  and  Ann  (Dennys), 

c.  1540,  Atherington,  Devon  (from  a  rubbing  .  .  282 

Armour  of  Mail  Skirt  Period,  see  pp.  177  et  seq.    For  female  costume, 
see  pp.  280-2. 

*  Alice,  Lady  Norton  (ne'e  Cobbe),  wife  of  John  Cobham,  Esq., 

widow  of  Sir  John  Norton,  1580,  with  her  two  sons  (see 

p.  215),  Newington,  Kent  (from  a  rubbing  .  .  .  287 

Mary,  wife  of  Anthony  Huddleston,  Esq.,  1581,  Great  Haseley, 

Oxon.  (from  a  photograph)   .  .  .  .  .287 

Aphra,  wife  of  Henry  Hawkins,  Gent.,  1605,  Fordwich,  Kent 

(from  a  rubbing)      .  .  .  .  .  .290 

Thomas  Smyth,  his  wife  Mary  and  daughter  Elizabeth,  1610, 

New  Romney,  Kent ;  example  of  hat ; 
Elizabeth,  wife  of  Henry  Crispe,  Gent.,  1615,  Wrotham,  Kent 

(from  photographs)    .  .  .  .  .  .290 

*Joan,  wife  of  Sir  Robert  Brooke,  161 8,  Yoxford,  Suffolk  (from  a 

rubbing)     .  .  .  .  .  .  .290 

*Mary,  widow  of  Edward  Brooke,  a/ias  Cobham,  Esq.,  1600, 
Newington,  Kent ;  example  of  widow  not  wearing  widow's 
weeds  see  pp.  293-4,  (from  a  rubbing)  .  .  .  294 



*  Elizabeth,  eldest  daughter  of  Thomas  and  Margaret  Echyngham, 

d.  1452,  engraved  c.  1480  ; 
*Agnes,  daughter  of  Robert  Oxenbrigg,  1480,  Etchingham,  Sussex, 

{from  rubbings)        .  .  .  .  .  .296 

For  the  date  given  on  p.  295,  1479,  read  1480. 

Anne,  daughter  of  Henry  and  Anne  Dunch,  1683,  Little  Wltten- 

ham,  Berks,  (from  a  photograph)        ....  300 






The  study  of  Monumental  Brasses,  as  a  branch  of  Rise  of  this 
Archaeology,  may  be  said  to  have  arisen  in  the  nineteenth  Archeology 
century.  A  collection  of  impressions,  now  in  the  British 
Museum,  was  made  towards  the  close  of  the  previous 
century  by  Craven  Ord,  Sir  John  Cullum,  and  the  Rev. 
Thomas  Cole,  at  which  time  also  Richard  Gough  published 
his  great  work  on  Sepulchral  Monuments  in  Great  Britain. 
In  the  year  1819  appeared  Cotman's  work  on  the  brasses 
of  Norfolk.  About  the  middle  of  last  century  Boutell  and 
Haines  gave  system  and  classification  to  the  subject ;  in 
1853  Hudson's  work  on  the  brasses  of  Northamptonshire 
appeared ;  whilst  the  Messrs.  Waller  produced  a  splendid 
series  of  engravings.  Some  years  later  the  Rev.  W,  F. 
Creeny  published  the  results  of  his  labours  on  the  Con- 
tinent. Besides  these  a  large  literature  exists,  in  books 
devoted  to  the  treatment  of  separate  counties,  and  in 
scattered  articles,  the  work,  for  the  most  part,  of  Arch^o- 
logical  societies  in  the  Universities  and  different  English 
counties :  work,  doubtless  of  varying  merit,  but  all  to  a 
greater  or  less  degree  adding  to  our  knowledge  of  the 
subject.  These  papers,  moreover,  are  in  many  instances 
accompanied  by  illustrations,  which  gain  in  absolute 
accuracy  what  they  lack  in  artistic  merit  by  the  substitu- 
tion of  photographic  processes  for  the  more  costly,  though 
less  trustworthy,  line-engraving. 

The  importance  of  the  subject  is  sufficiently  proved  by  importance  of 
the  fact  that  this  class  of  monument  affords  matter  of  ^^^^y 
mterest  ^  to  the  students  of  different  branches  of  art  and 
antiquities.  The  architect  finds  the  contemporary  style 
mirrored  in  the  canopies,  surviving  on  many  brasses ;  the 
herald  may  trace  the  history  and  development  of  arm'orial 
bearings  through  a  fine  series  of  shields,  though  he  may 




complain  that  time  has  deprived  them  of  their  original 
tinctures ;  the  genealogist  finds  in  the  frequent  dating  of 
brass  inscriptions  evidence  often  denied  him  by  other 
monuments  ;  the  student  of  costume,  to  whom  the  present 
volume  is  more  particularly  addressed,  has  before  him  a 
set  of  durable  and  trustworthy  fashion-plates  of  military 
and  civil  dress  throughout  four  centuries;  the  ecclesiologist 
observes  the  use  of  vestments,  the  form  of  the  chalice  and 
many  other  details  of  importance ;  the  student  of  palaeo- 
graphy has  valuable  data  of  the  use  of  different  styles  of 
lettering;  the  philologist  of  the  changes  in  language. 
Besides  which  there  are  many  subjects  upon  which  brasses 
give  information,  such  as  the  manufacture  in  Europe  of 
alloys  of  copper.  Wherefore  we  do  not  feel  guilty  of 
exaggeration  in  saying  that  it  would  be  difficult  to  over- 
estimate the  importance,  from  an  historical  point  of  view,  of 
an  intelligent  study  of  the  contemporary  evidence  afforded 
by  the  sepulchral  monuments  of  our  churches,  of  which  so 
goodly  a  proportion  is  furnished  by  engravings  on  brass. 

Haines'  Classi-      Haincs'  divides  Monumental  Effigies  into  three  classes  : 

fication  of 

Monumental  I .  Sculpturcd  figurcs  in  Complete  or  low  relief,  executed 
Effigies  stone,  wood,  or  copper. 

2.  Figures  incised  on  stone  or  engraved  on  brass  plates 
fastened  to  stone. 

3.  Representations  of  the  deceased  painted  on  wood  or 

It  is  with  the  second  of  these  groups  that  we  have  to 
deal ;  though  it  should  be  noted  that  sometimes  a  monu- 
ment may  be  found  to  combine  the  characteristics  of  two 

'  Introduction,  p.  i. 

2  As  for  instance  at  Hereford  Cathedral,  where  Bishop  Richard  Mayo 
{d.  151 6)  is  commemorated  by  a  brass  {see  p.  8 1)  as  well  as  by  a  sculptured 
effigy.  Haines  (Introduction,  p.  i.)  writes: — "The  incised  memorials 
"  forming  the  second  class  may  indeed  be  considered  merely  imitations  of 
"  the  sculptured  effigies  on  a  flat  surface,  and  the  progressive  history  of  the 
"  art  shews  that  such  was  their  origin." 


New  Romney,  Kent. 




Incised  slabs  can  be  traced  to  a  much  greater  antiquity  incised  siabi 
than  brasses.    Of  this  kind  of  monument  two  sub-classes 
may  be  said  to  exist : — those  which  are  incised  in  the  strict 
sense  of  the  word,  and  those  which  are  formed  by  cutting 
away  the  surface  of  the  stone,  thereby  leaving  the  pattern 
or  figure  in  low  relief  with  a  raised  border,  as  in  the  case 
of  so-called  Keltic  crosses.'    Many  examples  of  each  sub- 
class exist,  usually  in  the  form  of  crosses  on  slabs.  The 
slab  proper  probably  derives  its  origin  from  the  lid  of  the 
stone  coffin,  which,  gradually  becoming  more  ornate, 
reached  its  highest  development  in  the  stately  altar-tomb. 
About  the  twelfth  century  the  representation  of  the 
deceased  in  bas-relief  on  the  stone  coffin  seems  to  have 
come  into  use,  being  superseded  later  by  the  incised  slab 
proper.    The  best  examples  of  this  latter  form  are  to  be 
found  on  the  Continent,  due,  no  doubt,  to  the  greater 
prevalence  of  a  harder  stone  than  that  employed  in 
England.    Creeny  mentions  as  early  examples  those  of 
St.  Piatus  at  Seclin,  near  Lille,  c.  114.2,  and  of  Bishop 
Earthelemy  de  Vir  at  Laon,  1 158,  each  in  pontificals  ;  and 
that  of  An  tone  de  Loncin,  c.  1 160,  at  the  Palais  de  Justice, 
Liege,  in  armour,  said  to  be  the  earliest  incised  slab  in 

An  early  fragment  representing  an  ecclesiastic  with 
pastoral  staff,  possibly  of  the  twelfth  century,  exists  at 
Carisbrooke,  Isle  of  Wight.^  At  SaHsbury  Cathedral  are 
two  slabs  commemorating  respectively  Bishop  Roger,  1 139, 

^This  classification  may  possibly  invite  the  criticism  that  this  latter 

Tu  AU  ""^^^^  ^°  ^''^  two  sub-classes 

(called  by  Rev  E.  L.  Cutts  in  speaking  of  crosses,  respectively  Incised  and 
Kaised  Cross  Slabs,  see  p.  i,  J  Manual  for  the  Study  of  the  Sepulchral  Slabs 
^nd  Crosses  of  the  Middle  Jges,  1849)  are  so  closely  connected  that  it  would 
merely  encourage  confusion  to  separate  them. 

■'See  Plates  12,  and  3,  "  Illustrations  of  Incised  Slabs  on  the  Continent 
NorwiT  i^i  ^"^""^"S'  '"'^  Tracings,"  by  W.  F.  Creeny,  M.A.,  F.S.A., 

3  In  the  Church.  The  lower  part,  very  much  worn,  is  in  the  porch  of 
the  priory  farm-house.  ^ 



and  Bishop  Jocelin,  1184,'  which  combine  the  two  sub- 
classes, lines  being  incised  on  the  figure  in  rehef.  A  cross- 
slab  at  Bosbury  in  Herefordshire  shows  the  head  of  the 
cross  in  low  relief,  whilst  the  stem,  two  other  crosses  and 
a  sword  are  incised.  A  small  incised  slab  exists  at  Steeple 
Langford,  Wilts.,  representing  a  man  with  a  hunting 
horn,  c.  1200.  Another  interesting  specimen  is  at  Bitton, 
Gloucestershire,  Sir  Walter  de  Bitton,  1227,  wherein  the 
upper  part  of  the  body  is  in  bas-relief,  whilst  the  lower 
part  is  incised. 

Besides  these  may  be  mentioned  a  cross-legged  knight, 
c.  1260,  at  Avenbury,  Herefordshire;  the  slab  of  Bishop 
St.  William  de  Byttone,  1274,  at  Wells  ;  that  of  Johan  de 
Botiler,  c.  1285,  at  St.  Bride's,  Glamorgan;  and  that  of 
William  de  Freney,  Archbishop  of  Rages,  c.  1290,  at 
Rhuddlan,  N.  Wales.  It  is  of  interest  to  note  that  these 
five  slabs  belong  to  the  thirteenth  century,  and  are,  there- 
fore, contemporary  with  the  earliest  brasses,  of  which  we 
have  any  knowledge,  in  this  country.  Of  later  date  may 
be  mentioned  James  Samson,  Rector,  1349,  Middleton, 
Essex,  in  mass  vestments;  Gerard  Sothill,  Esq.,  1401, 
Redbourne,  Lines.;  John  Cherowin,  Esq.,  1441,  Brading, 
Isle  of  Wight,  probably  of  Flemish  work  ;  and  John  Stone, 
Vicar,  1501,  Aldbourne,  Wilts.,  in  mass  vestments  and 
holding  a  chalice.^ 

An  engraving,  taken  from  a  drawing  in  a  manuscript  m 
the  British  Museum,^  is  given  in  the  first  volume  of  the 

1  But  see  Rev.  Canon  W.  H.  Jones  ("The  Bishops  of  Old  Sarum," 
AD  1 071:- 1 22 5— Vol.  XVII.,  1878,  Wiltshire  Archaological  Magazine) 
who  considers  the  older  slab  to  belong  to  Bishop  Jocelin,  and  the  other, 
therefore,  not  to  be  that  of  his  predecessor,  Roger  (i  107-1 13q). 

2  The  first  is  illustrated  in  ^rans.  of  Essex  Jrchaological  Society,  New  Series, 
Vol  VIII  1903  p  i  Two  Essex  Incised  Slabs  by  Miller  Christy  and 
E.  Bertram  SmiJh."  The  second  in  ^e  Reliquary,  Yo\  JV  1874-5, 
p  IC4.    The  third  in  ;r^/>^/mW/?y^,  by  Henry  Richard  Holloway,  2nd 

edition,  London,  1848,  p.  107  (the  length  of  the  spurs  is  remarkable). 
The  fourth  in  Wiltshire  Notes  and  Queries,  Vol.  II.,  June,  1898,  p.  447- 

3  Add  MS.,  No.  10,292,  fol.  5  5  v°.  Also  illustrated  in  Boutell,  p.  162 
{Monumental  Brasses  and  Slabs,  1847). 



Archaologkal  Journal (1845,  p.  301)  representing  the  process 
of  incising  two  stone  slabs  in  the  fourteenth  century.^  For 
a  long  time  after  the  introduction  of  sepulchral  brasses, 
incised  slabs  seem  to  have  run  in  a  parallel  line,  keeping 
the  characteristics  due  to  their  different  material,  but  ex- 
hibiting an  identical  scheme  of  design  and  arrangement. 
This  is  best  seen  on  the  Continent,  where  the  Flemish 
brass  may  be  said  partly  to  have  derived  its  quadrangular 
shape  from  that  of  the  incised  slab. 

Haines  (Introduction,  pp.  viii.-xiii.)  produces  much  Limoges 
evidence  to  show  the  origin  of  the  monumental  brass  from  Enamels 
the  Limoges  enamel.  This  art  of  enamelling  on  copper, 
named  after  the  town  where  it  flourished,  was  used  in  the 
decoration  of  Church  vessels  soon  after  the  tenth  century. 
Later,  we  find  it  used  for  monumental  purposes,  as  on  the 
plate  of  copper  in  the  Museum  at  Le  Mans,  which  shows 
an  enamelled  efiigy  with  canopy  and  diapered  background 
of  the  twelfth  century.^  Another  exists  at  St.  Denis,  1247.' 

^  Another  example  is  afforded  by  MS.  Royal  14,  E  iii,,  British  Museum: 
"  Here  Flegentyne  bids  them  build  three  Tombs  near  Tarabel,"  re- 
produced in  "  Early  Fourteenth  Century  Costume,"  by  Oswald  Barron, 
F.S.A.,  The  Ancestor,  No.  VIII.,  January,  1904,  p.  152. 

2  This  enamel,  formerly  in  the  Church  of  St.  Julien,  has  been  supposed 
to  represent  Geoffrey  Plantagenet,  Count  of  Anjou  \d.  1 150),  father  of 
Henry  II.  It  has,  also,  been  assigned  to  William  D'Evereux  or  Fitz- 
Patrick,  Earl  of  Salisbury,  c.  11 96.  See  "Remarks  on  an  Enamelled 
Tablet,  preserved  in  the  Museum  at  Mans  and  supposed  to  represent 
the  effigy  of  Geoffrey  Plantagenet,"  by  J.  R.  Planche. — Journal  of  Brit. 
Arch.  Assoc.,  Vol.  I.,  1845,  pp.  29-39.  M.  Darcel  considers  the  work  to 
show  German  influence, — see  Mus'ee  dti  Moyen  Age  et  de  la  Renaissance, 
Serie  D.  Notice  des  Emaux  et  de  I'Orfevrerie  par  Alfred  Darcel,  Paris, 
1867,  pp.  10,  II.  This  is  an  early  instance  of  a  shield  bearing  arms, 
see  Some  Feudal  Coats  of  Arms,  by  Joseph  Foster,  1902,  in  which  the  plate 
is  reproduced,  p.  xxxviii.  It  may  be  found  also  in  Stothard's  Monumental 
Effigies,  and  in  Planch^'s  Cyclopcedia  of  Costume.  Dictionary,  1876,  p.  455, 
sub.  shield,  where  it  is  assigned  to  a  "  Norman  Nobleman." 

3  Reproduced  in  Willemln's  Monuments,  "  Tombeau  en  bronze  dor6  et 
emaille  de  Jean  fils  de  St.  Louis,  1 247,  conserve  a  I'Eglise  royale  de  St. 
Denis."  Mr.  J.  Starkie  Gardner  writes  "  There  are  two  in  St.  Denis,  of 
"  the  children  of  St.  Louis,  1 243  and  I  248  ;  one  of  Blanche  of  Cham- 
"pagne,  only  slightly  enamelled,  in  the  Louvre,  1283  ;  and  two  or  three 



This  species  of  enamelling  is  known  as  champ-leve^  consist- 
ing of  a  field  of  copper  indented  to  receive  and  separate 
the  diiferent  coloured  enamels.  Here,  then,  we  see  a  very- 
obvious  connection  between  this  treatment  and  the  filling 
up  of  the  engraved  lines  of  the  brass  with  some  black  or 
coloured  substance.  Instances  of  the  use  of  enamel  on 
monuments  may  be  seen  on  the  tomb  of  William  de 
Valence,  Earl  of  Pembroke,  1296,  in  Westminster  Abbey,^ 
and  on  that  of  Edward  the  Black  Prince,  1376,  in  Canter- 
bury Cathedral.  The  tomb  of  Walter  de  Merton,  Bishop 
of  Rochester,  1277,  in  his  Cathedral,  which  was  destroyed 
in  the  seventeenth  century,  was  decorated  with  Limoges 
enamels  by  artists  from  that  place.  There  can  be  no  doubt 
that  the  antiquity  of  the  Limoges  enamel  is  superior  to 
that  of  the  monumental  brass ;  and  from  this  fact  and  from 
the  great  similarity  of  design  seen  in  the  Continental  brasses 
and  in  these  enamels  Haines  was  of  opinion  (Introduction, 
p.  viii.)  "  that  the  use  of  Limoges  works  led  the  way  to 
the  employment  of  brass  plates  on  the  ground." 
Inlaying  slabs  The  principle  of  inlaying  with  diff'erent  substances  and 
colours  is  common  alike  to  incised  slabs  and  brasses,  and 
may  reasonably  be  derived  from  the  Limoges  enamels. 
Many  instances  are  known  of  incised  slabs  having  been 
inlaid  with  different  material  in  order  to  gain  additional 
effect.  An  instance  of  a  dark  slab  being  inlaid  with  a 
white  composition  is  that  of  Jehan  Rose,  d.  1328,  and  his 

"  others  in  Spain." — ^ee  "  Enamels  in  connection  with  Ecclesiastical  Art," 
by  J.  Starkie  Gardner,  F.L.S.,  F.G.S.— Trans,  of  St.  Paul's  Eccles.  Societyy 
Vol.  III.,  1895.  Stothard  and  Haines  mention  an  enamelled  tablet, 
formerly  in  the  Church  of  St.  Maurice,  Angers,  but  destroyed  at  the 
Revolution,  representing  Ulger,  Bishop  of  Angers,  1 149.  Sr^  Plate  in 
Planche's  C'jclopadia  of  Costume.  Dictionary,  1876,  Sub.  Chasuble,  p.  94^ 
These  enamels  are  of  the  kind  called  champleve.  The  Chinese  cloisonne 
enamel  is  formed  by  separating  the  colours  by  means  of  wires  attached  to 
the  metal  groundwork. 

Mn  connection  with  this  monument  see  Proceedings  of  the  Society  of 
Jntiquaries,  Vol.  XVIII.,  pp.  41 1-12  (June  20th,  1901).    Sir  J.  Charles 
Robinson,  F.S.A.,  exhibited  a  shield  of  Limoges  enamel  on  copper  with 
the  arms  of  England  and  De  Valence  quarterly.! 



wife,  d.  1367,  in  the  Cathedral  of  Meaux,  an  illustration 
of  which  is  given  in  the  Archaeological  Journal^  Vol.  IX., 
1852,  p.  384.  A  black  substance  fills  the  incised  lines  of 
a  slab  upon  an  altar-tomb  at  North  Mimms,  Herts. 
(Margaret  Beresford 1584).  Creeny  gives  (Plate  9)  a 
black  marble  slab,  commemorating  Asscheric  van  der 
Couderborch,  c.  1250,  which  was  found  with  some  fifty- 
others  serving  as  the  bottom  for  the  sluice  of  a  bridge  at 
Cuypgat  near  Ghent,  by  Mons.  van  Duyse,  secretary  of 
the  Ghent  Municipal  Museum.  The  lines  of  the  design, 
which  somewhat  resembles  that  of  the  Wyvill  brass  at 
Salisbury,  were  filled  with  coloured  material.  The  slab  of 
Thiebauz  Rupez,  c.  1260,  at  St.  Memmie,  near  Chalons- 
sur-Marne  (Creeny,  Plate  10)  has  its  lines  filled  with  lead.' 
Haines  mentions  (Introduction,  p.  x.)  a  slab  from  Villers 
in  Brabant,  of  which  "  the  figure  most  artistically  drawn 
"  has  the  lines  usually  incised  on  a  brass,  in  relief,  the  inter- 
"  vening  spaces,  having  been  hollowed  out  and  inlaid  with 
"  thin  plates  of  copper  enamelled."  Instances  of  incised 
slabs  which  have  had  portions  of  their  efiigies,  heads,  hands, 
etc.,  inlaid  in  brass  may  be  seen  in  Lincolnshire  at  Ashby 
Puerorum  (Priest  in  Mass  Vestments),  and  at  Boston, 
worked  in  a  foreign  blue  marble.^  The  Gough  Collection 
of  Drawings  in  the  Bodleian  Library  contains  examples  of 
slabs  inlaid  with  coloured  material.^  Indeed,  it  is  reason- 
able to  infer  that  the  habit  of  inlaying  stone  slabs  with 
coloured  substances,  copper,  or  brass  gradually  led  to  the 
increase  in  importance  of  the  latter;  work  in  brass  usurping 
that  hitherto  seen  in  the  surface  of  the  stone  itself,  till,  in 
the  case  of  English  brasses,  the  slab  is  used  merely  as  the 

'  Cutts  (p.  4.)  mentions  a  similar  treatment  of  an  incised  slab  at  Atten- 
borough,  Notts. 

^See  pp.  3,  J  List  of  the  Existing  Sepulchral  Brasses  in  Lincolnshire,  by 
the  Rev.  G.  E.  Jeans,  1895. 

3  This  Collection,  acquired  by  the  Bodleian  Library  in  1810  on  the 
death  of  Richard  Gough,  consists  of  sixteen  folio  volumes,  being  part  of 
the  Collection  of  Drawings  of  Monuments  in  France  formed  about  1700 
by  M.  de  Gaignieres,  the  remainder  of  which  is  in  the  Bibliotheque 
Nationale,  Paris. 



Inlaying  of 

Advantage  of 
brass  for 

background  for  the  brass  effigy  and  ornaments;  the  matrix, 
into  which  the  brass  is  fitted  in  the  shape  of  the  figure,  being 
the  only  survival  of  the  sculpture  on  the  stone  itself. 

The  use  of  enamel  on  copper  plates  let  into  brass  is 
proved  by  the  shields  on  the  brass  of  Sir  John  D'Auber- 
noun  (1277),  a  well-known  example  ;  and  traces  of  colour 
may  be  found  on  the  Hastings  brass  (1347)  at  Elsing,  on 
that  of  Sir  John  Say  (1473)  Broxbourne,  and  in  other 
instances.  But  this  can  hardly  have  become  the  general 
practice  owing  to  the  costliness  of  the  process.  Moreover, 
the  choice  of  enamel  for  a  permanent  memorial,  however 
suitable,  as  was  gilding,  when  applied  to  a  brass  raised  on 
an  altar-tomb,  would  be  prevented  by  its  frailty  when 
exposed  to  wear  and  tear  on  the  pavement  of  a  church. 
An  examination  of  extant  brasses  leads  to  the  conclusion 
that,  as  a  rule,  it  was  part  of  the  design  to  fill  the  incised 
lines  with  diflferent  substances  of  varied  colours,  thereby 
relieving  the  monotony  of  the  metal,  and  producing  a  rich 
effect.  In  some  cases  a  white  metal  was  used  for  a  similar 
purpose,  as,  for  instance,  in  portraying  the  almuce.  That 
the  softer  material  no  longer  remains  is  not  to  be  marvelled; 
but  we  see  the  lines  cut  for  its  reception  and  to  secure  its 
adherence.  It  is  due  to  the  disappearance  of  these  com- 
positions, which  probably  filled  the  grooves,  that  the 
student  is  enabled  to  obtain  an  accurate  reproduction  of  a 
brass  by  means  of  that  which  the  Rev.  C.  H.  Hartshorne 
termed  "this  little  piece  of  heel-ball,  uniting  even  fragrance 
with  its  economy  and  portableness."  ^ 

The  necessity  for  not  overcrowding  a  church  with 
monuments  so  cumbersome  as  the  altar-tomb,""  gives 

56,  Jn  Endeavour  to  Classify  the  Sepulchral  Remains  in  Northampton- 
shire, etc.,  by  the  Rev.  Charles  Henry  Hartshorne,  M.A.,  F.S.A.,  1840. 

2  William  Fitz-William  {d.  1474)  by  his  will  directed  that  he  should 
be  buried  in  the  Choir  at  Sprotborough,  Yorkshire :  "  ita  quod  impedi- 
mentum  in  aliquo  non  fiat  eundo  et  redeundo  ministrantibus  circa  Divina 
officia  in  choro  pracdicto"  (Test.  Ebor.,  Vol.  III.,  p.  211).  For  account 
of  his  brass  see  "  Ancient  Memorial  Brasses  remaining  in  the  old  Deanery 
of  Doncaster,"  by  F.  R.  Fairbank,  M.D.,  F.S.A.— Vol.  XI.  Yorkshire 
Archaological  and  Topographical  Journal. 




sufficient  reason  for  the  adoption  of  a  style  of  memorial 
which,  by  becoming  a  part  of  the  pavement  of  the  church, 
performed  a  function  as  useful  as  it  was  ornamental.  The 
incised  slab  or  effigy  in  very  low  relief  soon  became  worn 
by  the  feet  of  the  faithful.  Limoges  enamels  would  soon 
be  broken  by  a  like  cause.  Brasses  engraved  in  deep  lines 
filled  with  coloured  cements  were  found  best  suited  to 
resist  the  detrimental  influences,  practically  unavoidable  in 
the  conduct  of  the  services  of  the  Church.  Hence  the 
very  general  adoption  of  this  kind  of  monument  in  England 
from  the  thirteenth  to  the  seventeenth  century. 

The  material  employed  for  monumental  brasses  was  an  Material  used 
alloy  of  copper,' which  appears  to  have  been  generally  known 
as  latten  or  laton  {Belg.  lattoen).  The  chief  place  for  its 
manufacture  was  Cologne,  from  which  we  find  it  called 
"  Cullen  plate."  "  The  industry  was  confined  for  a  long 
time  probably  to  North  Germany  and  Flanders,  where  are 
such  splendid  examples  of  the  sepulchral  brass.  The  plates 
were  imported  into  England^  from  the  beginning  of  the 
thirteenth  century.  It  is  not  till  the  latter  half  of  the  six- 
teenth century  that  we  find  records  of  the  manufacture  in 
this  country  at  Isleworth  and  elsewhere."* 

The  following  quotations  from  Waller  {A  Series  of 

'The  analysis  of  the  Cortewille  Flemish  brass,  1504,  in  the  South 
Kensington  Museum  is :— copper  64-0,  zinc  29-5,  lead  3-5,  tin  3-0  in 
the  hundred  parts. 

^See  Appendix  for  Dugdale's  account  of  the  construction  of  the 
Beauchamp  tomb,  1439,  at  Warwick. 

3  Doubtless  in  connection  with  the  exportation  of  wool  to  Flanders. 
1  his  accounts  for  the  use  of  monumental  brasses  by  the  Wool-merchants 
oi  Gloucestershire,  and  for  the  prevalence  of  these  memorials  in  the 
counties  on  the  East  coast. 

u^'a^^  the  close  of  the  i6th  century  the  manufacture  of  brass  was  in- 
^^troduced  into  England.     Patents  were  granted  in  1565  to  several 

persons,  and  mills  were  established  in  various  places  about  London  and 
«  f  sewhere.  Norden  in  his  account  of  Middlesex  mentions  the  '  copper 
u.Z\  T  ""^^  "<^^^  'Thistleworth  or  Istleworth '  where  '  the  workmen 
'^<7wlltTX  ^  °f  ;^Wr  and  brasse,  of  all  scyces,  little  and  great, 
thick  and  thyn,  for  all  purposes.'    This  metal  was  of  improved  manu- 

lacture ;  the  copper  was  beaten  out  with  heavy  hammers  worked  by 



How  made     Monumental  Brasses,  p.  ii.)  give  some  account  of  the  process 
How  engraved  of  making  and  cngraving  the  pktcs  I — 

"  The  sheets  of  metal  were  cast  to  near  the  size  required 
"  in  a  mould  formed  of  two  cakes  of  loam ;  there  was  no 
"  hammering,  except  by  wooden  mallets,  an  operation  now 
"  known  as  planishing,  the  object  of  which  is  to  get  rid  of 
"  any  twist  or  bend.    The  average  size  of  the  sheets  is 
"generally  from  2ft.  6 in.  to  2ft.  8 in.;  but  there  is  one  at 
Higham  Ferrers,  Northamptonshire,  somewhat  over  3  ft., 
and  the  Flemish  brass  just  alluded  to  ("  Cortewille")  has 
"plates  measuring  3ft.  2 in.  by  ift.  lojin.  The  thickness 
"  or  gauge  is  about  \  of  an  inch,  but  being  always  unequal, 
"  varies  much  in  the  same  plate.    The  mode  of  manu- 
"facture  was  not  calculated  to  produce  a  substance  of 
"homogeneous  structure;  thus  it  is  often  found  full  of 
"  air-bubbles  and  flaws;  and  a  brass,  much  worn,  will  show 
"  a  number  of  small  holes  upon  its  surface.    The  Lynn 
"  brasses  exhibit  these  defects  in  a  remarkable  manner.  ... 
"  In  English  work  the  burin  or  lozenge-shaped  graver  is 
"more  constantly  used.     Broad  lines  are  produced  by 
"  repeated  parallel  strokes,  running  into  each  other,  and 
"the  channel  thus  made  is  in  some  cases  roughened  by 
"  cross  hatching  as  in  a  fine  example  of  John  de  Campeden, 
"  1 382,  at  St.  Cross,  near  Winchester.  But,  in  the  Flemish, 
"a  broad  chisel-shaped  tool  has  been  chiefly  used;  the 
"  channels  are  not  so  deep,  and  are  always  smooth  at  the 
"bottom.    Simple  as  it  seems  to  be,  this  difference  of 
"practice  has  materially  affected  the  character  of  the 
"  designs.    This  is  especially  noticeable  in  the  treatment 
"  of  draperies  in  which  the  Flemish  brasses  fall  short  of 
"  the  grace  and  elegance  to  be  found  in  English  examples; 
"  and  the  reason  appears  to  be  that  the  broad-cutting  tool 
"  admitted  of  less  freedom  in  execution." 

"  water  power ;  and  the  plates  thus  produced  were  saturated  with  oxide 
«  of  zinc.  But  they  were  thin,  and  when  used  for  brasses,  upon  the  pave- 
"ment,  are  always  found  much  bent  and  defaced 'W  Senes  of  Monu- 
mental  Brasses  from  the  Uirteenth  to  the  Sixteenth  Century,  drawn  and 
engraved  by  J.  G.  and  L.  A.  B.  Waller,  p.  11. 


A  slab  of  stone,  or  of  marble  of  the  Purbeck  or  Sussex  inlaid  in 
kind,  was  prepared  to  receive  the  brass'  when  finished,  "^^''^^^  ^i^b 
being  hollowed  out  so  as  to  form  a  casement,  matrix,  or 
indent  in  which  the  brass  was  laid,  imbedded  in  pitch  and 
fastened  to  the  slab  by  means  of  rivets. 

Some  evidences  of  the  cost  of  these  monuments  have  Cost  of  brasses 
come  down  to  us.  Sir  lohn  de  St.  Quintin,  1397,  left 
XX  marks  for  a  marble  stone  with  three  images  of  laton 
to  be  placed  over  himself  and  two  wives  at  Brandsburton, 
Yorkshire.  Katherine,  widow  of  John  Fastolff  {d.  1445), 
by  her  will  dated  20th  November,  1478,  orders  a  stone  to 
be  provided  to  the  value  of  7  or  8  marks,  inlaid  with  the 
arms  of  John  Sampson  and  John  Fastolf,  her  late  husbands, 
of  Roger  Welysham,  her  father,  and  with  those  of  Beding- 
feld.  There  is  no  mention  of  the  two  effigies  in  the  will; 
but  they  are  reproduced  in  Suckling's  Suffolk,  1 848,  Vol.  II., 
p.  40,  in  the  account  of  the  Church  of  St.  Michael  at 
Oulton.^  The  contract  for  the  tomb  of  Richard,  Earl  of 
Warwick,  gives  much  information  on  this  subject.  {See 
Appendix.)  ^ 

The  following  extract  (for  which  we  are  indebted  to 
Canon  Mayo)  from  the  will  of  "  Thomas  Denny,  son  and 
"  heir  of  Edmunde  Denny  late  one  of  the  Barons  of  the 
^' Eschequier,  10  May,  1527;  19  Hen.  VIII."  gives 
instructions  for  making  a  memorial  brass.  Unfortunately, 
no  such  brass  remains  in  Cheshunt  Church,  Herts.  Possibly 
the  executor  did  not  fulfil  the  testator's  wishes : — "  To  be 

^  An  instance  of  a  brass  originally  fixed  on  wood  is  at  Bettws-Cedewain, 
near  Newtown,  in  Montgomeryshire,  John  ap  Meredyth  de  Powys,  i  i, 
m  mass  vestments. 

^  ^'They  were  stolen,  together  with  that  of  Adam  de  Bacon,  c.  13 10, 
in  February,  1857.  The  brass  of  Katherine  Fastolff  afforded  a  good 
example  of  the  butterfly  headdress. 

3S^^  also  "Some  Notes  on  the  Montacutes,  Earls  of  Salisbury,"  by 
lidward  Kite,  Wiltshire  Notes  and  Queries,  Vol.  IV.  (No.  47,  September, 
Q^r  k '  P-  490,  for  codicil  to  will  of  Thomas  de  Montacute,  4th  Earl  of 
balisbury  {d.  1428),  directing  a  tomb  to  be  made  at  Bisham,  Berks,  for 
himself  and  wives,  the  Ladies  Alianore  and  Alice,  "which  tomb  I  desire 
to  be  made  of  marble,  with  portraitures  of  each  in  brass,  and  epitaphs  " 



"  buried  in  parish  Church  of  Chesthunt,  where  I  doe  dwell 
"  at  the  altar's  end  on  the  south  side  next  before  the  pewe 
"  where  I  was  wonte  to  sitte,  and  there  I  will  a  stone  to  be 
"  layd  on  me  by  my  execut',  and  a  picture  of  dethe  to  be 
"  made  in  the  saied  stone  w'  roules  having  this  writing 
"  about  hym  to  be  written  in  the  sayed  roules,  As  I  am  so 
"  shall  ye  be,  nowe  pray e  for  me  of  yd^  charitie      a  pr  nr  and 
*'  an  ave  mary,  for  the  rest  of  the  soule  of  Thomas  Denny 
*'  whiche  dyed  the  x^''  day  of  May  in  the  yere  of  or  Lorde  god 
m'v^xxvii,  and  at  the  hed  of  the  saied  picture  in  two 
"  roules  having  this  sculpture  Dne  secundu  actum  meum  noli 
me  judicare  unto  the  one  syde,  and  on  the  other  syde 
'''■Delicta  juventutis  mee  et  ignorantias  meas  ne  memineres 
"•domine.    Also  1  will  it  to  be  made  by  myne  execut'  a 
"  litle  stone  of  halfe  a  yerde  brode  and  thre  quarters  long 
"  and  to  be  set  in  the  wall  over  where  I  doe  lye  and  therein 
"a  picture  of  me  to  be  made  kneling  and  holding  up 
"  my  hands,  ingraven  and  gilted  w*  my  armes  another  side 
"  and  a  picture  of  or  Lorde  suffering  his  passon  in  the 
"upper  corner  and  a  roule  gilted  with  this  ingraven 
"  comyng  frome  my  hands  and  upwards  Mtas  tuas  dne  in 
eternu  cantabo  and  underneth  in  the  foote  of  the  saied 
stone  one  other  plate  graven  and  gilted  with  this  therein 
"  written  Every  man  that  here  goeth  by  pray  for  him  that  here 
"  doth  lye  wt  a  pr  nr      an  ave  mary,  for  the  reste  of  the  soule 
«  of  Thomas  Denny  which  died  the  x"'  day  of  May  in  the  yere 
'-'of  or  Lorde  God  m'v'xxvii''  (28  Jankyn  P.C.C.). 
Artists  and      Very  little  is  known  as  to  the  artists  who  designed  or 
engravers  ^j^q  cngravcd  the  brasses.    But  from  differences 

in  locality  and  style  it  may  be  inferred  that,  like  other 
craftsmen,  they  formed  themselves  into  guilds  with  centres 
at  large  towns,  such  as  London,  York,  or  Norwich. 
There  is  little  to  go  by  but  a  similarity  of  design,  from 
which,  however,  it  is  obviously  unsafe  to  infer  that  because 
any  two  brasses  have  similarities,  they  were,  therefore, 
either  designed  or  worked  by  the  same  hand.  The  most 
important  school  of  engraverslwas  that  settled  in  London 
which  supplied  the  greater  number  of  brasses.  Provincial 


engravers,  as  a  rule,  show  inferior  workmanship,  though 
there  is  good  local  work  to  be  found  in  Yorkshire  and 
Lincolnshire,  probably  executed  by  engravers  making  York 
their  headquarters.  The  special  characteristics  marking 
the  Norwich  school  are  to  be  met  with  throughout  Norfolk 
and  Suffolk.  Some  peculiarities  seen  in  Cambridgeshire 
and  Essex  (as  for  instance  on  the  brasses  of  ladies,  men- 
tioned on  p.  283)  may  prove  the  existence  of  several 
engravers  at  Cambridge  in  the  sixteenth  century;  and 
proofs  of  a  school  supplying  the  Midlands  may  be  seen  in 
the  local  work,  such  as  the  ecclesiastical  brasses  at  Coles- 
hill  (WiUiam  Abell,  1500)  and  at  Whitnash  (Richard 
Bennett,  M.A.,  1531),  Warwickshire.  Sometimes  an 
extraordinary  and  grotesque  effect  is  produced,  owing  to 
lack  of  craftsmanship.  Such  may  be  seen  at  Preston 
Lancashire,  where  the  effigy  of  Seath  Bushell,  woollen 
draper,  1623,  has  more  the  appearance  of  a  modern 
caricature  by  "Max"  than  of  a  sepulchral  memorial.^ 

A  device,  which  may  be  an  artist's  signature,^  or  possibly 
the  mark  of  the  brass  manufacturer,  occurs  on  the  brass  of 
Lady  Creke,  c.  1325,  at  Westley  Waterless,  Cambs., 
representing  the  letter  N  reversed  over  which  is  a  mallet, 
and  on  the  dexter  side  a  crescent  and  on  the  sinister 
a  star  of  six  points.  The  N  reversed  is  also  found  on  the 
Camoys  brass,  1424,  at  Trotton,  Sussex.  Waller,  in 
his  description  of  the  Creke  brass,  mentions  a  seal  of 
Walter  the  Mason,  attached  to  a  deed,  on  which  a 
mallet  with  a  crescent  and  a  star  of  five  points  appears. 
This  device  of  a  star  and  crescent  is  mentioned  in  the 
Arch^ologkal  Journal  (Vol.  III.,  1846,  p.  345),  as  used  by 

'  S^^  illustration  in  T:he  Monumental  Brasses  of  Lancashire  and  Cheshire,  by 
^ames  L.  Thornely,  1893.  See  also  Records  of  the  Parish  Church  of  Preston 
''  f^^^nderness,  hy  Tom.  C.  Smith,  F.R.Hist.Soc,  Preston,  1892,  pp. 
250-9  and  287-8.  ^  ' 

^Boutell  gives  an  illustration  {Monumental  Brasses  and  Slabs,  p.  14.0)  of 
a  palimpsest  fragment  now  in  the  British  Museum,  of  a  Flemish  inscrip- 
non  formerly  m  Trunch  Church,  Norfolk,  on  which  is  a  shield  charged 
with  a  crescent  and  star  and  the  letter  W.  ^ 


Hawisia  de  Wygornia  for  a  seal  to  a  document,  dated  1 254.' 

Signatures  are,  occasionally,  found  in  later  years,  par- 
ticularly on  inscriptions  of  the  seventeeth  century.  The 
Flemish  brass  of  Margaret  Svanders,  1529,  at  Fulham, 
has  the  initials  G.  O.^  The  initials  A.  H.  and  R.  H. 
found  respectively  on  the  brasses  of  Bishop  Henry  Robin- 
son and  Provost  Airay,  both  1616,  at  Queen's  College, 
Oxford,  have  been  supposed  by  Haines  to  refer  to  Abraham 
and  Remigius  Hogenbergh ;  but  it  is  possible  that  the 
latter  may  refer  to  Dr.  Richard  Haydock,  fellow  of  New 
College,  whose  work  is  to  be  seen  in  the  brass  of  Erasmus 
Williams,  1608,  at  Tingewick,  Bucks,  and  who  composed 
the  inscription  to  Thomas  Hopper,  1623,  at  New  College.^ 
An  engraver's  monogram  occurs  on  the  brass  of  William 
Waller  (1636),  St.  Paul's,  Bedford.-*  The  Filmer  brass 
(1638)  at  East  Sutton,  Kent,  is  signed:  "Ed.  Marfhall 
sculpfit."  At  Tamworth,  in  Warwickshire,  the  inscrip- 
tion to  Anne,  wife  of  John  Chambers,  1650,  is  signed, 
"J.C.  composuit,  E.C.  sculpsit,  W.C.  dedit."^    In  the 

I "  The  name  of  an  artist  was  recorded  on  the  brass  of  Bishop  Philip, 
"  1 241,  formerly  at  Evreux,  *  Guillaume  de  Plalli  me  fecit,'  and  another 
"  was  on  an  incised  slab,  formerly  in  the  church  of  St.  Yved  de  Braine, 
"  in  France,  representing  Robert,  Count  de  Dreux,  who  died  1223.  It 
"  was  inscribed  upon  the  fillet  at  the  feet  of  the  figure  thus :  '  Letarous  me 
"  fecit.'  Drawings  of  these  are  preserved  in  Gough's  Collection  in  the 
"  Bodleian  Library,  Oxford.  These  instances  are  of  particular  interest, 
"  and  suggest  to  us  the  question,  whether  we  have  here  the  nanie  of  the 
"  designer,  or  of  him  who  executed  the  work.  It  is  scarcely  possible  that 
"  the  workman  and  the  designer  were  one."— Waller,  A  Series  of  Monu- 
mental Brasses,  Introduction,  p.  iv. 

2  Possibly  those  of  her  husband,  Gerard  Hornebolt,  the  painter. 

3  See  J  Catalogue  of  the  Brasses  in  Queen's  College,  Oxford,  by  P.  Manning, 
M.A.,  F.S.A.,  pp.  67-79;  Journal  of  the  Oxford  University  Brass  Rubbing 
Society,  Vol.  L,  No.  2,  June,  1897,  p.  78. 

4  See  Transactions  of  the  Monumental  Brass  Society,  Vol.  II.,  p.  90. 

5  Her  children's  names  were  William,  Edmund,  John,  and  Elizabeth. 
See  "  A  Few  Notes  on  Monumental  Brasses  with  a  Catalogue  of  those 
existing  in  Warwickshire,"  by  Charles  Williams,  Transactions  of  the  Bir- 
mingham and  Midland  Institute  {Archaological Section),  ^ 

1887,  p.  47.  A  brass  in  Chichester  Cathedral,  William^  Bradbridge  and 
wife  Alice,  is  signed  "  Fynished  in  July,  i  592,  A.  L.  B." 




Gwydir  Chapel,  Llanrwst,  Denbighshire,  the  brass  of 
Mary,  wife  of  Sir  Roger  Mostyn,  1653,  is  the  work  of 
"Silvanus  Crue " ;  that  of  Sarah,  wife  of  Sir  Richard 
Wynne,  1 67 1,  of"  Guil.  Vaughan."  In  Yorkshire  there  are 
several  signed  brasses.'  The  name  of  "  Gabr.  Hornbie  " 
occurs  on  an  inscription  at  Nunkeeling  (George  Acklam, 
1629);  that  of  "Fr:  Grigs"  on  the  brass  of  John  and 
Grace  Morewood,  1647,  at  Bradfield,  near  Sheffield.  It 
is  also  found,  1640,  at  Upton  Cressett,  Shropshire  (Richard 
Cressett  and  Wife),  and  at  St.  Osyth's,  Essex  (John  Darcy, 
Serjeant-at-Law).  "Tho.  Mann  Eboraci  sculp."  occurs 
on  brasses  at  Lowthorp  (John  Pierson,  1665)  ;  Normanton 
(Richard  Mallet,  1668);  Ingleby  Arnclifte  (Elizabeth 
Mauleverer,  1674);  Rudstone  (Katherine,  wife  of  John 
Constable,  1677).  "J-  Mann  Ebor.  sculp' "  occurs  on  the 
brass  of  John  Wilson,  1681,  at  Bedale.  "P.  Brigges, 
Ebor."  signs  the  brass  of  Roger  Talbot,  1 680,  at  Thornton- 
le-Street,  and  "  Ric.  Crosse "  that  of  Peter  Samwaies, 
rector,  1693,  at  Bedale.  "George  Harris  Fecit"  occurs 
on  an  inscription  at  Deddington,  Oxon.  (Thomas  Higgins, 

A  few  brasses,  by  the  fineness  of  their  engraving,  are 
evidendy  the  work  of  goldsmiths,  as  in  the  case  of  the 
palimpsest  reverse,  c.  1 500,  at  Berkhampstead,  Herts,  to 
Thomas  Humfre,  goldsmith,  of  London  {see  p.  64,  note  2). 
A  later  example  is  at  St.  Andrew's,  Auckland,  Durham, 
to  Fridesmonda,  wife  of  Richard  Barnes,  Bishop  of 
Durham-^*  ^ 

The  use  of  engraved  plates  of  brass  for  sepulchral  Thirteenth 
monuments  seems  to  have  arisen  early  in  the  thirteenth  ^'"'"'>' 


J.f'^       5^!"  Stephenson  in  Vols.  XII.,  XV.,  and  XVII.  of  the  Tork- 

J- p- y^^ler  writes  ^rchaologia  Aeliana,Vo\.  XV.,  p.  81V— 

accountri  cgf  "tt  ^'^^  ^'^'^^P'^ 

for  n  n  ;  f^'  °^  ^  payment  '  to  the  gouldsmythe  at  Yorke 

for  a  plate  to  sett  over  Mrs.  Barnes,  32s.' "  ^  ^ 



century;  ^  but  very  few  remains  of  that  period  have  come 
down  to  us.  Leland  records  an  inscription  on  brass,  once 
existing  in  St.  Paul's  Church,  Bedford,  to  Simon  de 
Beauchamp,  Earl  of  Bedford,  c.  1208.^  An  engraving 
(Planche  18),  in  the  second  volume  of  Montfaucon's 
Monumens  de  la  Monarchic  Franfoise,  1730,  gives  an  early 
design  of  a  brass,  commemorating  Philippe  and  Jean,  the 
sons  of  Louis  VIII.  (i 223-1 226).  On  a  quadrangular 
plate  the  two  boys  are  portrayed  beneath  a  double  canopy, 
above  which  four  angels,  holding  incense  boats,  swing 
censers  ;  the  background  is  composed  of fleurs-de-lis.^  The 
oldest  extant  brass  is  that  at  Verden,  representing  in 
pontificals  Ysowilpe  Graf  von  Welpe  in  Lower  Saxony,  who 
became  the  thirty-first  Bishop  of  Verden  in  1205,  and 
died  on  the  nones  of  August,  1231.    It  consists  of  one 

1  Boutell  aptly  writes  {Motiumefttal Brasses  and  Slabs,  p.  7) :  "Nor  is  it  less 
"  worthy  of  remark  that  these  incised  monumental  plates  were  produced 
"  in  abundance,  and  in  high  perfection,  more  than  two  centuries  previous 
"  to  the  discovery  of  the  art  of  engraving  plates  of  metal  for  the  purpose 
"of  impression.  To  Mazo  Finiquerra,  a  goldsmith  of  Florence  who 
"flourished  about  the  year  1460,  is  assigned  the  distinguished  honour 
"  of  having  made  the  discovery  of  copper-plate  engraving,  properly  so- 
"  called:  and  thus,  during  no  less  a  period  than  250  years,  with  an 
"  abundance  of  engraven  plates  in  existence,  all  of  which  were  expressly 
"  calculated  to  produce  fac-simile  copies  by  means  of  impression,  the  art 
«  of  taking  impressions  remained  altogether  unknown." 

^See  "The  Brasses  of  Bedfordshire,"  by  H.  K.  St.  J.  Sanderson,  Tran- 
sactions of  Cambridge  University  Association  of  Brass  Collectors  (now  the 
Monumental  Brass  Society),  Vol.  II.,  p.  41-2. 

3  "  La  planche  suivante  nous  montre  Philippe  et  Jean  de  France,  fils  de 
"  Louis  VIII.  et  de  Blanche  de  Castille,  comme  marque  I'mscnption  tout 
"  au  tour  en  quatre  tr^s-mauvais  vers  Latins.  lis  moururent  tous  deux 
"  fort  ieu'nes.  Leurs  corps  gisent  sous  la  mcme  tombe  de  cuivre  au  milieu 
"  du  chceur  de  Notre  Dame  de  Poissi.  lis  ont  chacun  une  espece  de 
"  petite  couronne,  et  un  sceptre  qu'ils  portent  de  la  mam  droite,_et  qui  se 
"  termine  en  haut  par  une  fieur  de  lis.  Celui  qui  est  a  la  droite,  tient  de  la 
"  main  gauche  un  gand.  C'est  le  gand  de  la  mam  qui  soutenoit  1  oiseau 
"que  les  grands  Seigneurs,  les  Princes  et  les  Rois  memes  se  faisoient  un 
"  honneur  de  porter.  C'est  Philippe  qui  le  tient,  et  qui  comme  am6  de 
"Jean,  par6it  avoir  cette  prerogative  sur  lui.  — Montfaucon,  Vol.  II., 



sheet  of  brass,  over  six  feet  in  length,  surrounded  by  a 
fillet  on  which  is  an  inscription  in  Lombardic  capitals, 
spaces  for  the  nails  being  allowed  for  in  the  arrangement 
of  the  lettering.  The  style  of  the  design  and  engraving 
much  resembles  that  of  the  incised  slabs  of  the  period, 
from  which,  no  doubt,  this  was  a  departure.  An  illustra- 
tion of  this  brass  may  be  seen  in  Creeny's  book  of  Fac- 
similes of  Brasses  on  the  Continent^  where  a  similar  thirteenth 
century  one,  that  of  Bishop  Otto  de  Brunswick,  1279, 
the  Cathedral  of  Hildesheim,  is  given. 

We  have  evidence  of  the  former  existence  in  England 
of  various  brasses  during  this  century ;  such  as  that  of 
Bishop  Bingham  of  Salisbury ; '  of  Richard  de  Berkyng, 
Abbot  of  Westminster,  1246,  etc. ;  but  the  earliest  effigies 
that  survive  to  this  day  are  those  of  Sir  John  Daubernoun, 
c.  1277,  at  Stoke  d'Abernon,  Surrey,  and  of  Sir  Roger  de 
Trumpington,  1289,  at  Trumpington,  near  Cambridge. 
At  Wimborne  Minster,  Dorset,  is  a  brass  commemorating 
St.  Ethelred,  King  of  the  West  Saxons,  872  ;  but  the  half- 
effigy  and  shield  belong  to  the  fifteenth,  and  the  inscription 
on  copper  in  Roman  capitals  to  about  the  end  of  the  six- 
teenth century.^  At  Ashbourn  in  Derbyshire,  a  Lombardic 
inscription  recording  the  dedication  of  the  church,  1241, 
is  probably  a  copy  of  an  older  plate.^  In  Westminster 
Abbey  an  important  slab  survives,  showing  a  portion  of 
the  stem  of  a  brass  cross,  with  a  marginal  inscription  in 
Lombardic  lettering,  enclosed  in  narrow  brass  fillets,  of 

which  eight  letters  (lame:  rlea)  still  remain,  the 

space  between  the  stem  and  the  inscribed  border  being 
filled  in  with  glass  mosaic  in  red,  white,  and  gold.  This 

^  The  matrix,  showing  a  demi-effigy  with  mitre  and  crozier  in  the 
cen^tre  of  a  cross  flory,  is  illustrated  in  Kite's  Monumental  Brasses  of  Wiltshire, 

^See  some  remarks  in  J  History  of  Wimborne  Minster,  by  Charles  Mayo 
London,  i86o,  pp.  7  and  135.    Haines  gives  the  date  of  the  effigy! 
c,  144.0.  °^ ' 

3  Illustrated  Transactions  of  Monumental  Brass  Society,  Vol.  Ill  n  200 
April,  1899.  ^' 

similar  to  that 
of  architecture 


may  be  the  memorial  of  John  de  Valence  or  de  Var/^^nce, 
son  of  William  de  Valence,  Earl  of  Pembroke,  c.  1270/ 
At  Hereford  Cathedral  is  a  small  figure  of  St.  Ethelbert, 
part  of  the  brass,  formerly  existing,  of  Bishop  Thomas 
Cantilupe,  1282. 

Development  The  history  of  the  development  of  design  in  English 
brasses  is,  practically,  identical  with  that  of  English  archi- 
tecture. As  in  the  buildings,  so  in  the  brasses,  we  note 
an  insular  individuality  of  style.  Indeed,  in  many  re- 
spects our  brasses  may  be  distinguished  from  those  on  the 
Continent;  perhaps  the  most  noticeable  departure  being 
the  difference  in  shape.  For,  whereas  the  foreign  brasses, 
as  a  rule,  consist  of  quadrangular  sheets  of  metal,  this 
form,  putting  aside  the  later  mural  brass,  is  the  excep- 
tion in  England ;  and  when  it  does  occur  in  the  earlier 
periods  may,  usually,  be  attributed  directly  to  Flemish 

It  is  no  part  of  this  essay  to  trace  the  development  of 
Gothic  architecture  in  England  ;  but  an  acquaintance  with 
its  main  features  is  necessary,  if  an  intelligent  study  of 
brasses  be  desired.  This  may  be  cultivated  in  Rickman, 
and  Parker,  and  in  other  works,  and,  above  all,  in  the 
buildings  themselves.  Unfortunately,  but  few  of  the 
Decorated  Canopies  of  the  fourteenth  century  remain  to 
us,  though  their  beauty  of  form  may  be  traced  in  surviving 
indents ;  but  of  the  Perpendicular  work  of  the  next  cen- 
tury many  fine  examples  exist.  Indeed,  so  accurately  do 
they  reflect  the  architecture  of  their  time,  that  were  no 
other  proof  available,  the  date  of  a  brass  could  often  be 
fixed  by  comparing  its  canopy  with  well-known  dated 

1  An  excellent  reproduction  of  this  slab,  made  from  a  water-colour 
fac-simile  done  by  Miss  E.  M.  Vincent,  will  be  found  in  J  Series  of  Photo- 
lithographs  of  Monumental  Brasses  in  Westminster  Abbey,  mostly  from  rubbings 
taken  by  E.  M.  Beloe,  junr.  1898. 

2  It  is  possible  that  the  costliness  of  the  brass,  due  to  the  fact  that  it 
was  not  manufactured  in  England,  may  account  for  the  shape  of  English 
brasses.  There  was  not  the  same  need  of  economy  in  Flanders,  the 
material  being  more  easily  procured. 


examples  in  stone.  Like  Gothic  architecture,  the  monu- 
mental brass,  which  can  hardly  be  considered  other  than 
an  accessory  of  the  style,  reached  its  perfection  in  the 
fourteenth  century,  and  shared  the  stately  decline  of  the 
Perpendicular  period.  The  succeeding  Renaissance, 
owing  either  to  inferiority  of  craft  and  material,  or  to  some 
subtle  lack  of  sympathy  in  the  classical  spirit  with  a 
medium,  so  successful  during  the  Gothic  age,  did  not 
reach  in  brasses  that  perfection  which  it  attained  in  other 
arts.  Possibly  there  may  be  something  essentially  Gothic 
in  this  art,  a  quality  born  of  tradition,  since,  theoretically, 
there  is  no  reason  why  the  classical  treatment  should  not 
be  equally  successful.  But  it  is  curious  to  note  that  this 
view  has  been  supported  by  the  practice  of  the  Gothic 
revivalists  of  the  nineteenth  century.  The  Renaissance 
artists,  moreover,  with  their  love  for  work  in  relief,  may 
have  found  the  necessary  limitations  of  the  flat  surface  of 
the  brass  irksome  to  them. 

The  arrangement  of  brasses  in  periods  presents  the  Arrangement 
same  difficulties  which  we  encounter  in  architecture  owing  ''^  Periods 
to  the  overlapping  of  styles,  and  to  the  fact  that  the 
gradual  growth  of  ideas  with  their  concrete  embodiment, 
though,  doubdess,  witnessing  to  the  flight  of  time,  does 
not,  necessarily,  take  account  of  artificial  divisions  into 
reigns  or  centuries.  The  Rev.  H.  W.  Macklin  in  his 
excellent  handbook'  divides  brasses  into  seven  periods, 
the^  final  one  beginning  with  the  reign  of  Charles  I. 
Haines  groups  them,  in  a  somewhat  broader  survey,  into 
three  periods: — (i)  The  fourteenth;  (2)  the  fifteenth; 
(3)  the  sixteenth  and  seventeenth  centuries.  In  following 
this  latter  arrangement  we  have  to  consider  some  of  the 
mam  characteristics,  leaving  the  changes  in  costume  for 
separate  treatment. 

The  first  period  covers  the  fourteenth  century,  extending  The  xiv. 
from  the  beginning  of  the  reign  of  Edward  I.,  1272,  to  the  Century 
end  of  that  of  Richard  II.,  1399,  ^^d  in  many  respects  is 

^Monumental  Brasses,  ^ih  edition,  1898,  pp.  15-17. 



the  most  important  of  the  three.  In  it  we  include  the 
brasses  at  Stoke  D'Abernon  and  Trumpington,  already 
mentioned  as  the  only  brass  effigies  of  the  thirteenth  century 
left  to  us  in  England.  Its  finest  work  was  that  seen  in 
the  Flemish  brasses  of  the  middle  of  the  century,  of  which 
we  treat  below.  The  engraving  was  executed  on  thick  and 
hard  plates,  in  bold  and  graceful  lines  without  shading, 
and  deeply  cut.  It  is  indicative  of  the  excellence  of  the 
work  and  material  used  in  this  century  that  these  earlier 
brasses,  where  they  have  escaped  deliberate  vandalism,  are, 
usually,  to  be  found  in  far  better  preservation  than  those 
of  a  later  period.  The  general  treatment  is  revealed  in 
the  use  of  the  recumbent  position  and  in  the  absence  of 
any  apparent  effort  at  portraiture.  Ecclesiastics  have  the 
grave  countenances  befitting  their  profession.  To  the 
earlier  part  of  this  period  belong  the  few  cross-legged, 
mail-clad  knights  that  survive.  The  figures  are  usually 
about  life-size,  though  we  find  them  somewhat  diminished 
after  the  introduction  of  canopies  under  Edward  II.  Half- 
length  figures  and  busts  seem  to  have  been  in  fashion. 
The  Floriated  cross  was  a  favourite  form  of  brass,  its  head 
frequently  enclosing  a  figure  of  the  deceased,  and  it  is  de- 
plorable that  so  few  remain  of  what  was  once  a  numerous 
class.  Its  use  led  to  the  development  from  it  of  the  so- 
called  Bracket-brass,  of  which  some  beautiful  examples 
survive.  The  representation  of  children  on  brasses  is  rare, 
and  when  it  occurs  the  figures  are  usually  not  much  inferior 
in  size  to  that  of  the  parents.  The  canopies  of  this  period 
have  suffered  much  from  spoliation ; '  they  appear  to  have 
grown  in  elaboration  similarly  to  the  stonework,  which 
they  imitated.  The  earliest  inscriptions  are  in  Lombardic 
characters,  each  letter  being  fixed  into  its  own  matrix  on 
the  slab,  and  in  some  cases  enclosed  in  narrow  fillets  of 

I  That  of  Lady  Joan  de  Cobham,    1 3  20,  at  Cobham,  Kent  (see  Chap.  VI.), 
is  the  only  specimen  left  of  the  pedimental  canopy  of  the  earlier  part  of 
the  century. 



brass.^  This  rather  insecure  method  gave  place  to  en" 
graving  the  words  on  fillets  of  brass  placed  as  a  border  to 
the  slab.-  At  the  beginning  of  Edward  III.'s  reign  black 
letter^  was  introduced  with  Lombardic  capitals/  and  we 
find  inscriptions  placed  beneath  the  figures.  Generally 
speaking,  the  inscriptions  are  of  a  simple  nature.  Latin 
is  used,  as  a  rule,  for  priests,  and  Norman-French  fre- 
quently occurs  for  knights  and  their  ladies.  Dates  are 
the  exception  rather  than  the  rule.  An  early  instance 
occurs  on  the  palimpsest  inscription  in  Denchworth  Church, 
Berks  (1333,  St.  Margaret's  Day,  the  date  of  the  surrender 
of  Berwick),  recording  the  laying  of  the  foundation-stone 
of  Bisham  Priory  by  Edward  III.    At  Cholsey,  in  the 

^  In  YiAteh  Monumental  Brasses  of  Wiltshire,  p.  10,  is  an  illustration  of 
a  stone  slab,  not  earlier  than  1322,  showing  indents  of  a  cross  fleury  sur- 
mounted by  the  half-effigy  of  a  priest,  and  of  a  Lombardic  marginal 
inscription,  once  of  brass,  as  witness  the  inscription  in  Norman-French  : — 

"+  SOUTZ  •  CESTE  •  PERE  •  LETTERE  •  OV  •  LATON  •  GIST  •  WILl'm  •  LA  •  SEINT  • 
lOHN  •  DE  •  RAMM  •  ESBVRY  •  PERSONE  •  ET  •  PER  •  POR  •  SA  •  ALME  •  PRIER  • 
ORASON  •  QARANT  •  lOVRS  •  ASSVRON  •  DE  •  p'dON." 

The  matrix  of  the  brass  of  Boneface  de  Hart,  Canon  of  Aosta,  c.  1320, 
at  Hornchurch,  Essex  (a  cross  fleury  with  two  half-effigies  of  ecclesiastics 
and  Lombardic  marginal  inscription),  retains  a  small  piece  of  the  outer 
fillet,  the  letters  N  and  F  in  "  BONEFACE,"  and  the  upper  dot  of  the 
colon  after  "  SIRE."  See  "  Some  Interesting  Essex  Brasses,"  by  Miller 
Christy  and  W.  W.  Porteous,  in  The  Reliquary  and  Illustrated  Archaeologist, 
N.S.,  Vol.  VII.,  1 90 1.  At  Peterborough  are  preserved  a  letter  V  and  a 
circular  stop  from  the  inscription  of  Abbot  Godfrey  de  Croyland,  1329, 
and  at  Watlington,  Norfolk,  five  diamond-shaped  stops  remain  on  the  slab 
of  Sir  Robert  de  Montalt,  1329.  See  "Notes  on  some  early  matrices  in 
the  Eastern  Counties,"  by  E.  M.  Beloe,  junr.,  Journal  of  the  Oxford  Uni- 
versity Brass  Rubbing  Society,  Vol.  II.,  No.  I.,  Feb.,  1900,  pp.  35-39.  In 
the  British  Museum  are  preserved  the  Lombardic  letters  A  D  M  N  and 
T,  c.  1330.  That  these  letters  appear  to  have  been  imbedded  in  pitch 
without  rivets  is  sufficient  reason  for  their  scarcity  at  the  present  day. 
^In  the  Essex  Review,  Vol.  X.,  1901,  "Some  Interesting  Essex 
Brasses,"  by  Miller  Christy  and  W.  W.  Porteous,  p.  87,  three  fragments 
are  cited,  as  existing,  of  the  fillet  inscribed  with  Lombardic  lettering  to 
Sir  —  Fitzralph,  c.  1320,  at  Pebmarsh,  Essex. 

3  An  early  example  is  at  North  Ockenden,  Essex,  lohan  baucholi,  f .  1 3  30. 

4  As  at  Stanstead  Montfitchet,  Essex,  Robert  de  Bokkyngg,  vicar,  1361. 



same  county,  the  French  inscription  to  John  Barfoot  bears 
the  date  8  th  October,  1361. 

The  XV.  The  second  period  begins  with  the  reign  of  Henry  IV. 

Century  1399,        ^'^^s  with  the  death  of  Henry  VII.  in  1509, 

following  the  fortunes  of  the  Houses  of  Lancaster  and 
York  to  their  union  in  the  latter  monarch.  Great  delicacy 
distinguishes  the  early  work  of  this  century ;  cross-shading 
is  introduced  and  the  lines  are  finer  than  in  the  former 
period.  Gradually,  as  the  century  advances,  convention- 
ality of  treatment  becomes  more  marked,  and  shading  is 
more  frequently  introduced,  often  to  the  disadvantage  of 
the  composition.  The  greater  extension  of  the  use  by  all 
classes  '  of  this  form  of  monument  leads  to  a  greater  diver- 
sity in  artistic  merit.  The  figures  become  smaller,  and 
the  presence  of  flowers  and  of  grass  beneath  the  feet  begins 
to  denote  an  erect  attitude.  The  greater  extravagance  in 
dress,  especially  in  the  development  of  the  ladies'  head- 
dress, is  noticeable,  and  led  to  the  frequent  use  of  the 
figure  in  profile  instead  of  the  former  full-face  attitude, 
still  retained  by  the  clergy.  The  demi-figure,  except  for 
priests,  is  not  so  frequent  a  feature  as  in  the  last  century. 
The  portrayal  of  children  on  the  brasses  of  their  parents 
becomes  of  common  occurrence,  sometimes  placed  beneath 
the  parents,  sometimes  standing  beside  them  as  diminutive 
figures.  Brasses  of  children,  alone,  are  to  be  found,  as  at 
Blickling,  Norfolk,  1479.  mural  brass  with  kneeling 

figures,  a  form  that  became  very  common  in  the  next 
century,  is  introduced.  Floriated  crosses  of  very  fine 
work  are  to  be  found  in  the  earlier  part  of  the  century,  as 
at  Stone,  Kent  (John  Lumbarde,  Rector,  1408),  but  are 
superseded  by  the  simpler  cross  fleury.  Fine  examples  of 
bracket-brasses  exist,  as  at  Upper  Hardres,  Kent,  1405, 
and  Merton  College,  Oxford,  1420,  in  the  former  of  which 

I  This  fact  adds  greatly  to  the  value  of  these  memorials,  ranging  as  they 
do  from  the  Duchess  of  Gloucester,  wife  of  Thomas  of  Woodstock,  1399, 
in  Westminster  Abbey,  to  the  blacksmith  at  Beauchampton,  Bucks 
(William  Bawdyn,  1600). 

Upper  Hardres,  Kent. 






we  see  a  good  instance  of  the  introduction  of  figures  of 
Apostles,  as  of  other  sacred  personages  and  scenes  at  this 
time.    The  canopies,  of  which  there  are  many  very  fine 
specimens,  follow  the  progress  of  the  Perpendicular  style, 
the  gradual  deterioration  of  which  towards  the  close  of  the 
century  is  very  noticeable  in  the  treatment  of  the  crockets 
and  finials.    The  ogee  is  the  favourite  shape  for  the  arch. 
A  curious  feature  of  this  period  is  seen  to  advantage  in 
Yorkshire,  and  later  in  Norfolk  in  the  adoption  of  devices 
with  inscriptions,  such  as  the  chalice  for  a  priest.  In- 
scriptions are  frequently  formed  of  raised  lettering,'  and 
in  some  instances  the  spaces  between  the  words  are  filled 
with  grotesque  figures  of  animals  and  flowers.    At  the  end 
of  the  century  the  letters  are  often  crowded  together  and 
consequently  difficult   to  read.     The  Norman-French 
language  and  Lombardic  capitals  go  out  of  use,  and  are 
succeeded  by  Latin  with  the  occasional  use  of  English,'' 
and  Gothic  black-letter  or  church-text.    Arabic  numerals 
exist,  but  are  uncommon.    An  example,  late  in  the  century, 
is  afforded  by  the  brass  of  Thomas  Greville,  Chrysom, 
1892,  at  Stanford  Rivers,  Essex.    The  disagreeable  prac- 
tice, introduced  from  the  Continent,  of  presenting  emaci- 
ated figures  or  skeletons  in  shrouds  is  a  characteristic  of 
this  century,  and  is  sometimes  carried  to  an  unsavoury 
excess.    Examples  are  found  in  the  eastern  counties,  where 
they  show  an  English  individuality  of  treatment.     It  is 
difficult  to  understand  what  satisfaction  such  a  monument 
can  have  given  either  to  the  person  commemorated,  if 
worked  in  his  lifetime,  or  to  his  relatives  after  his  decease. 
It  betrays  an  attitude  of  mind,  which,  though  found  in  so 
eminent  a  person  as  Dr.  Donne,  we  may  hope  has  long 
since  disappeared. 

The  third  period,  in  which  the  similarity  of  design  xvi.  &  xvii. 


'  A  good  example,  of  the  next  century,  is  the  inscription  at  Flam- 
borough,  Yorkshire,  to  Sir  Marmaduke  Constable,  Knt.,  c.  1520. 

2  An  early  example  is  at  Holm-by-the-Sea,  Norfolk  (Kerry  Notingham 
and  wife,  c.  14.05). 



admits  of  the  treatment  of  the  two  centuries  in  one  divi- 
sion, spreads  over  the  reigns  of  the  Tudor  and  Stuart 
Dynasties.  ^  This  is  the  age  of  the  deterioration  of  brasses 
and  of  their  final  extinction  in  the  seventeenth  century ; 
but  in  many  respects  this  decadence  is  important.  As 
already  mentioned,  the  medium  does  not  appear  to  have 
gained  the  sympathy  of  the  best  Renaissance  workmen, 
from  which  fact,  in  England  at  all  events,  brasses  may  be 
defined  as  essentially  Gothic  in  spirit.    The  workmanship, 
with  few  exceptions,  is  much  coarser  and  weaker  than  in 
the  former  periods,  and  the  practice  of  shading  becomes 
an  abuse.    The  quality  of  the  metal,  moreover,  especially 
after  the  reign  of  Elizabeth,  when  it  was  first  manufactured 
in  this  country,  is  much  inferior  to  the  earlier  material, 
being  much  thinner  and  more  easily  worn.    The  erect 
attitude  has  become  the  favourite ;  the  figures  standing  on 
a  marble  pavement  or  low,  rounded  pedestal.  Haines 
observes  (Introduction,  p.  ccxv.)  that  this  attitude  is 
adopted  in  brasses  long  before  it  came  into  use  for  the 
sculptured  effigy.     The  mural  brass  becomes  common, 
frequently  set  in  a  stone  or  marble  framework  of  classical 
design.    In  it  the  deceased  are  often  represented  kneeling 
at  faldstools,  husband  and  wife  facing  each  other  with  their 
sons  and  daughters  grouped  on  either  side  behind  them.' 
It  should  be  noted  that  these  mural  brasses,  which  are  of 
a  moderate  size,  usually  consist  of  a  rectangular  plate,  the 
background  being  filled  in  with  classical  architectural 
details,  armorial  bearings,  etc.    A  certain  lack  of  dignity 
is  often  to  be  seen,  as  in  the  portrayal  of  domestic  events, 
e.g.,  at  Heston,  Middlesex  (Constance,  wife  of  Mordecai 
Bownell,  1581),  or  of  occupations,  as   at  Walton-on- 
Thames,  Surrey  (John  Selwyn,  1587).    Brasses  of  children 
become  common,  and  we  find  the  variety  known  as  the 

'  The  demi-effigy  is  uncommon.  See  mural  brasses  in  York  Minster, 
representing  (i)  Elizabeth  Eynns,  daughter  of  Sir  Edward  Nevell,  one 
of  the  gentlewomen  of  the  privy  chamber  to  Queen  Elizabeth,  1582; 
and  (2)  James  Cotrel,  Esq.,  1595.  Also  at  Little  Warley,  Essex  (Anne 
Tyrrell,  1592). 


■^iHfljjlii' nu'iiiisli'af.- -limliiHnDojBp; 
of  f-f  i  VjiflbMiifin.lUT  Jilt 'n^nci,!!!.  teu; 



Stoke  D'Abernon,  Surrey. 




**chrysom,"  denoting  the  early  death  of  the  infant  in  a 
regenerate  state.    The  influence  of  the  Reformation  is 
quite  as  visible  as  that  of  the  Renaissance.    Of  the  triumph 
of  the  latter,  one  of  the  best  examples  is  the  brass  of  Don 
Parafan  de  Ribera,  Duke  of  Alcala,  at  Seville,  1571.' 
The  influence  of  the  former  gives  us  many  mournful  or 
allegorical  symbols,  which  replace  those  of  an  earlier  age. 
Skulls  and  crossbones,  hour-glasses,  and  other  funeral 
ornaments    succeed    the  evangelistic  symbols,  and  the 
emblems  of  the  Trinity  or  of  the  Passion.    The  Prayer 
for  the  dead  is  omitted  from  the  inscriptions,  which  are 
much  more  ornate  than  in  the  former  periods,  epitaphs 
displaying,  at  times,  elaborate  eulogies,  which  are  as  foreign 
as  possible  to  the  good  taste  and  reticent  simplicity  of  a 
former  age.    There  is,  too,  a  more  pompous  display  of 
heraldry,  the  shield  commonly  being  surmounted  by  an 
elaborate  helmet  and  manding.     English  becomes  the 
usual  language  of  inscriptions,  often  badly  spelt,  though 
Latm  is  frequently  retained  by  the  clergy.    In  the  six- 
teenth century  Roman  capitals  came  into  use.    The  later 
Gothic  canopies  become  very  much  debased;  the  best 
mstances  of  the  Renaissance  style  of  building  occur  on 
Contmental  brasses.     The  class  of  effigies,  described 
above  as  shroud  or  skeleton  brasses,  is  common.    A  dis- 
gusting instance  of  this  unpleasantness  may  be  seen  at 
Oddmgton,  Oxon.,  c.  15 10  (Ralph  Hamsterley,  rector, 
l^eUow  of  Merton  College,  Oxford,  died  151 8). 

In  the  eighteenth  century  there  are  very  few  instances  xvlii.  and 
ot  the  use  of  brass  effigies  for  sepulchral  monuments,  xix.  Centuries 

'  The  inscription  in  Roman  capitals  runs  : — 

"  Hoc  jacet  in  tumulo,  quern  virtus  vexit  ad  astra  : 
Quern  canet  ad  summum  debita  fama  diem. 
Tempore  diverso  duo  regna  amplissima  rexit : 
Barchinoem  juvenis  Parthenopenque  senex. 
Dum  fuit  Eois  fulsit  quasi  sidus  Eoum : 

Dum  fuit  Hesperiis,  Hesperus  alter  erat. 
Flere  nefas  ilium,  qui  foelix  vivit  ubique, 
c  ,         homines  vivus,  mortuus  ante  deos. 

See  Greeny  s  Book  of  Facsimiles  of  Brasses  on  the  Continent. 



Two  occur  at  St.  Mary  Cray,  Kent,  namely  those  of 
Philadelphia  Greenwood,  1747,  and  Benjamin  Greenwood, 
1775.  Although  of  some  interest  as  fashion-plates,  they 
possess  no  artistic  value.  The  revival  of  Gothic  architec- 
ture in  the  nineteeth  century,  aided  by  the  religious 
movement  at  Oxford,  has  resuscitated  an  art  long  dormant. 
Instances  of  good  work  are  not  uncommon.  A  favourite 
form  was  a  cross  engraved  on  a  rectangular  plate ;  but  the 
cross  proper  has  some  representatives  of  merit  in  the 
nave  of  Westminster  Abbey.  Instances  of  effigies  are 
increasing.  A  good  example  of  a  large  brass  is  that  of  the 
Rev.  Richard  Temple  West  {d.  1893)  in  mass  vestments 
in  the  church  of  St.  Mary  Magdalene,  Paddington  : '  of  a 
small  one  that  of  Martin  White  Benson  (1878),  son  of 
Archbishop  Benson,  in  the  cloisters  of  Winchester  College. 
A  fine  brass,  designed  in  the  Flemish  manner  by  E.  R. 
Singer,  is  in  Bristol  Cathedral  (Rev.  Jordan  Roquette 
Palmer-Palmer,  1885).  Both  Haines  and  Creeny  are 
appropriately  commemorated  by  brasses;  the  former  in 
Gloucester  Cathedral,  the  latter  in  St.  Michael-at-Thorn, 

Distribution  The  ncxt  point  for  consideration  is  the  distribution  of 
of  brasses  brasses.  Many  thousands  must  have  existed  in  former 
times  on  the  continent  of  Europe,  as  well  as  in  England, 
of  a  large  proportion  of  which  not  even  matrices  remain. 
Creeny  gave  two  hundred  as  the  probable  limit  to  the 
number  of  brasses  left  on  the  Continent.^  In  England 
more  than  five  thousand  survive,  owing  to  the  preserva- 
tion of  which  the  study  of  brasses  may  be  said  to  have 

1  See  In  Memory  of  the  Rev.  R.  T.  West,  M.J.,  First  Ficar  0/ Saint  Mary 
Magdalene,  Paddington.  A  Description  of  the  Memorial  Brass,  with  illustra- 
tion [by  J.  G.  Wood]. 

2  "  One  small  one  at  Amiens  and  some  few  unimportant  ones  at  Douay 
are  all  that  now  remain  in  that  land  [France].  In  Germany  about 
seventy-five,  and  in  Belgium  about  sixty  or  seventy,  almost  complete  the 
catalogue  "  p  iv.,  Creeny's  book  oi  Facsimiles  of  Monumental  Brasses  on  the 
Continent.  A  few  exist  in  Denmark,  and  at  least  three  are  known  in 


become,  pre-eminently,  an  English  pursuit.  Moreover, 
an  accurate  exploration  of  a  county,  such  as  that  conducted 
by  the  Rev.  Edmund  Farrer  in  Norfolk,  or  that  made  by 
Messrs.  Miller  Christy,  and  W.  W.  Porteous  in  Essex, 
may  be  found  to  increase  very  considerably  the  number 
above  that  given  by  Haines  in  1861.^    Both  in  Scotland 
and  in  Ireland  matrices  occur,  but  brasses  are  very  rare. 
In  the  former  kingdom  there  is  a  mural  brass,  1613,  at 
Aberdeen  ;  another  exists  at  Glasgow,  1 605  ;  a  third  com- 
memorates the  Regent  Murray,  1569-70,  in  St.  Giles's, 
Edinburgh.    In  St.  Patrick's  Cathedral,  Dublin,  are  four 
mural  brasses  ;  in  Christchurch  Cathedral  one.    The  Prin- 
cipality of  Wales  has  preserved  about  a  score.    At  Peel, 
in  the  Isle  of  Man,  is  the  brass  inscription  of  Bishop 
Rutter  (1662).    In  the  Channel  Islands  matrices  may  be 
seen.    The  presence  and  survival  of  so  many  brasses  in 
this  country  may  be  attributed  to  a  superior  stability  of 
government,  and  the  consequent  greater  prosperity  of  the 
nation.    They  are  scattered,  very  unequally,  over  the 
different  counties ;  those  on  the  east  coast  (Kent,  Essex, 
Norfolk,  and  Suffolk)  containing  the  greater  number; 
after  which  come  the  home  counties.    As  a  general  rule, 
the  farther  north  and  west  we  travel,  the  sparser  do  the 
brasses  become,  until  we  find  Northumberland  repre- 
sented by  three  brasses,  one  being  the  Flemish  brass  at 
Newcastle-on-Tyne ;  and  Westmorland  by  but  two  brasses 
bearing  effigies.^    The  chief  cause  of  this  unequal  dis- 
tribution must  be  the  greater  intercourse  of  the  eastern 
counties,  and  of  those  surrounding  London  with  the 
Continent,  and  especially  with  Flanders. 

Brasses  are  of  all  sizes.  The  largest  known  is  that  at 
Schwerin,  representing  Bishops  Godfrey  (13 14)  and 
Frederic  de  Bulowe  (1375),  which  measures  12  ft.  7  in. 

^In  Norfolk,  counting  inscriptions,  over  one  thousand  brasses  are 
known  to  exist ;  in  Essex  nearly  five  hundred. 

Morknd ''^  ^^^^  °"        '^^^''^  °^        Palimpsest  inscription  at 



by  6  ft.  4  in.  Among  the  largest  in  England  is  the  Wal- 
sokne  brass  at  King's  Lynn,  lo  ft.  by  5  ft.  7  in.  The  slab 
at  Durham,  in  which  is  the  matrix  of  Bishop  Beaumont's 
brass  (died  1333),  measures  15  ft.  10  in.  by  9  ft.  7  in. 
One  of  the  smallest  in  existence  must  be  the  mural 
inscription  at  Long  Burton,  Dorset,  commemorating 
Nathaniel  Faireclough,  intruding  Rector  of  Stalbridge, 
1656,  which  is  5J  inches  square.  A  very  diminutive 
effigy  may  be  seen  at  Cheam,  Surrey  (John  Yerd,  c.  1480). 
Some  account  A  large  book  might  be  filled  with  records  of  the 
of  the  treat-     sDoliation  and  misusa^e  to  which  brasses  have  been  sub- 

ment  to  which    .  r  o  •  i  i  c  • 

they  have  been  jcctcd ;  wc  must  be  content  With  a  short  survey  ot  their 
subjected  treatment.  And  we  must  be  grateful  that  Fate  has  dealt 
more  kindly  with  England  than  with  other  countries  in 
this  respect.  If  we  review  the  history  of  Scotland  or  that 
of  France,  it  is  easy  to  find  sufficient  cause  for  the  dis- 
appearance of  sepulchral  monuments.  In  the  latter 
country,  indeed,  in  a  great  many  cases  what  religious 
fanaticism  spared  in  the  sixteenth,  the  Revolution  of  the 
end  of  the  eighteenth  century  destroyed.' 

In  Pre-Reformation  times,  moreover,  it  is  not  impro- 
bable that  the  tomb  of  a  benefactor  or  illustrious  personage 
may  have  usurped  the  burial-place  of  some  humbler  indi- 
vidual ;  since  interments  in  their  churches  became  a  source 
of  emolument  to  the  monastic  orders.^  But  the  extent  of 
such  transactions  must  have  been  trifling  when  compared 
with  the  havoc  wrought  in  the  sixteenth  century.  The 

1  Many  of  the  monuments  no  longer  in  existence  are  described  and 
engraved  in  Montfaucon.  We  have  already  referred  (p.  7,  note  3)  to  the 
Collection  of  Drawings,  made  under  the  supervision  of  M.  de  Gaignidres, 
c.  1 700,  and  now  preserved  in  the  Bodleian  Library. 

2  "  And  in  beldyng  of  toumbes 

Thei  traveileth  grete, 

To  chargen  her  cherche  flore 

And  chaungen  it  ofte."  (Referring  to  the  Friars.) 
lines  997-1000,  The  Creed  of  Piers  Ploughman.  S^^The  Vision  and 
Creed  of  Piers  Ploughman,  edited  by  Thomas  Wright,  M.A.,  F.S.A. 
London,  1856.    Vol.  IL  (2nd  edition),  p.  480. 



suppression  by  Henry  VIII.,  in    1536,  of  the  lesser 
monasteries,  followed,  in  1539,  by  that  of  their  more 
wealthy  brethren,  whatever  political  justification  may  sup- 
port it,  can  only  be  regarded  by  the  antiquary  as  an  almost 
incalculable  calamity.    With  the  destruction  of  the  re- 
ligious houses  their  monuments  disappeared,  except  in 
those  cases  in  which  the  preservation  of  a  portion  of  the 
fabric  was  due  to  the  grant  of  its  use  as  a  parish  church. 
For,  the  laton  being  a  marketable  metal,  all  orders  of  the 
realm  were  not  slow  to  follow  the  example  of  greed  and 
rapine,  set  by  the  king  and  his  commissioners.    The  class 
of  brasses  known  as  ''Palimpsest^'  of  which  we  treat  below, 
was  largely  added  to  at  this  time,  an  old  brass  being 
bought  and  then  adapted  or  re-engraved  to  suit  the  taste 
or  purpose  of  the  purchaser.    Sometimes,  not  only  the 
brass,  but  the  slab  in  which  it  was  laid,  was  taken. 
Gough,^  quoting  Blomfield,  records  that  Robert,  Earl  of 
Sussex,  paved  his  hall,  kitchen,  and  larder  with  the  slabs 
contaming  brasses  taken  from  the  chancel  of  Attleborough 
Church,  Norfolk,  granted  him  by  the  king  at  the  dissolu- 
tion of  the  college.    Gough  also^  cites  a  document,  then 
in  the  Augmentation  Office,  giving  particulars  of  the  sale 
of  monastic  property,  1538-9  : — 

"  County  of  Warwick,  Mirival,  six  gravestones  with 
brasses  on  them,  5J. 

"  County  of  Stafford,  Darley,  the  tombs  and  grave- 
stones with  the  metal  on  them,  and  roof  of  the  church 
isles,  etc.,  sold  for  lio^  ' 

In  Nichols'   Leicestershire,^  is  an   extract   from  the 
Churchwardens'  Accounts  of  St.  Martin's,  Leicester,  i  C47 
TTt  ^L""^^"'''     follows:-" By  the  commandment 
ot  Mr.  Mayor  and  his  brethren,  according  to  the  King's 

^  Sepulchral  Monuments,  Vol.  I.,  Part  I.,  p.  cxxii. 
^  The  same,  p.  cxx. 

3  Vol.  I.,  pp.  570-71. 

4  pp.  cxlii.-iii.,  Introduction. 


"Injunctions,  in  the  year  of  our  Lord  1546,  and  the  first 
"  year  of  the  reign  of  Edward  the  Sixth,  .  •  .  Four 
"  hundred  and  a  quarter  of  brass  was  sold  for  1 9J.  per  cwt. 
"to  one  man;  and  three  hundred  weight  and  three 
"  quarters  was  sold  to  another  at  the  same  price,  and  one 
"  hundred  to  William  Taylor."  ' 

Throughout  the  short  reign  of  Edward  VI.  many  monu- 
ments must  have  fallen  a  prey  to  reforming  zeal.  At 
Wigtoft,  in  Lincolnshire,  in  1550,  85.       was  given  for 
"  xxiii  stone  of  leten,"  and  Gough  relates  ^  that  when  the 
materials  of  St.  Andrew's  Church,  Lincoln,  were  sold  in 
155 1,  the  plate  in  the  chapel  with  the  plate  of  other  stones 
in  the  church  was  valued  at  40J.    The  destruction  of 
monuments  must  have  received  some  check  from  the 
short  counter-reformation  of  the  next  reign;  but  when 
Elizabeth  ascended  the  throne  it  seems  to  have  been  m 
baneful  progress,  as  we  find  from  the  account  given  by 
Weever  in  his  Ancient  Funeral  Monuments,  1631  ;  so  much 
so  that  the  queen  issued  a  proclamation  in  1560,  to  put  an 
end  to  this  wanton  practice  ;3  but  in  spite  of  her  efforts 
we  find,  in  1579,  Dean  Whittingham  of  Durham  appro- 
priating to  his  use  many  of  the  slabs  in  that  cathedral. 
Indeed,  so  constantly  must  the  war  against  valuable  monu- 
ments have  been  waged  that  we  find  at  Horshill,  Surrey, 
in  1603,  inscriptions  to  John  Fayth  and  Thomas  Sutton, 
ending    "Gentle  reader,  deface  not  this  stone  ";-*  and 
Haines  cites '  the  will  of  Archbishop  Harsnett,  February 
I  -^th,  1 630-1,  which  gave  suitable  directions  for  the  proper 
fa'stening  of  his  brass  in  Chigwell  Church,  Essex. 

In  the  period  of  the  Civil  War  and  Commonwealth 
brasses  fared  badly.    -  The  Journal  of  William  Dowsing, 

I  The  Churchwardens'  Accounts  of  St.  Thomas  the  Martyr,  Salisbury, 
reveal  a  similar  transaction  at  the  rate  of  18..  the  hundred. 
^Sepulchral  Monuments,  Vol.  I.,  Part  I.,  p.  cxxi. 

3  See  Appendix.  .    ,  .  o 

\See  "  Horsell  Church,"  by  Thomas  Milbourn,  Architect,  Surrey 
Archaologicd  Collections,  V*ol.  VII.,  1880,  p.  152. 
5  Introduction,  p.  ccliii. 


"  of  Stratford,  Parliamentary  Visitor  appointed  under  a 
"warrant  from  the  Earl  of  Manchester  for  demolishing 
"  the  superstitious  Pictures  and  Ornaments  of  Churches, 
"  etc.,  within  the  County  of  SuiFolk  in  the  Years  1643  and 
"  1 644,"  ^  shows  us  what  damage  that  pestilent  fanatic 
wrought  in  one  county.  His  attention  seems  to  have  been 
specially  directed  against  inscriptions  of  the  "ora  pro  nobis  " 
type,  and  the  comely  elevation  of  the  altar  above  the  level 
of  the  body  of  the  church  seems  to  have  been  a  great  offence 
in  his  eyes  : — 

"Alhallows,  Sudbury,  Jan.  the  9**^  [1643].  We  brake 
"  about  twenty  superstitious  pictures  and  took  up  thirty 
"brazen  superstitious  inscriptions,  '  ora  pro  nobis'  and 
"  *  Pray  for  the  soul,'  etc. 

At  Orford,  January  2 5th  :  «  Eleven  popish  inscriptions 
in  brass." 

_  At  Wetherden,  February  5th :  "  there  was  taken  up 
nmeteen  superstitious  inscriptions  that  weighed  sixty-five 
pounds."  ^ 

In  all  nearly  two  hundred  brass  inscriptions  must  have 
been  subjected  to  the  rigour  of  his  intolerance.^ 

Other  instances  could  be  multiplied.  The  Church- 
wardens of  St.  Margaret's,  Westminster,  in  1644,  received 
13J.  6^.  "for  29  pound  of  fine  brass  at  4^.  a  pound 
and  96  pound  of  coarse  brasse  at  3^.  a  pound  taken  off 
trom  sundrie  tombe-stones  in  the  Church."  At  Christ- 
church,  m  Hampshire,  March  30th,  1657,  the  Church- 
wardens were  ordered  to  "  deliver  unto  Mrs.  Hildesley 
or  her  Assignes  one  Marble  Stone,  now  lying  in  the  East 
end  of  the  church  being  loose." 

The  cathedral  churches  suffered  much  during  the 

^  See  "A  true  copy  of  a  Manuscript  found  in  the  library  of  Mr 
DoTst?rn\f r"^"  FatherTwill^f^ 

lo  tTuHdinr^  t'lP''  ^'^"'^  D-;t?Sb^.'triibt  iV 


seventeenth  century.  At  Lincoln,  where  but  one  small 
brass,  engraved  with  a  coat  of  arms,  remains,  in  1 7 1 8  we 
find  Browne  Willis  counting  207  "  gravestones  that  had 
been  stript  of  their  brasses  ;  "  though,  fortunately,  Gough 
adds,'  "the  better  half  of  them  preserved  in  Bishop 
Sanderson's  MS.  account  of  the  monuments  there,  and 
printed  in  Peck's  Desiderata  Curiosa"  Durham  has  been 
thrice  despoiled.  First,  under  the  authority  of  Dean 
Whittingham,  1563-79,  who  "defaced  all  such  stones  as 
had  any  picture  of  brass  or  other  imagery  work." 
Secondly,  by  the  Scots  in  1640.  Thirdly,  by  the  destruc- 
tion of  the  Chapter  House  in  1799.' 

In  the  eighteenth  century,  not  infrequently,  the  clergy, 
when  non-resident,  left  the  care  of  the  church  fabric  in 
the  hands  of  ignorant  local  agents  and  churchwardens, 
whose  contempt  for  anything  inexplicable  by  them,  must 
have  greatly  aided  the  disappearance  of  brasses  by  more 
or  less  dishonourable  means.  Gough  writes — "In  the 
"  body  of  York  Cathedral,  of  an  hundred  and  thirteen 
"  epitaphs,  not  twenty  were  left  at  the  time  of  new  paving, 
"  1734,  and  half  of  these  were  cut  in  stone,  which  plainly 
"proves  that  the  poor  lucre  of  the  brass  was  the  great 
"  motive  to  the  defacing  these  venerable  remains  of  an- 
"tiquity.  Of  fifty-two  epitaphs  in  the  church,  which 
"  Mr.  Drake  gives,  near  thirty  were  entire  and  legible 
"  before  the  above  paving,  being  preserved  by  the  doors 
"  being  kept  shut."  A  like  fate  befel  the  brasses^  at 
Hereford  at  the  hands  of  workmen  engaged  in  repairing 
the  west  front.  The  following  quotation shows  what 
happened  at  King's  Lynn  : — 

I  Sepulchral  Monuments,  Vol.  I.,  Part  I.,  p.  cxx. 

""See  V  339»  Transactions  of  the  Monumental  Brass  Society,  Vol.  II.; 
pp.  338-42,  Durham  Cathedral:  An  Account  of  the  Lost  Brasses,  by  R.  A.  S. 
Macalister  and  H.  Eardley  Field. 

3  Sepulchral  Monuments,  Vol.  I.,  Part  I.,  p.  cxx. 

4  See  Transactions  of  the  Monumental  Brass  Society,  Vol.  II.,  p.  57-  "A 
list  of  Brasses  existing  in  the  Churches  of  St.  Margaret  and  St.  Nicholas, 
King's  Lynn,  in  the  year  1724,"  by  E.  M.  Beloe,  junr. 



"  17th  lune,  1742  :  resolved  that  eighteenpence  be  paid 
to  the  contractors  for  every  grave  stone  they  have 
taken  up." 

1 6th  May,  1746,  "it  was  ordered  that  the  old  Brass 
and  old  Iron  be  immediately  sold  by  the  Churchwardens." 

From  the  same  place  the  fine  Flemish  brass  of  Robert 
Attelath  and  lohanna  his  wife  {^see  p.  49)  was  taken 
some  time  before  18 13,  and  sold  to  a  brassfounder  for  five 

In  the  collection  of  impressions  made  by  Craven  Ord 
and  now  in  the  British  Museum,  is  one  of  a  knight  (Sir 
Miles  Stapleton,  c.  1400)  from  Ingham  Church,  Norfolk.^ 
Cotman  says "In  1800  the  chancel  at  Ingham  was 
"  completely  swept  of  all  its  beautiful  memorials  of  the 
"  Stapleton  family.    They  were  sold  as  old  metal,  and  it 
"was  commonly  reported  by  whom  they  were  sold  and 
"  bought ;  but  nobody  sought  to  recover  them  :  neither 
"mmister  nor  churchwarden  cared  for  any  of  those  things  " 
A  similar  fate  overtook  the  brasses  at  Sheepy  Magna 
Leicestershire,  in  1778.    It  is  not  uncommon  to  find  de- 
spoiled slabs  used  again,  without  compunction,  as  tomb- 
stones, as  at  Christchurch,  Hants.    Probably,  in  course  of 
time  many  slabs  will  be  discovered  to  have  been  turned 
over,  in  some  cases,  even,  retaining  their  brasses.  Amon^ 
the  uses  to  which  brasses  have  been  put  may  be  mentioned 
the  following  :-At  Meopham,  Kent,3  they  were  added  to 
the  metal  of  the  bells  when  these  were  recast.    At  Luton 
^eds,  they  were  melted  down,  to  make  a  chandelier.  At 
Koyston,  Herts,  an  inscription  was  found  employed  as  a 
door-scraper.  ^  ^ 

The  revival  of  interest  in  brasses,  which  has  taken  place 

c2c^rstT\x    m'TT  ^-^^f^^-'t^  ^-ociatlon  of  Brass 

^^'^T^^^^^  '^^'^  ^^^^''-^  -  Norfolk, 

^See  Cough's  Sepulchral  Monuments,  Vol.  I.,  Part  I.,  p.  cxx. 



during  the  nineteenth  century,  has  led  in  many  parts  of 
the  country  to  the  exercise  of  an  intelligent  care  for  the 
well-being  of  these  monuments.  But,  in  spite  of  good 
work  done,  there  are  only  too  many  instances  to  record  of 
irreparable  damage  wrought  by  deliberate  dishonesty,  by 
ignorant  carelessness,  or  by  an  injudicious  and  misdirected 
zeal.  Losses  by  theft  have  been  far  too  frequent/  In 
1857  the  important  brasses  at  Oulton,  Suffolk,  were 
stolen.  In  August,  1 8  8  9,  two  of  the  Washington  brasses 
were  stolen  from  Sulgrave  Church,  Northants.^  At 
Wicken,  Cambs.,  the  effigy  of  John  Peyton,  c.  1520,  was 
taken,  the  thief  fortunately  leaving  the  inscription.  _ 

The  mania  for  restoration,  consequent  on  the  revival  ot 
Gothic  architecture  in  the  middle  of  the  century,  and  the 
demolition  of  churches  have  contributed  their  share  to  the 
causes  of  the  mutilation  and  disappearance  of  brasses. 
The  GifFard  brass  suffered  severely  when  the  church  ot 
Bowers  Giffard,  Essex,  was  rebuilt  in  1830.    The  brasses 
in  St.  Mary  Magdalene,  Canterbury,  were  lost  when  that 
church  was  pulled  down  in  1871  ;  those  at  Chipping 
Norton,  Oxon,  have  been  much  disturbed  and  shame- 
fully treated.3    At  St.  John's  College,  Cambridge,  a  brass 
from  the  old  chapel  is  now  fixed  to  the  wall  in  the  new 
building;  the  slab  from  which  it  was  taken  lying  ex- 
posed to  the  weather  in  the  court.    In  several  churches 
alterations  have  been  made  detrimental  to  the  objects  of 

I  When  such  occur  the  Incumbent  should  make  every  effort  in  his 
power  to  recover  the  Church  property,  as  becomes  "  a  good  steward 
This  we  fear,  in  some  cases,  has  not  been  done.    We  have  seen  it  stated 
;ha  bra  ses  are  sold  for  large  sums  in  America,  a  fact  that  reflects  nothmg 
but  dishonour  on  the  parties  to  such  sordid  and  questionable  proceedmgs 
™s  hou"d  set  the  clergy  and  their  officials  on  their  guard;  the  loss  of 
a  brass  should  be  made  an  occasion  for  the  exercise  of  archidiaconal 
functions.  .  . 

^See  the  correspondence  in  the  Standard  newspaper,  beginning  in 
August  and  continuing  throughout  September,  1889. 

3  W  the  Rev  H.  W.  Macklin's  List,  in  the  Transactions  of  the  Cambridge 
UniversUyLdation  of  Brass  Collectors,  No.  VII.,  February,  1900,  P-  H- 


our  care,  such  as  the  removal  of  portions  of  monuments 
the  concealing  of  brasses  under  organs,  pews,  or  stoves' 
and  the  unscholarly,  and  truly  feminine  desire  for  uni- 
formity of  pavement  and  for  general,  so-called,  tidiness, 
including  frequently  much  ecclesiastical  upholstery.  We 
may  hope  that  these  exhibitions  of  bad  taste  are  not  on 
the  increase.  It  would  be  unreasonable  to  demand  the 
same  high  level  of  intelligence  from  all  the  clergy;  but 
where  such  lapses  occur,  quis  custodiet  custodes? 

We  have,  however,  much  cause  to  be  thankful  that 
several  discoveries  have  been  made,  leading  to  the  restora- 
tion of  brasses  to  their  churches,  or  to  the  removal  of  the 
obstructions  that  have  concealed  them.    A  notable  example 
is  that  of  the  brass  of  Bishop  Bell,  of  Worcester  (d.  icr6) 
in  St.  James's,  Clerkenwell.    On  the  destruction  of  the 
old  church  in  1788,  the  brass  was  sold,  coming  into  the 
possession  of  Richard  Gough,  the  antiquary,  and  later  of 
Mr  J.  B.  Nichols,  till,  in  1884,  it  was  placed  on  the  wall 
ot  the  present  church  at  the  expense  of  the  late  Mr.  Stephen 
Tucker,  Somerset  Herald.    The  discovery  at  Roding  in 
Essex,  of  the  Borrell  brass,  long  lost  from  Broxbourne, 
Herts,  led  to  its  return.    At  Aldermaston,  Berks,  three 
brasses  were  found  beneath  the  floor  of  the  Forster  chapel 
A  hne  mihtary  effigy,  1408,  was  discovered  in  1804' 
beneath  pews  in  Otterden  Church,  Kent. 

We  must  not  leave  unnoticed  the  practice  that  has 
grown  of  late  years,  usually  during  the  "restoration"  of 
a  church,  of  taking  a  brass  from  its  slab  on  the  floor  and 
placing  It  against  the  wall.  This  seems  to  us  justifiable 
only  in  extreme  cases,  in  which  it  is  the  sole  means  of 
preserving  brasses,  and  in  that  of  "palimpsests"  (see  p.  41) 

lould  no^b  'T'''^'  monument,  tnd 

should  not  be  separated.  Together,  and  in  their  or  ginal 
position  and  state,^  they  often  form  valuable  histoHcal 

r:r^r:-.^i:::.X  "-LetrellT^  of  architecture  or  of  archaeological 

weight  with'the  '  °^ 



evidence.  The  Purbeck  marble,  frequently,  is  very 
beautiful,  forming  a  fine  setting  and  background  for  the 
metal  plate ;  indeed,  the  position  of  the  brass  on  the  slab 
is  the  result  of  design.  It  is,  therefore,  well-nigh  as  un- 
reasonable to  remove  a  brass  from  its  original  slab,  as  it 
would  be  considered  to  cut  out  the  background  of  a 
portrait,  leaving  only  the  figure  intact.  Moreover,  the 
fixing  of  a  brass  on  the  wall  often  leads  to  the  disappear- 
ance of  the  slab,  and  to  the  impossibility  of  finding  the 
original  site  of  the  brass.  But  if  removal  to  the  wall  has 
become  indispensable,  the  whole  monument  should,  with 
the  utmost  care  to  prevent  damage,  be  taken  up  and  fixed 
in  the  wall ;  for  a  brass,  if  fastened  to  the  plaster,  may  be 
injured  by  corrosion  from  the  lime.  At  Cheriton,  Kent, 
a  small  slab  has  been  placed  in  the  floor  to  indicate  the 
original  site  of  a  brass,  removed  to  the  wall. 

But  it  seems  to  us  that  there  are  few  churches  in  which 
the  space,  occupied  by  the  brasses  in  their  position  on  the 
floor,  cannot,  with  a  little  consideration,  be  spared  to 
them ;  to  say  nothing  of  a  sentiment  of  reverence,  pro- 
ducing a  disinclination  to  disturb  a  tomb.    Besides  which 
we  know  that  mural  brasses  were  not  in  general  use  before 
the  sixteenth  century,  and  should  be  careful  not  to  be 
guilty  of  a  kind  of  anachronism  in  dealing  with  those  of 
an  earlier  date.    The  preservation  of  the  brass  with  its 
slab  can  easily  be  secured,  and  at  much  less  expense  than 
by  its  removal  to  the  wall— by  placing  a  rope-rail  round 
it  or  even  by  covering  it  with  a  piece  of  matting  or  carpet ; 
though,  in  the  case  of  the  adoption  of  the  latter  expedient, 
the  dust  that  accumulates  beneath  the  covering  should  be 
frequently  and  regularly  removed. 

If  placed  on  the  wall,  a  brass  should  be  fixed  at  no 
great  distance  from  the  ground.  When  fastened  at  a 
height  like  that  of  the  Beauchamp  brass  at  Warwick,  or, 
in  a  less  degree,  like  the  brass  at  Aldborough,  near 
Boroughbridge,  Yorkshire,  great  difficulty  is  experienced 
in  examining  it  at  all  thoroughly,  and,  as  a  memorial,  its 
value  is  obviously  decreased. 



Before  passing  to  the  consideration  of  "  Palimpsests," 
we  may  mention  that  several  restorations  have  been  carried 
out  with  much  care  and  ability  during  the  nineteenth  cen- 
tury by  the  Messrs.  Waller  and  others.  A  good  example 
is  furnished  by  Winchester  College  Chapel,  where  the 
brasses,  the  originals  of  which  disappeared  in  1877,  faith- 
fully reproduced  from  rubbings,  were  laid  down  in  1882, 
at  the  expense  and  under  the  supervision  of  Dr.  Fresh- 

The  term  ''Palimpsest^' '  first  employed  for  this  purpose  palimpsest 
by  the  late  Mr.  Albert  Way,  has  become  so  generally  ^^^^^^^ 
used  of  a  brass  appropriated  for  other  than  the  person 
originally  commemorated,  that  it  might  appear  pedantic 
to  discard  it.  At  the  same  time,  strictly  speaking,  its  use 
is  only  justifiable  in  the  case  of  very  few  and  exceptional 
monuments.  Terms  such  as  "  retroscript^'  "  rescript^'  "  re- 
-versed;'  ''adapted,''  seem  better  suited  accurately  to  describe 
the  condition  of  the  brass ;  but  for  our  present  purpose 
we  will  retain  the  word  "  Palimpsest,"  contenting  ourselves 
with  pointing  out  where  the  term  is  applied  more  or  less 

Three  classes  of  Palimpsest  may  be  said  to  exist :— ^      Three  classes 

I.  In  which  the  brass  plate,  turned  over,  is  re-engraved  ^'p'""^^''"' 
and  again  laid  down. 

'"iraXif^xprtfTTOQ  (i^^w)  scratched  or  scraped  again  ;  usually  of  parch- 
ment from  which  one  writing  has  been  erased  to  make  room  for  another  " 


^The  best  authority  on  this  subject  is,  «  A  List  of  Palimpsest  Brasses 
compiled  by  Mill  Stephenson,  F.S.A.,"  in  Vol.  IV.  of  theXlf/  ^^ 

-thi^r      '''u         Appropriated  and  converted  brasses.    B.  Brasses 

-dS  oTeZv  C''  ^T'-^^'^S^  ^^^g""--'  inscriptions,  etc 

either  of  English  or  foreign  workmanship.    This  class  mav  he  .nb 
divided  into  three  heads :  (i)  Wasters  froS.  the  workshop  ^'(.)%p'u 

country.    (3)  Imported  plate  and  spo    from  the  destrurtinn  nf  f-K« 
"religious  houses  in  the  Low  Countries  »    P  .26  Vol  TV   t  . 
^/Monun^enfat  Brass  Society  (Part  8,  Oct ber,  1903).        ^^"^  ^'^^'^'''^""^ 



2.  In  which  the  original  engraving  is  altered,  without 
reversing  the  plate. 

3.  In  which  the  original  effigy  is  appropriated  either 
entirely  or  in  part,  a  new  inscription  replacing  the  true  one. 

Cases  are  known  in  which  two  or  even  three  of  these 
classes  are  represented  in  one  monument. 

(1)  Of  the  first  class  many  examples  are  known,  and 
probably  many  more  will  be  discovered  as  from  time  to 
time  brasses  become  unfixed  from  their  slabs.  Sometimes 
we  find  the  whole  original  memorial  reversed,  as  in  the 
case  of  that  of  Amphillis  Peckham,  1545,  at  Denham, 
Bucks,  in  which  a  fifteenth-century  effigy,  representing 
John  Pyke,  probably  a  schoolmaster,  an  inscription  to  his 
memory,  and  a  shield  have,  all  three,  been  reversed  to 
form  a  memorial  for  that  lady.'  In  other  cases  part  only 
of  the  original  is  used,  or  the  whole  of  the  original  forms 
a  part  of  a  later  memorial,  as  at  Denchworth,  Berks,  where 
the  reverse  of  the  inscription  below  the  effigies  of  William 
Hyde,  1557,  and  wife,  records  the  laying  of  the  founda- 
tion-stone of  Bisham  Priory  by  Edward  III.  {see  p.  21); 
or  the  figure  is  mutilated  to  suit  the  outline  of  the  usurp- 
ing effigy,  as  at  Fryerning,  Essex,  c.  1560;  or  the  later 
brass  is  made  up  of  pieces  of  others,  frequently  of  Flemish 
design,^  in  which  case  it  is  often  difficult  to  decide  whether 
the  fragments  are  parts  of  memorials,  once  in  proper 
position,  or  merely  the  waste  from  the  engraver's  work- 
shop. A  good  example  of  a  brass  composed  from  pieces 
of  others,  probably  brought  from  Bury  St.  Edmund's 
Abbey,  is  that  of  Margaret  Bulstrode,  1540,  at  Hedgerley, 
Bucks.  Another  is  to  be  seen  at  St.  Lawrence's,  Reading, 
composed  of  portions  of  that  of  Sir  John  Popham,  1463. 

(2)  Examples  of  the  second  class  are  rare,  in  spite  of 
the  fact  that  it  is  the  only  one  which  can  be  said  to  affi^rd 

1  Illustrated  in  the  Proceedings  of  the  Society  of  Antiquaries y  2nd  Series, 
Vol.  XV. 

2  For  Flemish  palimpsest  fragments,  see  below,  p.  44. 



a  sufficient  analogy  to  the  palimpsest  manuscript,  to  make 
the  use  of  the  term  a  scholarly  one.  The  best  instance  is 
that  at  Waterpery,  Oxon  (Walter  Curzon,  Esq.,  and  wife, 
1527),  in  which  the  details  of  the  armour  have  been  altered 
to  suit  the  fashion  of  a  period  nearly  a  hundred  years  later 
than  that  of  the  original  brass. ^  Another  interesting 
specimen,  now  practically  destroyed,  was  that  at  Okeover, 
Staffs,  to  Humphrey  Oker,  Esq.  (1538),  his  wife  and 
children ;  curious,  moreover,  as  belonging  to  all  three 
classes.  The  brass  appears  to  have  been  that  of  William, 
Lord  Zouch,  and  his  two  wives  (c.  1447),  beneath  a  triple 
canopy.  The  central  figure  was  altered  by  the  addition  of 
a  tabard  over  the  plate  armour ;  the  figure  of  one  Lady 
Zouch  left  untouched  (class  3)  to  represent  Oker's  wife ; 
that  of  the  other  reversed  and  engraved  with  figures  of 
the  children  and  arms  of  the  appropriator ;  whilst  other 
shields  were  inserted  in  the  canopy.^  At  Chalfont  St. 
Peter,  Bucks,  is  the  effigy  of  a  priest,  c.  1440.  This  has 
been  altered  by  shading  and  by  rounding  the  pointed  toes, 
and  furnished  with  a  fresh  inscription  attributing  the 
memorial  to  Robert  Hanson,  vicar  of  that  place  and  of 
Little  Missenden,  who  died  1545. 

(3)  The  third  class,  in  which  the  original  brass  is  adapted 
with  as  little  expense  as  credit  to  the  requirements  of  a 
later  monument,  by  merely  adding  a  new  inscription  in 

^  See  Haines'  Introduction,  p.  xlviii,    *'  In  the  male  figure  a  new  head 
"  and  shoulders  have  been  substituted  for  the  original ;  a  skirt  of  plate 
"  armour  has  been  altered  into  mail,  the  plates  in  front  of  the  armpits  have 
"been  partially  erased,  additional  defences  placed  over  the  breastplate, 
**  gussets  of  mail  added  at  the  insteps,  the  pointed  toes  rounded,  and  the 
various  edges  of  the  armour  invecked  and  shaded  :  in  the  lady's  figure 
the  upper  half  is  a  fresh  plate,  or  the  old  one  reversed ;  the  lower  half 
engraving  of  the  original  brass,  altered  by  the  addition  of 
shading  and  an  ornament  suspended  by  a  chain." 

=^5^^  illustrations  in  the  Portfolio  of  the  Oxford  University  Brass-Rubbing 
Society,  Part  I.,  February,  1898,  and  in  the  Portfolio  of  the  Monumental  Brass 
Society,  Vol.  I. 



place  of  the  old,  is  represented  by  several  examples.  At 
Bromham,  Beds,  the  brass,  attributed  to  Thomas  Widville, 
1435,  two  wives,  was,  by  the  substitution  of  a 

different  inscription,  used  to  commemorate  Sir  John  Dyve, 
1535,  with  his  mother  and  wife.  Among  other  instances 
we  may  mention  the  Dalison  brass  at  Laughton,  Lines 
{c.  1400  and  1549),  and  the  Wybarne  brass  at  Ticehurst, 
Sussex  {c.  1370  and  15 10).  A  curious  case  of  adaptation 
occurs  at  Hampsthwaite,  near  Ripley,  W.  Yorks,  where 
the  small  brass  of  a  civilian  of  the  fourteeth  century  has 
been  converted  to  the  use  of  another  some  two  hundred 
years  later,  by  the  simple  expedient  of  cutting  an  inscrip- 
tion across  the  figure,  "  Prayse  god  for  ye  |  soule  of  Ad 
dyxon  |  Uncle  to  |  vycar  |  dyxon  |  Aug  18  |  1570." 

The  chief  cause  of  the  existence  of  these  so-called 
Palimpsest  brasses  was,  undoubtedly,  the  spoliation  con- 
sequent on  the  suppression  of  the  monasteries.  This  is 
sufficiently  proved  by  the  fact  that  the  greater  part  of  the 
obverse  figures  or  inscriptions  belong  to  the  sixteenth 
century,  and  that  they  disclose  when  reversed  older  en- 
gravings, which  may  be  taken  for  genuine  memorials  torn 
from  their  original  positions.  "  Palimpsests  "  previous  in 
date  to  the  Dissolution  are  uncommon,  and,  when  they 
occur,  must  be  attributed  either  to  dishonesty  or  to  errors 
in  workmanship,  the  latter  explanation  probably  being 
correct,  when  the  two  engravings  are  of  about  the  same 
date.  An  example  may  be  seen  at  St.  Albans,  where  part 
of  the  figure  of  an  abbot,  attributed  to  John  de  la  Moote, 
c.  1400,  shows,  when  ireversed,  the  lower  half  of  a  female 
figure  with  a  dog  at  the  feet.  At  the  Temple  Church, 
Bristol,  is  the  figure  of  a  priest  vested  in  cassock,  surplice, 
and  cope,  c.  1460,  the  reverse  of  which  reveals  the  figure 
of  a  widow  of  similar  date.  In  St.  Margaret's,  Rochester, 
the  half-length  figure  of  Thomas  Cod,  Vicar,  1465,  vested 
in  cassock,  surplice,  amice,  and  cope,  when  reversed  shows 
a  figure  similarly  vested,  with  the  exception  that  an  almuce 
takes  the  place  of  the  amice.    This  alteration  probably  was 



effected  soon  after  his  death,  if  not  before  that  event. 
But  the  most  remarkable  example  of  alteration  is  that  at 
Burwell,  Cambridgeshire,  in  the  brass,  commemorating  in 
all  probability,  John  Laurence  de  Wardeboys,  last  Abbot  of 
Ramsey,  Hunts  (i  508-1 539,  died  1 542),  He  was  origin- 
ally represented,  probably  during  his  lifetime  and  under 
his  own  supervision,  in  full  vestments  befitting  his  rank, 
the  lower  part  of  the  figure  revealing  these  when  reversed. 
But  owing,  very  possibly,  to  prudential  reasons,  either  by 
his  directions  or  those  of  his  executors,  the  figure  was 
altered  to  that  of  a  canon  in  cassock,  surplice,  and  almuce, 
the  upper  part  of  the  figure  being  engraved  on  a  new 
plate,  since  the  old  piece  |must  have  been  unsuitable  for 
turning  owing  to  the  mitre  and  other  differences  of 
costume  affecting  the  outline.  A  fine  triple  canopy 
originally  completed  the  design,  but  of  this  only  the 
central  pediment  remains,  on  the  reverse  of  which  por- 
tions of  an  early  engraving  (c.  1320?)  are  found,  ap- 
parently representing  a  deacon,  vested  in  amice,  dalmatic 
and  maniple. 

Occasionally  a  brass  may  be  suspected  of  being  palimp- 
sest, if  it  is  a  thick  piece  of  metal,  whilst  its  date  is  later 
than  the  first  quarter  of  the  sixteenth  century,  since  the 
later  sheets  of  brass  used  were  thin  and  very  inferior  in 
quality  to  those  of  a  former  period.  When  found  to  be 
palimpsest  a  brass  should  not  be  fixed  either  on  its  slab 
or  on  the  wall,  so  as  to  prevent  the  reverse  from  being 
seen,  but  should  be  fastened  by  means  of  screws,  or  placed 
in  a  hinged  frame,  in  order  to  make  it  accessible  for  in- 
spection. ^  This  may  appear  a  violation  of  what  we  have 
already  laid  down  as  to  the  undesirability  of  unfastening 
brasses  from  their  slabs;  but  in  the  case  of  paHmpsests 
it  seems  but  a  tardy  act  of  justice  to  the  person  originally 
commemorated.  Indeed,  could  we  be  sure  that  they 
would  receive  skilful  and  harmless  treatment  in  the 
process,  we  should  hail  a  systematic  examination  of 
the  reverse  of  every  brass  and  slab  in  the  kingdom.  For 
thereby  much  valuable  information  would  be  gained,  and 



any  doubts  as  to  the  palimpsest  nature  of  a  brass  finally 
set  at  rest.'  ^ 

braS  estimate  with  any  degree  of  accuracy  all  the  influ- 

ences which  continental  art  may  have  exercised  over 
English  brass  engraving  would  be  no  easy  task.    But  we 
are  fortunate  in  possessing  in  England  some  specimens  of 
a  style  which  is  as  superior  to  as  it  is  difl^erent  from  the 
ordinary  work  of  the  English  school.    This  style,  from 
the  position  of  similar  work  in  Europe,  is  known  as  that 
of  the  Flemish  school — and,  as  from  its  marked  charac- 
teristics it  is^  easily  recognized,  we  are  able  to  attribute  to 
it,  with  certainty,  a  few  brasses  now  existing  in  this  country. 
Belonging  to  the  fourteenth  century,  and,  in  England, 
speaking  broadly,  attributable  to  the  reign  of  Edward  III., 
they  illustrate  in  a  signal  way,  and  form  a  most  appropriate 
accompaniment  to  the  most  beautiful,  as,  indeed,  the  most 
ornate,  period  of  Gothic  architecture,  constituting  a  series 
of  designs  of  remarkable  richness,  ere  the  fifteenth  century 
ushered  in  the  Perpendicular  style.    In  enumerating  these 
Flemish  brasses  it  is  more  than  ever  necessary  to  bear  in 
mind  that  the  date  given  on  the  brass,  though  doubtless  a 
trustworthy  genealogical  statement,  is  at  the  same  time  but 
an  approximate  date  to  which  the  engraving  of  the  work 
may  be  attributed.    The  style  of  treatment  is  the  surest 
guide.    For  the  practice,  instances  of  which  occur  in  all 
ages,  of  the  person  commemorated  personally  superin- 
tending the  execution  of  his  memorial,  is  sufficient  indica- 
tion that  in  many  cases  the  date  on  the  brass  itself  cannot 

List  of  identified  with  that  of  its  engraving. 

those  in         The  examples  of  this  school  in  this  country  are  as 

England,       foUowS  ^  !— 

^  Mr.  Mill  Stephenson's  List  of  Palimpsest  Brasses,  already  referred  to, 
gives  a  detailed  account  of  all  brasses  of  this  nature  known  to  exist  in 
England,  up  to  the  date  of  publication. 

2  The  brass  of  Robert  Attelath,  and  wife,  1 376,  stolen  from  King's  Lynn 
at  the  beginning  of  the  nineteenth  century,  was  a  good  example  of  this 
class.  It  is  possible  that  the  fine  brass  at  Higham  Ferrers,  Northants 
(Laurence  de  St.  Maur,  1337),  is  of  foreign  work.  Bishop  Beaumont's 
brass  at  Durham,  of  which  the  matrix  survives,  was  similar  in  style. 




Fourteenth  century : — 

Sir  Hugh  Hastings,  Elsing,  Norfolk       -  1347 

Adam  deWalsokne,  and  wife,  St.  Margaret's, 

King's  Lynn  -----  1349 

Robert  Braunche,  and  two  wives,  in  the 

same  church  -       -       -       -       -  1364 

Alan  Fleming,  Newark,  Notts  -       -       -  1361 

Abbot  Thomas  Delamere,  St.  Albans' 
Abbey,  dated  1396,  but  probably  en- 
graved -       -       -       -       -       -^r.  1360 

Priest  in  mass  vestments,  called  Sir  Simon 

de  Wenslagh,  Wensley,  Yorkshire    -    ^.  1360 

Priest   in    mass  vestments,  Thomas  de 

Horton,  North  Mimms,  Herts-       -    c.  1360 

Ralph  de  Knevynton,  Aveley,  Essex        -  1370 

Thomas  de  TopclifF,  and  wife,  Topcliffe, 

near  Thirsk,  Yorkshire   -       -       -  1391 

A  fragment  of  a  large  brass,  representing 
an  abbot,  formerly  in  the  possession 
of  the  late  Mr.  Pugin,  but  now  in  the 
British  Museum  ;  which  Boutell  sup- 
posed might  be  that  of  Michael  de 
Mentmore,  Abbot  of  St.  Albans,'  who 
died  1342     -       -       -       -       -    c.  1350 

Here  it  will  not  be  out  of  place  to  mention  some  brasses  Some  fine 
of  the  same  school  on  the  Continent,  to  which  reference 
will  be  made  below  ^ : —  ^''^'"^  " 

^  But  see  "The  Brasses  and  Indents  in  St.  Albans'  Abbey,"  by  William 
Page,  F.S.A.,  p.  12  (reprinted  from  the  Home  Counties  Magazine,  Vol.  I., 
1899).  "But  Mr.  Mill  Stephenson  has  ascertained  that  Mr.  Pugin 
"  obtained  his  brass  from  abroad,  it  is  therefore  improbable  that  it  could 
"  have  come  from  St  Albans'  Abbey." 

2  Reproductions  of  these  brasses  are  in  Creeny's  book  of  Facsimiles  of 
Monumental  Brasses  on  the  Continent  of  Europe,  1884,  folio.  The  brass  of 
St.  Henry  of  Finland  (Bishop  of  Upsala,  d.  c.  1 158),  representing  him  in 
pontificals,  at  Nousis  in  South  Finland,  is  a  fine  example  of  Flemish  work 
of  the  next  (fifteenth  century).  It  will  be  found  illustrated  in  Proceedings 
of  the  Cambridge  Antiquarian  Society,  Vol.  X.,  p.  215  (No.  iii.,  1903) 




King  Eric  Menved  and  Queen  Ingeborg 
of  Denmark,  at  Ringstead,  in  Zea- 
land -       -       -       _       _  _ 

Bishops  Ludolph  and  Henry  de  Bulowe, 

at  Schwerin,  in  Mecklinburg        -  1339,  1347 
Bishops  Godfrey  and  Frederic  de  Bulowe, 

at  Schwerin        -       -       -       -131 4,  137^ 
Burchard  de  Serken  and  lohn  de  Mul,  at 

Liibeck     -       -       _       _       _  j^ij,  1350 
Albert  Hovener,  in  the  Church  of  St. 

Nicholas,  Stralsund     -       -       -  1357 
Johan  von  Zoest  and  wife,  at  Thorn,  in 

Prussian  Poland-       -       -       -  1361 
John  de  Heere,  and  Gerard  de  Heere,  at 

Brussels    -----  1332,  1398 

Flemish  These  seven  brasses  may  well  be  considered  the  finest 
palimpsests  -^^  existcncc,  and  form  the  best  examples  of  the  Flemish 
school.  It  is  to  be  noticed  that  they  all  belong  to  the 
fourteenth  century,  the  period  which  gave  us  the  finest 
Gothic  architecture  and  for  its  appropriate  concomitant 
the  finest  brass-engraving. 

Several  palimpsest  brasses  are  known,  the  reverse  sides 
of  which  show  portions  of  Flemish  work.  Waller  finds 
a  cause  for  this  in  those  events  in  Flanders,  following 
"the  establishment  of  the  league  of  the  Gueux  in  1566, 
"when  so  large  a  number  of  churches  in  Brabant  and 
"  Hainault  were  completely  ravaged."  ^  For  it  is  remark- 
able that  the  greater  part  of  these  remains  occurs  on  the 
reverse  of  brasses  of  the  latter  part  of  the  sixteenth  cen- 
tury. It  is  probable,  moreover,  that  in  addition  to  pieces 
sacrilegiously  torn  from  tombs,  many  spoiled  plates  were 
imported  into  this  country  from  the  Continent.  Such 

"  The  Sepulchral  Brass  of  St.  Henry  of  Finland,"  by  Dr.  M.  R.  James, 
and  also  in  the  Portfolio  of  the  Monumental  Brass  Society,  Vol.  II.,  plates 
35-8.  Dr.  James'  paper  is  reprinted  in  the  Transactions  of  the  latter 
society.  Vol.  IV.,  p.  336. 

^  J  Series  of  Monumental  Brasses,  Introduction,  p.  ix. 



may  be  the  case  at  Topcliffe,  where  the  reverse  of  the 
Flemish  brass  (1391),  when  removed  from  its  slab,  was 
found  to  be  engraved.  An  early  example  of  a  Flemish 
palimpsest  occurs  at  Great  Bowden,  Leicestershire.  On 
the  reverse  of  an  inscription  to  William  Wolstonton,  1403, 
rector,  is  an  engraving  of  a  civilian,  c.  1350.  Waller 
mentions  ^  that  a  fragment  found  in  Leicestershire  proved 
to  be  a  piece  of  a  fine  brass  at  Stralsund.  Of  fourteenth 
century  Flemish  work  paHmpsests  exist  at,  amongst  other 
places^: — Ewelme,  Oxon.  (1494);  Tolleshunt  Darcy, 
Essex,  c.  1375,  where  the  obverse  and  reverse  are  portions 
of  ornate  Flemish  borders,  similar  in  treatment  to  the 
palimpsest  at  Margate  (1582);  Sail,  Norfolk  {c.  1480); 
Winestead,  E.  Yorks  (c.  1540)  ;  Pottesgrove,  Beds  (1563)  ; 
Cookham,  Berks  (1577);  Wardour  Castle,  Wilts,  on  the 
reverse  of  memorials  of  the  Arundell  family  (1573  to 
1586),  removed  from  Mawgan,  in  Cornwall;  Constantine, 
Cornwall  (1574)  ;  Isleworth  (1544) ;  Harrow  (1574)  ;  and 
Pinner  (1580),  Middlesex.  Of  the  fifteenth  century  at 
Hadleigh,  Suffolk  (1555);  Yealmpton,  Devon  (1580); 
Aveley  (1584);  Stondon  Massey  (1573),  Essex ;  Camber- 
well,  Surrey  (1582);  Walkern,  Herts  (1583).  Of  the 
sixteenth  century  at  Aylesford,  Kent  (1545);  St.  Peter 
Mancroft,  Norwich  (1568)  ;  St.  Peter-in-the-East,  Oxford 
(1574);  Paston,  Norfolk  (1596). 

The  presence  on  some  of  these  brasses  of  fragments  of 
inscriptions ;  as  at  Harrow  and  Margate,  "  Int  Jaer  + 
ons  +  heren  "  (in  the  year  of  our  Lord) ;  at  Constantine 
"  bidt  •  voer  .  die  •  ciel "  (pray  for  the  soul) ;  ^  and  at 
Pinner    Hier  +  Licht "  proves  that  they  were  never  in- 

^  The  same,  p,  xii. 

*  These  fragments  present  similar  characteristics  to  the  brasses  described 
below.  They  are  dealt  with  in  Mr.  Mill  Stephenson's  List,  referred  to 
above.  The  dates,  given  in  the  text,  are  those  of  the  obverse  sides 
of  the  brasses. 

3  For  similar  inscription  existing  at  Topcliffe,  see  Waller's  Series  of 
Monumental  Brasses,  p.  ix. 



tended  for  English  memorials,  nor  laid  down  as  such  in 
this  country,  but  merely  imported  to  be  re-engraved. 
Deiamere       Among  the  illustrations  will  be  found  one  of  the  brass 


of  Abbot  Deiamere  in  St.  Albans'  Abbey,  considered  by 
many  the  finest  brass  in  England.  The  following  descrip- 
tion will  furnish  most  of  the  characteristics  which  dis- 
tinguish this  class  from  the  ordinary  brass  memorials  in 
this  country.  Originally  on  a  large  marble  slab  in  the 
choir,  easily  distinguished  by  its  quadrilateral  matrix,  this 
brass  now  lies  on  a  wooden  frame,  placed  on  the  slab  in 
the  chantrey  of  Abbot  John  of  Wheathamstead  on  the 
south  side  of  the  altar,  in  which  chapel  are  other  brasses 
taken  from  different  parts  of  the  church.  Engraved 
during  his  lifetime  (he  died  1396),  and  probably  under 
his  personal  supervision,  we  have  no  adequate  reason  for 
doubting  that  this  is  a  thoroughly  satisfactory  representa- 
tion of  the  abbot,  clad  in  his  pontificals,  about  the  year 
1360.  It  is  well  to  mention  the  pecuharities  common  to 
this  and  other  works  of  the  same  school.  The  monument 
is  composed  of  several  square  pieces  of  brass,  not  shaped 
to  the  figure  or  making  use  of  the  slab  for  background  in 
the  ordinary  English  way,  but  joined  together  to  make 
one  large  rectangular  plate,  in  this  instance  9  ft.  3  in.  by 
4  ft.  4  in.  in  size.  Over  this  plate  is  spread  diaper  work 
which  acts  as  a  background  to  the  whole,  and  from  which 
the  figure  and  architectural  details  stand  out,  as  though 
in  relief  This  diaper  work,  which  is  practically  the  same 
as  that  in  the  Fleming  brass  at  Newark,  is  very  similar  to 
that  on  the  Continental  brasses,  enumerated  above,  and  to 
the  apparel  of  the  alb  and  other  embroidery  on  the  Wensley 
brass.  In  the  centre  of  the  plate  is  the  figure  of  the  abbot, 
clad  in  amice,  alb,  stole,  maniple,  tunicle,  dalmatic,  and 
chasuble.^  On  his  head  is  the  mitra pretiosa  ;  on  his  hands, 
which  lie  crossed  downwards,  the  right  hand  over  the  left, 
are  jewelled  gloves ;  on  his  feet,  resting  on  two  fighting 
winged  dragons,  embroidered  sandals.    On  his  left  arm 

^  For  descriptions  of  these  vestments,  sec  pp.  65  et  seq. 

St.  Alban's  Abbey,  Herts.,] 

■  i 



rests  his  pastoral  staff  in  the  crook  of  which  is  a  representa- 
tion of  Agnus  dei.  The  embroideries  on  the  vestments 
are  very  fine.  Dragons  occur  on  the  apparels  of  amice 
and  alb ;  leopards'  heads  alternate  with  quatrefoils  on  the 
maniple;  on  the  orphreys  of  the  chasuble,  and  on  the 
mitre,  as  on  the  vestments  of  Bishop  Burchard  de  Serken 
at  Labeck,  occur  medallions  of  heads.  The  method  of 
treating  the  mouth  should  be  noticed,  as  it  seems  similarly 
treated  in  the  other  brasses  of  this  style.  The  effigy  is 
enclosed  in  a  rich  canopy  of  tabernacle  work,  in  the  com- 
partments of  which  are  figures  and  geometrical  tracery,  as 
in  an  elaborate  shrine,  outside  which  on  three  sides  we  see 
the  diapered  background  continued  between  the  architec- 
tural ornament  and  the  marginal  inscription.  In  the  centre 
over  the  abbot's  head  sits  Christ  enthroned,  two  angels 
standing  on  each  side,  two  of  whom  swing  censers.  In 
the  top  compartments  of  the  side  shafts  sit  St.  Peter  (dexter) 
and  St.  Paul  (sinister).  Beneath  St.  Peter  is  a  larger  figure 
of  St.  Alban  with  cross  and  sword ;  facing  whom,  under 
St.  Paul,  occurs  St.  Oswyn,  King  of  Northumbria,  with 
crown  and  spear.  Beneath  these  on  each  side  are  three 
double  compartments,  in  which  the  background  behind  the 
canopies  in  the  upper  part,  is  made  to  appear  "  masoned." 
The  inner  ones  contain,  apparently,  six  apostles  with  bare 
feet,  nimbus,  and  implement  of  martyrdom ;  the  outer 
ones  six  prophets  or  Old  Testament  saints,  shod,  wearing 
caps,  and  with  labels.  This  difference  of  attire  Creeny 
notes  as  prevalent  in  Western  art  since  the  schism  between 
the  Eastern  and  Western  Churches.  Between  what  we 
may  well  call  the  shrine  and  the  inscription  the  diapered 
background  is  visible.  The  inscription,  which  was  never 
completed,  runs  as  follows,  in  Lombardic  capitals : — 


and  is  preceded  by  a  saltire,  evidently  referring  to  the 
arms  of  the  Abbey,  azure,  a  saltire,  or.  At  the  corners 
were  the  evangelistic  symbols  within  quatrefoils,  one  of 



Effigy  of 

The  Lynn 

which  has  disappeared.    In  the  centre  of  each  of  two  sides 
within  a  quatrefoil,  is  a  shield  bearing  on  a  bend  three 
eagles  displayed.    Outside  the  inscription  runs  a  marginal 
border  of  quatrefoil  flowers. 

Very  similar  in  treatment,  and  indeed  more  ornate  is 
the  fragment  of  an  abbot's  brass,  now  preserved  in  the 
British  Museum.  Boutell's  conjecture  that  it  might  be 
the  effigy  of  Michael  de  Mentmore,  Abbot  of  St.  Albans  ' 
(died  1342),  IS  probably  disproved  by  the  fact  that  Pu^'n 
obtained  it  from  the  Continent.  Here  the  curious  treat- 
ment of  the  soul,  a  characteristic  of  the  Flemish  school  is 
noteworthy.  Held  in  a  sheet  by  the  Deity,  it  appears  as 
a  diminutive  nude  figure,  in  this  case  wearing  a  mitre."  A 
similar  convention  is  to  be  seen  in  the  Topclifl'e  brass ; 
whilst  in  the  Walsokne  one  at  King's  Lynn  the  soul  is 
upheld  in  a  sheet  by  two  angels. 

The  Lynn  brasses  are,  perhaps,  our  best  examples  of 
the  Flemish  school,  bearing,  as  they  do,  so  striking  a 
resemblance  in  treatment  to  the  Continental  examples 
mentioned  above.  Each  consists  of  a  large  rectangular 
sheet,  composed  of  smaller  pieces,  on  which  is  the  diapered 
background,  and  beautiful  architectural  work,  in  the  manner 
described  above  in  the  account  of  the  Delamere  brass. 
In  the  Walsokne  brass  we  have  a  husband  and  wife ;  in 
the  Braunche  a  husband  between  two  wives.  The  cos- 
tumes of  Adam  de  Walsokne,  Robert  Braunche,  and  Alan 

^See  Gough's  Sepulchral  Monuments,  Vol.  I.,  p.  96,  quoting  inscrip- 
tion, extant  in  Weever's  time. 

*  Bee  Viollet  le  Due's  Dictionnaire  Raisonne  de  V  Architecture  Franfaise, 
Paris,  1868,  Vol.  IX.,  p.  53,  for  illustration  {sub  mm.  Tombeau)  of  a 
similar  mitred  soul  painted  at  the  head  of  the  tomb  of  Archbishop  Pierre 
de  la  Jugee,  in  Narbonne  Cathedral.  In  the  Exhibition  of  Pictures  of 
the  School  of  Siena,  held  at  the  Burlington  Fine  Arts  Club,  1904,  was 
shown  a  panel,  belong  to  the  Earl  of  Crawford  and  Balcarres,  representing 
Scenes  from  the  lives  of  the  Hermits  of  the  Thebaid  and  the  Founders  of 
the  Religious  Orders,  "possibly  by  some  Pisan  follower  of  Pietro  Loren- 
zetti,"  in  which  is  depicted,  inter  alia,  "a  bishop's  soul  held  by  two  devils 
in  a  boat."    The  little  nude  figure  wears  a  mitre. 


Fleming  are  very  similar;  the  Newark  figure,  however, 
has  slits  for  pockets  in  the  cote-hardie^ 

It  is  fortunate  that  in  the  Douce  collection  at  the  British 
Museum,  an  impression  is  preserved  of  the  brass  of  Robert 
Attelath.    This  fine  brass  was  stolen  early  in  the  nine- 
teenth century,  owing  to  local  unscrupulousness  or  igno- 
rance.^*    It  must  have  much  resembled  the  other  Lynn 
brasses  and  that  at  Newark.    The  costume  is  almost 
identical  with  that  of  Johannes  von  Zoest  at  Thorn.  A 
long  tunic,  or  cote-hardie,  is  fastened  with  many  buttons 
in  pairs.    Attached  by  four  buttons  on  the  right  shoulder 
(m  the  Zoest  brass  there  are  six)  hangs  a  loose  mantle  or 
cloak  with  a  small  hood.    The  under-tunic  is  visible  at 
the  wrists,  whence  the  sleeves  are  continued  over  the  hand, 
and  are  fastened  by  a  row  of  small  buttons.    They  are 
finely  embroidered  as  at  Thorn.    The  dress  is  completed 
by  a  narrow  waistbelt  and  long  pointed  shoes,  with  buckles 
The  inscription,  given  by  Gough,  runs  as  follows  :—•«  Hie 
"jacet  Robertus  Attelath,  q'dam  burgensis  Lenne,  qui  obiit 
;Ao  Dni  MCCCLXXVl!  xii  die  mensis  NovTmbris! 
Orate  pro  eo.    Hie  jacet  Johanna,  q'dam  uxor  Roberti 

Attelatte,  que  obiit  A°  Dni  MCCC   Anime  eorum 

per  misericordiam  Dei  requiescant  in  pace.    Amen  " 

as  dso  ^77^-''^^  ^1?'£  ^"^"^'^  V^^nd.y,   Those  at  Nonh 

as  also  that  of  Sir  Hugh  Hastings  at  Elsin^,  differ  from  "^^^'^  Wen- 
those  mentioned  above  in  that  they  are  not  rectangular  ^^^^'^ ^""^  ^^^-^ 
and  that  the  diapered  background  is  omitted ;  but  their^ 
style  IS  unmistakeably  Flemish. 

^   In  the  North  Mimms  brass,  Thomas  de  Horton,  vicar 
IS  represented  c  ad  in  mass  vestments,  with  a  chalice  and 
paten  lymg  on  his  body  below  his  clasped  hands.3  The 
^_!!!j;!!i^;^_^Jtag^_^^  a  kind  of  bracket  is 

'  The  costume  on  these  brasses  will  be  found  described  in  Chap  IV 

Vol.^t  PIate%J;vi";nd^^'      'l^^/v  /"r  ^'^"^'^''^  Monuments, 

J.  S.  do.^  "^^^^X:^  ^'  It  was  engraved  b; 

thet:  E^'bt.^'^'^^  -^-^  -  -ssed  as  in 


supported  by  two  lions  addorsed,  between  which  is  a  shield, 
a  saltire  between  four  crosses-crosslet  fitche.    On  this 
bracket  rest  the  bases  of  the  shafts  of  the  beautiful  canopy 
of  tabernacle  work,  with  saints  in  niches,  and  the  Deity 
holding  the  soul  whilst  two  angels  swing  their  thuribles. 
The  mutilated  Elsing  brass  possessed  a  less  ornate  canopy, 
though  of  great  interest  from  the  historical  personages  repre- 
sented in  the  niches  ;  but  it  probably  gained  in  enamelling 
what  it  lacked  in  architectural  detail.    The  Wensley  brass 
is  composed  of  at  least  three  pieces,  forming  the  figure  of  a 
priest,  similar  to  that  at  North  Mimms;  but  the  embroi- 
dered work  is  finer.  The  head  reclines  on  a  cushion  upheld  by 
graceful  angels,  treated  very  similarly  to  the  Albert  HOvener 
brass  at  Stralsund.    The  slab  is  used  as  background  for 
the  brass,  and  originally  there  was  a  marginal  inscription 
with  evangelistic  symbols  in  quatrefoils  at  the  corners. 
Characteristics      Bcforc  leaving  the  fourteenth  century,  it  were  well  to 
of  Flemish      mcntion  some  of  the  characteristics  which  distinguish  this 
Flemish  school  of  brass-engraving.    We  have  already 
noticed  the  rectangular  shape  of  the  plates,  as  in  the  seven 
Continental  instances  given,  and  in  the  St.  Albans',  Lynn, 
Newark,  Aveley,  and  TopclifFe  examples,  and  the  excep- 
tions to  this  shape  at  Wensley,  North  Mimms,  and  Elsing. 
The  diapered  groundwork,  too,  has  been  noted,  of  varied 
pattern,  a  favourite  one  being  dragons  and  foliage  in 
trefoils.    In  the  Walsokne  diaper,  butterflies  and  other 
curious  figures  are  introduced.    The  place  of  diaper  in 
the  Wensley  and  North  Mimms  brasses  is  supplied  by 
the  stone  slabs  which  act  as  background.    The  architec- 
tural details  are  strikingly  similar  in  the  various  examples 
of  the  Flemish  school,  taking  the  form  of  ornately  taber- 
nacled canopies  of  geometrical  Gothic  with  side  and  centre 
shafts,  the  niches  filled  with  figures  of  apostles  and  prophets 
as  at  St.  Albans,  of  civilians  as  in  the  Braunche  and 
Fleming  brasses,  of  members  of  noble  families  as  in  the 
Hastings  brass,  of  angels  playing  musical  instruments  as 
at  Topcliffe,  or  of  mournful  figures  called  "weepers." 
The  canopies  are  single  or  double  according  to  the  number 



of  effigies  to  be  represented.  In  the  Braunche  brass  we 
have  an  instance  of  a  triple-arched  canopy.  An  attempt 
to  give  in  perspective  the  vaulting  of  these  arches  is 
sometimes  observed,  as  in  the  Braunche  brass,  and  in  the 
foreign  brasses  of  Zoest  and  Heere.  Sometimes  the  centre 
shaft  of  the  canopy  is  made  to  pierce  the  marginal  inscrip- 
tion, as  on  the  Thornton  brass,  at  Newcastle- on-Tyne  (to 
be  mentioned  below).  The  central  compartment  of  the 
canopy  above  the  effigy  is  usually  treated  in  a  manner  that 
we  may  call  peculiar  to  Flemish  brasses.  A  venerable 
figure,  seated  on  a  throne,  evidently  intended  for  the 
Deity,  holds  in  a  sheet  a  little  nude  male  or  female  figure, 
representing  the  soul  of  the  deceased.  In  the  fragment  in 
the  British  Museum  the  little  figure  wears  a  mitre.  On 
either  side  we  find  angels  with  thuribles,  as  at  St.  Albans, 
Topcliffe,  and  King's  Lynn,  or  bearing  candles  as  in  the 
palimpsest  fragment  at  Wardour  Castle.  In  the  Hastings 
brass  at  Elsing  a  somewhat  different  treatment  was  adopted, 
the  soul  being  held  in  a  sheet  by  two  angels  beneath  the 
canopy,  immediately  above  the  knight's  head,  whilst  above 
it  on  brackets  are  figures  of  the  Deity  and  the  Virgin,  an 
angel  above  censing  them. 

In  the  faces  of  the  principal  figures  the  conventional 
treatment  of  the  mouth  is  noticeable.  Another  feature, 
frequently  observed,  is  the  cushion  of  elaborate  embroidery 
placed  under  the  head  of  the  deceased.  Those  in  the 
Havener,  Zoest,  and  Heere  brasses  bear  a  striking  resem- 
blance to  those  at  Wensley,  Newark,  and  King's  Lynn. 
These  cushions  are  usually  supported  on  each  side,  as  in 
the  above  instances,  by  angels,  sometimes  of  most  graceful 
design,  as  at  Wensley  and  Stralsund.  At  Topcliffe  one 
angel  holds  the  cushion  from  above.  The  brass  of 
Archdeacon  William  de  Rothewelle,  1361,  in  Rothwell 
Church,  Northants,  shows  many  signs  of  Flemish  influence 
including  this  one  of  a  cushion  upheld  by  angels.^  ' 

J  In  the  brass  at  Hever,  Kent,  the  head  of  Margaret,  wife  of  William 

Trnirr^d  dh°"TT  '^'^'^^^^^  "PJ^eld  by  two  angels,  clad  in 

amice  and  alb.    This  convention  is  frequently  found  in  sculptured  effigies 



Beneath  the  feet  a  favourite  design  seems  to  have  been 
that  of  two  animals  addorsed,  as  at  Wensley,  North 
Mimms,  and  in  the  lost  Attelath  brass.  Another  form 
displays  monsters  fighting;  winged  dragons,  as  at  St. 
Albans;  a  lion  or  eagle  attacking  a  savage  man,  as  at 
King's  Lynn,  Newark,  and  Thorn  in  Prussian  Poland. 

Between  the  feet  of  the  figure  and  the  marginal  inscrip- 
tion an  historical  or  legendary  scene  is  sometimes  shown. 
The  famous  instance  of  the  former  is  what  is  known  as 
the  "  Peacock  Feast "  on  the  Braunche  brass  at  King's 
Lynn,  representing  a  banquet,  at  which  peacocks  are  being 
served,  supposed  to  depict  the  entertainment  of  King 
Edward  III.^  The  same  place  in  the  Walsokne  brass  is 
occupied  by  rustic  scenes  and  fables,  in  which  a  windmill 
figures.  In  the  foreign  brasses  mentioned  above  we  find 
wild  men  or  "  wodehouses "  feasting,  in  the  Zoest,  and 
Godfrey  and  Frederic  de  Bulowe  brasses ;  scenes  from  the 
life  of  St.  Nicholas  below  the  effigy  of  Bishop  Burchard 
de  Serken,  and  from  that  of  St.  Eligius  below  that  of 
Johan  de  Mul  at  Liibeck ;  a  stag-hunt  in  the  HOvener 
brass,  and  a  woodland  scene  beneath  the  lady's  feet  in  the 
Zoest  brass. 

The  inscription,  which  is  sometimes  in  Lombardic 
characters,  as  at  St.  Albans,  sometimes  in  black  letter,  as 
at  TopclifFe,  acts  as  a  border  to  the  whole  work,  supple- 
mented on  the  outside  by  a  row  of  conventional  flowers, 
as  in  the  Walsokne,  Braunche,  and  Topcliff  brasses,  or  by 
a  border  of  foliage,  as  at  Newark.  The  corners  of  these 
inscription-borders  usually  bear  the  Evangelistic  symbols 

^  An  excellent  description  of  this  part  of  the  brass  is  in  the  Surrey 
Archeeolo^cal  Collections,  Vol.  IV.,  1869,  pp.  285-6,  in  "Remarks  on 
Timber  Houses,"  by  Charles  Baily,  Architect. 

In  The  Arts  in  the  Middle  Ages  and  the  Renaissance,  by  Paul  Lacroix 
(English  edition,  revised  by  W.  Armstrong.  London,  Virtue,  1886),  this 
representation  is  reproduced  (p.  1 1,  fig.  8),  where  it  is  described  as  "A 
"  State  Banquet  in  the  Fifteenth  Century,  with  the  service  of  dishes 
"  brought  in  and  handed  round  to  the  sound  of  musical  instruments 
"  (Miniature  from  a  MS.  in  the  Bibliotheque  Nationale  in  Paris)." 



in  quatrefoils.  Frequently  we  find  the  centre  of  each  of 
the  two  sides  ornamented  with  a  quatrefoil  containing,  as 
in  the  Delamere,  Braunche,  and  Topcliff  brasses,  a  coat  of 
arms,  or  as  at  Newark,  a  merchant's  mark. 

In  the  Introduction  to  Cotman's  work,'  the  presence  of 
Flemish  brass  work  at  King's  Lynn  is,  doubtless  correctly, 
attributed  to  the  intercourse  with  Flanders  occasioned  by 
the  wool  trade.  The  fact  of  the  whole  plate  being  com- 
posed of  separate  pieces  is  explained  as  due  to  the  greater 
facility  of  transport  thereby  obtained,  and  the  great  pre- 
valence of  brasses  in  the  county  of  Norfolk  as  owing,  in 
great  measure,  to  these  Flemish  examples. 

It  may,  perhaps,  be  doubted  whether  the  North  Mimms 
and  Wensley  brasses  were  originally  intended  for  the 
places  which  they  occupy,  since  they  seem  somewhat  too 
ornate  for  memorials  of  parish  priests,  but  we  know  so 
litde  of  Thomas  de  Horton  or  of  Simon  de  Wenslagh 
that  we  are  not  justified  in  belittling  their  importance 
during  their  lives.  We  should  rather  be  grateful  for  the 
fine  quality  of  their  monuments. 

Of  the  general  characteristics  of  this  school  of  brass 
engraving,  Haines  wrote ' :  "  The  foreign  brasses  are  dis- 
"  tinguished  from  the  English  by  a  peculiarity  of  engraving. 
"  The  principal  lines  are  broader  and  more  boldly  drawn, 
"  though  less  deeply  cut,  and  wrought  with  a  flat  chisel- 
"  shaped  tool,  instead  of  the  ordinary  engraving  burin. 
"  J  Stippling '  or  dotted  shading  is  found  on  early  examples  ^ 
"in  the^  folds  of  the  drapery,  bases  of  canopies,  etc." 
Except  in  the  case  of  the  Hastings  brass  we  can  only 
conjecture  to  what  extent  these  brasses  were  enamelled  or 
coloured  in  any  way.  But  colour  adds  so  greatly  to  the 
richness  of  these  memorials  that  it  is  reasonable  to  suppose 
that  the  lines  of  the  figure,  coats  of  arms,  etc.,  in  several 

J  Engravings  of  the  most  remarkable  of  m  Sepulchral  Brasses  in  Norfolk 
1 8 19,  p.  V. 

2  Introduction,  pp.  xx-i. 

3  At  Wensley,  for  instance. 



instances,  were  filled  in  with  enamel  or  some  substitute 
for  it,  and  the  surface  burnished  and  polished,  to  produce 
a  splendid  effect. 

XV.  and  XVI.  The  following  are  some  brasses,  later  in  date,  of  Flemish 
Flemish  workmanship,  but  inferior  to  those  mentioned  above  ' : — 
brasses  Roger  Thornton  and  Agnes  his  wife,  1429,  at  Newcastle, 

excepting  palimpsests,  the  only  example  of  Flemish 
work  of  the  fifteenth  century  in  this  country.  Two 
figures  in  civilian  costume,  their  heads  on  cushions 
supported  by  angels,  are  placed  beneath  fine  canopies, 
containing  in  niches  figures  of  saints.  Fourteen 
children  are  represented  below  the  parents  under  small 
canopies.  There  is  a  marginal  black-letter  inscrip- 
tion, bearing  at  the  corners  evangelistic  symbols  and 
in  the  centre  of  each  side  a  coat  of  arms.^ 

Thomas  Pownder  and  wife,  1525,  St.  Mary  Quay,  Ipswich, 

^  The  following  contract  for  brasses  of  Flemish  workmanship,  to  com- 
memorate Sir  William  Sandys,  Knt.,  and  Margaret,  his  wife,  and  William 
Lord  Sandys,  formerly  in  the  Chapel  of  the  Holy  Trinity,  annexed 
to  Holy  Ghost  Chapel,  Basingstoke,  Hants,  is  taken  from  A  History 
of  the  Ancient  Town  and  Manor  of  Basingstoke,  etc.,  by  Francis  Joseph 
Baigent  and  James  Elwin  Millard,  1889,  pp.  158-9.  "A  contract  for 
"  two  tombs  between  Thomas  Leigh,  merchant,  and  Cornelius  Herman- 
"  zone,  acting  on  behalf  of  Lord  William  Sandes,  with  Arnold  Hermanzone, 
"  native  of  Amsterdam,  established  at  Aire  in  Artoise,  was  proved  before 
"a  notary  at  Antwerp  on  Monday  the  ist  March,  1536.  One  tomb 
"  was  to  be  of  Antoing  stone,  eight  Flemish  feet  long,  by  four  and  a  half 
"  broad,  and  four  feet  and  a  quarter  high ;  the  slab  to  be  inlaid  with  a 
"  copper  or  brass  cross,  of  similar  length,  and  the  name  of  William  Sans 
"  and  Margare  Sans,  and  dates  also  in  brass  three  inches  wide.  On  each 
"  side  of  the  tomb  were  to  be  three  coats  of  arms.  The  other  tomb  was 
"  to  measure  seven  feet  by  four,  but  only  the  slab  and  sides  were  to  be  of 
"  Antoing  stone,  as  the  ends  would  join  a  wall ;  the  cross  to  be  four  feet 
"  long  and  four  inches  broad,  and  the  inscription  three  inches.  The  tombs 
"  to  be  delivered  at  Antwerp,  in  all  respects  conformable  to  the  design 
"  given,  within  seven  months,  and  thence  to  be  shipped  to  England  ;  the 
"  said  Arnold  to  go  over  and  set  them  up  and  finish  them  oft'  properly. 
"  He  was  to  receive  ^^30,  Flemish  currency,  and  also  the  expenses  of  his 
"  maintenance  during  his  journey  and  stay  at  Basingstoke." 

2  S,ee  illustration  in  Arckteologia  Aeliana,  New  Series,  Vol.  XV. 

All  Hallows'  Barking,  London. 





having  merchants'  marks  and  the  arms  of  Ipswich 
and  of  the  Merchant  Adventurers.  The  inscription 
is  in  black-letter. 

Margaret  Svanders,  1529,  Fulham,  Middlesex,  wife  of 
Gerard  Hornebolt,  showing  half-effigy  in  shroud,  two 
angels  holding  the  inscription.  On  a  lozenge-shaped 
plate  fixed  to  the  wall. 

Andrew  Evyngar,  and  Ellyn,  his  wife,  1536,  All  Hallows, 
Barking,  London.  The  Ipswich  brass  is  very  similar. 
A  merchant's  mark  appears  at  the  base.  At  the  top 
on  the  dexter  side  are  the  arms  of  the  Merchant 
Adventurers,  on  the  sinister  those  of  the  Salters' 
Company.  The  classical  treatment  of  this  brass  well 
exemplifies  the  change  in  style  forming  a  great 
contrast  to  the  splendid  geometrical  Gothic  of  the 
fourteenth  century  brasses. 

Boutell'  classes  the  brass  at  East  Sutton,  Kent,  1638, 
of  Sir  Edward  Filmer,  his  wife  and  eighteen  children  as 
Flemish,  being  on  one  large  plate  of  metal,  but  without 
diaper  work.  But  this  alone  is  no  proof  of  Flemish  origin. 
Waller  attributes  it  to  foreign  manufacture,  as  also  that  of 
Archbishop  Harsnett,  1631,  Chigwell,  Essex,  to  which  he 
compares  it.^ 

Three  foreign  brasses  are  in  London  Museums : — 

^Monumental  Brasses  and  Slabs,  1847,  p.  23. 

2  See  J  Series  of  Monumental  Brasses,  drawn  and  engraved  by  J.  G.  and 
L.  A.  B.  Waller,  but  the  instructions  in  the  Archbishop's  will,  dated 
Feb.  13,  1 630- 1.  "My  body  I  will  to  be  buried  within  the  Parrishe 
"  churche  of  Chigwell,  withoute  pompe  or  solempnitye  at  the  foote  of 
"  Thomazine  late  my  beloved  wief  havinge  only  a  Marble  stone  layde 
"  uppon  my  grave  w'"  a  Plate  of  Brasse  moulten  into  the  stone  an  ynche 
"  thiclce  haveinge  the  effigies  of  a  Bysshoppe  stamped  uppon  it  w"'  his 
"  Myter  and  Crosiers  stafFe  but  the  Brasse  to  be  soe  rivited  and  fastened 
"  cleare  throughe  the  Stone  as  sacrilegious  handes  maye  not  rend  off  the 
"  one  w'^o-t^  breakinge  the  other"  (PCC.  78.  St.  John),  would  seem 
to  pomt  to  the  employment  of  local  workmen.  Moreover,  the  Filmer 
brass  is  signed  "Ed.  Marfhall  sculpfit." 


1.  Ludowic  Cortewille  and  wife,  1504,  from  Cortville, 

near  Li%e,  formerly  in  the  Museum  of  Practical 
Geology,  Jermyn  Street,  but  nowat  South  Kensington. 

2.  Henry  Oskens,  priest,  1535,  originally  at  Nippes,  near 

Cologne,  now  at  South  Kensington. 

3.  Nicolas  le  Brun  (Bailly  de  Jeumont),  d.  1547,  and  wife, 

Fran9oise  du  Fosset,  ^.1531,  in  the  British  Museum. 

Two  curious  Flemish  palimpsest  ^inscriptions  exist, 
(i)  At  Norton  Disney,  Lincolnshire,  recording,  on  the  re- 
verse of  a  memorial  to  William  Disney,  1540,  his  wife,  and 
son  (1578),  the  foundation  in  151 8  of  a  mass  by  Adrian 
Adrianson  and  the  lady  Paesschine  van  den  Steyne  at  the 
altar  of  St.  Cornelius.  (2)  At  West  Lavington,  Wilts, 
recording  on  the  reverse  of  a  brass  to  John  Dauntesay, 
I559>  a  gift  to  the  masters  of  the  Holy  Ghost  at  West- 
monstre,  a  church  at  Middleburgh  in  Walcheren,  destroyed 
in  1575  ;  and  apparently  referring  to  the  same  matter  and 
persons  as  the  Norton  Disney  inscription.' 

Brasses  show-       Brasscs  showing  a  French  influence  are  rare  in  England. 

Infl/encT^  ^^'^^  ^^^^  instance  is  that  at  Minster,  Kent,  in  which  the 
costume  of  Sir  John  de  Northwode  and  his  wife,  Joan  de 
Badlesmere,  c.  1330,  has  many  features  in  common  with 
that  of  French  monuments,  preserved  to  us  in  the  pages 
of  Montfaucon's  Monumens  de  la  Monarchic  Franfoise.  The 
lady's  dress,  in  particular,  resembles  that  worn  at  the 
French  Court  during  the  fourteenth  century.^  Another 

^  See  Mr.  Mill  Stephenson  in  the  Transactions  of  the  Monumental  Brass 
Society,  Vol.  IV.,  Part  v.  The  Norton  Disney  inscription  was  offered  by 
the  Rev.  Dr.  Disney  to  Gough  the  Antiquary,  whose  refusal  did  him  much 
credit.  5^-^  Gough's  Sepulchral  Monuments,  Vol.  I.,  p.  cxxii.  (Part  i). 
Other  examples  of  palimpsest  Flemish  inscriptions  are  at  Oxford,  St. 
Mary  Magdalene  (Jane  Fitzherbert,  1 574),  St.  Peter-in-the-East  (Richard 
Atkinson,  1574). 

2  Varieties  of  the  same  peculiarity  in  her  dress,  a  kind  of  fur-lined  tippet, 
may  be  observed  in  the  effigies  of  Jeanne  de  S.  Veraen,  d.  1 297  ;  of  Jeane 
Reine  de  Navarre,  wife  of  Philippe  le  Bel,  d.  1304;  of  Marguerite  de 
Beaujeu,  wife  of  Charles  de  Montmorency,  d.  1336;  of  Marie  de  France, 



instance  of  French  influence  may  be  the  brass  of  Margaret 
de  Camoys,  1310,  at  Trotton,  Sussex,  whose  dress  was 
ornamented  with  nine  small  enamelled  shields,  now  lost. 
A  similar  treatment  may  be  seen  on  the  surcoat  of  William 
de  Valence,  Earl  of  Pembroke,  1296,  in  Westminster 
Abbey.  The  slab  of  Sir  John  de  Brewys,  1426,  in  Wiston 
Church,  Sussex,  is  semee  with  scrolls,  alternately  bearing 
the  words  "  Jesus  "  and  "  mercy."  Several  examples 
similarly  designed  are  known ;  and  it  is  not  unreasonable 
to  suppose  that  this  very  decorative  treatment  originated 
in  France.  Some  authorities  consider  the  brass  at  Hors- 
monden,  Kent,  to  John  de  Grovehurst,  priest,  c.  1340,  to 
be  French  work. 

Having  now  dealt  with  foreign  brasses  in  England,  it  English  brass  of 
will  not  be  out  of  place  to  mention  an  instance  of  an  consSnce"* 
English  brass  on  the  Continent.  Such  is  that  of  Robert 
Hallum,  Bishop  of  Salisbury,  envoy  of  Henry  V.  to  the 
Council  of  Constance,  who,  dying  there  in  141 6,  was 
buried  in  the  Cathedral.  It  represents  the  bishop  in  full 
pontificals,  beneath  a  canopy,  with  a  marginal  inscription 
on  fillet  with  Evangelistic  symbols.  It  is  noteworthy  that 
after  the  manner  of  English  brasses,  the  metal  is  cut  to 
the  shape  of  the  figure,  and  is  laid  in  a  marble  slab,  pre- 
pared to  receive  it.  Of  this  method  there  are  other 
examples  on  the  Continent,  the  earliest  being  the  brass 
of  Bishop  Bernard  de  Lippe,  1340,  at  Paderborn.  At 
Florence,  in  San  Lorenzo,  is  the  gravestone  of  John 
Caterick,  Bishop  of  Exeter,  14 19,  with  a  brass  marginal 

daughter  of  Charles  IV.,  ^.  1341  ;  of  Jeanne,  wife  of  Philippe,  Comte 
dEvreux,  d.  1349;  -ind  of  Jeanne,  wife  of  Jean  d'Aragon,  Due  de 
Crironde,  d.  1373  ;  all  given  by  Montfaucon.    See  below,  Chap.  VI. 

'  See  Transactions  of  the  Monumental  Brass  Society,  Vol.  III.,  p  114  but 
sec  Transactions  of  Devon  Association,  Vol.  XVIII.,  1886,  p.  229  "The 
Bishopric  of  Exeter,  1419-20  :  a  Contribution  to  the  History  of  the  See," 
by  T.  N.  Brushfield,  M.D.,  wherein  the  slab  is  illustrated ;  is  stated  to 
be  in  the  Church  of  Santa  Croce,  and  the  inscription  and  shields  said  to 
be  of  black  marble  inlaid. 


Note. — The  following  account  of  costume  is  divided 
into  large  and  distinct  groups  : — 

A.  Ecclesiastical,  with  a  sub-branch — Academical. 

B.  Military. 

C.  Civilian,  contiguous  to  which  we  have  placed  brasses 
of  Lawyers. 

D.  Female. 

Notes  on  Royal  In  England  there  is  one  brass  of  a  king/  a  half-effigy 
brasses  representing  Ethelred,  King  of  the  West  Saxons,  872 

(engraved  c.  1440)  at  Wimborne  Minster,  Dorset  {see 
p.  17).  The  costume  consists  of  a  close-sleeved  under- 
garment, a  mantle,  and  a  cape  or  tippet  of  ermine.  His 
right  hand  is  placed  on  his  breast ;  his  left  holds  a  sceptre ; 
on  his  head  is  a  crown.  At  Ringstead,  in  Zealand,  is  the 
fine  brass  of  King  Eric  Menved,  of  Denmark,  and  his 
Queen,  Ingeborg,  13 19.  The  king  holds  in  his  right 
hand  a  sword,  in  his  left  a  sceptre.  His  long  cote^  over 
which  is  a  mantle,  bears  the  arms  of  Denmark  (or  semee 
of  hearts  gules  three  lions  passant  guardant  in  pale  az. 
crowned  or).  This  brass  is  reproduced  by  Creeny,  who 
also  gives  the  fine  series  of  brasses  ranging  from  1464  to 

divided  into 
four  main 

^  In  Lincoln  Minster  a  brass  once  existed,  representing  Queen  Eleanor, 
which  was  placed  there  f.  13 10.  5^^p,  33.  "  The  Architectural  History 
of  Lincoln  Minster,"  by  the  Rev.  G.  A.  Poole  in  Transactions  of  the  Lincoln 
Diocesan  Architectural  Society  {Associated  Architectural  Societies  Reports  and 
Papers,  Vol.  IV.,  1857-8).  A  small  brass  inscription  in  Peterborough 
Cathedral  commemorates  Queen  Katherine  of  Aragon  (1536).  At 
Tewkesbury  Abbey  a  brass  plate  marks  the  supposed  site  of  the  grave  of 
Prince  Edward  of  Wales,  killed  1471.  At  Sherborne,  a  modern  brass 
marks  the  place  of  burial  of  the  Saxon  kings,  Ethelbald  and  Ethelbert. 
At  Malmesbury,  Wilts,  an  inscription  shows  the  probable  site  of  the 
interment  of  King  Athelstan  (914).  In  St.  Martin's,  Canterbury,  is  a 
brass  with  inscription,  composed  by  Bishop  Claughton  to  commemorate 
Bertha,  Queen  of  Ethelbert,  King  of  Kent,  who  is  supposed  to  have  been 
baptized  through  her  influence  in  597. 

King  of  the  West  Saxons. 

Engraved  c.  1440. 
WiMBORNE  Minster,  Dorset. 




1539,  Ducal  House  of  Saxony  at  Meissen.'  At 

Basle  is  the  brass  of  Isabella,  Duchess  of  Burgundy,  1450  ; 
at  Nymwegen  that  of  Katharine  de  Bourbon,  wife  of 
Adolphus,  Duke  of  Gueldres,  1469;  at  Cleves,  1483, 
that  of  John  and  Elizabeth,  Duke  and  Duchess  of  Cleves. 

''They  are — 1464  Frederick  the  Good,  Duke  of  Saxony. 

i486  Ernst,  Duke  of  Saxony. 

I  500  Albert,  Duke  of  Saxony. 

1502  Ameleie,  Duchess  of  Bavaria. 

1 5  10  Sidonia,  Duchess  of  Albert,  Duke  of  Saxony. 

I  5  10  Frederic,  Duke  of  Saxony. 

1534  Barbara,  Duchess  of  Saxony. 

'  537  John,  Duke  of  Saxony. 

1539  Frederic,  Duke  of  Saxony. 
The  brass  of  John  Ernst,  Duke  of  Saxony,  1553,  is  at  Coburg. 




In  dealing  with  ecclesiastical  vestments  it  is  no  part  of 
our  scheme  with  St.  Jerome  ^ spiritualis  intelligentice  vela'' 
pandere,  by  discussing  the  various  symbolical  meanings 
which  have  grown  up  round  them  in  course  of  centuries. 
Such  meanings  may  be  of  importance  from  a  devotional 
aspect,  but  do  not  come  within  the  scope  of  this  book.^ 
Vestments  cannot  reasonably  be  considered  to  be  either 
the  outcome  of  divine  revelation,  or  a  legacy  from  the 
Levitical  priesthood,  but  they  represent  the  adaptation 
of  Roman  civil  costume  to  the  special  needs  of  a  class, 
the  conservative  tendencies  of  which  have  preserved  for 
us  through  many  centuries,  with  comparatively  slight 
alterations,  a  dress  of  great  antiquity.  We  do  not  propose 
to  enter  into  a  minute  discussion  of  the  origin  of  these 
vestments  or  of  the  constitutions  of  the  Church  regulating 
their  assumption.  They  concern  us  only  so  far  as  they 
are  represented  on  brasses.  We  are,  therefore,  brought 
direcdy  to  the  thirteenth  century,  in  which  we  find  the 
earliest  ecclesiastical  brass  known  to  exist,  that  of  Bishop 
Yso  Wilpe,  1 2  3 1 ,  at  Verden.  Another  thirteenth-century 
instance  is  that  of  Bishop  Otto  de  Brunswick,  1279, 
the  Cathedral  of  Hildesheim.  We  have  shown  above 
(Introduction,  p.  17)  that  some  ecclesiastical  brasses 
were  laid  down  in  England  during  this  century,  but  none 
survive."  There  are  but  few  examples  left  of  the  early 
part  of  the  fourteenth  century,  towards  the  latter  part  of 
which  they  become  numerous.  Among  these  may  be 
mentioned  the  demi-figure  of  Richard  de  Hakebourne, 

I  Some  sensible  remarks  on  the  many  meanings  given  to  vestments  may 
be  read  in  Eccclenastical  Vestments;  their  Development  and  History,  by  R  A  S 
Macahster.    London,  Elliot  Stock,  1896. 

^  A  fragment,  representing  St.  Ethelbert,  from  the  brass  of  Bishop 
Cantilupe,  1282,  is  preserved  at  Hereford  Cathedral. 


c.  1311/  Merton  College,  Oxford,  in  the  head  of  a  floriated 
cross  (lost);  Archbishop  Grenefeld,  13 15,  York  Minster; 
Nichol  de  Gore,  c.  1320,  Woodchurch,  Kent  (figure  in 
cross);  and  a  Priest  (head),  c.  1320,  Chinnor,  Oxon.  (in 
floriated  cross).  With  the  Minor  Orders,  which  include 
osiiarius,  lector^  and  acolytus,  we  are  not  concerned,  as  they 
do  not  occur  on  brasses.  The  Major  Orders  (an  elabora- 
tion of  the  three  orders.  Bishop,  Priest,  and  Deacon),  in 
which  are  ranked  sub-deacon,  deacon,  priest,  bishop,  and 
archbishop,^  are  represented  chiefly  by  efligies  of  priests, 
and  by  a  small  number  of  bishops  and  archbishops. 

^  The  brass  of  Adam  de  Bacon  (?),  priest,  c.  13 10,  was  stolen  from 
Oulton,  Suffolk,  in  February,  1857.  It  is  engraved  in  Cotman,  Boutell, 
and  Haines. 

^  We  have  no  brasses  in  England  of  cardinals.    The  crypt  of  Canter- 
bury contains  the  slab  which  held  the  brass  of  Cardinal  John  Morton  ( 1 5  00), 
in  which  is  the  indent  of  his  Hat.    At  Cues  is  the  brass  of  Cardinal 
Cusanos,  1464;  at  Cracow  that  of  Cardinal  Cazmiri,  Archbishop  of 
Gnesen,  1493  {see  Creeny).   At  Great  Berkhampstead,  Herts,  is  a  palimp- 
sest brass,  the  reverse  of  which  commemorates  Thomas  Humfre,  goldsmith 
of  London,  and  Joan,  his  wife,  c.  1500.    The  initial  letter  O  of  the  in- 
scription contains  the  seated  figure  of  St.  Jerome  attired  as  a  cardinal, 
holding  a  cross-staff  in  the  right  hand.    William  Whappelode  (1446),  on 
his  brass  at  Chalfont  St.  Peter,  Bucks,  is  described  as  Seneschalliis  domus  to 
Henry,  Cardinal  of  England  and  Bishop  of  Winchester.    At  Carshalton, 
Surrey,  was  the  brass  of  Thomas  Ellenbridge,  Esq.,  1497,  hostiarius  to 
Cardinal  Morton,  Archbishop  of  Canterbury.    His  will  is  printed  in 
The  Reliquary,  Vol.  XXI.,  1 880-1,  p.  196:  "The  Will  of  Thomas 
Elyngbrigge,  of  Carshalton,  co.  Surrey,  Esq.,  a.d.  1497.     P.C.C.  15 
Horne,"  by  Robert  Garraway  Rice.    On  the  palimpsest  inscription  lost 
from  the  brass  of  John  Marsham,  1525,  and  wife,  St.  John  Maddermarket, 
Norwich,  was  a  request  for  the  prayers  of  the  faithful,  ending  "  xii 
"  Cardinals  have  granted  you  xii"^  dayes  of  Pardon."    On  the  pardon 
brass  of  Roger  Legh  (1506)  and  Elizabeth  his  wife  (1499),  Macclesfield, 
Cheshire,  St.  Gregory  is  represented  kneeling  before  an  altar,  on  which 
stands  a  chalice  with  a  missal,  and  wearing  a  triple  crown,  and  a  chasuble 
with  cruciform  orphreys  on  front  and  back.    This  subject  is  well  shown 
in  the  little  triptych    La  messe  de  St.  Gregoire,  by  Hans  Memling  (1435- 
1495),  formerly  in  the  Huybrechts  Collection  (illustrated  in  The  Con- 
noisseur, Vol.  IV.,  p.  20,  September,  1902).    See  also  a  piece  of  sculpture 
at  Stoke  Charity,  Hants  (illustrated  in  Journal  of  the  British  Archaolo^cal 
Association,  Vol.  V.,  1850,  p.  258,  "On  certain  Church  Brasses  in 
Cheshire  and  Lancashire,"  by  J.  G.  Waller). 


Brasses  of  the  monastic  orders,  monk  and  nun,  prior  and 
prioress,  abbot  and  abbess,  form  a  small  but  important 
class,  after  which  we  have  to  consider  some  other  forms  of 
clerical  habit,  and  academical  costume  as  it  is  represented 
in  brasses,  principally  in  the  college  chapels  of  Oxford  and 
Cambridge,  a  subject  closely  connected  with  that  of  the 
costume  of  the  clergy. 

Ecclesiastical  Vestments  may  be  divided  into  two  main 
groups : — 

1.  Mass  (sometimes  called  eucharistic)  to  which  the  term 
vestment  pre-eminently  belongs. 

2.  Processional  (a  rather  loose  title). 

The  Mass  Vestments,  as  their  title  implies,  were  worn 
at  mass  time.  They  were  put  on  in  the  following  order, 
a  short  prayer  being  said  with  each : — 

I.  Amice  {amictus,  anaholagium^  epomis^  humerale,  super- 
humerale),  of  mediaeval  origin,  intended  primarily  for 
a  , hood,  was  a  rectangular  piece  of  linen  (about  36  in. 
by  25  in.)  with  an  apparel,^  sewn  along  one  edge,  and 
a  cross  embroidered  in  the  centre.  Being  placed  for 
a  moment  on  the  head,  it  was  then  lowered  to  the 
neck,  to  which  the  apparel,  resting  on  the  shoulders, 
afforded  a  kind  of  loose  collar,  to  the  ends  of  which 
strings  were  attached,  which,  carried  under  the  arms, 
crossed  on  the  back,  and  tied  in  front,  kept  the  vest- 
ment in  position.  The  amice  appears  constantly  on 
brasses,  and  must  not  be  confused  with  the  almuce, 
amys,  or  amess,  a  kind  of  fur  cape  (described  below^ 

^  Apparel  {parura,  etc.,  tarare)  is  the  name  given  to  the  strips  of  em- 
broidery, often  of  great  elaboration  and  enriched  with  jewels,  adornine 
the  amice  and  alb.    The  term  is  used,  apparently,  only  of  the  decoration 

^re  sLn     V^"  'T-  ^^^^  P'"'^"'  "^"^^  ^^"^^y  of  ornament,  and 

are  seen  at  the  wrists  and  in  front  at  the  foot  of  the  alb. 

Phrvlir'"'  ^'''''f'^^^P^m^o,  an  embroiderer  in  gold,  for  which  art  the 
Phrygians  were  famous)  :  term  applied  to  the  narrow  strips  of  embroidery 
on  other  vestments,  such  as  the  chasuble  and  cope  ^ 


p.  86)  ;  a  mistake  rendered  easy  by  the  similar 
sounding  of  the  words. 

Alb  {alha^  tunica  alba,  aroiyapiov).  The  ancestor  of  the 
alb  and  of  its  apparels  would  seem  to  have  been  the 
tunica  talaris  of  the  Romans  with  its  lati  clavi  for 
senators,  and  angusti  clavi  for  equites.  This  garment 
was  long  and  loose  ;  being  originally  sleeveless,  it  was 
called  colobium,  but  afterwards  becoming  sleeved,  was 
known  as  tunica  manicata  or  dalmatica,  which  latter 
variety  seems  to  have  been  established  for  ecclesiastics 
instead  of  the  former  in  the  fourth  century.  The 
alb  being  inconveniently  loose  for  baptisms,  a  close- 
fitting  variety  came  into  use,  which  is  the  mediaeval 
alb  known  to  us  on  brasses.  The  ecclesiastical  dal- 
matic and  tunicle,  to  be  described  below  (pp.  72-3),  are 
probably  derived  from  the  loose  variety.  The  alb, 
as  we  know  it,  is  a  long,  close-fitting  vestment  reach- 
ing to  the  feet,  usually  of  white  linen,  though  occa- 
sionally coloured  or  of  more  costly  material.  Passed 
over  the  head,  it  is  fastened  round  the  waist  by  a 
girdle  or  cord  [haltheus,  zona,  cingulum).  But,  as  the 
alb  is  drawn  through  the  girdle,  so  as  to  obscure  it, 
the  latter  is  not  seen  on  brasses,  though  its  presence 
is  evident,  where  the  crossing  of  the  stole  is  visible, 
as  at  Horsham,  Sussex,  141 1,  and  Upwell,  Norfolk, 
1435.  The  alb  is  decorated  with  six  pieces  of  em- 
broidery, which  are  possibly  the  remains  of  the  clavi 
(purple  bands),  and  segmenta  or  callicuU  on  the 
tunica  talaris.  These  apparels  are  placed  one  on  the 
back,  one  on  the  breast,  one  on  each  wrist,  and  on 
the  lower  skirt  of  the  garment  in  front  and  behind. 
They  were  either  sewn  on  the  alb,  or  attached  to  it 
by  strings,  thereby  causing  less  injury  to  the  embroi- 
dery when  removed  for  the  necessary  washing  of  the 

Stole  (orarium,  k-rriTpayjiXiovy  Mpapiov)  originally  a  napkin 
or  scarf  for  wiping  the  face  (w),  which  was  worn  outside 


the  outer  cloak  {pallium),  thereby  rendering  the  de- 
rivation of  the  shape  from  the  clavi  of  the  tunica 
improbable.    The  ovarium  seems  to  have  become  a 
mark  of  distinction  or  favour,  the  use  of  which  as 
such  by  the  Roman  people  was  first  granted  by 
Aurelian ;  indeed,  the  archiepiscopal  pall  may  be 
be  derived  from  a  like  distinction.    Since  the  seventh 
century  the  stole  has  been  worn  in  the  Western 
Church  by  priests  round  the  neck,  crossed  on  the 
breast  and  passed  beneath  the  girdle ; '  by  deacons 
over  the  left  shoulder.    It  consists  of  a  long  strip  of 
silk,  embroidered  throughout,  nine  or  ten  feet  long, 
and  two  or  three  inches  wide.    Originally  of  equal 
width  throughout,  this  has  varied  from  time  to  time. 
The  ends  are  fringed.    Nowadays,  in  the  middle  and 
at  each  extremity  a  cross  is  embroidered;  though, 
from  the  evidence  afforded  by  brasses,  the  terminal 
cross  does  not  appear  to  have  been  by  any  means 
obligatory.^  Being  worn  beneath  the  chasuble,  usually 
only  the  fringed  ends  are  visible,  which  fact  may  have 

_  Bishops  are  said  to  wear  it  not  crossed  (an  accessible  example  is  shown 
in  the  painting  by  Jacopo  da  Empoli  (1554-1640)  of  San  Zenobio  re- 

V'^.^^'v  Gallery.    The  stole  passes 

beneath  the  girdle  of  the  alb,  and  is  worn  with  a  cope  and  mitre)  f  but 
instances  of  bishops  with  crossed  stoles  are  known  :  a  small  figure  of 
uI^  Z  brass  of  Ralph,  Lord  Cromwell  (1455),  Tattershall, 

Lines,  IS  vested  m  cope  and  crossed  stole.    A  wood-carving  of  late 

an  exalT.       ^  NorthanTs,  affords 

an  example,  showing  a  bishop  m  alb,  crossed  stole,  cope,  and  mitre 

T^fr  Pk'"  Y    }-\  specimens  of  Ancient  Painting  and  Sculpture) 

Assisf  f  °'       Annunziata,  Florence,  Angelo  Marzi,  Bishop  of 

^r^ed^  alb^;;' ''5'"'"/''^  ^"."^^'.^^^  ^''''''''^  ^aUo,  wearing 
JVeatherley.    Jncient  Sepulchral  Monuments,  ^ 

^  Indeed,  we  know  of  no  instance  of  the  presence  of  crosses  on  stole, 
m  brasses,  unless  the  so-called  Fylfot-cross  be  so  considered  We  W 
the"  ntre  Thr'"^^°"  '  brass)  whether  a  cross  were  embroidered  In 
thL    r  f  °^  t^'^s^  '^^osses  is  probably  of  late  rather 

InriLrutge"^  '  -'^^  to'constit'ut™;f  t: 


led  to  the  concentration  of  ornament  at  the  extremi- 
ties. But  the  brasses  with  copes  at  Horsham  (where 
the  stole  is  embroidered  throughout)  and  Upwell, 
mentioned  above,  show  its  arrangement ;  as  does  that 
at  Sudborough,  Northants  (c.  1430),  which  gives  a 
figure  without  chasuble  or  cope. 

4.  Maniple  or  Fanon  {mappula^  k-^yi'ipiov^  oOovriy  fanon, 
sudarium,  manipulus)^  originally  a  napkin.  Pope 
Sylvester  in  the  third  century  ordered  deacons  to 
wear  ?i  pallium  Unostimum  on  their  hands.  Gregory 
the  Great  mentions  a  mappula.  It  would  appear  that 
the  use  of  this  vestment  was  first  confined  to  Rome  ; 
then  granted  to  Ravenna,  and  so  spread.  The 
maniple,  originally  of  linen,  was  worn  over  the  fingers 
of  the  left  hand,  as  seen  in  the  figure  of  Archbishop 
Stigand  in  the  Bayeux  tapestry;  but  on  brasses  it 
has  lost  its  original  use,  having  become  like  the  stole, 
a  piece  of  silk,  some  three  feet  in  length,  with  orna- 
mental embroidery  and  fringed  ends,  forming  in 
shape  a  kind  of  miniature  stole,  hung  over  the  left 
fore-arm,  beneath  which  it  is  secured  by  a  button  or 
hook.  On  the  maniple,  possibly  of  the  tenth  century, 
found  in  1827  with  the  remains  of  St.  Cuthbert  at 
Durham,  is  worked  a  figure  of  Pope  St.  Sextus  (third 
century)  wearing  this  vestment.^  An  instance  of  the 
maniple  being  represented  on  the  right  arm  may  be 
seen  atNewnton,  Wilts  (John  Erton,  1503),  probably 
an  engraver's  error ;  but  in  the  case  of  the  brass  at 
Naudhausen,  of  Jacob  Capillan,  1395  (a  kneeling 
priest,  holding  up  a  chalice),  it  may  be  that  this 
change  is  intentional.  In  the  MS.  known  as  the 
Bible  of  Charles  le  Chauve  (840)  is  a  representation 
of  that  monarch  receiving  a  Bible,  in  which  ecclesi- 

^  Figured  p.  33,  and  described  p.  206,  of  "Saint  Cuthbert,  with  an 
account  of  the  state  in  which  his  remains  were  found  upon  the  opening 
of  his  tomb  in  Durham  Cathedral  in  the  year  MDCCCXXVIL,"  by  the 
Rev.  James  Raine,  M.A.,  Durham,  1828. 


astics  appear  wearing  maniples  over  their  right  hands 
(reproduced  in  Planche's  Cyclopedia  of  Costume,  Yo\.  II., 
1876,  p.  31). 

Chasuble  {^aivoXiov,  casula,  planeta.    Old  English, 
chesihle,  vestment)  J-    The  Roman  toga  seems  to  have 
become  a  very  inconvenient  garment,  and  was  super- 
seded by  successive  modifications,  the  penula,  casula, 
and  planeta.    From  one  of  these  forms,  probably  the 
planeta,  the  ecclesiastical  chasuble  is  derived.  Its 
use,  except  when  worn  folded  at  certain  seasons 
{planeta  plicata),  was  confined  to  the  celebrant  at 
Mass.    Its  earlier  form  was  circular  with  a  large 
aperture  in  the  centre  through  which  the  head  passed. 
Later  it  seems  to  have  become  a  pointed  oval  (vesica 
piscis),  a  shape  known  now  as  the  Gothic  chasuble; 
which  form  would  give  more  freedom  in  the  use  of 
the  hands.^    As  the  vestment  became  heavier  with 
embroidery  it  was  found  necessary  to  split  up  the 
sides,  as  in  the  modern  Roman  chasuble.    At  the 
period  when  it  appears  frequently  on  brasses,  it  was 
a  vestment  of  great  costliness,  made  of  silk,  cloth  of 
gold,  etc.,  often  elaborately  decorated.    The  material 
used  in  earlier  brasses,  such  as  Bishop  Yso  Wilpe's, 
is  much  more  pliable  than  the  stiff  fabrics  of  a  later 
day.    The  orphrey  work  sometimes  took  the  form 

^The  word  vestmentum  is  occasionally  found  applied  to  a  set  of  mass 
vestments.  In  the  provincial  constitutions  of  Walter  Gray,  Archbishop 
ot  York,  I250,_the  parishioners  are  to  provide  "Vestimentum  ipsius 
^^ecclesi^  pnncipale,  viz.,  casula,  alba  munda,  amictus,  stola,  manipulus, 

zona.      Wilkms  Concilia  Magna  Britannia,  Vol.  I.,  1737,  p.  698. 

^  This  is  a  disputed  point.  The  pointed  or  Gothic  chasuble  of  modern 
times  may  be  without  authority.  Father  Lockhart  contends  {The  Chasuble; 
us  Genuine  Form  and  Size,  1891)  that  the  pointed  form  seen  on  sepulchral 

Th^^M '"''c '  "T"^  °^        ^^"^^  '-^ff^^^^^g  the  rounded 

chasuble^    ^'f        ^"^P^^  rounded  chasuble  worn  by  St.  Cuthbert  in 

on  tt  Ritl    /r?7'\""T'"^  °^  Commentaries 

on  the  Bible  of  Nicholas  de  Lyra,  at  Durham  (reproduced,  p.  131,  in 
Rames  5/  Cuthbert,  1828)  But  the  chasuble  of  St.  Thorn  s^  Becket 
at  Sens  seems  to  support  the  contrary  view. 


of  a  border  alone,  round  the  edge  of  the  garment. 
At  others  a  perpendicular  strip  appears,  as  in  the 
brass  of  Bishop  Yong  at  New  College,  or  a  Gamma 
(y)  or  Psi  (xf)  shaped  orphrey  is  seen.  Occasionally 
the  chasuble  is  quite  plain.^ 

The  following  are  good  examples  of  priests  in  mass 
vestments  ^ : — 

1337.    Laurence  de  St.  Maur,  Higham  Ferrers,  North- 

c.  1340.    John  de  Grovehurst,  Horsemonden,  Kent. 
c.  1360.    Esmound  de  Burnedissh,  Brundish,  Suifblk. 
c.  1360.    Thomas  de  Horton,  North  Mimms,  Herts 

c.  1360.    Simon    de    Wenslagh,   Wensley,  Yorkshire 

c.  1370.    A  priest  (with  a  franklin),  Shottesbrook,  Berks. 
c.  1370.    A  priest  (.?  Nicholas  de  Caerwent),  Crondall, 

c.  1370.    A  priest,  Stoke-in-Teignhead,  Devon. 
c.  1375.    Peter  de  Lacy,  Northfleet,  Kent. 

1380.    A   priest,   Beachamwell,   Norfolk   (.?  Thomas 
c.  1390.    A  priest,  Fulbourn,  Cambs. 

1395.    John  de  Swynstede,  Ashridge  House,  Bucks. 
c.  1400.    A  priest,  Stanford-on-Soar,  Notts. 
c.  1430.    A  priest.  Saffron  Walden,  Essex. 

1432.    William  Byschopton,  Great  Bromley,  Essex. 

1477.    Geoffrey  Byschop,  Fulbourn,  Cambs. 
c.  1500.    Philip  Eyre,  Ashover,  Derbyshire. 

1 519.    Hen.  Dodschone,  Stanton  Harcourt,  Oxon. 

^e^.,  c.  1380.    Thomas  Chervyll  (?),  Beachamwell,  Norfolk. 
c.  1400.    A  priest,  Stanford-on-Soar,  Notts. 
c.  1425.    Robert  Fyn,  Little  Easton,  Essex. 
c.  1460.    John  Spicer  (?),  Monkton,  Kent. 
1522.    Edmund  Assheton,  Middleton,  Lanes. 
The  chasuble  of  Richard  Thaseburgh,  1389,  Hellesdon,  Norfolk,  has 
a  very  simple  hem-like  border. 

'  Other  examples  are  mentioned,  p.  loi. 



There  are  numerous  examples  of  demi-figures  in  similar 
vestments : — 

1311.    Richard   de   Hakebourne,    Merton  College, 

c.  1320.    Thomas  de  Hop,  Kemsing,  Kent. 

c.  1320.    A  priest,  Wantage,  Berks. 

c.  1340.    Richard  de  Beltoun,  Corringham,  Essex. 

c.  1340.    A  priest,  Great  Brington,  Northants. 

c.  1360.    Walter  Frilende,  Ockham,  Surrey. 

c.  1364.    William  Darell,  Brandsburton,  Yorkshire. 

c.  1365.    Radulphus  Perchehay,  StifFord,  Essex. 

c.  1370.    John  Verieu,  Saltwood,  Kent. 

c.  1380.    John  Alderburne,  Lewknor,  Oxon. 

1398.  ,  Roger  Campedene,  Stanford-in-the-Vale,  Berks. 
c.  1430.    A  priest,  Upton  Lovel,  Wilts. 
c.  1450.    Esperaunce  Blondell,  Arundel,  Sussex. 

1474.    Robert  Warde,  Arundel,  Sussex. 

1494.    John  Taknell,  Winchester  College. 

1498.    William  Branwhait,  Ewelme,  Oxon. 

1 5 14.    John  Tylbert,  Winchester  College. 

1 5 14.    John  Crewaker,  Winchester  College. 

Some  variant  brasses  must  be  mentioned,  which,  with 
the  exception  of  the  first  example  given  below,  appear  to 
show  a  combination  of  mass  and  processional  vestments: — 

c.  1430.  John  West,  Sudborough,  Northants,  in  amice, 
alb,  and  crossed  stole. 

^.1411.  Henry  Clark,  Vicar,  Horsham,  Sussex;  1432, 
John  Wyllynghale  (half  eff.).  Fellow,  Win- 
chester College  ;  1435,  Henry  Martin,  Rector 
of  Yaxham,  Upwell,  Norfolk,  vested  in  amice, 
alb,  crossed  stole,  and  cope,  thereby  allowing 
the  arrangement  of  the  stole  to  be  seen.  The 
orphreys  of  the  cope  in  the  first  instance  bear 
the  initials  H.C. 

1472.  Thomas  Tonge,  LL.B.,  Beeford,  Yorks;  (a 
similar  efligy  to  which  was  formerly  at  Romald- 
kirk,  N.  Yorks),  and  two  half  effigies  of 



Fellows  at  Winchester  College  (1445,  Richard 
North,  and  1473,  Edward  Tacham)  vested  in 
amice,  alb,  and  cope. 
1465.  Thomas  Cod,  Vicar,  St.  Margaret's,  Rochester 
(half  efF.),  in  cassock,  amice,  surplice^  and  cope 
(see  p.  40). 

In  addition  to  the  vestments,  above  mentioned,  bishops 
wore  the  following : — 

I.  Dalmatic  {tunica  dalmatica).  The  origin  of  this  vest- 
ment has  been  touched  on  whilst  considering  the  alb. 
Its  name  is  derived  from  that  of  the  country  whence 
it  came.  Its  use  as  a  separate  vestment  was  given, 
as  a  privilege,  to  the  Roman  deacons ;  and  it  is  still 
worn  by  the  Deacon  at  Mass.  Originally  a  close 
white  linen  robe  reaching  below  the  knees,  with 
sleeves  and  purple  or  black  clavi,  it  soon  became  a 
subject  for  ornament,  being  decorated,  before  the 
twelfth  century,  with  vertical  or  horizontal  bands  of 
embroidery.  Later  it  became  embroidered  through- 
out, as  on  Bishop  Goodryke's  brass,  1554,  at  Ely, 
and  was  made  of  similar  material  and  colour  to  the 
chasuble.  The  bishop  wore  this  vestment  immedi- 
ately beneath  the  chasuble.  The  episcopal  dalmatic 
was  fringed  on  both  sleeves  and  on  both  sides ;  the 
deacon's  properly  on  the  left  sleeve  and  side  only. 
Examples  of  deacons  on  brasses  are  exceedingly  rare. 
The  reverse  of  the  canopy  of  the  brass  at  Burwell, 
Cambs,  shows  an  ecclesiastic,  c.  1320,  so  vested  {see 
p.  41).^     The  brass  of  Eghardus  de  Hanensee, 

^  The  figure  of  St.  Lawrence,  vested  in  the  dalmatic,  occurs  on  the 
following  brasses : — 

1 40 1.    William  Ermyn,  Rector,  Castle  Ashby,  Northants,  in  which  the 
saint  wears  the  episcopal  dalmatic  and  a  stole  (priest-fashion). 

1429.    Roger  Thornton  and  wife  (Flemish),  Newcastle-on-Tyne. 

1468.    John  Byrkhed,  Harrow,  Middlesex. 
A  saint  in  deacon's  vestments  appears  on  the  brass  of  Laurence  de 
St.  Maur,  1337,  Higham  Ferrers,  Northants,  and  on  that  of  Bishop 
Rudolphus,  1482,  at  Breslau ;  a  figure  of  St.  Quentin  on  that  of  Abbot 
Leonardus  Betten,  1607,  at  Ghent. 


Provost,  1460,  at  Hildesheim  (figured  by  Creeny) 
shows  the  dalmatic  fully  exposed. 

Tunic LE  (tunica  pontificalisy  tunicelld)^  a  plainer  variety 
of  the  dalmatic,  with  narrower  sleeves  and  frequently 
a  fringed  border.  It  was  the  vestment  peculiar  to  the 
Sub-Deacon  at  Mass.  The  bishop  wore  it  immediately 
below  the  dalmatic,  but  not  until  about  the  twelfth 
century.  Originally  of  white  linen,  it  underwent 
similar  enrichment  to  the  dalmatic.  In  the  brass  of 
Bishop  Trilleck  (1360)  at  Hereford,  this  vestment 
does  not  appear,  probably  because  it  is  hidden  beneath 
the  dalmatic.  This  difficulty  was  solved  by  repre- 
senting the  dalmatic  as  shorter  than  the  tunicle,  the 
fringed  hem  of  which,  thereby,  appears.' 

Buskins  or  Stockings  {caliga,  sotulares,  tibialia.  Old 
English  sabatyns),  fastened  at  the  knee,  were  first 
made  of  linen,  then  of  silk  embroidered.  Originally 
reserved  for  the  Pope,  their  use  was  gradually  ex- 

Sandals  {sandalia^  campaga).  These,  from  an  inter- 
mediate state  of  open  work  or  fenestration,  passed  to 
shoes  with  strings  (in  the  fourteenth  century),  on 
which  three  orphreys,  somewhat  of  a  ?si  (^)  shape, 
frequently  occur. 

Gloves  {chirotheca^  manica)  had  come  to  be  of  white 
netted  silk  or  other  delicate  material,  though  origin- 
ally, probably  of  leather  and  intended  for  warmth. 
Jewels  were  set  in  the  gloves,  or  a  plate  enamelled  or 
jewelled,  called  a  monial^  was  placed  in  the  centre  of 

_  In  the  directions  for  revesting  the  Abbot  of  Westminster  at  Evensong, 
instructions  are  given  to  lay  ready  the  dalmatic  with  longest  sleeves  above 
tlie  other.  This  implies  that  the  tunicle  had  longer  sleeves  than  the 
fe  mh      .  '  f    "dalmatic"  is  applied  to  both  Ltments,  the  four! 

IT^OTT^^'T''  fTT'""''''  °f  P^^"  of  dalmatics. 

1.88  "    Rv  T  W  ^7  Westminster  Abbey,  taken  in 


the  back  of  the  glove.^  In  the  brasses  of  Bishops 
Stanley  (1515),  Yong  (1526),  Goodryke  (1554),  Bell 
(1556),  and  Pursglove  (1579),  the  gauntlets  are  wide, 
ending  in  tassels. 

6.  Ring  (annului)  was  worn,  not  near  the  knuckle,  but 

above  the  lower  finger-joint  on  the  middle  finger  of 
the  right  hand,  and  was  kept  in  place  by  a  guard  ring. 
Either  it  was  passed  over  the  glove,  or  the  finger  of 
the  glove  was  cut  away  so  as  to  show  it.  The  stone 
was  frequently  a  sapphire,  unengraved,  set  in  gold.^ 
Sometimes  rings  appear  on  several  fingers,  as  on  the 
brass  of  Bishop  Yong,  1526,  at  New  College.  These 
rings  were  called  ^'■pontificals."  That  there  should  be 
but  one  episcopal  ring  seems  fitting,  but  in  the  Re- 
vesting of  the  Abbot  of  Westminster  (quoted  foot- 
note, p.  73)  "  hys  glovys  and  pontyfycales "  are 
mentioned,  implying  more  than  one  ring.^  Bishop 
Stanley  (15 15)  wears  a  large  ring  on  his  right  thumb. 

7.  Mitre'*  {rnitra^  cidaris^  borrowed  from  similar  Greek), 

'  "  Item,  a  paire  of  gloves  with  broches  sowedde  upon  eche  of  them 
with  perles  and  stones."  At  St.  Paul's,  in  1552.  See  Hierurgia  Angli- 
cana,  revised  and  considerably  enlarged  by  Vernon  Staley.  London, 
Moring,  Part  I.,  1902,  p.  60. 

2 "  Item,  a  pontificale  of  golde  with  a  great  saphyer  in  it  of  playne 
worke."    St.  Paul's,  1552.    See  the  same,  p.  60. 

3  See  "  On  an  Inventory  of  the  Vestry  at  Westminster,"  by  J.  Wickham 
Legg,  F.S.A.,  Archceoh^a,  Vol.  LII.,  1890,  p.  214,  note  b.  "  Item  fouer 
tinges  of  silver  called  pontificalles "  in  Henry  VIII. 's  Jewel  Book.  It 
has  been  held  that  the  ring  symbolizes  a  mystical  marriage.  This  idea 
would  be  supported  by  the  fact  that  the  see  impales  with  its  arms  those 
of  the  bishop.  On  the  brass  of  Bishop  Bernhard  de  Lippe,  1340,  at 
Paderborn,  the  coat  of  Lippe  (azure,  a  five-petalled  rose  gules)  is  borne 
on  an  escutcheon  of  pretence  in  the  centre  of  the  arms  of  the  see,  gules 
a  cross  or.  An  article,  "  On  Episcopal  Rings,"  by  Edmund  Waterton, 
F.S.A.,will  be  found  in  the  Archceolo^calJournal,Vo\.  XX.,  1863, p.  224. 

'^Sce  Papers  "Ecclesiastical  Head  Dress,"  by  Charles  Browne,  M.A.» 
F.S.A.,  Transactions  of  St.  Paul's  Ecclesiological  Society,  Vol.  III.,  1895* 
p.  155,  and  "The  Evolution  of  the  Mitre,"  by  Henry  Philibert  Feasey> 
O.S.B.,  The  Reliquary  and  Illustrated  Archeeolo^st,  Vol.  x.,  1904,  p.  73. 


the  head-dress  of  a  bishop,  probably  developed  from 
a  plain  skull-cap.    An  illumination  (reproduced  in 
Marriott  ^)  in  a  MS.  in  the  British  Museum  (Cotton, 
Claud  A3)  shows  St.  Gregory  the  Great  wearing  a  low 
cap  with  two  lappets  (infuU^  vitt^e)  which,  originally, 
in  all  probability,  being  tied  under  the  chin,  kept  the 
cap  in  place.^    Possibly  it  was  not  before  the  eleventh 
century  that  the  mitre  began  to  show  signs  of  the 
shape  with  two  peaks,  with  which  it  is  usually  asso- 
ciated.   The  earlier  forms  are  comparatively  low  and 
triangular,  as  in  that  of  Archbishop  Grenefeld,  13 15, 
at  York,3  but  later  they  become  higher  and  are 
crocketed  in  accordance  with  Gothic  taste  (1395, 
John  de  Waltham,  Bishop  of  Salisbury,  Westminster 
Abbey;   1554,  Bishop  Goodryke  at  Ely);  finally 
they  become  curved  and  bulged  (1631,  Archbishop 
Harsnett,  Chigwell,  Essex).    They  were  made  first 
of  linen,  then  of  silk  or  other  costly  material,  and 
were  of  three  kinds,  worn  on  occasions  of  varying 
dignity : — 

1.  Mitra  simplex,  of  white  linen  or  silk,  without 

much  ornament. 

2.  Mitra  aurifrigiata,  with  gold-embroidered 


3.  Mitra  pretiosa,  overlaid  with  gold  plates,  set 

with  jewels  frequently  of  great  value. 
8;_Pastoral  Staff  or  Crozier^  {virga  or  haculus pastoralis, 
'Plate  XLIV,  Vestiarium  Christianum,  1868. 

^In  the  brass  of  Lambert  von  Brun  at  Bamberg,  1390,  the  hfuU 
appear  as  though  tied  behind.  In  the  Westminstef  InJen  o  y  quS 
above,  the  stnngs  {JabelU)  of  a  mitre  are  mentioned  adorned  with^edous 
stones  and  eight  silver-gilt  bells.    Archaologta,  Vol.  LII.,  p.  .^^^P""'^""^ 

3  Bishop  Pursgloye  (1579)  wears  a  mitre,  similarly  depressed  but  that 
of  Bishop  Stanley  (15 15)  was  of  a  considerable  height.  ' 

befoTetSIhoT'V'  X^'Tt^'^^J '^^"^''^       the  cross-stafF  borne 
yilTf^^--    ^'f^^^'"^^^''%'^' Vol.  LI.  (and  Series,  Vol  1) 
DD    FS  A  '  Staves,"  by  the  Rev.  Frederick  George  Lee 

D.D.,  F.S.A.,  and  Vol.  LII.  (znd  Series,  Vol.  II.),  1890,  p.  70^"  On 


camhuca^  ferula^  pedum).  The  usual  form  is  ob- 
viously adopted  from  the  shepherd's  crook,  denoting 
the  bishop's  pastoral  authority.  The  staff  was  fre- 
quently of  some  precious  wood,  such  as  cedar,  and 
often  overlaid  by  plates  of  metal.  The  shape  of  the 
head  varied  greatly.  Early  instances  occur  of  knobs 
or  Y-shaped  tops.  Some  Irish  staves  have  a  crook 
shaped  like  an  inverted  U.  The  usual  form,  how- 
ever, is  that  of  a  volute,  richly  carved,  frequently 
having  in  the  centre  a  sacred  symbol,  such  as  the 
Agnus  Dei.  Below  the  crook  a  knob  is  seen,  pos- 
sibly used  as  a  reliquary.  Figures  of  saints  in  taber- 
nacle work  are  not  uncommon.  To  the  knob  a  scarf 
or  veil  (infula^  vexillurn)  is  seen  fastened,  often  having 
a  tasselled  end.  This  by  some  has  been  derived 
from  the  banner  of  Constantine ;  but  a  more  likely, 
though  humbler,  explanation  is  that  it  served  as  a 
napkin  to  prevent  the  plated  staff  from  getting  tar- 
nished :  a  view  that  is  adequately  supported  by  the 
manner  of  holding  the  staff  seen  on  brasses.  Much 
misconception  exists  as  to  the  representation  of  the 
pastoral  staff  on  sepulchral  monuments,  a  popular 
idea  being  that  the  crook  of  a  bishop's  staff  is  turned 
outwards  to  show  his  diocesan  authority ;  that  of  an 
abbot  turned  towards  his  body  to  show  a  jurisdiction 
restricted  to  his  convent.  But  monuments  give  us 
no  such  clue ;  the  heads  of  staves  being  turned,  in- 
differently, either  way. 

It  is  held  usually  in  the  left  hand,  or  rests  between 
the  left  arm  and  the  body ;  but  in  instances  such  as 
the  palimpsest  at  Burwell,  Cambridgeshire,  it  is  on 
the  right  side;  the  reason  for  it  being  held  in  the 
left  hand  probably  being  that  the  right  hand  is  raised 

the  use  of  the  terms  Crosier,  Pastoral  Staff,  and  Cross,"  by  the  Rev.  J.  T. 
Fowler,  M.A.,  F.S.A.  In  the  Westminster  Inventory  ("  Revestyng  of 
the  Abbot")  we  read  :  "  Hys  myter  and  crose  beyng  Redy"  {Jrchceologia, 
Vol.  LIL,  1890,  p.  214),  Archbishop  Harsnett's  will  (1630)  mentions 
a  crozier-staff,  which  on  the  brass  is  identical  with  a  pastoral  staff. 


to  give  a  benediction.  The  pastoral  staff  has  a  pointed 
end,  with  which  a  bishop  took  off  the  vestments  of 
an  ecclesiastic  on  deprivation.  Mr.  R.  A.  S.  Mac- 
alister  ^  gives  the  following  inscriptions,  as  supposed 
to  have  been  engraved  : — round  the  crook,  "  Cum 
iratus  fueris,  misericordias  recordaberis  "  ;  on  the  ball 
of  the  crook,  "  Homo  " ;  on  the  spike  at  the  bottom, 
"  Parce."  On  the  brasses  of  Bishop  Henry  Robinson, 
1616,  at  Carlisle,  and  at  Queen's  College,  Oxford,'' 
the  pastoral  staff  bears  : — on  the  shaft,  "Ps.  23.  Cor- 
rigendo  svstentando  " ;  on  the  crook,  encircling 
an  eye,  "Vigilando,  Dirigendo " ;  on  a  short  veil, 

Besides  these  vestments,  archbishops  have  two  addi- 
tional ornaments : — 

I.  Cross  Staff,  which,  as  its  name  denotes,  has  for  its 
head  a  cross  or  crucifix.  That  this  ornament  does  not, 
in  the  case  of  an  archbishop,  necessarily  supply  the 
place  of  the  episcopal  crozier  or  pastoral  staff  is  suffi- 
ciently demonstrated  by  the  presence  of  both  cross- 
staff  and  crozier  on  some  archiepiscopal  monuments; 
notably  the  brass  of  Bishop  Lambert  von  Brun,  1399, 
in  Bamberg  Cathedral,^  who  holds  the  cross-staff  in 
his  right  hand  and  the  pastoral  staff  in  his  left ;  the 
brass  of  Archbishop  Jacobus  de  Senno,  1480,  at 
Gnezen,  with  pastoral  staff  in  right  hand  and  cross- 
staff  in  left;  and  the  monument  of  Archbishop 
Albrecht  von  Brandenburg,  1 545,  at  Mayence.  For, 
although  the  cross-staff  was  usually  borne  in  front  of 
the  archbishop,  rather  than  held  by  him ;  yet,  as  in 

^Ecclesiastical  Vestments,  p.  132. 
Febiurr^Tsgg"  '■^^^■^"''^  University  Brass  Rubbing  Society,  Part  I., 

3  The  Bishops  of  Autun,  Bamberg,  Le  Puy,  Lucca,  Ostia,  Pavia,  and 
Verona  are  entitled  to  the  archiepiscopal  pall.  Hence,  probably,  the 
presence  of  the  cross-staff  in  this  instance  may  be  similarly  explained.  The 
Bishops  of  Dol  were  entitled  to  an  archiepiscopal  cross-stafE 


the  case  of  Archbishop  Cranley's  brass  at  New  College 
141 7>  It  IS  shown  on  his  left  side,  partly,  probably' 
for  pictorial  effect,  and  also  to  accentuate  the  evidence 
afforded  by  the  pallium,  of  his  metropolitan  rank. 

2.  Pall  {pallium,  ^/^o<l>6piov),  like  the  stole,  probably  de- 
rived from  the  orarium.     Dr.  Rock,  however,  con- 
siders It  to  be  descended  from  the  Roman  toga.^ '  The 
ecclesiastical  vestment  is  very  dissimilar  from  the 
Roman  pallium,  or  cloak.    It  was  early  set  apart  as 
the  symbol  of  authority  delegated  by  the  Pope  to  the 
Metropolitans,  and  was  sent  by  him  to  each  of  them 
when  consecrated.    Made  of  white  wool,  of  three 
fingers'  breadth,  in  the  sixth  century  mosaics  at 
Kavenna,  it  appears  in  a  different  form  to  that  of  later 
times.*    But,  finally,  the  vestment  assumed  a  T  or  Y 
shape  in  front  and  behind,  as  we  see  it  represented  in 
the  few  brasses  on  which  it  occurs,  and  in  the  arms 
of  the  See  of  Canterbury.    In  earlier  examples  it  is 
represented  as  of  great  length,  as  in  Bishop  Yso 
Wilpe  s  brass,  where  it  has  a  Tau-like  end.^  Later 
It  becomes  somewhat    shorter,  as   in  Archbishop 
Cranley  s  effigy.    The  pall  was  at  first  fastened  by 
gold  pins  to  the  chasuble,  to  keep  it  in  place.  These 
may,^  possibly,  be  represented  by  the  purple  crosses 
{patefitchi  in  the  Cranley  brass)  shown  on  the  pall 
which  vary  in  number.    Later  a  plummet  of  lead,' 

;  The  Church  of  our  Fathers,  Vol.  II.,  1849,  P-  For  an  account  of 

th  vestment  see  "The  Blessing  of  the  Episcopal  Ornament  called  the 
Pal ,  by  J.  WicL.iam  Legg,  F.S.A.,  Yorkshire  Jrchaological  Journal, 
Vol.  XV.,  1900,  p.  121.  *  ' 

^  Being  passed  from  the  front,  over  the  left  shoulder,  then  from  behind, 
over  the  right,  looped  round  in  front,  and  passed  again  over  the  left 
shoulder,  thereby  appearing  double  on  that  shoulder  and  single  on  the 
right,  the  two  ends  hanging  loose,  one  in  front  and  one  behind;  but 
afterwards,  by  being  knotted,  the  tails  (W)  were  brought  to  hang 
symmetrically  before  and  behind. 

3  It  is  difficult  to  understand  why  this  bishop  wears  a  pall,  unless  it 
were  conferred  as  a  mark  of  favour,  as  in  some  modern  instances. 


sewn  inside  at  the  end,  was  found  to  have  this  effect 
without  injuring  the  orphrey  of  the  chasuble.  The 
pall  was  worn,  correctly,  only  within  the  archbishop's 
province,  and  at  his  death  was  buried  with  him.  The 
effigy  of  Albrecht  von  Brandenburg,  1545,  at  May- 
ence,  shows  two  short  palls,  probably  denoting  there- 
by that  he  was  Archbishop  of  IMagdeburg  as  well  as 
of  Mayence.  Care  must  be  taken  not  to  confuse  the 
pall  with  the  Y-shaped  orphrey,  frequently  seen  on 
the  chasuble. 

A  list  of  brasses  of  Archbishops  and  Bishops  in  Pon- 
tincals : —  ^ 


1315-    William  Grenefeld,  Archbishop  of  York  York 
Minster.  ' 

1397-    Robert  de  Waldeby,  Archbishop  of  York  West- 
mmster  Abbey.  ' 

1417.    Thomas  Cranley,  Archbishop  of  Dublin,  New 
College,  Oxford. 

At  Edenham,_  Lincolnshire,  is  a  small  sixteenth-century 
brass,  representing  an  archbishop,  18  in.  high,  fastened 
some  forty  feet  from  the  ground  on  the  ou'tside  of  the 
west  wall  of  the  tower.^   But  it  may  be  questioned  whether 
It  be  a  sepu  chral  hr^,,.    One  theory  suggests  that  it  is  a 
representation  of  St.  Thomas  of  Canterbury,  who  s  de- 
picted     , he  canopy  of  Thomas  Nelond,  PrL  of  ,L  wes, 
1433,  at  Cowfold,  Sussex,  and  also,  possibly,  as  the  arch- 
bishop on  the  orphrey  of  the  cope  of  SimonVhf  14  ^ 
at  Knebworth,  Herts.    At  All  Saints',  Maidstone  waJ 
formerly  a  brass  for  Archbishop  William  Cou^^^^^^^^^^^^ 
i^tr    2     V^^'  ^^^i^d  at  Canterbury,   ^fn  the 

^^^^^^^^^^^^^  of  the  Martyrdom,  lie  the 

-one  is  unsuitable  for  carved 
case  i^  son.;  Glouc«ter  hTre  ,t  t"       ^V^'^^^^^^^-    ^his  is  the 

is  a  brass  to  TWas^Sn^tratrwife^  X'!'''  ^^^^^^^ 


matrices  of  the  brasses  of  Archbishop  John  Stafford,'  1452, 
and  Archbishop  Henry  Dene,^  1502-3.  At  Sandal  Parva, 
W,  Yorks,  was  formerly  the  kneeling  effigy  of  "William 
Rokeby,  Archbishop  of  Dublin,  1521.  The  inscription 
alone  remains. 


1360.  John  Trilleck,  Bishop  of  Hereford,  Hereford 

1375.  Robert  Wyvill,  Bishop  of  Salisbury,  Salisbury 

1395.  John  de  Waltham,  Bishop  of  Salisbury,  West- 
minster Abbey. 

1478.  John  Bowthe,  Bishop  of  Exeter,  East  Horsley, 
Surrey ;  a  kneeling  figure,  in  profile,  showing 
the  vertical  orphrey  on  the  back  of  the  chasuble 
and  its  jewelled  border.^ 

1496.    Richard  Bell,  Bishop  of  Carlisle,  Carlisle  Cathedral. 

15 1 5.  James  Stanley,  Bishop  of  Ely,  Manchester  Cathe- 

1526.  John  Yong,  titular  Bishop  of  Callipolis,  New  Col- 
lege, Oxford,  of  which  society  he  was  Warden. 

1 554.  Thomas  Goodryke,  Bishop  of  Ely  and  Lord  Chan- 
cellor, Ely  Cathedral ;  holding  book  and  great  seal. 

1556.  John  Bell,  Bishop  of  Worcester,  St.  James',  Clerk- 
enwell,  Middlesex. 

^  See  illustration  of  matrix.  Wiltshire  Notes  and  Queries,  No.  29,  March, 
1900  (Vol.  III.,  p.  193). 

2 This  brass  had  disappeared  before  1778.  His  will  is  printed  in  the 
Archceolo^.cal  Journal,  Vol.  XVIII.,  1 861,  p.  256.  "The  will  of  Henry 
Dene,  Archbishop  of  Canterbury,  a.d.  1502-3,  communicated  by  the 
Rev.  John  Bathurst  Deane,  M.A.,  F.S.A." 

3  An  example  of  a  priest  kneeling  in  mass  vestments  is  at  Blockley, 
Worcs.  (William  Neele,  15 10).  For  some  account  of  the  Bowthe 
family,  see  "  The  Booths  or  Bothes,  Archbishops  and  Bishops,  and  the 
Derbyshire  Family  to  which  they  belonged,"  by  Llewellynn  Jewitt,  The 
Reliquary,  Vol.  XXV,,  1884-5,  p.  33.  With  the  Boothe  brass  may  be 
compared  the  matrix  of  that  of  Thomas  Cornish,  1513,  Bishop  of  Tenos, 
in  Wells  Cathedral. 

Bishop  of  Callipolis,  1526, 
New  College,  Oxford. 





1579.    Robert   Pursglove,  suffragan  Bishop  of  Hull, 
Tideswell,  Derbyshire. 

At  Adderley,  Shropshire,  is  a  full-length  figure  in  epis- 
copal vestments,  c.  1390,  without  tunicle,  stole,  or  gloves, 
holding  a  crozier  in  the  right  hand  and  a  book  in  the  left.' 
At  Hereford  Cathedral  is  preserved  a  figure  of  St.  Ethel- 
bert,  which  is  all  that  remains  of  the  brass  of  Bishop 
Thomas  Cantilupe,  1282.  In  the  same  cathedral  is  a  plate 
beanng  twelve  Latin  hexameters,  part  of  the  memorial  of 
Bishop  John  Stanberry,  1474.  At  St.  Andrew's,  Norwich, 
a  scroll  and  shield  survive  from  the  cross-brass  of  Bishop 
John  Underwood,  1541,  titular  Bishop  of  Chalcedon,  and 
suffragan  to  the  Bishop  of  Norwich. 

At  St.  John  Maddermarket,  Norwich,  is  a  palimpsest 
brass  commemorating  Robert  Rugge,  1558,  the  reverse 
of  which  shows  portions  of  a  figure  in  episcopal  vestments, 
of  early  date,  c  1320,  holding  a  pastoral  staff  in  the  ri^ht 
hand  and  a  book  on  the  breast  in  the  left.^    At  Upminster 
Essex,  a  small  brass  of  a  civilian,     1540,  has  on  its  reverse 
side  a  lower  part  of  a  figure  in  pontificals,  probably  of 
ear  y  fifteenth  century  date.    Other  instances  occur  at 
Bucks         Darcy,  in  the  same  county,  and  at  Hedgerley, 

Several  matrices  of  episcopal  brasses  exist.  Perhaps  the 
most  notable  IS  that  of  Bishop  Beaumont  (1333)  at  Durham.3 
tn  ^  f^'i  ^^'l^^'^^  ^  small  brass  to  tL  east  of  the 
tomb  of  Bishop  Richard  Mayo  (1516),  representing  h^m 
kneeling  in  pontificals  before  a  figure  of  the  Virgiif 

shield  bearinf  Argent 

"  Haec  sp'cs  mZ  \n  sTu  ^ea"  "       ^'^'^  "^"'^^  °"  ^^-^  is  inscribed, 

"-^ Vol.  I., 


on  a  fess  sable  between  three  roses  gules  a  lily  of  the  first. 
This  was  well  restored  in  1857  by  Magdalen  College, 
Oxford,  of  which  the  Bishop  was  President.  A  small 
brass  is  preserved  in  the  cathedral  library  at  Lincoln,  con- 
sisting of  a  crocketed  mitre  {pretiosd)  surmounting  a  shield 
bearing  a  chevron  between  three  crosses-croslet  fitch^,  with 
a  curious  inscription,  through  which  it  has  been  ascribed 
to  Bishop  John  Russell  (1494).  The  reverse  of  the  shield 
on  the  brass  of  Thomas  Fromond,  Esq.,  1 542,  at  Cheam, 
Surrey,  shows  the  arms  of  the  see  of  Lincoln,  c.  1420. 

A  few  general  remarks  will  now  be  in  place  as  to  the 
representation  of  the  foregoing  vestments  on  brasses.  The 
earlier  examples  of  the  fourteenth  century  have  the  hair 
long  and  flowing,  the  ears  large,  and  the  shaven  part  of 
the  face  represented  by  dots.  The  vestments  are  less 
rigid  than  in  later  monuments ;  the  chasuble,  especially, 
showing  by  its  many  folds,  that  it  was  of  pliant  material. 
In  the  earlier  examples,  the  ends  of  the  stole  and  maniple 
are  frequently  broadened,  and  the  apparels  of  the  alb  are 
continued  round  the  wrists  (as  at  Corringham,  Essex, 
Richard  de  Beltoun,  half  efF.,  c.  1340),  being  represented 
later  by  a  square  piece  only,  on  the  upper  side  of  the 
sleeve.  In  some  instances  the  mitten  sleeves  of  the  under- 
garment appear  over  the  hands  beyond  the  alb.  In  the 
fifteenth  century  a  greater  stiffness  in  the  vestments  be- 
comes visible ;  the  hair  is  shown  straight,  and  not  in  the 
graceful  manner  noticed  at  first.  The  Reformation  brings 
this  class  of  brass  to  an  end.  Instances  of  omission  are 
well  known,  due,  in  all  probability,  to  the  mistakes  of  the 
engraver.  For  example,  the  stole  is  omitted  at  Blisland, 
Cornwall  (John  Balsam,  1410)  ;  Chelsfield,  Kent  (William 
Robroke,  1420);  and  at  Newton  Bromshold,  Northants 
(William  Hewett,  1426)  ;  the  maniple  in  Bishop  Yong's 
effigy  at  New  College,  1526;  both  stole  and  maniple 
at  Coleshill,  Warwickshire  (William  Abell,  1 500) ;  at 
Sawston,  Cambs.  (Edmund  Richardson,  1522);  and  at 
Middleton,   Lanes.  (Edmund   Assheton,    1522).  The 


JOHN  VERIEU,  c.  1370, 
Saltwood,  Kent. 


tunicle  is  not  visible  on  the  brass  of  Bishop  Trilleck, 
1360,  at  Hereford.  The  stole  worn  by  Bishop  Goodryke' 
I554j  at  Ely,  is  placed  between  the  tunicle  and  the 

The  ornamentation  of  the  mass  vestments  is  usually  of 
a  geometrical  kind,  the  lozenge  being  a  favourite  device, 
squares  and  circles  also  being  found.     These  are  fre- 
quently filled  in  with  the  quatrefoil,  or  simple  forms  of  a 
floral  origin.    The  cross  is  exceedingly  rare.    It  occurs  on 
the  brass  of  John  de  Waltham,  Bishop  of  Salisbury  in 
Westmmster  Abbey.^    The  device  known  as  the  "fylfot" 
cross  may  be  seen  on  several  brasses  (e.g.  Richard  de 
Hakebourne,  ^.  1311,  Merton  College,  Oxford;  Walter 
Frdende,  c.  1360,  Ockham,  Surrey,  half-eff.,  etc.).  Per- 
sonal devices  seldom  occur  on  the  chasuble,  probably 
because  of  its  superior  sanctity,  but  the  initials  I.  B 
(arranged  ^ )  occur  on  the  vertical  orphrey  of  that  vest- 
ment at  Arundel,  Sussex  (John  Baker,  fellow  1445).  On 
the  chasuble  worn  over  his  armour  by  Sir  Peter  Le^h 
(1527),  Winwick,  Lanes,  (which  shows  an  embroidered 
collar,  usually  concealed  in  the  priestly  effigy  by  the 
apparel  of  the  amice),  a  large  shield  of  six  quarterings  is 
placed.     On  the  brass  of  Bishop  Bernhard  de  Lippe 
1340,  at  Paderborn,  the  orphrey  of  the  chasuble  bears 
hve-petalled  roses  in  reference  to  his  arms,  and  in  the 
Schwerin  brasses  the  arms  of  de  Bulowe  occur  in  a  similar 
position,  in  one  case  also  on  the  amice.    On  the  latter 
vestment  at  Posen  on  the  brass  of  Bishop  Vrielis  de  Gorka 
1498,  the  letters  p  a  t  and  i  v  s  occur,  which  Creeny 

J.  Crosses  occur  on  the  maniple  of  Archbishop  Grenefeld,  I3i5,in  York 
Minster;  that  of  Abbot  Leonardus  Betten,  1607,  at  Ghent,  has  thr^e 


The  description  of  the  brass  of  Bishop  Lewis  de  Beaumont  Riven  in 
he  Durham  Book  of  Rites  shows  that  his  arms  occurred  on  his  chasuble 
his  owne  armes  of  France,  being  a  white  lyon  placed  uppon  t^e  £ 
of  h,s  vestment  beneath  his  verses  of  his  breaft  with  flLer  de  W 
about  the  lyon."    His  seal  shows  a  similar  heraldic  chlsuZl  (7.  ?l! 
engravings,  Proc.  Soc.  Ant.,  Series  IL,  Vol  XIII  ^  "^"^ 


supposed  to  be  the  first  and  last  three  letters  of  "  Pater, 
Spiritus,  Filius."'    Figures  of  saints  on  chasubles  are 
rare.^    The  Waltham  brass,  1395,  at  Westminster,  with 
the  Virgin  and  child,  the  arms  of  the  See  of  Salisbury, 
furnishes  an  English  instance,  which  is  shown  alternately 
with  a  cross  on  the  vertical  orphrey  of  the  bishop's 
chasuble.    Palimpsest  brasses  at  Upminster,  Essex,  and 
Bayford,  Herts,  show,  when  reversed,  portions  of  the  same 
brass  of  an  abbot  or  bishop,  probably  of  fifteenth-century 
Flemish  work,  whose  finely-embroidered  chasuble  has  an 
orphrey  with  saints.^    The  chasuble  orphrey  of  Leonardus 
Betten,  1607,  Abbot  of  St.  Trond,  on  his  brass,  now  in 
Ghent  Museum,  shows  figures  of  SS.  Quentin,  Trond, 
Peter,  Paul,  and  James.    In  each  case  the  orphrey  is 
vertical.    Across  the  chasuble  of  Laurence  de  St.  Maur, 
1337,  at  Higham  Ferrers,  Northants,  is  written,  "  Fili  dei 
miserere  mei."    Across  that  of  Thomas  Ouds,  1500, 
Great  Musgrave,  Westmorland,  "  Reposita  est  spes  mea 
in  sinu  meo.""*   

1  In  "Inventories  of  Christchurch,  Canterbury,  etc.,  edited  by  J. 
Wickham  Legg,  F.S.A.,  and  W.  H.  St.  John  Hope,  M  A.,  1902,  quoted 
p  165  Vol.  I.,  HzVra;-^'/z^«^/zV'7«^,  1 9°2,  occurs  the  following:—  item 
"'i  falbe]  of  redwelvet  embrodered  the  Image  of  St.  Laurence  and  St. 
"  Stephens  ye  amyse  whereof  is  imbrodered  w'  y«  nameof  wiUiam  hull  m 

"  letters  of  golde."  ,  <^   1   j  1 

2  The  apparel  of  the  amice  found  in  1892  in  Canterbury  Cathedral  on 
the  body  of  Archbishop  Hubert  Walter  {d.  1205)  was  embroidered  with 
seven  figures :  Christ  enthroned,  the  four  evangelistic  symbols,  and  the 
archangels  Michael  and  Gabriel.  See  "  Burial  Places  of  the  Archbishops 
of  Canterbury,"  by  Canon  Scott  Robertson.    Jrchaologta  Cantiana,  Vol. 

Another ^exWe  (fifteenth-century  Flemish)  is  on  the  reveneofa 
man  in  armour,  c.  1 560,  in  the  possession  of  Sir.  M.  Boileau,  of  Ketter- 

ingham  Park,  Norfolk.  ,  .  . 

4Bishop  Beaumont  "In  pectore... Reposita  est  haec  spes  mea  m  sinu 
meo.  Domine  miserere."  "  Durham  Book  of  Rites  (see  ^'m.  Soc.  Jnt., 
Series  II.,  Vol.  XIII.,  p.  37)-  The  lost  brass  of  Richard  Stondon,  priest 
(early  sixteenth  century),  formerly  at  St.  Albans,  showed  him  in  a  chasuble, 
the  orphreys  of  which  were  engraved  with  the  inscription  :  Jesu  Christ, 
Mary's  son,  Have  mercy  on  the  soul  of  Sir  Richard  Stondon  priest.  See 
"  The  Brasses  and  Indents  in  St.  Albans'  Abbey,"  by  William  Page, 
F.S.A.    Home  Counties  Magazine,  Vol.  I.,  1899. 


The  Processional  or  Choral  Vestments  have  now 
to  be  considered.  These,  unhke  the  foregoing,  cannot  be 
said  to  possess  a  sacramental  significance,  but  form  the 
dress  of  dignity  of  ecclesiastics  of  rank,  worn  to  show  a 
temporal  rather  rather  than  a  spiritual  position. 

First  it  will  be  convenient  to  mention  a  garment,  by  no 
means  confined  to  the  Processional  Vestments  proper,  but 
worn  by  clergy  as  an  ordinary  course. 

The  Cassock  (camisia  vestis,  tunica  talaris,  cassacca^ pelliciuni) 
was  the  ordinary  dress  of  the  western  ecclesiastic, 
worn  beneath  the  eucharistic  as  beneath  the  proces- 
sional vestments,  though  in  the  former  case  obscured 
by  the  alb,  as  we  know  was  the  case  with  the  monastic 
habit.  It  is  well  seen  when  worn  with  the  surplice. 
Intended  for  warmth,  we  find  it  lined  with  fur  {peliis), 
indications  of  which  appear  at  the  wrists  on  some 
brasses  {e.g.,  a  Priest,  c.  1520,  St.  Just-in-Roseland, 
Cornwall,  a  broad  fur  cufF).  Its  form  was  that  of  a 
close-fitting  garment,  open  in  front,  with  sleeves. 
Its  colour  is  usually  black,  though  sometimes  red,  as 
in  the  west  window  of  Cirencester  Abbey,  Gloucs.,  or 
purple  for  distinction  of  dignity."  In  the  same 
church  is  a  small  brass  (c  1480)  representing  the 
cassock  with  nothing  worn  over  it.  Another  in- 
stance is  afforded  by  the  second  son,  kneeling,  on 
the  brass  of  Nicholas  Gaynesford,  Esq.,  and  wife, 
c.  1490,  Carshalton,  Surrey.  The  bracket  brass  with 
the  figure  of  John  Whytton,  1420,  Merton  College, 
Oxford,  shows  it  worn  in  conjunction  with  tippet  and 
hood  {see  p.  104).    The  tight-fitting  buttoned  sleeves. 

'  Professor  E.  C.  Clark  (in  his  account  of  English  Medieval  Academical 
Costume  m  Vol.  L.,  Archaolo^cal  Journal)  deals  with  the  question  of  the 
significance  of  the  scarlet  cassock  ;  an  eminent  colour  suitable  for  canons 
and  cardinals ;  but  originally  connected,  in  his  opinion,  rather  with  law 
than  with  divinity,  though  writers  usually  attribute  it  to  doctors  in  the 
ktter  faculty,  whose  use  of  the  scarlet  gown  is  well  known.  Archbishop 
1  arker,  at  Morning  Prayer  on  the  day  of  his  consecration  (December  i6th, 
1559),  wore  a  toga  talaris  coccinea. 


prolonged  over  the  hands,  like  mittens,  seen  in  some 
effigies,  may  possibly  be  identified  with  those  of  the 
subtunica,  mentioned  by  Professor  Clark ;  for,  as  in 
the  brass  of  Archdeacon  Rothewelle,  1361,  they 
appear  to  belong  to  a  body-garment  worn  under  the 

Surplice  {superpellicium),  so  named  from  being  worn  over 
the  fur-lined  cassock,  is  a  loose-fitting  vestment  of 
white  linen,  as  a  rule  unadorned,  with  long  hanging 
sleeves.  Not  being  of  so  great  a  length  as  the  alb, 
it  allows  the  cassock  to  appear  beneath  it,  except  in 
some  early  instances,  such  as  St.  Cross,  Winchester 
(John  de  Campeden,  1382),  or  Cobham,  Kent 
(Reginald  de  Cobham,  1402),  in  which  the  cassock  is 
hidden  by  a  long  surplice.  Not  open  in  front,  it  is 
passed  over  the  head,  like  the  alb.  On  brasses  it  is 
frequently  represented  as  crimped.  Marriott  points 
out '  that  the  first  mention  of  a  surplice  {superpelliceum) 
belongs  to  the  twelfth  century,  when  Stephanus, 
Bishop  of  Tournay,  sent  one  to  Cardinal  Albinus 
with  a  sermon,  "  de  mystica  superpellicei  confec- 

Almuce  {almutium^  aumusse,  amys^  amess ;  muce^  Teutonic 
for  cap  or  hood,  to  which  is  prefixed  the  Arabic 
article),  originally  a  hood,  worn  to  protect  the  head 
from  the  cold,  the  use  of  which  was  granted  to  vari- 
ous monastic,  cathedral,  and  collegiate  bodies,  and  as 
such  appears  in  the  arms  of  the  Chapter  of  Laon.' 

^Vestiarium  Ckristianum,  1868,  Appendix  G.,  p.  227. 

2  See  "  The  Black  Scarf  of  Modern  Church  Dignitaries  and  the  Grey 
Almuce  of  Medieval  Canons,"  by  J.  Wickham  Legg,  F.S.A.,  Transactions 
of  St.  Paul's  Ecclesiological  Society,  Vol.  III. 

On  an  incised  slab  in  Paris,  engraved  in  Shaw's  Dresses  and  Decorations, 

Vol.  I.,  lohn  D  ,  Canon  of  Poitiers,  and  Chancellor  of  Noyon,  1350, 

is  shown  in  mass  vestments,  wearing  the  almuce  as  a  head  covering.  It 
is  used  as  such  on  two  small  sepulchral  effigies  at  Bitton,  Gloucs ,  worn 
with  cassock,  surplice,  and  choral  cope  (illustrated  p.  34,  Vol.  I^.,  2nd 
series,  1878,  Transactions  of  Exeter  Diocesan  Architectural  Society,  Ihe 


This  hood  was  made  of  dark  cloth  lined  with  fur, 
which  in  the  case  of  canons  and  ecclesiastics  of  dignity 
was  of  a  grey  colour.   About  the  end  of  the  thirteenth 
century  it  appears  to  have  assumed  a  cape  form,  by 
being  allowed  to  fall  back  on  the  shoulders,  whereby 
the  fur  lining  became  outermost,  establishing  the 
form  of  the  garment,  as  the  fur  cape  with  a  kind  of 
roll-collar,  with  which  we  are  familiar  on  brasses  of 
priests  in  processional  vestments.    At  first  open  in 
front  and  fastened  with  a  morse  or  strings,'  it  later 
became  closed,  so  that  it  had  to  be  passed  over  the 
head.    In  the  fourteenth  century,  we  find  it  with  two 
long  pendent  ends,  hanging  down  in  front,  which  are 
well  shown  on  brasses,  and  must  not  be  mistaken  for 
the  stole.    One  of  the  earliest  brasses  in  processional 
vestments  is  that  of  Archdeacon  Rothewelle,  1 361,  at 
Roth  well,  Northants,  in  which  the  almuce  seems' to 
lack  the  cape-characteristic,  so  evident  in  later  brasses, 
especially  those  in  which  the  cope  is  not  worn,  as  at 
Great  Haseley,  Oxon.  (Thomas  Butler,  1494)  and  at 
Christ  Church,  Oxford  (James  Courthope,  1557),  in 
each  of  which  appear  the  small  pendent  tails  or  tufts 
of  the  fur  attached  to  the  edge  of  the  cape.  Fre- 
quently the  almuce  is  represented  on  brasses  in  a 

Prebenda  Church  of  St.  Mary  Bitton,  Gloucestershire,"  by  the  Rev. 
K  T.  Ellacombe  M.A.,  F.S.A."  See  also  Proceedings  of  the  Society  of 
Jntt^uanes,  Vol.  IL,  1849,  P-  9°.  Bloxam  writes :  "  In  winter  thi 
aumasse  was  worn  as  a  hood  as  well  as  a  tippet,  and  in  the  representations 
o  ecc  esiastics  of  canonical  rank  on  French  incised  monuments,  we  fre- 
quently hnd  the  aumasse  used  as  a  hood,  and  worn  on  the  head,  but 
in  monumental  brasses  in  this  country  we  rarely  find  it  otherwise  than 
Council  or°M-7"^  t  ^A  ^"^  breast.    In  the  fifth  provincial 

"to?ho?  f  ^'^•'^"'^^IdA.D.  I  579,  the  aumasse  is  declared  to  be  peculiar 
to  those  of  canonical  rank, '  Almutia  pellicea  insigne  canonicorum  est  '  " 
Mtdland  Counttes^  Herald,  Thursday,  March  5th,  1 846.  ""''"'""^ 

^The  former  can  be  seen  at  Cobham,  Kent,  William  Tannere  IA18  • 
the  latter  m  sculptured  figures  of  canons  of  the  fifteenth  cen"ury  at  Wells' 
Criry^  '"^^^^^^--'^^^  ^^b---'  ^50S,at  BambergYfiglTdt; 


white  metal,  engraved  to  resemble  fur ;  the  ends  of 
the  long  pendants,  unlike  those  of  the  stole,  being  of 
a  rounded  shape,  though  at  Mawgan-in-Pydar,  Corn- 
wall, c.  1420,  they  are  squared.  In  a  few  brasses, 
where  the  cope  is  seen,  the  almuce  is  omitted : 
{e.g.,  1438,  John  Lovelle,  St.  George's,  Canterbury; 
1458,  William  Kyrkeby,  Theydon  Gernon,  Essex; 
c.  1460,  a  Priest,  Temple  Church,  Bristol;  1508, 
Henry  Wykys,  All  Saints',  Stamford,  Lines;  1541, 
Thomas  Dalyson,  LL.B.,  Clothal,  Herts;  d.  1559, 
Bishop  John  White,  Winchester  College.) 

Cope  {cappa,  pluviale^  juav^vag).  The  necessity  of  protec- 
tion from  the  weather  in  open-air  processions  at 
Rome '  probably  gave  rise  to  the  use  of  this  vest- 
ment.^ It  is  a  large  outer  cloak,  sleeveless,  of  semi- 
circular shape,  worn  over  the  surplice  and  almuce, 
and  fastened  in  front  by  a  brooch,  called  a  morse. 
Originally  a  hood  {caputium,  diminutive  of  cappd)  was 
attached  to  it,  which  could  be  drawn  over  the  head ; 
but  when  the  cope  became  a  costly  vestment,  made 
of  silk  {cappa  sericd)  and  cloth  of  gold,  etc.,  and  worn 
in  church  by  high  ecclesiastics,  its  use  disappeared,^ 
and  in  its  place  a  flap  was  worn,  which  lent  itself  to 
the  most  elaborate  embroidery.  This  flap  is  very 
rarely  met  with  on  brasses.  The  following  are  four 
examples : — 

14 1 3.    William  Langeton,  canon,  Exeter  Cathe- 
dral (kneeling  sideways). 
c.  1520.    A  Priest,  St.  Just-in-Roseland,  Cornwall  (a 
plain  cope). 

^  On  the  shape  of  the  cope,  resembling  that  of  the  ancient  chasuble  but 
for  being  cut  up  the  front,  see  The  Chasuble;  its  Genuine  Form  and  Size, 
by  Father  William  Lockhart,  B.A.,  189 1. 

2  Its  ancestor  was,  probably,  the  Roman  lacerna. 

3  The  use  of  the  almuce  may  have  rendered  the  hood  of  the  cope  un- 
necessary. Just  as,  later,  the  almuce  was  superseded  by  a  cap  as  a  head- 
covering,  itself  becoming  a  cape. 


1530.    Adam  GrafFton,  Withington,  Salop. 

1550.    Thomas  Magnus,  archdeacon,  Sessay,  York- 

Hoods  appear  in  a  few  instances  on  plain  copes, 
which,  in  all  probability,  form  part  either  of  the 
monastic  habit  as  at  Dorchester,  Oxon.,  15 10,  or  of 
academical  costume,  as  at  All  Souls,  Oxford,  1461. 
Along  the  straight  sides  of  the  cope,  and  sometimes, 
to  a  less  extent,  as  a  border  round  the  edge,  are 
placed  orphreys  of  different  degrees  of  richness ;  and 
in  some  few  cases  the  whole  cope  is  represented  as 
richly  worked,  e.g. : — 

1414.    Simon  Bache,  Knebworth,  Herts. 
1450.    Robert   Thurbern,   Winchester  College, 

1462.    John  Blodwell,  Balsham,  Cambs. 
1472.    Thomas  Tonge,  Beeford,  Yorks. 
1 51 8.    Dr.  Robert   Langton,  Queen's  College, 

^.  1520.    A  Priest,  Dowdeswell,  Gloucs.  (embroi- 
dered with  fleurs  de  lis  in  lozenges,  as  is 
Langton 's  cope). 
1529.    Edmund  Frowsetoure,  S.T.P.,  Dean,  Here- 
ford Cathedral. 

c.  1548.    Bishop  John  White,  warden,  Winchester 
College  {d.  1559). 

But,  as  a  rule,  only  the  orphreys  appear  embroidered, 
in  the  decoration  of  the  cope,  unlike  that  of  the 
chasuble  personal  devices  are  not  infrequently  found. 
At  l^ulbourn,  Cambs.,  the  cope  of  Wilham  de 
l;^ulburne  1391,  bears  the  initials  W.F. ;  at  New 
«^ollege,  the  orphrey  on  the  cope  of  Richard  Malford 
warden,  1403,  has  the  initials  R.M. ;  that  of  Walter 
Wyll  warden,  1494,  the  letters  W.H.  At  Tredine- 
ton,  Worcs.,  the  orphrey  on  the  cope  of  Richard 

^  With  initials  R.T.  on  orphreys  and  ihc  on  morse. 


Cassey,  Canon  of  York,  1427,  "  Inceptor  legum," 
bears  the  initials  R.C. ;  that  of  Thomas  Mordon, 
1458,  at  Fladbury,  in  the  same  county,  the  initials 
T.M. ;  that  at  Broadwater,  Sussex  (John  Mapilton, 
1432),  has  the  letter  M.  and  maple  leaves.  The 
name  of  "  Thomas  Patesley  "  is  worked  on  the  orphrey 
and  morse  of  a  cope  at  Great  Shelford,  Cambs.,  141 8. 
An  instance  of  heraldic  ornament  on  orphreys  is 
furnished  by  the  garbs  on  the  brass  of  Thomas  Aile- 
ward,  at  Havant,  Hants,  141 3.'    An  adaptation  from 
Job  xix.  25-26  is  seen  on  the  cope  of  William 
Prestwyk,  1436,  Warbleton,  Sussex.     Figures  of 
apostles  or  saints  occur  on  the  orphreys  at  Balsham, 
Cambs.;    Castle   Ashby,    Northants ;  Bottesford, 
Leics. ;    Knebworth,    Herts ;    Ringwood,    Hants ; 
Harrow,  Middlesex;  and  Merton  College,  Oxford, 
all  of  the  fifteenth  century. 

The  morse  is  sometimes  decorated  with  the  con- 
traction IHS  or  mC  (as  at  Winchester  College, 

1548,  Bishop  John  White,  where  IHS  appears 
within  a  circle).  The  word  "  lESUS "  occurs  on 
that  of  the  M  agnus  brass,  1 550,  at  Sessay,  Yorkshire. 
Heraldic  morses  are  found  at  Castle  Ashby,  North- 
ants, William  Ermyn,  rector,  1401  (ermine,  a  saltire 
gules ;  on  a  chief  of  the  last  a  lion  passant  gardant 
or),  and  at  Fulbourn,  Cambs.,  William  de  Fulburne, 
1 39 1  (argent,  a  saltire  sable  between  four  martlets 

I  It  is  always  well  to  obtain  corroborative  evidence  before  stating 
positively  that  such  heraldic  decorations  represent  the  family_ bearings  of 
the  person  commemorated.  For,  although  such  an  assumption  may  be 
justifiable,  as  a  rule,  in  the  case  of  sepulchral  monuments,  this  is  by  no 
means  always  the  case  with  vestments,  extant  or  mentioned  in  inventories, 
as  concerning  the  donors.  In  the  Havant  brass  the  arms  are  probably 
those  of  the  deceased :  but  an  instance  occurs  at  Flamstead,  Herts,  ot  the 
Beauchamp  arms  on  the  brass  of  John  Oudeby,  rector,  d.  1454,  who  was 
canon  of  the  collegiate  church  of  Warwick,  and  chamberlain  of  the  royal 
treasury  for  the  Earl  of  Warwick.  The  arms  of  Thomas  Arundel,  Arch- 
bishop of  Canterbury,  are  found  on  the  brass  of  John  Byrkhede,  1468,  at 


gules).  Sometimes  the  morse  contains  the  initials 
of  the  deceased,  as  on  the  Aileward  brass  mentioned 
above.  Sometimes  the  Vernicle  or  face  of  Christ  is 
represented,  as  at  Knebworth,  Herts,  Simon  Bache, 
14 14,  or  at  Tattershall,  Lines,  1510,  or  an  emblem 
of  the  Trinity,  as  at  Bottesford,  Leics.  (Henry  de 
Codyngtoun,  1404).  At  Dowdeswell,  Gloucs.,  c.  1 520, 
the  rose-en-soleil  is  seen. 

Choral  Cope. — The  cope  of  dignity  described  above 
.  {cappa  sericd)  must  not  be  confused  with  the  choral 
cope  {cappa  nigra)  of  plain  cloth  with  a  hood,  but 
without  ornament,  worn  in  choir  by  canons  and 
monks,  or  by  the  cantores,  as  at  Westminster.  Pos- 
sibly the  cope  of  Archdeacon  Rothewelle,  at  Rothwell, 
Northants,  1361,  may  be  a  slightly  ornamental  form' 
of  this  garment.    Quite  plain  ones  may  be  seen  at 
Watton,  Herts  (an  Ecclesiastic,     1380)  ;^  at  Arundel 
Sussex  (Adam  D'Ertham,  1382,  half  effigy);  at  Cot- 
tingham,  Yorkshire  (Nicholas  de  Louth,  1383);  at 
St.  Andrew's,  Auckland,  Durham  (a  Priest,  c.  1400, 
whose  cope  is  gathered  about  the  shoulders,  similarly 
to  the  mantle  of  the  Garter,  mentioned  below)  •  at 
Shilhngton,  Beds  (Thomas  Portyngton,  1485)-'  at 
Bampton,  Oxon.  (Robert  Holcot,  M.A.,  1500)  ;  and 
at  St  Just-in-Roseland,  Cornwall  (a  Priest,  c.  ic2o). 
The  brass  of  Archdeacon  Philip  Polton,  1461,  at  All 
bouls   College,  Oxford,  may  furnish  an  academical 
exaniple.    The  monastic  cope,  as  seen  at  South  Creak, 
Norfolk  (John  Norton,  1509),  and  Dorchester,  Oxon. 
(Richard  Bewfforeste,  15 10),  is  probably  identical 
with  the  choral  cope.    As  a  rule,  on  brasses  angels 
are  represented  in  amice  and  alb,  but  on  the  Thornton 
Ijlemish  brass  (1429)  at  Newcastle,  those  supporting 

_Jf^^_^^^^^^^or^^  choral  copes  i  a  lik? 

of  'mI'/""'  u       '^°"'^hant  gardant.    This  is  unusual     The  feet 


garment  is  worn  over  the  alb  by  the  Archangel 
Gabriel  on  the  brass  of  George  Rede,  rector  c. 
1492,  at  Fovant,  Wilts.  * 

The  Mantle  of  the  Garter. — Three  brasses  remain  of 
canons  of  St.  George's,  Windsor,  wearing  the  mantle 
of  the  Order  of  the  Garter/  which  was  of  a  purple 
colour,  with  a  circular  badge  on  the  left  shoulder, 
bearing  argent,  a  cross  gules : — 

1.  1370.    Roger  Parkers,  North  Stoke,  Oxon.  (half 

effigy  with  inscription  ;  head  lost). 

2.  1540.    Roger  Lupton,  LL.D.,  Provost  of  Eton 

and  Canon  of  Windsor,  Eton  College 
Chapel  (mantle  worn  over  fur-lined 
cassock ;  no  surplice). 

3.  1558-    Arthur  Cole,  S.T.B.,  President  of  Mag- 

dalen, at  Magdalen  College,  Oxford, 
showing  a  very  ornate  almuce,  worn 
over  cassock  and  surplice. 

The  long  cords  which  fasten  the  mantle  are  well 
represented  at  North  Stoke  and  Magdalen  College. 
On  the  Eton  brass  the  mantle  is  fastened  by  a  small 
morse,  and  in  the  two  later  examples  it  is  gathered 
at  the  neck. 

The  lost  effigy  of  John  Robyns,  d.  1558,  of  which 
the  inscription  remains  in  St.  George's  Chapel, 
Windsor,  may  have  shown  him  wearing  the  mantle 

» See  "  Brasses  of  Canons  of  Windsor,"  by  the  Rev.  J.  E.  Field,  The 
Antiquary,  Vol.  XV.,  1887.  For  military  examples,  see  Ch.  III.  Brasses 
of  canons  of  Windsor  are  found  vested  in  copes,  without  the  Garter 
badge,  as  at  Thurcaston,  Leics.  (John  Mershden,  1425),  and  at  Harrow 
(Simon  Marcheford,  1442).  A  brass  was  discovered  in  1890  at  Ben- 
nington, near  Stevenage,  Herts,  showing  a  small  mutilated  effigy  of  a 
priest  in  a  cope  with  a  round  badge  (?a  rose)  on  the  left  shoulder.  The 
cope  has  an  orphrey.  This  has  been  supposed  to  represent  a  canon  of 
Windsor.  See  Transactions  of  the  Cambridge  University  Association  of  Brass 
Collectors,  Vol.  II.,  p.  24. 


of  the  Order.  The  effigy  of  Wilham  Boutrod  (1522), 
"Pety-canon  of  Windsor"  at  Eton,  is  vested  in  a 

The  following  are  good  instances,  showing  the  Proces- 
sional Vestments. 

(The  brasses  marked  x  have  the  orphreys  of  the  cope 
embroidered  with  figures  of  saints.) 

c.  1 361.  William  de  Rothewelle,  Archdeacon  of  Essex, 
Rothwell,  Northants. 

1382.  John  de  Campeden,  St.  Cross,  Winchester, 

1 39 1.  William  de  Fulburne,  Fulbourn,  Cambs. 

X  c.  1400.  A  priest,  Boston,  Lines.    .?  John  Strensall. 

X  1 40 1.  John  de  Sleford,  Balsham,  Cambs. 

X  1 40 1.  William  Ermyn,  Castle  Ashby,  Northants. 

1402.  Reginald   de   Cobham,  Cobham,   Kent,  on 

X  1404.  Henry  de  Codyngtoun,  Bottesford,  Leics. 

14 1 3.  Thomas  Aileward,  Havant,  Hants. 

X  14 14.  Simon  Bache,  Knebworth,  Herts. 

X  141 6.  John  Prophete,  Ringwood,  Hants. 

1420.  Robert  Wyntryngham,Cotterstock,  Northants, 
on  bracket. 

1432-  John  Mapilton,  Broadwater,  Sussex. 

1436.  William  Prestwyk,  Warbleton,  Sussex. 

1450.  Robert  Thurbern,  Winchester  College. 

1454.  Robert  Arthur,  Chartham,  Kent, 

x  1462.  John  Blodwell,  Balsham,  Cambs. 

1464.  John  Heth,  Tintinhull,  Somerset. 

X  1468.  John  Byrkhed,  Harrow,  Middlesex, 

x  147 1.  Henry  Sever,  Merton  College,  Oxford. 

1498-  James  Hert,  Hitchin,  Herts. 

1 5 10.  Richard  Wylleys,  Higham  Ferrers,  Northants. 

X     1510.  Walter  Hewke,  Trinity  Hall,  Cambridge. 

X  ^.  1 5 1  o.  A  Provost,  Tattershall,  Lines. 

1518.  Robert  Langton,  Queen's  College,  Oxford. 


1529.  Edmund    Frowsetoure,    S.  T,  P.,  Hereford 


1530.  Adam  Graffton,  Withington,  Salop. 

1535-    Warin  Penhalluryk,  Wendron,  Cornwall  Chead 
lost).  ^ 

1550.    Thomas  Magnus,  archdeacon,  Sessay,  York- 

The  following  show  the  processional  vestments  without 
the  cope,  thereby  fully  exposing  the  almuce  ^  :— 

1413.    John  Morys,  warden,  Winchester  College 

141 8.    Wilham  Tannere,  Cobham,  Kent  (half  eff.) 

1419-    William  White,  Arundel,  Sussex. 

1458.    John  Huntington,  Manchester  Cathedral 

147 1;   A  son  on  the  brass  of  Roger  Kyngdon,  Quethiock, 

1480.    A  Priest,  Billingham,  Durham. 
1482.    Henry  Sampson,  Tredington,  Worcs. 
1489.    Thomas  Teylar,  Byfleet,  Surrey. 
1494-    Thomas  Buttler,  Great  Haseley,  Oxon. 
1508.    Edmund  Croston,  St.  Mary  the  Virgin,  Oxford 

kneeling  before  St.  Katherine.  ' 
1508.    Robert  Sheffelde,  M.A.,  Chartham,  Kent. 
1 5 10.    Ralph  Elcok,  Tong,  Salop. 

1 5 14.  John  Fynexs,  Archdeacon  of  Sudbury,  Bury  St. 

Edmunds,  Suffolk. 

1 5 15.  William  Goberd,  Magdalen  College,  Oxford. 

1  Possibly  in  some  cases  the  almuce  was  worn  over  the  surplice  in 
summer,  as  a  substitute  for  the  cope,  assumed  in  winter.  See  Du  Cange, 
Glossartum  ad Scriptores  media  et  tnfima  Lathtitatis.  Frankfurt,  1710  (Vol  I 
p.  158,  Column  2,  voc.  Almucium)  :— "  Statuta  Ecclesice  Viennensis  apud 
^  Joan  Le  Lievre,  cap.  26  de  Canonicis :  A  festo  S.  Martini  usque  ad 
^  Pascha  portabunt  capas  nigras  supra  pellicium,  et  a  Pascha  usque  ad 
^testum  omnium  SS.  portabunt  superpellicium  sine  capa,  et  in  capite 

*  capellum  de  gnso,  quem  vulgariter  almuciam  vocant." 

2  Other  examples  of  children  on  brasses  of  parents  in  this  costume  are:— 

1487.    Eldest  son  on  brass  of  John  Lambarde,  Hinxworth,  Herts. 
c.  1 530.    Son  on  brass  of  Richard  Bulkley,  Beaumaris,  Anglesea. 


1522.    Richard  Adams,  East  Mailing,  Kent. 

1528.    Robert  Hacombleyn,  King's  College,  Cambridge. 

1528.    Robert  Sutton,  Dean,  St.  Patrick's  Cathedral, 

Dublin,  kneeling. 
1532.    John  Moore,  M.A.,  Sibson,  Leics. 
1537-    Geoffi-ey  Fyche,  Dean,  St.  Patrick's  Cathedral, 

Dublin,  kneeling. 

1557.  James  Courthop,  Christ  Church,  Oxford. 

1558.  Robert  Brassie,  King's  College,  Cambridge. 

Monastic  Orders  (Male). 

The  scarcity  of  brasses  of-  the  Monastic  Orders  may  be 
accounted  for  either  by  the  destruction  of  religious  houses, 
or  by  the  comparative  poverty  of  the  monk.    The  me- 
morials of  mitred  abbots  show  them,  as  a  rule,  in  their 
pontificals,  similar  to  those  of  the  bishops,  described  above. 
Foremost  among  such  is  the  Flemish  brass  of  Abbot 
Delamere,  c.  1360,  at  St.  Albans,  in  which  church  may  be 
seen  a  palimpsest,  the  obverse  of  which  shows  the  lower 
part  of  an  abbot,  c.  1490,  similarly  vested.    The  fragment 
m  the  Bntish  Museum,  c.  1350,  has  been  already  referred 
to  m  the  account  of  Flemish  brasses,  p.  48.    At  West- 
minster Abbey  is  the  brass  of  Abbot  Estney,  1498,  and 
at  Burwell,  Cambs,  the  reverse  of  the  brass  of  Abbot 
Laurence  de  Wardeboys  of  Ramsey,  shows  the  pontifi- 
calia, whilst  the  obverse  gives  him  in  processional  vest- 
ments, cassock,  surplice,  and  almuce.^     These  brasses 
showing  vestments  similar  to  those  of  a  bishop,  do  not 
illustrate  the  monastic  habit ;  but  at  Dorchester,  Oxon. 

on'rtirrr^°  ^"^^  Price,  Abbot  of  Conway,  1528,  in  cope  with  crozier 
on  nght  arm,  formerly  existed  in  Saffron  Walden  Church,  Essex  See 
Illustration  from  Cole  s  MSS.  in  the  British  Museum,  in  wS^^^^^^^^^ 
Essex  Arch^ologtcal  Society,  N.S.,  Vol.  VI.  At  Wendon  Lof  s  EsTex  ht 
first  son  on  the  brass  ofWilliam  Lucas  and  wife,  1460,  is  adin  p^nti 
wit  ^d^/yf  ^  H- '^°hf  H  °  represent  John  Luca^  Abbot  tfW.S^m; 
a  pastoral  stiff  '  ^'"'^  "  '''''^  ^"  benediction ;  his  left  hold! 


(Austin  or  Black  Canons)  is  the  brass  of  Richard  Bew- 
Itoreste,  c.  1510,  wearing  over  the  processional  vestments 
instead  of  the  orphreyed  cope,  a  plain  cope-like  pallium  or 
cloak  with  a  hood,  and  having  a  pastoral  staff  on  the  ri^ht 
arm;  a  similar  brass  is  that  of  John  Norton,  1509  at 
South  Creak,  Norfolk.    At  Fountains  Abbey,  Yorkshire 
IS  the  indent  of  a  brass '  of  an  abbot,  described  by  Mr! 
W.  H.  St.  John  Hope  as  wearing  the  Cistercian  tunic  and 
cowl  with  a  pastoral  staff  on  the  right  arm,  and  a  detached 
mitre.    The  matrix  of  the  brass  of  Abbot  Godfrey  de 
Croyland,  1329,  at  Peterborough,  shows  the  indent  of  a 
crozier,  leaning  on  the  right  shoulder.    At  Dorchester, 
Oxon,  there  is  a  slab,  commemorating  John  Sutton,  Abbot' 
c.  1349,  containing  the  indent  of  a  forearm  with  the  hand 
grasping  a  crozier.^    At  Tilty,  Essex,  is  an  inscription  to 
Thomas  of  Takeley,  Abbot  of  Tilty,  c.  1450. 
_  The  earliest  monastic  habit  was  the  Benedictine,  con- 
sisting of  a  tumca  or  cassock,  over  which  was  worn 
the  cucuUus  or  cowl,  a  large  loose  gown  with  hanging 
sleeves  and  with  a  hood  attached  to  it  (see  the  plate 
in    Dugdale's    Monasticon).     Examples   of   this  habit 
occur  at    St.  Laurence's,  Norwich  (Geoffrey  Langley, 
^-  I437j  prior  of  the  Benedictine  monastery  of  St.  Faith 
the  Virgin,  at  Horsham,  near  Norwich),  and  at  St.  Albans' 
Abbey   (a   half  effigy  of  a   monk,  fifteenth  century; 
a  monk,  according  to  Haines,  Reginald  Bernewelt,  1443  ; 
Robert  Beauner,  who  held  various  offices  in  the  Abbey, 
c.   1460;  and  Thomas  Rutland,  sub-prior,  1521).  A 
modern  restored  example  is  in  Ely  Cathedral  (John  de 
Crauden  or  Crowden,  prior,  d.  1341).    The  finest  example 
of  a  similar  habit  is  that  of  Thomas  Nelond,  Prior  of  the 
Clugniac  Abbey  of  St.  Pancras  at  Lewes,  d.  1429,  in 

'Figured  in  Mr.  Mill  Stephenson's  "Monumental  Brasses  in  the  West 
Riding,"  m  the  Yorkshire  Jrchteological  Journal,  Vol.  XV. 

2  Engraved  in  Cough's  Sepulchral  Monuments,  Vol.  I.,  p.  loi,  and  in 
Haines,  p.  Ivii.  Matrices  of  brasses  of  abbots  are  at  Waltham,  Byland, 
Milton  Abbas,  etc.  ^ 


Cowfold  Church,  Sussex.'  At  Norbury,  Derbyshire,  the 
palimpsest  brass  of  Sir  Anthony  Fitzherbert,  1538,  and 
lady,  shows  on  the  reverse  of  the  inscription  part  of  the 
figure  of  a  prior  in  cassock  and  cowl,  c.  1 440. 

The  Canons  Regular  of  St.  Augustine  wore  over  a 
cassock  a  white  rochet,  girded,  with  close-fitting  sleeves, 
and  a  plain  cope  or  cloak  with  a  hood.  A  good  example 
occurs  at  Over  Winchendon,  Bucks,  15 15  (John  Stodeley, 
Canon  of  St.  Frideswide's,  Oxford).^  Two  palimpsest 
brasses  show  reverses  of  the  fifteenth  century,  representing 
monastic  attire  ^ :— A  bust  at  Halvergate,  Norfolk,  "ffrater 

Willms  Jernemu  "  (Yarmouth);  and  at  Denham, 

Bucks,  John  Pyke,  wearing  a  gown  with  loose  sleeves 
concealing  the  hands,  girded  with  a  knotted  cord,  hanging 
down  in  front;  over  this  a  tippet  and  hood  covering  the 
shoulders,  similar  to  the  Halvergate  brass.  The  birch 
represented  in  saltire  with  a  baton  ^  on  a  shield  may 
indicate  a  scholastic  occupation  for  the  deceased. 

^The  remains  of  the  canopy  of  Abbot  John  Stoke,  145  i,  at  St. 
Albans,  show  similar  work  and  arrangement  to  that  of  Nelond.  On  the 
brass  lectern  in  Yeovil  Church,  Somerset,  is  a  figure  of  a  monk  (Frat"" 
Martin'  Forester,  c.  1460)  habited  in  girded  gown  and  hood  ;  illustrated 
in  Somerset  and  Dorset  Notes  and  Queries,  Vol.  IX.,  1905,  p.  71,  "The 
Lectern,  Yeovil  Church,"  by  W.  H.  H.  Rogers.  At  Totternhoe,  Beds,  is  a 
fifteenth  century  inscription  for  "  Ffr  Thoms  greve  q5da  p'or  isti'  loci "  ; 
another  is  at  Boxgrove,  Sussex,  John  Rykeman,  "  Monachi  istius  loci." 

^At  Warter  Priory,  Yorkshire  (Augustinian),  is  the  incised  slab  of 
Thomas  Bndlmgton,  25th  Prior,  1498,  representing  him  in  cassock, 
rochet,  and  capa  pluvtalts  with  hood.    This  is  illustrated  in  Proceedins-s  of 
the  Society  of  Antiquaries,  Vol.  XVIII.,  1900,  p.  57,  in  "Account  of  Ex- 
cavations lately  carried  out  at  Warter  Priory,  Yorks,  by  W.  H  St  John 
Hope,  M.A.,"  who  writes:  "  Efiigies  of  Black  Canons  similarly  vested, 
^  but  with  the  hoods  of  their  cloaks  drawn  over  the  head,  occur  at 
Cartmel  and  Hexham.    Brasses  of  Black  Canons  occur  at  Dorchester 
(Oxon),  and  South  Creak  (Norfolk),  both  abbots,  and  at  Over-Win- 
chendon  (Bucks).    One  of  a  prior  was  formerly  at  Royston,  Herts,  but 
is  now  lost ;  the  Society  fortunately  possesses  a  rubbing."    The  Warter 
VI     ;  l"'''"''"'^  5"  'Transactions  of  the  East  Riding  Antiquarian  Society, 

3  Each  IS  engraved  in  Transactions  of  Monumental  Brass  Society,  Vol  IV 

4  This  may  be  a  ferule.  See  Archaologia  Cambrensis,  IV.  Series,  Vol  XII 

on  a  scholastic  ferule  found  in  Melverley  Church 



Monastic  Orders  {Female). 

The  costume  of  abbesses  and  their  subordinates  re- 
sembled the  mourning  habit  of  widows,  who,  as  is  well 
known,  often  retired  to  end  their  days  in  a  convent.' 

Abbesses  are  represented  by  but  two  existing  examples: — 

1.  Elizabeth  Hervey,  elected  Abbess  of  Elstow  (Bene- 

dictine) in  1520,  at  Elstow,  Beds. 

2.  Agnes  Jordan,  Abbess  of  the  Bridgetine  Convent  of 

Syon,  1 544,  at  Denham,  Bucks. 

The  latter  wears  a  long  gown  or  cowl,  bound  at  the 
waist  by  a  girdle,  with  loose  sleeves,  beneath  which  appear 
the  tight-fitting  sleeves  of  the  undergarment ;  a  barbe  or 
chin-cloth ;  a  cope-like  mantle,  and  a  veil :  rings  are 
shown  on  some  of  her  fingers,  the  largest  appearing  on  the 
first  finger  of  the  right  hand.  The  Elstow  Abbess'  cos- 
tume differs  from  this  in  having  a  plaited  barbe,  and  on 
the  right  arm  a  pastoral  staff;  the  sleeves  of  the  gown, 
which  is  ungirded,  are  looser ;  there  is  no  ring. 

There  remain  a  few  representations  of  nuns  on  brasses. 
The  three  following  are  members  of  the  Order  of  Vowesses, 
i.e.,  widows  who  have  vowed  never  to  remarry :  Dame 
luliana  Anyell,  c.  1500,  "  votricis,"  Witton  (Blofield), 
Norfolk;  Diia  Johanna  Braham,  15 19,  "vidua  ac  deo 
dicata,"  ^  Frenze,  Norfolk ;  Dame  Susan  Kyngeston, 
"vowess,"  1540,  Shalston,  Bucks. 

At  Nether  Wallop,  Hants,  is  the  brass  of  Maria  Gore, 
Prioress,  1436.^    At  Dagenham,  Essex,  on  the  brass  of 

^  See  "Widows  and  Vowesses,"  by  J.  L,  Andre,  F.S.A.,  Archceological 
Journal,  Vol.  XLIX.,  p.  69. 

^  Her  mantle  has  long  cords,  and  she  wears  a  strap-like  girdle. 

3  In  Somerset  and  Dorset  'Notes  and  Queries,  Vol.  III.,  1893,  p.  55,  the 
Rev.  C.  H.  Mayo  gives  the  will  of  Elizabeth  Martyn,  1584,  last  Prioress 
of  Wyntney,  Hants.  She  desires  to  be  buried  in  Hartly  Wintney 
Church.  "  I  would  that  a  stone  should  be  layde  over  my  graue  w^*"  a 
"  picture  made  of  a  plate  of  a  woman  in  a  longe  garment  w^''  wyde 
"  sieves  her  handes  joyned  together,"  etc. 


Sir  Thomas  Urswyk  and  lady  (1470),  the  eldest  daughter 
is  habited  as  a  nun ;  as  is  one  of  the  daughters,  probably 
Cecily,  on  the  brass  of  Thomas  and  Agnes  Mountford, 
1489,  at  Hornby,  Yorkshire;  and  the  third  daughter, 
kneeling,  on  the  brass  of  Sir  Thomas  Barnardiston,  1503, 
Great  Cotes,  Lines.''    At  Minchinhampton,  Gloucs.,  the 
small  figure  of  Dame  Alice  Hampton,  probably  a  Syon 
nun,^  c.  15 10  (represented  as  a  child  on  the  brass  of  John 
Hampton,  gent,  1556,  and  wife),  has  a  rosary  hanging 
from  a  girdle  and  a  ring  on  the  third  finger  of  the  right 
hand.    The  mantle  is  lacking  in  the  effigy  of  Margaret 
Dely,  1 56 1,  Treasurer  of  Syon,  at  Isleworth,  Middlesex; 
which  peculiarity  is  shared  by  one  of  the  children  on  the 
reverse  of  the  palimpsest  brass  of  Nicholas  Suttherton 
(1540),  c.  1460,  at  St.  John  Maddermarket,  Norwich. 
At  St.  Mary's,  Kilburn,  is  a  fragment,  considered  c.  1380, 
showing  the  head  of  a  nun,  which  was  found  on  the  site 
of  the  Priory.    The  wimple  or  barbe,  in  this  instance, 
seems  to  be  attached  to  the  veil  by  a  short  string. 

A  Note  on  the  Chalice-brass. 

The  Chalice,  with  or  without  the  Wafer  or  Host  is  fre- 
quently found,  either  alone  with  an  inscription,  as  a 
memorial  for  a  priest,  or  held  in  his  hands,  when  shown 
m  mass  vestments.  The  representation  of  this  symbol 
on  ecclesiastical  monuments  fell  into  disuse  at  the  Re- 
formation, but  has  been  revived  in  the  nineteenth  century 
For  convenience  sake  we  may  treat  of  this  class  of  brass 
in  two  divisions : — 

1.  The  chalice  with  or  without  the  wafer,  with  an  in- 
scription, but  no  effigy. 

2.  Effigies  supporting  the  chalice,  with  or  without  the 

•J^^c  uTn^^^'^TT^"  °^  Margaret  Hyklott,  whose  effigy  is  lost  (probably 
'  On  the  same  brass  her  eldest  brother  is  shown  as  a  monk. 


I.  Norfolk  possesses  the  greater  number  of  these 
brasses,  mostly  of  the  sixteenth  century  ;  but  in  Yorkshire 
are  four  examples  of  the  fifteenth  century,  consisting  of 
chalices  without  wafers,  and  with  inscriptions.  These 
are : — 

1429.    Richard  Kendale,  M.A.,  rector,  Ripley,  West 

1460.    Peter  Johnson,  vicar.  Bishop    Burton,  East 

1466.    William  Langton,  rector,  St.  Michael  Spurrier- 
gate,  York. 

1469.    Thomas  Clarell,  vicar,  St.  Peter's,  Leeds. 

Examples  of  the  sixteenth  century  (chalice  with 
wafer : — 

1502.    Richard  Grene,  rector,  Hedenham,  Norfolk. 

1508.    Robert  Northen,  vicar,  Buxton,  Norfolk. 

1 5 15.  Robert  Wodehowse,  rector,  Holwell,  Beds  (ac- 
companied by  two  woodhowses  or  wild  men). 
c.  1520.  Robert  Wythe,  chaplain,  North  Walsham, 

c.  1525.    Geo.  Cunynggam,  vicar,  Attlebridge,  Norfolk. 
1540.    William  Curtes,  South  Burlingham,  Norfolk. 

At  Bawburgh,  Norfolk,  is  a  chalice  with  wafer  (William 
Richers,  vicar,  1531),  in  which  the  chalice  is  upheld  by 
two  hands,  of  which  the  thumbs  only  are  seen,  issuing 
from  clouds.  A  similar  brass  is  at  Little  Walsingham 
(William  Weststow,  c.  1520),  in  the  same  county.  At 
Blockley,  Worcs.,  the  brass  of  Philip  Warthim,  M.A., 
vicar,  1488,  shows  him  in  cassock,  tippet,  and  hood, 
kneeling  beside  a  chalice  incised  in  the  slab.  At  Aid- 
bourne,  Wilts,  Henry  Frekylton,  chaplain,  1508,  in  mass 
vestments,  lies  beside  a  chalice,  the  bowl  of  which  is  lost. 
At  Fishlake,  in  the  West  Riding,  was  formerly  the  brass 
of  Richard  Marshall,  vicar,  1505,  having  the  chalice  with 
wafer,  shown  on  each  side  of  his  effigy.  Above  the  effigy 
of  Sir  Arthur  Vernon,  M.A.,  1507,  at  Tong,  Salop  {see 

JOHN   FRYE,  S.T.S,  1507, 
New  College.  Oxford. 

Little  Walsingham,  Norfolk. 



p.  136)  is  a  chalice  with  wafer.  A  chalice  and  missal  are 
shown  on  the  altar,  before  which  St.  Gregory  kneels,  in 
the  brass  of  Roger  Legh  and  wife,  1506,  at  Macclesfield, 

2.  Examples  of  the  second  division  (in  mass  vestments). 

{a)  Without  Wafer. 

c,  1400.  A  Priest,  Stanford-on-Soar,  Notts. 

1429.  Roger  Godeale,  Bainton,  E.  Yorks. 

c.  1470.  A  Priest,  Broxbourne,  Herts. 

1531-  John  ap  Meredyth,  Bettws,  Montgomeryshire. 

{b)  With  Wafer. 

1461.    Robert  Lond,  St.  Peter's,  Bristol. 

1498.    Henry  Denton,  Higham  Ferrers,  Northants. 

1504.    Alexander  Inglisshe,  Campsey  Ash,  Suffolk. 

1507.  John  Frye,  S.T.S.  Fellow,  New  CoKe^e, 
Oxford,  (half  eff.). 

1507.    John  Scolffyld,  Brightwell,  Berks. 

1510.    A  Priest,  Littlebury,  Essex. 

1 5 12.    William  Bisshop,  Wiveton,  Norfolk. 

1 52 1.    Radulph  Babyngton,  Hickling,  Notts. 

1531-    John  Athowe,  Brisley,  Norfolk. 

1 53 1.  Richard  Bennett,  M.A.,  Whitnash,  Warwick- 

1535-    Thomas  Westeley,  Wyvenhoe,  Essex. 

The  Chalice  is  shown  on  the  two  Flemish  brasses,  c.  i  q6o 
at  Wensley,  Yorks,  and  North  Mimms,  Herts,  (see  p.  49) 
lying  on  the  breast,  in  the  former  case  above,  in  the  latter 
below  the  hands.  At  Walton-on-Trent,  Derbyshire  a 
priest,  c.  1490,  with  Chalice  and  Host,  is  represented 'in 
the  act  of  blessmg  them.  Another  instance,  c.  i  C2o  is 
supposed  to  have  come  from  the  dismantled  chapel' of 
North  Weston,  Oxon.^  ^ 

^'  I^-^-ber,  1900,  Journal  of 


In  the  cope,  worn  with  amice,  there  is  one  instance  :— 
1478.    William    Langley,    rector,   Buckland,  Herts- 
(chalice  with  wafer). 

In  processional  vestments  without  the  cope : — 
1522.    Richard  Adams,  vicar.  East  Mailing,  Kent.' 
(chalice  with  wafer). 

In  academicals : — 
c.  1480.    A  Priest,  with  a  chalice,  Barking,  Essex. 

15 1 8.  Thomas    Coly,  Bredgar,  Kent    (chalice  with 


15 1 9.  John  Bowke,  M.A.,  Merton  College,  Oxford. 

(chalice  with  wafer),  half  efF. 

John  Yslyngton,  S.T.P.,  c.  1520,  Cley-next-the-Sea, 
Norfolk,  of  whose  costume  we  treat  below,  wearing 
apparently  a  scarf  over  a  fur-lined  cassock,  and  a  cap,  holds 
a  chalice  with  wafer. 

The  chalices  diifer  considerably  in  shape  and  size,  and 
sometimes  have  feet  {e.g.,  1 500,  William  Abell,  Coleshill, 
Warwickshire;  1522,  Edmund  Assheton,  Middleton, 
Lanes.,  each  in  mass  vestments).   

The  wafers  are  usually  engraved,  either  with  t/is,  as  in 
the  two  brasses  just  mentioned,  or  on  that  at  Littlebury, 
Essex,  c.  1 5 10;  or  Wc,  as  at  Tong,  Salop,  1507,  and 
Brisley,  Norfolk,  1531,  each  of  which  wafers  is  rayed;  or 
on  that  of  Dr.  Yslyngton,  c.  1520,  mentioned  above;"  or 
with  a  cross-crosslet  as  at  Higham  Ferrers,  Northants, 
1498  ;  Campsey  Ash,  Suffolk,  1 504 ;  East  Mailing,  Kent, 
1 522  ;  or  Wyvenhoe,  Essex,  1535.  An  instance  of  a  plain 
wafer^  occurs  on  the  brass  of  John  Stokys,  Rector,  1500, 
Wimington,  Beds. 

1  Prebendary  "magne  misse"  in  the  monastery  of  West  Mailing. 

2  The  wafer  at  Holwell,  Beds,  151  5,  has  in  addition  to  IHC  a  small 
spray  of  foliage. 

3  The  First  Prayer  Book  of  Edward  VI.,  1 549,  directs  that  the  wafers  be 
"  unleavened  and  round,  as  it  was  afore,  but  without  all  manner  of  print  : 
the  Injunctions  of  Queen  Elizabeth,  1559,  direct  that  the  sacramental 

Merton  College,  Oxford. 



Before  considering  the  dress  of  post-reformation  ecclesi- 
astics, a  small  class  of  brasses  claims  our  attention. 
These  show  neither  the  mass  nor  processional  vestments, 
and  it  is  doubtful  whether  the  garments  bear  any  academ- 
ical significance.  Probably  they  represent  the  habitus 
clericalis  worn  when  out  of  church,  the  chief  characteristic 
of  which  was  the  cassock  {yestis  talaris).  By  the  time  when 
any  such  costume  is  met  with  in  brasses,  the  hahit  seems 
to  have  become  firmly  established,  though  there  appears  to 
have  been  some  difficulty  in  making  it  so  in  the  thirteenth 
century,  when  the  laity  was  shocked  "de  habitu  clericorum, 
qui  non  clericalis  videtur,  sed  potius  militaris."  ^  A 
possible  early  instance  of  a  clerical  habit  may  be  afforded 
by  the  small  brass,  in  the  head  of  a  cross  at  Merton  College, 
Oxford,  representing  a  tonsured  figure,  .''1372;  though 
this  may  be  an  early  instance  of  academicals.  ^  At  Car- 
dynham,  Cornwall,  is  the  brass  of  Thomas  Awmarle,  rector, 
c.  1400  (figured  in  Dunkin),  showing  the  tonsure  and  clad 
in  a  girded  cassock,  having  twelve  buttons,  in  pairs  below 

bread,  which  is  to  be  similar  to  wafers  or  singing  cakes,  "be  made  and 
"formed  plain,  without  any  figure  thereupon."  See  Hierurgia  Anglicana, 
New  Ed.,  Part  II.,  1903,  pp.  129,  130. 

1  ^ee  "The  Ecclesiastical  Habit  in  England,"  by  the  Rev.  T.  A.  Lacey, 
M.A.,  in  Transactions  of  the  St.  Pau/'s  Ecclesiological  Society,  Vol.  IV.,  1 900, 
p.  126,  wherein  evidence  is  produced  of  the  wearing  of  the  clerical  habit, 
cassock  and  gown,  down  to  the  nineteenth  century;  the  latter  is  considered 
a  modification  of  the  cappa  clausa.  See  The  Constitutions  of  Cardinal  Otho, 
1237,  XIV.  "De  habitu  clericorum.  Quoniam  de  habitu  clericorum, 
"  qui  non  clericalis  videtur,  sed  potius  militaris,  grave  scandalum  laicis 
"generatur."    Wilkins'  Concilia,  Vol.  I.,  1737,  p.  652. 

2  But  see  account  of  fourteenth  century  civilian  costume.  Chap.  IV.  The 
Merton  effigy  wears  a  garment  much  like  the  longer  cote-hardie  worn  by 
Nichole  de  Aumberdene,  Taplow,  Bucks,  c.  1350,  though  without  liripipes, 
but  with  lappets  or  bands  at  the  neck,  not  unlike  those  of  Thomas  Rolf, 
S.L.,  1440,  Gosfield,  Essex,  where  they  are  probably  connected  with  the 
Coif  {see  Chap.  V.).  In  Paul  Lacroix's  Manners,  Customs,  and  Dress  during 
the  Middle  Ages,  and  during  the  Renaissance  Period,  London,  1874,  will  be 
found  similar  lappets  from  Fourteenth  Century  MS.  p.  6,  and  of  Fifteenth 
Century,  p.  370. 


the  waist,  an  anelace  (see  Chap.  IV.)  hanging  from  the  girdle 
on  the  left  side. 

In  a  few  instances,  in  some  of  which  we  find  a  figure 
kneeling  before  a  saint,  the  cassock  is  worn  supplemented 
by  tippet  and  hood.  In  the  absence  of  information 
establishing  the  degrees  of  the  persons  so  represented,  it 
would  be  unsafe  to  call  this  costume  academical ;  at  the 
same  time  it  seems  probable  that  some  connection  exists 
between  the  two.  We  find,  however  (see  pp.  139-40),  two 
instances  of  LL.B.,  wearing  this  dress  (i)  at  Great  St. 
Helen's,  Bishopsgate,  1482,  and  (2)  at  All  Souls'  College, 
Oxford,  1490.    Other  examples  are  as  follows: — 

1405.    Magister  John  Strete,  Upper  Hardres,  Kent, 
kneeling  at  the  base  of  a  bracket  on  which 
stand  SS.  Peter  and  Paul.   He  wears  a  pointed 
pileus,  (see  p.  128).' 
1410.    A  Priest,  Aspley  Guise,  Beds,  kneeling  on  the 
dexter  side  of  a  cross  (lost)  ;  on  the  sinister 
side  of  which  stands  St.  John  Baptist. 
c.  14 10.    Sir  Wilham  Calwe,  Ledbury,  Herefordshire, 
kneeling  before  an  effigy  (lost)  of  St.  Peter. 
1420.    John  Whytton,  Merton  College,  Oxford,  stand- 
ing on  a  bracket. 
1422.    John  Lewys,  rector,  Quainton,  Bucks,  kneeling. 
c.  1430.    A  Priest,  Melton,  Suffolk,  standing. 
c.  1450.    Half  Effigy,    Harrow,    Middlesex   (.?  Robert 

1474.    John    Child,    M.A.,   rector,  Cheriton,  Kent, 

c.  1480.    A  Priest,  Strethall,  Essex,  standing. 

c.  1485.    The  eldest  son,  kneeling,  Clavering,  Essex, 

I  The  matrix  of  a  similar  figure,  probably  without  pileus,  is  at  Wotton- 
^  under-Edge,  Gloucs,  (Richard  de  Wotton,  rector,  c.  1320).  A  brass  lost 
from  Cirencester,  Gloucs.,  probably  John  Avenyng  and  wife,  c.  1500, 
showing  the  second  son  kneeling  behind  his  father  in  cassock,  tippet  and 
hood,  is  illustrated,  p.  209,  TAe  Monumental  Brasses  of  Gloucestershire,  by 
Cecil  T.  Davis,  London,  1 899. 


(part  of  the  brass  of  —  Songar,  civilian,  and 
wife,  much  mutilated).' 

1488.  Philip  Warthim,   M.A.,  vicar,    {see  p.  138), 

Blockley,  Worcs,  kneeling. 

1489.  Henry  Mountford,"clericus,"  standing, Hornby, 

N.  Riding  ;  one  of  the  group  of  sons  on  the 
brass  of  Thomas  and  Agnes  Mountford. 
c.  1492.  George  Rede,  rector,  Fovant,  Wilts,  kneeling 
before  a  representation  of  the  Annunciation, 
with  his  beads  on  his  left  arm.  Here  we  have 
no  hood,  and  the  tippet  seems  closely  related 
to  the  scarf-like  garment,  about  to  be 

?  1512.    William    Geddyng vicar.    Wantage,  Berks, 

In  a  few  brasses  ■  of  the  first  quarter  of  the  sixteenth 
century  we  find  a  curious  short  scarf  (fastened  to  one 
shoulder  by  a  rosette,  and  passed  behind  the  neck  on  to 
the  other),  replacing  theitippet  and  hood,  above  mentioned: 
though  it  would  be  difficult  to  tell  whether  it  were  a  modi- 
fication of  either  one  or  of  both  of  them.  It  seems  to  be 
more  closely  connected  with  the  tippet,  and  may  possibly 
be  a  form  of  almuce,  though  the  latter  was  still  in  use.^ 
An  early  stage  in  the  development  of  this  scarf  is  illustrated 
by  the  brass  of  an  ecclesiastic  {c.  1500,  at  North  Creak, 

1  Another  instance  may  have  been  at  Crishall,  in  the  same  county,^.  1 5  30, 
see  Transactions  of  the  Essex  Archaological  Society,  New  Series,  Vol.  VIII., 
1903  :  "Some  interesting  Essex  Brasses,"  by  Miller  Christy  and  W.  W. 
Porteous,  pp.  15-54. 

2  In  Seroux  d'Agincourt's  Histoire  de  P Art  par  les  Monumens,  1823, 
(Peinture,  Planche  CXLVII.)  is  an  engraving  after  Masaccio  (Fifteenth 
Century),  showing  a  church  dignitary  standing  behind  a  kneeling  bishop, 
and  wearing  a  cap,  a  gown  with  two  slits  for  the  arms,  and  a  scarf,  fastened 
to  the  right  and  passed  round  the  neck  on  to  the  left  shoulder. 

In  The  Reliquary  and  Illustrated  J rchceologist,  Vol.  VII.,  1901,  p.  39, 
are  reproduced  two  paintings  on  Norfolk  rood-screens,  showing  John 
Schorne,  at  Cawston,  clad  in  cassock,  tippet,  hood  and  pileus ;  but  at 
Gateley,  wearing  the  scarf-like  tippet  of  which  we  are  treating.    See  the 


Norfolk,  supporting  a  model  of  a  church  on  his  right  arm), 
who  wears  a  cassock,  from  the  girdle  of  which  hang  his 
purse  and  beads,  and  round  the  neck  a  scarf,  the  ends  of 
which  are  fastened  together  in  front  by  a  button,  giving  a 
cape-like  appearance  to  the  garment.  Another  probable 
example  represents  William  Warham,  afterwards  Arch- 
bishop of  Canterbury,  and  buried  there  in  1 532,  the  eldest 
of  four  sons  shown  standing  on  the  brass  of  Robert  and 
Elizabeth  Warham,  1487,  at  Church  Oakley,  Hants.  In 
other  examples  the  extremities  are  not  fastened  together, 
but  the  scarf  is  usually  attached  by  one  end  to  the  left 
shoulder,  the  other  end  lying  loose  on  the  right  shoulder. 
Examples : — ^ 

1 50 1 .  The  second  of  thirteen  sons  on  the  brass  of  Robert 
and  Elizabeth  Baynard,  Laycock,  Wilts,  with 

1 •  The  second  son,  kneeling,  on  brass  of  Sir  Thomas 
Barnardiston,  Great  Cotes,  Lines. 

15 10.  WiUiam  Smyght,  Ashby  St.  Legers,  Northants 
(head  lost). 

1 5 1 8.    Richard  Bethell,  Shorwell,  Isle  of  Wight. 

c.  1520.  One  of  four  sons,  kneeling,  Worlingworth, 
Suffolk  (parents  and  inscription  lost). 

c.  1520.  John  Yslyngton,  S.T.P.,  Cley-next-the-sea, 
Norfolk,  wears  besides  the  scarf,^  a  fur-lined 
cassock,  turned  back  towards  the  feet,  and  a 

paper  John  Schrne,  a  Mediaeval  Worthy,  by  T.  Hugh  Bryant,  pp.  37-44. 
Other  papers  dealing  with  this  ecclesiastic  are  Master  John  Sihome,  by  the 
Rev.  W.  Hastings  Y^oSke.,  Records  of  Bucks,  Vol.  II.,  1863,  p.  60,  and 
Vol.  III.,  1869  ;  Master  John  Schorn,  by  the  Rev.  W.  Sparrow  Simpson, 
M.A.,  F.S.A.,  p.  354  ;  and  by  the  same  author  in  Journal  of  the  Brit.  Arch. 
Association,  Vol.  XXIII.,  1867,  pp.  256,  370;  Vol.  XXV.,  1869,  p.  334; 
and  Vol.  XLI.,  1885,  p.  262. 

'  A  doubtful  example  represents  a  tonsured  son  kneeling  behind  RafFe 
Caterall,  Esq.,  15  15,  Whalley,  Lanes.,  with  wide-sleeved  cassock. 

2  The  Rev.  N.  F.  Robinson  in  his  Pileus  Quadratus,  {see  p.  121,  note  i) 
describes  the  cap  as  the  canon's  pileus  rotundus  without  tuft  or  apex,  and 
considers  the  scarf  to  be  a  veil  for  chalice  or  paten,  with  an  embroidered 
cross  (p.  5). 


large  cap  with  no  point.    He  holds  a  chalice 
with  wafer  {see  p.  102). 
Robert  Godfrey,  LL.B.,  East  Rainham,  Norfolk. 
William  Lawnder,  Northleach,  Gloucs.,  kneeling 
in  cassock  and  surplice  before  the  Virgin  and 
Child  (lost). 
Thomas  Leman,  Southacre,  Norfolk,  in  cassock 
and  surplice,  kneeling  before  the  Virgin  and 
Child.    This  effigy  is  remarkable  as  affording 
the  earliest  instance  on  a  brass  of  a  priest 
without  the  tonsure. 

Post-Reformation  Ecclesiastics. 

The  religious  disturbances  of  the  sixteenth  century 
were  the  cause  of  much  alteration  in  ecclesiastical  costume. 
The  mass  vestments  practically  disappeared  in  Edward 
VI. 's  reign,'  becoming  superseded  by  other  garments,  which 
excepting  in  those  cases  in  which  a  calvinistic  influence  is 
seen  to  predominate,  are  pre-reformation  in  origin  and 
character,  though  partaking  more  of  the  nature  of  clerical 
habit  than  of  sacred  vestment.  The  First  Prayer-Book  of 
Edward  VI.  (1549)  prescribed  for  Holy  Communion  a 
white  alb  plain  {alba  pura,  i.e.  without  apparels)  with  a 
vestment  or  cope ;  assistant  priests  or  deacons  wearing  albs 
with  tunicles  ;  a  cope  to  be  worn  with  a  plain  alb  or  surplice, 
instead  of  a  vestment,  on  Wednesdays  and  Fridays  when 
there  was  no  Communion  ;  a  bishop  to  wear  besides  rochet 
a  surplice  or  alb,  and  a  cope  or  vestment  "  and  also  his 
pastoral  staff  in  his  hand  or  else  borne  or  holden  by  his 
chaplain."    In  other  ministrations  the  minister  was  to  use 

^The  three  last  instances,  given  on  pp.  80-1,  of  bishops  in  pontificalia, 
can  hardly  be  said  to  illustrate  a  post-reformation  use  of  these  vestments. 
For  the  two  first  died  in  Queen  Mary's  reign,  and  the  third,  Bishop 
Pursglove,  refused  to  take  the  Oath  of  Supremacy  to  Elizabeth,  and  was 
described  as  "stiff  in  papistry."  Some  valuable  remarks  on  the  post- 
reformation  use  of  vestments  may  be  found  in  Vestments  :  what  has  been  said 
and  done  about  them  in  the  'Northern  Province  since  the  Reformation,  by  James 
Rainc,  M.A.,  London,  Rivington,  1866. 


c.  1530. 



a  surplice.  The  Second  Prayer-Book  of  1552  prohibited 
alb,  vestment  and  cope  to  the  minister,  allowing  only  a  sur- 
plice, and  to  the  archbishop  or  bishop  a  rochet.  But  the 
Act  of  Uniformity  . of  the  first  year  of  Queen  Elizabeth 
upheld  the  ornaments  rubrick  of  the  First  Prayer-Book 
of  Edward  VL,  which  rubrick  has  never  since  been  super- 
seded.' Unfortunately  brasses  throw  but  little  light  on 
the  observance  of  this  rubrick ;  that  of  Archbishop  Har- 
snett,  1 63  I,  at  Chigwell,  Essex,  shows  the  mitre,  pastoral 
staff,  and  cope ;  but  there  is  abundance  of  independent 
evidence  for  the  continuous  use  of  these  ornaments.^ 

The  garments  not  already  described  are  as  follows :  

Rochet  {rochetum.  It.  rocheito,  from  word  of  German 
origin  rock),  a  kind  of  modified  alb,  of  white  linen, 
either,  as  originally,  sleeveless  {sine  manicis^)  like  the 
colobium,  or  with  close-fitting  sleeves.  We  are  con- 
cerned only  with  its  use  by  bishops,  who  wear  the 
chimere  over  it.'^  The  abnormal  size  to  which  the 
sleeves,  familiar  to  us  as  lawn  sleeves,  attained,  led 
to  their  removal  from  the  rochet,  to  be  fastened  to  the 
properly  sleeveless  chimere,  thereby  solving  the  diffi- 
culty of  passing  the  chimere  over  these  huge  sleeves 
without  soiling  them. 

^  See  Haines,  p.  ccxxviii. ;  also  Marriott's  Festiarium  Christianutn,  p 
223,  self. 

The  sculptured  effigy  of  Bishop  Creyghton,  1672,  at  Wells,  shows  cope, 
mitre,  and  pastoral  staff.  Other  instances  of  the  use  of  the  two  last  on 
monuments  of  the  last  part  of  the  seventeenth  century,  may  be  found 
cited  in  Hierurgia  Jnglicana,  New  Ed.,  Part  I.,  1 902,  pp.  232-3.  5^-^  also 
the  Reliquary,  Vol.  XXII.,  1881-2,  p.  65,  "The  Mitre  and  Crozier  of 
Bishop  Wren  at  Pembroke  College,  Cambridge,"  by  W.  B.  Redfarn. 
(Matthew  Wren,  D.D.,  Bishop  successively  of  Hereford,  Norwich  and 
Ely,  born  1585,  died  1667).  This  mitre  is  reproduced  in  Hierurgia 
Anglicana,  Part  III.,  p.  335,  1904.  Also  in  the  Connoisseur,  Vol.  VII., 
p.  158  (Nov.,  1903). 

3  So  defined  by  Lyndewode,  possibly  owing  to  the  fact  that  sleeves  were 
an  impediment  "  in  baptizando  pueros." 

4  When  worn  uncovered,  the  rochet  is  said  to  denote  episcopal  iuris- 
diction.  ^ 


Chimere  (It.  zimarra,  Fr.  simarre),  a  sleeveless  gown  of 
black  satin  or  silk/  open  in  front,  with  arm-holes, 
possibly  derived  from  the  gown  with  two  slits 
{taherdum  talare\  the  alternative  for  the  cappa  clausa 
{see  under  Academical  costume,  p.  123,  as  also  the  Rev. 
T.  A.  Lacey's  paper,  p.  128,  referred  to  above,  p.  103, 
note  i).  If  so,  it  has  become  open  in  front,  as  did  the 
surplice  to  accommodate  the  wig,  which  form  is  still 
preserved  at  the  Universities.  We  have  already  noted 
that  the  chimere  became,  in  a  manner,  sleeved  by  the 
transference  to  it  of  the  lawn-sleeves  of  the  rochet. 
The  Rev.  N.  F.  Robinson  {Pileus  Quadratus)  illustrates 
the  habitus  episcopalis  of  a  fifteenth  century  bishop, 
from  a  MS.  French  Pontifical  (fifteenth  century)  in 
the  British  Museum  (Egerton  MS.  1067,  fol.  12),  in 
which  a  bishop  wears  a  rochet  under  a  taberdum 
talare,  and  a  pointed  pileus.  Were  this  tabard  but 
slit  up  the  front,  it  would  bear  a  striking  resemblance 
to  the  chimere. 

Scarf  or  Tippet.''  The  theories  of  the  origin  of  this 
garment  are  as  full  of  interest  as  of  difficulty.  Dr. 

^  Its  colour  has  varied ;  scarlet  being  sometimes  found.  See  the  Rev. 
N.  F.  Robinson's  The  Black  Chimere  of  Anglican  Prelates,  etc.,  referred  to  on 
p.  121,  note  I.  At  Methley,  in  Yorkshire,  St.  Jerome  is  depicted  in  glass, 
wearing  over  his  rochet  a  blue  taberdum  talare  with  white  lining.  See  "  On 
the  Painted  Glass  at  Methley,"  by  James  Fowler,  F.S.A.,  Part  II.,  Tork- 
shire  ArchaologLcal  Journal,  Vol.  II.,  1873,  p.  226. 

2  "Tippet,  a  kind  of  kerchief  for  womens  Necks  (commonly  of  Furs). 
Also  a  long  scarf  which  Doctors  of  Divinity  wear  over  their  gowns." — 
Bailey's  Universal  Etymological  Dictionary,  London,  1 72 1 .  1 549. — "  Whit- 
"  sundaie  the  cannons  and  petie  canons  in  Paules  left  of  their  grey  and 
"  calabre  amises  and  the  cannons  wore  hoodes  on  their  surpleses  after  the 
"  degrees  of  the  Universities  and  the  petie  cannons  tipittes  like  other 
"priestes." — Wriothesley,  II.,  14,  quoted  by  the  Rev.  Mackenzie  E.  C. 
Walcott,  in  paper  on  "  Old  St.  Paul's  "  :  Transactions  of  St.  Paul's  Eccle- 
siolo^cal  Society,  Vol.  I.,  p.  177.  The  use  of  a  scarf  as  an  insigne  was  not 
confined  to  the  clergy.  Up  to  about  the  middle  of  the  nineteenth  cen- 
tury the  Mayor  of  Christchurch  in  Hampshire,  wore  a  broad  scarlet-silk 
scarf  with  a  narrow  border  of  black  velvet,  over  his  gown,  to  distinguish 
him  from  the  councillors. 


Wickham  Legg  in  his  paper  The  Black  Scarf  of  Modern 
Church  Dignitaries  and  the  Grey  Almuce  of  Medieval 
Canons  (referred  to  above,  p.  86,  note  2)  derives  it  from 
the  latter,  as  does  Bloxam,'  traced  through  the  tippet 
of  sables  as  worn  in  the  sixteenth  century,  by  Cardinal 
Wolsey,  Archbishops  Warham  and  Cranmer,  and 
Bishops  Fox,  Ridley  and  Fisher,  and  later  by  Arch- 
bishop Parker,  immediately  after  his  consecration 
December  i6th,  1559.^    The  Rev.  N.  F.  Robinson 
considers  this  fur  tippet,  as  also  the  black  tippet,  re- 
ferred to  on  p.  104,  to  be  a  different  garment  alto- 
gether from  the  almuce  (see  The  Black  Chimere,  etc.), 
and  in  his  Bileus  Quadratus  produces  evidence,  that 
spems  to  make  it  probable  that  the  black  scarf  is  de- 
rived from  the  mediaeval  hood  of  the  clergy,  worn 
turban-wise,  with  the  liripipe  hanging  down  in  front 
Another  author^  considers  the  black  scarf  a  contracted 
form  of  the  cappa  nigra  or  canon's  cope ;  an  origin 
that  seems  to  us,  to  say  the  least,  improbable.  From 
Its  being  considered  a  kind  of  stole,  it  became  super- 
seded in  many  places  in  the  nineteenth  century  by  a 

^   The  scarf,  which  is  m  reality  the  tippet  answering  to  the  ancient 

•  aumasse,  and  is  not,  as  some  have  considered,  perhaps  from  the  pendant 
bands  hanging  down  in  front  on  each  side  from  the  shoulders,  derived 
from  the  fanon  or  stole,  a  vestment  nowhere  prescribed  as  such  by  the 

'  Anglican  Church.  For  the  ancient  aumasse,  or  tippet  of  sable  or  fur 
'  continued  to  be  worn  by  bishops  and  other  dignitaries  of  the  Church 
'  of  England  in  the  reign  of  Elizabeth,  during  which  it  was  in  a  great 
^'  measure  superseded  by  a  similar  habit  of  silk,  the  precursor  of  the  present 
'  scarf,  which  continued  to  be  called  a  tippet  down  to  the  last  century  " 
—"Monuments  in  St.  Martin's  Church,  [Birmingham],  Letter  II  ,"  by 
Matthew  Holbeche  Bloxam,  Rugby,  March  2nd,  1846,  in  The  Midland 
Counties  Herald,  Thursday,  March  5th,  1846. 

2  "circa  collum  vero  collare  quoddam  ex  preciosis  pellibus  sabellinis 

*  (vulgo  'sables'  vocant)  consutum,"  worn  with  episcopal  alb,  surplice  and 

3  The  Rev.  George  Smith  Tyack  in  his  Historic  Dress  of  the  Clergf, 
London,  1897,  p.  29.  ^ 


black  stole/  and  by  some  Doctors  of  Divinity  a  broad 
stole  has  been  substituted  for  the  scarf.  Its  use  by 
the  prelates,  mentioned  above,  as  part  of  their  ordinary 
dress  in  which  they  went  *  abroad,'  seems  to  militate 
against  any  connection  with  the  eucharistic  stole.  We 
have  already  noted,  p.  105,  a  peculiar  kind  of  scarf 
that  occurs  on  a  few  brasses  of  the  first  quarter  of 
the  sixteenth  century.  The  form  in  which  we  now 
find  it  is  that  of  a  broad  silk  or  sarcenet  scarf  worn 
round  the  neck,  with  the  ends  hanging  down  in  front. 
This  was  worn  by  doctors  of  divinity,  heads  of 
colleges,  members  of  cathedral  bodies,  and  chap- 
lains of  noblemen.^    At  South  Pool,  in  Devonshire, 

^  "  It  was  retained  by  dignitaries,  who  wore  it  as  they  still  do,  in  quire. 
"  Bishop  Blomfield,  of  London,  for  some  reason  wished  all  his  clergy  to 
"use  it,  and  from  them  it  spread  to  other  dioceses.  Then  it  came  to  be 
"  called  a  stole,  and  that  soon  led  to  its  being  made  like  one.  Thus  it 
"  comes  that  the  stole  is  now  generally  used,  though  sixty  years  ago  it  was 
"as  obsolete  as  the  chasuble  was." — "The  Ornaments  of  the  Rubric,"  by 
J.  T.  Micklethwaite,  F.S.A.,  Alcuin  Club  Tract  I.,  London,  Longmans, 
1897,  p.  59. 

2  The  Rev.  F.  G.  Lee,  in  Dtrectorium  Anglicamm,  p.  359,  states  that  the 
scarves  of  chaplains  should  be  of  the  colour  of  their  patrons'  livery.  On 
this  Professor  J.  C.  Robertson  comments  as  follows : — "  In  the  Dtrectorium 
Jnglicanum,  p.  359,  it  is  said  that  the  scarf  of  chaplains  'is  made  of  silk 
"  of  the  colour  of  the  nobleman's  livery  to  whom  the  cleric  is  chaplain.' 
"  As  the  editor  of  the  Dtrectorium  describes  himself  as  chaplain  to  a  noble- 
"  man,  this  is  probably  not  to  be  interpreted  as  satire;  but  I  do  not  know  on 
"  what  ground  it  is  said." — How  shall  we  Conform  to  the  Liturgy  of  the  Church 
of  England?  3rd  Ed.  revised,  London,  Murray,  1869,  p.  108  (footnote). 

The  Rev.  Percy  Dearmer  in  the  Parson^ 5  Handbook,  London,  1899, 
interpreting  Canon  LVIII.,  1604,  says,  "the  tippet  should  be  worn  by  all 
"  the  clergy  ;  of  stuff  by  non-graduates  (and  presumably  also  by  Bachelors) ; 
"of  silk  by  Masters  and  those  above  that  degree" — p.  86;  and  p.  85, 
"  There  is  no  known  authority  for  confining  the  use  of  the  tippet  to 
"  dignitaries  and  chaplains ;  that  custom  grew  up  in  the  days  when  the 
"  direction  of  the  canons  as  to  copes  also  fell  into  abeyance,  and  is  paral- 
"  leled  by  the  general  disuse  of  the  hood  among  the  parish  clergy  at  the 
"  same  time."  .  .  .  "At  Court  the  youngest  curate  is  still  required  to 
"  wear  the  tippet  with  his  cassock  and  gown  "  (footnote).  For  an  interest- 
ing reference  to  the  wearing  of  "  graduates  hood,  tippet  and  square  cap," 
1604,  at  Badelsmere,  see  "Some  East  Kent  Parish  History,"  The  Home 
Counties  Magazine,  Vol.  VII.,  p.  213  (July,  1905). 


IS    a    stone    effigy  representing  a  priest,  without 
tonsure,  of  the  sixteenth  century,  wearing  cassock 
surplice  and  scarf.'  ' 

Three  forms  of  gown  are  met  with  on  brasses,  chiefly 
in  the  seventeenth  century : — 

1.  A  gown  open  in  front  with  false  hanging  sleeves,  after 

the  manner  of  the  Oxford  M.A.,  the  arm  of  the 
doublet  coming  through  near  the  shoulder  ;  practically 
identical  with  the  civilian  gown  of  the  period. 

2.  A  gown,  open  in  front,  with  surplice-like  sleeves,  like 

the  Oxford  B.A.^ 

3.  The  preaching  gown,  the  sleeves  of  which  were  narrower, 

and  close  at  the  wrists.^ 

The  pileus  quadratus  or  square  cap  is  found  on  a  few 

^  Plate  xxu.,  illustrating  "  The  Sepulchral  Effigies  in  the  Parish  Churches 
of  South  Devon,"  by  W.  H.  H.  Rogers,  Transactions  of  ih  Exeter  Diocesan 
Architectural^  Society,  2nd  series,  Vol.  II.,  1872.  At  Ruthyn,  Denbigh- 
shire, Gabriel  Goodman,  D.D.,  Dean  of  Westminster,  is  shown  on  the 
brass  of  his  father  and  mother  (Edward  and  Ciselye  Goodman,  1560), 
in  close-sleeved  gown,  and  a  scarf.  ' 

2  Canon  LXXIV.,  1604,  prescribes  for  ordinary  dress  "gowns  with 
"  standing  collars,  and  sleeves  straight  at  the  hands,  or  wide  sleeves,  as  is 
"  used  in  the  Universities  "— «  togis  cum  collaribus  erectis  manicisque  ad 
"manura  contractioribus,  vel  laxioribus,  prout  in  academiis  usitatum  est." 
Wilkins'  Concilia,  Vol.  IV.,  p.  393. 

3  "  The  clerical  gown  is  described  in  the  Canon,  as  having  a  *  standing 
"  collar,'  that  is,  not  falling  back  in  a  lappet  like  the  civilian's  gown,  and 
"  'straight  at  the  hands,'  that  is,  with  a  narrow  wristband  :  modern  custom 
"  having,  however,  tucked  up  the  full  sleeve  to  the  elbow,  the  narrow 
"  wristband  no  longer  appearing.  This  gown  has  been  objected  to  as  not 
"  so  regular  a  dress  as  the  other  ;  as  adopted  from  the  Puritans,  and  as  less 
"  distinctive,  since  dissenting  teachers  use  it.  But,  in  reality,  it  is  more 
"regular,  as  marking  the  clerical  order,  which  the  academical  gowns  do 
"  not.  It  is  not  adopted  from  the  Puritans,  since  the  Geneva  gown  or  cloak 
"  was  in  fashion  altogether  different :  and  the  dissenters  may  rather  be 
"  regarded  as  having  usurped  an  ancient  clerical  dress.  Old  pictures,  etc., 
"  will  fully  bear  out  these  observations.  It  is  always  worn  at  the  Court 
"of  the  Sovereign.  In  fact,  the  whole  tendency  of  our  times  has  been, 
"  especially  at  the  Universities,  to  mark  the  academical  rank,  rather  than 
"  the  order  of  the  Church."  T:he  Choral  Service  of  the  United  Church  of 
England  and  Ireland,  by  the  Rev.  John  Jebb,  M.A.,  London.    Parker,  1 843 

Bishop  of  Salisbury,  1578, 
Salisbury  Cathedral. 


brasses.  Its  origin  is  dealt  with  by  the  Rev.  N.  F. 
Robinson,  who  appears  to  derive  it,  as  well  as  the  scarf, 
from  the  mediaeval  hood. 

The  following  list,  which,  except  in  the  case  of  episcopal 
brasses,  makes  no  attempt  at  completeness,  gives  some 
characteristic  examples  of  the  garments  mentioned : — 

1578.  Edmund  Geste,  S.T.P.  Cantab.,— Bishop  of  Salis- 
bury, in  Salisbury  Cathedral,  wears  rochet, 
lawn-sleeves,  chimere  and  scarf,  holding  in  his 
right  hand  a  curious  short  pastoral  staff  with 
no  head,  and  but  for  its  pointed  extremity,  more 
like  a  walking-stick,  possibly  corresponding  to 
the  irarkptaaa  or  pastoral  staff  of  the  Greek 
Church  ;  in  his  left  hand  a  book  or  Textus.' 

1 61 6,  Henry  Robinson,  SS.T.D.— Bishop  of  Carlisle 
(where  he  is  buried,  and  where  a  similar  brass 
is  erected  to  his  memory).  Queen's  College, 
Oxford,  clad  in  rochet,  chimere,  lawn-sleeves, 
and  scarf,  and  a  skull-cap,  with  ruffs  at  the  neck 
and  wrists,  and  a  curious  pastoral  staff  (sur- 
mounted by  a  crane,  holding  a  stone  in  one  claw), 
the  inscriptions  on  which  have  been  given  above, 
page  77.  In  the  background  is  a  representation 
of  Carlisle  Cathedral,  in  the  doorway  of  which 
three  bishops,  similarly  vested,  appear  to  be  or- 
daining a  kneeling  figure,  wearing  a  gown  with 
false  sleeves.  In  front  of  Queen's  College,  also 
represented,  stand  three  figures  in  square  caps, 
two  of  them  in  gowns  with  false  sleeves,  and 
a  third  in  one  with  surplice-like  sleeves. 

1 63 1.    Samuel  Harsnett,  S.T.P. — Archbishop  of  York, 

^  Bishop  Geste,  when  Archdeacon  of  Canterbury,  was  one  of  the  two 
chaplains  (the  other  being  Nicholas  BuUingham,  Archdeacon  of  Lincoln), 
who  officiated  as  Epistoler  and  Gospeller,  vested  in  cappa  sericce,  at  the 
consecration  of  Archbishop  Parker,  1559. 


Chigwell,  Essex/  wears  a  slightly  ornamented 
rochet,  a  chimere,  and  a  fine  cope  embroidered 
throughout,  mitre  and  pastoral  staff.  This  is 
the  only  brass  of  a  post-reformation  bishop  in  a 
cope.  At  Winchester  College  is  the  headless 
palimpsest  brass  of  John  White,  Warden,  died 
1559,  shown  wearing  cassock  with  undergarment, 
surplice,  and  rich  cope  embroidered  throughout 
with  pomegranates,  marguerites,  and  Tudor  roses 
and  with  IHS  on  the  morse,  but  without  almuce. 
This  brass  was  probably  engraved  before  he  was 
consecrated  Bishop  of  Lincoln  in  1554,  from 
which  see  he  was  translated  to  Winchester  in 
1556,  but  was  deprived  on  refusing  to  take  the 
oath  of  Supremacy  to  Elizabeth. 

The  mitre,  without  effigy,  is  used  in  three  instances  as 
a  memorial  for  a  bishop.    These  are : — 

1626.    Arthur  Lake,  D.D.,  Bishop  of  Bath  and  Wells, 

in  Wells  Cathedral. 
1650.    John  Prideaux,^  D.D.,  Bishop  of  Worcester,  at 

Bredon,  Worcs. 
1 66 1.    Henry  Feme,  S.T.D.,  Bishop  of  Chester,  in 

Westminster  Abbey. 

^  Illustrated  in  Waller.  Also  in  A  Catalogue  of  the  Harsnett  Library  at 
Colchester,  by  Gordon  Goodwin,  1888,  which  latter  is  reproduced  in 
Hierurgia  JngUcana,  Vol.  III.,  1904,  p.  229.  See  also  the  illustrated 
edition  of  Green's  Short  History  of  the  English  People,  Macmillan,  Vol.  III., 
1903,  p.  1056. 

2  The  celebrated  Rector  of  Exeter,  and  Regius  Professor  of  Divinity 
at  Oxford.  He  married  Anna,  daughter  of  William  Goodwin,  Dean  of 
Christ  Church.  She  died  1627,  and  a  brass  inscription  at  St.  Michael's 
church,  Oxford,  commemorates  her  and  two  children.  At  Harford,  near 
Ivybridge,  Devon,  is  a  painting  on  copper  representing  John  Prideaux  and 
wife  Agnes,  with  seven  sons  and  three  daughters,  erected  by  their  fourth 
son  in  1639,  who  is  depicted  kneeling,  wearing  a  black  cassock  and  over 
it  a  scarlet  sleeveless  doctor's  gown  or  academical  cope  (closed  in  front), 
with  black  armholes,  and  small  black  hood,  a  black  skull-cap  on  his  head, 
and  a  square  cap  lying  beside  him. 


In  Holy  Trinity  Church,  Guildford,  is  the  mural  brass 
of  Maurice  and  Alice  Abbot,  1606.  Of  the  six  sons, 
shown  kneeling,  the  third  is  Robert  Abbot,  D.D.,  Bishop 
of  Salisbury,  d.  1 617/18,  and  buried  at  Salisbury;  the 
fourth  is  George  Abbot,  D.D.,  Archbishop  of  Canterbury, 
d.  1633,  who  lies  buried  in  this  church.  Each  wears  a 
gown  with  close  sleeves,  probably  the  cassock  and  a  hood.^ 

At  St.  John's  College,  Oxford,  is  preserved  a  small 
plate  with  arms  and  inscription.  "In  hac  cistula  con- 
duntur  exuviae  Gullielmi  Laud."  Beheaded  1644/5.''  ^ 
brass  inscription  commemorating  Samuel  Rutter,  Bishop 
of  Sodor  and  Man,  1662,  is  in  St.  Germain's  Cathedral, 
Peel,  Isle  of  Man.3 

In  the  following  examples,  where  not  otherwise  men- 
tioned, the  gown  with  false  hanging  sleeves  is  worn,'^  the 
ruff  is  usual,  and  moustache  and  beard  become  common: — 

1560.  Leonard  Hurst,  Denham,  Bucks,  in  cassock  and 

scarf.  (Lost,  see  Trans.  Monumental  Brass  Society^ 
Vol.  v.,  p.  75.) 

1 56 1.  William  Bill,  S.T.D.,  Dean,  Provost  of  Eton, 

Master  of  Trinity,  Westminster  Abbey,  in  cassock 
and  hood  lying  loosely  on  the  shoulders. 

'  See  "  Remarks  on  a  brass  plate  formerly  in  the  Church  of  the  H0I7 
Trinity  at  Guildford,  and  now  remaining  in  the  Hospital  there,"  by 
Thomas  William  King,  F.S.A.,  York  Herald. — Surrey  Archaological 
Collections,  Vol.  III.,  1865,  p.  254, 

2  Buried  in  All  Hallows,  Barking,  London,  but  his  body  removed  to  St. 
John's  College,  Oxford,  July  1663  ;  see  Le  Neve's  Fasti  Ecclesia  Anglicance, 
edited  by  T.  DufFus  Hardy,  Vol.  I.,  p.  27,  1854. 

3  It  was  found  in  1844,  in  a  well  in  Peel  Castle  (see  Arch:  Cambrensis, 
series  III.,  Vol.  XL,  1865,  p.  430)  and  in  1875  was  restored  to  its  slab. 
See  "Monumental  Brass  to  Bishop  Rutter,  Peel,  Isle  of  Man,"  by  A.  Knox, 
Transactions  of  the  Monumental  Brass  Society,  Vol.  II.,  p.  100.  At  Cawood, 
Yorkshire,  is  a  brass  inscription  to  George  Mountain,  Archbishop  of  York, 
1628.  At  Croydon,  Surrey,  the  brass  coffin-plate  of  William  Wake, 
Archbishop  of  Canterbury,  1737,  was  placed  in  the  pavement  after  the 
iire  in  1867. 

4  At  Christ  Church,  Oxford,  are  three  brasses  of  Masters  of  Arts,  wear- 
ing this  gown. — 1584,  Thomas  Morrey  ;  1 587,  Stephen  Lence  ;  1613, 
Thomas  Thornton.    Other  examples  are  known. 


1566.  John  Fenton,  Coleshill,  Warwickshire,  in  preaching 

gown,  with  tight  wristbands  and  full  sleeves, 
holding  in  left  hand  a  Bible  inscribed  Werbu  dei.* 
'Bachelor  of  Law.* 

1567.  William  Dye,  parson  of  Tattisfylde,  Westerham, 

Kent,  in  cassock,  surplice  and  narrow  scarf' 
1582.  Nicholas  Asheton,  "  sacre  theologias  Bacchalaureus 
Cantabr."  Rector,  Whichford,  Warwickshire, 
chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  Derby,  wearing  over 
doublet  a  gown  open  in  front  with  wide  sleeves 
and  scarf. 

1587.  Richard  Woddomes,  (with  wife  and  seven  children) 
Ufton,  Warwickshire,  "Parson  and  pattron  and 
vossioner,"  (occupying  his  own  advowson). 

1589.  John  Garbrand,  *  Doctor  in  Divinity,'  Crawley, 
Bucks,  kneeling  in  close-sleeved  gown,  probably 
the  cassock,  and  hood. 

1595.  Thomas  Reve,  D.D.,  Monewden,  Suffolk,  kneeling 

in  close-sleeved  gown  like  the  last,  and  hood ; 
a  senior  fellow  of  Gonville  and  Caius  College, 

1596.  Griffin  Lloyd,  Rector,  Chevening,  Kent.  Doublet. 
1 602.  William  Lucas,  '  Maister  of  Arte,'  Clothall,  Herts. 
1608.    Erasmus    Williams,   Tingewick,   Bucks,  gown 

edged  with  fur  ;  doublet. 
1608.    John  Burton,  Burgh,  Norfolk. 
1610.    Peter  Winder,  Whitchurch,Oxon.  "Hujus  ecclesi« 

Curatus."  Kneeling. 
1 6 10.    Isaia  Bures,  Northolt,  Middlesex,  M.A.,  kneeling. 
1 6 1 4.    Humfrey  Tyndall,  D.D.,  Dean,  Master  of  Queens' 

College,  Cambridge.    Ely  Cathedral.  Wearing 

over  doublet  the  gown  with  false  sleeves,  scarf 

and  skull-cap.^ 

^Illustrated  in  Hierurgia  Anglicanay  Vol.  III.,  1904,  p.  143. 

^  A  somewhat  similar  brass  was  sold  at  Newark,  1904,  and  is  now  in 
private  possession. 

WILLIAM  DYE,  1567, 
Westerham,  Kent. 




1 6 14.  John  Torksay,  B.D.,  Barwell,  Leics.,  shown  in  a 

pulpit, '  wearing  preaching  gown. 

1 615.  John  Wythines,  D.D.,  Battle,  Sussex,  scarf  and 

square  cap. 

1 61 6.  Henry  Airay,  D.D.,  Provost,  Queen's  College, 

Oxford,  (an  allegorical  plate  similar  to  that  of 
Bishop  Robinson)  shown  kneeling  on  an  altar- 
tomb;  wearing  scarf,  hood  and  skull-cap ;  doublet. 
1 619.  Henry  Mason,  M.A.,  Camb.  Eyke,  Suffolk. 

1627.    Thomas  Stones,  Acle,  Norfolk,  (half-eff.).  Doublet; 

1627.    William  Procter,  Rector,    Upper  Boddington, 

Northants.    Doublet ;  skull-cap. 
1632.    Edward  Naylor,  (and  family)  Bigby,  Lines.,  "a 

faithfuU  and  painefuU  Minister  of  Gods  word." 
1 648.    Rice  Jemlae,  Husband's  Bosworth,  Leics. ;  cassock, 

gown  with  false  sleeves,  and  skull-cap. 

^At  Hackney,  Middlesex,  is  another  example.  The  half-effigy  of 
Hugh  Johnson,  1618,  wearing  the  false-sleeved  gown. 


THOMAS  HYLLE,  S.T.P.,  1468, 
New  College,  Oxford. 



The  subject  of  mediaeval  academical  costume,  as  shown 
on  brasses,  presents  many  difficulties,  owing,  in  some 
measure,  to  the  absence  of  colour  and  to  the  inability  of 
the  brass  engraver  to  depict  the  quality  of  the  silk  or  fur 
linings  indicated.  Professor  E.  C.  Clark,  in  his  learned 
essay  contributed  to  the  Archteologkal  Journal  for  1893 
(Vol.  L.)  has  examined  the  available  evidence.^  The  use 
of  the  same  term  to  indicate  different  articles  of  costume 
is,  in  itself,  productive  of  much  confusion ;  but,  in  con- 
nection with  monumental  brasses,  we  can  but  classify 
similar  examples  together,  deducing  therefrom  the  dress 
appropriate  to  different  degrees,  holding  that,  in  all  likeli- 
hood, the  deceased,  when  represented  in  academicals,  is 
shown  in   the  most  dignified  costume  agreeable  to  his 

?  The  following,  also,  throw  light  on  the  subject : — 

The  same  author's  "  College  Caps  and  Doctors'  Hats,"  Archceological 
Jout-nal,  Vol.  LXL,  1904,  p.  33. 

The  University  of  Cambridge  from  the  Earliest  Times  to  the  Royal  Injunc- 
tions of  1535,  hy  James  Bass  Mullinger,  M.A.,  St.  John's  College, 
Cambridge.  Cambridge,  at  the  University  Press,  1873  :  and  the  same 
author's  The  University  of  Cambridge  from  the  Royal  Injunctions  0/"  1 5  3  5  to 
the  Accession  of  Charles  the  First.  1 884.  The  Universities  of  Europe  in  the 
Middle  Ages,  by  the  Rev.  Hastings  Rashdall,  M.A.,  Oxford,  at  the 
Clarendon  Press,  1895.    Vol.  II.,  Part  II.,  pp.  636-644. 

"The  Ecclesiastical  Habit  in  England,"  by  the  Rev.  T.  A.  Lacey,  M.A., 
p.  126,  Vol.  IV.,  Transactions  of  the  St.  PauFs  Ecclesiological  Society,  1900, 
in  which  volume  (p.  313)  may  be  found  :— "The  Hood  as  an  Ornament 
of  the  Minister  at  the  Time  of  His  Ministrations  in  Quire  and  elsewhere," 
by  E.  G.  Cuthbert  F.  Atchley,  and  (p.  181)  "The  Black  Chimere  of 
Anglican  Prelates :  A  Plea  for  its  Retention  and  Proper  Use,"  by  the 
Rev.  N.  F.  Robinson.  "  The  Pileus  Quadratus :  An  enquiry  into  the 
Relation  of  the  Priest's  Square  Cap  to  the  Common  Academical  Catercap 
and  to  the  Judicial  Corner-Cap,"  by  the  same  author,  p.  i.  Vol.  V 
Transactions  the  same  Society,  Part  I.,  1 90 1 .  The  "  Habitus  Academic! 
singulis  gradibus  proprii"  of  the  Seventeenth  Century  were  engraved  by 
David  Loggan  in  his  Oxonia  illustrata,  1675,  Plate  X.,  and  in  Cantabrigia 
tllustrata,  1688,  Plate  VII. 


degree.  That  this  costume,  as  indeed  universities  gener- 
ally, must  be  of  ecclesiastical  origin,  there  can  be  but 
little  doubt.'  Moreover,  the  conferring  of  insignia  proper, 
as  distinguished  from  costume,  on  the  Doctor  (the  chair, 
the  hat,  the  book,  ring  and  kiss  of  peace)  would  indicate 
a  religious  significance.  Some  alteration  of  dress  was,  in 
all  probability,  made  to  distinguish  the  Regent  or  teaching 
Master  or  Doctor  from  the  Non-Regent ;  but  it  is  uncertain 
whether  brasses  throw  light  on  the  point.  The  terms 
Professor,  Doctor,  and  Master,  seem  to  have  been  used, 
interchangeably,  of  the  highest  degree;  but  the  term 
Professor,  confined  to  the  higher  faculties,  seems  to  imply 
teaching ;  Doctor  and  Master  to  have  been  applicable  to 
Regent  and  Non-Regent,  the  latter  term  becoming  specially 
connected  with  the  Faculty  of  Arts.  The  differences  in 
costume  are  as  much  a  matter  of  quality  of  material  as  of 
varying  shape  ;  the  Bachelor  being  unable  to  use  fur  of  so 
costly  a  kind  as  that  worn  by  his  academical  superiors,  and 
the  dress  appearing  of  a  more  or  less  sober  and  dignified 
style  as  the  degree,  which  it  represented,  was  of  a  more  or 
less  ecclesiastical  nature.  The  gown  {toga  or  roba  talaris^ 
possibly  in  accordance  with  the  lesser  or  greater  degree) 
was  in  use  in  the  fourteenth  century.  Our  examples  are 
mainly  of  the  fifteenth  and  sixteenth  centuries.  The 
frequent  representation  of  ecclesiastics  of  the  higher 
degrees  in  the  ordinary  processional  vestments,  almuce 
and  cope,  leave  us,  comparatively  speaking,  but  few 
examples  in  academicals  proper,  and  these,  as  is  natural, 
are  to  be  found  mostly  at  Oxford  and  Cambridge. 

Broadly  speaking,  the  articles  of  dress  may  be  classed 
as  follows,  in  the  order  in  which  they  were  assumed : — 

I.  The  Under  or  Body  Garment,  appearing  at  the 
wrists,  worn  beneath  the  cassock. 

*  Anthony  Wood  considers  it  to  be  derived  from  the  tunica  talaris  and 
cucullus  of  the  Benedictine  habit. 


2.  The  Cassock,  probably  fur-lined,  and  usually  with  fur 


3.  The  Gown,  which  is  represented  by  at  least  four 

distinct  varieties : — 

a.  A  loose,  full,  sleeveless  garment  reaching  to  the 

feet,  which  must  have  been  passed  over  the 
head,  with  one  slit  in  front  varying  in  size, 
through  which  both  arms  pass.  Haines  tenta- 
tively calls  this  a  rochet.  Professor  Clark  con- 
siders it  to  be  the  cappa  clausa,  or  closed  cope 
(prescribed  by  Stephen  Langton,  Archbishop  of 
Canterbury,  in  1222  as  a  decent  garb  for  arch- 
deacons, deans  and  prebendaries),'  under  which 
name  we  shall  refer  to  it. 

b.  A  gown  differing  from  the  last  in  having  two  slits, 

usually  showing  a  fur  lining,  through  which  the 
arms  pass,  but  closed  in  front.  This  is  Haines' 
"  rochet  with  two  slits." ^  Professor  Clark  con- 
siders it  to  be  the  sleeveless  tabard.  Its  length 
may  identify  it  with  the  taberdum  talare,  a  view 
taken  by  the  Rev.  N.  F.  Robinson.^ 

^Council  of  Oxford,  1222,  XXVIII.  "De  vita  ethonestate  clericorum. 
"  Ut  clericalis  ordinis  honor  debitus  observetur,  concilii  prssentis  auctori- 
"tate  decrevimus,  ut  tarn  archidiaconi  quam  decani,  et  omnes  alii  in 
"  personatibus  et  dignitatibus  constituti,  item  omnes  decani  rurales,  et 
"  presbyteri  decenter  incedant  in  habitu  clericali,  et  cappis  clausis  utantur." 
Wilkins'  Concilia,  Vol.  I.,  1737,  p.  589. 

*  The  Rev.  T.  A.  Lacey  calls  it  an  alternative  form  of  the  cappa  clausa 
and  identifies  it  with  the  chimere  {Transactions  of  St.  Paul's  Ecclesiological 
Society,  Vol.  IV.,  1900,  p.  128). 

3  Transactions  of  St.  PauPs  Ecclesiological  Society,  Vol,  IV.,  1900,  p.  211. 
An  example  of  this  gown  {taberdum  talare),  worked  in  gold  thread  (as  is 
the  cassock),  and  showing  a  blue  lining,  with  which  are  worn  a  tippet  of 
the  same  material  edged  with  white,  a  red  hood  and  a  red  pileus  (no 
point  visible),  is  afforded  by  the  figure  of  a  Doctor  on  the  orphrey  of  a 
cope  of  the  fifteenth  century,  belonging  to  the  Pro-Cathedral  of  the 
Apostles  Clifton.  This  was  shown  at  the  Exhibition  of  English 
Embroidery  Executed  Prior  to  the  Middle  of  the  Sixteenth  Century, 
held  by  the  Burlington  Fine  Arts  Club,  1905. 



c.  A  shorter  gown  than  the  cassock,  not  reaching  to 

the  ground,  and,  as  Haines  describes  it,  "  with 
loose  sleeves,  lined  with  fur,  reaching  to  the 
wrists  and  falling  to  a  point  behind."  Follow- 
ing Professor  Clark  we  shall  call  it  the  sleeved 

d.  Haines'  "  shorter  gown  sleeveless  with  slits  at  the 

sides  edged  with  fur,  for  the  passage  of  the 
arms,"'' considered  by  him,  though  by  no  means 
conclusively  proved,  to  represent  M.A.  costume 
in  the  latter  half  ot  the  fifteenth  century.  Prob- 
ably a  form  of  sleeveless  tabard.  The  Rev. 
N.  F.  Robinson  considers  it  the  taherdum  longum 
or  ad  medias  tibias^  as  worn  by  the  Warden  in  a 
drawing  in  the  Chandler  MS.  at  New  College, 
representing  that  society,  c.  1464. 

4.  The  Tippet,'*  a  cape  made  of  fur  or  of  cloth  edged  or 

lined  with  fur,  in  accordance  with  degree,  derived 
probably  from  the  almuce,  as  being  a  dress  of  dignity 
and  not  worn  inside  the  plain  cappa  or  gown  as  the 
almuce  was  worn  with  the  ecclesiastical  cope,  but 
outside ;  one  reason  for  this  being  that  it  would  be 
completely  concealed  if  worn  beneath  such  a  garment 
as  the  cappa  clausa. 

5.  The  Hood  {caputium),  originally  worn  by  all  members, 

graduate  and  undergraduate ;  but  after  it  had  ceased 
to  be  worn  by  the  latter,  it  became  an  indication 

^  The  Rev.  N,  F.  Robinson  calls  it  *capa  manicaia*  i.e.  sleeved  cope, 
ibid.  The  Rev.  H.  W.  Macklin  considers  it  a  surplice.  See  p.  44, 
Monumental  Brasses,  by  the  Rev.  Herbert  W.  Macklin,  London,  1898. 

2  A  similar  gown  of  red  worn  over  a  black  cassock,  and  under  a  white 
fur  tippet  is  seen  in  the  figure  of  an  ecclesiastic,  1 595,  Plate  100,  Vol.  III. 
Hefner-Alteneck's  Trachten  des  chrisdichen  mittelalters. 

3  Transactions  of  St.  PauPs  EcclesiologicalSociety,Yo\.lV.,  1900,  pp.  210-1. 

4  The  Tippet  and  Hood,  doubtless,  originally  formed  one  garment. 
See  account  of  Chaperon  in  Faurteenth  Century  Civilian  Costume,  Chapter 


of  degree.  The  undergraduate's  hood  was  probably 
of  cloth  unlined,  whereas  the  graduate's  was  penulatum 
(furred)  or  otherwise  lined;  the  Bachelor  being 
confined  to  the  use  of  less  costly  fur.  The  hood 
was  early  supplanted  by  a  cap  as  a  head-covering  ;  but 
the  peak,  or  tip  of  the  hood,  fell  down  behind,  and 
became  more  or  less  exaggerated.  This  liripipium 
was  worn  longer  by  undergraduates,  probably  for  the 
sake  of  distinction.  The  position  in  profile  of  the 
effigies  of  Dr.  Billingford,  1442,  St.  Benet's,  Cam- 
bridge, and  of  William  Blakwey,  1521,  Little 
Wilbraham,  Cambs.,  well  shows  the  manner  of  wear- 
ing and  the  shape  of  the  hood  ;  as  a  rule  only  the  part 
worn  round  the  neck  appears.  Li  some  cases  in 
which  the  cappa  clausa  figures,  but  no  hood,  the 
latter  possibly  may  be  worn  beneath  the  tippet,  and 
so  hidden. 

6.  PiLEus,'  Of  this,  broadly  speaking,  we  find  two  kinds, 
though  it  must  be  remembered  that  there  is  a  con- 
siderable diversity  of  shape  shown  in  brasses. 

a.  A  plain  skull-cap  without  any  point,  as,  apparently, 
worn  by  Dr.  Billingford  and  Dr.  Hautryve. 

h.  A  round,  brimless  cap,  with  a  point  in  the  centre, 
called  by  Prof.  Clark  '-'-pointed  pileuSj'  which 
appears  to  have  been  a  prerogative  of  the 
Doctorate,  judging  from  its  representation  on 

^  See  The  Rev.  N.  F.  Robinson's  Pikus  Quadratus  for  an  account  of 
the  development  of  this  cap.  The  Laudian  Oxford  Statutes,  1636, 
ordained :  i ,  The  common  pileus  quadratus  or  catercap  for  graduates, 
foundation  scholars  and  choristers :  2,  the  pileus  rotundus  for  commoners 
and  those  not  on  the  foundation  :  3,  the  pileus  quadratus  for  Doctors  in 
Theology :  and  4,  the  pileus  rotundus,  probably  the  "John  Knox  laical 
cap"  for  Doctors  of  Civil  Law^,  Medicine,  Music,  etc.,  instead  of  the 
quadratus  (p.  14).  See  also  "College  Caps  and  Doctors'  Hats,"  by  Pro- 
fessor E.  C.  Clark,  LL.D.,  F.S.A.,  Archaolo^cal  Journal,  Vol.  LXI., 
P-  33,  1904- 


brasses."  Sometimes  we  find  it  worn  as  an 
indication  of  degree  with  the  costume  of  a  church 
dignitary,  as  at  St.  Cross,  Richard  Hayward, 
1493,  Decretorum  Doctor,  who  wears  the  pro- 
cessional vestments  without  the  cope;  or  at 
Hereford,  Dean  Frowsetoure,  S.T.P.  1529,  who 
wears  a  splendid  cope ;  ^  but  it  is  not  shown  on 
the  brass  of  Henry  Sever,  S.T.P.  1471,  Warden, 
Merton  College,  Oxford. 

In  giving  examples  we  follow  Professor  Clark's  arrange- 
ment in  accordance  with  an  ordinance  of  Archbishop 
Chichele,  141 7,  thinking  it  necessary  merely  to  mention 

^  An  incised  slab  was  found  at  St.  Mary's  Abbey,  York,  representing 
William  Seford  or  Sever  (Abbot,  1485,  Bishop  of  Durham,  1502,  1505) 
clad  in  pontificals,  with  mitre,  and  holding  crosier  in  right  hand,  and 
book  in  left ;  a  round  doctor's  cap  being  incised  on  each  side  of  the 
head  (see  Proceedings  of  the  Society  of  Antiquaries,  2nd  Series,  Vol.  XIX., 
p.  264  (March  26th,  1903).  Wood  describes  the  brass,  now  lost,  at  New 
College  of  Thomas  Gascoigne,  1457,  as  depicting  a  doctor's  cap  held  over 
the  head  of  the  effigy  by  two  hands  issuing  from  clouds.  See  "A  Cata- 
logue of  the  Brasses  in  New  College,  both  Past  and  Present,"  by  H.  C. 
Dobr6e,  Journal  of  OXJ.B.R.S.,  Vol.  I.,  No.  2,  June,  1897. 

2  The  Rev.  N.  F.  Robinson  calls  Dean  Frowsetoure's  cap,  the  Canon's 
Pileus  Rotundus.  That  Canons  wore  a  Pileus  may  be  proved  by  some 
Continental  Brasses,  figured  by  Creeny :  e.g.,  1464  Glorius  Count  of 
Lewenstein,  at  Bamberg;  1505,  John  de  Heringen,  canon,  "in  decretis 
licenciatus,"  at  Erfurt ;  1 505,  Eberard  de  Rabenstain,  canon,  at  Bamberg  ; 
1560,  Eobanus  Zeigeler,  canon,  at  Erfurt;  but  he  was  Doctor  Juris. 
Deans  seem  to  have  worn  a  more  elaborate  variety;  e.g.,  1460,  Eghardus 
de  Hanensee  at  Hildesheim  ;  or  among  the  weepers  on  the  brass  of 
Bishop  Peter,  1456,  at  Breslau.  A  Manuscript  in  the  Cotton  Library 
(British  Museum)  may  possibly  afford  an  early  instance  of  an  ecclesiastic 
wearing  a  pointed  pileus.  See  illustrations  on  pages  132  and  134,  of  an 
article  on  "Pictures  of  English  Dress  in  the  Thirteenth  Century,"  in  The 
Ancestor,  No.  V.,  April,  1903 — but  its  significance  at  so  early  a  period  is 
doubtful.  In  the  Bodleian  Library  is  an  illuminated  parchment  roll 
(Ashmole  Rolls,  No.  45)  showing  the  procession  of  Abbots,  Bishops  and 
Temporal  Peers  to  the  Parliament  of  February  4th,  3  Henry  VIII.,  from 
which  are  reproduced  the  Abbots  of  Reading,  St.  Mary  of  York,  Ramsey, 
and  Peterborough,  at  p.  66  of  Reading  Abbey,  by  Jamieson  B.  Hurry, 
M.A.,  M.D.  London:  Elliot  Stock,  MCMI.  Each  abbot  wears  a 
tippet  and  hood  and  pointed  pileus. 

JOHN  ARGENTEIN,  D.D.,  M.D.,  i 
King's  College,  Cambridge. 

ROBERT  BRASSIE,  S.T.P.,  1558 
King's  College,  Cambridge. 



that  as  at  Paris  the  order  of  precedence  of  the  Faculties 
was :  Theology,  Canon  and  Civil  Law,  Medicine  and 
Arts,  and  that  the  Licentiati  were  those  Bachelors,  who 
held  the  Chancellor's  licence,  but  had  not  yet  completed 
the  formalities  necessary  for  the  full  degree.^ 

Sacr^  Theologi^  Professor  (Doctor  Sacra  Theologia ; 
Magister  in  Theologid)^  usually  clad  in  girded  cassock,  be- 
neath which  is  an  under  garment,  cappa  clausa^  fur  tippet, 
and  pointed  pileus.^  If  worn,  the  hood  does  not  appear. 
Where  not  otherwise  mentioned,  the  following  six  examples 
conform  to  this  style  : — 

1442,    Richard  Billingford,  D.D.,  Master  of  Corpus. 

St.  Benet's  Church,  Cambridge :  a  kneeling 

^  In  the  lists  following  will  be  found  included  some  examples,  in  other 
than  academical  costume,  but  of  which  the  degrees  are  known. 

-  At  Greatham  Hospital  Chapel,  Durham,  is  an  inscription  on  a  mar- 
ginal fillet,  in  Lombardic  characters,  to  Magister  William  de  Middiltoun, 
"sacre  Pagine  Doctor,"  Warden  of  the  Hospital,  c.  1 3  50.  The  inscription 
to  William  Hawkesworth,  1349,  Provost  of  Oriel,  in  St.  Mary's,  Oxford, 
describes  him  as  "sacre  pagine  quondB.  ffessor."  That  to  Geraldus  Borell,' 
Archdeacon  of  Chichester,  1508,  at  Cuckfield,  Sussex,  as  ''sacre  Theologie 
P'fessor"  The  fine  Lombardic  uncial  inscription  on  the  margin  of  Prior 
Borard's  slab,  1398,  at  Christchurch,  Hants.,  reads  "Tumba  Johannis 
Borard  Maestri  Theolo^e  Prioris  Decimi  Noni  Huius  Ecclesie."  The 
matrix  of  the  demi-effigy  does  not  show  the  indent  of  a  pileus. 

3  A  possible  example  of  this  costume  is  to  be  seen  in  a  French  Fifteenth 
Century  Boccaccio  in  the  British  Museum  (Rothschild  MS  ,  XII )  A 
red  cassock  with  black  girdle  is  surmounted  by  a  blue  cappa  clause,' ox tt 
which  a  white  fur  tippet  is  worn,  turned  up  over  the  shoulders  so  as  to 
show  the  blue  cloth  lining,  with  a  white  hood.  A  high  grey  cap  is  on 
the  head.— The  illustration  here  referred  to,  has  been  reproduced  in  the 
M^^^z^^^^^  VII.,  No.  27,  June,  1905  :  "The  Rothschild 
MS.  in  the  British  Museum  of  Les  Cas  des  Maltheureux  Nobles  hommes 
et  femmes,  by  Sir  Edward  Maunde  Thompson,  K.C.B.  A  similar  manner 
of  wearing  the  tippet  (but  without  hood),  is  shown  on  a  brass  (formerly  in 
the  possession  of  Mr.  Wilson,  Tuxford  Hall,  Notts.,  sold  at  Newark 
1904),  representing  an  ecclesiastic  clad  in  fur-lined  cassock,  fur  tippet 
and  possibly  a  pileus.  Two  appendages,  which  resemble  short  fur-edged 
liripipes  belonging  to  the  tippet,  rather  than  pockets,  are  engraved  on 
the  cassock  below  the  forearms.  5   vcu  un 



figure,  differing  from  the  above  description  by 
having  a  fur-lined  hood,  but  no  tippet,  and 
on  the  head  a  round  skull-cap  with  no  point. 
1468.  Thomas  Hylle,  P.S.T.,  New  College,  Oxford: 
holding  a  Tau  cross  on  which  the  five  wounds 
are  represented. 

c,  1480.  A  Doctor,  St.  Mary  the  Less,  Cambridge:  not 
showing  garment  under  cassock,  nor  a  point 
to  the  cap.  The  buckled  belt  of  the  cassock 
is  well  shown. 
1496.  William  Towne,  Doctor  in  Theologia,  King's 
College,  Cambridge. 

c.  1500.  A  Doctor,  Great  St.  Helen's,  Bishopsgate, 
London  :  attributed  to  John  Brieux,  Rector  of 
St.  Martin  Outwich,  1459,  though  probably 
of  later  date. 

1507.  John  Argentein,  D.D.  (1504),  King's  College, 
Cambridge :  Physician  to  Arthur,  Prince  of 
Wales  ;  shows  strap-girdle  of  cassock. 

Besides  the  above,  the  following  Doctors  of  Divinity 
should  be  noticed  : — 

1 36 1.  John  Hotham,  Provost  of  Queen's  College, 
Oxford,  Rector,  Chinnor,  Oxon.,  Magister  in 
Theologia  (half  effigy)  :  apparently  wearing  a 
cassock,  the  gown  with  two  slits  (probably 
taherdum  talare\  tippet,  and  pointed  pileus. 

1405.  Magister  John  Strete,  Upper  Hardres,  Kent: 
wearing  undergarment  buttoned  over  the 
hands,  cassock,  tippet,  hood,  and  pointed  pileus. 
It  is  just  possible  that  the  latter  indicates  a 
Doctor's  degree,  but  it  may  have  been  an 
insigne  of  prebendarial  rank  in  this  case. 

1 47 1.  Henry  Sever,  S.T.P.,  Warden,  Merton  College, 
Oxford  :  in  processional  vestments  ;  no  cap. 

1489.  Thomas  Barker,  S.T.P.,  Vice-Provost,  Eton  Col- 
lege Chapel :  in  processional  vestments  without 
cope  ;  a  round  cap. 

Decretorum  Doctor,  1441, 
New  College,  Oxford. 




1 50 1.  William  Heyward,  S.T.D.,  Vicar,  St.  Helens, 
Abingdon,  Berks,  (now  on  the  wall) :  in 
Haines'  M.A.  I.  costume  (see  below),  cassock, 
sleeved  tabard,  tippet  and  hood,  with  the 
addition  of  a  pileus. 

1529.  Edmund  Frowsetoure,  S.T.P.,  Dean,  Hereford 
Cathedral :  in  processional  vestments  (the  cope 
embroidered  throughout),  and  pointed  pileus. 

1558.  Robert  Brassie,  S.T.P.,  Provost,  King's  College, 
Cambridge  :  in  processional  vestments  without 
cope,  with  pointed  pileus. 

The  brass  of  John  Yslyngtone,  S.T.P.,  Cley-next-the- 
Sea,  Norfolk,  c.  1520 :  is  dealt  with  on  p.  106. 

The  brass  at  Christ's  College,  Cambridge,  c.  1 540,  attri- 
buted to  Edward  Hawford,  D.D.,  shows  cassock,  sleeved 
tabard,  tippet  and  hood ;  no  pileus. 

Haines,  p.  cxxxii.,  gives  an  illustration  of  a  brass 
formerly  at  Hitchin,  Herts.,  to  John  Sperehawke,  D.D., 
1474,  wearing  a  cassock,  a  very  loose  chasuble-like 
garment  without  ornament,'  a  tippet  and  pointed  pileus. 
In  Creeny's  Continental  Brasses  is  an  illustration  of  the 
brass  of  Magister  Jacobus  Schelewaerts,  "  parisiensis  sacre 
theologie  doctoris,"  1483,  in  Bruges  Cathedral.  He  was 
Professor  in  Theology  at  the  University  of  Louvain, 
1472-76,  and  is  shown  seated,  giving  a  lecture  to  a  class 
of  seven  sitting  at  desks  before  him.  He  appears  to  be 
wearing  a  cap,  with  his  hood  drawn  over  his  head,  a 
cassock  with  fur  cuffs,  and  a  loose  gown  with  two  slits 
{taberdum  talare)  through  which  his  arms  pass. 

Decretorum  or  Juris  Canonici  Doctor.  A  similar 
costume  to  that  given  for  S.T.P. — perhaps  the  tippet  is 

^  Possibly  this  curious  vestment  was  an  instance  of  the  chasuble-shaped 
surplice.  For  a  description  of  the  latter,  see  "On  Two  Unusual  Forms 
o  Vestments,"  by  J.  Wickham  Legg,  F.S.A.    Transactions  oj 

bt.  Paul  s  Eccksiological  Society,  Vol.  IV.,  1900,  p.  141. 



not  always  fur  throughout,  but  of  cloth,  with  a  border  of 
fur — is  worn  by : — 

1 44 1 .  William  Hautry  ve,  Decretor'  doctor,  New  College, 
Oxford :  undergarment,  cassock,  cappa  clausa^ 
fur  tippet,  pileus  without  point.'  The  tippet 
is  turned  up  slightly  over  the  shoulders,  show- 
ing the  cloth  lining.  [See  footnote  above, 
p.  127.) 

1476.  Richard  Rudhale,  Decretor'  doctor,  Archdeacon 
of  Hereford,  Hereford  Cathedral:  in  pro- 
cessional vestments  (the  cope  embroidered 
throughout),  and  a  round  pileus  with  point. 

1493.  Richard  Hayward,  Decretorum  doctor,  Master  of 
the  Hospital,  St.  Cross,  Winchester  :  wearing 
a  pointed  pileus  with  processional  vestments 
minus  the  cope. 

15 1 7.  Walter  Hewke,  D.Can.L.,  Trinity  Hall,  Cam- 
bridge :  wearing  a  fine  cope  with  "  sainted  " 
orphreys,  with  a  curious,  flat,  round  cap ; 
restored  in  1895  from  a  similar  brass  at 
Tattershall,  Lincolnshire,  representing  a  Pro- 
vost of  Tattershall  College,  c.  15 10. 

1 52 1.  Dr.  Christopher  Urswick,  Rector,  Hackney, 
Middlesex :  in  processional  vestments,  with 
pointed  pileus.^ 

1545.  Thomas  Capp,  Juris  ecc.  doctor,  St.  Stephen's, 
Norwich  :  wearing  processional  vestments,  but 
no  pileus  ;  no  tonsure. 

^  The  engraving  in  Waller  gives  the  pointed  pileus ;  the  reproduction  in 
the  Journal  of  Oxford  University  Brass  Rubbing  Society,  Vol.  I.  No.  2,  June, 
1897,  shows  no  point. 

2  See  "  The  Monumental  Brasses  of  Hackney,  Middlesex,"  by  the  Rev. 
J.  F.  Williams,  M.A,,  Transactions  of  the  Monumental  Brass  Society,  Vol.  V., 
pp.  62-4. 


Juris  Civilis  Professor,  1427, 
New  College,  Oxford. 



Legum,  or  Juris  Civilis  Doctor. 

14 1 2.  Eudo  de  la  Zouch,  St.  John's  College,  Cambridge  :  ^ 
with  the  exception  of  the  pointed  pileus,  this 
effigy  shows  the  costume,  cassock,  sleeved 
tabard,  tippet  and  hood,  to  be  associated  below 
with  the  degree  of  M.A. 

1427.  John  Sowthe,  Juris  Civilis  Professor,  New  Col- 
lege, Oxford :  wearing  undergarment,  cassock, 
the  gown  with  two  slits  {taherdum  talare)^  a 
tippet  with  fur  edge,  a  hood  and  pointed 
pileus,  and  a  very  curious  development  con- 
sisting of  two  pendants  or  liripipes,  whether 
attached  to  the  tippet  or  to  the  gown  (more 
probably  the  latter)  it  would  be  difficult  to 

1 5 1 7.  William  Lichefeld,  LL.D.,  Willesden,  Middlesex, 
Canon  of  St.  Paul's :  in  processional  vest- 
ments, with  cap  similar  to  that  worn  by  Dr. 

1529.  Bryan  Roos,  Childrey,  Berks,  "doctor  of  Lawe 
sumtime  p'son  of  this  church":  wearing 
cassock,  with  wide  sleeves  (Haines'  "ordinary 
civilian's  gown,"  p.  Ixxxii.),  tippet,  hood,  and 
pileus  with  small  point. 

1589.  Edward  Leeds,  Legum  doctor,  Master  of  Clare 
Hall,  Cambridge ;  Croxton,  Cambs. :  wearing 
a  long  gown  open  in  front,  where  it  appears  to 
be  edged  with  fur,  with  false  sleeves,  of  the 
type  met  with  in  civilian  costume,  beneath 

slab^ltiS     "HT^  '^''1^'  ^^Pl^^-d        brass  in  its 

slab  which  should  be  properly  protected  from  the  weather     At  present 



which  the  sleeves  of  the  doublet  are  shown. 
There  is  no  cap.^ 
1 60 1.    Hugh  Lloyd,  Juris  Civilis  Doctor,  Canon  of  St. 

Paul's,  New  College,  Oxford :  shown  kneel- 
ing in  a  long  open  gown  with  false  sleeves. 

A  similar  costume  to  that  of  John  Sowthe,  though 
without  cap,  and  with  differently  shaped  liripipes,  may  be 
seen  on  the  brass  of  William  Goche,  rector,  1499,  Barn- 
ingham,  Suffolk,  and  on  a  brass,  c.  1530,  at  Trinity  Hall, 
Cambridge,  the  liripipes  worn  with  a  taherdum  ad  medias 
tihias.  It  is  uncertain  what  degree  it  indicates ;  possibly 
that  of  B.D.,  as  there  is  no  doctor's  cap.  The  half  effigy 
of  John  Whelpdall,  "legum  doctor,"  1526,  Greystoke, 
Cumberland,  shows  him  in  almuce,  and  without  a  pileus, 
as  does  that  of  Robert  Honywode,  LL.D.,  kneeling, 
Archdeacon  of  Taunton  and  Canon  of  Windsor,  in  St. 
George's  Chapel,  Windsor. 

Utriusque  Juris  Doctor. 

c.  1 5 10.  Edward  Sheffeld,  Luton,  Beds.,  Canon  of 
Lichfield :  wearing  processional  vestments, 
without  the  cope,  but  with  pointed  pileus. 
1 51 5  (died  1524).  Robert  Langton,  Queen's  College, 
Oxford :  in  processional  vestments,  with 
pointed  pileus. 

At  Linwood,  Lines.,  beneath  the  effigies  of  John 
Lyndewode  and  Alice  his  wife,  1419,  are  the  effigies  of 
four  sons  and  three  daughters.  The  figure  in  the  centre 
(fourth  son)  appears  to  be  wearing  a  cassock  and  the  gown 
with  two  slits  {taherdum  talari)^  and  possibly  tippet  and 
hood.  The  state  of  the  brass  makes  it  impossible  to  state 
positively  what  kind  of  head-dress,  if  any,  is  worn.  This 

I  The  sculptured  effigy  of  David  Lewis,  D.C.L.,  Judge  of  the  High 
Court  of  Admiralty,  d.  1584,  in  Abergavenny  Church,  shows  false- 
sleeved  gown  and  round  cap.  See  the  photograph  in  Some  Account  of  the 
Ancient  Monuments  in  the  Priory  Church,  Abergavenny,  by  Octavius  Morgan, 
Newport,  1872. 



probably  represents  William  Lindewode,  Utriusque  Juris 
Doctor^  author  of  the  "  Provinciale,"  who  became  Bishop  of 
St.  David's  in  1442,  and  died  in  1446.  The  brass  at  OfFord 
Darcy,  Hunts.,  of  William  Taylard,  c.  1530,  who  appears 
to  have  held  this  degree,  shows  him,  kneeling,  in  a  wide- 
sleeved  gown  (possibly  a  cassock),  tippet,  hood,  and 

Medicine  Doctor. 

1503.  Master  John  Martok,  Banwell,  Somerset,  a  very 
doubtful  example :  wearing  full  processional 
vestments,  but  no  pileus. 

1507.  John  Argentein,  King's  College,  Cambridge, 
Physician  to  Arthur,  Prince  of  Wales  :  wear- 
ing the  D.D.  costume,  already  mentioned, 
see  p.  128. 

To  these  may  be  added  the  following  Post-Reformation 
Doctors  of  Medicine,  each  wearing  the  false-sleeved 
gown : — 

1592.  Walter  Bailey,  M.A.  1556,  B.Med.  1551,  Pre- 
bendary of  Wells  1 56 1,  Professor  of  Physic 
in  the  University,  and  Physician  to  Queen 
Elizabeth,  New  College,  Oxford.' 

1599.  Richard  RadclifF,  « in  medicina  doctor,"  St.  Peter- 
in-the-East,  Oxford. 

1613.  Duncan  Liddel,  "Doctor  medicus,"  Old  or  West 
Church,  Aberdeen  :  half  effigy  seated  at  table 
and  wearing  a  cap. 

1 619.  Anthony  Aylworth,  "Medicinae  Doctor  et  Pro- 
fessor Regius  sub  Elizab.  Reg,"  New  College, 
Oxford  :  a  hood  and  cap. 

'       M  ^  Catalogue  of  the  Brasses  in  New  College,  both  past  and 

Pf^'^"!'  'fif^e  Oxford  Unwenitf 

Brass  Rubbing  Society,  Vol.  I.,  No.  2,  June,  1 897. 


LiCENTiATi.  The  two  following,  "in  decretis  Licen- 
tiati,"  at  Girton,  Cambs.,  are  shown  in  processional  vest- 
ments : — 

1492.    Magister  William  Malster,  rector,  Canon  of  York. 

1497.  Magister  William  Stevyn,  rector,  Canon  of  Lin- 


At  Great  Ringstead,  Norfolk,  is  the  brass  of  Richard 
Kegell,  "arciu  et  decretor'  inceptor,"  rector,  1482:  in 
mass  vestments,  without  stole  or  maniple. 

Sacr^  Theologi^  Baccalaureus.  The  costume 
proper  to  this  degree  seems  to  have  been  the  undergar- 
ment, cassock,  sleeveless  gown  with  two  slits  {taherdum 
talare),  tippet  edged  with  fur,  and  hood,  but  no  pileus. 
Of  this  we  have  three  examples  : — 

1 3 ^7-  John  Bloxham,  Merton  College,  Oxford  (prob- 
ably engraved  1420). 

c.  1450.  John  Darley,  Herne,  Kent.  The  feet  rest  on  a 
lion  ;  an  unusual  feature. 

c.  1535.  Unknown;  Queens' College,  Cambridge ;  much 

In  other  costume  there  are  several  brasses  of  Bachelors 
of  Divinity  ;  such  as  the  following  : — 

1420.  William  Fryth,  S.T.B.,  New  College,  Oxford, 
whose  effigy  is  concealed  by  the  stalls. 

1456.  William  Moor,  "  Sacre  Scripture  bacularius  arte 
pbatus,"  Tattershall,  Lines.,  2nd  Provost  of 
Tattershall  College,  Canon  of  York :  in  mass 
vestments,  head  bare. 

1480.  William  Tibarde,.?  S.T.B.,  First  President,  Mag- 
dalen College,  Oxford,  in  processional  vest- 
ments. Haines  assigns  this  brass  to  a  later 
date  and  person,  c.  1530. 

1498.  Jacob  Hert,  "in  Theologia  Baccalaureus"  (in- 

scription lost),  Hitchin,  Herts.,  in  proces- 
sional vestments. 


c.  1420, 
Merton  College,  Oxfokd. 




1505.  Thomas  Tyard,  S.T.B.,  Vicar,  Bawburgh,  Nor- 
folk :  in  shroud. 

15 17.  John  Spence,  B.D.,  Ewelme,  Oxon. :  in  cassock, 
sleeved  tabard,  tippet  and  hood. 

1 519.  Thomas  Swayn,  S.T.B.,  Wooburn,  Bucks.:  in 
processional  vestments. 

1 52 1.  John  Rede,  S.T.B.,  Warden,  New  College,  Ox- 
ford :  in  processional  vestments. 

1524.  WilHam  Porter,  S.T.B.,  formerly  Warden  of  New 
College,  Canon,  Hereford  Cathedral :  in  mass 
vestments,  holding  chalice  with  wafer  stamped 
with  a  cross-crosslet. 

1530.  Hugo  Humfray,  "  magistri  arcum  nec  non  in 
sacra  sea  theologie  bachelerii,"  Barcheston, 
Warwickshire  :  apparently  in  cassock,  sleeve- 
less tabard/  tippet  and  hood. 

1558.  Arthur  Cole,  S.T.B.,  President,  Magdalen  Col- 
lege, Oxford  :  wearing  the  processional  vest- 
ments, with  the  Mantle  of  the  Garter  instead 
of  a  cope. 

Artium  Magister. — Much  doubt  exists  as  to  the  right 
costume  for  this  degree.  Haines  cites  an  engraving  in 
Montfaucon,  Vol.  III.,  plate  xvii.,  p.  68,  which  represents 
"Jean  Perdrier  Pr^te,  maitre  es  Arts",  1376,  wearing  a 
cassock,  over  which  is  a  long  gown  with  sleeves,  and 
hood  lined  with  fur  ;  the  sleeves  falling  to  a  point  behind. 
Haines  considers  that  the  M.A.  and  B.A.  dresses  were 
worn  interchangeably;  that  in  the  fifteenth  century 
Bachelors  of  Arts  and  Scholars  of  Divinity  wore  a  cassock, 
over  which  was  a  shorter  gown,  with  loose  sleeves  lined 
with  fur,  reaching  to  the  wrists,  and  falling  to  a  point 
behind  {sleeved  tabard)^  a  cape  or  tippet  edged  witih  fur 
and  a  hood  ;  but  that  after  the  middle  of  the  fifteenth 
century  Masters  of  Arts  wore  a  cassock,  a  shorter  gown, 

I  If  intended  for  the  taberdum  ad  medias  tibias,  it  is  wrongly  engraved  ; 
as  its  skirt  covers  the  cassock,  being  "talare." 


sleeveless,  with  slits  at  the  sides  edged  with  fur  for  the 
passage  of  the  arms  (sleeveless  taherdum  ad  medias  tibias)^ 
a  tippet  and  hood.  A  good  number  of  examples  of  the 
former  costume  exists,  but  it  is  difficult  to  tell  in  every 
case  to  which  degree  it  belongs.  The  following  list  will, 
we  hope,  be  found  trustworthy.' 

ttt.f'^-'  '445-  John  Kyllyngworth,  «  Magist'  in  Artibus,"  half 
tabard,  effigy,  Merton  College,  Oxford. 

c.  1450.    A  Priest,  Thaxted,  Essex. 
145 1.    Magist'  William  Snell,  Boxley,  Kent. 
145 1.    Magister  Richard  Folcard,  half  effigy.  Pake- 
field,  Suffolk. 

1460.    Magister  John  Alnwyk,  Surlingham,  Norfolk. 
H75-    Thomas  Mareys,  rector,  Stourmouth,  Kent. 
c.  1480.    Half  effigy  (John  Goolde,  M.A. .?)  Magdalen 

College,  Oxford. 
c.  1490.    John  Westlake,  Welford,  Berks. 
c.  1500.    George  Jassy,  half  effigy,  Magdalen  College, 

1507.  Diis  Arthur  Vernon,  "  in  Artibus  magri  univ'si- 
tatis  Cantibrigie,"  Tong,  Salop.  This  ex- 
ample differs  from  the  rest  in  the  cassock 
only  appearing  at  the  wrists  ;  the  tabard  reach- 
ing to  the  feet."" 

^515-  John  Trembras,  parson,  "  maist  of  arte,"  St. 
Michael  Penkivel,  Cornwall. 

^  In  order  to  save  space  we  shall  refer  to  the  costume  showing  the 
former  gown  as  Haines,  M.A.,  I.,  to  that  showing  the  latter,  which  is 
comparatively  rare,  as  Haines,  M.A.,  II. — At  Harpswell,  Lines.,  is  a 
sculptured  effigy  showing  H  aines,  M.A.,  I.  costume,  and  in  addition  a 
pileus,  see  The  Antiquary,  A  Fortnightly  Medium,  etc.  Vol.  III.,  January  to 
June,  1873,  p.  247.  (Illus.) 

^A  similar  example  is  at  Barking,  Essex,  c.  1480  (?Robert  Waleis, 
died  before  i486),  holding  chalice  without  wafer.  This  costume  is  seen 
in  two  miniatures  of  the  fifteenth  century  Pontifical  of  Bishop  Richard 
Clifford  (died  1421)  (MS.  79  Corpus  Christi  College,  Cambridge)  repro- 
duced in  the  Alcuin  Club  Collections,  IV.,  "  Pontifical  Services,  Illustrated 
from  Miniatures  of  the  Fifteenth  and  Sixteenth  Centuries,  with  Descriptive 



1518.  Thomas  Coly,  Bredgar,  Kent,  holding  chalice 

with  wafer. 

1519.  John  Bowke,  M.A.,  Merton  College,  Oxford, 

half  effigy,  holding  chalice  with  wafer.' 

The  effigy  of  William  Taberam,  c.  14.21,  at  Royston, 
Herts.,  is  in  this  costume.  The  inscription,  now  lost, 
described  him  as  "  Legista  pbatus."  Another  example  is 
at  Broxbourne,  Herts.,  c.  1510. 

^.  1480.    Unknown.    Magdalen  College,  Oxford.  Haines' m.a., 

1501.    Thomas  Mason,  M.A.,  fellow,  Magdalen  Col-  LV.lTiT 

lege,  Oxford.  '"^^'"^ 
1 52 1.    William   Blakwey,  M.A.,  Little  Wilbraham, 

Cambs. :  shown  kneeling. 
1523.    Nicholas   Goldwell,   M.A.,  fellow,  Magdalen 

College,  Oxford :  no  tonsure. 

At  Chartham,  Kent,  is  the  brass  of  Robert  ShefFelde, 
"artium  magist',"  1508,  in  processional  vestments 
without  the  cope.  Examples  of  M.A.'s  in  mass 
vestments  may  be  seen  at  Fladbury,  Worcs.,  Wm. 
Plewme,  1504;  at  Whitnash,  Warwickshire,  Richard 
Bennett,  1531,  with  chalice  and  wafer;  and  elsewhere. 

Notes  and  a  Liturgical  Introduction,"  by  the  Rev.  W.  H.  Frere,  1901. 
Fig.  10,  Presentation  of  the  Bishop-Elect,  two  tonsured  figures  in  red  and 
ermine  and  blue  and  ermine  respectively  (? Proctors),  and  Fig.  13,  the 
Installation  of  an  Abbot,  who  wears  a  cope  over  amice  and  alb ;  a  ton- 
sured figure  in  red  and  ermine  ('Archdeacon  or  Bishop's  Commissary). 

^  The  brasses  of  Thomas  Coly  and  John  Bowke,  together  with  that 
mentioned  above,  of  John  Spence,  B.D.,  1 5 1 7,  Ewelme,  Oxon.,  and  the 
brass  of  Walter  Charyls,  M,  A.,  1502  (|  efF.)  Magdalen  College,  Oxford, 
show  on  the  tabard  in  addition  to  the  sleeves  two  slits  which  may  possibly 
be  liripipia,  but  which  it  is  not  unreasonable  to  suppose  may  be  intended 
for  pockets.  Haines  (p.  Ixxxv.),  considers  that  they  "present  apparently 
a  combination  of  the  dresses  of  the  Bachelor  of  Arts,  and  Master  of  Arts." 
These  lappets  (or  pockets  ?)  are  shown  on  the  brass  of  Walter  Smith,  M.A., 
Fellow,  1525,  Eton  College,  whose  dress  consists  of  a  fur-lined  cassock, 
the  shorter  gown  with  full  sleeves,  tippet  and  hood.  In  the  same  chapel 
the  brass  of  Thomas  Edgcomb,  Vice-Provost,  1545,  shows  cassock,  wide- 
sleeved  gown  and  large  hood. 


Haines*  M.A., 
I.  sleeved 

Thomas  Wilkynson,  151 1,  «  Arcium  magistri,"  Orping- 
ton, Kent,  wears  full  processional  vestments.  Ralph 
Vawdrey,  M.A.,  1478,  Magdalen  College,  Oxford,  wears 
cassock,  tippet,  and  hood  (half  effigy),  as  does  Philip 
Warthim,  M.A.  (1488),  Blockley,  Worcs. 

Sacr^  Theologi^  Scholaris.  Probably  those  of 
this  degree  were  already  Masters  of  Arts. 

1447.  Geoffi-ey  Hargreve,  S.T.S.,  fellow.  New  College, 

145 1.  Walter  Wake,  S.T.S.,  fellow.  New  College, 
Oxford,  half  effigy. 

1478-  Thomas  Sondes,  S.T.S.,  Magdalen  College,  Ox- 

Haines'  M.A. 
II.  sleeveless 
taberdum  ad 
medias  tibias. 

1508.  John  London,  M.A.,  S.T.S.,  New  College, 
Oxford,  scribe  of  the  university. 

1494.  Walter  Hyll,  M.A.,  S.T.S.,  Warden,  New  Col- 
lege, wears  processional  vestments,  with  his 
initials  on  the  orphreys  of  the  cope. 

1507.  John  Frye,  S.T.S.,  fellow.  New  College,  half 
effigy,  wears  mass  vestments,  holding  chalice 
with  wafer. 

Juris  Canonici  or  In  Decretis  Baccalaureus. 

146 1.  Magister  Philip  Polton,  "  Baccallri  Canon," 
Archdeacon  of  Gloucester,  All  Souls'  College, 
Oxford,  kneeling  (head  gone),  showing  pro- 
file :  undergarment,  cassock,  surplice,  and 
^.  almuce ;  over  all  a  plain  cope  with  academi- 
cal hood. 

^  Two  fragments,  forming  the  reverses  of  two  palimpsest  shields  at 
Tolleshunt  Darcy,  Essex,  show  a  similar  costume  to  that  of  Hargreve,  with 
the  exception  that  the  mitten  sleeves  of  the  undergarment  appear,  c.  1420. 
Illustrated  in  Transactions  of  the  Monumental  Brass  Society,  Vol.  IV.,  p.  112. 

New  College,  Oxford. 


141 9.  John  Desford,  "  Juris  Canonici  Bacallari,"  Canon 

of  Hereford,  New  College,  Oxford :  in  pro- 
cessional vestments. 
1 42 1.    William   Dermot,  Kinnersley,  Herefordshire, 
half  effigy :  in  mass  vestments. 

c.  1456.  Roger  Gery,  "in  decretis  bacularius,"  Rector, 
Whitchurch,  Oxon. :  in  mass  vestments, 
holding  chalice  with  wafer. 
1458.  John  Huntington,  "  Baccalaureus  in  decretis," 
Manchester  Cathedral :  in  processional  vest- 
ments, without  the  cope. 

c,  1500.  Stephen  Hellard,  "  in  decretis  Bacallarius,"  died 
1506,  Canon  of  St.  Asaph,  Rector,  Stevenage, 
Herts. :  in  processional  vestments. 

151 8.  John  Aberfeld,  "in  decretis  bacc,"  Great  Cress- 

ingham,  Norfolk :  in  processional  vestments 
without  the  cope. 

1519.  John  Wryght,  "  clicus  in  decretis  bacalarius," 

formerly  Master  of  Trinity  Hall,  Cambridge, 
Rector,  Clothall,  Herts. :  in  mass  vestments, 
holding  chalice  with  wafer. 
1535.    Warin  Penhallinyk,  Wendron,  Cornwall,  "in 

decretis  baccallareus"  :  in  cope  (head  lost). 
At  Duxford,  Cambs.,  is  an  inscription  to  Thomas 
Wyntworth,  vicar,  1489,  "  Baccalari  injure  Canonico." 

Juris  Civilis  or  Legum  Baccalaureus.  The  three 
following  wear  the  sleeved  tabard.  (Haines'  M.A.,  I. 

1420.  John  Mottesfont,  LL.B.,  Lydd,  Kent. 

1478.  Richard  Wyard,  "  [Baccajlarii  Juris,"  fellow, 
New  College,  Oxford,  holding  a  Tau  cross. 

1 5 10.  David  Lloyde,  LL.B.,  All  Souls'  College,  Ox- 
ford, half  effigy. 

1482.    Nicholas  Wotton,  "baccalarii  legis,"  Great  St. 

Helen's,  Bishopsgate,  London,  removed  from 



St.  Martin,  Outwich),  wears  cassock,  tippet 
with  fur  edge,  and  hood.  Similar  to  which  is 
1490.  Richard  Spekynton,  LL.B.,  fellow,  "  commissary 
and  official  of  Buckyngham,"  All  Souls' 
College,  Oxford. 

To  these  may  be  added  the  following,  not  in  academi- 
cals : — 

1448.  William  Skelton,  LL.B.,  "prepositus"  of  Wells, 
Ashbury,  Berks. :  in  processional  vestments. 

1458.  Thomas  Mordon,  LL.B.,  Fladbury,  Worcs., 
half  effigy  :  in  processional  vestments. 

1472.    Thomas  Flemyng,  LL.B.,  fellow,  New  College, 
Oxford,  an  emaciated  effigy  in  shroud. 
c.  1490.    Thomas  Tylson,  B.C.L.,  vicar,  Aylsham,  Nor- 
folk :  in  processional  vestments,  without  cope. 

1501.  Thomas  Worsley,  LL.B.,  Wimpole,  Cambs. :  in 
processional  vestments. 

1 54 1.  Master  Thomas  Dalyson,  "bachelor  of  lawe 
and  sumtyme  parson  of  this  church,"  Clothall, 
Herts:  in  processional  vestments,  without 

1 63 1.  Jerome  Keyt,  "Legum  baccalaureus,"  Wood- 
stock, Oxon.,  kneeling :  wearing  over  doublet 
gown  with  false  sleeves  and  hood. 

Utriusque  Juris  Baccalaureus. 

1456.    Richard  Drax,  priest,  "  in  utroq'  jure  Baculari," 
half  effigy,  Brancepeth,  Durham  :  wearing  the 
sleeved  tabard  (Haines'  M.A.,  L)." 
c.  1500.    William  Jombharte^),  kneeling:  in  mass  vest- 
ments, Blockley,  Worcs. 

Physics  Baccalaureus. 
c.  1480.    John    Perch,    M.A.,    "  Bacallarius  Physice," 

^  An  inscription  is  at  Walthamstow,  Essex,  commemorating  Henry 
Crane,  vicar  "quonda  Bacallari'  utriusque  Juris."  1436. 




Chaplain  to  the  Bishop  of  Winchester,  for- 
merly at  Magdalen  College,  Oxford :  in  pro- 
cessional vestments. 

Artium  Baccalaureus. 

1479.  John  Palmer,  B.A.,  fellow.  New  College,  Ox- 
ford :  in  sleeved  tabard  (Haines'  M.A.,  I.). 

1 524.  John  Barratte,  B.A.,  fellow,  Winchester  College  : 
in  sleeveless  tabard  (Haines'  M.A.,  II.). 

1 5 15.  William  Goberd,  B.A.,  Archdeacon  of  Salop, 
Magdalen  College,  Oxford :  in  processional 
vestments,  without  cope. 

1 613.    Nicholas  Roope,  B.A.,  of  Broadgates  Hall,  St. 

Aldate's,  Oxford :  wearing  over  doublet  a  long 
gown  with  false  sleeves,  and  a  hood. 

Student  of  Civil  Law. 

1 5 10.  Thomas  Baker,  All  Souls'  College,  Oxford,  half 
effigy,  wearing  a  belted  tunic,  a  fur-sleeved 
gown  with  a  mantle  fastened  on  the  left 
shoulder,  with  the  front  part  thrown  over  the 
right  arm,  and  a  hood. 

The  brass  of  an  undergraduate  may  be  seen  in  St. 
Mary  the  Virgin,  Oxford,  representing  Edward  Chernock, 
of  Brazenose  College,  1 581,  in  his  sixteenth  year,  wearing 
the  false-sleeved  gown,  and  kneeling  in  a  panelled  room. 

Schoolboys.'  The  following  instances  of  schoolboys 
may  be  noted  : — 

1430-    John  Kent,  scholar  of  Winchester,  Headbourne 

In  TheJnttquary,  Vol.  I.,  January  to  June,  1880,  p.  277,  is  given  a 
school-boys  bill,  A.D.  1547  (in  Navy  Accounts,  Exch.  Q.R.,  Bundle 
616  E.)  showing  that  Raphe  Lyons'  equipment  consisted  of:  coat  two 
shirts,  two  pair  of  hose,  doublet,  two  dozen  points,  girdle,  cap,  purse  and 
pair  of  knives.  o       '  r 



Worthy,  near  Winchester:  wearing  gown  with 
full  sleeves,  close  at  the  wrists. 

1 5 12.  John  Stonor,  scholar  of  Eton,  Wyrardisbury, 
Bucks.,  wearing  a  long  gown  fastened  on  the 
right  side,  with  tight  sleeves,  girded,  and 
faced  with  fur,  and  a  peculiar  cap,  with  flaps 
covering  the  ears. 

1 5 12.  Thomas  Heron,  Little  Ilford,  Essex,  aged  four- 
teen, wearing  a  cassock-like  tunic  or  gown, 
with  a  waistbelt  from  which  hang  his  penner 
and  inkhorn. 

Note. — Doctor  of  Music.  A  brass  to  Robert  Fairfax, 
Doctor  of  Music  (Cambridge,  1504;  Oxford,  151 1),  died 
1 52 1,  organist  of  St.  Albans,  formerly  existed  in  St. 
Albans  Abbey.  See  "  The  Brasses  and  Indents  in  St. 
Albans  Abbey,"  by  William  Page,  F.S.A.,  The  Home 
Counties  Magazine^  Vol.  I.,  1899,  page  160. 


Trumtington,  Cambs. 




In  the  following  account  of  arms  and  armour  we  do  not 
propose  to  trace  their  origin  and  development  prior  to  the 
time  when  they  appear  on  brasses.  These  may  be  studied 
in  the  great  works  on  Costume,  which  are  mentioned  in 
the  list  of  books  appended  to  this  volume,  especially  in 
Meyrick's  Critical  Inquiry.  The  development  of  defensive 
armour  is,  naturally,  found  to  correspond  with  that  of  the 
weapons  opposed  to  it ;  and  the  ultimate  superiority  of 
the  latter,  due  to  the  introduction  of  fire-arms,  led,  as 
naturally,  to  the  abandonment  of  the  former.  We  are  for- 
tunate in  the  survival  of  a  very  fine  series  of  brasses  from 
the  reign  of  Edward  I.  to  the  final  disuse  of  armour  in 
the  seventeenth  century,  which  illustrate  the  different 
changes  which  necessity  or  fashion  introduced. 

The  earliest  brasses  in  England  representing  armour 
consist  of  four  full-length  and  two  half-ef!igies.  These, 
with  the  exception  of  the  Croft  brass,  belong  to  the  reign 
of  Edward  L,  and  from  a  prominent  characteristic,  have 
been  classed  as  the  Surcoat  Period.    They  are : — 

1277.    Sir   John    D'Aubernoun,    Stoke  d'Abernon, 

1289.    Sir   Roger   de   Trumpington,  Trumpington, 

1302.    Sir  Robert  de  Bures,  Acton,  Suffolk. 
c.  1306.    Sir  Robert  de  Setvans,  Chartham,  Kent.' 
c.  1290.    Sir  Richard  de  Boselyngthorpe,  Buslingthorpe, 
Lines,  (half  efHgy). 

1310.    A  half  effigy.  Croft,  Lincolnshire. 

^  A  palimsest  fragment,  c.  1300,  on  reverse  of  the  half-effigy  of  a  lady 
^.  1360,  at  Clifton  Campville,  Staffs,  shows  a  portion  of  a  knight,  some- 
what similar  to  the  Setvans  brass. 


Chain  mail  is  the  chief  defence  of  all  these.  They  are 
usually  described  as  belonging  to  the  Complete  Mail 
Period,  although  we  find  genouiilieres  or  poleyns,  possibly  of 
plate,  covering  the  knees.  The  mail  (Fr.  mai/le)  is  repre- 
sented in  two  ways,  either  interlaced,  as  at  Stoke  d'Abernon, 
Acton,  Chartham,  and  Buslingthorpe ;  or  banded,  that  is, 
apparently  sewn  to  a  foundation  in  parallel  rows  or  bands, 
as  at  Croft  and  Trumpington ;  though  in  the  latter  the 
lines  separating  the  rows  of  links  are  not  engraved. 

Of  chain  mail  were  worn  : — 

Hawberk'  on  the  body  and  arms  ;  the  gloves,  not  divided 
into  fingers,  being  of  one  piece  with  the  sleeves,  and 
fastened  by  a  leather  strap  round  the  wrists. 

Coif  de  Mailles,  or  hood,  covering  the  neck  and  drawn 
over  the  head,  thereby  encircling  the  face  and  covering 
the  chin ;  kept  in  place  by  an  interlaced  strap  across 
the  forehead.  Under  it  a  scull-cap  or  cerveliere  was 

Chausses,  or  stockings,  covering  the  feet  and  legs ;  over 
which  were  worn : — 

1.  Genouillieres  or  Poleyns,  protections  for  the 

knees  {knee-cops\  often  much  ornamented, 
made  either  of  a  prepared  leather,  called  cuir- 
bouilliy  or  of  steel-plate. 

2.  Spurs,  consisting  of  single  points,  goads,  or 

« pricks;'  fastened  by  a  strap  across  the  instep 
and  under  the  foot. 
Beneath  the  hawberk  was  worn  the  Hauketon  or  gam- 
beson,  a  quilted  leathern  garment,  usually  stitched  in 
parallel  vertical  lines  and  stuffed  with  cotton,  to  prevent 

"The  hawberk,  covering  body"^  arms,  and  reaching  to  the  knees 
with  hood  and  gloves  all  of  one  pece  .s  well  shown  m  ^  MS  °f  the 
Apocalypse  in  the  British  Museum  (Royal  MS.,  19.  B.  xv.  ^^^^ 
"The  loosing  of  the  Four  Angels  which  are  bound  in  the  Great  River 
Euphrates;-  illustrating  "English  Costume  of  the  Early  Fourteenth 
Century."— Ancestor,  No.  VIL,  October,  1903. 


the  mail  hawberk,  which  in  the  case  of  Sir  Robert  de 
Setvans  appears  to  be  unhned,  from  chafing  the  skin.  It 
may  be  seen  both  beneath  the  skirt  of  the  hawberk  and 
on  the  wrists  of  the  Setvans  effigy. 

Over  all  was  worn  the  Surcoat  or  hliaus^  probably  to 
screen  the  mail  of  the  knight  from  the  sun's  heat  and  from 
the  rain,  and  also,  when  embroidered  with  his  arms,  as  on  the 
Setvans  brass,  to  distinguish  him,  as  did  the  shield.  This 
was  made  of  linen  or  silk,  with  a  fringed  border,  and  hung 
loosely  to  below  the  knees,  being  slit  up  before  and  behind 
for  convenience  in  riding.  In  our  examples  it  is  without 
sleeves,  being  laced  up  either  at  the  side  or  back,  and  con- 
fined at  the  waist  by  a  narrow  cord. 

On  the  shoulders  were  strapped  Ailettes  ;  rectangular 
pieces  of  leather  covered  with  silk  and  fringed;  often 
bearing  the  arms  of  the  wearer. 

The  Shield,  which  was  either  /^^-^/^r-shaped  as  on  the 
D'Aubernoun  brass,  or  concave  to  the  body,  as  at 
Trumpington,  Acton,  and  Chartham,  bore  the  arms  of  the 
wearer,  and  was  worn  on  the  left  shoulder,  being  fastened 
by  ^guige,  often  much  ornamented,^  passing  over  the  right 
shoulder,  either  above  the  coifde  mailles  as  on  the  D'Auber- 
noun brass,  or  beneath  it  as  on  that  of  Sir  Robert  de 

The  large  Sword,  with  cross-piece  {quillons)  and  orna- 
mented pommel,  was  worn  in  front,  inclining  to  the  left, 
and  fastened  to  a  broad  belt  buckled  over  the  hips.  The 
scabbard  was  often  finely  worked,  as  at  Trumpington,  with 
the  wearer's  arms,  or  at  Chartham. 

^  Vol.  VI.  of  F 'Justa  Monumenta  illustrates  and  describes  a  fragment  of 
the  surcoat  of  William  de  Fortibus,  3rd  Earl  of  Albemarle  U.  1260), 
whose  wife  was  Isabel,  sister  and  heir  of  Baldwin  de  Redvers,  Earl  of 
Devon.    "It  consists  of  a  coarse  lining,  on  which  fine  linen  has  been 
^  laid;  and  on  this  are  worked,  with  coloured  linens  sewed  on,  and  em- 
broidery,  coats  of  arms ;  in  the  centre  is  a  shield  displaying,  or,  a  lion 
rampant  azure,  Rivers ;  on  each  side  a  cross  patonce  vaire,  Albemarle." 
^  With  roses  and  fylfot  crosses  on  the  D'Aubernoun  brass. 


Besides  the  above,  the  following  points  should  be 
noted : — 

1277.  Sir  John  U Aubernoun  is  not  cross-legged,  and  has 
no  ailettes.  His  is  the  only  instance  of  the 
principal  effigy  on  a  brass  bearing  the  lance^ 
which  rests  on  the  right  shoulder,  bearing 
beneath  its  head  a  pennon  or  gonfanon  charged 
with  his  arms.  The  lion  at  his  feet  grasps 
the  staff  of  the  lance  in  its  mouth.  The 
shield  bears  : — Azure,  a  chevron  or ;  the  blue 
enamel  of  which  still  survives  {see  p.  8). 
The  Lombardic  inscription  on  the  edge 
of  the  slab,  has  lost  its  brass  lettering,  but 
reads : — 


:  ICY  :  DEV  :  DE  :  SA  :  alme  :  eyt  :  mercy. 

1289.  Sir  Roger  de  Trumpingtons  head  rests  on  his  tilting 
helm  (a  feature  not  shared  by  the  other  effigies). 
This  is  large  and  conical,'  and  is  made  fast  by 
a  chain  to  the  girdle  of  the  surcoat.  At  the 
apex  is  a  staple,  to  which  the  cointisse — a  silk 
scarf,  originally  worn  over  the  armour,  as  a 
lady's  favour,  was  attached.  The  shield  and 
scabbard  bear: — Azure,  crusily  and  two 
trumps  in  pale  or  ;  which  coat,  with  the  addi- 
tion of  a  label  of  five  points,  is  seen  on  the 
ailettes.  A  dog,  on  which  the  feet  rest,  holds 
the  houterolle  or  chape  of  the  scabbard  in  its 
mouth.  The  inscription,  which  no  longer 
exists,  was  on  a  fillet  of  brass,  on  the  edge  of 
the  altar  tomb,  which  is  surmounted  by  a 

1302.    Sir  Robert  de  Bures  has  no  ailettes.    The  shield 

I  The  aventaille,  or  piece  to  protect  the  face,  in  which  slits  were  made 
to  admit  the  air  and  light  {pcularia),  is  hidden.  These  slits,  in  the 
sugar-loaf  helm,  were  usually  cruciform. 


bears : — Ermine  on  a  chief  indented  sable,  two 
lioncels  or.  Below  the  hawberk  are  seen, 
covering  the  legs  above  the  knees,  costly 
chau9ons  or  breeches  {cuisseaux  gamhoish) 
ornamented  with  fleurs-de-lis^  etc.,  in  what 
was  called  ouvrage  de  pourpointerie.  The 
fringed  ends  of  these  breeches  appear  below 
the  genouillieres.  The  feet  rest  on  a  lion 
couchant.  The  Lombardic  inscription  is 
given  by  Waller  as  follows  : — 
4-  SIRE  :  robe[rt  :  de  :  bvres]  :  gist  :  ici  : 
DEV  :  DE  :  SA  :  alme  :  eyt  :  mercy  :  kike  : 
PUR  :  LALME  :  p[rier]a  :  qvara[v]nte  :  iours  : 
DE  :  pa[r]dvn  :  avera. 
1306.  Sir  Robert  de  Setvans  dijffers  from  the  foregoing  in 
having  his  head  bare,  exposing  his  flowing 
curled  hair,  and  showing  the  coif  de  mailles 
falling  loose  about  his  neck.  The  hands,  too, 
are  bare,  the  gloves  hanging  from  the  wrists,^ 
which  show  a  buttoned  garment,  probably 
the  sleeves  of  the  hauketon,  which  appears 
beneath  the  mail  hawberk.  The  surcoat  and 
ailettes  are  charged  with  winnowing  fans,^ 
which  also  appear  on  the  shield  bearing : — 
Azure  three  winnowing  fans  or ;  the  guige  of 
which  passes  over  the  left  shoulder  instead  of 
the  right.  The  feet  rest  on  a  lion  couchant, 
much  mutilated. 

Each  of  these  knights  appears  to  be  clean-shaven,  and 
has  the  hands  clasped  in  prayer.  All  but  the  first  are 
cross-legged :  but  as  to  any  crusading  significance  in  this 
attitude,  Sir  Roger  de  Trumpington  affords  the  only 

^  A  later  example  of  this  is  illustrated  in  Shaw's  Dresses  and  Decorations, 
Vol.  I.,  1843.  "Effigy  of  Charles,  Comte  d'Etampes,  in  the  Royal 
Catacombs  at  St.  Denis,    d.  1336." 

2  The  motto  of  this  family  was  "  Dissipabo  inimicos  Regis  mei  ut 


Of  the  two  half-efEgies : — 

c.  1290.  Sir  Richard  de  Boselyngthorpe  vitdss  plain  ailettes, 
and  on  his  hands,  which  clasp  a  small  heart, 
gloves  formed  of  fish-scale-like  overlapping 
plates,'^  attached  to  leather.  The  strap  fasten- 
ing the  coif  is  well  shown.  There  is  no  shield. 
The  head  rests  on  two  cushions.  The  Lom- 
bardic  inscription  runs  : — 

-f-  ISSY  :  GYT  :  SIRE  :   RYCHARD  :  LE  :  FIZ  :  SIRE 

:  JOHN  :  DE  :  boselyngthorpe  :  del  :  alme  : 
DE  :  KY  :  DEVS  :  eyt  :  mercy. 

c.  13 10.  The  Croft  effigy  ends  below  the  elbows,  and  has 
neither  shield  nor  ailettes.  The  most  notice- 
able point  is  the  banded  mail.  The  Lom- 
bardic  inscription  reads  : — 

ICI    GIST    SIR  BY,   PUR    DEU    Pr[iEZ  PUR 

LUI   KE   DEU   De]   SA  ALME   EYT  MERCI. 

Matrices  of  brasses  of  the  Surcoat  Period  may  be  seen 
at: — 

Emneth,  Norfolk  ;  Sir  Adam  de  Hakebech,  c.  1 290-1 300. 
Norton  Disney,  Lines.;  Sir  William  d'Iseni,  c.  1300  (the 
matrix  appears  to  show  rowell  spurs). 

Linwood,  Lines.;  Sir  Henry  on  bracket,  c.  1300. 

Hawton,  Notts.;  Sir  Robert  de  Cumpton,  1308. 
Aston  Rowant,  Oxon. ;  Sir  Hugh  le  Blount,  13 14. 
Stoke-by-Neyland,  Suffolk;  Sir  John  de  Peytone,  .?i3i8. 

Two  brasses  of  cross-legged  knights,  of  the  reign  of 
Edward  IL,  may  be  said  to  mark  a  transitional  period. 
They  have  both  lost  pedimental  canopies,  shields,  and  in- 
scriptions : — 

I  Compare  the  vambraces  of  Sir  John  de  Northwode,  1330*  at 
Minster,  Kent,  and  the  sollerets  of  Sir  Adam  de  Clifton,  1367,  Meth- 
wold,  Norfolk,  and  of  William  Cheyne,  Esq.,  1375,  Drayton  Beauchamp, 


c  1320.    Sir  Fitz  Ralph,  Pebmarsh,  Essex/ 

c.  1320.    Sir  de  Bacon,  Gorleston,  Suffolk;  lacking 

legs  below  the  knees. 
These  conform  to  the  costume  above-mentioned,  but 
wear  plate  armour  in  addition,  viz. : — 
Demi-plates,  fastened  by  arming-points  for  the  protection 

of  the  arms  {brassarts),  and  consisting  of  Rerebraces 

{arriere  bras)  on  the  upper  arms,  and  Vambraces 

{avant-hras)  on  the  fore-arms. 
CouTES  or  CouDiERES  at  the  elbows  (also  called  cuhitiere, 


Roundels,  circular  plates  with  spikes  or  knobs,  at  the 

shoulders  and  in  front  of  the  elbows. 
Jambs  or  Jambarts,  plates  protecting  the  shins  (sometimes 

called  bainbergs). 
SoLLERETS,  Overlapping  oblong  plates,  or  lames^  riveted 

together,  worn  on  the  upper  part  of  the  foot,  and 

fastened  by  straps  over  the  mail. 

The  Pebmarsh  knight  wears  interlaced  mail,  embroi- 
dered chau^ons  above  the  knees,  and  a  curved  shield, 
much  mutilated,  which  bore : — Or  three  chevrons  gules, 
each  charged  with  as  many  fleurs  de  lis  argent.  The  sur- 
coat  is  fringed,  but  otherwise  plain.  The  feet  rest  on  a 
dog.    There  are  no  ailettes. 

The  Gorleston  effigy  shows  banded  mail,  ailettes,^  placed 
lozenge-wise,  and  charged  with  a  cross,  and  a  heater-shaped 

shield,  bearing : —  a  bend  lozengy  on  a  chief  two 

mullets  pierced.^ 

^  Three  fragments  exist  of  the  Lombardic  uncial  inscription  on  mar- 
ginal fillet.  See  T^he  Essex  Review,  Vol.  X.,  1 901,  p.  87.  ^ee  also  "  Notes 
on  the  Brass  of  Sir  William  Fitz  Ralph  in  Pebmarsh  Church,  Essex,"  by 
John  Piggot,  F.S.A.,  The  Reliquary,  Vol.  IX.,  1868-9,  P-  ^93- 

*  Ailettes  may  be  seen  on  sculptured  effigies  at  Clehongre,  Hereford- 
shire ;  Great  Tew,  Oxon. ;  Ash,  Kent,  and  St.  Nicholas,  Newcastle-on- 

3  The  arms  of  Bacon,  of  Redgrave,  Suffolk,  are : — Gules,  on  a  chief 
argent  two  mullets  pierced  sable. 


The  Mixed  Mail  and  Plate  Period  is  well  illustrated 
on  three  brasses,  which  show  the  cyclas  taking  the  place  of 
the  surcoat,  and  are,  therefore,  said  to  belong  to  the  Cyclas 
Period/    These  are  : — 

1325.  Sir  John  de  Creke  (with  lady),  Westley  Water- 
less, Cambs. 

1327.  Sir  John  D'Aubernoun  II.,  Stoke  D'Abernon, 
Surrey  (son  and  heir  of  the  knight  above- 

c.  1330.    Sir  John  de  Northwode  (with  lady),  Minster, 

The  Cyclas  was  an  outer  garment,  closer-fitting  than 
the  surcoat,  and  much  shorter  in  front  than  behind,  where 
it  reached  to  the  knees.  This  curtailment  was  due,  pro- 
bably, to  the  greater  convenience  in  riding  thereby  ob- 
tained. It  was  laced  up  at  the  sides,  and  the  slits  were  at 
the  sides,  instead  of  in  front  and  behind  as  on  the  surcoat. 
In  the  mail,  which  is  banded,  we  note  the  following  differ- 
ences. The  hawberk  is  shaped  to  a  point  in  front,  and 
the  sleeves  end  just  below  the  elbows.  The  coif  de  mailles 
is  superseded  by  the  camail^  fastened  to  a  pointed  bascinet 
by  means  of  a  lace  passing  through  staples  called  vervelles. 

Steel  vambraces  are  seen  at  the  wrists,  passing  beneath 
the  sleeve  of  the  hawberk,  and  encircling  the  fore-arm. 

Sir  John  de  Creke  wears  rowell  spurs,  roundels  at  elbow 
and  shoulder,  representing  lions'  heads,^  and  plain  coutes. 

'  Good  examples  of  the  Cyclas  period  in  sculptured  effigies  are 
afforded  by  the  following  monuments  :  A  knight  of  the  Pembridge 
family,  Clehongre,  Hereford ;  Humphrey  de  Bohun,  Earl  of  Hereford, 
Hereford  Cathedral,  1321  ;  John  of  Eltham,  Earl  of  Cornwall,  1334, 
in  St.  Edmund's  Chapel,  Westminster  Abbey ;  Sir  John  de  Ifield,  Ifield, 
Sussex,  d.  13 17  (probably  engraved  later);  Sir  Oliver  de  Cervington, 
Whatley,  Somerset,  c.  1348.  The  sinister  half  of  a  brass  shield,  which 
may  have  belonged  to  the  monument  of  John  of  Eltham,  was  presented 
by  Sir  Alexander  Campbell,  Bart.,  to  the  Museum  of  the  Society  of 
Antiquaries  of  Scotland.    See  their  Proceedings,  Vol.  VI.,  1868,  p.  204. 

2  Leopard-faced  mammelieres  are  seen  on  a  stone  effigy  of  a  knight  at 
St.  Peter's,  Sandwich,  Kent. 


His  cyclas  is  confined  by  a  narrow  girdle  at  the  waist. 
His  heater-shaped  shield,  held  in  place  by  a  guige  passing 
over  the  right  shoulder  beneath  the  camail,  bears  : — Or  on  a 
fess  gules  three  lozenges  vair.  The  curtailment  of  his 
cyclas  in  front  makes  visible  the  hauketon  and  hawberk. 
Immediately  above  the  latter  a  rich  dress  appears  embroi- 
dered with  rosettes,  and  with  escalloped  and  fringed 
border,  called  tht  pourpoint.^  Waller  gives  the  inscription, 
now  lost,  which  was  engraved  on  a  brass  fillet : — 
4-  ici  :  GIST  :  LE  :  corps  :  sire  :  iohan  :  de  :  crek  :  et  : 

DE  :  DAME  :  ALYNE  :  SA  :   FEME  :   DE  I  QVY  :  ALMES  :  DIEV  : 


Sir  John  D'Aubernoun  wears  prick  spurs  and  plain 
roundels.  The  guige  of  his  shield  is  not  visible  ;  nor  is 
there  a  waist-belt  over  the  cyclas.  The  arms  on  the  heater- 
shaped  shield  are  those  of  his  father,  whose  brass  is 
described  above.  The  inscription  was  in  Lombardic 

The  effigy  of  Sir  John  de  Northwode  differs  much  in 
style  from  the  other  two,  showing  pecularities  which  have 
caused  it  to  be  attributed  to  French  workmanship  (see 
p.  56).  The  part  below  the  genouillieres  is  a  late  and 
incorrect  restoration.  The  border  of  the  camail  is  en- 
grailed. The  bascinet  is  of  a  more  swelling  form  than 
the  fluted  head-pieces  of  Creke  and  D'Aubernoun,  There 
are  no  rerebraces,  and  the  vambraces  are  of  scale-work. 
On  the  left  breast  is  a  mammeliere^  (a  steel  plate  fastened 
beneath  the  cyclas  to  the  hawberk  or  to  th.Q plastron  de  fer, 
an  early  form  of  breastplate),  to  which  is  attached  a  chain 
passing  over  the  left  shoulder,  and  probably  sustaining 

^  On  the  Creke  brass  some  consider  this  pourpoint  to  be  in  reality  two 
garments,  owing  to  the  presence  of  both  fringe  and  escalloped  border, 

2  The  use  of  mammeli^res  is  well  shown  on  the  brass  of  Willem 
Wenemaer,  1325,  at  Ghent  (illustrated  in  ArchceologLcal  Journal,  Vol, 
VII.,  1850,  and  in  Greeny),  where  the  mall  hawberk  to  which  they  are 
attached,  is  seen  through  slits  in  the  surcoat.  They  secure  by  chains  the 
sword  and  dagger,  ^ee  also  stone  effigy  of  a  member  of  the  Salaman 
family,  c.  1320,  Horley,  Surrey, 


the  tilting  helm.  The  large  shield  rounded  to  the  body 
hangs  on  the  hips  from  a  long  guige  passing  under  the 
camail  on  the  right  shoulder,  and  bears : — Ermine  a  cross 
engrailed  gules/ 

A  short  period  of  transition  is  represented  by  the 
following : — 

1347.    Sir  Hugh  Hastings,  Elsing,  Norfolk.  (Flemish, 
see  p.  43). 

1347.  Sir  John  de  Wantyng  or  Wanton  (with  lady), 

Wimbish,  Essex. 

1348.  Sir  John  Giffard,  Bowers  Gifford,  Essex. 

These  wear  close-fitting  juponSy  which,  however,  still 
retain  the  loose  skirt  of  the  cyclas,  but  of  equal  length 
before  and  behind. 

The  brass  of  Sir  Hugh  Hastings  is  the  most  important 
of  the  three ;  for,  in  addition  to  the  central  figure,  the 
sides  of  the  canopy  contained  eight  historic  personages 
(of  which  two  are  lost),  all  wearing  this  early  kind  of 
jupon.  Sir  Hugh  Hastings  wears  a  rounded  bascinet 
with  a  moveable  vizor,  a  steel  collar  or  gorget  over  the 
camail,  genouillieres  with  spikes,  and  rowell  spurs.  The 
cuffs  of  the  hawberk  hang  down,  showing  the  hauketon 
below.  Above  the  knees  appear  pourpointed  cuisseaux. 
The  hands  are  bare.  There  are  no  jambs.  The  heater- 
shaped  shield  and  the  jupon  each  bear  the  Hastings  arms  : — 
Or,  a  maunche  gules,  with  a  label  of  three  points  azure. 
The  maunche  is  richly  embroidered. 

The  figures  in  the  side  shafts  are  in  mixed  mail  and 
plate  armour,  varying  somewhat  in  detail ;  some  having 
more,  some  less  plate  defences.  Epaulieres  or  shoulder- 
plates  appear ;  the  spurs  are  of  the  prick  kind,  and  the 
coutes  and  genouillieres  have  spikes. 

^  Possibly  this  should  be  blazoned  :  A  cross  engrailed  between  twelve 
chestnut  leaves ;  for  Northwood  Chataigniers. 


Elsing,  Norfolk. 



From  the  Hastings  Brass, 
Elsinc,  Norfolk. 





On  the  dexter  side  : — 

1.  Edward  III.,  wearing  a  crown,  but  no  shield.  His 
jupon  bears : — France  and  England  quarterly,  i  and  4,  az. 
sem6e  of  fleurs  de  lis  or ;  2  and  3,  gules  three  lions  pas- 
sant gardant  in  pale,  or;    which  coat  he  assumed  in 


2.  Thomas  Beauchamp,  Earl  of  Warwick,  wearing  a 
pointed  bascinet  with  vizor  up,  and  holding  a  lance  with 
pennon  in  the  right  hand,  but  without  shield.  His  jupon 
bears : — Gules  a  fess  between  six  crosses-crosslet  or. 

3.  Lost.    A  member  of  the  Despencer  family. 

4.  Roger  Grey,  Lord  Grey  de  Ruthin.  The  arms 
crossed,  the  head  bare;  the  shield  hanging  at  the  hip 
bears  : — Barry  of  six  arg.  and  az.,  in  chief  three  torteaux. 
In  1905  this  figure  was  restored  to  Elsing  by  the 
Fitzwilliam  Museum,  Cambridge. 

On  the  sinister  side  : — 

1.  Henry  Plantagenet,  Earl  of  Lancaster,  holding  in 
the  right  hand  his  tilting  helm,  on  which  is  a  lion  for  crest, 
and  in  the  left  a  short  lance  with  pennon.  His  jupon 
bears : — Gules  three  lions  passant  gardant  or,  a  label  of 
three  points  az.,  each  charged  with  as  many  fleurs  de  lis  or. 

2.  Lost.  LawrenceHastings,  Earl  of  Pembroke,  whose 
shield,  bearing : — Hastings  quartering  Valence,  Barry  of 
ten,  argent  and  azure,  an  orle  of  martlets  gules,  is  quoted 
as  one  of  the  earhest  examples  of  a  subject  quartering 

^  3.  Ralph,  Lord  Stafford,  holding  in  the  left  hand  a  lance 
with  pennon ;  the  shield,  hanging  on  the  left  hip,  and  the 
jupon  bear : — Or  a  chevron  gules. 

4.  Almeric  Lord  St.  Amand,  wearing  the  chap  elk  de  fer^ 
or  kettle  hat,  over  his  bascinet  (an  unique  occurrence  on 
a  brass)  and  a  gorget  of  plate.  His  shield  and  jupon  bear:— 
Or  frette  sable,  on  a  chief  of  the  second  three  bezants. 

In  the  pediment  of  the  canopy  is  St.  George  on  horse- 


back,  spearing  the  dragon,  his  shield  and  the  horse-trapper 
bearing  a  cross/ 

The  effigy  at  Wimbish  is  placed  in  a  much-mutilated, 
floriated  cross,  of  which  scarce  more  than  the  matrix 
remains.  Epaulieres  appear,  overlapping  plates,  here  three 
in  number,  protecting  the  shoulders.  The  feet  are  lost ; 
but  there  are  jambs  over  the  mail  chausses.  There  is  no 

The  effigy  of  Sir  John  GifFard  lacks  the  head.  The 
cuisseaux  end  in  points  below  the  genouillieres.  The 
straight  edge  of  the  jupon  has  an  ornamented  border. 
There  are  no  plate  defences  over  the  banded  mail  below 
the  knees,  nor  are  there  brassarts.  The  heater-shaped 
shield  borne  over  the  left  arm,  with  the  guige  passing 
over  the  right  shoulder,  bears : — Sable,  six  fleurs  de  lis,  3, 
2,  and  I  or.  The  field  is  finely  diapered.  On  the  hands 
are  gauntlets  with  small  plates  of  steel,  protecting  the 
fingers,  sewn  on  a  leather  foundation. 

Hitherto  we  have  dealt  with  styles  of  armour,  each 
represented  by  but  two  or  three  examples  in  brasses,  but 
we  now  come  to  a  period,  extending  over  the  second  half 
of  the  fourteenth,  and  the  first  years  of  the  fifteenth  cen- 
tury, during  the  reigns  of  Edward  III.,  Richard  II.,  and 
Henry  IV.,  in  which  the  armour,  much  less  variable  in 
style,  is  represented  by  a  fine  series  of  brasses.  These, 

^  Effigies  on  horseback  in  the  pediments  of  their  canopies  may  be  seen 
in  Westminster  Abbey  on  the  tombs  of  Edmund  Crouchback,  Earl  of 
Lancaster,  1296,  and  Aymer  de  Valence,  Earl  of  Pembroke,  1324. 
Armour  for  horses  is  described  as  follows  by  Mr.  R.  C.  Clephan  in  his 
Defensive  Armour,  etc.,  p.  54  :  "Bards  comprised  the  chamfron  or  chanfrien 
"  for  the  face,  worn  sometimes  with  a  crest ;  picidre,  breast ;  flanchiere, 
"  flanks ;  croupiere,  hinder  parts ;  estivals,  legs.  The  crinet,  neck, 
"  appears  first  in  England  on  the  seal  of  Henry  V.  The  horses  were 
"  gaily  caparisoned.  The  emblazoned  housings  were  often  made  of 
"  costly  material,  such  as  satin  embroidered  with  gold  or  silver."  The 
trapper  of  the  horse  corresponded  to  the  surcoat  of  the  knight,  ^ee 
"  Horse  Armour,"  by  Viscount  Dillon,  P.S.A.,  Jrchceological  Journal, 
Vol.  LIX.,  1902,  pp.  67-92. 



Elsing,  Norfolk. 


from  one  of  the  chief  characteristics,  are  said  to  belong  to 
the  Camail  Period.' 

Mail  armour  worn  : — 
Hawberk,  sometimes  called  the  habergeon^  shorter  than 
hitherto,  with  a  straight-edged  skirt,  showing  beneath 
thtjupon ;  the  sleeves  gradually  disappeared,  gussets 
of  mail  at  the  arm-pits  and  inside  the  elbows  taking 
their  place.  The  hauketon  was  still  worn  beneath  the 
hawberk,  though  it  seldom  appears ;  but  may  be  seen 
at  the  wrists  of  Ralph  de  Knevynton,  1370,  at 
Aveley,  Essex,  and  beneath  the  skirt  of  the  hawberk 
of  Sir  John  de  St.  Quintin,  1397,  Brandsburton, 

Chausses,  which  gradually  disappear,  are  worn  by  William 
de  Aldeburgh,  c.  1360,  at  Aldborough,  Yorkshire. 
A  gusset  of  mail  protecting  the  instep  is  usually  seen. 
Another  sometimes  appears  at  the  knee,  e.g.^  Sir 
Morys  Russel,  1401,  Dyrham,  Gloucestershire. 

Camail,  already  noticed,  at  first  is  seen  passed  under  the 
jupon,  but  is  usually  found  overlapping  it.  It  is 
secured  to  the  bascinet  by  a  cord  passing  through 
vervelles^  the  earlier  instances  of  which  are  carried  up 
on  either  side  of  the  face  and  end  in  tassels ;  but 
later  examples  encircle  the  forehead,  the  cord  running 
in  a  groove  for  greater  safety. 

The  mail  is  usually  either  banded  or  made  of  rings  set 
on  their  edges ;  but  that  of  William  de  Aldeburgh  is  of 
the  interlaced  kind,  which  we  find  on  some  of  the  later 
examples,  e.g.^  the  Knight  at  Laughton,  Lines.,  c.  1400. 

Of  plate  defences  we  find  : — 
Bascinet,  which,  but  for  the  groove  for  the  cord  of  the 
camail,  is  usually  plain,  and  is  acutely  pointed. 

^  The  bronze  effigy  of  Edward  the  Black  Prince  (died  1376)  in 
Canterbury  Cathedral  shows  this  style  of  armour.  It  is  interesting,  also, 
to  note  that  a  stone  effigy  of  Henry  IV.  is  to  be  seen  on  Battlefield 
Church,  Shrewsbury,  built  about  1408,  wearing  a  jupon. 


Rerebraces  and  Vambraces,  consisting  of  two  plates  en- 
circling the  arms  ;  roundels  sometimes  in  front  of  the 
shoulders  to  protect  the  arm-pits  {yif  de  Vharnois  or 
defaut  de  la  cuirasse). 

Coutes  at  the  elbows,  with  circular  or  heart-shaped  hinges. 

Epaulieres,  of  three  or  more  overlapping  plates  on  the 

Cuisses  on  the  thighs,  in  earlier  examples  often  covered 
with  studded  work'  or pourpointerie. 

Genouillieres,  usually  small  and  plain;  but  in  some 
early  instances  {e.g..  Sir  John  de  Cobham,  1354,  Sir 
Thomas  de  Cobham,  1367,  Cobham,  Kent,  and 
Thomas  Cheyne,  Esq.,  1368,  Drayton  Beauchamp, 
Bucks)  resembling  pot-lids.  In  some  cases  plates 
appear  above  and  below  the  knees. 

Jambs — as  already  described. 

Pointed  Sollerets,  jointed,  enclosing  the  feet  {a  la  pou- 

Rowell  Spurs. 

Gauntlets  of  leather  or  steel,  on  the  fingers  of  which  are 
often  found  small  knobs  or  spikes  of  steel  called 
gadlings.  The  wrist  part  frequently  is  jointed.  Sir 
John  de  St.  Quintin,  1397,  Brandsburton,  Yorkshire, 
wears  a  kind  of  steel  over-cuff,  richly  engraved,  a 
form  of  the  shell-backed  gauntlet. 

Over  the  body-armour  is  worn  the  Jupon,  laced  up  at 
the  side,  as  seen  on  some  sculptured  effigies,^  tight-fitting, 
and  made  of  leather  or  of  some  stout  material  covered  with 

^  An  example  worn  over  mail  chausses  in  relief  on  a  marble  tombstone 
of  the  fourteenth  century  at  the  Certosa,  Florence,  is  given  in  Ancient 
Sepulchral  Monuments,  by  Brindley  and  Weatherley,  Plate  126.  1887. 
The  jupon  of  the  knight  has  a  dagged  border  in  the  shape  of  leaves. 

2  As,  for  example,  that  of  Sir  John  Leverick,  Ash-next-Sandwich, 
Kent,  or  a  Knight,  St.  Peter's,  Sandwich. 


silk  or  velvet,  usually  plain,  but  sometimes,  as  at  Aid- 
borough,  c.  1360,  and  Southacre,  1384,  etc.,  embroidered 
with  the  arms  of  the  wearer.  The  lower  edge,  beneath 
which  the  skirt  of  the  hawberk  appears,  is  usually  escal- 
loped,  or  otherwise  decorated.  In  some  cases  it  is  cut 
into  the  form  of  leaves,  as  at  Laughton,  Lines.,  c.  1400, 
or  Blickling,  Norfolk,  Sir  Nicholas  Dagworth,  1401. 
This  form  of  ornamentation  was  called  "  dagging  "  {barbes 

The  Bawdric  or  knightly  belt,  worn  horizontally  on  the 
hips,  over  the  jupon,  is  usually  finely  ornamented,  and 
probably  was  enriched  with  metal  work.  Sometimes 
it  takes  the  form  of  a  buckled  belt,  the  end  falling 
down  in  front,  e.g.^  Sir  John  D'Argenteine,  1382, 
Horseheath,  Cambs.  At  others  it  is  fastened  by  a 
large  clasp  in  front. 

To  the  bawdric  on  the  left  side  is  attached  the  Sword, 
which  usually  hangs  straight  at  the  side ;  but  in  some 
cases  passes  behind  the  left  leg  (i?.^.,  1382,  Sir  Nicholas 
Burnell,  Acton  Burnell,  Salop).  The  scabbard  is  usually 
plain  except  at  the  top.  The  hilt  is  often  corded,  and  has 
straight  crossguard  and  round,  octagonal,  or  pear-shaped 

The  Basilard  or  Misericorde,  a  short  dagger,  not 
always  represented,  hangs  in  its  case  on  the  right,  attached 
to  the  bawdric.    It  has  no  guard. 

The  Tilting  Helm,  surmounted  by  a  crest,  and  with 
lambrequins  hanging  behind,  sometimes  appears,  used  as  a 
pillow  beneath  the  knight's  head. 

William  de  Aldeburgh,  c.  1360,  is  the  last  instance  on 
a  brass  of  a  knight  wearing  a  shield.  The  feet  of  the 
knight  usually  rest  upon  a  lion,  but  in  some  cases  (e.g.^ 
Ralph  de  Knevynton,  1370,  Aveley,  Essex)  on  a  dog. 

It  seems  to  have  been  the  fashion  to  wear  a  beard  and 
moustache,  but  the  former  is  hidden  by  the  camail.  It 
appears,  however,  on  the  brass  of  Sir  William  Tendring, 


1408,  Stoke-by-Nayland,  Suffolk,  who  I's  shown  bare- 

It  seems  probable  that  in  the  latter  part  of  this  period 
the  hawberk  gave  place  to  hrmst  and  hack-plates  and  taces 
(described  below),  and  that  a  skirt  of  mail  was  fastened 
either  to  the  breast-plate  or  the  lowermost  tace.  The 
shape  of  the  figure,  over  which  the  jupon  fits  tightly,  is 
an  argument  in  favour  of  this  view. 

In  some  of  the  later  examples  the  jupon  has  escalloped 
or  fringed  arm-holes,  the  plate-armour  has  invecked  edges, 
and  the  camail  and  skirt  of  the  hawberk  show  an  orna- 
mental fringe  of  mail,  probably  composed  of  brass  rings. 
In  one  or  two  instances  {e.g.^  c.  1400,  Robert  Albyn, 
Hemel  Hempstead,  Herts),  as  well  as  the  horizontal 
bawdric,  a  diagonal  belt  is  worn  supporting  the  sword,  as 
in  the  Complete  Plate  Period. 

The  following  are  some  of  the  brasses  of  this  period  : — 

1354.    Sir  John  de  Cobham,  Cobham,  Kent;  studded 
cuisses,  no  misericorde. 
c.  1360.    John  PBodiham,  Esq.,  Bodiam,  Sussex;  arms 
on  jupon. 

c.  1360.  William  de  Aldeburgh,  Aldborough,  near 
Boroughbridge,  Yorkshire ;  on  a  small 
bracket.  The  pourpoint  appears  between 
the  jupon  and  the  hawberk  ;  cuisses  covered 
with  pourpointerie.  The  misericorde  appears 
for  the  first  time ;  the  jupon  and  semi- 
cylindrical  shield,  worn  on  left  arm,  bear  : — 
(Az.)  a  fess  per  fess  indented... and...,  be- 
tween three  crosses  botony  (or),  the  dexter 
cross  charged  with  an  annulet... for  difference. 
1 36 1.    Sir  Philip  Peletoot,  Watton,  Herts;  restored. 

c.  1367.    Sir  John  de  Cobham  (d.  1407),  Cobham,  Kent; 

as  founder  holds  church  ;  studded  cuisses,  no 

1367.    Sir  Thomas  de  Cobham,  Cobham,  Kent. 


1368.  Thomas  Cheyne,  Esq.,  Drayton  Beauchamp, 
Bucks  ^;  shield-bearer  to  Edward  III. 

1370.    Ralph  de  Knevynton,  Aveley,  Essex.  Flemish. 

Hawberk-skirt  pointed ;  both  jupon  and 
cuisses  are  pourpointed.  From  the  former 
hang  two  chains  to  secure  the  sword  and 

1375.  William  Cheyne,  Esq.,  Drayton  Beauchamp, 
Bucks  ;  studded  cuisses,  sollerets  of  fish-scale 
pattern,^  no  misericorde. 

1382.    Sir  Nicholas  Burnell,  Acton  Burnell,  Salop. 

The  sword  passes  behind  the  left,  the  miseri- 
corde to  the  front  of  the  right  leg. 

1382.  Sir  lohn  D'Argenteine,  Horseheath,  Cambs. ; 
studded  cuisses,  no  misericorde. 

1384.  Sir  John  Harsick  (with  lady),  Southacre,  Nor- 
folk ;  holds  sword  with  left  hand,  and  with 
right  hand  clasps  that  of  his  lady.  Arms  on 
jupon  : — Or,  a  chief  indented  sable. 

1388.    Sir  WilHam  de  Echingham,  Etchingham,  Sussex; 

no  misericorde. 
1390-    Sir  Andrew  Luttrell,  Irnham,  Lines. 

1 39 1.  Sir  William  de  Kerdeston,  Reepham,  Norfolk 

(lower  part  mutilated). 

1392.  Thomas,  Lord  Berkeley  {d.  1417)  with  lady  {d. 

1392),    Wotton-under-Edge,    Gloucs. ;  on 

^  The  jambs  on  this  brass  are  noteworthy,  consisting,  apparently,  of 
narrow_  vertical  bands,  the  alternate  ones  studded.  It  is  difficult  to 
determine  the  materials  of  which  these  were  composed.    Haines  (Intro- 

"ofr^il^'  "'^^^  •    •    •    ^re  either  strips 

^^ot  steel,  sewed  on  cloth,  or  some  similar  material,  or  perhaps  are  of 
pourpoint  fluted  by  strips  of  steel  inlaid  with  the  studs  arranged  in 

f  iX  0    form    r""r''K  ^K}""''  '"^^y  Mi^-  Stapleton 

Ju^Za  y,  jambs  and 

studded  cuisses  and  jupon.    A  vandyked  fringe  appears  below  Thomas 
Cheyne  s  genouillieres,  which  probably  is  connected  with  the  cuisTes 
See  also  the  effigy  of  Sir  John  Giffard  mentioned  above,  p.  156. 

J  Similar  sollerets  appear  on  the  mutilated  brass  of  Sir  Adam  de 
Clifton,  1367,  at  Methwold,  Norfolk. 




altar  tomb.  Over  the  camail  a  collar  of 
mermaids,  a  badge  of  this  family. 

1400.  Sir  John  Mauleverere  (with  lady),  Allerton 

Mauleverer,  Yorkshire.  Early  example  of 
a  rectangular  plate.  The  bascinet  has  a  vizor 
shaped  like  a  bird's  beak.  The  jupon  bears  : — 
(Gu.)  three  levriers  or  greyhounds,  courant  in 
pale  (arg.),  collared  and  belled  (or).  His  feet 
rest  on  a  greyhound. 
c.  1400.  A  Knight,  Laugh  ton,  Lines. ;  edges  of  plate 
armour  invecked  ;  the  camail-cord  surrounds 
the  forehead ;  both  diagonal  and  horizontal 

1 40 1.  Sir  Nicholas  Dagworth,  Blickling,  Norfolk; 

head  rests  on  tilting  helm. 

1406.  Thomas  de  Beauchamp,  Earl  of  Warwick  (with 

countess),  St.  Mary's,  Warwick;  jupon  bears 
the  Beauchamp  arms,  the  charges  finely 
diapered.  The  staff-ragul6  appears  on  the  rim 
of  the  bascinet,  on  roundels  at  elbows,  and  on 
sword-scabbard.    The  feet  rest  on  a  bear. 

1407.  Sir  William  Bagot  (with  lady),  Baginton,  War- 

wickshire;  jupon  bears  arms.    Collar  of  SS. 
c.  14 10.    Sir  Thomas  Burton  {d.  1382)  (with  lady).  Little 
Casterton,  Rutland.    Collar  of  SS. 

A  transitional  period,  overlapping  the  later  instances 
quoted,  is  found  in  the  early  part  of  the  fifteenth  century, 
in  which  the  mail  defences  gradually  give  way  to  plate 
armour,  but  the  camail  is  still  retained,  though  sometimes 
worn  below  a  steel  Gorget  or  Standard  of  plate.  The 
most  noticeable  change  is  the  absence  of  the  jupon,  which 
enables  to  appear 

1.  The  Breastplate  or  Cuirass; 

2.  The  skirt  of  Taces,  overlapping  plates,  shaped  to  the 

figure,  varying  in  number,  and  fastened  to  the  breast 
and  back  plates,  from  which  they  extend  to  the 




ggiuwrttnirtawgcm^iiuai'giui]  onrt  comc'ttimiioiiM  mn  rap  nort  ^  ' 

Etchingham,  Sussex. 



middle  of  the  thighs.'  To  the  lowermost  tace  a 
fringe  of  mail  is  attached,  taking  the  place  of  the 
skirt  of  the  hawberk,  now  probably  abandoned. 
When  the  jupon  is  retained,  the  lines  of  the  taces 
appear  on  it. 

Examples : — 

1 40 1.  Sir  Thomas  de  Braunstone,  Wisbeach,  Cambs. ; 
-  horizontal  bawdric. 

1403.    Sir  Reginald  de  Cobham,  Lingfield,  Surrey; 

orle  or  wreath  round  the  bascinet ;  horizontal 
bawdric ;  head  rests  on  tilting  helm,  feet  on 

c.  1405.    Robert  de  Freville,  Esq.,  Little  Shelford,  Cambs. ; 
feet  on  greyhound  ;  horizontal  bawdric. 

1405.  Thomas  de  Freville,  Esq.,  Little  Shelford, 
Cambs. ;  similar  to  the  last. 

1408.  Thomas  Seintlegier,  Esq.,  Otterden,  Kent  (dis- 
covered September  7th,  1894);  horizontal 
bawdric  ;  feet  on  greyhound. 

1408.  John  Hauley,  Esq.  (with  two  wives),  Dart- 
mouth, Devon ;  horizontal  bawdric. 

141  o.    Sir  John  Wylcotes  (with  lady).  Great  Tew, 
Oxon.^ ;  wearing  a  livery  collar  }  of  SS. 
c.  1 4 1  o.    William  Loveney,  Esq.,  Wendens  Ambo,  Essex ; 

diagonal  sword-belt ;  feet  on  lion. 
^.  1410.  A  Knight  (with  lady)  of  D'Eresby  family, 
probably  William,  4th  Baron  Willoughby 
D'Eresby,  Spilsby,  Lines. ;  orle  round  bas- 
cinet, gorget  over  camail ;  both  diagonal  and 
horizontal  belts. 

'  V^The  manner  of  fastening  the  taces  at  the  sides  does  not  appear  on 
brasses,  but  may  be  observed  on  sculptured  effigies,  as,  for  instance,  on 
the  alabaster  effigy,  c.  1450,  at  Christchurch,  Hampshire,  supposed  to 
represent  Sir  John  Chidiock,  whose  taces  are  hinged  on  the  left  and 
buckled  on  the  right  side. 

2  An  account  of  this  family  may  be  found  in  the  Berks  Bucks  and  Oxon 
Archaological  Journal,  Vol.  III.,  No.  4,  January,  i8g8,  p.  07,  "The 
W.lcotes  Family,"  by  F.  N.  Macnamarl  ^'      ^  '  F   V/'     ^  e 



141 2.  Sir  Thomas  Swynborne,'  Little  Horkesley, 
Essex;  wearing  gorget,  under  which  the 
camail  or  a  fringe  of  mail  attached  to  the 
gorget  appears;  collar  of  SS. ;  roundels  at 
shoulders ;  diagonal  sword-belt. 

The  Complete  Plate  period,  beginning  under  Henry 
IV.,  lasted  during  the  reign  of  Henry  V.  and  the  first 
part  of  that  of  Henry  VI.,  or  in  other  words,  during  the 
ascendancy  of  the  Lancastrians.  The  characteristic  of  this 
period,  as  its  name  denotes,  is  the  absence  of  mail  defences, 
except  for  a  short  fringe  attached  to  the  lowermost  tace  in 
some  of  the  earlier  examples.^ 

The  plate  armour  worn  consisted  of  the  following 
pieces : — 

Bascinet  more  rounded  in  shape  than  formerly ;  usually 
resting  on  the  tilting  helm. 

Gorget  or  Standard  of  plate,  superseding  the  camail. 

Breastplate  (with  corresponding  back-plate)  as  in  the 
transitional  period. 

Skirt  of  Taces,  varying  in  the  number,  which  increases. 
To  the  centre  of  the  lowermost  tace  is  sometimes 
attached  a  baguette^  consisting  of  one  or  more  small 

Epaulieres,  more  of  which  appear  than  formerly,  owing 
to  the  different  shape  of  the  gorget  from  that  of  the 

Brassarts  (rerebraces  and  vambraces). 

CouTES,  either  with  roundels  {e.g.^  Sir  John  Lowe,  1426, 

^  Represented  with  his  father,  Sir  Robert  Swynborne,  1391,  beneath  a 
double  canopy.  Sir  Robert  wears  the  armour  of  the  camail  period.  The 
initials  R.S.  occur  on  his  horizontal  bawdric. 

2  Exceptions  to  this  rule  may  be  cited,  in  the  brass  of  Robert  Hayton, 
Esq.,  1424,  Theddlethorp,  Lines.,  who  wears  the  camail  instead  of  a 
gorget,  and  In  the  rare  appearance  of  a  fringe  of  mail  below  the  gorget 
{e.g.,  Thomas  Walysch,  Esq.,  c.  1420,  Whitchurch,  Oxon.), 

Cheddar,  Somerset. 


Battle,  Sussex) ;  fan-shaped  {e.g.^  Sir  Arnald  Savage, 
1420,  Bobbing,  Kent) ;  or  buckle-shaped  (^.^., 
Thomas  Chaucer,  Esq.,  1434,  Ewelme,  Oxon.). 

Roundels  in  front  of  the  arm-pits,  instead  of  which,  in 
later  examples,  we  find 

Palettes,  oblong  plates,  sometimes  charged  with  a  cross 
(e.g.,  Sir  Simon  Felbrigge,  141 6,  Felbrigg,  Norfolk). 
In  a  few  cases  these  palettes  appear  to  have  the  upper 
and  lower  edges  curved  outwards  {e.g.,  Thomas  Salle, 
Esq.,  1422,  Stevington,  Beds;  Nicholas  Manston, 
Esq.,  1444,  St.  Laurence,  Thanet)  ;  and  in  some  a 
palette  of  this  kind  is  worn  on  the  left  side,  and  a 
roundel  on  the  right  {e.g..,  Sir  Thomas  de  St.  Quintin, 
141 8,  Harpham,  Yorkshire). 

Gauntlets,  sometimes  not  divided  into  fingers,  but  jointed 
(^.^.,  John  Launceleyn,  Esq.,  1435,  Cople,  Beds).  In 
later  examples  the  cuffs  are  often  pointed  {e.g.,  Sir 
Thomas  Cheddar,  1442,  Cheddar,  Somerset). 

CuissEs  and  Jambs,  plain. 

Genouillieres,  often  with  plates  above  and  below,  some- 
times pointed,  for  additional  protection. 
Sollerets,  as  before. 

Rowell  Spurs,  either  open  {e.g.,  Valentyne  Baret,  Esq., 
1440,  Preston  near  Faversham,  Kent),  or  guarded 
{e.g..  Sir  Thomas  Brounflet,  1430,  Wymington, 

The  Sword  hangs  on  the  left  side  by  a  belt  crossing  the 
taces  diagonally,  and  often  ornamented  with  quatre- 
fojls,  etc.  On  the  brass  of  Sir  John  Phelip,  1415, 
Kidderminster,  the  belt  has  a  fringe  and  bears  the 
initials  LP. 

The  MisERicoRDE  is  attached  to  the  taces  on  the  right 
side.  The  strap  fastening  it  may  be  seen  at  Routh, 
E.  Yorks.  (Sir  John  Routh,  c.  1410)  and  Brabourne, 
Kent  (William  Scot,  Esq.,  1433). 


TuiLLEs,  two  tile-like  plates  fastened  to  the  lowermost 
tace,  and  hanging  over  the  thighs,  begin  to  appear. 
Some  instances  are  cited  below. 

Heraldic  Tabards  occur  in  one  or  two  instances,  though 
it  is  long  before  they  become  general  on  brasses. 
An  early  form  may  be  that  on  the  brass  of  John 
Wantele,  1424,  Amberley,  Sussex,  which  shows  a 
kind  of  loose  vest  embroidered  with  the  wearer's 
arms,^  and  with  tight,  short  sleeves.  But  on  the 
brass  of  William  Fynderne,  Esq.,  1444/  Childrey, 
Berks.,  the  tabard  is  of  the  form  found  later,  and 
familiar  as  that  worn  by  Heralds.^    On  the  two 

^  Vert  three  lions'  faces  argent  langued  gules.  An  effigy  with  similarly- 
shaped  tabard  charged  with  three  crescents  is  engraved  in  Millin  de 
Grandmaison's  Jntiquites  Rationales,  Vol.  III.,  1791,  No.  32,  Plate  3, 
p.  19  (Pierre  Des  Essarts,  141 3,  Eglise  des  Mathurins,  Paris). 

2  The  style  of  this  effigy  accords  more  with  that  of  the  succeeding 
period.  It  is  not  improbable  that  it  was  engraved  some  twenty  years 
later,  on  the  death  of  the  wife. 

3  No  brasses  of  Heralds  survive.  A  rubbing  is  in  existence  of  the 
brass  of  Thomas  Benolte,  or  Benold,  Clarencieux  King  of  Arms  (to  whom 
the  earliest  known  commission  for  a  Visitation  was  given  in  1528-9), 
with  his  two  wives,  1534,  lost  from  St.  Helen's,  Bishopsgate,  London, 
showing  him  in  his  tabard.  In  The  History  and  Survey  of  London,  etc., 
by  William  Maitland,  Vol.  II.,  1756,  p.  1158,  occurs  the  following 
(cited  by  Haines,  p.  cxxviii.)  :  "  In  the  middle  Isle  of^  St.  Olave's,  Hart- 
"  street,  upon  a  flat  Stone,  inlaid  with  Brass,  the  Figure  of  a  King  of 
"Arms  in  his  Coat  and  Crown,  and  underneath  was  formerly  this 
«  Inscription,  of  which  the  Date  of  the  Year  was  lately  remaining  in  the 
"old  black  Letter:  Orate  pro  anima  Johannis  Clarenseux  Regis  Armorim, 
"  qui  obiit  die  Mensis  Februarii  An.  Dom.  MCCCCXXFII.  It  is  not 
"mentioned  by  Stow  what  was  the  Sirname  of  this  Clarenceux ;  but  it 
"  is  supposed  to  have  been  Arundell ;  for  there  is  this  Entry  in  the 
"Office  of  the  Chamberlain  of  London,  16  Henry  VI.  viz.  Rlchardus 
"  Arundell,  filius  Johannis  Clarenseux  Regis  Armorum,  venit  hie  coram 
"  Camerario,  et  cognovit  se  esse  Apprenticium  Robert  Asheley,  Civis  & 
"  Aurifabri,  &c."  At  Broughton  Gifford,  Wilts,  is  a  brass  to  Robert, 
second  son  of  Henry  Longe,  Esq.,  1620,  showing  an  altar  tomb  with 
a  Herald  in  tabard,  and  Death  standing  behind  it.  At  Middle  Claydon, 
Bucks,  the  inscription  of  Roger  Gyflard,  Esq.,  1542,  and  wife,  when 
reversed  revealed  an  inscription  for  Walter  Belhngham,  "Alias  dicti 
Walteri  Irelonde  Regis  Armor'  in  Hybernia,"  and  wife  Elizabeth,  1487. 


Stoke  Poges,  Bucks. 



short  sleeves  and  on  the  breast  the  arms  are  seen,  in 
this  case : — Argent  a  chevron  between  three  crosses 
patte  fitche  sable,  an  annulet  for  difference.  The 
effigy  of  Sir  Ralph  Shelton,  1424,  Great  Snoring, 
Norfolk,  is  cited  by  Haines,  as  wearing  a  tabard  {^See 
Cotman,  Vol.  I.,  PL  xix.,  ed.  1839),  but  only  the  head 
has  survived. 

In  a  few  cases  the  head  is  bare  (e.g.^  1424,  John  Wantele, 
Amberley,  Sussex;  1441,  Sir  Hugh  Halsham,  West 
Grinstead,  Sussex;  1444,  William  Fynderne,  Esq., 
Childrey,  Berks.).  The  fashion  seems  to  have  been  for 
the  face  to  be  cleanshaven.^  The  feet  usually  rest  on  a 
lion,  but  sometimes  on  a  dog  {e.g..,  Peter  Halle,  Esq., 
c.  1420,  Herne,  Kent),  and  in  one  or  two  instances  on  a 
representation  of  the  ground  sown  with  flowers  (e.g.^ 
John  Peryent,  Esq.,  junior,  1442,  Digswell,  Herts). 

Examples : — 

141 1.  Thomas  de  Cruwe,  Esq.,  Wixford,  Warwick- 

shire ;  oval  palettes  charged  with  cross ;  no 

141 2.  Robert,  Lord  Ferrers,  Merevale,  Warwickshire  ; 

mail  fringe  below  taces. 

1 4 14.  Geoffrey    Fransham,    Esq.,  Great  Fransham, 


141 5.  John  Peryent,  Esq.,  Digswell,  Herts.;  feet  on 


c.  1415.  Walter  Rolond,  Esq.,  Cople,  Beds.;  no  animal 
beneath  feet. 

c.  141 5.  Sir  Robert  Suckling,  Barsham,  Suffolk ;  Collar  of 
SS. ;  initials  R.  S.  on  scabbard. 

c.  141 5,  eng.  Sir  John  de  Erpingham,  Erpingham,  Nor- 
folk; d.  1370,  mail  fringe,  feet  on  lion. 

141 6.  Sir  Simon  Felbrigge,  K.G.,  Felbrigg,  Norfolk; 

mail  fringe  below  taces,  palettes  charged  with 

|John(?)  Knyvet,  Esq.,  U^iy,  Mendlesham,  Suffolk,  wears  a  large 
forked  beard  hanging  over  the  gorget  (illustrated  in  the  Rev.  Edmund 
Farrer  s  Ltst  of  Su folk  Brasses,  1903,  p.  43). 



a  cross.    On  left  arm  rests  a  staff  to  which  a 
banner    is   attached,  bearing   the  arms  of 
Richard  II.,  to  whom  he  was  standard-bearer.' 
141 8.    Sir  Thomas  de  St.  Quintin,  Harpham,  Yorks. ; 

orle  round  bascinet ;  waved  edge  to  mail-skirt 
below  taces  ;  horizontal  bawdric.^ 
1420.    Sir  William  Calthorpe,  Burnham  Thorpe,  Nor- 
folk ;  feet  on  two  dogs  ;  collar  of  SS. 

c.  1420.    Sir  John  Lysle,  Thruxton,  Hants  {d.  1407). 

c.  1420.    Peter  Halle,  Esq.,  Heme,  Kent;  feet  on  dog; 

no  misericorde  nor  gauntlets ;  left  hand  on 
breast,  right  holding  his  wife's  right  hand. 

c.  1420.    Thomas  Walysch,  Esq.,  Whitchurch,  Oxon. ; 
fringe  of  mail  below  gorget. 
1422.    Thomas    Salle,  Esq.,  Stevington,  Beds.;  the 
tilting  helm  surmounted  by  a  panache  of  nine 

1422.    Thomas  de  Coggeshall,  Esq.,  Springfield,  Essex ; 

feet  on  ground. 
1424.    Thomas,  Lord  Camoys,  K.G.,  Trotton,  Sussex 

{d.  1419). 

1424.  John   Poyle,  Esq.,  Hampton  Poyle,  Oxon.; 


1425.  Sir  William  Molyns,  Stoke  Poges,  Bucks. 

1426.  Sir  John  de  Brewys,  Wiston,  Sussex  ;  no  miseri- 

corde ;  slab  powdered  with  scrolls. 
1426.    John  Cosyngton,  Esq.,  Aylesford,  Kent;  skirt 
of  nine  taces. 

1430.    Sir  Thomas  Brounflet,  Wymington,  Beds. ;  no 
misericorde ;  palettes. 

1  The  arms  attributed  to  Edward  the  Confessor  (Azure  a  cross  flory 
within  an  orle  of  martlets  or)  impaling  France  and  England,  quarterly. 

2  Sir  Thomas'  gorget  runs  up  into  a  peak  or  ridge  on  either  side  of  the 
face.  A  similar  peculiarity  is  seen  on  the  brass  of  a  knight  (?  of  Hansard 
family),  c.  141  o,  at  South  Kelsey,  Lines.  Compare  also  the  stone  effigy 
of  Michael  de  la  Pole,  Earl  of  Suffolk,  141 5,  at  Wingfield,  Suffolk,  who 
wears  a  jupon.  See  "  Some  Peculiarities  and  Omissions  in  Brasses,"  by 
Viscount  Dillon,  in  No.  I  of  the  J ouiiial  of  the  Oxford  University  Brass- 
Rubbing  Society,  February,  1897. 







Westminster  Abbey. 



1433.  Sir  John  Leventhorpe,  Sawbridgeworth,  Herts. ; 

tuilles  ;  feet  rest  on  dog ;  round  the  neck  a 
livery  collar. 

1434.  Thomas  Chaucer,  Esq.,  Ewelme,  Oxon.;  palettes  ; 

skirt  of  ten  taces ;  feet  on  unicorn. 

1435.  John  Launceleyn,  Esq.,  Cople,  Beds.;  tuilles; 

no  misericorde. 
1437.    Thomas  Brokill,  Esq.,  Saltwood,  Kent. 
1437.    Roger  Elmebrygge,  Esq.,  Beddington,  Surrey; 

tuilles  ;  feet  on  dog. 
1440.    Richard  Malmaines,  Esq.,  Pluckley,  Kent. 
1442.    Sir    Thomas    Cheddar,    Cheddar,  Somerset; 


1444.  Sir  William  Echyngham,  Etchingham,  Sussex. 

1445.  Sir  Giles  Daubeney,  South  Petherton,  Somerset ; 

palettes ;  feet  on  dog.^ 
1457.    Sir  John  Harpedon,  Westminster  Abbey. 

A  good  example  of  the  Complete  Plate  Period  was  the 
brass  of  Sir  Brian  de  Stapilton,  1438,  formerly  at  Ingham, 
Norfolk.  Under  his  right  foot  was  a  lion,  beneath  his 
left  a  dog  with  label  "  Jakke." 

The  Yorkist  Period  of  armour  covers  the  latter  part 
of  the  reign  of  Henry  VI.,  and  the  reigns  of  Edward  IV. 
and  Richard  III.  It  is  distinguished  from  the  previous 
period,  which,  of  course,  it  overlaps,  by  various  additional 
plate  defences,  made  necessary  or  fashionable  by  the 
Wars  of  the  Roses.  But,  however  splendid  or  useful 
these  pieces  of  plate  may  have  been,  the  general  effect 
of  the  armed  knight  is  less  pleasing  than  in  the  Lan- 
castrian period,  when  the  armour,  simple  and  dignified, 
adhered  more  closely  to  the  lines  of  the  figure.  This 
unwieldly  appearance  increases  as  the  years  advance; 

I  The  diagonal  swordbelt  is  ornamented  with  small  cinquefoils  

possibly  in  allusion  to  his  arms:  Azure  three  cinquefoils  between  six 
crosses  crosslet  argent.— Illustrated  in  Somerset  and  Dorset  Notes  and  Queries 
Vol.  I.,  1890,  p.  241.  »  > 



there  is  less  uniformity  than  we  have  hitherto  encountered, 
and  the  armour  is  often  worked  into  ribs  and  curves, 
much  elaborating  the  design. 

The  armour  for  the  breast  is  formed  of  two  or  more 
pieces,  overlapping  for  flexibility's  sake,  and  known  as 
placcates  or  placcards,  or  demi-placcates  or  demi-placcards. 
Various  re-inforcing  plates  were  added  for  tournaments, 
which  do  not  occur  on  brasses.  The  place  of  the  roundels 
or  pallets  of  a  former  date  is  either  supplied  by  the 
pauldrons^  or  by  separate  plates,  fastened  witih  spring-pins 
fitting  into  staples  {e.g.  1445,  Sir  John  Throckmorton, 
Fladbury,  Worcs.).  These  plates  were  of  different  shape, 
that  over  the  left  or  bridle  arm  being  larger  than  that 
over  the  sword  arm,  which  was  called  a  moton,  and  was 
curved  so  as  not  to  incommode  the  wearer  when  using  a 
lance  {e.g.^  1440,  a  Knight,  Addington,  Kent).  The 
principal  additional  defences,  therefore,  were : — 

D  emi-Placcates  or  Demi-Placcards,  curved  plates,  some- 
times of  two  or  more  pieces,  covering  the  lower  part 
of  the  breast  and  backplates  proper  and  narrowing 
as  they  near  the  gorget.  Fastened  to  the  cuirass  by 
a  buckle  and  strap,  hidden,  owing  to  the  attitude  of 
the  hands  clasped  in  prayer.^ 

Pauldrons,  shoulder-plates  with  ridges,  worn  over  or  in 
lieu  of  the  epaulieres^  and  serving  a  similar  purpose. 
Frequently  that  worn  on  the  left  arm  is  further  pro- 
tected by  a  larger  ridge  than  that  on  the  right.  In 
some  cases  a  pauldron  is  seen  only  on  the  left  arm 
(e.g.^  1470,  Robert  Watton,  Esq.,  Addington,  Kent). 

Gardes  de  Bras,  additional  plates  attached  to  the  coutes, 
varying  in  shape  in  accordance  with  their  position  on 
the  right  or  left  arm.^  The  coutes  or  coudieres  them- 
selves become  much  larger. 

^  An  instance,  showing  the  buckle,  is  to  be  found,  a  few  years  beyond 
the  period,  at  West  Harling,  Norfollc  (William  Berdewell,  Esq.,  f.  1490). 

^  Possibly  the  up-turned  edge  of  the  vambrace  may  sometimes  be  mis- 
taken for  a  garde  de  bras.    See  Blanche's  comment  on  Fairholt,  sub  mm. 


Instead  of  a  gorget,  a  hausse-col,  standard^  or  collar  of 
mail,    sometimes   vaiidyked    {e.g.^   I454»  William 
Ludsthorp,  Esq.,  Warkworth,   Northants;  1478, 
Richard    Quartremayns,   Esq.,  Thame,  Oxon.)  is 
found  in  many  cases. 
The  tuilles  have  their  lower  ends  pointed  as  a  rule,  and 
as  they  increase  in  size  the  taces  decrease  in  number. 
The  latter  are  frequently  curved  or  escalloped,  and  some- 
times, as  at  Isleworth,  Middlesex,  c.  1450,  are  composed 
of  many  small  plates.    In  some  of  the  later  examples 
smaller  tuilles  (or  tuillettes)  are  seen  at  the  sides,  and  a 
small  skirt  of  mail  appears  between  them,  to  develop 
under  Henry  VII.  into  the  conspicuous  mail  skirt.  A 
baguette^  or  brayette  (cod-piece),  consisting  of  a  lappet  of 
mail,  supersedes  that  composed  of  steel  plates. 

The  epaulieres  often  take  a  splint-XxVo.  form,  as  worn  by 
the  Knight,  c.  1450,  Isleworth,  Middlesex.  The  cuirass  in 
some  late  examples  has  a  perpendicular  ridge  down  the 
centre,  called  a  tapul  {e.g.^  I479j  Thomas  Playters,  Esq., 
Sotterley,  Suffolk). 

In  a  few  brasses  the  lance-rest  appears  screwed  into  the 
cuirass  on  the  right  side,  e.g.^ 

1462.  Sir  Thomas  Grene,  Green's  Norton,  Northants. ; 
feet  on  dog. 

1466  Henry  Parice,  Esq.,  Hildersham,  Cambs. ;  feet  on 
lion ;  no  gauntlets  nor  misericorde ;  wears 
what  is  probably  the  hauketon ;  tuilles  have 
but  one  buckle  each,  attaching  them  to  the 
third  tace. 

1467.    John  Bovile,  Esq.,  Stokerston,  Leicestershire. 

The  genouillieres  become  larger,  and  have  plates  behind 
them  protecting  the  back  of  the  knees  {e.g.^  14-^1,  Sir 
William  Vernon,  Tong,  Salop).  One  or  more  plates, 
those  below  pointed,  occur  above  and  below  them. 

Gussets  of  mail  sometimes  appear  protecting  the  right 
armpit,  where  a  moton  is  not  worn,  and  more  rarely  at  the 
knees  {e.g.,  1483,  Henry  Bourchier,  Earl  of  Essex,  Little. 


Easton,  Essex),  and  at  the  insteps  (e.g.,  1458,  Thomas 
bhernborne,  Esq.,  Shernbourne,  Norfolk). 

The  gauntlets  often  have  a  plate,  of  the  shape  of  a 
tortoise-shell,  on  the  back  of  the  hands,  hence  called 
shell-backed.,  and  the  fingers  protected  by  little  over- 
lapping plates  [e.g.,  1467,  Sir  William  Vernon,  Tong, 

The  globular  bascinet  seen  in  early  examples  gradually 
goes  out  of  use,  many  effigies  having  bare  heads  resting 
on  tilting-helms,  with  elaborate  crests  and  lambrequins, 
and  showing  the  buckle  which  fastened  down  the  rim  in 
front,  when  worn.  The  hair  is  represented  as  cut  short,  in 
a  roll-like  conventional  manner ;  later  it  becomes  long  and 
flowing.  When  head-pieces  are  worn  they  are  of  the 
form  known  as  the  Salade,  with  a  piece  protecting  the 
back  of  the  neck,  and  with  vizors  which,  when  lowered, 
met  a  plate  covering  the  chin  {mentoniere).  Three  brasses 
of  the  Yorkshire  School  well  illustrate  this,  viz. : — 

1459.  Sir  John  Langton,  St.  Peter,  Leeds;  feet  on 

1466.  Richard  Ask,  Esq.,  Aughton,  East  Yorks. ;  feet 
on  dog. 

1474.  William  Fitzwilliam,  Esq.,  Sprotborough,  Yorks. ; 
feet  on  lion. 

Heraldic  tabards  are  rarely  found,  and  appear  closer- 
fitting  than  later,  e.g. — 

1458.    William  Stapleton,  Esq.,  Edenhall,  Cumberland  ; 

wearing  salade ;  arms  on  tabard  : — Argent  three 
swords  conjoined  at  the  pommel  gules  Staple- 
ton  impaling  Or  six  annulets  3,  2,  i,  gules 
for  Veteripont  or  Vipont. 

1473.  Sir  John  Say,  Broxbourne,  Herts.;  bearing: — 
Party  per  pale  azure  and  gules,  three  chev- 
ronels  or,  each  charged  with  another  humett^, 
counterchanged  of  the  field. 

1477.    John  Feld,  Esq.,  Standon,  Herts. ;  Gules  a  fess  or 


between  three  eagles  displayed  argent  gutt6 
de  sang. 

The  Yorkist  Collar  of  Suns  and  Roses  is  sometimes 
found,  see  p.  191. 

The  lion  under  the  feet  gradually  becomes  less  common, 
the  dog  being  more  frequent  than  hitherto ;  but  a  repre- 
sentation of  the  ground,  heraldically  termed  a  mounts  is 
more  usual.  The  sword,  which  is  large,  often  with 
fretted  handle,  the  quillons  usually  curving  towards  the 
blade,  at  first  hangs  as  before,  but  later  it  is  suspended  by 
a  belt  diagonally  in  front  of  the  body.  The  misericorde 
hangs  on  the  right  side.  Sir  Thomas  Grene,  1462, 
Green's  Norton,  Northants,  has  a  large  anelace  hanging  in 
front  perpendicularly,  the  sword  being  at  the  left  side. 

Examples : — 

1435.    Richard  Delamere,  Esq.,  Hereford  Cathedral. 
1438.    Richard  Dixton,  Esq.,  Cirencester,  Gloucs. ;  feet 
on  dog.^ 

c.  1440.  Sir  William  Wadham,  Ilminster,  Somerset;  feet 
on  lion. 

c.  1440.  Thomas  de  Mohun,  Esq.,  Lanteglos-juxta- 
Fowey,  Cornwall ;  feet  on  lion ;  no  miseri- 

1 44 1.    Reginald  Barantyn,  Esq.,  Chalgrove,  Oxon. ; 

feet  on  greyhound. 
1445-    John  Throckmorton,  Esq.,  Fladbury,  Worcs. ; 

feet  on  lion. 

1 445-    John  Daundelyon, "  Gentilman,"  MargateyKent ; 

feet  on  mount. 
1 445-    Thomas  de  St.  Quintin,  Esq.,  Harpham,  Yorks. ; 

feet  on  mount ;  livery  collar. 

The  above,  except  for  the  additional  defences,  much 
resemble  in  style  the  brasses  of  the  Lancastrian  period. 

'  The  pommel  of  the  sword  has  a  shield  bearing  :— Or,  a  pile  azure,  over 
all  a  chevron  gules. 


The  sword  hangs  straight  on  the  left  side.  Gorget  and 
bascinet  are  retained. 

The  London  school  of  engravers  furnishes  some  ex- 
amples that  are  peculiar,  the  taces  being  composed  of 
several  small  pieces.    No  tuilles  ;  the  head  bare ;  e.g.^ 

c.  1442.    Thomas  Torrell,  Esq.,  Willingale  Doe,  Essex; 
feet  on  dog. 

1447.    John  Maltoun,  Esq.,  Little  Waltham,  Essex. 
c.  1450.    A  Knight,  Isleworth,  Middlesex  ;  feet  on  dog. 
145 1.    Thomas    Reynes,  Esq.,    Marston  Morteyne, 

Beds. ;  feet  on  collared  greyhound. 
1454.    Thomas  Stathum,  Esq.,  Morley,  Derbyshire; 
kneeling  on  helm. 
c.  1456.    Walter  Grene,  Esq.,  Hayes,  Middlesex  ;  feet  on 

Examples  showing  more  marked  characteristics  of  the 
period,  such  as  the  sword  in  front,  the  head  bare,  with 
the  hair  cut  close,  are  as  follows : — 

1455/6.  Ralph,  Lord  Cromwell,  K.G.,  Tattershall, 
Lines,  (head  and  left  shoulder  gone)  ;  mantle  ; 
feet  on  two  wodehouses. 

1458.  Thomas  Shernborne,  Esq.,  Shernbourne,  Nor- 
folk ;  head  on  helm  ;  feet  on  lion  ;  one  buckle 
each  for  the  tuilles. 

1458.  Sir  Robert  Staunton,  Castle  Donnington,  Leics. ; 

salade ;  sword  hanging  straight  on  left  side ; 
feet  on  collared  greyhound. 

1459.  William  Mareys,  Esq.,  Preston,  near  Faver- 

sham,  Kent.    (The  ground  beneath  the  feet 

curiously  worked.) 
c.  1460.    Sir  Robert  del  Bothe,  Wilmslow,  Cheshire  ;  feet 

on  dog ;  gussets  at  right  armpit  and  insteps ; 

neither  misericorde  nor  gauntlets.    Lady  on 

dexter  side  ;  her  right  hand  held  in  his,  his 

left  hand  on  his  breast. 
c.  1460.    A  Knight,  Adderbury,  Oxon. ;  head  on  helm ; 

feet  on  dog  ;  collar  of  — (J). 




1 46 1.  William  Brome,  Esq.,  Holton,  Oxon.  ;  (now 

mural) ;  salade  ;  feet  on  mount. 

1462.  William  Prelatte,  Esq.,  Cirencester,  Gloucs. ; 

salade  ;  feet  on  mount. 
c.  1465.    John  Anstey,  Esq.,  Quy,  Cambs. ;    feet  on 
mount ;  sons  kneeling  in  heraldic  tabards. 
1470.    Henry   Unton,    Esq.,    Sculthorpe,  Norfolk; 

kneeling  ;  no  gauntlets  ;  skirt  of  hauketon(.?) 

c.  1475.  ^  Knight  (of  the  Lacon  family.?),  Harley, 
Shropshire ;  head  on  helm  turned  with  vizor 
outwards,  and  showing  both  buckles  which 
fastened  it  when  worn  ;  sword  hangs  straight 
on  left  side  ;  feet  on  greyhound. 

1478.  Richard   Quartremayns.  Esq.,   and    .f" Richard 

Fowler,  Esq.,  Thame,  Oxon. ;  feet  on  mount. 
1484.    Thomas  Peyton,  Esq.,  Isleham,  Cambs.;  feet 
on  mount. 

The  following  show  some  signs  of  transition  to  the 
next  period.  Where  not  stated,  the  hair  is  long,  the  feet 
rest  on  the  ground,  and  a  very  short  skirt  of  mail  is  seen. 

1467.    Sir  William  Vernon,"^  Tong,  Shropshire;  head 

on  helm  ;  hair  short. 
c,  1470.    —  Aubrey,  Esq.,  Clehongre,  Herefordshire ; 

head  on  helm ;  feet  on  lion. 
1472.    Robert  Ingylton,  Esq.,  Thornton,  Bucks. ;  hair 


1479.  Thomas  Playters,  Esq.,  Sotterley,  Suffolk. 

1480.  Sir  Anthony  Grey,  St.  Alban's  Abbey,  Herts. ; 

Collar  of  suns  and  roses  ;  head  on  helm. 
c.  1480.    A  Knight,  Howden,  Yorkshire ;  hair  short. 
c.  1480.    A  Knight  of  the  Northwode  family,  Milton-next- 

Sittingbourne,  Kent ;  feet  on  greyhound. 

^In  Millin  de  Grandmaison's  Antiquites  Nationales,  Vol.  III.,  1791 
(No.  26,  PI.  4,  p.  18)  IS  an  engraving  of  a  similar  brass  commemorating 
this  knight  and  his  lady,  formerly  at  Vernon,  in  Normandy. 



1482.  Thomas  Wayte,  Esq.,  Stoke  Charity,  Hants.; 

the  sollerets  in  this  and  the  next  instance 
have  a  curiously  transitional  appearance. 

1483.  Thomas  Hampton,  Esq.,  Stoke  Charity,  Hants. ; 

feet  on  collared  greyhound. 

1483.  Henry  Bourchier,  Earl  of  Essex,  K.G.,  Little 

Easton,  Essex ;  Collar  of  suns  and  roses ; 
mantle  of  Garter,  feet  on  eagle. 
1485.    John  Seyntmaur,  Esq.,  Beckington,  Somerset ; 
feet  on  greyhound. 

Some  military  brasses  existing  in  Norfolk  and  Suffolk 
belong  in  date  to  this  and  the  succeeding  period,  but  show 
the  peculiarities  of  treatment  of  a  local  school  of  engravers, 
which,  in  all  probability,  had  its  headquarters  in  Norwich. 
With  divergence  in  detail,  much  similarity  of  style  is  to 
be  observed  in  the  following  examples ;  among  the  more 
striking  characteristics  being  the  chevron-like  lines  or 
ridges  engraved  on  the  jambs,  etc.,  the  peculiar  treatment 
of  pauldrons,  coutes  and  tuilles,  and  the  position  of  the 
sword,  hanging  perpendicularly  in  front  of  the  body. 

c.  1470.    Peter  Rede,  Esq.,  St.  Peter  Mancroft,  Norwich  ; 

died  1568  ;  wears  salade  ;  the  pointed  sollerets 
are  long  and  narrow. 
147 1.    Sir  John  Cursun,  Belaugh,  Norfolk;  feet  on 

1475.    Ralph  Blen'haysett,  Esq.,  Frenze,  Norfolk. 
c.  1480.    Christopher  Playters,  Esq.,  Sotterley,  Suffolk; 
feet  on  dog ;  sword  hangs  on  left  side. 

1484.  Thomas  Gybon,  Gent.,  Whissonsett,  Norfolk; 


1488.  Edmund  Clere,  Esq.,  Stokesby,  Norfolk ;  feet 
on  dog ;  large  salade  ;  the  plates  on  the  feet 
show  mail  beneath.  He  wears  a  kind  of  collar 
of  roses. 

c.  1 500.    A  Knight,  Assington,  Suffolk  ;  wears  sabbatons. 
1 5 10.    John  Blen'hayset,  Esq.,  Frenze,  Norfolk. 

ftir  {m  iiilj  Uinir  lip  to  otms'amaBliitis  Oat  'Mws  amlinis  bmUt 
nnteliDuamlnlmimBOlmrjis  lujnjugliamniiis  amiPaasjiBBf  (t'jmi 


c.  1476, 

Stoke  Poges,  Bucks.    With  Tilting  Shields. 



The  Early  Tudor  Period  of  armour,  sometimes 
called  from  its  chief  characteristic  the  Mail  Skirt 
Period,  may  be  said  to  have  lasted  from  the  accession  of 
Henry  VII.,  in  1485,  to  that  of  Elizabeth  in  1558.  Of 
this  style  many  examples  remain ;  but  unfortunately  the 
quality  of  the  engraving  shows  a  rapid  deterioration.  The 
armour  differs  from  that  lately  described  in  the  following 

There  is  not  the  exaggerated  appearance  of  the  Yorkist 
period.  The  coutes  are  of  moderate  size,  and  are  not 
encumbered  by  gardes  de  bras.  The  demi-placcates,  where 
found,  are  simple  in  form.  The  pauldrons  have  the  per- 
pendicularly-projecting plates,  pike-guards  J  usually  called 
pass-guards^^  attached  to  them  to  ward  off  blows ;  that  on 
the  left  shoulder  being,  as  a  rule,  larger  than  that  on  the 
sword  arm.  The  cuirass,  to  which  a  lance-rest^  is  some- 
times attached  on  the  right  side  (e.g.,  I500j  John  Tame, 
Esq.,  Fairford,  Gloucs.),  usually  has  the  tapul  or  ridge 
dowii  the  centre,  and  becomes  more  globular  in  shape. 
The  neck  is  protected  either  by  a  steel  gorget,  or  more 
frequently  by  the  standard  of  mail.  The  skirt  of  taces 
varies  much  in  shape  and  composition.  In  a  few  cases  it 
is  made  of  many  small  plates,  possibly  intended  for  the 
skirt  of  lamboys,  or  bases,  consisting  of  laminated  hoops, 
fastened  together  by  "  almayne,"  or  sliding  rivets,  as  worn 
in  the  sixteenth  century  {e.g.^  James  Peckham,  Esq., 
c.  1530,  Wrotham,  Kent,  and  Sir  William  Scot,  1527, 
Brabourne,  Kent,  the  latter  having  curious  defences  at  the 
elbows,  resembling  roundels).  In  some  late  examples 
{^•S->  i559j  John  Dauntesay,  Esq.,  West  Lavington, 
Wilts.)  the  taces  have  an  arched  opening  in  the  centre,  a 

^  The  term  passguard  is  probably  misapplied  to  the  upright  shoulder 
pieces.  See  Lord  Dillon's  paper,  "The  Passguard,  Garde  de  Cou, 
Brech-Rand,  Stoss-Kragen  or  Randt,  and  the  Volant  Piece,"  pp.  129  and 
433,  Archceological  Journal,  Vol.  XLVI.,  1889. 

2  The  tilting-shield,  rare  on  brasses,  had  a  cavity,  {a  bouche)  cut  in  the 
dexter  chief  corner,  acting  as  a  lance-rest.  Two  shields  of  this  shape 
may  be  seen  at  Rainham,  Essex,  c.  1475. 



mark  of  transition  to  the  Tasset  period.  The  tuilles  vary 
much  in  number,  size,  and  shape.  Two  large  ones  are 
worn  by  Sir  Humphrey  Stanley,  1505,  Westminster 
Abbey.  Three  (one  in  the  centre)  are  seen  at  Nether 
Heyford,  Northants.  (Sir  Walter  Mauntell,  1487),  and  in 
the  British  Museum  ("  A  man  in  armour,"  c.  1 5 10).  Four 
appear  on  some  examples,  two  being  worn  at  the  sides 
{e.g.,  1488,  Henry  Covert,  Esq.,  North  Mimms.,  Herts.). 
Those  worn  at  the  back,  called  culettes,  do  not  often 
appear  {e.g.,  1505,  Morys  Denys,  Esq.,  Olveston,  Gloucs., 
in  tabard,  kneeling). 

The  Skirt  or  Petticoat  of  Mail  is  worn  beneath  the 
tuilles,'  and  usually  exceeds  them  in  length,  though  some- 
times the  reverse  is  the  case  {e.g.,  1529,  Sir  Robert  Clere, 
Great  Ormesby,  Norfolk).  Its  lower  edge  is  found 
straight  {e.g.,  15 10,  John  Leenthorp,  Esq.,  Great  St. 
Helen's,  Bishopsgate,  London),  or  vandyked  {e.g.,  1559, 
John  Dauntesay,  Esq.,  West  Lavington,  Wilts.),  and  it 
is  often  slit  up  the  centre  {e.g.,  15 13,  John  Toke,  Esq., 
Great  Chart,  Kent).  The  armour  for  the  legs  (cuisses, 
genouillieres  (sometimes  ornamented  with  rosettes)  and 
jambs)  presents  but  little  change.  Gussets  of  mail  appear 
at  the  right  armpit  and  at  the  insteps  Pointed  sollerets 
are  replaced  by  broad-toed  Sabbatons  of  inelegant  shape,^ 
and  frequently  of  clumsy  proportions,  to  which  the  spurs 
were  often  screwed  {e.g.,  1500,  John  Tame,  Esq.,  Fairford, 
Gloucs,).  The  sword  and  misericorde,  each  usually  of 
large  size,  hang  straight  at  the  sides,  or  pass  diagonally 
behind  the  body.  The  belt  for  the  former  is  often 
omitted  {e.g.^  152.8,  Henry  Stanley,  Esq.,  Hillingdon, 
Middlesex).    The  scabbard,  worn  in  front,  by  Sir  William 

^  The  representation  of  the  tuilles  worn  beneath  the  mailskirt,  as, 
c.  1500,  a  Knight,  Chedzoy,  Somerset;  c.  1500,  a  Knight  of  the 
Compton(?)  family,  kneeling,  in  the  possession  of  the  Surrey  Archaeo- 
logical Society ;  or,  1 5 1 7,  Anthony  Hansart,  Esq.,  March,  Cambs., 
kneeling,  may  be  due  to  the  engraver's  error. 

-  Called  "  bear-paw,"  or  "  cow-mouth,"  "  bee  de  cane." 

THOMAS  GOLDE,  Esq.,  1525, 
Crewkerne,  Somerset. 




Peeche,  1487,  Lullingstone,  Kent,  is  handsomely  decorated. 
The  hair  is  worn  long,  and  the  face  is  clean-shaven,  except 
in  a  few  cases,  where  beard  and  moustache  are  worn  {e.g., 
1545,  Sir  Robert  Demoke,  Scrivelsby,  Lines.).  The 
head  and  hands  are  usually  bare;  but  a  small  helmet 
appears,  worn  at  Swallowfield,  Berks.,  1554,  Christopher 
Lyttcot,  Esq.,  and  at  Broxbourne,  Herts.,  1531,  John 
Borrell  (Sergeant-at-Arms,  with  mace).  This  helmet  was 
sometimes  provided  with  flaps  to  defend  the  ears,  called 
oreillettes.  An  example  occurs  on  the  brass  of  Philip 
Mede,  Esq.,  c.  1475,  St.  Mary  RedclifF,  Bristol. 
Gauntlets  are  well  shown  at  Hunstanton,  Norfolk,  1506, 
(Sir  Roger  I'Estrange),  whose  hands  are  uplifted  so  as  to 
show  the  palms.  The  head  rests  in  many  cases  on  the 
tilting  helm,  surmounted  by  crest  and  mantling.  On  two 
Bedfordshire  brasses  (1527,  William  Cokyn,  Esq., 
Hatley  Cockayne,  and  1528,  John  Fysher,  Esq.,  Clifton) 
the  helm  bears  a  triple  plume.  The  feet,  as  a  rule,  rest 
on  a  mount,  but  lions  and  dogs  are  also  found.  Many 
effigies,  especially  those  in  tabards,  are  represented  kneel- 
ing on  cushions  at  prayer  desks.  Chains,  usually  sup- 
porting a  Tau  cross,  are  worn  by  some  figures  round  the 
neck  (^.^.,  1508,  John  Mohun,  Esq.,  Lanteglos-j uxta- 
Fowey,  Cornwall ;  1528,  Henry  Stanley,  Esq.,  Hillingdon, 
Middlesex).  Ruff's  and  frills  appear  in  some  late  examples 
at  the  neck  and  wrists  {e.g.^  i559j  Sir  Edward  Greville, 
Weston-upon-Avon,  Gloucs.,  in  tabard).  The  space 
between  the  legs  of  the  effigy  is  often  not  cut  away  {e.g.^ 
1500,  Richard  Conquest,  Esq.,  Houghton  Conquest, 
Beds.),  A  large  proportion  of  the  knights  and  esquires 
represented  during  this  period  held  office  in  the  Royal 
Household.    Examples : — 

1485.    Thomas  Halle,  Esq.,  Thannington,  Kent;  feet 
on  dog. 

1496.    John  Hampden,  Esq.,  Great  Hampden,  Bucks. 
1496.    John  Payn,  Esq.,  Hutton,  Somerset;  feet  on 



1497.    John  Trenowyth,  Esq.,  St.  Michael  Penkivel, 

Cornwall ;  feet  on  greyhound  ;  head  on  helm. 
c.  1500.    Sir  Hugh  Johnys,  Swansea,  Glamorganshire. 
1503.    Robert  Borrow,  Esq.,  Stanford  Rivers,  Essex. 
1 507 .    William,  Vi&count  Beaumont,  Wivenhoe,  Essex  ; 

head  on  helm  ;  feet  on  elephant. 
1509.    John  le  Strange,  Lord  Strange  of  Knokyn, 

d.  1477,  Hillingdon,  Middlesex. 
151 1,    Richard  Gyll,  Esq.,  Shottesbrooke,  Berks. 
1 52 1.    Richard,  Lord  Grey  de  Wilton,  Eton  College 

Chapel,  Bucks.  ;  Page  of  Honour  to  Henry 


1523.  Thomas  Boynton,  Esq.,  Roxby  Chapel,  York- 

1527.    Sir   Peter  Legh,  Winwick,  Lanes.;  wearing 

chasuble  over  his  armour.^ 
1529.    Sir  Thomas  Brooke,   Cobham,   Kent;  cross 

hanging  by  chain  round  neck. 
c.  1530.    Henry  Bures,  Esq.,  Acton,  Suffolk;  head  on 

helm  ;  wearing  gauntlets,  and  tuilles  (two  in 

number)  at  the  sides  of  the  thighs. 
1 53 1.    John  Horsey,  Esq.,  Yetminster,  Dorset ;  cuirass 

decorated  with  scroll  work. 
1538.    Sir  Thomas  Bullen,  K.G.,  Earl  of  Wiltshire, 

Hever,    Kent ;    head   on    helm ;    feet  on 


1546.  William  Thinne,  Esq.,  All  Hallows'  Barking, 
London  ;  Master  of  the  Household  to  Henry 
VIII.,  editor  of  Chaucer  in  1532. 

155 1.  Peter  Coryton,  Esq.,  St.  MelHon,  Cornwall; 
head  on  helm. 

1553.  Nicholas  Saunder,  Esq.,  Charlwood,  Surrey; 

'  At  Merton,  Norfolk,  there  is  a  shield  with  inscription  to  Thomas  de 
Grey,  Esq.,  1556,  and  his  wife,  Elizabeth,  died  c.  15 14,  daughter  of  Sir 
Richard  Fitzlewes,  "  who,  after  her  decease  made  himself  preast,  and 
so  lyved  xli  yeres." 

WIFE  DOROTHY,  1529, 
CoBHAM,  Kent. 



1553.    Sir  John  Hampden,  Great  Hampden,  Bucks.; 

ruff;  chain  round  neck. 
1558.    Thomas  Harlaky  nden,  Esq. ,  Woodchurch,  Kent ; 

kneeling.  o      i    •  1 

1567.    (eng.  c.  1520)  John  White,  Esq.,  Southwick, 


1577.    Hugh  Starky,  Esq.,  Over,  Cheshire;  head  on 
helm  ;  in  armour  of  this  period. 

The  Tabard  of  Arms  frequently  occurs  in  the  first  half 
of  the  sixteenth  century.    When  represented  on  the  same 
monument  as  her  husband,  the  wife  usually  wears  an 
heraldic  mantle.    Examples  : — 
1485.    Piers  Gerard,  Esq.,  Winwick,  Lanes.;  feet  on 
lion.    The  mail-skirt  and  tuilles  are  hidden. 
1499.    Thomas    Heveningham,  Esq.,  Ketteringham, 
Norfolk;  kneeling;  coloured. 
c.  1500.    A  Knight  of  the  Scarisbrick  family,  Ormskirk, 
Lanes. ;  head  on  cushion  ;  feet  on  lion  ;  chains 
round  the  neck.    The  tabard  shows  the  taces 
at  the  side. 

1501.    Robert  Baynard,  Esq.,  Lacock,  Wilts. 

1506.    Sir  Roger  le  Strange,  Hunstanton,  Norfolk; 

head  on  cushion,  above  which  is  a  helm  with 
huge  mantling ;  the  coutes  and  genouillieres 
have  curious  knobs ;  the  hands  are  upheld, 
showing  the  inner  side  of  the  gauntlets  ;  the 
whole  rests  on  a  low  bracket  enclosed  within 
a  fine  triple  canopy,  the  side  shafts  of  which 
contain  eight  ancestors  in  tabards. 

1 51 6.  Thomas  Knyghtley,  Esq,,  Fawsley,  Northants  ; 
head  on  helm. 

1526.    John  Shelley,  Esq.,  Clapham,  Sussex. 

1534.  Sir  Edmond  Tame,  Fairford,  Gloucs. ;  head  on 
helm  ;  wearing  chain  with  Tau  cross. 

1539.  Sir  John  Clerk,  Kt.,  Thame,  Oxon. ;  kneeling 
on  cushion. 

c.  1 540.    Sir  William  Gascoigne,  Cardington,  Beds. ;  head 


on  helm  ;  feet  on  greyhound.  Comptroller 

of  the  household  to  Cardinal  Wolsey. 
1546/7.    Sir  Ralph  Verney,  Aldbury,  Herts. ;  head  on 

helm  ;  ruffs  at  wrists. 
1 546.    Sir  John  Greville,  Weston-upon-Avon,  Gloucs. ; 

head  on  helm  ;  frill  at  neck ;  bearded  ;  arched 

opening  in  front  of  the  taces. 
1548.    Sir  Humphrey  Style,  Beckenham,  Kent;  kneel- 
.  ing. 

1556.  Sir  John  Russell,  Strensham,  Worcs. ;  kneeling  ; 
wearing  chain  and  mail  skirt  vandyked. 

1559.  Sir  Edward  Greville,  Weston-upon-Avon, 
Gloucs. ;  vandyked  mail  skirt ;  bearing  much 
resemblance  to  the  effigy  of  his  father,  1546. 

Several  brasses  exist  showing  a  transitional  stage,  in  the 
retention  of  the  mail  skirt,  often  vandyked,  worn  beneath 
tassels;  the  rest  of  the  armour  corresponding  to  that 
described  in  th^  next  period.    Examples  : — 

1545.  Sir  John  Arundell,  Kt.,  St.  Columb  Major,  Corn- 
wall ;  head  on  helm. 

1548.  Sir  William  Molyneux,  Sefton,  Lanes.;  wearing 
an  antiquated  coif  de  mailles  (see  p.  146),  over 
which  is  a  livery  collar.  The  cuirass  is  en- 
graved with  a  cross  moline. 

1552.  Robert  Cheyne,  Esq.,  Chesham  Bois,  Bucks.; 
wearing  helmet.^ 

^559-  John,  Lord  Williams,  Thame,  Oxon. ;  head  on 
helm ;  feet  on  collared  greyhound ;  long 
mantle,  fur  lined,  fastened  on  left  shoulder. 

1 56 1.  Sir  John  Arundell  of  Trerice,  Kt.,  Stratton,  Corn- 
wall ;  wearing  helmet  and  plate  gorget. 

1565.    John  Toke,  Esq.,  Great  Chart,  Kent. 

1565.    Sir  Edward  Warner,  Little  Plumstead,  Norfolk; 

head  on  helm  ;  feet  on  collared  greyhound. 

'  Another  instance  of  the  helmet  worn  is  at  Burgh  Wallis,  Yorkshire, 
I554(?),  Thomas  Gascoigne,  Esq. 


1568.    Sir  Richard  Molyneux,  Sefton,  Lanes. 

1 57 1 .  Richard,  Ralph  and  Edward  Blondevile,  Esquires, 

Newton  Flotman,  Norfolk  ;  kneeling. 

1572.  Ralph  Jenyns,  Esq.,  Churchill,  Somerset. 

1 572.  Anthony  Daston,  Esq.,  Broadway,  Worcs. 

1 573.  Sir  William  Harper,  St.  Paul's,  Bedford  ;  head  on 

helm  ;  wearing  civic  mantle. 
1576.    Richard  Tomynw,  Esq.,  Boxley,  Kent;  head  on 

The  Tasset  Period  of  armour  is  the  latest,  including 
the  reign  of  Elizabeth  and  those  of  the  Stuarts,  ^  till 
armour  fell  into  disuse.  Its  characteristic  is  the  substitu- 
tion of  tassets  for  the  skirt  of  taces  and  tuilles,  the  mail 
skirt  disappearing  except  in  some  transitional  instances 
just  mentioned.  The  tassets,  overlapping  plates,  taking 
the  place  of  the  taces,  were  fastened  to  the  lower  edge  of 
the  breast-plate,  which  became  long-waisted  and  protuber- 
ant in  the  lower  part  {peascod).  The  tasset-ends  were 
either  rounded,  obtusely  pointed,  or  rectangular ;  but 
sometimes,  usually  in  later  examples  (e.g.,  1590,  Thomas 
Nevynson,  Esq.,  Eastry,  Kent),  joined  to  the  genouillieres 
[tassets  a  I'ecrevisse),  which  are  frequently  engraved  with 
rosettes  {e.g.,  1583,  Hercules  Raynsford,  Esq.,  Clifford 
Chambers,  Gloucs.).  The  pauldrons,  often  scroll-shaped, 
sometimes  nearly  meet  in  front,  and  frequently  have 
escalloped  edges,  as  have  the  tassets,  caused  by  their  lining. 
The  latter  are  worn  above  trunk  hose,  puffed  and  often 
slashed,  over  which  they  are  bound  by  straps.  The 
sabbatons  are  smaller,  the  toes  being  rounded.  Ruffs  and 
frills  are  worn  at  neck  and  wrists.  The  sword  assumes 
the  modern  guard,  and  sometimes  has  a  tassel ;  the 
dagger  is  suspended  by  a  small  sash.  The  hair  is  cut 
short;  but  moustache  and  beard  are  worn.  The  head 
sometimes  still  rests  on  the  helm  (e.g.,  1575,  John  Coso- 
warthe,  Colan,  Cornwall;  1584,  John  "Wingfield,  Esq., 
Easton,  Suffolk).     Headpieces  are  seldom  worn.  A 


plumed  instance  occurs  at  Cardington,  Beds.  (Sir  Jarrate 
Harvye,  1638).^    Tabards  are  seldom  found,  e.g. : — 

1 5 6 1 .  Henry  Hobart,  Esq.,  Loddon,  Norfolk  ;  in  splint- 

like armour,  and  wearing  gauntlets. 

1562.  Sir  John  Russell,  Strensham,  Worcs. 

1562.    Sir    Gyles    Strangwayes,    Melbury  Sampford, 

Dorset ;  head  on  helm. 
1565.    Sir  John  Tregonwell,  D.C.L.,  Milton  Abbas, 


The  feet  are  usually  on  a  chequered  pavement  or 
rounded  pedestal.  The  brass  is  often  not  cut  away 
between  the  legs  and  sword. 

The  following  are  some  examples  : — 

1 55 1.  Edward  Leventhorp,  Esq.,  Sawbridgeworth, 

1567.    John  Killigrew,  Esq.,  Budock,  Cornwall. 

1576.  Thomas  Higate,  Esq.,  Hayes,  Middlesex. 

1577.  Francis  Clopton,  Esq.,  Long  Melford,  Suffolk; 

head  on  helm. 

1578.  Sir  Edward  Baynton,  Kt.,  Bromham,  Wilts.; 

kneeling ;  his  helmet,  with  vizor  up,  lying 
beside  him. 

1587.  Thomas  Hawkins,  Esq.,  Boughton-under-Blean, 
Kent ;  tassets  joined  to  genouillieres. 

1 59 1.  Thomas  Stoughton,  Gent.,  St.  Martin's,  Canter- 

1 593.    Humphrey  Brewster,  Esq.,  Wrentham,  Suffolk. 
1 594-    John  Clippesby,  Esq.,  Clippesby,  Norfolk. 
1597.''  John  Browne,  Gent,  St.  John  de  Sepulchre, 

1602.    Christopher  Septvans,  a/ias  Harflete,  Esq.,  Ash- 
next-Sandwich,  Kent. 
c.  1608.    Thomas  Windham,  Esq.  (^/.  1599),  Felbrigg, 

^  An  earlier  example  is  at  Norton  Disney,  Lines.,  William  Disney, 
Esq.,  c.  1 556. 

alias  HARFLETE,  ESQ.,  1602, 
Ash-nkxt-Sandwich,  Kent. 


1 61 8.  Nicholas  Wadham,  Esq.  {d.  1609),  Ilminster, 
Somerset.  Founder  of  Wadham  College, 

c.  1620.    Nicholas Poulett,  Esq.,  Minety,  Wilts. ;  kneeling 

on  cushion  ;  rectangular  plate. 
c.  1 620.   John  Mallevorer,  Esq.,  Laughton  en  le  Morthen, 

West  Yorks. 

1625.    Sir  Arthur  Gorges,  Kt.,  St.  Luke's,  Chelsea; 

kneeling;  his  eldest  son  similar;  on  a  rect- 
angular plate. 

1638.    William  Cleaybroke,  Esq.,  Margate,  Kent. 

1680.  Nicholas  Toke,  Esq.,  Great  Chart,  Kent ;  kneel- 
ing ;  has  long  hair. 

Under  the  Stuarts  large  jack-boots  with  spurs  and  spur- 
leathers  take  the  place  of  jambs  and  genouillieres ;  the 
hair,  is  worn  long,  and  collars  and  cuffs  supersede  ruffs 
and  frills.  A  minimum  of  armour  may  be  seen  worn  by 
George  Hodges,  c.  1630,  Wedmore,  Somerset  (engraved 
in  Haines,  p.  ccxxxviii.).  A  buff  coat  with  sash  has 
taken  the  place  of  the  body  armour,  a  small  steel  gorget 
alone  surviving ;  breeches  and  jack  boots  complete  his 
suit.  A  sword  hangs  by  a  belt  passing  over  the  right 
shoulder ;  a  small  pike  is  held  in  the  right  hand. 

Examples : — 

1^33-  John  Arundell,  Esq.,  St.  Columb  Major,  Corn- 

c.  1634.    John  Boscawen,  Esq.  {d.  1564),  St.  Michael 
Penkevil,  Cornwall ;  kneeling  on  cushion  ;  the 
tassets  do  not  reach  to  the  knees. 
1638.    Sir  Edward  Filmer,  Kt.  {d.  1629),  East  Sutton, 
Kent ;  in  finely  engraved  armour.'  His  eldest 

I  This  brass  is  the  work  of  Ed.  Marshall  {^see  above,  Introduction, 
p._  14).  In  The  History  and  Antiquities  of  Tottenham  High  Cms,  by- 
Richard  Randall  Dyson,  London,  1792,  pp.  43-44,  is  a  description  of  a 
marble  monument  in  that  church  to  Mary,  wife  of  Sir  Robert  Barkham, 
1 644,  signed  "  Ed.  Marfhall.  Sculptor^  This  fact  will  be  found  men- 
tioned in  The  History  and  Antiquities  of  the  Parish  of  Tottenham,  by  William 



son,  Sir  Robert  Filmer,  stands  below  in 
similar  armour,  but  wears  in  addition  a  short 
cloak  with  the  arms  hanging  loose.  He 
wears  a  collar,  while  Sir  Edward  has  a  fine 

1650.    Ralph   Assheton,    Esq.,    Middleton,  Lanes.; 

locally  engraved. 
1655.    Adam    Beaumont,    Esq.,    Kirkheaton,  West 

Yorks.  ;  wearing  sword  on  the  right  side. 

Knights  of  the  Garter. 

Brasses  of  Knights  of  the  Most  Noble  Order  of  the 
Garter,'  founded  by  Edward  III.,  1349,  are  rare.  The 
following  occur.  The  Garter  is  worn  just  below  the 
knee  on  the  left  leg. 

1409.  Sir  Peter  Courtenay,  Exeter  Cathedral ;  in  armour 
of  the  Camail  period. 

141 6.  Sir  Simon  Felbrigge,  Felbrigg,  Norfolk;  in  com- 
plete plate  armour. 

1424.  Thomas,  Lord  Camoys,  Trotton,  Sussex;  in  plate 
armour,  wearing  collar  of  SS.  {d.  14 19). 
Ralph,  Baron  Cromwell,  Tattershall,  Lines.; 
Lord  High  Treasurer  of  England  to  Henry 
VI. ;  much  injured ;  wearing  the  Mantle. 
The  badge  is  not  visible  owing  to  the  loss  of 
the  shoulder. 

1483.  Henry  Bourchier,  Earl  of  Essex,  Little  Easton, 
Essex ;  in  armour,  with  Collar  of  suns  and 
roses ;  wearing  the  Mantle,  with  badge  on  the 
left  shoulder. 

Robinson,  LL.D.,  F.S.A.,  181 8,  p.  86  (2nd  ed.,  1840,  Vol.  II.,  p.  41)' 
much  of  which  work  seems  to  have  been  derived  from  that  of  Dyson* 
though  we  fail  to  find  any  mention  of  the  latter's  name. 

'  A  good  article  on  this  subject  is  "  Garter  Brasses,"  by  John  Alt 
Porter  (in  T/ie  Jntiquary,  Vol.  XIV.,  November,  1886,  p.  197),  who 
writes  in  WalforcTs  Jntiquary,  Vol.  X.,  July  to  December,  1886, 
pp.  167;  253,  on  "Garter  Knights  Degraded." 


1538.  Sir  Thomas  Bullen,  "Erie  of  Wilschcr  and  erle 
of  Ormunde,"  Hever,  Kent;  wearing  a 
jewelled  coronet  or  cap,  and  over  his  armour 
the  full  insignia :  Surcoat,  Mantle  with  badge 
on  left  shoulder,  the  Humerale,  or  Hood  over 
the  right  shoulder.  Collar  of  Garters,  each 
enclosing  a  rose,  and  the  Garter. 

At  Holy  Trinity  Church,  Chester,  is  an  inscription  to 
Henry  Gee,  died  1545,  which  is  palimpsest,  the  reverse 
showing  part  of  a  brass  of  a  Knight  of  the  Garter,  c.  1520, 
from  which  it  is  evident  that  the  knight  wore  over  his 
armour  the  Mantle  of  the  Order,  and  the  Garter  on  his 
left  leg. 

A  fine  matrix  remains  at  Pleshey,  Essex,  1480,  showing 
the  outlines  of  the  brass  of  Humfrey  Stafford,  ist  Duke 
of  Buckingham,  K.G.,  with  Anne  his  wife,  beneath  a  fine 
canopy.  His  head  rests  on  his  helm,  and  he  wears  the 
Mantle  of  the  Garter,  similarly  to  Henry  Bourchier, 
Earl  of  Essex,  1483,  at  Little  Easton,  in  the  same  county. 

The  lost  brasses  of  Thomas,  2nd  Duke  of  Norfolk, 
K.G.,  1524,  and  Agnes  his  wife,  are  illustrated  in  Norfolk 
Archeology,  Vol.  VIII.  (1879).  The  Duke  wears  the 
Mantle  of  the  Order;  the  Duchess  an  heraldic  mantle. 
Originally  at  Thetford  Priory,  Norfolk,  these  brasses 
were  removed  at  the  dissolution  to  St.  Mary's  Church, 
Lambeth.  At  Painswick,  Gloucs.,  is  the  matrix  of  Sir 
WiUiam  Kyngston,  K.G.,  and  Lady,  1540.  He  was 
depicted  kneeling,  in  the  Mantle  of  the  Garter.  His  coat 
of  arms  was  given  enclosed  in  a  Garter.' 

^  See  pp.  2 1 6-2 1 7  The  Monumental  Brasses  of  Gloucestershire,  by  Cecil  T. 
Davis;  London,  1899.  A  few  instances  occurring  on  brasses  of  the 
coat-of-arms  surrounded  by  the  Garter,  are  as  follows  : — 

141 6  On  the  brass  of  Robert  Hallum,  Bishop  of  Salisbury,  in  Con- 
stance Cathedral ;  France  and  England  quarterly. 

1424  On  the  Camoys  brass,  at  Trotton,  Sussex,  two  shields  bearing  :  

Argent  on  a  chief  gules  three  plates  (Camoys). 
c  1535  Lady  Katherine  Howard,  d.  1452,  Stoke-by-Nayland,  Suffolk 
(illustrated  by  Cotman) ;  the  Howard  arms  within  a  Garter, 
the  motto  being  in  Roman  capitals  (lost). 


The  late  Duke  of  Devonshire  in  1867  laid  down  brasses 
in  Skipton  in  Craven  Church,  Yorkshire,  to  replace  those 
stolen  in  the  seventeenth  century,  representing  Henry 
Clifford,  1st  Earl  of  Cumberland,  K.G.,  and  Margaret, 
daughter  of  Henry  Percy,  Earl  of  Northumberland,  his 
Countess,  1542.  The  Earl  is  shown  in  armour  of  the 
mail-skirt  period,  and  wearing  the  Garter ;  the  Countess 
in  a  pedimental  headdress  surmounted  by  a  coronet,  and 
wearing  an  heraldic  mantle.  Four  shields  are  each  sur- 
rounded by  the  Garter. 

Livery  Collars  on  Military  Brasses. 

Of  the  much-disputed  meaning  of  the  letters  SS.  worn 
collar-wise,  we  do  not  propose  to  treat.^  That  the  collar 
of  SS.  was  as  much  an  insigne  of  the  House  of  Lancaster, 
as  that  of  suns  and  white  roses  was  of  the  House  of 
York,  there  seems  no  doubt.    Of  their  use  the  late 

1555  Lady  Jane  Guildford,  Duchess  of  Northumberland,  sole  heiress 
to  Sir  Edward  Guyldeford,  K.G.,  St.  Luke's,  Chelsea  ;  kneeling 
in  heraldic  mantle.    Her  arms  enclosed  in  a  Garter  above. 
1557  Mural;  above  sculptured  effigies  of  Sir  John  Gage,  K.G., 
"  preclari    ordinis   Garterii,"    Constable  of  the  Tower  of 
London,  and  wife  Phillipa,  West  Firle,  Sussex. 
c  1580-82  On  brass  to  two  sons  of  Arthur,  Lord  Grey  of  Wilton,  in 
Christchurch  Cathedral,  Dublin.    They  died  at  the  Castle. 
At  Woodrising,  Norfolk,  is  an  achievement  for  Sir  Francis  Crane, 
Chancellor  of  the  Most  Noble  Order  of  the  Garter,  1636;  below  the 
shield  is  a  badge,  consisting  of  a  rose,  encircled  by  the  Garter  motto.  See 
illustration,  p.  325,  Vol.  L,  Farrer's  Church  Heraldry  of  'Norfolk,  1885. 
In  this  connection  we  may  mention  the  Stall  Plates  of  the  Knights  of 
the  Garter  in  St.  George's  Chapel,  Windsor,  of  which  over  five  hundred 
survive,  made  of  copper,  many  of  them  finely  enamelled  and  gilt,  and  a 
few  palimpsest.    See  the  illustrations  of  fifteenth  century  plates  in  The 
Stall  Plates  of  the  Knights  of  the  Order  of  the  Garter,  1348-1485,-  A  Series 
of 'Ninety  Full-sized  Coloured  Facsimiles,  with  descriptive  Notes  and  Historical 
Introductions,  by  W.  H.  St.  John  Hope,  M.A.    Westminster  :  Constable, 

^  See  "  On  Collars  of  the  Royal  Livery,"  by  J.  G.  Nichols,  Gentleman's 
Magazine,  New  Series,  Vol.  XVIL,  January  to  June,  1842,  pp.  157,  250, 
378,  477;  Vol.  XVIIL,  July  to  December,  1842,  pp.  353,  595  ;  Vol. 
XIX.,  January  to  June,  1843,  p.  258.    And  the  same  author's  "Notes 


Mr.  John  H.  Mayo  wrote  as  follows' : — "  Of  the  various 
"  collars  which  were  in  use  in  this  country  prior  to  the 
"  institution  of  the  Collar  of  the  Order  of  the  Garter  by 
"  Henry  VII.,  the  best-known  is  the  Collar  of  SS.,  repre- 
"  sentations  of  which  are  seen  in  many  monumental 
"  effigies  and  brasses,  usually  those  of  knights.  It  is  also 
"  met  with  on  effigies  of  ladies,  and  in  such  cases  the 
"  lady  is  nearly  always  beside  her  husband.  In  its  earlier 
"  form  it  consisted  of  a  band  or  strip  of  leather  or  other 
"material  to  which  the  SS.  were  affixed;  at  a  later  time 
"  the  SS.  were  linked  together,  and  the  band  disappeared. 
"  This  collar  was  the  livery  of  the  Lancastrian  kings.  It 
"  seems  to  have  first  made  its  appearance  in  this  country 
in  the  latter  half  of  the  fourteenth  century.    With  the 

in  Illustration  of  the  Wills  of  Joan,  Lady  Cobham,  and  Eleanor,  Lady 
Arundell,  Surrey  Archceolo^cal  Collections,  Vol.  IIL,  1865,  p.  354.. 

"  Hackington,  or  St.  Stephen's,  Canterbury,  Collar  of  SS.,"  by  Edward 
Foss,  F.S.A.,  Arch<£ologia  Cantiana,  Vol.  L,  1858,  pp.  73-93. 

"  Notes  on  Collars  of  SS.,"  by  Albert  Hartshorne,  F.S.A.,  Archceolo^cal 
Journal,  1882,  Vol.  XXXIX.,  p.  376. 

"  On  the  SS.  Collar,  and  others,"  by  H.  K.  St.-J.  Sanderson,  M.A., 
Transactions  of  the  Cambridge  University  Association  of  Brass  Collectors, 
Vol.  I.,  No.  vii.,  February,  1890,  p.  6. 

"  Seneschallus "  seems  the  most  probable  meaning.  Other  interpreta- 
tions are  "  Souverayne,"  "  Sanctus,"  "  Souvenez,"  "  Societas,"  "  Silentium," 
"  Signum,"  "  Soissons  "  (Martyrs  of :  St.  Crespin  and  St.  Crespinian), 
"  St.  Simpliciui,"  "  Countess  of  Salisbury,"  etc.  Whatever  its  origin  its 
decorative  effect  may  have  had  something  to  do  with  the  retention  of 
this  collar. 

If  the  explanation  that  the  letter  stands  for  "  Souverayne,"  Henry  IV.'s 
motto,  be  correct,  it  is  of  interest  to  note  that  the  word  "  Souverayne  " 
is^  repeated  on  the  wooden  canopy  above  the  effigies  of  Henry  IV.  and 
his  Queen,  Joan  of  Navarre,  in  Canterbury  Cathedral,  on  which  canopy 
may  be  seen  a  device  attributed  to  the  Queen,  and  supposed  by  Gough 
to  represent  a  sable,  by  Sandford  an  ermine,  collared,  under  a  crown  {see 
Cough's  Sepulchral  Monuments,  Vol.  II.,  Part  ii.,  p.  32).  Haines  mentions 
a  brass  of  "a  Man  in  armour,  c.  1390,"  formerly  at  Mildenhall,  Suffolk, 
and  engraved  by  Hollis  (Part  3,  No.  8,  December  ist,  1840),  whose 
livery  collar  had  as  pendant  a  similar  badge,  supposed  by  Haines  to  be  a 
lion  or  a  dog.    See  Planche,  sub  Collar. 

I  Medals  and  Decorations  of  the  British  Army  and  Navy,  by  John  H 
Mayo.    London:  Constable;  1897.    Vol.  I.,  pp.  xliv.  to  lii. 


"accession  of  the  Yorkists  to  power  in  1461,  their  Collar 
"  of  Suns  and  Roses  came  into  use ;  but  on  the  accession 
"of  Henry  Vll.  in  1485,  the  Collar  of  SS.  was  revived. 
"  In  the  time  of  the  Tudors  their  badge  of  the  portcullis, 
"  a  former  badge  of  the  Beauforts,  was  used  in  conjunc- 

"  tion  with  the  letter  S.,  as  was  likewise  the  Union  rose  

"  the  collars  thus  combining  the  Lancastrian,  the  Yorkist, 
"  and  the  Tudor  devices.  In  the  reign  of  Henry  VIIL 
"the  collar  appears  to  have  become,  to  some  extent,  a 
"  badge  of  civil  office,  and  to  have  ceased  to  bear  any 
"  political  significance.  At  any  rate,  it  is  not  met  with  on 
"  effigies  of  knights  in  armour  in  that  period,  and  it  may 
"  therefore  be  inferred  that  it  had  gone  out  of  fashion  as 
"a  military  badge."' 

The  following  brasses  show  the  SS.  collar  (where  the 
lady  is  mentioned  she  also  wears  it) : — 

1405.    Sir  Thomas  Massyngberde  and  Lady,  Gunby, 

1407.    Sir  William  Bagot  and  Lady,  Baginton,  War- 

1 410.  Sir  John  Routh  and  Lady,  Routh,  Yorks. 

c.  14 10.    Sir  Thomas  Burton  {d.  1382),  Little  Casterton, 

141 1.  Sir  John  Drayton,  Dorchester,  Oxon. 

141 2.  Sir  Thomas  Swynborne,  Little  Horkesley,  Essex. 
141 5.    Sir  Robert  Suckling,  Barsham,  Suffolk. 

141 5.    Sir  Thomas  Peryent  and  Lady,  Digswell,  Herts. 

14 1 5.  Sir  John  Phelip,  Walter  Cookesey,  Esq.,  and 

Lady,  Kidderminster,  Worcs. 

141 6.  Matthew  Swetenham,Esq.,Blakesley,Northants. 
1420.    Sir  Arnold  Savage,  Bobbing,  Kent. 

1420.    Sir    William    Calthorpe,    Burnham  Thorpe, 

1424.    Thomas,  Lord  Camoys,  and  Lady,  Trotton, 

^  Vol.  I.,  p,  xlviii.,  with  illustration  of  Camoys  brass,  Trotton,  Sussex. 

SIR  JOHN  DRAYTON,   141 1, 
Dorchester,  Oxon. 



1426.    Sir  Thomas  le  Straunge,  Wellesbourne,  War- 

1 43 1.    Edward  de  la  Hale,  Esq.,  Oakwood,  Surrey. 
1435.    Thomas  Wideville,  Esq.,  Bromham,  Beds. 
1444.    John  Frogenhall,  Esq.,  Teynham,  Kent. 

1444.  "  Nicholas  Manston,  Esq.,  St.  Lawrence,  Thanet, 


c.  1450.    A  man  in  armour,  South  Kensington  Museum, 

145 1.    Sir  John  Bernard,  Isleham,  Cambs. 
c.  1475.    Nicholas  Kniveton,  Esq.,  Mugginton,  Derby. 
c.  1490.    —  Guise,  Esq.,  Aspley  Guise,  Beds. 
c.  1490.    Sir  William  Pyrton,  Little  Bentley,  Essex. 

Collars  of  Suns  and  Roses. 

1465.  John  Theel,  Esq.,  Arundel,  Sussex. 

1470.  Sir  William  Yelverton,  Rougham,  Norfolk. 

1 47 1.  Thomas  Colte,  Esq.,  and  wife,  Roydon,  Essex. 
1 47 1 .  Thomas  Clarell,  Esq.,  Lillingstone  Lovell,  Oxon. 
1473.  Sir  John  Say,  Broxbourne,  Herts. 

1478.    Robert  Bothe,  Esq.,  Sawley,  Derbyshire. 
1480.    Sir  Anthony  Grey,  St.  Alban's  Abbey,  Herts. 
1483.    Henry  Bourchier,  Earl  of  Essex,  and  Countess, 
Little  Easton,  Essex. 
c.  1490.    Nicholas  Gaynesford,  Esq.,  Carshalton,  Surrey. 

Some  effigies  have  collars,  the  nature  of  which  it  is 
impossible  to  determine,  such  are : — 

1410.    Sir  John  Wylcotes  {d.  Great  Tew,  Oxon. 

1445.  Sir  Thomas  de  St.  Quintin,  Harpham,  Yorks. 
c.  1460.    A  man  in  armour,  Adderbury,  Oxon. 

1465.    A  man  in  armour.     Manners.?  Helmsley, 
Yorkshire  (possibly  collar  of  suns  and  roses). 

Thomas,  Lord  Berkeley,  1392,  Wotton- under -Edge, 
Gloucs.,  wears  a  family  collar  of  Mermaids.'    A  trefoil 

'  A  curious  collar,  that  of  park  palings,  with  a  hart  lodged,  occurs  on 
the  stone  effigy  of  Sir  Thomas  Markenfield  in  Ripon  Cathedral. 


toret  or  clasp  is  sometimes  found  on  collars  of  SS.  The 
Countess  of  Essex  (1483)  at  Little  Easton,  wears  as 
pendant  the  White  Lion  of  March  :  which  may  be  that 
worn  by  Jenkyn  Smyth,  Esq.  {c.  1480)  St.  Mary,  Bury 
St.  Edmunds,  Suffolk. 

Two  brasses  of  Serjeants-at-arms  (seruiens  ad  armd) 
exist,  showing  the  mace  indicative  of  their  office.'' 

1420.    Nicholas  Wandsworth,  Surrey. 

"  Serviens  Regis  Henrici  quinti  ad  arma." 
1 53 1.    John  Borrell,  Sergeant-at-Arms  to  Henry  VIII., 

Broxbourne,  Herts. 

A  third  instance  is  at  Shopland,  Essex : — Thomas  Stapel 
(1371-2)  in  armour  of  the  Camail  period  but  without  a 
mace.  "  Jadis  Seriant  d'Armes  nostre  Seigneur  le  Roi " 
{see  illustration,  p.  218,  Vol.  V.,  1896,  Essex  Renjiew). 
Thomas  Broke,  Esq.,  Serjeant-at-arms  to  Henry  VIII, ,  at 
Ewelme,  Oxon.,  15 1 8,  wears  armour  of  the  Mail-skirt 
period,  with  sword  and  misericorde.  At  Bray,  Berks.,  is 
an  inscription  to  William  Smyth,  Esq.,  Serjeant-at-arms  to 
Queens  Mary  and  Elizabeth,  1594. 

The  brass  of  Bishop  Robert  Wyvill,  1375,  in  Salisbury 
Cathedral,  affords  an  instance  of  the  croc,  baton^  Or 
martel-de-fer''  {Justis  comutus)  held  by  Richard  Shawell, 
champion  of  the  Bishop  in  his  suit  against  William 
de  Montacute,  Earl  of  Salisbury,  for  the  recovery 
of  Sherborne  Castle,  Dorset.  The  champion  is  repre- 
sented  standing  at  the  gate  of  the  outer  ward,  in 

1  See  Planche,  sub  Mace,  who  mentionsi  French  stone  examples  of  the 
fifteenth  century.  These  are  engraved  in  Willemin's  Monuments  Fran^ais 
Incdits,  1839,  and  there  dated  13 14.  Pettier  states  that  they  were 
taken  to  St.  Denis  from  the  Musee  des  Monuments  fran9ais,  and  that 
they  were  formerly  at  the  Church  of  Sainte  Catherine  du  Val  des 
Ecoliers,  Saint  Antoine,  Paris.  See  "  On  a  brass  in  Wandsworth  Church," 
by  Mill  Stephenson,  B.A.,  F.S.A.,  Surrey  Archceolo^cal  Collections,  Vol.  X., 
1891,  p.  293. 

2  An  instance  of  this  pickaxe-like  weapon  may  be  seen  held  by  a 
sculptured  effigy  in  Great  Malvern  Abbey,  Worcs. 


front  of  the  portcullis,  wearing  tight-fitting  hose  and 
leathern  jack.  Round  his  neck  is  suspended  a  shield, 
with  a  hole  in  the  centre.  The  Bishop  obtained  posses- 
sion of  the  castle  on  payment  of  2,500  marks.  ^  (^See  Kite's 
Monumental  Brasses  of  Wiltshire^ 

Halberds  are  found  held  by  the  soldiers  in  representa- 
tions of  the  Resurrection,  connected  with  tombs  used  as 
Easter  Sepulchres,  at  Hedgerley,  Bucks,  c.  1500,  on  re- 
verse of  palimpsest  shield  of  brass  of  Margaret,  wife  of 
Edward  Bulstrode,  Esq.,  1540;  at  Swansea,  Glam.,  Sir 
Hugh  Johnys  and  lady,  c.  1500,  on  which  also  appear  a 
spiked  mace,  or  morning  star  (morgenstern)^  a  holy-water 
sprinkler^  or  military  flail^  and  a  scimitar ;  at  Cranley,  Surrey, 
1503,  from  the  destroyed  monument  of  Robert  Hardyng 
and  wife;  and  at  Narburgh,  Norfolk,  1545,  Sir  John 
Spelman  and  lady.  Other  examples  are  at  Great  Coates, 
Lines.,  1503  ;  All  Hallows  Barking,  London,  1510  ;  and 
Slaugham,  Sussex,  1547.^ 

^'"^^  °^  ^^^'^^       successors  held  Sherborne  un- 

"  disturbed  till  the  Reformation,  when  the  castle  was  granted  first  to 
"  the  Paulets  by  Edward  VI.  and  afterwards  by  Elizabeth  to  Sir  Walter 
"  eigh,  who  built  the  adjacent  house,  and  probably  fitted  up  the  Castle 
"Itself  for  a  residence  m  the  meantime.  The  estate  was  wrenched  by 
chicane  by  Janies  I.  from  the  son  of  Sir  Walter,  and  finally  it  came  to 
Digby,  Earl  of  Bristol."   "  Sherborne  Castle,"  by  Mr.  G.  T  Clark  p  3 1 

Vol.  XX.,  1874,  Proceedings  of  the  Somersetshire  Jrchceological  and  Natura) 
History  Society. 

»S«"  The  Resurrection  as  represented  in  Monumental  Brasses,"  by 






The  costume  of  Civilians  in  the  fourteenth  century  is 
illustrated,  by  a  few,  but  important  brasses,  containing  in 
their  number  four  of  the  fine  Flemish  class,  already  men- 
tioned {see  above,  p.  43).  Two  of  the  earlier  examples 
are  placed  in  the  heads  of  floriated  crosses  : — 

c.  1325.  lohan  de  Bladigdone  (with  wife  Maud),  small 
half  effigies.  East  Wickham,  Kent,  with  in- 
scription in  Lombardic  lettering  on  stem  of 
cross : — 


c.  1350.    Nichole  de  Aumberdene,  Taplow,  Bucks. 

The  large  Flemish  brasses  at  St.  Margaret's,  Lynn : — 

1349.    Adam  de  Walsokne  (with  wife  Margaret), 
1364.    Robert  Braunche  (with  wives  Leticia  and  Mar- 

and  at  Newark,  Notts,  1361,  Alan  Fleming,  show  the 
costume  excellently.  The  most  conspicuous  feature  is 
the  CoTE-HARDiE,  which  term  appears  to  have  been  given 
to  garments  of  somewhat  different  shapes.  On  the  three 
Flemish  brasses  and  that  at  Taplow  it  fits  the  body 
somewhat  loosely.  Its  skirt,  prolonged  nearly  to  the 
ankles,  is  slit  up  in  front  like  a  military  surcoat,  and  at 
Newark  and  Taplow  shows  two  pocket-holes  in  front. 
The  sleeves  terminate  at  the  elbows,  from  which  depend 
liripipia,'  or  lappets  of  varying  length.    On  the  fore-arms 

^  Mr.  Mill  Stephenson,  in  his  description  of  the  Hampsthwaite  brass 
(in  tYic  rorkshire  JrMogical  Journal,  Vol.  XV.,  p.  21,  1898),  considers 
these  hripipes  to  belong  to  the  tippet.  But  there  seems  to  be  reason 
for  connecting  them  with  the  sleeves,  since  in  examples  of  this  class  the 
chaperon  would  have  but  one  liripipe  formed  by  the  tip  of  the  hood  •  the 
fashion  of  wearing  it  turban-wise  produced  the  two  ends.  The  illumi- 
nations of  contemporary  MSS.,  such  as  the  famous  Luttrell  Psalter 


appear  the  tight-fitting  sleeves  of  an  under-tunic  or  vest, 
each  sleeve  bearing  on  the  underside  a  long  row  of 
buttons.  Similar  sleeves  are  found  on  the  shorter  form 
of  the  cote-hardie  described  below.  Round  the  neck  and 
over  the  shoulders  is  worn  the  Chaperon,  consisting  of 
tippet  and  hood  in  one  piece.  On  the  legs  are  tight  hose, 
over  which  on  the  feet  are  worn  pointed  shoes,  fastened 
by  a  strap  across  the  instep  at  Newark,  and  by  laces  on 
the  inside  of  the  foot  at  Lynn.  To  wear  the  hair  long 
and  wavy  seems  to  have  been  the  fashion,  and  beards  and 
moustaches,  the  former  sometimes  bifurcated,  are  usual. 
Adam  de  Walsokne,  however,  and  Alan  Fleming  are 

The  other  form  of  cote-hardie^  with  which  we  are  con- 
cerned, was  shorter,  not  reaching  to  the  knees,  fitted  the 
body  closely  (Just  au  corps),  and  was,  usually,  buttoned 
down  the  front.'  A  good  instance  of  this,  with  tight 
mitten  sleeves  without  liripipes,  is  seen  on  the  kneeling 
effigy  of  Robert  de  Paris,  c.  1379,  Hildersham,  Cambs. 
He  wears  the  mantle,  described  below,  and  a  horizontal 
bawdric  sustaining  an  anelace."    Other  instances  are : — 

(reproduced  in  Vetusta  Monumenta,No\.  VI.),  throw  valuable  light  on  the 
shape  of  the  chaperon  and  on  the  different  modes  of  wearing  it.  ^ec  also 
Planche,  Cyclopaedia  of  Costume,  sub  mm.  Hood, 

1  The  lost  brass  of  Simon  Walshe  (with  wife  Joan),  c.  i  3  70,  St.  Alkmund, 
Shrewsbury,  showed  this  costume  with  liripipes,  as  do  tiles  found  at  the 
Abbeys  of  Strata  Florida  and  Strata  Marcella.  See  illustration  m  The 
Cistercian  Abbey  of  Strata  Florida,  its  History,  and  an  account  of  the  recent 
excavations  made  on  its  site,  by  Stephen  W.  Williams,  F.R.I.B.A.,  London, 
1889.  The  same  pattern  is  on  tiles  from  Shrewsbury  and  Haughmond 
Abbeys.  See  "On  Encaustic  Tiles,"  by  Llewellyn  Jewitt,  Journal  oj 
British  Archaolo^cal  Association,  Vol.  II.,  1847,  p.  261. 

2  A  very  beautiful  instance  of  an  embroidered  short  cote-hardie  with 
horizontal  bawdric,  worn  with  a  mantle,  fastened  on  the  right  shoulder, 
the  edges  dagged  in  the  form  of  leaves,  is  to  be  seen  at  York  Minster,  on 
the  sculptured  effigy  of  the  young  prince,  William  of  Hatfield  second 
son  of  Edward  III.  Other  examples  of  the  costume  are  afforded  by  he 
sculptured  effigy  of  William  of  Windsor,  another  young  son  of  Edward  111., 
in  St.  Edmund's  Chapel,  Westminster  Abbey,  and  by  the  figures  of  the 
children  of  Edward  III.  on  his  tomb,  and  of  those  of  Elizabeth,  Lady 
Montacute,  at  Christ  Church,  Oxford. 


c.  1325.  lohan  de  Bladigdone,  East  Wickham,  Kent, 
half  effigy  with  liripipia. 

c.  1350.  A  Civilian,  Hampsthwaite,  W.  Yorks,  with 
liripipia.  Attached  to  the  left  side  of  a 
buckled  belt  worn  horizontally  is  a  gypciere, 
or  purse  (from  Fr.  gibier),  with  an  anelace 
secured  by  being  passed  through  the  lappets 
which  fasten  the  gypciere  to  the  girdle.' 

c.  1350.  A  Civilian  on  reverse  of  inscription  to  William 
Wolstonton,  1403,  Great  Bowden,  Leicester- 
shire. Flemish ;  same  costume  as  last,  but 
without  gypciere  or  anelace.^ 

c.  1350.  A  CiviHan  (with  wife),  Upchurch,  Kent,  half 
effigies,  each  wearing  a  cote-hardie  with 
plain  sleeves,  reaching  half-way  between  elbow 
and  wrist ;  buttons  only  on  the  sleeves  of  the 
undertunic  which  end  at  the  wrists ;  no  liri- 

c.  1360.  Raulin  Brocas  (with  sister),  Sherborne  St.  John, 
Hants,  half  effigy,  a  clean-shaven  boy,  wearing 
a  cote-hardie  like  the  last,  except  that  it  has 
buttons  down  the  front.  The  buttoned 
sleeves  of  the  undertunic  end  in  mittens ;  no 

c.  1360.  The  bust  of  a  Civilian  at  Blickling,  Norfolk, 
showing  the  chaperon,  worn  by  a  man  with 
flowing  hair  and  pointed  beard. 

c.  1360.    John  de  Walden,  Ashbury,  Berks,  half  effigy. 

f.  1360.    Beneit  Engliss',  Nuffield,  Oxon.,  half  effigy; 

'  A  similar  mode  of  wearing  gypciere  and  anelace  is  illustrated  by 
Waller  from  a  Flemish  brass,  c.  1350,  of  a  civilian  in  Bruges  Cathedral. 

For  some  account  of  gycieres,  see  Journal  of  the  British  Archaological 
Association,  Vol.  XIV.,  1858,  p.  131,  "History  of  Purses,"  by  H.  Syer 

2  Illustrated  in  Transactions  of  Monumental  Brass  Society,  Vol.  IV.,  p.  160, 
described  p.  1 6 1 .  The  feet  rest  on  a  dog.  The  edge  of  the  chaperon  is 
"pmked."  The  beard  is  bifurcated.  There  is  a  fine  diapered  back- 



buttons  under  fore-arm  of  cote-hardie ;  no 

c.  1370.  John  de  Faversham  ?  (with  mother),  Graveney, 
Kent,  half  effigy  similar  to  the  last,  but  with 
buttons  in  front. 

c.  1370.    A  Civilian,  Deddington,  Oxon.,  half  effigy. 

c„  1370.  A  Civilian,  Cheam,  Surrey,  mutilated;  under- 
tunic  has  mitten  sleeves  with  buttons ;  no 
liripipes  to  the  cote-hardie;  small  hood;  forked 
beard  ;  hair  cut  close. 

c.  1370.  A  Civilian,  Cheam,  Surrey,  half  effigy;  the 
cote-hardie  had  liripipes,  but  their  length  is 
not  discernible  owing  to  the  half-effigy ;  the 
undertunic  sleeves  have  buttons ;  there  is 
a  beard,  but  the  hair  is  cut  close. 

c.  1 370.  John  de  Kyggesfolde  (with  wife,  Agnes),  Rusper, 
Sussex,  half  effigy  ;  short  hair  ;  clean  shaven. 

c.  1370.  Richard  de  Heylesdone  (with  wife,  Beatrice), 
Hellesdon,  Norfolk,  three-quarter  effigy; 
wearing  a  looser  garment  than  the  foregoing, 
with  no  buttons.  The  mitten  sleeves  of  the 
undertunic  appear. 

Some  brasses,  belonging  for  the  most  part  to  the  last 
quarter  of  the  century,  show  a  costume  differing  some- 
what from  the  foregoing.  The  tunic  or  cote  is  long  and 
full,  reaching  below  the  knees,  has  tight  sleeves,  and  is 
confined  at  the  waist  by  a  girdle  from  which,  usually  on 
the  left  side,  hangs  the  anelace  or  basilard,  a  large  couteau 
de  chasse,  in  its  sheath.  The  open  character  of  the  tunic 
is  indicated  by  the  appearance  of  buttons  down  the  front 
(as  at  Shottesbrooke,  Berks,  c.  1370).  Over  this  cote- 
hardie  is  worn  a  loose  mantle,  fastened  by  buttons,  of 
which  two  or  three  are  seen,  on  the  right  shoulder ; — 
a  shape  which  we  find  associated,  later  on,  with  Judges 
and  Civic  Dignitaries.  Worn  round  the  neck,  perhaps 
attached  to  the  mantle,  is  a  chaperon,  sometimes  showing 
buttons  {e.g..  Kings  Sombourne,  Hants,  c.  1380),  the 






tippet  part  of  which  does  not  appear  owing  to  the  presence 
of  the  mantle.  The  mitten  sleeves  of  the  undertunic 
frequently  appear.  The  hair,  as  a  rule,  is  worn  shorter 
than  in  the  previous  examples.  The  forked  beard  is  re- 
tained. The  feet  rest  on  the  ground.  The  following 
are  noted  by  Haines : — 

c.  1370.    A   Frankelein    (with   Priest),  Shottesbrooke, 

c.  1380.    Two  Civilians,  Kings  Sombourne,  Hants;  the 
one  with  beard,  the  other  clean-shaven. 

1380.  Simon  de  Felbrig,  Felbrigg,  Norfolk;  long 
hair,  anelace  on  right  side. 

1 39 1.  Thomas  de  TopclyfF  (with  wife),  Topcliffe, 
Yorks. ;  Flemish  ;  anelace  on  right  side.' 

139 1.    John  Curteys  (with  widow),  Wymington,  Beds. ; 

Mayor  of  the  Staple  of  Calais  ;  feet  on  dog. 

1398.  Walter  Pescod,  Boston,  Lines.  The  left  side 
of  his  tunic  semee  of  peascods :  possibly  a 
rare  example  on  a  brass  of  the  fashionable 
parti-coloured  garments  of  the  period.  No 
anelace  is  visible. 
c.  1400.  A  Wool  Merchant  (with  wife),  Northleach, 
Gloucs.  The  pendent  end  of  the  girdle  has 
the  letter  T. ;  feet  on  wool-pack. 

1 40 1.  William  Grevel  (with  wife),  Chipping  Campden, 
Gloucs. :  "  quondm'  Ciuis  London'  &  flos 
m'cator'  lanar'  tocius  Anglie." 

A  Frankelein,  c.  1370,  at  Cheam,  Surrey,  has  no  mantle, 
which  omission  is  shared  by  the  following : — 

c.  1380.     John  Pecok  (with  wife),  St.  Michael's,  St. 
Alban's,  Herts. 
1 39 1.    John  Corp  (with  granddaughter  on  pedestal), 
 Stoke  Fleming,  Devon  ;  wavy  hair ;  the  cote 

^The  lost  brass  of  Robert  Attelath,  1376,  formerly  at  St.  Margaret's 
Lynn  was  a  fine  example  of  this  class.    No  anelace  appeared.    The  feet 
rested  on  two  lions  addorsed.    A  Civilian  (lost)  c.  1400,  St.  Alkmund, 
bhrewsbury,  was  another  mstance,  showing  mantle  and  anelace 



is  fur-edged.  The  bawdric  holding  the  anelace 
passes  over  the  right  shoulder. 
c.  1400.    A  Civilian,  Ore,  Sussex;  similar  to  the  last. 

A  long,  loose  tunic,  like  a  night-gown,  with  a  hood,  is 
worn  by  the  following  : — 

1356.    Richard  Torrington  (with  wife),  Great  Berk- 
hampstead,  Herts. ;  the  sleeves  turned  back 
from  the  wrists. 
1380.    A  Civilian  (.''Robert  de  Brentyngham),  East 

Horsley,  Surrey,  half  effigy. 
1396.    A  Civilian,  Temple  Church,  Bristol,  half  effigy. 
c.  1400.    William  Overbury   (with  wife),  Letchworth, 

Herts,  half  effigy. 
c.  1400.    Thomas  Somer  (with  wife),  Ickleford,  Herts, 
half  effigy. 

c.  1400.    John  de  Estbury  (with  wife),  Lambourn,  Berks, 
half  effigy. 

c,  1400.    John  Covesgrave,  Eaton  Socon,  Beds. 

The  brass  of  a  Civilian,  c.  1390,  once  in  the  head  of  a 
floriated  cross,  cited  by  Haines,  in  Hereford  Cathedral, 
shows  a  tunic  sleeve  indicating  the  transition  to  the  bag- 
sleeve  of  the  next  period.    The  feet  rest  on  a  dog. 

The  small  figures  on  the  Walsokne,  Braunche,  and 
Fleming  brasses,  above  mentioned,  give  additional  illustra- 
tion of  the  costume  of  the  period.  At  Harrow,  the  reverse 
of  the  inscription  commemorating  Dorothy  Frankishe,  1 5  74, 
shows  the  side  shaft  of  a  canopy  of  Flemish  work,  c.  1370, 
containing  two  figures  in  chaperons,  the  long  Hripipe  of 
that  of  the  small  person  reading,  in  a  sitting  posture,  being 
very  distinct. 

In  the  reign  of  Henry  IV.  we  find  a  change  in  the 
tunic.  It  is  long  and  loose,  with  a  buttoned  collar,  high 
in  the  neck,  and  the  skirt  partly  slit  up  from  the  bottom. 
But  the  most  distinct  difference  from  the  tunic,  lately  de- 
scribed, is  in  the  sleeves.    These  become  very  full  and 


bag-like  in  the  arms,'  but  are  tight  at  the  wrists,  which 
have  an  edging  of  fur,  and  in  early  examples  {e.g.,  c.  1400, 
a  Civilian,  Tilbrook,  Beds)  have  a  single  button  beneath 
the  wrist.  From  beneath  these  sleeves  appear  those  of 
the  under-tunic,  sometimes  prolonged  into  mittens.  The 
tunic,  confined  at  the  waist  by  a  girdle,  is  often  lined  and 
edged  with  fur.  Over  this  is  worn  the  hood,  and,  more 
rarely,  the  mantle  and  hood.  The  hair  is  usually  treated, 
as  already  described,  brushed  back  and  kept  short  on  the 
head.  Moustache  and  small  forked  beard  are  worn. 
Pointed  shoes  are  seen  over  the  hose,  or  the  hose  appear 
alone,  without  shoes.    Examples  : — 

1400.  John  Mulsho,  Esq.,  Newton-by-Geddington, 
Northants,  kneeling  at  the  base  of  a  floriated 
cross,  in  the  head  of  which  stands  St.  Faith  ; 
no  girdle. 

c.  1400.    A  Civilian,  Tilbrook,  Beds.  ;  the  hair  wavy;  a 
large  anelace  suspended  in  front ;  feet  on  dog. 

c.  1400.    A  Civilian   in  head  of  octofoiled   cross,  St. 

Michael's,  St.  Alban's ;  no  hood ;  anelace 
hanging  from  girdle  on  left  side. 

c.  1400.    A  Wine  Merchant,  Cirencester,  Gloucs. ;  head 
lost;  tunic  reaching  to  the  feet;  letter  T  on 
end  of  girdle  ;  feet  on  wine-cask. 
1 402 .    Richard  Martyn,  Dartford,  Kent,  wearing  mantle; 
feet  on  ground ;  girdle,  if  any,  hidden. 

c.  1405.    Herry   Notingham,    Holm-by-the-Sea,  Nor- 
folk ;  wearing  anelace ;  similar  in  style  to  the 
civilian  at  Tilbrook. 
1409.    Robert  de  Haitfeld  (d.  141 7)  with  wife,  Owston, 

I  "The  anonymous  writer  of  a  life  of  Richard  II.  (a  monk  of  Evesham) 
"speaks  of  gowns  with  deep  wide  sleeves,  commonly  called  pokys,  shaped 
"like  a  bagpipe:  'Maxime  togatorum  cum  profundis  et  latis  manicis 
"  vocatis  vulgariter  pokys  ad  modum  bagpipe  formatus ; '  they  are  also, 
"he  says,_rightly  termed, 'devils'  receptacles'— receptacula  dsmoniorum 

"recte  dici — for  whatever  could  be  stolen  was  put  into  them."  

Planche,  Cyclopedia  of  Costume,  1876,  Vol.  I.,  "Dictionary,"  p.  466, 
sub  Sleeve. 



Yorks  ;  wavy  hair  ;  anelace  hanging  from  girdle 
on  left  side.  He  holds  the  end  of  girdle  in 
his  left  hand,  and  with  his  right  the  right 
hand  of  his  wife,  who  occupies  the  dexter 
side.    Each  wears  a  collar,  possibly  of  SS.' 

141 1.    Hugo  de  Gondeby,  Supervisor  to  Ralph,  Lord 
Cromwell,  Tattershall,  Lines. ;  anelace. 
c.  141 1.    John  Barstaple,  Founder,  Trinity  Almshouses, 
Bristol ;  anelace  on  left  side. 

14 14.  The  seven  small  head-and-shoulders  effigies  of 
the  brothers  of  Philippa  Carreu,  Beddington, 

141 6.  Thomas  Stokes,  Esq.,  Ashby  St.  Legers,  North- 
ants  ;  early  instance  of  roll-shaped  hair,  worn 
with  forked  beard. 

T417.  Geoffi-ey  Barbur,  half  effigy,  St.  Helen's,  Abing- 
don, Berks. 

1 4 1 8 .  Thomas  Polton,  half  effigy,  Wanborough,  Wilts. ; 


141 9.  John  Lyndewode,  woolman,  Linwood,  Lines.; 

wearing  mantle;  girdle  not  visible;  feet  on 
wool-pack.  His  three  sons  below  wear 
similar  tunics,  but  no  mantles.  For  the 
fourth  son,  see  p.  132. 

1420.  John  Urban,  Southfleet,  Kent ;  waved  hair  ;  no 

beard ;  without  hood. 

'  An  instance  of  a  brass  of  a  civilian,  wearing  collar  of  SS.,  is  afforded 
by  that  of  Sir  Thomas  Brook  (d.  141 9),  Thorncombe,  Devon  (mentioned 
below  p.  206).  The  sculptured  effigy  of  John  Gower,  d.  1402,  at  St. 
Saviour's,  Southwark,  shows  a  collar  of  SS.,  with  swan  badge.  At  Ashby 
de  la  Zouch,  Leics.,  is  the  alabaster  effigy  of  Ralph  Hastings,  late  fifteenth 
century,  clad  as  a  pilgrim  and  wearing  a  collar  of  SS.  (see  Archaological 
Journal,  Vol.  XXXVI.,  1879,  p.  102).  The  stone  effigy  of  William 
Staunton  (?)  c.  1 500,  at  Elford,  Staffs.,  is  not  in  armour,  but  has  collar 
of  SS.  (illustrated  in  The  Monumental  Effigies  and  Tombs  in  Elford  Churchy 
Staffordshire,  with  a  Memoir  and  Pedigree  of  the  lords  of  Elford,  by  Edward 
Richardson,  Sculptor,  The  Restorer  and  Illustrator  of  the  Temple  Church 
Effigies,  etc.  London  :  George  Bell,  168  Fleet  Street,  and  of  the  Author, 
Melbury  Terrace,  Harevvood  Square.     1852.  Folio). 


c.  1420  (Haines).    A  Civilian,  Furneaux  Pelham,  Herts. ; 

anelace ;  feet  on  dog  (?  John  Barloe  with  wife 

1 42 1.    John  Lyndewode,  woolman,  Linwood,  Lines. 

(son  of  above) ;  anelace ;  feet  on  v/ool-pack 

bearing  a  merchant's  mark. 
1425.    William  Chichele,  Higham  Ferrers,  Northants  ; 

wearing  mantle;  no  girdle ;  feet  on  dog.  Sheriff 

and  Alderman  of  London. 
1425.    Roger  Sender,  Erith,  Kent;  the  tunic  only 

reaching  just  below  the  knees. 
c.  1425.    Hugo  atte  Spetyll,  Luton,  Beds. ;  tight  sleeves  ; 

hood ;  no  girdle.    (Wife  lost ;  son  John  in 

mass  vestments.) 
1427.    William  Bayly,  half  effigy,  Berwick  Basset, 

Wilts. ;  hood ;  similar  to  Thomas  Polton, 


1429.  Roger  Thornton,  All  Saints',  Newcastle-on- 

Tyne  ;  Flemish  ;  hair  wavy  ;  tunic  reaching  to 
feet ;  very  long  anelace  hanging  from  girdle 
on  left  side,  with  ornamented  scabbard  ;  feet 
on  dog  gnawing  a  bone.  The  seven  sons 
beneath  have  shorter  tunics  and  no  anelaces. 

1 430.  William  West,  marbler,  Sudborough,  Northants ; 

small,  standing  next  to  John  West,  priest  {see 
pp.  68,  71). 

143 1.  Nicholas  Canteys,  Margate,  Kent;  long  beard; 

anelace  on  left  side ;  boots  embroidered  with 
stars,  and  laced  up  on  the  inner  side. 

At  Baldock,  Herts.,  is  a  Civilian,  dated  by  Haines 
c.  1420,  attired  as  a  hunter,  possibly  William  Vynter, 
141 6.  ^  He  wears  a  girded  tunic,  reaching  to  the  knees, 
with  tight  sleeves,  and  a  hood ;  flowing  hair  and  forked 
beard ;  a  horn  hanging  on  his  right  side  by  a  strap  passino- 
over  the  left  shoulder.  On  his  left  side  an  anelace,  the 
scabbard  of  which  sheathes  two  smaller  knives  (^has- 
tardeau  "),  hangs  from  the  girdle,  and  a  coil  of  rope,  one 



end  of  which  seems  to  have  been  fastened  to  a  dog  at  the 
feet ;  but  the  part  below  the  knees  of  the  effigy  is  lost. 

Towards  the  middle  of  the  century  some  changes  are 
observable.  The  hood  goes  out  of  use.  The  fur-lined 
tunic  has  a  shorter  skirt,  and  less  "  baggy  "  sleeves.  The 
undergarment  appears  at  the  wrists,  and  sometimes  at  the 
neck.  The  hose  often  are  seen  on  the  feet  without  half- 
boots.  The  hair  is  cut  close,  assuming  a  roll-shaped 
form.  The  face  is  clean-shaven.  The  anelace  is  rarely 
worn.  A  fur-lined,  girded  tunic,  with  surplice-like  hang- 
ing sleeves,  probably  the  '■^ houppelande^''  is  worn  by  Sir 
Thomas  Brook,  1437  (d.  141 9V  Thorncombe,  Devon, 
whose  feet  rest  on  a  hound.  A  similar  tunic,  but  with 
broad,  falling  collar,  showing  the  under-tunic  at  the  neck, 
is  seen  at  Trotton,  Sussex,  on  the  small  figure  of  Sir 
Richard  Camoys,  standing  beside  his  mother  on  the  brass 
of  Lord  and  Lady  Camoys,  1424.^ 

A  few  of  the  numerous  extant  examples  of  the  ordinary 
costume  are  as  follows  : — 

c.  1430.    A  Civilian  (with  priest  and  lady).  Melton, 
Suffolk  ;  wearing  a  hood  ;  feet  lost. 

^  He  wears  Collar  of  SS. 

2  Similar  gowns  are  worn  with  turban-wise  chaperons  by  small  figures 
on  the  sides  of  the  alabaster  altar-tomb  of  Sir  Thomxas  Arderne,  Kt. 
c.  1400,  and  Matilda,  his  lady,  Elford,  Staffs.  Motiumcntal  Effi^es 
and  Tombs  in  Elford  Church,  Staffordshire,  by  Edward  Richardson,  cited 
above,  p.  204  note.  See  also  illustration  in  Planche  from  Royal  MS.  1 5,  E  6, 
in  which  John  Talbot,  Earl  of  Shrewsbury,  wearing  a  houppelande,  pre- 
sents a  book  to  Henry  IV.  and  his  Queen.  See  also  "The  Miniatures 
in  Harleian  MS.  1,319,"  reproduced  in  \.h.&  Burlington  Magazine,  Maj 
and  June,  1904,  "A  Contemporary  Account  of  the  Fall  of  Richard  the 
Second,"  by  Sir  Edward  Maunde  Thompson,  K.C.B.  An  example  of 
similar  arrangement  to  that  on  the  Camoys  brass  (son  on  mother's  skirt) 
is  afforded  by  an  incised  slab  at  Longforgan,  Perthshire,  c.  1420,  Johanes 
de  Galychtly  and  Mariota,  his  wife  (the  son,  like  the  father,  in  armour). 
See  "  Notice  of  an  Incised  Sepulchral  Slab  found  in  the  Church  of  Long- 
forgan, Perthshire,"  by  A.  H.  Millar,  F.S.A.  Scot.,  Proceedings  of  the 
Society  of  Antiquaries  of  Scotland,  Vol.  XXXIV.,  1900,  p.  463  (illus.  p.  464). 


c.  1430.    John   Todenham,    St.   John  Maddermarket, 

1432.  Nicholas  CareWjBeddington,  Surrey;  feet  on  dog. 
1435.  Joh'^  Ailmer,  Erith,  Kent;  wearing  half-boots. 
c.  1435..    Hugo  Bostock,  Wheathampstead,  Herts. ;  father 

of  John  de  Whethamstede,  Abbot  of  St. 


1437.    Robert  Skern,  Kingston-on-Thames,  Surrey; 

girdle  ornamented  with  rosettes  hanging  down 
on  left  side  (no  anelace,  as  supposed  by 

1437.    John  Bacon,  woolman.  All  Hallows'  Barking, 

London  ;  feet  on  wool-pack  ;  boots  laced  up  on 

the  inner  side. 
1439.    Edmund  Forde,  Esq.,  Swainswick,  Somerset; 

anelace  hanging  on  left  side. 
1440  (?)    Robert  Pagge,  Cirencester,  Gloucs. ;  feet  on 

wool-pack  with  merchant's  mark ;  boots  laced 

up  on  inner  side. 

144 1 .  John  Parker,  Margate,  Kent ;  feet  on  dog ;  boots 

like  Pagge's. 

1442.  Peter  Stone,  Margate,  Kent ;  similar  to  last,  but 

wearing  anelace  on  left  side. 
1447.    Thomas  Fortey,  woolman,  and  William  Scors, 
tailor,    Northleach,    Gloucs. ;     their  boots 
fastened  in  front ;  between  Scors'  feet  a  pair 
of  shears. 

1449.  John  Quek  (and  son),  Birchington,  Kent ;  wear- 

ing anelace  on  left  side.  Each  wears  boots  like 

1450.  William  Welley,  merchant.  Chipping  Campden, 


c.  1450.    A  Wool  Merchant,  Lechdale,  Gloucs.  ;  feet  on 

145 1.  John   Younge,  woolman.   Chipping  Norton, 

Oxon. ;  feet  on  two  wool-packs.  ' 
1454.    Roger  Felthorp,  Blickling,  Norfolk;  his  nine 
sons  similarly  clad. 



1455.    Richard  Manfeld  (with   brother  and  sister), 
TaploWj  Bucks. 

1458.  John  Fortey,  woolman,  Northleach,  Gloucs. ; 

right  foot  on  sheep,  left  on  wool-pack. 

1459.  Richard  Quek,  Birchington,  Kent. 

c.  1460.    Sir  Edward  Courtenay,  Christ  Church,  Oxford; 

feet  on  dog ;  boots  like  Pagge's ;  anelace 
hanging  on  left  side,  the  scabbard  containing 
two  small  knives  (bastardeau). 
1467.    John  Lethenard,  merchant,  Chipping  Campden, 
Gloucs. ;  wearing  boots. 

A  period  of  transition  may  be  remarked  in  some 
effigies,  e.g. : — 

1470.    John  Wynter,  St.  Margaret's,  Canterbury. 
c.  1470.    A  Civilian,  with  sons,  Abingdon  Pigotts,  Cambs. 
c,  1480.    Jenkyn  Smith,  St.  Mary's,  Bury  St.  Edmunds, 

The  two  former  wear  the  fur-lined  tunic,  but  with 
sleeves  of  equal  breadth;  the  collar  of  the  under-dress 
appearing  at  the  neck.  A  trefoil  is  seen  between  the  feet, 
which  are  shod  in  pointed  boots.  The  third  is  kneeling, 
has  no  girdle  to  his  tunic,  which  falls  loosely  round  him, 
and  wears  a  collar  Yorkist)  with  a  pendant  (?the  white 
lion  of  March).  All  three  have  the  hair  cut  short,  and 
roll-shaped.  Similar  to  the  last,  but  with  a  girdle  and 
without  a  collar,  is  the  kneeling  effigy  of  a  civilian,  c.  1480, 
Chrishall,  Essex.  Roger  Kyngdon,  c.  147 1,  Quethiock, 
Cornwall,  wears  the  long  civilian  tunic,  next  described, 
with  a  rosary  at  his  belt ;  but  his  hair  is  in  the  roll  form. 

In  the  last  quarter  of  the  century  a  distinct  change  is 
visible.  The  hair  is  worn  long.  The  tunic  or  gown 
assumes  a  cassock-like  appearance,  and  though  open  in 
front,  does  not,  as  a  rule,  appear  so  on  brasses.  The 
pointed  shoes  become  modified,  and  are  soon  to  be  rounded 
or  square-toed,  like  the  change  from  sollerets  to  sabbatom. 


ELIZABETH,  c.  1480, 
Childrey,  Berks. 


noticed  in  our  account  of  armour.  The  feet  usually  rest 
on  the  ground,  on  which  is  often  a  conventional  plant  or 
slipped  trefoil.  From  the  girdle  hangs  a  gypciere,  fre- 
quently with  a  rosary,  usually  of  twelve  beads.  To  this 
costume  is  sometimes  added  the  hood,  worn  on  the 
shoulder,  as  a  rule  the  right  one.  This  hood  is  the  de- 
scendant of  the  chaperon^  which  we  have  noticed  in  the 
attire  of  fourteenth-century  civilians.  But  it  has  passed 
through  a  curious  transition.  It  became  the  fashion  in 
the  latter  part  of  the  fourteenth  century  to  wear  it  hori- 
zontally, that  is,  with  the  crown  of  the  head  inserted  in 
the  opening,  which  formerly  enclosed  the  face.  The  ends 
were  then  tucked  in  turban-wise,  and  this  coiffure  was 
called  a  bourrelet.  We  now  see  it  in  the  form  of  a  cap 
with  a  long  streamer  or  scarf,  representing  the  liripipe  of 
the  hood,  the  tippet  part  hanging  on  the  back^ : — a  shape 
that  was  retained  by  the  Knights  of  the  Garter,  as  seen  on 
the  Bullen  brass  at  Hever  (1538). 

Examples  are  numerous.^  The  following  may  easily  be 
supplemented : — 

c.  1475.  Notary,  St.  Mary  Tower,  Ipswich;  hood  on 
left  shoulder  ;  penner  (or  pen-case)  and  ink- 
horn  hanging  to  girdle  on  the  right ;  an  in- 
scribed roll  on  his  breast ;  a  skull  and  bones 
on  the  ground  at  the  feet. 
1475.  ^  Civilian,  Littlebury,  Essex;  hood  on  right 
shoulder  ;  gypciere  and  rosary. 

<:.  1 47  5 .    A  Civilian,  Hempstead,  Essex ;  similar  to  the  last. 

1  %ee  Planche,  Cyclopaedia  of  Costume,  sub  mm.  Hood,  and  the  Rev. 
N.  F.  Robinson's  "Pileus  Quadratus,  etc,"  Transactions  of  St.  Paul's 
Ecclesiological  Society,  1901,  Vol.  V.,  Part  I.  The  bourrelet  in  many  of  its 
forms  may  be  seen  in  the  Hardwicke  Hall  Tapestries.  See  "The 
Fifteenth  Century  English  Tapestries  at  Hardwicke  Hall,"  by  W.  Harvey, 
The  Connoisseur,  Vol.  III.,  p.  39,  ' 

2  Children  in  this  costume  are  frequently  found  on  the  brasses  of  their 
parents.    Two  Essex  examples  are:  c.  1495,  the  four  sons  of  Edward 
Sulyard,  Esq.,  High  Laver,  and'  1 501,  the  five  sons  of  Sir  William  Pyrton 
Little  Bentley.  '  ' 



1479.    Thomas  Selby,  East  Mailing,  Kent. 
.1480.    A  Civilian,  British  Museum;  hood  on  left 
shoulder ;  gypciere  and  rosary. 

1483.  Geoffrey  Kidwelly,  Esq.,  Little  Wittenham, 

Berks ;  hood  on  left  shoulder ;  gypciere  and 

1484.  William  Gybbys,  Chipping  Campden,  Gloucs.  ; 

rosary  on  right. 

1485.  William  Goldwell,  Great  Chart,  Kent. 
.  1485.    Thomas   Kyllygrewe,  St.  Gluvias,  Cornwall; 

wearing  hood  on  right  shoulder,  remarkable 
in  that  the  cap  assumes  a  hat-like  appearance, 
and  the  scarf  or  liripipe  seems  to  be  attached 
to  it  by  two  bands. 
1488.    William  Mond  and  John  Sayer,  Newington, 
Kent ;  the  former  wearing  a  cap  on  the  right 
shoulder,  and  a  gypciere  ;  round  shoes. 
1488.    John    Hertcombe,    kneeling,  Kingston-upon- 
Thames,  Surrey;  head  lost;  gypciere  and 
rosary  on  right ;  round  shoes. 
1493.    John  Ceysyll,  Tormarton,  Gloucs.;  gypciere 
and  rosary. 

1496.  John  Beriffe,  Brightlingsea,  Essex;  gypciere 
and  rosary. 

1497.  John  Camber,  Sevenhampton,  Gloucs.;  hood 
on  right  shoulder  ;  gypciere  and  rosary. 

1497.  William  Maynwaryng,  Ightfield,  Salop;  head 
gone;  rosary,  gypciere,  and  anelace  with 

In  the  last  decade  of  the  fifteenth  century  the  fur-lined 
robe  resembles  a  dressing-gown  in  shape,  turned  back  down 
the  front  to  show  the  fur,  and  with  broad  fur  collar  and 
cuffs.    This  robe  either  hangs  loose,  or  is  confined  by  a 

X  Another  late  instance  of  a  knife  worn  by  a  civilian  '^^  f^^^f^jj^l 
brass  of  Henry  Jarmon,  1480,  Geddington,  Northants,  who  wears  a 
small  knife  and  rosary  hanging  from  his  girdle. 


Little  Wittenham,  Berks. 



girdle  to  which  a  gypci^re  and  rosary  are  found  attached. 
In  the  former  case,  the  gypci^re  is  sometimes  seen  fastened 
to  the  girdle  of  the  under-tunic  and  worn  beneath  the 
outer  gown.  The  shoes  are  broad-toed,  and  become 
clumsy  and  loose  in  appearance.  This  costume  continued 
to  the  middle  of  the  sixteenth  century,  becoming  gradu- 
ally superseded  by  the  gown  with  long,  false  sleeves  about 
to  be  described,  and  was  worn  by  young  as  well  as  old, 
frequently  figuring  on  the  effigies  of  boys  on  the  brasses 
of  their  parents.    Examples  are  common  : — 

1498.    John  Rusche,  All  Hallows  Barking,  London. 
1498.    John  Stokys,  Seend,  Wilts. 
1500.    John  Sedley,  Southfleet,  Kent. 
.  ^.  1500.    Richard  Wakeherst,  Esq.   (1457),  Ardingley, 

1506.    John  Colman,  Little  Waldingfield,  Suffolk. 
1506.    Robert  Wymbyll,  Notary,  St.  Mary  Tower, 

Ipswich ;  pen-case  and  ink-bottle  on  the  left. 
1 5 10.    John,  son  of  Sir  John  Seymour,  Great  Bedwyn 

Wilts.  ^  ' 

1 5 1  o.    Ralf  Rowlat,  Merchant  of  the  Staple,  St.  Alban's, 

^.1510.    A  Notary,  New  College,  Oxford ;  pen- case  and 
ink-bottle  on  right. 

1 5 1 7.    Thomas  Goddard,  Ogbourne  St.  George,  Wilts  ; 
gypciere  worn  beneath  gown. 
c.  1520.    A  Civilian,  St.  Breock,  Cornwall. 

1526.  William  Freme,  Berkeley,  Gloucs. ;  head  lost 
His  gown  has  a  fur  cape.  He  holds  a  heart 
inscribed  "  m'cy." 

1529.  William  Bloor,  Gent.,  Rainham,  Kent.  The 
under-tunic  is  seen  reaching  to  the  knees  with 
embroidery  at  the  neck  and  edge  of  the  skirt 
The  gypciere  is  beneath  the  furred  gown  •  the 
broad  shoes  are  tied  with  bows.  In  the  in- 
scription Henry  VIII.  is  described  as  «  Fidei 



iCTC.  Andrew  Evyngar,  All  Hallows,  Barking, 
London;  Flemish.  The  long  under-tunic 
is  well  shown. 

1564.    Pawle  Yden,  Gent.,  Penshurst,  Kent. 

About  the  year  1 520  a  change  in  the  form  of  the  gown 
is  seen.    It  is  without  girdle,  open  down  the  front     i  he 
arms,  instead  of  passing  through  the  whole  ength  of  the 
sleeves,  are  carried  through  openings  below  the  shoulders, 
producing  the  effect  of  long,  false  sleeves,  hangnig  as 
pendants.^    This  fashion  is  no  novelty,  but  is  not  tound 
on  brasses  before  this  time.    The  lost  effigy,  however,  of 
Christopher  Elcok,  draper,  1492,  formerly  at  bt.  Mary 
Magdalene's,  Burgate,  Canterbury,  showed  the  arms  pass- 
ing through  short,  false  sleeves  attached  to  the  cassock- 
like tunic  (described  p.  208),  to  the  girdle  of  which  a 
rosary  and  gypcifere  were  fastened.    Instances  occur  of  the 
slit  in  the  sleeve  appearing,  although  the  arm  passes 
through  the  whole  length  of  it  {e.g.,  c  1520  a  Civilian 
Brown  Candover,  Hants ;  c.  1520,  a  Civihan  (mutilated), 
Euston,  Suffolk;  1 521,  William  Cheswryght,  Fordham, 
cLbs  •  1^24,  John  Terry,  and  1525,  John  Marsham, 
St.  John  Maddermarket,  Norwich).    Beneath  the  gown 
are  worn  the  square-skirted  doublet,  usually  girded,  the 
sleeves  of  which  come  through  the  openings  in  the  gown- 
sleeves,  and  long  hose.    On  the  feet  are  low,  broad  shoes. 
The  hair  is  worl  long,  but  the  face  remains  clean-shaven. 
The  rosary  disappears  in  the  religious  disturbances. 
The  following  are  some  examples  :— 
ir2C.    Thomas  Pownder,  St.  Mary  Quay,  Ipswich, 

Suffolk;  Flemish. 
I  r  .  I .    Thomas  Potter,  Westerham  Kent. 
I  C.2.    Robert  Goodwyn,  Necton,  Norfolk. 
I  r^^.    Henry  Hatch,  Faversham,  Kent. 
1535.    Richard  Sawnders,  Pottesgrove,  Beds. 

-7^:^-^;;;^^  the  clergy.    Sec  above,  pp.  1 1 5" 




1542.  Thomas  Fromond,  Esq.,  Cheam,  Surrey;  kneel- 

1542.  Sir  Thomas  Nevell,  Kt.,  Mereworth,  Kent;  a 
cross  hanging  by  a  long  chain  round  the  neck  ; 

1546.    Robert  Barfott,  Lambourne,  Essex. 

^55^'  John  Selyard,  Edenbridge,  Kent ;  small  gypciere 
fastened  to  girdle  of  doublet. 

1558.    Edward  Crane,  Stratford  St.  Mary,  Suffolk. 

1 5 6 1 .    Robert  Swift,  kneeling,  Rotherham,  Yorks.  (rect- 
angular plate). 
c.  1565.    A  CiviHan,  Southminster,  Essex. 

In  civil  as  in  military  costume  the  reign  of  Queen 
Elizabeth  introduced  some  alterations.     The  hair  was 
worn  short,  and  moustaches  and  pointed  beards  became 
the  fashion.    The  square-cut  doublet  became  shorter, 
though  longer  in  the  waist,  and  was  buttoned  down  the 
front,  fitting  the  body  tightly,  and  having  a  short,  pointed 
skirt  below  a  waistband  or  sash.    Over  the  long  hose 
were  worn  trunk  hose,  stuffed  or  "  bombasted  like  beer- 
barrels,"  which  in  their  turn  gave  way  to  stuffed  breeches, 
the  hose  becoming  two  articles  of  dress : — the  "  upper 
stocks  "  or  breeches,  and  the  "  nether  stocks  "  (our  stock- 
ings), the  garters  for  which,  usually  tied  in  bows,  are 
visible  on  some  brasses.    The  long  gown  with  false  sleeves 
became  modified  in  some  particulars,  the  false  sleeve  be- 
coming a  mere  strip,  often  elaborately  slashed  or  striped, 
hanging  from  behind  the  shoulder.     This  gown,  fre- 
quently without  fur-edging  or  lining,  continued  in  use 
.during  the  seventeenth  century,  but  seems  to  have  been 
worn  more  by  "  reverend  signors  "  than  by  their  children  ; 
the  latter  and  the  younger  gallants  generally  seeming  to 
have  preferred  a  short,  open  cloak,  often  of  rich  materials, 
which  we  find  worn  towards  the  end  of  the  sixteenth  and 
throughout  the  seventeenth  century.    The  shoes  lost  their 
clumsy  appearance,  and  were  small  and  round-toed,  a 
feature  noticed  in  the  military  brasses  of  the  period. 


Ruffs  and  frills  were  worn  at  the  neck  and  wrists.  This 
costume,  with  but  slight  alteration,  lasted  to  the  end  of 
James  I.'s  reign.  The  effigies  are  often  represented 
standing  on  a  chequered  pavement.  Examples  are  ex- 
ceedingly numerous. 

Examples  in  the  long  gown  : — 
1567.    Thomas   Noke,    Esq.,    Shottesbrooke,  Berks.; 

crown-keeper's  badge  on  the  left  shoulder.' 
1570.    John  Webbe,  St.  Thomas',  Salisbury,  Wilts. 
1 574.    Richard  Payton,  Isleham,  Cambs. 
I  C76.    Edward  Bell,  Writtle,  Essex. 
1586.    Edward  Arundell,  Mawgan  in  Pyder,  Cornwall. 
I  C87.    Michael  Fraunces,  St.  Martin's,  Canterbury. 

1590.  Laurence  Hyde,  Esq.,  Tisbury,  Wilts.;  rect- 

angular plate.  ,    ^  „  n 

1 59 1.  Robert  Whalley,  Gent.,  Queens  College,  Cam- 

bridge. ^  , 

1592.  Roger  James,  All  Hallows  Barking,  London. 
1600.    Richard  Thornhill,  Bromley,  Kent. 

1 607.    Jacob  Verzelini,  Esq.,  Downe,  Kent. 

1 6 1  c.    James  Hobart,  Esq.,  Loddon,  Norfolk. 

1 6 1 6.    John  Darley,  Gent.,  Rawmarch,  Yorks. ;  kneehng. 

The  short  cloak,  under  which  a  rapier  was  frequently 
worn  on  the  left  side,  obviously  gives  a  better  opportumty 
than  the  gown  for  seeing  the  doublet  and  breaches  o 
trunk  hose,  often  slashed  or  embroidered^  ^^I'^VtW 
are  well  depicted  worn  by  sons  on  the  brasses  of  their 
parents.    Good  examples,  though  they  wear  a  kind  ot 

Quethlock,  Cornwall;  a  brass  belonging  ^%^^^\f°^2°,eV of  brasses 
1480  ;  and  1 5  19,  J'^^^^s  ^ornj,  Skpton  Budcs^^       Crown  on  their 
of  Yeomen  of  the  Guard,  with  the  badge  of  ^he  Ko^^  ana^ 
breasts  are  known,.,.,  Wimam  ^^^f/o^^f^.t         E^^^^  Kent, 
Rampston  (with  sword),  l5»5.^ost  trom         f,.  j         g  ving 

.S,.":  Aston,  Herts.;  Thomas  Mount,gue  ho  d.n|^^  ^J^^i 
bread  to  two  poor  men,  1630,  Wmktield,  cerKs. 

tion,  p.  cxxvu. 

Ermington,  Devon. 




long  open  gown,  are  afforded  by  the  two  boys  on  the 
brass  of  Lady  Norton,  1580,  Newington,  Kent;  and 
without  cloak  or  gown,  by  Henry  Baynton,  Esq.,  kneeling, 
on  the  brass  of  his  father,  Sir  Edward  Baynton,  Kt.,  1578, 
Bromham,  Wilts. 

The  following  are  some  examples  in  short  cloaks  : — 

1582.    Edward  Bugge,  Gent.,  Harlow,  Essex. 

1584.    Edward  Wiot,  Esq.,  Tillingham,  Essex ;  kneeling. 

1585/6.    Humphrey  and  Humphrey  Heies,  West  Thur- 

rock,  Essex ;  the  son  a  good  example. 
1587.    George  Clifton,  Esq.,  Clifton,  Notts. 
1592.    John  Lyon,  Harrow,  Middlesex,  founder  of  the 


1594.    George  Duke,  Gent.,  Honington,  Suffolk. 

1606.    Effigy  in  private  possession,  probably  Arthur 

Crafford,  Gent.,  from  South  Weald,  Essex ;  the 

cloak  has  an  embroidered  border. 

1609.  Thomas  Garland,  Todwick,  Yorks. ;  kneeling. 

1 610.  John  Cremer,  Snettesham,  Norfolk,  and  sons. 
1 615.    John  Gladwin,  Harlow,  Essex. 

The  mutilated  effigy  (lacking  head  and  legs)  of  William 
Hyldesley,  1576,  at  Crowmarsh  Giffard,  Oxon.,  shows  a 
short  cloak  with  false  sleeves,  worn  over  a  doublet,  to  the 
girdle  of  which  hangs  a  large  gypciere  on  the  right  side. 
Trunk  hose  were  worn. 

The  reign  of  Charles  I.  introduced  collar  and  cuffs  in 
preference  to  ruffs.  The  doublet  sometimes  ends  below 
the  waist  in  two  peaks,  not  joining.  The  knee-breeches 
are  rnuch  reduced  in  size;  the  hair  is  worn  long;  the 
large  jack-boot  appears ;  rapiers  are  worn  below  the  short 

Examples  in  long  gowns  with  false  sleeves : — 
1624.    Richard  Gadburye,  Eyworth,  Beds.;  wearing  a 
broad-brimmed  hat ;  the  gown  curiously  braided 
and  with  many  loops  and  buttons. 



1626.    John  Gunter,  Cirencester,  Gloucs. 

1630.  John  Kent,  Esq.,  St.  John's,  Devizes,  Wilts. 

1 63 1.  Robert  Coulthirst,  Kirkleatham,  Yorks. ;  book  in 

right  hand,  stick  in  left. 
1636.    Henry  Gibbes,  St.  James',  Bristol;  kneeling. 

1638.  William  Jones,  Gent.,  St.  Mary's,  Dover,  Kent. 

1639.  Thomas  Covell,  Esq.,  St.  Mary's,  Lancaster. 

1 647.    John  Morewood,  Bradfield,  W.  Yorks. ;  kneeling  ; 
skull-cap  ;  rectangular  plate. 

Examples  in  short  cloaks  : — 
c.  1630.    A  Civilian,  Croydon,  Surrey. 

1 63 1 .  Richard  Chiverton,  Quethiock,  Cornwall ;  locally 


1632.  William  Gardiner,  Daylesford,  Worcs. ;  right 

hand  holding  book ;  jack-boots  and  spurs. 
1634.    John  King,  Gent.,  Southminster,  Essex. 
c.  1 635.    The  sons  on  the  brass  of  Sir  John  Arundel,  Knt., 
St.  Columb  Major,   Cornwall;  jack-boots. 
(The  sons  of  John  Arundel,  Esq.,  1633,  at 
the  same  place,  are  similarly  attired.) 

1638.  The  sons  on  the  brass  of  Sir  Edward  Filmer, 

Kt.,  East  Sutton,  Kent,  except  the  eldest. 
The  short  cloaks  have  sleeves,  but  the  arms 
are  not  inserted  in  them  ;  all  but  the  youngest 
wear  jack-boots  ;  the  latter  has  rosettes  at  his 

1 639.  Robert  Alfounder,  East  Bergholt,  Suffolk  ;  jack- 

boots and  spurs.  The  breeches  terminate 
at  the  knees  in  nebule-shaped  cannons. 

1 64 1.  William  Randolph,  Biddenden,  Kent. 

1642.  William  Septvans  [alias  Harflet),  Esq.,  Ash- 

next-Sandwich,  Kent ;  the  cloak  longer  than 

A  curious  local  engraving  at  Heigham,  Norfolk,  repre- 
sents a  cavalier,  "  Thomas  Holl,  second  son  of  Thomas 
Holl,  Esq.,"  1630.  His  hair  has  a  periwig-like  appear- 
ance.   His  collar  is  trimmed  with  lace.    The  sword  sash 





passes  over  the  right  shoulder,  from  which  a  scarf  hangs. 
He  wears  jack-boots. 

Eighteenth-century  civilian  costume  is  represented  on 
the  brass  of  Benjamin  Greenwood,  1773,  St.  Mary  Cray, 
Kent,  who  wears  a  large  coat,  the  cuffs  of  which  are  turned 
back,  a  long  waistcoat,  knee-breeches,  stockings,  shoes, 
and  a  wig. 

The  graceful  mantle  (doubtless  descended  from  the 
classical  chlamys)  fastened  by  buttons  on  the  right  shoulder, 
which  we  have  remarked  worn  in  the  fourteenth  century, 
continued  in  use,  as  an  insigne  of  civic  dignitaries,  mayors, 
and  aldermen,  worn  over  the  gown  of  the  period,  long 
after  it  had  gone  out  of  fashion.  Such  a  qualification  is, 
probably,  the  cause  of  its  appearance  on  most  of  the 
following  effigies.  Haines  remarks  (pp.  ccxl.-i.)  that  the 
dress  of  mayors  and  aldermen  of  the  sixteenth  century 
"  consisted  of  a  red  gown,  a  black  or  brown  mantle,  and 
a  short  black  scarf,  which  last  appears  in  some  instances 
"to  have  been  worn  by  mayors  only."^  Some  examples, 
a  large  proportion  of  which  are  in  Norwich,  are  as 
follows : — 

1432.  Robert  Baxter,  St.  Giles',  Norwich. 

1433.  Simon  Seman,  Barton-on-Humber,  Lines. 
1436.    Richard  Purdaunce,  St.  Giles',  Norwich. 
1436.    John  Asger,  St.  Laurence,  Norwich. 

c.  1450.    John  Arderne,  Esq.,  Leigh,  Surrey. 
c.  1460.    John  Browne,  All  Saints',  Stamford,  Lines. 
c.  1460.    William  Browne  {d.  1489),  All  Saints',  Stamford, 

1472.    William  Norwiche,  St.  George  Colegate,  Nor- 

^  See  footnote  2,  p.  109.  The  brass  of  Edward  Goodman,  Burgesse  and 
Mercer  of  Ruthin,  1560,  Ruthin,  Denbighshire,  shows  him  wearing  over 
a  long  doublet  a  fur-lined  gown  with  false  sleeves,  a  cap,  and  a  short  scarf. 
Reproduced  in  J  Memoir  of  Galriel  Goodman,  D.D.,  Demi  of  Westminster, 
etc.,  by  the  Rev.  Richard  Newcome.    Ruthin,  1825. 



c.  14.J2.    Ralph  Segrym  (?),  St.  John  Maddermarket, 

1474.  John  Feld,  Standon,  Herts. 

1475.  John  Brown,  junr.,  All  Sahits',  Stamford,  Lines. 

1477.  John  Croke,  All  Hallows  Barking,  London. 

1478.  Thomas  Rowley,  St.  John,  Bristol. 
1487.    John  Lambarde,  Hinxworth,  Herts. 

1496.    Henry  Spelman,  "  Hospes "  and  Recorder  of 
Norwich,  Narburgh,  Norfolk. 
c.  1 500.    Robert  Gardiner  (?),  St.  Andrew,  Norwich. 

1 5 13.  Richard  Brasyer  and  son,  St.  Stephen,  Norwich. 
c.  1 5 13.    Robert  Brasyer,  St.  Stephen,  Norwich. 

1524.  John  Terry,  St.  John  Maddermarket,  Norwich. 

1525.  John  Marsham,  St.  John  Maddermarket,  Nor- 


1529.    John  Cooke,  St.  Mary  de  Crypt,  Gloucester. 

1539.  Nicholas    Leveson,    St.  Andrew  Undershaft, 


1540.  John  Semys,  St.  John  Baptist,  Gloucester. 
1558.    Robert  Rugge,  St.  John  Maddermarket,  Nor- 

1573.    Sir  William  Harper,  in  armour,  St.  Paul's, 

1 5  74.    Richard  Atkinson,  St.  Peter-ih-the-East,  Oxford. 

From  this  design  was  copied : — 
1826.    William  Fletcher,  Yarnton,  Oxon.  (Mayor  of 

Oxford,  Antiquary). 


0f  f e^al  O^trgfum^ 



For  centuries  les  gens  de  role  have  retained  a  costume 
appropriate  to  their  respective  functions.  On  the  origin 
of  this  costume,  as  to  whether  or  not  it  illustrates  the 
quasi-sacerdotium''  of  Judges  and  their  ecclesiastical  origin, 
we  do  not  propose  to  enlarge.  It  is  a  subject  involved 
in  much  uncertainty.  That  ecclesiastics  often  exercised 
judicial  functions  there  can  be  no  doubt ;  but  that  they 
did  so  by  virtue  of  their  Orders  is  by  no  means  proved. 
At  any  rate,  by  the  time  when  we  find  the  costume  of  a 
judge  engraved  on  a  brass,  the  law  had  renounced  any 
allegiance  which  it  may  ever  have  owed  to  the  Church. 
Largely  from  Mr.  Serjeant  PuUing's  work,  The  Order  of  the 
Coif^  surveying  the  position  of  the  Serjeants-at-law  from 
early  times  to  the  present  day,  the  following  notes  have 
been  drawn,  for  the  purpose  of  illustrating  the  costume 
which  we  find  on  brasses. 

It  would  appear  that  the  following  classes  existed  in  the 
legal  profession : — 

Attornati  et  apprenticii  ad  legem  {apprentices  de  la  ley),  who 
"  came  to  form  two  very  distinct  classes,  the  class  of  ap- 
"  prenticii  ad  legem  coming  first,  and  gradually  embracing 
not  only  the  learners,  but  the  learned,  the  sages  gentz, 
"the  counsellors,  the  apprenticii  ad  Barros^  who  consti- 
"tuted  with  the  older  order  of  the  Serjeants,  the  Bar, 
"  whilst  the  Attornati  came  to  occupy  a  prominent  place 
"  for  many  ages  subordinate  to  the  Bar  and  governed  by 
"  no  system  of  regulation,  except  those  which  from  time 

I  The  Order  of  the  Coif,  by  AlexanderPulIing,  Serjeant-at-law.  London : 
William  Clowes  &  Sons,  Limited,  27  Fleet  Street,  1897.  A  letter  by 
George  Bowyer  on  the  history  of  the  degree  of  Serjeant-at-law  will  be 
found  in  Proceedings  of  the  Society  of  Antiquaries,  ist  Series,  Vol.  I ,  p  178 
(February  25th,  1847). 



"  to  time  special  statutes,  or  the  reguU  generates  of  the 
"Judges,  prescribed."^ 

From  the  ranks  of  the  Apprenticii  ad  Barros  (or  Utter 
Barristers,  corresponding  to  the  modern  Barrister)  were 
chosen  the  Servientes  ad  legem^  or  Serjeants-at-law ;  and 
from  the  King's  Serjeants  (Servientes  Regis  ad  legem)  were 
chosen  the  Judges  of  the  one  bench  and  the  other  (King's 
Bench  and  Common  Pleas),  and  the  Chief  Baron  of  the 
Exchequer,  who,  with  the  Serjeants,  constituted  the  Order 
of  the  Coif.^ 

The  Serjeants-at-law  (Serjeant  Counters,  Serjeants  of 
the  Coif)  formed  a  far  more  exclusive  and  privileged  class 
than  the  King's  Counsel,  who,  in  modern  times,  have  to 
so  large  an  extent  usurped  their  position.  Their  per- 
manent rank  placed  them  immediately  after  Knights 
Bachelor,  and  they  may  be  compared  in  degree  to  the 
Doctors  in  the  higher  faculties.  Under  the  old  system 
"at  Westminster  Hall,"  writes  Mr.  Serjeant  Pulling, 
"  .  .  .  the  Serjeants-at-law  not  only  had  the  precedence 
"and  preaudience,  but  constituted  the  whole  Common 
"Pleas  Bar," 3  in  which  court  they  had  the  right  of  ex- 
clusive audience. 

The  Coif'*  {tena^^  hirettum  alburn)^  which  gave  its  name 
to  the  Order,  being  described  by  Fortescue  as  the  "  prin- 
"  cipal  and  chief  insignment  of  habit  wherewith  Serjeants- 
"  at-law  on  their  creation  are  decked,"  was  a  close-fitting 
kind  of  skull-cap,  tied  beneath  the  chin,  made  of  white 

1  The  Order  of  the  Coif,  p.  112. 

2  "  Sir  E  Coke  describes  the  ordinary  gradation  of  members  as  first, 
<^Moomen  or  Students"  [sometimes  called  Gentlemen  under  the  Bar  or 
"Inner  Barristers,  constituting  legal  undergraduates]  ;  "secondly,  Utter 
"  Barristers"  [who  had/^W  the  Bar  or  graduated]  ;  "thirdly,  Ancients ; 
"  fourthly,  Readers  and  Double  Readers ;  and  fifthly,  Serjeants-at-law, 
<'  the  King's  Serjeants  and  the  Judges." — The  same,  p.  171. 

3  The  same,  p.  210. 

4  Called  "houve"  by  Langeland,  Vision  of  Piers  Ploughman,  c.  1 369. 

5  Doubtless  so  called  from  the  strings,  tena  or  infula,  which  tied  it 
beneath  the  chin,  the  ends  of  which  may  be  the  origin  of  bands. 



lawn  or  silk,  frequently  with  a  band  down  the  centre. 
The  origin  of  this  coiffure  is  lost  in  obscurity,  such  ex- 
planations as  that  it  was  worn  to  conceal  the  tonsure,  or 
the  latter's  absence,  whether  right  or  wrong  being  incapable 
of  proof.  We  must  be  content  with  an  admission  of 
ignorance  as  to  its  original  significance,  and  with  a  state- 
ment that  it  constituted  as  much  a  part  of  the  insignia  of 
the  Serjeant-at-law,  as  the  pointed  pileus  formed  a  part 
of  those  of  the  Doctor  in  Theology  {see  p.  125). 

Over  this  coif  the  judges  sometimes  wore  a  skull-cap  of 
black  silk  or  velvet,  the  remains  of  which,  as  of  the  coif, 
were  to  be  seen  in  the  small  circular  white  patch  with 
black  centre  shown  on  the  top  of  the  Serjeant's  long  wig. 
This  black  skull-cap  is  quite  distinct  from  the  judge's  black, 
square,  or  corner  cap,  known  as  the  sentence  cap,  worn, 
according  to  Mr.  Serjeant  Pulling's  supposition,  to  veil 
the  coif,  but,  possibly,  merely  as  a  symbol  of  dignity  and 
authority ;  for  it  was  ordered  to  be  worn  in  church,  when 
on  circuit.^ 

Chief  Justice  Fortescue  states^  that  "a  Serjeant-at-law 

^  See  the  "  Solemn  Decree  and  Rule  made  by  all  the  Judges  of  the 
Courts  at  Westminster  bearing  date  the  fourth  day  of  June,  An.  1635," 
in  Dugdale's  Origines  Jurtdlcales;  also  "English  Academical  Costume 
(Mediaeval),"  by  Professor  E.  C.  Clark,  LL.D.,  F.S.A.,  Archaological 
JournakVoX.  L.,  1893,  pp.  142-3  ;  and  the  "Pileus  Quadratus,  etc,"  by  the 
Rev.  N.  F.  Robinson,  5/.  Paul's  Ecclesiologkal Society's  Transactions,  Vol.  V., 
Part  I.,  1 90 1.  At  Weekley,  Northants,  the  monument  of  Sir  Edward 
Montagu  {d.  1556)  shows  him  in  judge's  robes,  and  wearing  over  the 
coif  a  pileus  quadratus ;  engraved  in  Sepulchral  Memorials,  cotuisting  of 
engravings  from  the  Altar  Tombs,  Effigies,  and  Monuments,  ancient  and  modern, 
contained  within  the  County  of  Northampton,  from  the  pen-drawings  of 
W  H.  Hyett.  London:  Nicholls,  1817.  At  Wroxeter,  Salop,  the 
alabaster  effigy  of  Sir  Thomas  Bromley  (S.L.  1 540,  C.J.  of  King's  Bench, 
^.  1555)  shows  scarlet  gown  lined  with  light  green,  a  red  mantle,  and  a 
black  square  cap.  (See  Transactions  of  Shropshire  Jrchceological  and  Natural 
History  Society,  2nd  series,  Vol.  I.,  1889,  p.  15.) 

2  De  Laudibus  Legum  Anglic,  C.  li. :  "  Roba  longa  ad  instar  sacerdotis 
<n  T^if ^^^^^  humeros  ejus  et  desuper  collobio  cum  duobus 
"  labcllulis  quahter  uti  solent  doctores  legum  in  universitatibus  quibusdam 
"  cum  supra  descripto  birreto  vestiebatur." 


*'  is  clothed  in  a  long  robe  not  unlike  the  sacerdotal 
"  habit,  with  a  furred  cape,  about  his  shoulders,  and  a  hood 
'*  over  it,  with  two  lapels  or  tippets  such  as  the  Doctors 
"  of  Law  use  in  some  universities,  with  a  coif  as  is  above 
"  described." 

This  bears  much  similarity  to  academical  costume,  there 
being  a  striking  resemblance  in  the  dress  of  Thomas  Rolf, 
S.L.,  1440,  legi  pfessus  "  at  Gosfield,  Essex,  who  appears 
to  wear  a  tabard  over  his  "  long  robe,"  to  that  ot  the 
Master  of  Arts,  described  p.  135.  Indeed,  it  is  well-nigh 
identical  but  for  coif  and  bands.'  {See  Professor  Clark, 
Vol.  L.,  Archaologkal  Journal,  pp.  203-4.) 

The  "  long  robe  "  is  best  described  as  being  "  cassock- 
like," worn  without  girdle.  Over  this  is  seen  a  fur  cape 
or  tippet,"  lined  and  edged  with  lambs'  wool  (budge),  and 
a  hood.  On  the  colour  of  these  garments  much  Hght  is 
thrown  by  four  illuminations  from  a  MS.  {temp  Henry  VL) 
described  and  illustrated  in  the  Archaologia^  Vol.  XXXIX., 
1863.3  Here  the  Serjeants  are  seen  standing  by  their 
clients,  and  wearing  parti-coloured  robes  (Chaucer's 
<'  medlee  cote  ")  of  blue  and  green,  rayed  or  striped,  as 

1  At  the  Exhibition  of  English  Embroidery  executed  prior  to  the 
middle  of  the  Sixteenth  Century,  held  at  the  Burhngton  Fine  Arts  Club, 
IQ05,  were  shown  two  copes,  f.  1500  (Case  R.,  Nos.  2  and  4).  1^"^. 
Oscott  College,  Birmingham,  on  the  orphreys  of  which  figures,  holding 
rolls  in  the  left  hand,  appear  in  robes,  possibly  those  of  a  serjeant  :-a 
long  robe  (roba  talaris)  ;  over  it  a  shorter  gown  with  surplice-like  sleeves 
{taberdtm)oi?.  colour  lighter  than  that  of  the  long  robe;  a  green  hood 
and  white  coif. 

2  Langeland's  "  pelease." 

3 "  Observations  on  four  Illuminations  representing  the  Courts  of 
Chancery  King's  Bench,  Common  Pleas,  and  Exchequer  at  Westminster, 
from  a  MS  of  fhe  time  of  King  Henry  VI.,  in  a  letter  from  G.  R.  Corner, 
Esq  ,  F.S.A.,  to  Frederic  Ouvry,  Esq.,  Treasurer."  Read  December  6th, 
i860  pp      7-3 7 2,  Vol.  XXXIX.,  ^rfWo^^,  1863. 

A°'Faversham,  Kent,  was  found,  in  1851,  a  fourteenth-century  wall- 
paindnroftTneeling'figure  (P  Robert  D°d)   wearing  red  cassock-l^e 
robe,  tippet,  and  hood  (apparently  combined  ,  and  white  coif. 
"  Fa;ersham  Church,  Kent,"  by  Thomas  Willement,  Esq.,  F.S.A., 
pp.  i5o-i53»  Archaolo^a  Cantiatia,  Vol.  I.,  185b. 



though  they  had  accepted  some  patron's  livery  in  accord- 
ance with  the  practice  of  the  age.  Sir  William  Dugdale, 
in  his  Origines  Juridicales,  says:  "The  robes  they  now 
"  use  do  still  somewhat  resemble  those  of  the  justices  of 
"either  bench,  and  are  of  three  distinct  colours,  viz., 
"  murrey,  black  furred  with  white,  and  scarlet ;  but^  the 
"  robe  which  they  usually  wear  at  their  creation  only  is  of 
"  two  colours,  viz.,  murrey  and  mouse-colour  ;  whereunto 
"  they  have  a  hood  suitable,  as  also  a  Coif  of  white  silk  or 

Unfortunately  the  few  brasses,  which  we  possess,  of 
Serjeants-at-law,  give  no  indication  of  colour. 

The  illuminations,  just  mentioned,  amply  illustrate  the 
scarlet  colour  of  the  robes  of  the  Judges.  Li  form  these 
are  the  same  as  those  of  the  Serjeants,  as  members  of  the 
same  Order  : — a  long  robe  (supertunic  or  surcoat)  with  or 
without  girdle,  cape,  hood,  and  coif,  with  the  exception 
that  the  hood  is  worn  over  a  mantle  fastened  on  the  right 
shoulder,  in  the  manner  prevalent  in  the  fourteenth  cen- 
tury. "After  he  [the  Serjeant]  is  made  a  Judge,  instead 
"  of  the  Hood  he  shall  be  habited  with  a  cloak  fastened 
"  upon  his  right  shoulder.  He  still  retains  the  other 
"  ornaments  of  a  Serjeant,  with  the  exception  that  a  Judge 
"  shall  not  use  a  parti-coloured  habit,  as  the  Serjeants  do  ; 

^ "  In  the  Liber  Famelkus  of  Sir  James  Whitelocke,  edited  by  John 
"Bruce,  Esq.,  F.S.A.,  and  published  by  the  Camden  Society,  1858,  he. 
"  relates  that  on  the  occasion  of  his  being  created  a  Serjeant,  June  29th, 
"  1620,  after  taking  his  leave  of  the  Society  of  the  Middle  Temple,  they 
"  attended  him  to  Serjeants'  Inn  in  Fleet  Street ;  where,  his  party-coloured 
"  robe  being  put  upon  him  in  his  chamber,  he  was  conducted  into  the 
"  hall  by  the  tipstaves,  his  scarlet  hood  and  his  coif  laid  upon  it  being 
"  carried  before  him  by  his  man.  And,  after  recording  the  expenses  of  his 
"creation  and  robes,  he  adds:  'Memorandum:  I  made  no  black  robe, 
"  nor  purple,  because  I  was  not  to  need  them,  but  only  a  party-coloured 
"  and  a  scarlet ;  the  party-coloured,  a  robe,  a  hood,  and  tabard ;  the 
"  scarlet,  a  robe  and  hood,'  He  says  further  :  *I  rode  circuit  in  summer, 
"  1620,  Serjeant-at-law,  and  practised  in  my  party-coloured  robe  on 
"Sundays  and  holidays, both  in  the  circuit  and  in  the  term.'" — "Obser- 
vations on  Four  Illuminations,  etc"  Jrchieolo^ayWoX.  XXXIX.,  1863, 
p.  37°- 




"  and  his  cape  is  furred  with  minever,  whereas  the  Serjeant's 
"  cape  is  always  furred  with  lambs'  wool." ' 

From  this  we  see  that  more  costly  fur,  minever,  was 
used,^  and  that  the  robes  were  not  to  be  parti-coloured. 

The  Barons  of  the  Exchequer  {Scaccarium),  except  the 
Chief,  and  the  Masters  in  Chancery,  were  not,  necessarily, 
of  the  Coif,  and,  accordingly,  were  of  lower  rank.  The 
illuminations  cited  show  four  Barons,^  each  either  wearing 
or  holding  a  curious  high  cap  (or  chaperon),  not  unlike 
that  worn  by  John  Edward,  1461,  Rodmarton,  Gloucs. 
{see  below).  The  four  Masters  in  Chancery  are  tonsured. 
In  each  case  these  robes  are  of  mustard  colour,  in  the  case 
of  the  Exchequer  of  the  same  shape  as  the  Judge's  ;  but 
the  centre  figures  are  in  scarlet. 

The  following  are  the  brasses  of  Judges  remaining  : — 

1400.  Sir  John  Cassy,  Kt.,  Deerhurst,  Gloucs.,  Chief 
Baron  of  the  Exchequer  ;  wife  on  dexter  side ; 
mantle  lined  with  vair  ;  cape  does  not  appear ; 
the  sleeves  of  the  under-tunic  end  in  buttoned 
mittens ;  feet  rest  on  lion,  facing  sinister. 

'  Fortescue,  De  Laudibus,  C.  li.,  quoted  by  Serjeant  Pulling,  p.  223-4. 
See  also  Stow's  Survey  :  "  And  now,  in  some  Things,  his  former  Habit 
"  of  a  Serjeant  is  altered.  His  long  Robe  and  Cap,  his  Hood  and  Coif 
"are  the  same.  But  there  is  besides  a  Cloak  put  over  him,  which  is 
"  closed  on  his  right  shoulder ;  and  his  Caputium  is  lined  with  Minez'er, 
"  that  is,  divers  small  Pieces  of  white  rich  Furr.  But  the  Two  Lord 
"  Chief-Justices,  and  the  Lord  Chief  Baron,  have  their  Hoods,  Sleeves 
"and  Collars,  turned  up  with  Ermine."    Ed.  1720,  Book  L,  p.  122. 

*The  Orders  of  1635  prescribe  as  follows: — "The  facing  of  their 
"  Gowns,  Hoods,  and  Mantles,  is  with  Changable  TafFata  ;  which  they 
"  must  begin  to  wear  upon  Ascension  Day,  being  the  last  Thursday  in 
"  Easter  Term  ;  and  continue  those  Robes  until  the  Feast  of  Simon  and 
"  Jude  :  And  upon  Simon  and  Jude's  day  the  Judges  begin  to  wear  their 
"  Robes  faced  with  white  furs  of  Minever  ;  and  so  continue  that  facing 
"till  Ascension  Day  again."    See  Pulling,  p.  225. 

3  "  Mr.  Corner  suggests  that  they  are  the  other  Barons  of  the  Exchequer ; 
"  but  I  doubt  it,  as  the  robes  issued  to  them  appear  to  have  been  always 
"similar  in  colour  to  those  of  the  chief." — Planch6,  Cychpadia  of  Costume^ 
1876,  sub  Robe. 

Brav,  Berks. 



141 5.  Sir  Hugh  de  Holes,  Kt.,  Watford,  Herts., 
Justice  of  the  King's  Bench;  feet  gone. 
(Placed  on  the  wall  in  1 8  7 1 .) 

141 9.  Wilham  Lodyngton,  Gunby,  Lines.,  Justice  of 

the  Common  Pleas  to  Henry  V.,  S.L.  14 10; 
wearing  anelace ; '  feet  on  leopard. 

1 420.  Richard  Norton,  Wath,  N.  Yorks.,  Chief  Justice 

of  the  King's  Bench,  S.L.  1406  ;  much  worn  ; 
feet  on  lion. 

c.  1430.  John  Staverton  (?),  Eyke,  Suffolk,  Baron  of  the 
Exchequer;  head  gone.  Probably  did  not 
wear  the  coif. 

1436.  John  Martyn,  Graveney,  Kent,  Justice  of  the 
King's  Bench,  S.L.  141 5;  holding  heart  in- 
scribed, "  Ihu  mcy";  feet  on  lion. 

1439.  ^'^^  John  Juyn,  Kt.,  St.  Mary  RedclifFe,  Bristol, 
Chief  Justice  of  the  King's  Bench,  S.L.  1403  ; 
feet  rest  on  ground. 

1439.  John  Cottesmore,  Brightwell  Baldwin,  Oxon., 
Chief  Justice  ;  mural,  kneeling.  Commemo- 
rated by  two  brasses,  one  mural,  the  other  on 
the  floor. 

c.  1465.  Nicholas  Assheton,  Callington,  Cornwall,  "one 
of  the  Kynges  Juges,"  "  Secundarie  "  of  the 
Common  Pleas  ;  feet  on  ground. 

1467.  Sir  Peter  Arderne,  Kt.,  Latton,  Essex,"  Chief 
Baron  of  the  Exchequer,  Judge  of  the  Common 
Pleas,  S.L.  1443  '■>  tunic  covering  his  feet. 

1475.  Sir  William  Laken,  Kt.,  Bray,  Berks.,  Justice  of 
the  King's  Bench,  S.L.  1453 ;  rosary  and 
anelace  hanging  from  girdle. 

^  An  anelace  and  gypci^re  are  worn  by  Sir  William  Gascolgne,  Chief 
Justice  of  the  King's  Bench  temp.  Henry  IV.  (stone  effigy),  Harewood, 
Yorks.  The  latter  is  seen  on  the  alabaster  effigy  of  Sir  Richard  Newton 
(S.L.  1424),  Chief  Justice  of  the  Common  Pleas,  c.  1448,  at  Yatton, 

^See  paper  entitled,  "Arderne's  Chantry  at  Latton,  Essex,"  by  C.  E. 
Johnston,  The  Home  Counties  Magazine,  Vol.  IV„  1902,  pp.  222-5. 


1476.  Sir  Richard  Bingham,  Kt.,  Middleton,  Warwick- 
shire, Justice  of  the  King's  Bench,  S.L.  1443  I 
wearing  fur-lined  gown  open  in  front,  over 
which  is  mantle  ;  feet  on  ground. 

1479.  Sir  Thomas  Urswyke,  Kt.,  Dagenham,  Essex, 
Chief  Baron  of  the  Exchequer,  1472,  formerly 
Recorder  of  London  ;  became  S.L.  1479, 
which  year  he  died.  An  early  date  of  en- 
graving may  account  for  the  absence  of  the 
coif.  Neither  tippet  nor  hood  show  ;  wearing 
rosary ;  feet  on  dog. 

148 1.    Sir  Thomas  BilHng,  Kt.,  Wappenham,  North- 
ants,  Chief  Justice  of  the  Common  Pleas, 
S.L.  1448.    The  slab  was  semee  of  scrolls, 
Ihu  mercy  "  and  "  lady  helppe."  Origin- 
ally at  Biddlesden,  Bucks. 

1494.  Brian  Rouclyff,  Cowthorpe,  W.  Yorks.,  third 
Baron  of  the  Exchequer ;  no  coif.  The 
monument  has  been  much  injured. 

1 5 13.  Sir  William  Greville,  Kt.,  Cheltenham,  Gloucs., 
Justice  of  the  Common  Pleas,  S.L.  1504; 

1538.  Sir  Anthony  Fitzherbert,  Kt.,'  Norbury,  Derby- 
shire, Justice  of  the  Common  Pleas,  S.L. 
1 5 10;  much  mutilated,  head  gone;  casting 
hood  on  right  shoulder ;  holding  roll  in  right 

1544/5.  Sir  Walter  Luke,  Kt.,  Cople,  Beds.,  Justice  of 
the  Common  Pleas,  S.L.  1531  ;  mural  in 
stone  frame ;  kneeling ;  scarlet  mantle  and 
hood ;  wearing  gypciere.  The  traces  of  colour- 
ing matter  are  visible. 
1545.  Thomas  Holte,  Esq.,  Aston,  Warwickshire, 
Justice  of  North  Wales  ;  the  head  is  lost,  but 

I  For  "The  Will  of  the  celebrated  Judge,  Sir  Anthony  Fitzherbert," 
by  the  Rev.  R.  H.  C.  Fitzherbert  (proved  26th  August,  1538),  see  TAe 
Reliquary,  Vol.  XXI.,  1 880-1,  p.  234. 



probably  no  coif,  as  he  was  not  a  Serjeant ; 

holding  scroll  in  hands ;  a  gypciere  attached 

to  girdle  on  right ;  broad  shoes. 
1553.    Henry  Bradschawe,  Esq.,  Halton,  Bucks.,  Chief 

Baron  of  the  Exchequer;   kneeling;  head 

bare;  gypciere. 
1553.    William  Coke,  Esq.,  Milton,  Carnbs.,  Justice  of 

the  Common  Pleas,  "  communi  banco,"  S.L. 

1 547 ;  casting  hood  hanging  on  right  shoulder; 


1556.  Sir  John  Spelman,  Kt.,  Narburgh,  Norfolk, 
secundary  justice  of  the  King's  Bench,  S.L. 
1521  ;  kneeling  at  prayer-desk. 

1563.  Nycholas  Luke,  Esq.,  Cople,  Beds.,  Baron  of 
the  Exchequer  ;  no  coif ;  similar  in  design  to 
that  of  Sir  Vv" alter  Luke,  above  ;  gypciere. 

1567.  Sir  Anthony  Browne,  Kt.,  South  Weald,  Essex, 
Chief  Justice  of  Common  Pleas,  S.L.  iSSS  '■> 
kneeling  at  prayer-desk ;  only  lower  part  of 
effigy  left. 

1598.  Hen.  Bradshawe  (ob.  1553),  Noke,  Oxon., 
Chief  Baron  of  the  Exchequer ;  no  mantle. 

c.  1470.  Sir  William  Yelverton,  Kt.,  Rougham,  Norfolk, 
Justice  of  the  King's  Bench,  S.L.  1440  ;  wear- 
ing armour,  over  which  mantle,  hood,  and 
collar  of  suns  and  roses ;  on  his  head  a  coif. 
1570.  Sir  Clement  Heigham,  Kt.,  Barrow,  Suffolk, 
Chief  Baron  of  the  Exchequer  to  Queen 
Mary,  S.L.  1555;  kneeling;  in  armour. 

At  Writtle,  Essex,  are  three  shields,  belonging  to  the 
altar-tomb  of  Richard  Weston,  Justice  of  the  Common 
Pleas,  1572  (S.L.  1559). 

At  Sedgebrook,  Lines.,  is  the  matrix  of  the  brass  of 
John  Markham,  Lord  Chief  Justice  iemp  Edward  IV. 

The  few  brasses  of  Serjeants-at-law  vary  more  in  type 
than  those  of  the  Judges : — 



1404.  John  Rede,  Checkendon,  Oxon.,  S.L.  1401, 
"  Serviens  domini  Regis  ad  legem,"  or  King's 
Serjeant ;  wearing  the  cassock-like  gown,  from 
beneath  the  sleeves  of  which  appear  the 
buttoned  mitten-sleeves  of  the  under-tunic  ; 
hood  and  pointed  shoes  ;  no  coif  nor  girdle  ; 
the  hair  flowing ;  feet  on  ground. 

1410.    Nichol  Rolond,  Cople,  Beds.,  possibly  S.L. ; 

wearing  robe  with  tight  sleeves,  tippet,  hood,' 
and  coif.    The  wife  occupies  the  dexter  side. 

1440.  Thomas  Rolf,  Gosfield,  Essex,  S.L.  141 8,  "legi 
pfessus  "  ;  wearing  cassock-like  gown,  tabard 
(as  described  p.  135),  tippet,  hood,  bands,  and 
coif;  ''inter  iuristas  quasi  flos  enituit."  Some- 
what similar  to  this,  though  without  cape  or 
hood,  is  a  recumbent  stone  effigy  of  the  four- 
teenth century  at  Pembridge,  Herefordshire.^ 

1 5 1 9.    Thomas  Pygott,  Whaddon,  Bucks.,  S.L.  1 503. 

1522.    John  Brook,  St.  Mary  Redclifl^e, Bristol,  Serjeant- 
at-law  to  King  Henry  VIII.,  Justice  of  Assize 
 in  the  west  parts  of  England,'  Chief  Steward 

^  Engraved  in  Transactions  of  the  Bristol  and  Gloucestershire  Jrcka-ological 
Society,  Vol.  XVIII.,  1 893-4,  illustrating  a  paper,  "The  Dress  of  Civilians 
in  the  Middle  Ages  from  Monumental  Effigies,"  by  Mrs.  M.  E.  Bagnall- 
Oakeley,  pp.  252-270.  On  brass  of  Thomas  Rolf,  see  Professor  Clark's 
"Mediaeval  Academical  Costume,"  Vol.  L.,  Archaolo^cal  Journal, 
pp.  203-4.  Sculptured  effigies  of  Serjeants-at-law,  of  a  later  date,  exist, 
^.^.,1622,  Edward  Drew,  Esq.  (S.L.  1589),  Broadclyst,  Devon,  "qui 
Regins  Elizab.  serviens  erat  ad  legem";  1640,  John  Darcy,  Serjeant-at- 
law,  died  1638/9,  St.  Osyth,  Essex,  above  which  is  a  mural  brass  inscrip- 
tion in  Roman  capitals  engraved  by  Fr.  Grigs.  In  the  Proceedings  of  Somerset 
Archaeological  and  "Natural  History  Society,  Vol.  XXXVIII.,  1 892,  is  a  paper 
by  H.  C.  Maxwell  Lyte,  C.B.,  on  the  Lytes  of  Lytescary,  with  an  illus- 
tration from  a  pedigree  compiled  in  1631  by  Thomas  Lyte,  of  glass 
formerly  in  Charlton  Makerel  Church,  depicting  William  Lyte,  Serjeant- 
at-law,  temp  Edward  I.,  kneeling  in  his  robes. 

^See  Pulling,  p.  4,  note  3.    "Assizes  may  be  taken  before  any  justices 
of  the  one  Bench  or  the  other,  or  Serjeant  le  Roi  jure,  i.e.,  every  Serjeant- 
at-law.— 4  Edw.  III.,  c.  16."    He  quotes,  p.  4,  Chaucer's  :— 
"Justice  he  was  ful  often  in  assise. 
By  patent,  and  by  pleine  commissiun." 

St.  Mary  Rkdcuffe,  Bristol. 




of  Glastonbury  Abbey ;  wearing  coif,  tippet, 
hood,  and  round-toed  shoes,  gown,  and 

15—.    John  Newdegate,  Harefield,  Middlesex,  S.L. 

1 510  (wife  died  1544);  no  cape;  holding  a 

1 68 1 .    Edmund  West,  Marsworth,  Bucks.,  S.L.  1679; 

represented  in  armour  and  lying  on  his  left 
side,  a  book  in  right  hand,  a  sword  in  left. 

At  Brampton,  Norfolk,  is  an  inscription  for  Guybon 
Goddard,  Serjeant-at-law,  1671,  remarkable  for  its  ending 
"cujus  animae  propitietur  deus  "  at  so  late  a  date. 

At  Great  Bardfield,  Essex,  was  formerly  the  effigy  of 
William  Bendlowes,  1584  (S.L.  1555). 

Barons  of  the  Exchequer  and  Masters  in  Chancery  are 
occasionally  mentioned  on  brasses  : — 

Barons  of  the  Exchequer. 

1 44  8 .  Nicholas  Dixon,  rector,  Cheshunt,  Herts. ,  "  pipe 
subthesaurarius,"  Baron  of  the  Exchequer; 
in  cope. 

1460.  Inscription,  Outwell,  Norfolk,  to  Margaret, 
wife  of  Gilbert  Haultoft,  one  of  the  Barons  of 
the  Exchequer  to  King  Henry  VL 
c.  1520.  Inscription,  Attlebridge,  Norfolk,  William,  son 
and  heir  of  William  Elys,  Baron  of  the  Ex- 

Masters  in  Chancery. 

1 56 1.  John  Eyer,Esq.,Narburgh,  Norfolk  ;  in  armour  ; 

1565.  Sir  John  Tregonwell,  D.C.L,  and  a  Master  of 
the  Chauncerye,  Milton  Abbas,  Dorset;  in 
heraldic  tabard. 

1586.    Nicholas  West,  Marsworth,  Bucks. ;  in  armour. 


Barristers  are  represented  by  a  few  brasses.  The  terms 
in  lege  peritus  and  Apprenticius  ad  legem  or  ad  leges  are  occa- 
sionally found,  and  probably  denote  this  degree ' : — 

1437.    Robert  Skerii,  Kingston-upon-Thames,  Surrey, 

"  lege  peritus  "  ;  in  civilian  tunic. 
1461.    John  Edward,  Rodmarton,  Gloucs.,  "  ffamosus 
apprenticius  in  lege  peritus " ;  wearing  the 
civilian  tunic  of  the  period,  but  on  his  head 
a  curious  high  cap  of  velvet  or  some  soft 
material  with  an  edging  of  fur."^ 
c.  1460.    An  Effigy,  St.  Peter's,  Chester,  wearing  a  high- 
crowned  cap  with  vandyked  base,  and  the 
civilian  bag-sleeved  gown,  without  girdle. 
The  inscription  is  lost,  but  the  similarity  to 
the  last-mentioned  brass  may  justify  its  in- 
clusion in  this  class. 
1472.    Robert    Ingylton,    Esq.,   Thornton,  Bucks., 
in  armour ;  Chancellor  of  the  Exchequer. 
Browne  Willis  gives  a  lost  inscription,  "qui 
quondam  erat  juris  peritus,  et  totius  virtutis 


1 50 1.  Robert  Baynard,  Esq.,  Laycock,  Wilts.,  "vir 
egregius  et  legis  peritus,  etc." ;  in  armour 
with  heraldic  tabard. 

1507.  William  Eyre,  Esq.,  Great  Cressingham,  Nor- 
folk, "juris  peritus"  ;  in  civilian  gown. 

15 14.    Robert    Southwell,    Esq.,    Barham,  Suffolk, 

the  Calendar  of  the  Freemen  of  Nortvich  from  1317  to  1603 
(Edward  II.  to  Elizabeth  inclusive),  by  John  L'Estrange,  and  edited  by 
Walter  Rye  (London  :  Elliot  Stock,  1882),  occur  the  names  of  Edmund 
Grey,  Esq.,  Juris  Peritus,  and  Nicholas  Hare,  Esq.,  Legis  Peritus,  each 
admitted  28  Hen.  VIIL 

At  Preston  Bagot,  Warwickshire,  is  the  brass  of  Elizabeth,  wife  of 
Wm.  Randoll,    legis  consiliarius,"  1637, 

-  "In  the  church  of  Norton  St.  Philip,  Somersetshire,  is  a  stone  effigy 
surmounted  by  a  similar  cap." — p.  61,  The  Monumental  Brasses  of 
•Gloucestershire^  by  Cecil  T.  Davis,  1899. 



" apprenticius  ad  leges":  wearing  civilian 
fur-lined  gown. 
1574.  Richard  Payton,  Isleham,  Cambs.,  "In  Greys 
Inne  student  of  the  lawe,  wheare  he  a  Reader 
was  "  ;  in  false-sleeved  gown ;  holding  a  book 
in  right  hand. 

1585.  Francis  Saunders,  Welford,  Northants,  "legum 
Anglie  apprenticius  "  ;  in  armour. 

1596.  Robert  Trencreeke,  St.  Erme,  Cornwall, 
couseler  at  lawe  "  ;  kneeling  in  false-sleeved 

1 62 1.  Thomas  Palmer,  Epping,  Essex,  "A  Professor 
of  that  illustrious  and  flourishing  Scyence  of 
ye  common  Lawe,  and  an  utter  Barrester 
of  that  Right  Worshipfull  Socyetie  of  Lin- 
colnes  Inne " ;  in  false-sleeved  gown  and 

1668.  Robert  Shiers,  Great  Bookham,  Surrey,  "of  the 
Inner  Temple,  London,  Esq." ;  called  to  the 
Bar  1641,  Bencher  1660,  Lecturer  1667;  in 
civilian  costume ;  holding  open  book  in  right 


1 531.  Robert  Fulwode,  Tam worth,  Warwickshire, 
"JExcellentissie  doctrinat'  siue  litterat'  in 
coie  lege  Anglie." 

1585.  Nicholas  Pury,  Esq.,  Sanderstead,  Surrey  (a 
palimpsest  reverse  of  the  brass  of  Nicholas 
Wood,  1586,  and  probably  a  spoilt  plate), 
"  Templi  que  medii  socius  erat." 

1 604.  John  Clarke,  Bennington,  Herts.,  "  Councill  at 

1613.  James   Mott  (?),    Mattishall,    Norfolk,  four 

English  verses,  "  He  professed  the  lawe." 

1 614.  Andrew  Gray,  Esq.,  Hinxworth,  Herts.,  "double 

reader  of  ye  Lawe  in  ye  Inner  Temple  in 




1483.    Wm,  Crofton,  Gent.,  B.C.L.  of  Grey's  Inn, 

Trotterscliffe,  Kent ;  civilian  gown. 
158 1.    William    Saxaye,  Stanstead  Abbotts,  Herts., 

"late  of  Grais  In  gentlema,"  aged  23. 
1596.    Inscription,  William  Bramfeilde,  Gent.,  Wal- 

kern,  Herts.,  "  sumtym  student  of  Grayes 


1 612.  Arthur  Strode,  St.  Aldate's,  Oxford,  of  Broad- 
gates  Hall,  "in  medio  templo  Londinensis 
legum  studiosi,"  aged  23  ;  wearing  gown  with 
false  sleeves. 

The  following  are  some  brasses  of  other  legal  function- 
aries and  officials : — 

1470.    Hen.  Unton,  Sculthorpe,  Norfolk,  "  Gentilman 

Cirographorius  "  (engrosser)  of  the  Court  of 

Common  Pleas;  in  armour,  kneeling;  restored. 
c.  1470.    Inscription  to  John  Colard,  Hailing,  Kent,  for 

thirty-seven  years  one  of  the  King's  Clerks  of 

the  Exchequer. 
1492.    Bartholomew  Willesden,  Willesdon,  Middlesex, 

"  comptroller  of  the  great  roll  of  the  Pipe  " ; 

inscription  lost ;  cap  with  pendent  scarf  on 


1 5 12.  John  Muscote,  Gent.,  Earls  Barton,  Northants, 
a  prothonotary  of  the  Court  of  Common 

c.  1520.  John  Sedley,  Southfleet,  Kent,  '*an  auditor  ot 
the  King's  Exchequer." 

1552.  Mr.  Wm.  Fermoure,  Esq.,  Somerton,  Oxon., 
"  Clarke  of  the  Crowne  in  the  Kyng'  Benche." 

1586.  Henry  Dynne,  Esq.,  Heydon,  Norfolk,  "an 
auditor  of  the  Court  of  Exchequer." 

1588.  William  Tooke,  Esq.,  Essendon,  Herts.,  kneel- 
ing ;  Auditor  of  the  Courte  of  Wardes  and 



1590.  William  Death,  Gent.,  Dartford,  Kent,  "once 
Prynsipall  of  Staple  Inne,  and  one  of  the 
Attorneys  of  the  Comon  Pleas  at  Wes- 
minster  "  ;  gown  with  false  sleeves. 

i6i2.(?)  Richard  Symonds,  Esq.,  Great  Yeldham, 
Essex,  a  Cursitor  in  Chancery;  kneeling; 
gown  with  false  sleeves. 

1 630.  Inscription  to  Richard  Fittz,  Letheringsett,  Nor- 
folk, "  one  of  the  Cursitors  of  the  Court  of 

Besides  the  Notaries  mentioned  on  pp.  209,  211,  we 
have  the  following:: — 

1499.  William  Curteys,  Necton,  Norfolk,  "  notarius," 

with  pen-case  and  ink-pot.  (Wrongly  stated 
by  Cotman  and  Boutell  to  be  at  Holme  Hale.) 

1500.  Rich.     Foxwist,    Llanbeblig,    Carnarvonshire  ; 

Notary ;  in  bed  holding  a  shield  charged  with 
the  Stigmata  ;  pen-case  and  ink-bottle. 


1474.    Robert  Aldrych,  Sail,  Norfolk,  public  notary; 

1 56-.    Robert  Garet,  Hayes,  Kent,  Rector  of  Hayes  and 

Chiselhurst ;  notary  public. 
1580.    John  Bossewell,  Gent.,  Kingsclere,  Hants, "  notarye 


At  Great  Bircham,  Norfolk,  was  formerly  the  effigy  of 
Master  John  Wattys,  c.  1470,  notary. 



ALYNE,  c.  1325, 
Westley  Waterless,  Cambs. 



More  from  a  sense  of  convenience  than  of  chivalry  we 
have  given  precedence  in  this  account  of  costume  to 
knights  and  civiHans ;  for  the  dress  of  the  ladies,  whether 
of  the  fourteenth  or  of  the  nineteenth  century  frequently 
shows  a  marked  tendency  to  imitate  that  of  their  husbands. 
It  is  well,  therefore,  to  have  some  knowledge  of  the  latter 
before  discussing  the  former. 

The  earliest  brass  of  a  lady,  which  survives  in  England, 
is  that  of  Margarete  de  Camoys,  c.  13  lo,  at  Trotton, 
Sussex.  She  wears  a  long  and  flowing  cote-hardie,  the 
sleeves  of  which  end  a  little  below  the  elbows,  thereby 
exposing  the  tight-fitting  buttoned  sleeves  of  the  kirtle, 
which  end  at  the  wrists.  Round  the  throat  is  a  wimple, 
covering  the  chin  and  carried  up  the  sides  of  the  face,  to 
which  it  gave  a  triangular  appearance.'  On  the  head  is 
the  covRECHEF,  kercMcf^  or  veil,  falling  upon  the  shoulders, 
and  held  in  place  by  two  pins  on  either  side  of  the  fore- 
head, which,  probably,  also  help  to  sustain  the  wimple. 
The  hair  is  bound  by  a  narrow  fillet  across  the  forehead, 
allowing  a  small  curl  to  appear  on  either  side.  Pointed 
shoes  cover  the  feet,  at  which  lies  a  small  dog.  The 
hands  are  clasped  in  prayer.  Originally  the  cote-hardie 
was  semie  of  nine  enamelled  shields,  which  have  been 

» See  the  stone  effigy  of  Aveline,  Countess  of  Lancaster,  d.  1 269, 
Westminster  Abbey  (engraved  by  Stothard).  At  Gonalston,  Notts.,  is  the 
stone  effigy  of  a  lady,  c.  1320,  showing  well  the  wimple  and  hair  fillet, 
(engraved  in  the  Archaolo^cal  Journal,  Vol.  VI.,  1849).  A  good  MS 
example  is  afforded  in  Royal  MS.  19BXV.,  British  Museum,  by  "The 
Woman  sitting  upon  the  Scarlet-coloured  Beast "  (/^^  Plate  II.  illustrating 
"English  Costume  of  the  Early  Fourteenth  Century."— T/^^  Ancestor 
No.  VII.,  October,  1 903).  She  wears  a  cote  with  wide  slits  for  the  arms! 
Compare  the  military  coif  de  mailles. 



stolen.^  The  slab  also  was  sprinkled  with  flowers 
(?  marguerites)  and  held  eight  shields.  The  efiigy  was 
enclosed  by  an  elegant  crocketed  canopy  (lost),  with 
slender  sideshafts.  Round  the  verge  of  the  slab  the 
Lombardic-uncial  inscription  ran  : — 


DEvs :  DE  :  SA  :  alme  :  eit  :  merci  :  amen. 

A  similar  effigy  is  that  of  Lady  Joan  de  Cobham,  c.  1320, 
Cobham,  Kent.  The  covrechef  is  somewhat  differently 
treated,  curving  outward  at  the  sides  and  barely  touching 
the  shoulders.  There  is  no  dog  at  the  feet.  The  cote- 
hardie  is  plain.  The  effigy  is  surmounted  by  a  fine 
pedimental  canopy,  the  earliest  surviving  on  a  brass  in 
England.  The  marginal  Lombardic  inscription,  of  which 
no  brass  letters  remain,  runs : — 

+  dame  :  lONE  :  de  :  kobeham  :  gist  :  isi  : 
DEVS  :  DE  :  SA  :  alme  :  eit  :  merci  : 
KIKE  :  PVR  :  le  :  alme  :  priera  : 
qvaravnte  :  iovrs  :  de  :  pardovn  :  avera. 

Two  other  effigies  in  this  costume  exist : — 

c.  1320.  The  reverse  of  the  palimpsest  brasses  of  Sir 
Anthony  Fitzherbert,''  1538,  and  Lady,  at 
Norbury,  Derbyshire,  shows  a  large  portion 
of  the  figure  of  a  lady,  possibly  Dame 
Matilda,  wife  of  Sir  Theobald  de  Verdun, 
13 1 2,  buried  in  Croxden  Abbey.  The 
long  cote-hardie,  over  which  is  a  mantle,  is 
tucked  up  under  the  right  arm.  The  feet 
rest  on  a  lion. 

*  The  mantle  on  a  sculptured  effigy  of  the  thirteenth  century  at 
Worcester,  is  similarly  adorned  with  the  arms  of  Clifford.  See  engraving 
in  Hollis  and  Journal  of  the  British  Archceological  Association,  Vol.  VI., 
185  I,  p.  5,  "On  the  effigy  of  a  Lady  in  Worcester  Cathedral,"  by  J.  R. 

2  See  among  the  Judges,  p.  228. 



c,  1350.  At  Upchurch,  Kent,  is  the  half-effigy  of  a  lady 
(for  male  effigy,  see  p.  199).  The  edge  of  the 
covrechef  is  crimped. 

Besides  the  above,  a  few  effigies  survive  of  the 
middle  of  the  fourteenth  century,  the  costume  of 
which  enables  them  to  be  classed  together.  The  head  is 
still  attired  in  covrechef  and  wimple,  but  the  hair  is  shown 
plaited  on  either  side  of  the  face,  bearing  some  reseni- 
blance  to  ears  of  wheat.  Over  the  close-fitting  kirtle  is 
worn  a  sleeveless  cote-hardie,  an  interesting  stage  in  the 
development  of  which  toward  the  sideless  cote-hardie^  soon 
to  be  noticed,  may  be  seen  in  the  costume  of  Lady  Creke. 
This  low-necked  cote-hardie  was  of  great  length.  Con- 
sequently we  find  it  gathered  up  under  one  arm,  which, 
besides  exposing  the  skirt  of  the  kirtle,  affiDrded  scope  to 
the  engraver  for  a  delicate  treatment  of  the  folds  of  the 
drapery.  Over  this  garment  was  worn  a  mantle,  fastened 
in  front  by  a  cord  either  passing  through  holes  in  the 
mantle  itself,  or  fastened  to  studs  or  brooches  called 
fermailes  or  tasseaux. 

Examples,  more  or  less  conforming  to  the  above 
description,  are  as  follows : — 

A  Lady,  kneeling,  Sedgefield,  Durham,  to  which 
Mr.  J.  G.  Waller  ascribes  the  date  c.  1300-10.'^ 
The  cote,  which  is  girded,  is  gathered  up 
under  the  left  arm.  Over  all  a  mantle. 
c.  1325.  Alyne,  Lady  Creke,  Westley  Waterless,  Cambs., 
on  the  dexter  side  of  her  husband.^  The 
cote-hardie  (Jsurcote  overte),  gathered  up  under 
the  left  arm,  has  large  slits  at  the  sides  for 
the  arms,  though  not  large  enough  for  it  to 
be  called  '■^  sideless y  Both  mantle  and  cote- 
hardie  have  an  invecked  pattern  along  their 
borders.    The  feet  rest  on  a  small  dog. 

^  See  ArchaologLa  Aeliana,  Vol.  XV. 

2  For  whom,  and  inscription,  see  pp.  152-3. 




c.  1325.  Maud,  wife  of  Johan  de  Bladigdone  {see  p.  197), 
East  Wickham,  Kent.  Half  effigy  on  dexter 
side  of  husband ;  wearing  a  cote-hardie  with 
slits  of  similar  size  to  those  of  Lady  Creke's, 
but  no  mantle. 

c,  1330.  Joan  de  Northwode,  Minster,  Kent  (for  husband, 
seey.  153).  ^  Her  chin,  and  the  sides  of  her 
hair,  which  Is  plaited,  are  enclosed  in  a  large 
gorget.'  Her  head,  which  is  without  covre- 
chef,  rests  on  a  cushion.  Her  hair  is  parted 
in  the  centre.  The  sleeveless  cote-hardie, 
gathered  up  under  the  right  arm,  has  two 
curious  pointed  lappets  hanging  down  in 
front  from  the  neck,  lined  with  fur,  and  with 
buttons  on  their  inner  edges.  The  right 
foot  rests  on  a  dog  with  bell-collar.  This 
brass  is  probably  of  French  workmanship' 
(see  p.  56). 

^  Compare  the  stone  effigy  of  A  Lady  of  the  Ryther  Family,  Ryther, 
Yorkshire,    Engraved  by  Hollis. 

2  The  costume  on  this  brass  is  thus  described  in  Stothard's  Monumental 
Effigies  of  Great  Britain,  new  edition  by  John  Hewitt,  1876,  p.  91  a. 

"  Lady  Northwood  wears  a  kirtle  with  tight  sleeves,  terminating  in  an 
"ornamental  border  at  the  wrists.  The  hooded  surcoat  is  lined  with 
"  vair,  and  bordered  in  the  same  pattern  as  the  kirtle.  The  hood,  being 
"  thrown  off  the  head,  shows  us  its  fur  lining  in  front  of  the  figure. 
"  When  worn  close,  it  was  drawn  over  the  back  and  sides  of  the  head  till 
"  it  reached  the  forehead  in  front,  and  was  then  fastened  at  the  throat 
"  by  that  row  of  small  buttons  which  is  seen  at  its  edge,  below  the  hands. 
"Armholes,  for  occasional  use,  add  to  the  commodity  of  this  garment. 
"  No  example  of  a  surcoat  exactly  similar  to  that  of  Lady  Northwood  has 
"  hitherto  been  observed  in  English  monuments ;  but  in  Montfaucon's 
"'Monarchic  Fran9aise'  will  be  found  two  figures  in  which  the  resem- 
"  blance  is  very  close :  that  of  Jeanne  de  St.  Verain,  1297,  'gravee  sur  sa 
"tombe  dans  le  Chapitre  de  I'Abbaye  de  Vauluisant'  (ii.,  pi.  32)  and 
"that  of  Marguerite  de  Beaujeu,  1336  (ii.,  pi.  52).  Of  the  latter, 
"Montfaucon  observes  that  'son  habit  est  assez  remarquable' ;  showing 
"  that,  even  in  French  monuments,  this  dress  was  not  of  common  occur- 
"rence.  In  this  resemblance  of  the  Minster  effigy  with  known  French 
"  examples  is  found  an  additional  reason  for  believing  it  to  have  been  of 
"  foreign  workmanship.    Over  the  neck  and  chin  of  the  figure  is  seen  the 


1347.  Ellen,  Lady  Wantone,  Wimbish,  Essex  (for 
husband,  see  p.  156)  ;  wearing  a  plain  mantle 
fastened  by  a  broad  band  in  front,  over  a 
flowing  cote.  The  hair,  which  is  uncovered, 
except  for  a  fillet  is  curiously  braided. 

1349.  .  Margaret  de  Walsokne,  St.  Margaret's,  King's 
Lynn,  Norfolk.  Flemish  {see  pp.  46,  197); 
wearing  wimple  and  covrechef,  a  finely-em- 
broidered kirtle,  over  which  is  a  sleeveless, 
almost  sideless,  cote-hardie  gathered  up  under 
the  right  elbow,  and  a  mantle,  of  which  but 
little  appears.    Feet  on  a  dog. 

1 364.  Leticia  and  Margaret,  wives  of  Robert  Braunche, 
St.  Margaret's,  King's  Lynn.  Flemish  {see 
pp.  46,  197)  ;  wearing  wimple  and  covrechef, 
the  latter  concealing  the  hair,  and  over  an 
embroidered  kirtle  a  plain  cote-hardie  which 
has  liripipia  or  lappets,  lined  with  vair,  hang- 
ing from  the  elbows,  in  shape  like  those  of 
the  male  cote  {see  p.  197).  On  the  skirt  sits 
a  toy-terrier. 

In  the  second  half  of  the  century  less  uniformity  of 
costume  is  found.  The  last  brass  mentioned  introduces  us 
to  a  form  of  the  cote-hardie  with  which  we  became  familiar 
in  the  male  costume  of  the  period.  Its  characteristic  lies 
in  the  long  liripipes  or  streamers,  usually  of  a  white 
colour,  hanging  from  the  elbows.^ 

gorget,  a  variety  of  the  wimple,  which  came  into  vogue  in  the  reign  of 
"Edward  the  First.  It  was  'poked  up  with  pins';  but  its  difference 
"  from  the  older  wimple  of  the  thirteenth  century  may  best  be  seen  by 
"comparing  the  effigy  of  the  Countess  of  Lancaster  (plate  40).  Tresses 
"  of  hair  are  brought  from  the  back  of  the  head  and  fastened  over  the 
"  flowing  hair  of  the  sides,  in  a  manner  by  no  means  ungraceful.  Beneath 
"  the  feet  is  a  dog,  with  its  collar  of  bells." 

I  Compare  the  sculptured  effigy  of  Blanche  de  la  Tour,  daughter  of 
Edward  III.,  1 372,  in  Westminster  Abbey,  whose  hands  are  in  the  pockets 
of  the  cote,  and  the  small  figures  in  Westminster  Abbey,  and  Oxford 
Cathedral.    S^-^  footnote,  p.  198. 



Another  form  is.  that  known  as  the  sideless  cote- 
HARDiE,'  in  which  the  sides  of  the  garment  have  been  cut 
away,  leaving  narrow  strips,  often  faced  with  fur,  passing 
over  the  shoulders  and  down  the  body.  Its  skirt,  some- 
times with  a  fur  border,  is  occasionally  found  slit  up  at 
the  sides.  From  the  neck  to  the  waist  large  circular  or 
lozenge-shaped  ornaments  frequently  appear.  Over  it 
the  mantle  is  usually  worn,  often  with  long  pendent 
cords  held  together  by  a  slide.  Under  the  cote,  or 
sometimes  without  it,  is  worn  the  kirtle  with  low  neck 
and  tight-fitting  sleeves,  the  latter  usually  buttoned  on  the 
underside  and  terminating  in  mittens.^ 

Another  tunic  or  cote,  found  worn  over  the  kirtle 
at  Great  Berkhampstead,  Herts.,  1360;  Hellesden, 
Norfolk,  1370;  Chinnor,  Oxon,  1380;  Reepham, 
Norfolk,  1391  ;  and  Ore,  Sussex,  c.  1400,  has  tight 
sleeves  with  cuffs,  and  at  Chinnor  and  Ore  buttons  from 
neck  to  feet. 

The  head-dress  presents  much  variety.  The  braided 
style,  with  fillet  already  noticed,  occurs ;  but,  broadly 
speaking,  the  coiffures  divide  into  two  classes,  the  veiled, 
and  that  known  as  zig-zag,  nebule,  or  reticulated, 
according  to  the  manner  of  engraving. 

The  first  consists  of  two  kerchiefs  ;  the  inner  one  fitting 
the  head  like  a  cap  and  enclosing  the  forehead  and  sides 
of  the  face,  its  edges  being  frequently  crimped ;  the  outer 
one  falling  on  the  shoulders,  and  corresponding  to  the 
covrechef^  mentioned  above.  The  gorget^  or  wimple^  is 
rarely  found,  but  occurs  at  West  Hanningfield,  Essex 
(Isabel  Clonvill,  half  efligy,  1361),  and  at  Topcliffe,  York- 

1  Fine  examples  on  brasses  of  the  sideless  cote  worn  over  embroidered 
kirtle  are  at  Ringstead  in  Zealand  (Queen  Ingeborg  of  Denmark,  13 19), 
and  at  Thorn,  in  Prussian  Poland  (the  Wife  of  Johan  von  Zoest,  1361), 
figured  by  Creeny. 

2  The  kirtle  is  worn  alone,  and  plain  by  Johane  Plessi,  c.  1 360,  Quainton 
Bucks  (half  effigy)  and  by  Elyenore  Corp,  1391,  Stoke  Fleming,  Devon, 
with  buttons  from  neck  to  waist  and  on  the  sleeves  from  shoulder  to 


shire  (Mabel  de  Topcliff,  i390-  ^ut  these  effigies  pro- 
bably illustrate  the  garb  of  widows,  in  whose  attire  the 
gorget  or  plaited  barbe  survived. 

The  second  class  of  attire  consisted  of  cauls  or  close 
caps,  enclosing  the  hair  and  forming  a  kind  of  frame  to 
the  face.  The  zig-zag,  or  nebule,  appearance  is  probably 
intended  to  represent  frills^;  the  reticulated  to  portray 
network,  usually  jewelled— a  step  towards  the  cresptne 
head-dress  soon  to  be  noticed.  The  natural  hair  was 
probably  supplemented  by  pads  of  false  ;  as  otherwise  it  is 
difficult  to  account  for  the  evident  presence  of  a  cap 
beneath  the  coiffure.  Sometimes  a  jewelled  fillet,  or 
bandeau,  crosses  the  forehead,  as  at  Spilsby,  Lines.,  1391 
Later  in  the  century  the  nebule  head-dress  does  not  come 
so  low  down  the  sides  of  the  face  as  formerly,  and  resting 
on  the  shoulders  are  shown  two  balls,  or  cushions,  prob- 
ably confining  escaped  tresses,  between  which  and  the 
upper  part  of  the  head-dress  the  veil  appears  at  the  sides, 
as  at  Cobham,  Kent,  1395. 

Two  instances  of  young  girls  with  flowing  hair,  in  the 
case  of  the  latter  enclosed  in  a  simple  jewelled  fillet  or 
garland,  may  be  seen  at  Quainton,  Bucks.  (Johane  Plessi, 
c.  1360),  and  Sherborne  St.  John,  Hants.  (Margaret 
Brocas,  c.  1360). 

As  a  rule,  a  small  toy  terrier  with  a  collar  of  bells  is 
seen  at  the  lady's  feet. 

The  following  examples  are  arranged  according  to 
coiffure.  It  may  be  understood  that,  where  not  otherwise 
stated,  the  kirtle  has  mitten  sleeves,  buttoned  beneath. 

In  veil  head-dresses  : — 

c.  1370.  Dame  Elizabeth  de  Cornewaylle,  Burford, 
Shropshire ;  lower  part  gone ;  cote-hardie 
with  pockets  in  front,  and  tight  sleeves; 

I  These  frills  bear  some  resemblance  to  the  bonnets,  now  sometimes 
seen  worn  by  elderly  peasants.  That  they  are  frills  is  plainly  shown  on  the 
monument  of  Elizabeth,  Lady  Montacute,  1 354,  at  Christ  Church,  Oxford. 


mantle  with  short  pendent  cords ;  head 
resting  on  an  embroidered  cushion. 
1370.  A  Lady,  possibly  Blanche  Bradstone,  Winter- 
bourne,  Gloucs. ;  similar,  but  without  mantle 
or  cushion.  The  cote-hardie  enfolds  the  feet. 
c.  1370.    Dame  Joan  de  Faversham  (?),  Graveney,  Kent; 

half  effigy,  on  dexter  side  of  son  John  (?). 
The  cote  has  tight  sleeves  like  those  of  Lady 
Camoys.  The  kirtle  sleeves  end  at  the 
wrists  and  are  without  buttons.  The  outer 
veil,  or  covrechef,  which  is  voluminous,  alone 

c.  1370.  Beatrice,  wife  of  Richard  de  Heylesdone,  Hel- 
lesdon,  Norfolk  (three-quarter  effigy).  Covre- 
chef like  the  last.  The  cote  has  close  sleeves, 
and  buttons  down  the  front. 

c.  1370.  Agneys,  wife  of  John  de  Kyggesfolde,  Rusper, 
Sussex  (half  effigy,  on  dexter  side) ;  in 
similar  head-dress  ;  the  buttoned  kirtle  sleeves 
ending  at  the  wrists.  A  mantle  with  cords  and 
slide  is  worn. 

1379.  Alienora,  wife  of  Robert  de  Paris,  Hildersham, 
Cambs.  (kneeling  on  sinister  side  of  cross)  ; 
the  sleeves  of  the  kirtle  buttoned  to  the 
shoulder,  over  it  a  cote,  buttoned  from  neck 
to  feet,  with  short  arm  lappets.' 
c.  1380.  Alice,  wife  of  Simon  de  Felbrig,  Felbrigg,  Nor- 
folk; mutilated;  kirtle  and  mantle. 

At  St.  Alkmund's,  Shrewsbury,  was  formerly  the  brass 
of  Simon  and  Joan  Walshe,  c.  1370.  The  latter  wore  the 
cote-hardie  with  liripipes  at  the  elbows,  and  the  veil 

The  costume  of  widows  remained  practically  the  same 
throughout  three  centuries,  and  was  similar  to  that  of  the 

'  A  similar  coifFure  is  given  in  Strutt's  Dress  and  Habits,  Vol.  II., 
Plate  XCIX.    "Mourning  Habits  of  the  Fourteenth  Century." 


nun  {see  p.  98),  where  the  Order  of  Vowesses  or  widow 
who  had  taken  a  vow  of  chastity,  is  referred  to.  _  This 
profession  was  known  as  « taking  the  mantle  and  ring 
Widows'  weeds  consisted  of  kirtle,  mantle,  veil  head- 
dress, and  plaited  barbe  or  gorget,  which  was  worn  above 
or  below  the  chin  according  to  rank.^ 
^.n6o.    Half  effigy  of  a  widow,  Clifton  Campville 

Staffs.,  on  bracket,  the  stem  of  which  is  lost. 

Kirtle,  with  buttoned  sleeves  ending  at  wrists. 
1361.    Isabel  ClonviU  (half  effigy),  West  Hanning- 

field,    Essex    (son,  a   priest,   lost).  The 

buttoned  kirtle  sleeves  end  at  the  wrists. 

The  cole  sleeves  are  like  those  at  Upchurch. 
1383.    Philippa  de  Beauchampe  {nee  Ferrers),  Necton, 

Norfolk ;  two  dogs  fighting  at  her  feet. 
c,  1390.    A  Lady,  Stebbing,  Essex;  dog  on  skirt. 
1 39 1.    Mabel,  wife  of  Thomas  de  Topclyff,  Topchffe, 

Yorks.    Flemish.    A  hood  attached  to  the 

fur-lined  mantle ;  a  dog  gnawing  a  bone  on 

her  skirt. 

1 39 1.    Albreda,  wife  of  John  Curteys,  Wymington, 

1  For  further  information  see  Surrey  Archceological  Collections,  Vol.  III., 
1865,  p.  208.  "Thomas  Burgh  and  Isabella,  his  wife;  with  a  few 
words  on  the  Benediction  of  Widows,"  by  Francis  Joseph  Baigent ; 
ArchaologLcal  Journal,  Vol.  XLIX.,  1892,  p.  69.  "Widows  and 
Vowesses,"  by  J.  L.  Andre,  F.S.A. ;  Antiquarian  Communications,  being 
papers  presented  at  the  meetings  of  the  Cambridge  Antiquarian  Society,  Vol,  I., 

1859,  No.  XVII.,  p.  71.  "The  Vow  of  Widowhood  of  Margaret, 
Countess  of  Richmond  and  Derby  (Foundress  of  Christ's  and  St.  John's 
Colleges)  :  with  Notices  of  similar  vows  in  the  14th,  15th,  and  1 6th  cen- 
turies," by  C.  H.  Cooper,  F.S.A. 

2  "  Mentioned  by  Margaret,  Countess  of  Richmond,  mother  of  Henry 
"VII.,  in  her  'Ordinance  for  the  Reformation  of  apparell  for  great 
"Estates  of  Women  in  the  tyme  of  Mourning.' — (Harleian  MS.  6064). 
"The  queen,  and  all  ladies  down  to  the  degree  of  a  baroness,  are  therein 
"  licensed  to  wear  the  barbe  above  the  chin.  Baronesses,  Lord's  daughters 
"  and  knights'  wives,  are  ordered  to  wear  the  barbe  beneath  it,  and  all 
"  chamberers  and  other  persons,  *  below  the  throat  goyle,'  or  gullet,  that 
"  is,  the  lowest  part  of  the  throat." — Planche  Cyclopcedia  of  Costume,  sub. 



Beds.,  on  dexter  side ;  head  on  two  cushions  ; 
feet  on  two  bell-collared  dogs. 
1393/4-  Elyne,  wife  of  Sir  Edward  Cerne,  Draycot 
Cerne,  Wilts.,  on  dexter  side;  holding  her 
husband's  right  hand  in  hers;  the  kirtle 
sleeves  ending  at  the  wrists ;  the  head  resting 
on  a  cushion. 

1399.  Alianore  de  Bohun,  Westminster  Abbey,  widow 
of  Thomas  of  Woodstock,  Duke  of  Glouces- 
ter,' youngest  son  of  Edward  III.  A  cote, 
or  tunic,  worn  over  the  kirtle ;  head  on  two 
cushions  ;  crimped  edge  to  the  inner  veil. 

The  hair  plaited  at  the  sides,  and  bound  with  a  fillet':— 

1384.  Katherine  {nee  Calthorpe),  wife  of  Sir  John 
Harsick,  Southacre,  Norfolk,  on  dexter  side 
of  husband,  and  holding  his  right  hand  in 
hers;  kirtle,  on  which  are  their  arms  im- 
paled,^ and  mantle ;  feet  on  dog. 

1403-  Joan  and  Alice,  wives  of  John  Hauley,  Dart- 
mouth, Devon  ;  the  husband,  in  the  centre, 
holding  in  his  right  hand  that  of  his  first  wife. 
Each  wife  wears  a  kirtle  with  sleeves  buttoned 
to  the  shoulders,  and  a  sideless  cote-hardie 
with  circular  ornaments  from  neck  to  waist, 
and  a  veil  added  to  the  head-dress.  At  the 
feet  of  each  are  two  dogs  with  bell-collars. 

1407.  Margaret,  wife  of  Sir  William  Bagot,  Baginton, 
Warwickshire  (head  restored  by  Waller)  ;  on 
dexter  side  ;  kirtle  with  girdle  ;  sideless  cote- 
hardie  ;  vair-lined  mantle  ;  collar  of  SS. ;  two 
dogs  on  the  skirt ;  head  resting  on  two 

^  Who,  also,  was  commemorated  by  a  fine  brass  in  the  Abbey,  now  lost. 

*  Compare  the  sculptured  effigy  of  Blanche  de  la  Tour,  1372,  daughter 
of  Edward  III.,  in  Westminster  Abbey. 

3  Geslingthorpe,  assumed  by  Calthorpe  (see  Cotman) : — Ermine  a 
maunch  gules  impaling  Harsick.    5^<?  p.  161. 


The  lost  effigy  of  loan,  wife  of  Sir  Miles  de  Stapelton, 
1364,  Ingham,  Norfolk,  showed  her  on  the  dexter  side  of 
her  husband,  holding  his  right  hand  in  hers  and  wearing 
a  cote-hardie  with  Hripipes  and  buttons,  and  with  pockets 
in  front,  over  a  kirtle.  A  veil  hung  behind  the  hair. 
At  the  feet  was  a  dog. 

The  zig-zag  head-dress,  which  is  less  frequently  found 
than  the  nebu/e,  differs  from  the  latter  merely  in  the 
treatment  of  the  lines.    Examples  of  it  are  as  follows : — 

1.  In  the  earlier  form,  framing  the  sides  of  the  face,  but 

not  touching  the  shoulders. 
c.  1370.    Isabel  Beaufo,'  Waterpery,  Oxon.,  mutilated. 

The  kirtle  sleeves  end  at  the  wrists.  The 
cote-hardie  has  liripipes,  and  buttons  to  the 
waist.  The  crimped  cap  appears  below  the 

1372.  Ismayne  de  Wynston,  Necton,  Norfolk.  The 
kirtle  skirt  does  not  cover  the  feet,  and  is 
seen  beneath  that  of  the  cote.  Its  sleeves 
end  at  the  wrists.  The  cote-hardie  has  liri- 

2.  In  the  later  form,  framing  the  face,  but  with  veil  and 
cushions  of  hair  falling  to  the  shoulders. 

1376.  Lady  Elizabeth  Cobham,  daughter  of  Ralph, 
Lord  Stafford,  wife  of  Sir  Reginald,  2nd 
Baron  Cobham,  of  Sterborough,  Lingfield, 
Surrey ;  in  sideless  cote-hardie,  with  button- 
like ornaments  from  neck  to  waist,  and  a 
broad  flounce  of  fur  bordering  the  skirt ; 

^  At  Wennington,  Essex,  is  the  matrix  of  an  effigy  (?  Marjorie  dc 
Gildesburgh,  c.  1380),  which  probably  showed  a  similar  costume. 

2  In  Kite's  Monumental  Brasses  of  Wiltshire,  is  an  illustration  restored 
from  a  sketch  by  John  Aubrey,  of  a  lost  brass,  formerly  at  Draycot  Cerne, 
Wilts.,  probably  of  Philippa  dc  Cerne.  Her  costume  is  similar  to  that 
at  Necton,  except  that  the  head-dress  is  nebule  instead  of  zig-zag. 


1380.  Maud,  wife  of  Sir  Thomas  Cobham,  Cobham, 
Kent;  kirtle  with  buttons  to  waist,  and 
flounce  of  fur  at  the  foot,  over  which  is  a 
mantle.  The  feet  rest  on  a  dog  of  large 
size,  with  bell-collar. 

In  nehuU  head-dress,  similar  in  form  to  the  zig-zag 
coiffure,  last  mentioned  (2)  : — 

1356.  Margaret,  wife  of  Richard  Torrington,  Great 
Berkhampstead,  Herts. ;  on  dexter  side  of 
husband  and  holding  his  right  hand  in  hers  ; 
cote-hardie  with  liripipes  worn  over  kirtle  ; 
two  dogs  with  bell-collars  at  feet. 
^-  1370-  Joan  {j^^^  Cobham),  wife  of  Sir  John  de  la  Pole, 
Crishall,  Essex,  holding  her  husband's  right 
hand  in  hers ;  over  kirtle  a  cote  with  liri- 
pipes, and  buttoned  to  the  waist ;  feet  on  dog 
with  bell-collar. 

1375.  Elizabeth  (de  Ferrers),  wife  of  David  de 
Strabolgie,  Earl  of  Athole,  Ashford,  Kent, 
mutilated  ;  wearing  over  kirtle  a  sideless  cote- 
hardie,  with  lozenge-shaped  ornaments  from 
neck  to  waist ;  the  skirt  slit  up  at  the  sides. 

1375.    Dame  Margarete  de  Cobham,  Cobham,  Kent; 

wearing  a  sideless  cote-hardie  similar  to  the 
last ;  dog  at  her  feet. 

1378.  Matilda  and  Joan,  wives  of  Sir  John  de  Foxley,^ 
Bray,  Berks,  (on  bracket,  the  stem  of  which 
rests  on  a  fox  couchant),  each  wearing  over 
kirtle  a  cote-hardie,  with  long  liripipes  hang- 
ing from  the  elbows.  Matilda's  cote  bears 
the  arms  of  Foxley  (Gules  two  bars  argent) 
impaling  Sable  a  lion  rampant  or  (.''Brocas)  ; 
that  of  Joan  {nk  Martin)  those  of  Foxley  alone. 

^  He  is  in  armour  of  the  Camail  period,  with  jupon  bearing  his  arms. 
For  his  will,  see  Archaological  Journal,  Vol.  XV.,  1858,  p.  267.  "The 
will  of  Sir  John  de  Foxle  of  Apuldrefield,  Kent,  dated  November  5th, 
1378."    Communicated  by  the  Rev.  William  H.  Gunner,  M.A. 



CoBHAM,  Kent. 



c,  1380.   -,  wife  of  Sir  —  Dalyngrugge,  Fletching, 

Sussex ;  wearing  over  kirtle,  with  buttons  to 
the  waist,  a  mantle ;  feet  on  dog. 

c,  1380.  Elizabeth,  wife  of  Roger  de  Felbrig,  Felbrigg, 
Norfolk  ;  in  kirtle  and  mantle. 

c  1380.  Thetwo  wives  of  Reginald  de  Malyns,  Chinnor, 
Oxon.  The  lady  on  the  dexter  side  wears 
over  a  kirtle  a  long  gown  with  close  sleeves, 
and  buttons  from  neck  to  feet,  unbuttoned 
in  the  lower  part.  But  the  wife  on  the 
sinister  side  differs  somewhat ;  her  head- 
dress being  square  and  with  the  zig-zag  orna- 
ment, while  the  sleeves  of  the  over-gown  are 
not  represented.  This  may  be  due  to  an 
engraver's  error. 

c.  1390.    A  Lady  (?of  the  Roos  family),  Gedney,  Lines. 

over  kirtle  a  sideless  cote-hardie  and  mantle ; 
at  feet  a  dog  with  bell-collar. 
139 1.    Cecilia,  wife  of  Sir  William   de  Kerdiston, 
Reepham,  Norfolk ;  kirtle,  tunic,  and  mantle. 

In  the  later  form  of  nebule  head-dress,  in  which  the 
sides  of  the  face  are  not  enclosed  : — 

c.  1370.    A  Lady,  probably  the  wife  of  Sir  Henry  Red- 
ford,  Broughton,  Lines. ;  in  kirtle  and  mantle, 
holding  a  heart  in  her  hands. 
1395.    Dame  Margarete  de  Cobham,  Cobham,  Kent; 

kirtle  and  mantle;  head  on  embroidered 

c.  1400.  Wife  of  Civilian,  Ore,  Sussex ;  kirtle,  over 
which  tunic  or  cote,  buttoned  from  neck  to 
feet,  with  close  sleeves  and  square-cut  corsage. 
1 40 1.  Isabel,  wife  of  Sir  Morys  Russel,  Dyrham, 
Gloucs.,  on  dexter  side  of  husband  ;  in  kirtle 
and  mantle. 

^Discovered  17th  June,  1889. 



1406.  Margaret,  wife  of  Thomas  de  Beauchamp,  Earl 
of  Warwick  (daughter  of  William,  Lord 
Ferrers  of  Groby),  St.  Mary's,  Warwick ;  in 
kirtle  and  mantle,  beautifully  diapered  with 
arms:  on  kirtle: — Gules  seven  mascles  3,  3, 
and  I  (Ferrers)  ;  on  mantle  : — Gules  a  fess  be- 
tween six  crosses-crosslet  gobony  or,  (Beau- 

Margaret,  wife  of  Sir  Henry  Englissh,  1393,  Wood 
Ditton,  Cambs.,  wears  a  kirtle  and  mantle,  and  her  head, 
now  lost,  was  attired  in  this  fashion. 

The  following  wear  the  reticulated  head-dress : — 

1 39 1.  Margaret,  wife  of  Robert,  Lord  Willoughby 
D'Eresby,  Spilsby,  Lines. ;  in  kirtle,  sideless 
cote-hardie  with  ornaments  to  waist,  and 
mantle  ;  jewelled  fillet  across  forehead  ;  head 
on  two  cushions ;  feet  on  two  bell-collared 
dogs  addorsed. 

1393.  Katherine,  wife  of  Sir  Thomas  Walsh,  Wanlip, 

Leics.,  in  similar  costume. 

1394.  Dionisia,  wife  of  Sir  Richard  Attelese,  Sheldwich, 

Kent ;  in  kirtle  and  mantle. 
1400.    Alicia,  wife  of  Sir  John  Cassy,  Deerhurst,  Gloucs. ; 

wearing  over  the  kirtle  a  long  gown  reaching 
to  the  feet,  with  close  sleeves,  and  buttoned 
high  up  round  the  neck ;  no  girdle  nor 
mantle.  On  the  feet,  which  rest  on  a  dog 
with  bell-collar,  called  Terri,  are  embroidered 

1400.  Elianor,  wife  of  Sir  John  Mauleverere,  AUerton 

Mauleverer,  W.  Yorks. ;  in  a  girded  kirtle 
and  flowing  mantle. 

1 40 1.  Elizabeth  ,  Goring,  Oxon. ;  in  kirtle  girded 

and  buttoned  all  down  the  front,  and  mantle  ; 
feet  on  dog  with  bell-collar. 


The  long  close-sleeved  gown  worn  by  some  ladies  over 
the  kirtle  {e.g.,  1400,  Lady  Cassy,  mentioned  above), 
bears  a  close  resemblance  to  the  long  tunic  of  the  civihans. 
Usually  high  in  the  neck,  it  is  either  buttoned  up  close, 
or  turned  down  forming  a  small  collar.    It  is  found  both 
with  and  without  a  girdle.    Examples  : — 
c.  1400.    A  Wool  Merchant's  Wife,  Northleach,  Gloucs., 
on  dexter  side  ;  in  mantle  and  veil  head-dress, 
but  without  barbe  ;  a  ring  on  the  third  finger 
of  the  right  hand  ;  lap-dog  on  skirt. 
1 40 1.    Marion,  wife  of  William    Grevel,  Chipping 
Campden,  Gloucs. ;  in  late  form  of  nebuie 
head-dress.    Buttons  are  seen  from  neck  to 
feet  on  the  gown. 
c.  1405.    Wife   of  Herry   Notingham,  Holm-by-the- 
Sea,  Norfolk ;  in  nei?u/e  head-dress ;  on  dex- 
ter side ;  wearing  a  girdle  ;  buttons  from  neck 
to  waist. 

14 10.  Alicia,  wife  of  Sir  John  Wylcotes,  Great  Tew, 
Oxon,  on  dexter  side ;  no  mitten  sleeves  to 
kirtle  ;  wearing  a  mantle  and  nebule  head-dress, 
with  veil  hanging  in  front  of  the  shoulders ; 
a  lap-dog  on  the  skirt. 

In  the  case  of  Margery,  wife  of  Sir  Thomas  Burton, 
Little  Casterton,  Rutland,  1410,  the  hair  is  confined  in 
reticulated  cauls  at  the  sides  of  the  face,  and  is  sur- 
mounted by  a  kind  of  coronet.  Possibly  this  may  form 
a  connecting  link  between  the  reticulated  and  crespine 

An  early  form  of  the  crespine  head-dress,  soon  to  be 
described,  is  seen  on  a  few  brasses  taking  the  form 
of  ornamented  network  placed  above  the  ears,  and  en- 
closing the  hair  on  the  top  of  the  head,  where  a  veil  is 
pinned  which  hangs  behind.    Examples : — 

^  Compare  the  sculptured  effigy  in  Westminster  Abbey,  of  Edward  the 
Third's  Queen,  Philippa  of  Hainault,  d.  1369. 


1 39 1.  Elyenore  Corp,  Stoke  Fleming,  Devon,  on  short 

bracket  on  dexter  side  of  her  grandfather 
John  Corp  ;  wearing  kirtle  alone,  buttoned  to 
the  waist,  and  on  the  arms  from  shoulders  to 

1392.  Margaret,   wife   of  Thomas,    Lord  Berkeley, 

Wotton-under-Edge,  Gloucs.,  on  dexter  side  ; 
in  kirtle  and  mantle ;  head  on  two  cushions ; 
dog  at  feet. 

1397.  Lora,  wife  of  Sir  John  de  St.  Quintin,  Brands- 
burton,  Yorks. ;  wearing  over  kirtle  a  long, 
loose  gown,  high  in  the  neck,  and  with  wide 
sleeves,  a  step,  possibly,  toward  the  surplice- 
sleeve  to  be  noticed  below.  From  the  head- 
dress hang  strings  of  pearls  looped  up  at  the 
ears.  She  wears  a  necklace  with  pendant. 
Dog  at  feet. 

1400.  Ele,  wife  of  Richard  Bowet,  Wrentham,  Suffolk  ; 

wearing  over  kirtle  a  wide-sleeved  gown, 
similar  to  the  last,  but  with  buttons  from 
neck  to  feet,  and  a  girdle. 

1 40 1.  Margaret,  wife  of  Sir  Fulk  Pennebrygg,  Shottes- 

brooke,  Berks.;  wearing  over  kirtle  a  long 
gown  with  close  sleeves  and  buttons  from  neck 
to  feet.  The  head  rests  on  two  cushions.  The 
gown  is  confined  at  the  waist  by  a  girdle,  the 
end  of  which  falls  down  in  front. 
At  Great  Berkhampstead,  Herts.,  is  the  brass  of  a  lady, 
c.  1360,  wearing  over  a  kirtle  a  long,  close-sleeved  gown 
low  in  the  neck.    On  her  head  is  an  early  crespine  head- 
dress, with  a  veil  arranged  so  as  to  frame  the  sides  of  the 
face.     One  of  the  latten  effigies  of  the  children  of 
Edward  IIL,  on  his  tomb  in  Westminster  Abbey,  shows 
a  similar  head-dress. 

The  chief  change  in  the  fashions  of  the  first  part  of  the 
fifteenth  century  was  in  the  head-dress.  The  kirtle  and 
mantle  (both  occasionally  heraldic,  and  the  former  with 


mitten  sleeves,  buttoned  underneath,  until  about  the  year 
1420,  when  they  ended  at  the  wrists),  and  the  sideless 
cote-hardie  preserve  the  forms  with  which  we^  are  already 
familiar.  These  garments  were  worn  by  ladies  of  rank, 
who  sometimes,  instead  of  the  mantle,  wore  a  long,  loose 
robe,  probably  fur-lined,  with  short,  girded  waist,  surplice- 
like  sleeves  reaching  to  the  ground,  and  broad,  falling 
collar.  This  may  be  a  form  of  the  houppelande,"-  of  which 
we  have  noticed  two  probable  specimens  on  p.  206.  A 
dress  corresponding  to  the  bag-sleeved  tunic  of  the 
civilian  of  the  period  {see  p.  203),  but  with  longer  skirt, 
seems  to  have  become  an  ordinary  female  outer-garment, 
worn  more  particularly,  but  by  no  means  exclusively,  by 
the  middle  classes. 

The  head-dress  worn  is  the  crespine,  or  crestine,  com- 
posed by  gathering  up  the  hair  into  jewelled  cauls  or 
nets,  on  each  side  of  the  face  and  over  the  forehead,  with 
a  veil  hung  over  the  top,  and  falling  behind.  This  head- 
dress went  through  various  changes,  which  may  be  traced 
in  the  examples  given  below. 

The  following  wear  the  earlier  form  of  crespine  head- 
dress (the  hair  bunched  at  the  sides  above  the  ears,  which 
are  visible ;  the  veil  falling  gracefully  in  front),  in  con- 
junction with  kirtle  and  mantle.  Small  lap-dogs,  usually 
with  bell- collars,  are  found  either  on  the  skirt  or  at  the 
feet : — 

1404.  Maria,  wife  of  a  Le  Moigne,  Sawtry  All 
Saints',  Hunts.,  on  dexter  side ;  head  on  two 

^  Possibly  introduced  from  Spain  into  France,  and  so  into  England, 
where  it  was  fashionable  as  early  as  the  reign  of  Richard  II.  Claricia, 
wife  of  Robert  de  Freville,  Esq.,  Little  Shelford,  Cambs.,  c,  1405,  wears 
a  modified  form  of  houppelande,  the  sleeves  of  which  bear  some 
resemblance  to  those  of  Lora,  wife  of  Sir  John  de  St.  Quintin,  1397,  at 
Brandsburton,  Yorks.  They  are  fur-lined.  She  wears  a  girdle  and  holds 
her  husband's  right  hand  in  hers.  Her  hair  is  plaited  at  the  sides  and 
bound  by  a  fillet,  the  veil  appearing  on  the  top  of  the  head  only.  At  her 
feet  are  two  toy  terriers  with  bell-collars. 


1405.    Margery,  wife  of  Sir  Roger  Drury,  Rougham, 
Norfolk ;  head  on  two  cushions ;  kirtle  with 
button-like  ornaments  to  the  waist  from  neck. 
c.  1405.    Iohanna(?),  wife  of  Sir  Thomas  Massyngberde/ 
Gunby,  Lines.  ;  collar  of  SS. 
1407.    Margaret     Brounflet,     Wymington,     Beds. ; 

lozenge-shaped  ornament  on  kirtle  from  neck 
to  waist. 

1409.  Margaret,  first  wife  of  Bartholomew,  Lord 
Bourchier,  Halstead,  Essex,  on  dexter  side. 

1409.  Alianora,  wife  of  Sir  William  de  Burgate,  Bur- 
gate,  Suffolk. 

1409.  Ada,  wife  of  Robert  de  Haitfeld,  Owston, 
Yorks.,  on  dexter  side,  her  right  hand  clasped 
in  that  of  her  husband  ;  a  collar  possibly  of  SS. 

1409/ 10.  Alicia,  wife  of  WiUiam  Snayth,  Addington, 

^.1410.    A  Lady,  Hillmorton,  Warwickshire;  a  scroll 

from  the  hands. 
141 1.    Juliana,  wife  of  Thomas  de  Cruwe,  Wixford, 

Warwickshire,  on  dexter  side. 
c.  141 2.    Margaret,  wife  of  Robert,  Lord  Ferrers  of 

Chartley,  Merevale,  Warwickshire ;  head  on 

two  cushions. 

1414.  Johanna,  wife  of  John  Urban,  Southfleet,  Kent, 
on  bracket. 

A  similar  attire  for  the  head  is  occasionally  found  with 
the  bag-sleeved  gown  worn  over  the  kirtle,  e.g. : — 

c.  1400.    Wife  of  a  Civilian,  Tilbrook,  Beds. ;  ungirded. 
1420.    Johanna,  wife  of  John  Urban,  Southfleet,  Kent ; 

with  girdle.  The  second  memorial  of  the 
same  lady. 

^  For  an  account  of  this  family,  see  "The  Massingberds  of  Sutterton, 
Gunby  and  Ormsby,"  by  the  Rev.  W.  O.  Massingberd. — TAe  Jncestor, 
No.  VII.,  October,  1903,  p.  i. 


The  cauls  of  the  crespine  head-dress  gradually  became 
larger,  assuming  a  square  shape  and  covering  the  ears : 
the  veil  hung  on  the  shoulders  much  as  before : — 

1416.  Margaret,  wife  of  Sir  Simon  Felbrigge,  K.G., 
Felbrigg,  Norfolk ;  in  kirtle  and  mantle. 

141 8.  Agnes,  wife  of  Sir  Thomas  de  Saint  Quintin, 
Harpham,  Yorks.,  on  dexter  side ;  in  girded 
gown  with  voluminous  bag-sleeves,  with 
large  cuffs,  and  broad  collar. 

The  square  cauls  are  more  prominent,  and  are  over- 
lapped by  the  veil  which  hangs  behind  : — 

1410.  Agnes,  wife  of  Sir  John  Routh,  Routh,  Yorks., 
on  dexter  side ;  in  girded  bag-sleeved  gown 
like  that  at  Harpham  above,  with  inlaid 
collar  and  cuffs,  and  probably  a  collar  of  SS. 
like  that  of  the  knight,  but  owing  to  the 
destruction  of  the  enamel  only  the  pendant 
appears.  The  veil  of  the  head-dress  is 
gathered  up  on  the  top  of  the  head,  as  in  the 
case  of  Lady  Phelip,  141 5,  at  Kidderminster 
(see  below). 

1 414.  Dame  PhiHppa  Byschoppesdon,  Broughton, 
Oxon.,  in  kirtle  and  mantle. 

1423.  Alice,  wife  of  Sir  Ralph  Shelton,  Great  Snoring, 

Norfolk ;  in  kirtle  and  mantle ;  the  former 
without  mitten  sleeves,  and  charged  with  her 
arms  : — Argent  a  cross  moline  gules,  Uvedale. 

1424.  Elizabeth,  wife   of  Thomas,  Baron  Camoys 

(previously  of  Henry  Percy  "  Hotspur "), 
Trotton,  Sussex ;  in  kirtle  with  girdle ;  side- 
less  cote  with  ornament  from  neck  to  waist ; 
mantle  and  collar  of  SS.  Her  son  (Sir 
Richard)  stands  on  her  skirt  {see  p.  206). 

Similar  head-dresses  appear  on  the  brasses  of  Millicent 
Meryng,  1415,  East  Markham,  Notts,  and  of  Margery 
Arundell,   1420,  East  Anthony,   Cornwall,  mentioned 




among  those  wearing  the  gown  with  surplice  sleeves.  A 
celebrated  and  enormous  instance  of  this  attire,  sur- 
mounted by  a  large  coronet,  the  veil  wired  on  either  side, 
is  to  be  seen  on  the  sculptured  effigy  of  Beatrice,  Countess 
of  Thomas  Fitz  Alan,  Earl  of  Arundel  {d.  1439,  Arundel, 
Sussex),  who  wears  kirtle,  sideless  cote  and  mantle. 

The  next  development  shows  the  cauls  curving  outwards 
and  upwards,  and  terminating  above  the  head  in  a  pair  of 
horns.  This  form  is  called  the  Horned,  lunar^  mitre  or 
heart  shaped  head-dress,  according  to  the  shape  which  it 
assumes.  This  coiffure  is  said  to  have  been  made  fashion- 
able by  Isabella  of  Bavaria,  Queen  of  Charles  VI.  of  France,^ 
where  it  was  known  in  this  and  its  later  developments  as 
the  Hennin,  escoffion  cornue  or  aux  comes,  and  seems  sorely 
to  have  wounded  the  susceptibilities  of  the  clergy  and  of 
contemporary  satirists,  many  of  whom  inveighed  against  it.^ 

In  the  following  instances  it  is  worn  with  kirtle  and 
mantle,  and  except  where  otherwise  stated,  the  cauls  are 
richly  worked  ^ : — 
141 9.    Margaret,  wife  of  William  Cheyne,  Hever, 
Kent ;  plain  cauls  ;  mitten  sleeves  to  the  kirtle  ; 
head  resting  on  a  cushion  supported  by  two 
angels  clad  in  amices  and  girded  albs. 
c.  1420.    Elizabeth,  wife  of  Peter  Halle,  Esq.,  Herne, 
Kent ;  on  dexter  side,  holding  husband's  right 
hand  in  hers  ;  the  girdle  of  the  kirtle  showing 
beneath  the  sideless  cote ;  necklace  with  cir- 
cular pendant. 

^  See  Planche,  General  History,  pp.  124-128,  and  Dictionary,  sub  mm. 
"  Head-dress."  In  the  former,  facing  p.  1 26,  is  a  coloured  plate,  "  Christine 
de  Pisan  presenting  her  Book  to  Isabel  of  Bavaria,  Queen  of  Charles  VI.  of 
France.  From  the  book  itself  now  in  the  British  Museum,  Harl  MS., 
643  I."  The  Queen  and  some  of  her  ladies  wear  the  wide-horned  head- 
dress, exposing  the  ears,  and  the  long  surplice-sleeved,  girded  gown, 
fur-lined  and  with  broad  falling  collar. 

2  The  horned  head-dress  is  caricatured  on  the  carved  woodwork  of  the 
stalls  at  Ludlow,  Shropshire. 

3  A  good  instance  was  the  brass  of  Cecilia,  wife  of  Brian  de  Stapilton, 
1438,  lost  from  Ingham,  Norfolk. 


l\mmt  Wm  jMUndtiin  milra  or afji imijni  iim  oltttt  fltr  mrafta  sum  M-ftw  •  a^mmj  ■  c  c  £f5° 
Ilf 'iBfiimwa  ii?iIiiiiiiifi/5  miira  Oi«  [ram  irsfynniriinTi  Hm mmi  oliiitilfllif flttobua Odi of ftrrrton  ffrjijlR  unnffrtmr 

AND  SON  SIR  THOMAS,  14+4, 
Etchingham,  Sussex. 




1435.  Isabella,  wife  of  Richard  Delamere,  Esq.,  Here- 

ford Cathedral ;  sideless  cote ;  Collar  of  SS. 
(not  worn  by  her  husband). 

1436.  Anna,  wife  of  John  Martyn,  Justice  of  the 

King's  Bench,  Graveney,  Kent. 

1437.  Joan,  wife  of  Robert  Skerne,  Kingston-upon- 

Thames,  Surrey;  on  dexter  side;  wearing 
necklace  with  circular  ornament. 
1437.    Joan,  wife  of  Sir  Thomas  Brook,  Thorncombe, 
Devon  ;  Collar  of  SS. 

c.  1440.  The  Lady  Philippa,  wife  of  John  Halsham, 
West  Grinstead,  Sussex  {d.  1395)  ;  plain  cauls. 
She  was  daughter  of  David  de  Strabolgie, 
Earl  of  Athol.  Her  mother's  brass  at  Ashford 
is  cited  on  p.  250. 

c.  1440.  A  Lady,  {J)  of  Devenish  family,  Hellingly, 
Sussex  (discovered  1869). 

c.  1440.  A  Lady,  Great  Ormesby,  Norfolk  (three-quarter 
effigy),  appropriated  for  Alice,  wife  of  Sir 
Robert  Clere,  1538.  In  her  hands  a  heart 
circumscribed  in  black  letter    Erth  my  body 

1  give  to  the  /  on  my  soule  Ihti  have  m'cy." 
Plain  cauls. 

1 44 1.  Joice,  wife  of  Sir  Hugh  Halsham,  West  Grin- 
stead,  Sussex;  on  dexter  side. 

1444.  Joan,  wife  of  Sir  William  Echyngham,  Etching- 
ham,  Sussex  ;  between  husband  and  son. 

1444.  Elizabeth,  wife  of  William  Fynderne,  Esq., 
Childrey,  Berks.  The  kirtle  bears  : — Argent  a 
chevron  between  three  crosses  patt6  fitche  sable, 
the  chevron  charged  with  an  annulet  of  the 
field  for  difference — Fynderne.  The  mantle 
bears: — Quarterly  i  and  4  Argent  a  bend 
nebule  between  two  cotises  gules  (the  arms 
of  Sir  John  Kyngeston,  her  first  husband)  ; 

2  and  3  Argent  a  whirlpool  gules — Chelvey 
(her  paternal  coat).  On  the  skirt  of  the 
kirtle  is  a  lion  couchant. 



Joan,  first  wife  of  Sir  Giles  Daubeney,  daughter 
of  John,  Lord  Darcy,  South  Petherton, 
Somerset.  The  girdle  of  the  kirtle  appears 
from  beneath  the  sideless  cote.  The  girdle 
and  head-dress  cauls  are  ornamented  with 

Alice,  first  wife  of  William,  Lord  Zouch, 
Okeover,  Staffs. ;  plain  cauls  (appropriated 
for  Isabell,  wife  of  Humphrey  Oker,  Esq., 


The  following  are  some  instances  of  the  surplice-sleeved 
gown  (described  above,  p.  255),  possibly  a  form  of  the 
houppelande,  worn  by  ladies  of  position^: — 

c.  14 10.  Lucy,  first  wife  of  William,  fourth  Baron 
Willoughby  d'Eresby,  Spilsby,  Lines. ;  on 
dexter  side.  The  gown  has  a  standing  collar. 
The  crespine  head-dress  does  not  cover  the 
ears,  nor  has  it  a  veil ;  it  is  surmounted  by  a 
kind  of  coronet.    The  hands  are  held  up,  not 

1  Possibly  in  allusion  to  the  Daubeney  Arms  {see  p.  1 69  note).  This  effigy 
lies  on  an  altar  tomb  with  that  of  Sir  Giles.  His  second  wife,  Mary, 
daughter  of  Simon  Leek  has  a  brass  on  the  floor,  1442.  Her  costume  is 
similar  to  that  of  the  first  wife,  except  for  the  absence  of  girdle  and 
toy  terrier.  See  illustration  Somerset  and  Dorset  Notes  and  Queries,  Vol.  I., 
1890,  p.  241,  accompanying  description  by  Hugh  Norris. 

2  A  fine  example  of  this  costume  on  an  incised  slab  is  at  East  Horndon, 
Essex,  Alice,  wife  of  Sir  John  Tyrell,  Knight,  1422.  The  Flemish  brass 
at  All  Saints',  Newcastle,  I429,representing  Agnes,  wife  of  Roger  Thornton, 
Esq.,  shows  broad  sleeves,  but  scarcely  sufficiently  so  to  be  said  to  belong 
to  the  houppelande.  Mr.  J.  G.  Waller  in  Jrchaolo^a  Jeliana,  Vol.  XV., 
p.  78,  writes :  "It  is  not  easy  to  describe  the  lady's  dress,  but  it  consists 
"  of  a  tunic  flowing  to  the  feet,  confined  at  the  waist  by  a  girdle,  having 
"  open  hanging  sleeves,  plaited  upon  the  chest,  and  buttoned  about  the 
"  neck.  Over  all  is  an  ample  mantle,  and  it  seems  to  have  an  upright 
"  stifl"  collar,  the  wings  of  which  are  seen  projecting  on  each  side  of  her 
"veil.  [CompareLucy,  Lady  Willoughby  d'Eresby,  f.  1 410.]  Her  head- 
"  dress  is  curious.  There  is  an  inner  covering,  veil-like  in  form,  over 
"  which  is  the  veil  proper,  which  seems  to  have  projecting  horns  or  pads 
"  from  which  it  hangs  down  in  the  usual  manner." 




clasped.    This  brass  belongs,  as  does  the 
next  instance,  to  a  local  school  of  engraving. 
1410.    Wife  of  a  Knight,  South  Kelsey,  Lines. ;  in  early 
form  of  horned  head-dress  with  large  veil.' 

1415.  loan,  wife  of  John  Peryent,  Esq.,  Digswell, 
Herts. ;  on  dexter  side  ;  wearing  Collar  of  SS. 
A  swan  is  engraved  on  the  left  side  of  the 
collar  ;  a  hedgehog  is  represented  on  the  skirt. 
The  head-dress,  to  which  no  similar  example 
is  known  on  a  brass,  is  triangular  in  form ; 
the  veil  merely  showing  in  folds  on  the  top, 
after  the  manner  of  that  worn  by  Lady 
Phelip  (141 5)  Kidderminster,  and  by  Lady 
Routh  {c.  14 10)  Routh,  Yorks. 

141 5.    Matilda,  wife  of  Sir  John  Phelip,  Kidderminster, 
Worcs. ;  square  cauls  with  veil  folded  on  the 
top  of  the  head  ;  }  Collar  of  SS. 
.1415.    Mellicent,  wife  of  Sir  William  Meryng,  East 
Markham,  Notts. ;  square  cauls. 

141 8.  Matilda,  wife  of  John  Fossebrok,  Esq.,  Cranford 
St.  Andrew,  Northants ;  horned  head-dress 
unornamented ;  wearing  a  Collar  (.?)  of  SS. 

1420.  Margery,  wife  of  Thomas  Arundell,  Esq.,  East 
Anthony,  Cornwall ;  square  cauls. 

1420.    Isabella,  wife  of  lohn  Doreward,  Esq.,  Bocking, 
Essex ;  square  cauls. 
c.  1420.    Katherine,  wife  of  Thomas  Quartermain,  Thame, 

c.  1420.  A  Lady,  Horley,  Surrey  (inscription  added  for 
Joan  Fenner,  1516).  The  veil  of  the  head- 
dress is  tucked  up  behind,  not  falling  on  the 
shoulders.    Collar  (J)  of  SS. 

c.  1420.    A  Lady,  Brampton- by -Dingley,  Northants; 

head  gone.  Possibly  she  may  have  worn  a 
head-dress  like  that  of  Lady  Phelip. 

^Another  Lincolnshire  example  was  at  Scrivelsby,  c.  1430,  Elizabeth, 
wife  of  Sir  Thomas  Dymoke.  Illustrated  in  Transactions  of  the  Monumental 
Brass  Society,  Vol.  II.,  p.  108.    5^^  also  Jeans'  List,  p.  58. 



c.  1440. 

1430.  Agnes,  wife  of  Thomas  Salmon,  Esq.,  Arundel, 
Sussex ;  horned  head-dress  ;  a  large  Collar  of 
SS.  Principal  woman  to  Beatrice,  Countess 
of  Arundel  and  Surrey  (daughter  of  John  I. 
of  Portugal). 
Catherine,  wife  of  William  Rikhill,  Northfleet, 

Kent ;  horned  head. 
Elizabeth,  first  wife  of  Sir  Laurence  Pabenham, 
Orford  Darcy,  Hunts. ;  in  horned  head-dress 
(lower  half  of  effigy  lost). 

The  following  are  among  those  who  wear  the  girded 
bag-sleeved  gown '  with  the  horned  head-dress,  the  cauls 
of  which  are  usually  unornamented  : — 

1 4 1 4.    Cristina,  wife  of  John  Cressy,Dodford,Northants ; 

on  dexter  side. 
1420.    Cristina  Bray,  Felstead,  Essex  (half  effigy). 
1424.    Elizabeth,  wife  of  John  Poyle,  Esq.,  Hampton 

Poyle,  Oxon. 

1426.  Sarra,  wife  of  John  Cosyngton,  Esq.,  Aylesford, 

1430.    Alyanora,  wife  of  John  Pollard,  St.  Giles-in-the- 
Wood,  near  Torrington,  Devon. 
c.  1430.    A  Lady,  in  private  possession,  Wroxall  Abbey, 

c.  1430.    Johanna  Kelly,  Tintagil,  Cornwall  (three-quarter 

c.  1430.    Wife  of  a  Man  in  Armour,  Harlow,  Essex. 
1432.    Isabelle,  wife  of  Nicholas  Carew,  Beddington, 

1435.  Elizabeth  and  Alice,  wives  of  Thomas  Wide- 
ville,  Esq.,  Bromham,  Beds.;  ornamented 
cauls.    The  second  wife  has  the  rare  addition 

I  Occasionally  a  girded  gown  with  tight  sleeves  is  found  worn  with  the 
horned  head-dress,  e.g. : — 

1428.    Maud,  wife  of  John  Norwiche,  Yoxford,  Suffolk. 
c.  1480.    Anna,  wife  of  Henry  Jarmon,  Geddington,  Northants. 

Jiriant  ijDlfts  (Bflnra  qmraflui  imiff/l  ftmtaMlmifloti  p  ( 

All  Hallows'  Barking,  London. 



of  the  mantle  worn  with  this  gown.  The 
brass  was  appropriated  to  commemorate  Sir 
John  Dyve,  his  mother  and  wife,  1 535. 

1435.    Margaret,  wife  of  John  Launcelyn,  Cople,  Beds. 

1435.  Margery,  wife  of  John  Ailmer,  Erith,  Kent;  on 
dexter  side. 

c.  1435.  Margaret,  wife  of  Hugo  Bostock,  Wheathamp- 
stead,  Herts. 

1437.  Joan,  wife  of  John  Bacon,  All  Hallows'  Barking, 

c.  1440.  A  Lady,  Bigbury,  Devon  ;  a  crescent  in  front  of 
head-dress,  the  cauls  of  which  are  ornamented. 

1 44 1.  Elizabeth,  wife  of  John  Boteler,  Mepshall,  Beds. 

1442.  Margaret  and  Joan,  third  and  fourth  wives  of 

Reginald  Spycer,  Cirencester,  Gloucs. 
1447.    Joan,  wife  of  Robert  Hoton,  Wilberfosse,  Yorks. 

Occasionally  the  veil  head-dress  is  worn^  with  the  bag- 
sleeved  gown.    Examples  : — 

1400.  Joan,  wife  of  John  Mulsho,  Newton-by- 
Geddington,  Northants  ;  kneeling  on  sinister 
side  of  cross,  in  the  head  of  which  is  the  figure 
of  St.  Faith  ;  no  girdle. 

1402.   ,  wife  of  Richard  Martyn,  Dartford,  Kent. 

f.  1410.  A  Lady,  St.  Stephen's,  Norwich  ;  two  bedesmen 
below  the  feet.  Appropriated  for  Eel  Buttry, 
"su'tyme  pryores  of  Campese,"  1546. 

1 4 1 6.  Elena,  wife  of  Thomas  Stokes,  Ashby  St.  Legers, 

141 8.    Edith,  wife  of  Thomas  Polton,  Wanborough, 
Wilts,  (half  effigy),  parents  of  Archdeacon 
Polton,  see  ^.  138. 
c.  1425.    Margaret,  wife  of  John  Framlingham,Debenham, 
Suffolk  (half  effigy). 

'Katherine  Stoket,  c.  1420,  at  Lingfield,  Surrey,  wears  the  veil  head- 
dress with  kirtle  with  mitten  sleeves  and  mantle. 



In  a  few  cases  the  covrechef  seems  to  have  plain  bands 
or  frilling  framing  the  forehead,  e.g. : — 

141 5.  Maria,  wife  of  William  West,  Sudborough, 

c.  1430.    A  Lady,  with  ecclesiastic  and  civilian,  Melton, 

c.  1440.    Margaret,  wife  of  Robert  Pa^ge,  Cirencester, 

1442.  Margaret,  first  wife  of  Reginald  Spycer,  Ciren- 
cester, Gloucs;  wearing  gown  with  close 

A  widow  appears  dressed  in  a  kirtle,  over  which  is  a 
long  close-sleeved  gown,  sometimes  girded,  and  a  mantle. 
The  head-dress  consists  of  the  close-crimped  cap  and 
covrechef,  and  the  plaited  l^arl^e  or  chin-cloth^  which  in 
some  cases  {e.g.,  Tong,  Salop  ;  Lowick,  Northants,  1467  ; 
and  Stretham,  Cambs.,  1497)  covers  the  shoulders  like  a 
cape.  Among  palimpsest  brasses  may  be  mentioned  the 
figure  of  a  widow  (c.  1440)  in  gown  with  long  surplice 
sleeves  on  the  reverse  of  the  efiigy  of  Bishop  John  White 
{c.  1548),  Winchester  College,  and  that  of  a  widow  {c.  1460) 
on  the  reverse  of  a  priest  in  cope,  of  the  same  date,  in  the 
Temple  Church,  Bristol. 

Instances  of  this  costume,  lacking  the  barbe,  are  rare. 
Of  the  three  which  we  mention  Lady  Cobham  was  not  a 
widow  at  the  time  of  her  death  : — 

1425.  Beatrice,  wife  of  William  Chichele,  Higham 
Ferrers,  Northants ;  mitten  sleeves  to  kirtle. 

1433.  Katherine,  wife  of  John  Leventhorpe,  Esq., 
Sawbridgeworth,  Herts. 

1433.  Joan,  Lady  de  Cobham,  Cobham,  Kent;  mitten 
sleeves  to  kirtle.  She  married  (i)  Sir  Robert 
Hemenhale  ;  (2)  Sir  Reginald  Braybrok  ;  (3) 
Sir  Nicholas  Hawberk ;  (4)  Sir  John  Old- 
castle  ;  (5)  Sir  John  Harpedon,  who  survived 
her,  and  whose  brass  is  in  Westminster 
Abbey  {see  p.  169). 

CoBHAM,  Kent. 


CoBiiAM,  Kent. 


The  following  examples  of  widows  throughout  the 
fifteenth  century  conform  to  the  above  costume  except 
where  otherwise  mentioned^ : — 

1405.    Margaret,  wife  of  Thomas  de  Freville,  Esq., 
■    Little  Shelford,  Cambs. ;    on  dexter  side, 
holding  husband's  right  hand  in  hers.^ 
1409.    Idonea,  second  wife  of  Bartholomew,  Lord 
Bourchier,  Halstead,  Essex. 
c.  1 410.    Pernel,  wife  of  Nichol  Rolond,  Cople,  Beds.; 
on  dexter  side. 
1 41 9.    Alice,  wife   of  John  Lyndewode,  Linwood, 
Lines. ;  mitten  kirtle  sleeves. 
c,  1420.    Johanna,  wife  of  Sir  Arnold  Savage,  Bobbing, 

c.  1420.    Widow  of  a  Civilian       Joan,  wife  of  John 

Barloe)  Pelham  Furneaux,  Herts. 
c.  1420.    Joan,   wife   of  Thomas    Quartermain,  Esq., 
Thame,  Oxon. 
1422.    Cecilia,  wife  of  William  Wylde,  Esq.,  Dodford, 
Northants  ;  dexter  side  (the  mother  of  Cristina 
Cressy,  mentioned  above). 
1425.    Margery,  wife  of  Sir  WiUiam  Molyns,  Stoke 

Poges,  Bucks. 
1427.    Margery  Argentine  {bis  viduatd)  Elstow,  Beds. 
c.  1430.    AHce,  wife  of  Sir   Edmund   Bryan,  Acton, 

1430.  Joan,  widow  of  Sir  Wm.  (.?)  Clopton,  Quinton, 
Gloucs. ;  vowes  "  Que  tibi  sacrata  clauditur 
hie  vidua." 

1432.  Cristiana,  wife  of  Robert  Baxter,  St.  Giles', 

Norwich  ;  mitten  kirtle  sleeves. 

1433.  Margery,  wife  of  William  Harwedon,  Esq., 

Harrowden  Magna,  Northants ;  on  bracket. 

^  A  good  example,  lost  from  Ingham,  Norfolk,  was  that  of  Ela,  wife 
of  Sir  Miles  Stapleton,  c.  1425. 

2  "  Postea  sacre  maiestatis  arnica  professa." 



1436.  Matilda,  wife  of  Thomas  Chaucer,  Esq.,  Ewelme, 
Oxon.  ;  at  feet  a  lion  couchant  queue 
fourchee  (crest  of  Burghersh). 

1436.  Margaret,  wife  of  Richard  Purdaunce,  St.  Giles', 

1440.    Matilda,  wife  of    Clitherow,  Ash-next- 

Sandwich,  Kent ;  lower  part  gone. 

1445.  Alianora,  wife  of  John  Throckmorton,  Esq., 

Fladbury,  Worcs. 

c.  1445.  ,  wifs  or  mother  of  Sir  William  Wadham, 

Ilminster,  Somerset. 

1446.  Agnes,  wife  of  Thomas  Reynes,  Esq.,  Marston 

Morteyne,  Beds. 

1454.  Agnes,  wife  of  Sir  Thomas  Molyngton,  Dart- 
ford,  Kent.  Her  first  husband  was  William 
Hesilt,  Baron  of  the  Exchequer,  whose  brass 
was  at  Northfleet,  Kent. 

1459.  Eufemia,  wife  of  Sir  John  Langton,  St.  Peter's, 
Leeds,  Yorks. 

c.  1460.    A  Widow  of  the  Forster  family,  Harpsden,  Oxon. 
c.  1460.    A  Widow,  Great  Thurlow,  Suffolk. 
c.  1460.    Margaret,  wife  of  Sir  John  Byron,  Manchester 

1462.    Matilda,  wife  of  Sir  Thomas  Grene,  Greens 

Norton,  Northants. 
1462.    Isabella,  wife  of  George  Langham,  Esq.,  Little 

Chesterford,  Essex. 
1464.    Anna,  wife   of  Sir  Henry   Norbury,  Stoke 

D'Abernon,  Surrey ;  children  on  skirts. 

1466.  Margaret,  wife  of  Richard  Ask,  Esq.,  Aughton, 


1467.  Margaret,  wife  of  Sir  William  Vernon,  Tong, 

Salop;   barbe  covering  shoulders;  sideless 

cote  ;  ermine-lined  mantle ;  feet  on  elephant. 
1467.    Margaret,  wife  of  Henry  Grene,  Esq.,  Lowick, 

Northants ;  head  on  embroidered  cushion. 
1474.    Elizabeth,  wife  of  William  Fitzwilliam,  Sprot- 

borough,  Yorkshire. 

Ash-next-Sandwich,  Kent. 




1476.  Margaret,  wife  of  Sir  Richard  Byngham,  Justice 
of  the  King's  Bench,  Middleton,  Warwick- 
shire ;  large  rosary  hanging  from  waist. 

c.  1480.  A  Widow,  Grendon,  Northants  ;  between  two 
men  in  armour. 

c.  1480.  Anne,  wife  of  Sir  Thomas  Tyrell,  East  Horndon, 

1487.  Joan,  wife  of  William  Brokes,  Esq.,  Pepper 
Harrow,  Surrey;  kneeling  at  desk;  rosary 
hanging  from  right  hand. 

1489.    Agnes,    wife    of  Thomas    Mountford,  Esq., 
Hornby,  North  Yorks. 
c.  1490.    A  Widow,  Luton,  Beds. 

1497.  Matilda,  Lady  Willoughby  d'Eresby,  Tatters- 
hall,  Lines.  (?  engraved  c.  1460).  ist  husband, 
Robert,  sixth  Lord  Willoughby  d'Eresby, 
K.G.,  d.  1454;  (2)  Sir  Thomas  Neville, 
d.  1460;  (3)  Sir  Gervase  Clifton,  d.  1471. 

1497.    Joan,  wife  of  John  Swan,  Stretham,  Cambs. 

1 501.  Catherine,  wife  of  Sir  William  Pyrton,  Little 
Bentley,  Essex. 

About  the  year  1460  we  find  a  different  form  of  gown 
in  use,  worn  over  the  kirtle,  which  latter  garment  appears 
at  the  neck,  and  sometimes  at  the  feet.  This  gown,  with 
but  small  alteration,  remained  in  fashion  for  three-quarters 
of  a  century.  In  the  earlier  examples  it  is  distinguished 
by  being  cut  very  low  at  the  neck,  where  a  fur  border 
appears.  The  sleeves  are  tight-fitting,  ending  in  cuffs 
reaching  to  the  knuckles,  but  usually  turned  back,  showing 
a  fur  lining,  which,  often  probably,  was  extended  to  the 
whole  garment.  The  gown  appears  to  have  had  a  fur- 
edged  opening,  reaching  to  below  the  waist,  and  kept  closed 
by  means  of  a  girdle. 

The  horned  head-dress  becomes  more  acutely  pointed, 
the  cauls  usually  being  plain,  and  the  veil  either  hanging 
behind  the  shoulders  or,  more  frequently,  raised  off  the 



shoulders  in  two  folds.  The  following  examples  illustrate 
this  change  in  the  head-attire : — 

{a)  In  kirtle  and  mantle,  the  veil  falling  behind  the 
shoulders,  except  at  Thame  and  Latton : — 

1440.    A   Lady,  Minehead,    Somerset  (ornamented 

cauls) ;  sideless  cote. 
c,  1440.    A  Lady,  Horton  Kirby,  Kent. 
c.  1450.    Elena,  wife  of  Sir  John   Bernard,  Isleham, 

Cambs.  (ornamented  cauls). 
1458.    Jamima,  wife  of  Sir  Thomas  Shernborne,  Shern- 

bourne,  Norfolk  ;  sideless  cote. 
1460.    Sybil,  wife  of  Richard    Quatremayns,  Esq., 

Thame,  Oxon. ;  sideless  cote. 
c.  1460.    Margaret,  wife  of  William  Browne,  All  Saints, 

Stamford,  Lines. 
c.  1460.    Elizabeth,  wife  of     ,  Bigbury, 

Devon ;    ornamented   cauls  ;   sideless  cote ; 

head  on  cushion ;  a  cross  hanging  by  a  chain 

round  neck. 

c.  1460.    Elizabeth,  wife  of  Roger  Dencourt,  Upminster, 
Essex ;  sideless  cote  ;  ornamented  cauls. 
1467.    Catherine  (.?),  wife  of  Sir  Peter  Arderne,  Latton, 
Essex ;  ornamented  cauls  ;  sideless  cote. 

(J?)  In  other  costume,  where  not  mentioned,  the  fur- 
cuffed  gown : — 

1454.  Cecily,  wife  of  Roger  Felthorp,  Blickhng,  Nor- 
folk ;  bag-sleeved  gown ;  five  daughters 

1458.  Agnes,  wife  of  Sir  Robert  Staunton,  Castle 
Donnington,  Leics. ;  ornamented  cauls ;  cross 
hanging  by  chain  round  neck ;  three  daugh- 
ters similarly  dressed  on  her  skirt. 
1462/3.  Agnes,  wife  of  Oto  Trevnwyth,  St.  Ives,  Corn- 
wall ;  bag-sleeved  gown ;  kneeling  before  St. 

frfjtoiljrfiiMfnfjanrted  ^ 
HfJrniDisailirttotfflniji]!!  paft  ^ 
Jnaififti^liiffliiTiiriafll  ^ 
saijfltpo  It  inail^uii'  nmi  ami 

^Iio%!i  rrtjift0  atljrotWiiiOfiTlDiif 
f\$  fljat  gif  filif  III  lilifir^uTuf  V 

JANE  KERIELL,  c.  1460, 
Ash-n?.xt-Sandwich,  Kent. 



1465.    Margaret,  wife  of  Nicholas  Assheton,  Callington, 

1470.  Dame  Christina,  wife  of  Matthew  Phelip,  Heme, 
Kent;  ornamented  cauls  showmg  alternate 
suns  and  roses— the  badge  of  the  House  of 
York  ;  fur-lined  mantle  over  fur-cuffed  gown  ; 
large  rosary ;  hands  held  outwards. 

1470.  Alicia,  wife  of  Robert  Watton,  Addington, 


c.  1470.    Emma,  wife  of  Sir  Henry  Grey,  Ketteringham, 

147 1.  Johanna,  wife  of  Roger  Kyngdon,  Quethiock, 


1472.  Margaret,  Clemens,    and    Isabella,  wives  of 

Robert  Ingylton,  Esq.,  Thornton,  Bucks. 
1478.    Petronilla,  wife  of  Richard  Bertlot,  Esq.,  Stop- 
ham,  Sussex. 

c.  1480.    A  Lady,  Baldock,  Herts.,  ?  Margaret  or  Joan, 
wife  of  William  Crane,  1483. 
1485.    Avice,  wife  of  William  Goldwell,  Great  Chart, 

The  horned  head-dress  seems  to  have  become  more  of 
a  mitre  shape  ;  witness  the  brass  of  Jane,  wife  of —  Keriell 
(1460)  Ash-next-Sandwich,  Kent,  wearing  the  fur-trimmed 
gown  with  broad  sleeves,  and  a  unique  head-dress  with  a 
horseshoe  ornament  in  front,  but  no  veil. 

Decorated  cauls,  surmounted  by  coronets,  are  seen  in 
the  two  following  instances  : — 

c.  1470  (eng.)  Joice  (d.  1446),  daughter  and  heir  of  Sir 
Edward  Charlton  (Lord  Powis)  and  Eleanor 
(daughter  of  Thomas  Holland,  Earl  of  Kent, 
and  formerly  wife  of  Roger  Mortimer,  Earl 
of  March)  and  wife  of  Sir  John  Tiptoft, 
Baron  Tiptoft  and  Powis,  Enfield,  Middlesex. 
Wearing  kirtle,  ermined  sideless  cote,  heraldic 



mantle  charged  with  Charlton  impaling  Hol- 
land, and  a  large  necklace.  The  veil  is  curiously- 

1483.  Isabel  Plantagenet,  daughter  of  Richard,  Earl 
of  Cambridge,  and  wife  of  Henry  Bourchier, 
Earl  of  Essex  (whose  mother,  Anne,  was 
daughter  of  Thomas  of  Woodstock,  sixth  son  of 
Edward  III.),  Little  Easton,  Essex.  Wearing 
kirtle,  ermined  sideless  cote,  mantle  and  Collar 
of  Suns  and  Roses,  with  a  pendant  or  toret  of 
the  lion  couchant  of  March.  The  ears  are 
concealed  by  two  cauls,  behind  which  is  seen 
a  veil.  The  head  rests  on  a  cushion  upheld 
by  two  angels  ;  the  feet  on  an  eagle,  a  Bour- 
chier cognizance.  A  magnificent  brass,  retain- 
ing its  colour. 

The  mitred  head-dress  without  veil  is  sometimes  found 
worn  by  groups  of  daughters  below  the  effigies  of  their 
parents.  Instances  exist  at  South  Weald,  Essex,  c.  1450, 
in  a  group  of  twelve  children,  six  of  them  daughters,  of 
whom  the  parents  are  lost ;  at  Quy,  Cambs.,  c.  1465,  worn 
by  four  daughters  of  John  Ansty,  Esq. ;  at  Abingdon 
Pigotts,  Cambs.,  by  eight  daughters  of  a  Civilian,  c.  1470. 

The  transition  from  the  horned  form  of  head-dress  to 
that  known  as  the  Butterfly  is  interesting  to  note.  As 
in  the  case  of  the  chaperon  or  hood,  noticed  above,  p.  209, 
the  early  kind  of  the  butterfly  head-dress  seems  to  have 
been  formed  by  wearing  the  horned  head-dress  horizontally 
instead  of  perpendicularly ;  in  other  words,  the  cauls  con- 
fining the  hair  are  removed  from  the  sides  to  the  back  of 
the  head,  and  the  hair  is  strained  off  the  forehead  and 

For  this  manner  of  wearing  the  coronet,  compare  illustration,  p.  273, 
Planche's  Cyclopaedia  of  Costume,  1876  (Vol.  I.,  Dictionary)  -.  "Ladies, 
circa  1450,  from  a  drawing  in  the  portfolio  of  M.  De  Gagnieres,  Paris." 
The  arms  of  Charlton,  Lord  Powys,  are: — A  lion  rampant  gules;  those 
of  Holland,  Earl  of  Kent :— Three  lions  of  England  within  a  bordure 


d.  1++6,  ENGRAVED  C.  I47O, 

Enfield,  Middlesex. 


confined  behind.  From  the  veil  of  the  horned  head-dress 
then  was  developed  the  winged  appearance  behind,  which 
has  given  the  name  of  hutterfly  head-dress  to  this  style 
which  prevailed  in  the  reign  of  Edward  IV  Examples 
of  this  transition,  showing  but  slight  traces  of  the  veil  and 
taking  the  form  of  square  projections  at  the  back  ot  the 
head,  are  to  be  found  on  brasses  chiefly  amongst  the 
effigies  of  daughters  on  the  tombs  of  their  parents,  e.g, 
(all  wearing  the  fur-lined  gown,  low  in  the  neck)  : — 

1467.  Three  daughters  on  the  brass  of  Sir  William  and 
Lady  Vernon,  Tong,  Salop. 

1475.    A  Lady,  Rainham,  Essex. 

1477.    Three  daughters  on  the  brass  of  John  Feld  and 

son,  Standon,  Herts. 
1480.    Five  daughters  on  the  brass  of  Civilian  (lost)  and 

wife,  who  wears  the  later  horned-head  with 

veil,  Chelsfield,  Kent. 

Indeed,  on  the  brass  of  Robert  Ingleton  and  three  wives 
(1472)  Thornton,  Bucks.,  one  daughter  is  turned  sideways 
showing  the  butterfly-head,  whilst  the  others,  affronte,  wear 
the  same  head-dress  as  their  mothers. 

The  later  form  of  the  "  hennin  "  may  be  said  to  have 
taken  two  shapes,  the  steeple  and  the  butterfly ;  the  former 
consisting  of  "  round  caps  gradually  diminishing  to  the 
"  height  of  half  or  three-quarters  of  an  ell,  with  a  loose 
*'  handkerchief  atop,  sometimes  hanging  as  low  as  the 
"  ground."  ^  Of  this  no  example  occurs  on  a  brass,  unless 
the  five  daughters  of  Sir  Thomas  and  Lady  Urswyk  (1470) 
Dagenham,  Essex,  are  wearing  a  modified  form  without 
the  veil. 

Planche's  description^  defines  the  butterfly  variety. 
Illuminations  give  a  better  idea  of  this  head-dress  than 

1  Planche's  Cyclopadia,  Vol.  II.,  "General  History,"  p.  127. 

2  "  The  bonnet  or  cap,  the  proper  name  for  which  was  cornet,  is  seen 
"  through  the  veil  of  gauze  which  is  sustained,  curiously  folded,  high 
"  above  its  apex  by  wires  so  fine  as  to  be  invisible,  instead  of  being  loosely 


brasses,  though  it  must  be  admitted  that  the  latter  are 
sufficiently  successful,  considering  the  difficulty  of  the 
medium  when  employed  to  represent  the  diaphanous  texture 
of  the  veil,  which  constituted  one  of  the  great  elegancies 
of  this  attire.  It  will  be  noticed  that  in  order  to  give  a 
due  representation  the  engravers  resorted  to  the  expedient 
of  drawing  the  head-dress  en  profile^  thereby  producing  the 
effect  from  which  this  has  been  called  the  '■''butterfly''  or 
"  wired  "  head-dress/ 

The  following  examples  are  noteworthy."  Those  at 
Ingrave,  Harley,  Melford  and  Crowan  have  a  narrow  veil 
in  front,  to  be  developed  later  into  the  frontlet  of  the 
pedimental  head-dress.  Fine  necklaces  or  carcanets  occur. 
The  girdles  sometimes  have  pendent  ends : — 

1466.  Mare^aret,  daughter  of  Sir  Lewes  John,  Ingrave, 
Essex ;  in  kirtle  and  mantle ;  dog  with  bell 
collar  on  skirt. 

1470.   ,  wife  of  Sir  Thomas  Urswyk,  Dagenham, 

Essex ;  mantle  over  fur-trimmed  gown,  the 
cuffs  of  which  are  not  turned  back;  belled 
dog  at  feet ;  a  fine  necklace. 
c.  1470.   ,  wife  of   Aubrey,  Clehongre,  Here- 

fordshire. The  gown,  instead  of  exposing  a 
fur-lining,shows  one  of  some  diapered  material. 
c.  1 470.  Agnes,  wife  of  Sir  William  Yelverton,  Rougham, 
Norfolk ;  fur-trimmed  gown  and  mantle ; 
large  necklace. 

"  thrown  over  it,  or  attached  only  to  the  top,  and  allowed  to  stream  down 
"  behind  almost  to  the  ground.  In  the  latter  instance  a  smaller  veil  was 
"  worn  over  the  head  beneath  the  cornet  shading  the  face  and  neck." 
Planche,  Vol.  II.,  p.  127-8.  (5r<?  Woodcuts  annexed,  Front  and  side 
views  of  Hennins,  from  the  Traite  de  Tournois  of  Rene  d'Anjou,  c.  1450, 
and  also  p.  275  of  Vol.  I.  {Dictionary).) 

'  A  similar  attire  called  the  cauchoise  has  survived  in  Normandy,  in  the 
Pays  de  Caux.  It  is  also  worn  by  the  Sisters  of  Charity  of  St.  Vincent 
de  Paul. 

2  It  is  easy  to  tell  from  a  matrix,  if  the  lost  head-dress  were  of  the 
butterfly  variety.  See,  for  instance,  the  brass  of  Thomas  Hampton,  1483, 
and  Isabella,  his  wife,  at  Stoke  Charity,  Hants,  of  which  the  upper  part 
of  the  lady's  effigy  is  lost. 



Elizabeth,  wife  of  William  Culpeper,  West 
Peckham,  Kent. 

Joan,  wife  of  Thomas  Colte,  Roydon,  Essex; 
kirtle,  sideless  cote,  and  mantle;  collar  of 
suns  and  roses. 

Elizabeth,  wife  of  Sir  John  Say,  Knt.,  Brox- 
bourne,  Herts.;  kirtle,  sideless  cote,  and 
heraldic  mantle,  with  her  paternal  coat 
(Cheyny) ;  elaborate  necklace. 

Wife  of  a  Gentleman  of  the  Lacon  (?)  family, 
Harley,  Salop  ;  fur-trimmed  gown,  the  skirt 
tucked  up  under  the  left  arm,  thereby  expos- 
ing the  kirtle. 

Anna,  wife  of  Thomas  Playters,  Esq.,  Sotterley, 
Suffolk;  fur  cuffs  not  turned  back  ;  broad 

Isodia,  wife  of  Thomas  Selby,  East  Mailing, 
Kent ;  similar  to  the  last. 

Isabella  and  lohanna,  wives  of  John  Cobleigh, 
Chittlehampton,  Devon  ;  fur-trimmed  gown. 

Two  Ladies  of  the  Clopton  family.  Long  Mel- 
ford,  Suffolk  ;  heraldic  kirtle  and  mantle. 

Two  Ladies,  Saffron  Walden,  Essex ;  fur-cuffs 
not  turned  back. 

Margaret  and  Margaret,  wives  of  Thomas 
Peyton,  Esq.,  Isleham,  Cambs. ;  the  wife  on 
the  dexter  side  has  fur-trimmed  gown,  em- 
broidered throughout;  that  on  the  sinister 
wears  one  unornamented. 

Isabella,  wife  of  William  Cheyne,  Blickling, 
Norfolk  ;  fine  necklace ;  hands  held  out. 

Anne,  wife  of  Robert  Herward,  Aldborough, 
Norfolk  ;  hands  held  out. 

Elizabeth,  wife  of  Sir  Biconyll,  Becking- 

ton,  Somerset ;  fur-cuffs  not  turned  back ; 

Issabella,  wife  of  Sir  Robert  Strelley,  Strelley, 
Notts. ;  cuffs  not  turned  back  ;  mantle. 


1487.  Anne,  wife  of  John  Lambarde,  Hi nx worth, 

Herts. ;  cuffs  not  turned  back. 
1490.    Margery,  wife  of  Philip  Bosard,  Gent.,  Ditching- 
ham,  Norfolk. 

c.  1490.    Margaret,  wife  of  Nicholas  Gaynesford,  Esq. 

Carshalton,  Surrey  (kneeling  in  mantle) ;  the 

red  colour  is  still  preserved. 
c.  1490.    Alicia,  wife  of  Geoffry  Seyntaubyn,  Crowan, 

Cornwall ;  cuffs  not  turned  back. 

A  curious  treatment  of  the  butterfly  head-dress  with 
decorated  caul  is  found  in  Norfolk,  showing  some  con- 
nection with  its  predecessor.  A  good  example  formerly 
existed  at  Ingham,  1466,  representing  Katherine  and 
Elizabeth,  wives  of  Sir  Milo^Stapleton.    Others  are: — 

1 47 1.    Joan,  wife  of  Sir  John  Curson,  Belaugh,  Nor- 

1483.  Margaret,  wife  of  Rauf  Wylloughby,  Esq., 
Raveningham,  Norfolk;  cuffs  not  turned 
back ;  collar  of  suns  and  roses ;  dragon  and 
dog  at  feet.  Her  husband  was  "  Squier  for 
Kyng  Rychard  the  thyrd's  body." 

A  modified  and  much  smaller  form  of  butterfly  head- 
dress is  seen  in  the  following  examples : — 

c.  1480.    Marion,  wife  of  Jenkyn  Smyth,^  St.  Mary,  Bury 

St.  Edmunds  ;  kneeling, 
c.  1480.    Wife  of  a  Civilian,  Chrishall,  Essex;  kneeling. 
c.  1 480.    A  Lady  (unknown),    St.  Lawrence,   Isle  of 


1488.  Katherine,  wife  of  John  Hertcombe,  Kingston- 

upon-Thames,  Surrey;  kneeling. 
1488.    Alice,  third  wife  of  Symon  Brooke,  UfFord, 

c.  1490.    Two  wives  of  —  Paycock  (.?),  Great  Coggeshall, 

'  But  see  Farrer's  List  of  Suffolk  Brasses,  1903,  in  which  this  brass  is 
said  more  probably  to  belong  to  John  Smyth,  1480,  and  wife  Anne. 


c.  1490.    Agnes,  wife  of  Edmund  Grene,  Hunstanton, 

1496.    Amia,  wife  of  John  BerifFe,  Brightlingsea,  Essex. 

About  1490,  soon  after  Henry  VII.  came  to  the 
throne,  the  butterfly  head-dress  gave  way  to  that  known 
as  the  PEDiMENTAL,  pyramidal^  kennel^  or  diamoKd-sha.pcd 
head-dress.  This  development  consisted  in  the  amplifica- 
tion of  the  strip  bordering  the  forehead,  which  we  have 
noticed  occurring  on  some  of  the  butterfly  head-dresses,^ 
and  in  the  depression  or  total  abolition  of  the  wing-like 
veil.  The  caul,  or  "cornei,''  into  which  the  hair  was 
strained,  became  a  kind  of  bonnet  or  cap  worn  at  the  back 
of  the  head,  and  sometimes  assuming  a  crown-like  appear- 
ance {e.g.,  1488,  Elizabeth,  wife  of  Edmund  Clere,  Esq., 
Stokesby,  Norfolk,  and  c.  1490,  Elizabeth,  wife  of  William 
Berdewell,  Esq.,  West  Herling,  Norfolk).  The  band  or 
frontlet^''  framing  the  face  and  falling  to  the  shoulders 
(to  the  shape  of  which  the  head-dress  owes  its  designa- 
tion), though  sometimes  represented  as  plain,  is  more 
often  found  engraved  to  represent  embroidery  and 
jewelled  work.  It  was  made  of  rich  materials,  velvet,^ 
or  sometimes  fur,  and  in  some  cases  may  have  had  borders 
of  pearls,  e.g. : — 

c.  1490.  Elizabeth,  heiress  of  the  Barony  of  St.  Amand, 
held  by  her  husband  William  Beauchamp, 
Lord  St.  Amand,  Bromham,  Wilts. ;  kneel- 
ing in  kirtle,  ermine  sideless  cote,  and  mantle. 
1499.  Anne,  wife  of  Thomas  Hevenyngham,  Esq., 
Ketteringham,  Norfolk;  kneeling  in  mantle 
charged  with  her  husband's  arms,  worn  over 

I  That  at  Crowan,  Cornwall,  c.  1490  (Alicia  wife  of  GeofFry  Seynt- 
aubyn)  shows  evident  signs  of  transition. 

=^ "  My  Cosin  Alice  Storke  shall  have  my  best  bonet  and  a  frontlet  of 
tawny  velvet."— Codicil  to  will  of  Isabella,  widow  of  lohn  Fitzlames  of 
Redlynch,  Somerset,  proved  October  23rd,  1527.  Proceedings  of  Somerset 
Jrch<eological  and  N aturalHistory  Society,  Vol.  XXIV.  1878,  p.  3  5. 



fur-cufFed  gown  charged  with  her  own.  (One 
of  her  five  daughters  kneeling  behind  her 
wears  a  similar  head-dress.) 
1520.    Mary  and  Grace,  wives  of  William  de  Grey, 
Esq.,  Merton,  Norfolk ;  kneeling. 

Sometimes  more  strips  or  lappets  are  seen  at  the  side  of 
the  head  when  represented  in  profile.  A  good  instance  is 
at  Laycock,  Wilts.,  1501,  Elizabeth,  wife  of  Robert 
Baynard,  Esq.,  wearing  an  heraldic  mantle,  Baynard 
quartering  Ludlow.  Instances  of  the  retention  of  the 
veil  are  not  uncommon,  e.g.^  c.  1500,  Elizabeth,  wife  of 
Richard  Wakeherst,  Ardingley,  Sussex,  and,  1533,  Joan, 
wife  of  Henry  Hatche,  Faversham,  Kent.  The  Flemish 
brass  at  St.  Mary  Quay,  Ipswich,  1525,  shows  Emma, 
wife  of  Thomas  Pownder,  wearing  over  a  kirtle  a  fur- 
lined  gown  with  loose  sleeves,  and  pedimental  head-dress 
with  veil,  the  peaked  form  of  which  is  explained  by  the 
netted  cauls  worn  by  the  six  daughters  without  veils.' 

The  gown  worn  with  this  head-dress  is,  as  a  rule,  that 
with  tight-fitting  sleeves,  fur-cuffs,  and  border,  already 
noticed  ;  but  the  aperture  for  the  neck  is  not  so  large  and 
is  cut  square.  The  kirtle  sometimes  appears  at  the  neck, 
and  also  at  the  feet  when,  as  at  Ardingly,  c.  1500  (just 
mentioned),  the  skirt  of  the  gown  is  tucked  up  under  the 
arm  to  give  an  air  of  greater  convenience  in  walking. 
Although  usually  the  mark  of  the  opening  in  the  gown 
extends  to  the  waist,  in  some  instances  it  appears  to  have 
been  fastened  from  neck  to  feet  {e.g.^  Anne,  wife  of 
Thomas  Asteley,  Esq.,  15 12,  Blickling,  Norfolk).  With 
this  gown  was  worn  a  broad  ornamental  girdle,^  fastened 
by  various  methods,  often  by  a  buckle  at  the  side,  from 
which  a  long  pendent  end  hangs,  sometimes  as  low  as  the 
ground.    At  Hadley,  Middlesex,  1500,  Joan,  wife  of 

I  A  rosary  hangs  from  the  centre  of  the  girdle.  Compare  with  the 
Evyngar  Flemish  brass,  1535,  AH  Hallows'  Barking,  London. 

*"to  my  daughter  Lady  Fitzlames  a  girdle  of  gold  harneysed  with 
gold." — Will  of  Isabella  Fitzlames,  see  note  2,  p.  275. 



William  Turnour,  wears  a  girdle  fastened  at  the  back,  and 
without  pendent  end.''  Another  form  of  girdle  is  fastened 
in  front,  and  from  the  centre  ornament,  often  consisting 
of  three  rosettes,  hangs  a  chain  supporting  an  ornament 
or  a  silver  or  gold  pomander  (^pomme  d^amhre)^  or  perfume 
box  for  scents  or  disinfectants  ^ ;  or  a  receptacle  for 
pommes  chaufferettes^  the  equivalent  of  the  modern  mujff- 
warmer.  Rosaries  are  found  in  the  first  half  or  the 
sixteenth  century  hanging  from  the  girdle,  and  round  the 
neck  chains  or  necklaces  with  pendent  crosses.  Where 
shoes  appear  they  are  of  the  broad,  rounded  shape  worn 
by  civilians. 

Some  brasses  show  a  veil  instead  of  the  pedimental 
head-dress,  e.g. : — 

1509.    Jacquetta,  lady  of  John,  Lord  Strange,  Hilling- 
don,  Middlesex,  sister  of  Elizabeth  Wood- 
ville.  Queen  of  Edward  IV. ;  in  mantle. 
c.  1 520.    A  Lady,  Dengie,  Essex. 

1526.    Julyen  Deryng,  gentylwoman,  Pluckley,  Kent. 

1535.  Ellyn,  wife  of  Andrew  Evyngar,  All  Hallows' 
Barking,  London;  Flemish  (rosary  hanging 
from  the  centre  of  the  girdle). 

somewhat  similar  girdle  of  earlier  date  (after  1460)  is  worn  by 
Elizabeth,  wife  of  William  Culpeper,  West  Peckham,  Kent.  She  wears 
the  butterfly  head-dress. 

2  See  Archaeological  Journal,  Vol.  XXXI.,  1874,  P-  337-    "Notes  on 
Pomanders,"  by  R.  H.  Soden-Smith,  M.A.,  F.S.A.    A  perfumed  orange 
sometimes  served  a  similar  purpose ;  see  the  beautiful  little  picture  by 
Sir  John  Gilbert,  in  the  Art  Gallery,  Birmingham,  illustrating  the  passage 
in  Cavendish's  Life  of  Cardinal  Wolsey.    "Of  the  manner  of  his  going 
"  to  Westminster  Hall."    "  He. .  .came  out  of  his  Privy  Chamber  about 
"eight  of  the  clock,  ready  apparelled  and  in  red  like  a  Cardinal;  his 
upper  vesture  was  all  of  scarlet  or  else  of  fine  crimson  taffeta  or  crimson 
satin  engrained,  his  pillion  of  scarlet,  with  a  black  velvet  tippet  of  sables 
^1  about  his  neck,  holding  in  his  hand  an  orange  the  meat  or  substance 
"■^  thereof  being  taken  out  and  filled  again  with  a  piece  of  sponge,  with 
vinegar  and  other  confections  against  pestilent  airs,  the  which  he  most 
"  commonly  held  to  his  nose  when  he  came  to  the  presses,  or  when  he 
"was  pestered  with  many  suitors."    {See  pp.  46,  47,  Edition,  London, 
1 901,  by  Grace  H.  M.  Simpson). 



Examples  wearing  the  pedimental  head-dress  are  very- 
numerous,  and  a  long  list  might  be  compiled.  The 
following  are  some  instances' : — 

1492.    Joyce,  wife  of  Geoffrey  Sherard,  Stapleford, 

Leics. ;  cuffs  turned  over  hands. 
1494.    Margaret,  wife    of  William    Catesby,  Esq., 
Ashby  St.  Legers,  Northants ;  in  heraldic 
mantle,  wearing  a  cross. 
c.  1495.  (^«^-)  Margery,  wife  of  Sir  Hugh  Calveley,  Knt., 

Ightfield,  Salop. 
c.  1495.    Myrabyll,  wife  of  Edward  Sulyard,  High  Laver, 

1496.    Ela,  wife  of  Henry  Spelman,  Esq.,  Narburgh, 

Norfolk  ;  on  dexter  side  ;  large  rosary. 
1496.   ,  wife  of  John  North wode,  Milton-next- 

Sittingbourne,  Kent. 
1500.    Elizabeth,  wife  of  Richard  Conquest,  Esq., 

Houghton  Conquest,  Beds. 
1500.    Alice,  wife  of  John    Tame,  Esq.,  Fairford, 


1502.    Elizabeth,  wife  of  Robert  Russell,  Esq.,  Stren- 
sham,  Worcs. 

1505.  Margaret,  wife  of  John  Burgoyn,  Impington, 

Cambs. ;  sideless  cote  ;  heraldic  mantle. 

1506.  Margaret,  wife  of  Sir  John  Brooke,  5th  Baron, 

Cobham,  Kent ;  in  mantle. 
1508.    Anne,  wife  of  John  Mohun,  Esq.,  Lanteglos 
juxta  Fowey,  Cornwall ;  wearing  a  tau  cross. 
1 5 10.    Elizabeth,  wife  of  Nicholas  Culpeper,  Esq., 
Ardingley,  Sussex. 
c.  1 510.    Wife  of  Man  in  Armour,  .?of  Compton  family, 
in  possession  of  the  Surrey  Archaeological 
Society;  said  to  have  come  from  Netley 
Abbey,  Hants. ;  mantle. 

I  The  lost  brass  of  Agnes,  Duchess  of  Norfolk,  1524,  formerly  at 
Lambeth,  was  a  fine  example  of  heraldic  mantle  worn  with  pedimental 
head-dress  surmounted  by  coronet. 






















1 514.    Ann,  wife  of  Sir  John  Danvers,  Dauntesay, 

15 16.  Katherine,  wife  of  Sir  William  Huddesfeld, 

Shillingford,  Devon;  kneeling  behind  her 
husband,  in  heraldic  mantle  charged  with 
Courtenay  (daughter  of  Sir  Philip  Courtenay, 
of  Powderham). 

15 1 7.  Katherine,  wife  of  Anthony  Hansart,  March, 

Cambs. ;  kneeling ;  heraldic  mantle. 

151 8.  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Sir  William  Knevet, 

Eastington,  Gloucs. ;  in  heraldic  mantle. 

15 19.  Jane,  wife  of  Sir  John  Iwarby,  Ewell,  Surrey; 

in  heraldic  mantle. 

1524.  Margaret,  wife  of  Henry  Everard,  Esq.,  Den- 

stone,  Suffolk ;  head  on  cushion ;  heraldic 

1525.  Joyce,  wife  of  Reynold  Pekham,  Wrotham, 

Kent ;  in  heraldic  mantle. 

1526.  Ehzabeth,  wife  of  John  Shelley,  Esq.,  Clapham, 

Sussex;  in  heraldic  mantle,  Shelley  impaling 
Michelgrove ;  round  neck  the  partlet  (see 

1 527.  Ellen,  wife  of  Sir  Peter  Legh,  Winwick,  Lanes. ; 

ermined  sideless  cote  girdled;  heraldic  mantle  ; 
wearing  large  Tau  cross. 

1528.  Margaret,  wife  of  William    Bulkeley,  Esq., 

Sefton,  Lanes. ;  large  Tau  cross. 
c.  1528.  The  four  wives  of  Sir  Richard  FitzLewes,  In- 
grave,  Essex,'  wearing  ermined  sideless  cotes 
like  Lady  Legh's,  and  large  Tau  crosses.  The 
first  (probably  Alice  Harlestone),  the  third 
(Elizabeth  Sheldon),  and  the  fourth  (Jane 
Hornby),  wear  heraldic  mantles.  The  mantle 
of  the  second  is  not  heraldic. 

^Ascribed  by  Haines  to  John  FitzLewis  and  four  wives,  c.  1500,  but 
see  "  FitzLewes  of  West  Horndon,  and  the  brasses  at  Ingrave,"  by  Rev. 
H,  L.  Elliot,  M.A.,  Essex  Archeeological  Society  Transactions,  New  Series, 
Vol  VI.,  1898,  p.  28.  6  ^ 



c.  1535  (eng.)  Lady  Katherine  Howard  {d.  1452),  Stoke- 
by-Nayland,  Suffolk ;  ermine-trimmed  side- 
less  cote  and  heraldic  mantle  charged  with 
Howard  arms.  Wife  of  Sir  Thomas  Howard, 
K.G.,  created  in  1483  Duke  of  Norfolk. 
1 540.  Margaret,  wife  of  John  Semys,  St.  John  Baptist, 

1547.    Elizabeth,  wife  of  Richard  Covert,  Esq.,  Slaug- 
ham,  Sussex. 

The  next  change  is  found  about  1525,  when  the  tight 
sleeves  of  the  gown  are  superseded  by  wide  sleeves,  richly 
furred,  ending  near  the  elbows.  On  the  forearms  full 
sleeves  of  fine  materials,  embroidered  or  slashed,  are 
worn,  probably  attached  to  an  undergarment,  and  confined 
at  the  wrists,  where  frills  are  inserted,  bearing  some 
resemblance  to  a  bishop's  lawn-sleeves.  At  the  neck  is 
worn  the  partlet,  seen  by  the  opening  of  the  gown,  and 
usually  of  fine  linen  pleated  and  gathered  in  round  the 
neck.  The  pedimental  head-dress,  though  its  older 
variety  is  frequently  found  worn  with  the  above  dress, 
now  assumes  the  form  with  which  we  are  familiar  in 
Holbein's  portraits  of  the  Queens  and  Court  Ladies  of 
Henry  VIIL'  The  ends  of  the  front  lappets  are  turned 
up,  no  longer  falling  on  the  shoulders  as  hitherto.  The 
manner  of  fastening  them  is  well  shown  on  the  stone 
effigy  of  a  lady  of  the  Arden  family  at  Aston,  Warwick- 
shire (engraved  by  Hollis). 

^  See  Bartolozzi's  engravings  in  Imitations  of  original  Drawings  by 
Hans  Holbein  in  the  Collection  of  His  Majesty,  for  the  Portraits  of  illustrious 
persons  of  the  Court  of  Henry  VIII.,  with  Biographical  Tracts.  Published 
by  John  Chamberlaine,  Keeper  of  the  King's  Drawings  and  Medals,  and 
F.S.A.,  London,  1792,  also  Portraits  of  Illustrious  Personages  of  Great 
Britain  engraved  from  authentic  Pictures  in  the  Galleries  of  the  Nobility  and 
the  Public  Collections  of  the  Country,  with  biographical  and  historical  memoirs 
of  their  lives  and  actions,  by  Edmund  Lodge,  Esq.,  F.S.A.,  London  : 
Printed  for  Harding  and  Lepard,  1835,  12  vols,  (the  last  5  vols,  of  later 
period  than  that  covered  by  this  book). 

d.  1452,  engraved  c.  1535, 
Stoke-by-Navland,  Suffolk. 



The  following  examples  illustrate  this  costume : — 

1 527.    Isabell,  wife  of  Walter  Curzon,  Esq.,  Waterpery, 
Oxon.  (palimpsest). 

^.1^30..   ,  wife  of    Hutton,  Dry  Drayton, 


c.  1530.    A  Lady,  Messing,  Essex;  with  rosary. 

1533.    Anne,  wife  of  Francis  Yonge,  Esq.,  Edgmond, 

Shropshire  ;  gown  tucked  up  in  front ;  rosary 

and  pomander. 
1535.    Catherine,  wife  of  Lord  William  Howard,  St. 

Mary,  Lambeth,  Surrey ;  heraldic  mantle. 

1537.  Elizabeth,   Countess    of  Oxford,  Wivenhoe, 

Essex,  second  wife  of  John  de  Vere,  Earl  of 
Oxford,  widow  of  William  Viscount  Beau- 
mont, in  ermined  sideless  cote  and  heraldic 
mantle  (Scrope  quartering  Tiptoft)  ;  the  head- 
dress surmounted  by  a  coronet ;  chains  round 
the  neck  ;  a  pendent  cross. 

1538.  Mawde,  wife  of  Sir  Anthony  Fitzherbert,  Nor- 

bury,  Derbyshire  ;  in  fur-cuffed  gown,  heraldic 
mantle  and  wimple.  One  of  her  daughters 
wears  an  heraldic  mantle. 

1539.  Ann,  wife  of  Sir  John  Danvers,  Dauntsey, 

Wilts. ;    kneeling,  on   quadrangular  plate ; 
gown  open  in  front. 
c.  1 540.    Wife  of  a  Man  in  Armour,  Winestead,  York- 
shire ;   over-gown  short,  wide  sleeves  lost ; 
large  rosary ;  at  feet  a  greyhound. 

1 541.  Agnes,  wife  of  Thomas  Andrewes,  Esq.,  Char- 

welton,  Northants. 

1542.  Elizabeth,  wife  of  Thomas  Fromond,  Esq., 

Cheam,  Surrey ;  kneeling. 

1543.  Elizabeth,  wife  of  Geo.  Perepoynt,  Esq.,  West 

Mailing,  Kent. 
1545-    The  Lady  Elizabeth  and  Katherine,  wives  of 
Sir  John  Arundell,  St.  Columb  Major,  Corn- 
wall ;  heads  on  cushions. 



Elizabeth,  wife  of  Sir  John  Spelman,  Narburgh, 

Norfolk;  heraldic  mantle. 
Katheryn,  wife  of  Robert  Barfott,  Lambourne, 

Essex  ;  in  fur-cuffed  gown. 
Elizabeth,  wife  of  Edward  Chichester,  Esq., 

Braunton,  Devon ;  kneeling. 
Jane,  wife  of  Peter  Coryton,  St.  Mellion,  Corn- 
wall ;  gown  open  in  front. 
Anne,  wife  of  Richard  Fermer,  Esq.,  Easton 

Neston,  Northants. 
Alice,  wife  of  Nicholas  Saunder,  Esq.,  Charl- 
wood,  Surrey  ;  kneeling.  Daughters  similar 
with  the  exception  that  their  head-dress  is  the 
Paris  head  (see  below). 
Ciselye,  wife  of  Edward  Goodman,  Ruthyn, 
Denbighshire  (daughters  wearing  the  *  Paris 
head '). 

Brasses  of  ladies  by  provincial  artists,  especially  in  the 
eastern  counties,  exhibit  various  peculiarities  of  treatment, 
not  observable  in  the  average  examples.  The  gowns  are 
frequently  pinned  up  at  the  sides  or  turned  up  in  front. 
Some  Norfolk  examples  have  a  narrow  strip  of  fur  down 
the  centre  of  the  gown  from  neck  to  feet.  Rosaries  are 
frequent,  and  large  reticules  are  found.  When  the 
pomander  is  added,  the  effect  of  the  three  cannot  fail  to 
appear  somewhat  clumsy.  A  sash  often  takes  the  place 
of  the  girdle,  and  a  small  cape  is  sometimes  worn  on  the 
shoulders.    The  following  examples  will  suffice : — 

c.  1500.    Wife  of  a  Man  in  Armour  (.? Corbet),  Assing- 
ton,  Suffolk. 

1 5 14.    Margaret,  widow  of  —  Pettwode,  St.  Clement's, 

1520.    Margaret,  wife  of  Francis  Mundeford,  Esq., 
Feltwell,  Norfolk. 
c.  1520.      Jane  and  Thomasine,  wives  of  John  Golding- 
ham,  Belstead,  Suffolk. 







c.  1540, 
Atiierington,  Devon. 




1 5  2 1 .    Matilda,  wife  of  William  Cheswryght,  Fordham, 

1524.  Lettys,  wife  of  John  Terri,  St.  John  Madder- 

market,  Norwich. 

1525.  Elizabeth,  wife  of  John  Marsham,  St.  John 

Maddermarket,  Norwich. 

1526.  Mary,  wife  of  Roger  Appleton,  Little  Walding- 

field,  Suffolk. 

1528.    Elizabeth,  wife  of  Edward  Why  te,  Esq.,  Shotes- 
ham  St.  Mary,  Norfolk. 
c.  1530.    A  Lady  of  the  Drury  family,  Denstone,  Suffolk. 
c.  1530.    Anne,  wife  of  Thomas  Underbill,  Great  Thur- 

low,  Suffolk. 
c.  1530.    Wife  of  a  Civilian,  Lakenheath,  Suffolk. 

1532.    Sabina,  wife  of  Robert  Goodwyn,  Necton,  Nor- 

1 55 1.    Anne,  wife  of  George  Duke,  Esq.,  Frenze, 

1558.    Elizabeth,  wife  of  Robert  Rugge,  St.  John 
Maddermarket,  Norwich. 

The  following  examples  from  Essex  show  similar 
peculiarities,  and  were  probably  executed  by  a  school  of 
engravers  centred  at  Cambridge.  A  kind  tam-o'-shanter 
cap  appears,  and  a  short  cape  on  the  shoulders : — 

c.  1530.  Wife  of  a  Civilian,  Hempstead. 

c,  1530.  Two  Wives  of  a  Civilian,  Elmdon. 

c.  1530.  Wife  of  a  Civihan,  Saffron  Walden. 

1532.  Agnes,  wife  of  William  Holden,  Great  Chester- 

1533-  Joan,  wife  of  John  Paycock,  Great  Coggeshall. 

1534-  Agnes,  wife  of  John  Cracherood,  Toppesfield. 

In  somewhat  similar  attire,  but  wearing  an  early  form 
of  *  Paris  head,' '  are  : — 

I  Compare  with  a  Holbein  drawing  of  Queen  Anne  Boleyn  among 
Chamberlaine's  Portraits,  1792,  engraved  by  F.  Bartolozzi.  (For  title, 
see  p.  280.) 



1557.    Malyn,  wife  of  Thomas  Harte,  Lydd,  Kent. 
1560.    Elizabeth,  wife  of  Robert  Stokys,  Eton  College, 

The  reigns  of  Edward  VI.,  Mary,  and  the  first  part  of 
that  of  Elizabeth,  produced  but  few  changes  in  ladies' 
costume.  Moreover,  the  accessibility  of  contemporary 
portraits,  or  of  engravings  of  them,  tends  to  decrease  the 
value  of  evidence,  important  in  earlier  periods,  which  is 
afforded  by  brasses.  The  chief  alteration  is  in  the  head- 
dress, the  pedimental  attire  disappearing,  and  being  super- 
seded by  the  Paris  Head,  or  French  Hood,'  popularly 
known  as  the  Mary  Queen  of  Scots  cap  or  bonnet.^  This 
consisted  of  a  close-fitting  cap,  stiffened  by  wires,  and  often 
depressed  in  the  centre.  A  kind  of  lappet  or  jewelled  fillet 
formed  a  border  in  front,  concealing  the  ears ;  a  veil  fell 
behind.  The  hair  appears  on  the  forehead,  parted  down 
the  centre.  The  gown^  worn  is  opened  in  front  below 
the  waist,  exposing  the  petticoat  or  under-gown,  which 
soon  became  elaborately  embroidered.  The  opening  is 
partly  closed  by  means  of  bows.  On  the  arms  appear  the 
sleeves  of  the  under-gown,  usually  striped.  The  over- 
gown  has  puffed  sleeves  ending  just  below  the  shoulders, 
or  hanging  down  like  the  filse  sleeves  of  civilians  {e.g., 

1553,  Alice,  wife  of  Sir  William  Coke,  Milton,  Cambs. ; 

1554,  Katherine,  wife   of  Christopher   Lytkot,  Esq., 

^  But  see  Planche,  sub  Head-dress  and  Hood. 

*A  possible  connecting  link  between  the  two  styles  of  coiffure  may  be 
seen  at  Heme,  Kent,  1539,  Elizabeth,  wife  of  Sir  John  Fyneux. 

3  This  gown  is  sometimes  found  worn  with  the  old-fashioned  pedi- 
mental head-dress,  e.g.,  1548,  Jane  and  Elizabeth,  wives  of  Sir  William 
Molyneux,  Sefton,  Lanes,  (low-necked  gowns;  no  partlets),  and  c.  1556, 
Margaret,  wife  of  William  Disney,  Esq.,  Norton  Disney,  Lines.  Again, 
the  gown  described  as  worn  with  the  later  form  of  pedimental  head- 
dress is  sometimes  accompanied  by  the  Paris  head;  e.g.,  I557>  Ursula, 
wife  of  Sir  Edmund  Knyghtley,  Fawsley,  Northants. 


Swallowfield,  Berks.').  The  partlet  fits  the  neck  closely, 
and  is  surmounted  by  frills,  to  develop  into  the  well- 
known  Elizabethan  rufF.  In  many  cases,  from  the  waist 
an  ornament  hangs,  or  a  book  (e.g.,  1573,  Isabel,  wife  of 
George  Arundell,  Esq.,  Mawgan-in-Pyder,  Cornwall),  or 
possibly  a  mirror  (1577,  Ann,  wife  of  Peter  Rede,  Esq., 
St.  Margaret's,  Norwich).  About  1570,  the  under-gown 
or  petticoat  is  embroidered,  usually  in  diaper  patterns, 
but  occasionally  with  arabesques,  as  later  in  Queen  Eliza- 
beth's reign.  The  over-gown  is  usually  sleeveless,  with 
a  stiff  collar.  The  sleeves  of  the  under-garment  are 
striped  or  slit  down  and  refastened  by  bows.^  At  the 
wrists  are  frills.  The  shoes,  when  seen,  are  of  the  small, 
round-toed  type.  A  few  instances  of  ladies  wearing 
heraldic  mantles  are  found,  e.g. : — 

1546/7.  EHzabeth,  wife  of  Sir  Ralph  Verney,  daughter 
of  Edmund,  Lord  Bray,  Aldbury,  Herts. ;  dexter 
Verney,  sinister  Bray.  Her  husband  wears  a 

1552.  Brydgett  and  Elizabeth,  wives  of  Sir  Humfrey 
Style,  Beckenham,  Kent ;  kneeling. 

1555.  Lady  Jane  Guyldeford,  Duchess  of  Northumber- 
land, St.  Luke's,  Chelsea  ;  kneeling  ;  widow  of 
John  Dudley,  Duke  of  Northumberland. 

An  instance  is  known  of  a  lady  represented  on  a  brass 
wearing  an  heraldic  tabard  : — 

1558.    Elizabeth,  wife  of  Sir  William  Gorynge,  Burton, 

'  Illustrated  in  Haines,  p.  ccxlv. 

2"  Some  be  of  the  new  fashion,  some  of  the  olde,  some  of  this  fashion, 
"  and  some  of  that,  some  with  sleeves  hanging  down  to  their  skirts,  trayl- 
"  ing  on  the  ground,  and  cast  over  their  shoulders,  like  Cowtayles. 
"  Some  have  sleeves  much  shorter  cut  up  the  arme,  and  pointed  with  silk 
"  ribons,  very  gallantly  tyed  with  true-looves  knottes,  for  so  they  call 
"them." — Phillip  Stuhhes'  Jnafomie  of  Ji>uses,  1583  (edited  by  Frederick 
J.  Furnivall  for  the  New  Shakspere  Society,  1877-9). 



Sussex;  kneeling;  arms,  Gorynge  and  Covert 

Brasses  showing  the  costume  of  this  time  are  of  frequent 
occurrence.  The  following  selection  may  be  enlarged  at 
pleasure : — 

1545.  Anne,  wife  of  Gregory  Lovell,  Esq.,  Harlington, 

1554.  Joan,  wife  of  Edward  Shelley,  Esq.,  Warming- 
hurst,  Sussex  (showing  traces  of  pedimental 

1558.  Mary,  wife  of  Vyncent  Boys,  Gent,  Good- 

nestone,  Kent. 

1559.  Jane,  wife  of  John  Corbet,  Esq.,  Sprowston, 

Norfolk ;  kneeling. 
c.  1560.    Martha,  wife  of  Richard  Butler,  Esq.,  North 
Mimms,  Herts. 
1 56 1.    Mary  and  Juliana,  wives  of  Sir  John  Arundell, 

of  Trerice,  Stratton,  Cornwall. 
1 561.    Margaret,  wife  of  John  Eyer,  Esq.,  Narburgh, 
Norfolk ;  kneeling. 
1562/3.    Alice,  wife  of  William  Heron,  Esq.,  Croydon, 

1563.  Margaret,  wife  of  Sir  William  Dansell,  Becken- 
ham,  Kent. 

1567.  The  three  wives  of  Thomas  Noke,  Esq.,  Yeoman 
of  the  Crown,  Shottesbrooke,  Berks. 

1570.  Anne,  wife  of  John  Webbe,  St.  Thomas',  Salis- 

1 570.  Anne  and  Anne,  wives  of  Sir  Clement  Heigham, 

Knt.,  Barrow,  Suffolk ;  kneeling. 

157 1.  Jane,  wife  of  Henry  Bradbury,  Gent.,  Little- 

bury,  Essex. 

^  Zee  illustration,  Vol.  II.,  Transactions  of  the  Monumental  Brass  Society  y 
p.  329,  and  in  Jrckceological  Journal,  Vol.  LVII.,  1900,  in  paper,  "Mis- 
cellanea Heraldica,"  by  J.  Lewis  Andre,  F.S.A.,  pp.  301-24,  who  men- 
tions a  kneeling  instance,  once  existing  in  glass  at  St.  Michael  Bassishaw, 
London,  reproduced  by  Weever  in  his  Funerall  Monuments,  p.  698,  as 
Alice  {d.  1579),  wife  of  Adrian  d'Ewes. 

i^i^a  vx\ja^fcm\Mht{£Ziw^  ^atirafuturrfamtr. 

Newington,  Kent. 


•  briT  iirtli  /intiip  of  Wrir  liiuliMplton.Dmiul^nof 

OiiixMriwu  finmrr.  ^iariitlrniinuHn  of  foriMOir  Mr 

lliirr5mm\+aoiilou'\VH,sniPiitfiiir,oi'ffltifii '  li 

=  a^Cr  ftr  liir liftl'f  rnii;  fjopr  i'  I'Di'r  i&  n .  .1 

n-ivatu  of  olot'if  Hjf  fiirir  j|?    '  o«ir  ot  jiif ■  - '  • 

Great  Haseley,  Oxon. 



1 57 1.  Avice,  wife  of  Thomas  Tyndall,  Thornbury, 


1 572.  Jane,  wife  of  Raphe  Jenyns,  Esq.,  Churchill, 


1573.  Margaret,  wife  of  Sir  William  Harper,  St.  Paul's, 


1 574.  The  two  wives  of  Richard  Atkinson,  St.  Peter- 

in-the-East,  Oxford.     The  head-dress  has  a 

three-cornered  appearance.' 
1 574.    Mary,  wife  of  Richard  Pay  ton,  Isleham,  Cambs. 
1577.    Margaret,  wife  of  Humfrey  Clarke,  Kingsnorth, 


1 577.  Dorothe,  wife  of  Sir  Lawrence  Taylare,  Ewell, 


1578.  Thomasine,  third  wife  of  William  Play  ters,  Esq., 

Sotterley,  Suffolk. 
1578.    Agnes,  wife  of  Sir  Edward  Baynton,  Bromham, 
Wilts. ;  kneeling. 

1580.  Lady  Norton,  wife  of  John  Cobham,  Esq., 

widow  of  Sir  John  Norton,  of  Northwood, 
Kent,  Newington,  Kent. 
c.  1580.    Nele  and  Jane,  wives  of  Richard  Disney,  Norton 
Disney,  Lines,  (half  effigies). 

1 58 1.  Wilmota,  wife  of  George  Cary,  Tor  Mohun, 


1 58 1.  Mary,  wife  of  Anthony  Huddleston,  Esq., 

Great  Haseley,  Oxon. 

1582.  Mistress  Ann  Sackville,  widow,  Willingale  Doe, 


1587.    Jane,  wife  of  Michael    Fraunces,  Esq.,  St. 
Martin's,  Canterbury. 

During  the  latter  part  of  the  reign  of  Queen  Elizabeth, 
about  1590,  some  changes  were  introduced  which  con- 
tinued till  the  reign  of  Charles  L    The  Paris  head  has  the 

^  As  has  that  of  Joane,  second  wife  of  Valontyne  Edvarod,  Gent.,  St. 
Nicholas',  Thanet,  Kent,  1574. 



lappet,  hitherto  falling  behind,  turned  up  over  the  top  of 
the  head.  This  flap  may  have  been  the  shadoe  or  bongrace 
used  to  protect  the  head  from  the  sun.  This  head-dress 
is  frequently  surmounted  by  a  hood  (a  precursor  of  the 
calash  (caleche)  and  cardinal)  of  ample  proportions,  falling 
like  a  cape  on  the  shoulders,  and  sometimes  prolonged  to 
the  ground  behind.  The  hair  is  brushed  up  and  back  in 
the  manner  familiar  to  us  in  portraits  of  Queen  Elizabeth, 
and  a  jewel  is  often  fastened  in  front.  The  circular  ruflF 
presents  a  stiff^er  and  more  formal  appearance.  The 
outer-gown  is  usually  plain  and  open  in  front  to  show 
a  finely  embroidered  under-gown  or  petticoat.  The 
bodice  is  conspicuous  for  its  peaked  or  pointed  stomacher, 
often  embroidered,  and  the  skirt  is  distended  by  means  of 
2l  farthingale  (vardingale,  Fr.  vertugale)^  the  ancestor  of  the 
eighteenth-century  hoop-petticoat  and  of  the  nineteenth- 
century  crinoline.  Sometimes  the  flounces  at  the  top  of 
the  skirt  assumed  a  wheel  shape  (whence  the  wheel- 
farthingale).  Loose  lappets  or  "  wings "  were  worn, 
flowing  from  the  shoulders.  The  large  ruff^,'  the  special 
adornment  of  Queen  Elizabeth,  which  was  held  up  by  a 
framework  of  wires,  called  a  supportasse  or  underpropper^  is 
seen  on  a  few  brasses,  e.g.  (wearing  wheel-farthingales)  : — 

c.  1 600.    Mary,  wife  of  Edward  Leventhorp,  Esq.,  Saw- 

bridgeworth,  Herts. 
1 60 1.    Anne,  first  wife  of  GyflFord   Longe,  Gent., 

Bradford-on-Avon,  Wilts. 
1 60 1.    RadcHfi^,  wife  of  S-^  Thomas  Wingfeld,  Easton, 


1 6 14.  Margaret,  wife  of  Sir  George  Chute.  Marden, 
Herefordshire,  whose  hair  is  dressed  in  a 
wonderful  manner,  having  nine  peaks  above 

^  Philip  Stubbes  is  severe  on  "  these  cartwheeles  of  the  divels  charet 
"  of  pride,"  and  on  the  unfortunate  medium  of  their  stiffness,  "a  certaine 
"  kinde  of  liquide  matter  which  they  call  Starch,  wherin  the  devill  hath 
"  willed  them  to  wash  and  dive  his  ruffes  wel,  which,  when  they  be  dr}-, 
"  will  then  stand  stiffe  and  inflexible  about  their  necks." 


the  head,  possibly  upheld  by  a  comb.  The 
effigy  of  her  little  daughter  Anne  is  similar.' 

Hats  frequently  occur,  worn  by  ladies,  and  are  sup- 
posed to  indicate  Puritanical  tendencies.  They  usually 
have  broad  brims  and  high,  wreathed  crowns,  somewhat  of 
the  form  associated  with  Welsh  peasant  women :  that  of 
Susan,  wife  of  John  Selwyn,  Walton-on-Thames,  Surrey, 
1587,  approximates  to  the  shape  of  the  modern  felt  hat 
(vulgo  "  bowler  ").  The  shoes  worn  are  small,  with  thick 
soles.  The  effigies  are  often  represented  standing  on  low, 
circular  pedestals. 

The  following  are  good  examples : — 

1590.  Elizabeth  and  Anne,  wives  of  William  Death, 

Gent.,  Dartford,  Kent ;  in  hats. 

1 59 1.  Alice,  wife  of  John  Rashleigh,  Fowey,  Cornwall. 
1594.    Julian,  wife  of  John  Clippesby,  Esq.,  Clippesby, 


1596.    Mary,  wife  of  Robert  Rust,  Necton,  Norfolk. 
1598.    Dame  Mary,  widow  of  Henry  Fortescue,  Esq., 

Faulkbourne,  Essex. 
1600.    Elizabeth,  wife  of  Edward  Leventhorp,  Esq., 

Sawbridgeworth,  Herts. 

1602.  Mercy,  wife  of  Christopher  Septvans,  alias  Har- 

flete,  Ash-next-Sandwich,  Kent. 

1 603.  Joan,  wife  of  Thomas  Buriton,  Streatley,  Berks. ; 


1604.  Frances,  wife  of  Richard  Frankelin,  Latton, 


'  Compare  head-dress  of  "  Catherine,  Duchess  du  Bar,  Sister  of 
Henry  IV.,  Died  1604."  Planche,  General  History,  p.  248.  It  is  pos- 
sible that  this  adornment  may  represent  lace  stiffened  to  form  a  half-hoop 
above  the  hair.  See  the  portrait  of  Maria  Schurmans,  wife  of  Dirck 
Alewyn  Dirckz,  by  Paul  Moreelse  (1571-1638,  pupil  of  Mierevelt),  en- 
graved in  the  Magazine  of  Art,  November,  1893,  p.  23,  in  a  description 
of  the  old  masters  in  the  collection  of  Mr.  Joseph  Ruston,  of  Monks 
Manor,  Lincoln,  by  Claude  Phillips. 



1605.  Aphra,  wife  of  Henry  Hawkins,  Gent.,  Ford- 

wich,  Kent. 

1606.  Barbara,  wife  of  Roger  Eliot,  rector,  Sutton 

Coldfield,  Warwickshire ;  hood. 

1 606.  Margaret,  wife  of  Myles  Dodding,  Esq.,  Ulver- 

stone.  Lanes. 

1607.  Margaret,  wife   of  Arthur  Chewt,  Ellough, 

Suffolk ;  an  extraordinary  hood  raised  over 
the  head. 

1 607.  Elizabeth,  wife  of  Jacob  Verzelini,  Esq.,  Downe, 
Kent ;  fine.  The  over-gown  has  an  edging  of 

1 609.  Sybilla  and  Isabella,  wives  of  Alban  Butler,  Esq., 

Aston-le- Walls,  Northants  ;  kneeling. 

1 610.  Sessely,  wife  of  Arthur  Page,  Gent,  Bray, 

Berks. ;  kneeling  ;  hat. 
1 6 10.    Barbara,  wife  of  John  Plumleigh,  Dartmouth 

S.  Petrock,  Devon  ;  hood. 
1 6 10.    Hester,  wife  of  Francis  Neve,  Ham,  Essex; 


1 6 10.  Dorcas,  wife  of  Thomas  Musgrave,  Esq.,  Cres- 

sing,  Essex;  sitting;  hood. 

1 6 1 1 .  Elizabeth,  wife  of  John  Carewe,  Esq.,  Haccombe, 


1 615.    Elizabeth,  wife  of  Henry  Crispe,  Wrotham, 
Kent ;  hood. 

1615.  Frances,  wife  of  James  Hobart,  Esq.,  Loddon, 


1 61 6.  Mary,  wife  of  Richard  Hatton,  Long  Ditton, 

Surrey;  large  hood. 
1 61 8.    Joan,  wife  of  Sir  Robert  Brooke,  Yoxford, 

Suffolk  (daughter  of  Sir  Humphrey  Weld). 
1 61 8.    Dorothie,  widow  of  Nicholas  Wadham,  Esq., 

Ilminster,  Somerset. 
c.  1620.    Margaret,  wife    of  Nicholas   Poulett,  Esq., 

Minety,  Wilts. ;  kneeling. 
1624.    Margaret,  wife  of  Richard  Gadburye,  Gent., 

Eyworth,  Beds. 

,KE  w|r  bWyeet^ 

FoRDwiCH,  Kent. 


*  6  ^' 



(2  -J 


?  2  a 









C/5  O 

S  w  J 
^  «  * 

i2  S:^  s 









h[c  lacet  sepvlta  domina  lohann  a 
Brooke  vxor  Koberti  Brooke  "Militis 


WeldMilttis  vixit  annos  trfginta 


YoxFORD,  Somerset. 

C  I).] 



Soon  after  the  accession  of  Charles  I.  changes  appeared, 
gradually  introducing  that  most  elegant  style,  familiar  to 
us  in  the  portraits  of  Vandyke,  by  whose  name  it  is  fre- 
quently called.  For,  though  ruff  and  farthingale  are  still 
found,  the  latter  becomes  exceptional,  whilst  the  former  is 
frequently  superseded  by  hands ^  either  falling  {falls)  or 
upright,  the  broad,  lace-trimmed  collars  or  fichus,  so  con- 
spicuous in  contemporary  portraits.  Brasses,  with  but 
few  exceptions,  among  which  the  Filmer  monument  at 
East  Sutton  holds  a  foremost  place,^  do  not  reproduce  the 
dress  of  the  times  in  a  satisfactory  manner,  partly  owing 
to  the  decay  of  the  art,  which  became  practically  extinct 
before  the  Restoration,  and  partly  to  the  increasing  diffi- 
culty of  portraying  graceful  gowns  in  so  stubborn  a 
medium.  The  plates  of  Hollar^  form  a  complete  guide 
to  the  female  fashions  of  Charles'  reign.  The  hair  is 
allowed  to  escape  in  ringlets  from  beneath  the  Paris  head 
or  embroidered  cap,  over  which  the  kerchief,  hood  (or 
calash)  is  still  worn,  sometimes  of  great  length  {e.g.,  dated 
1 6 14,  Mary  and  Roesia,  wives  of  Richard  Barttelot,  Esq., 
Stopham,  Sussex).  Higher  waists  are  worn,  and  the 
bodice  or  doublet  often  has  a  short  vandyked  skirt  {e.g., 
1630,  Mary,  wife  of  John  Kent,  Esq.,  St.  John's,  Devizes, 
Wilts.).  The  sleeves  are  very  full,  striped,  and  often  tied 
in  at  the  elbows  by  a  bow,  which  form  was  called  a  virago 
{e.g.,  1632,  Dorothy,  wife  of  Sir  Francis  Mannock,  Bart., 
Stoke-by-Nayland,  Suffolk,  and  the  daughters  of  Sir 
Edward  and  Lady  Filmer).    Petticoats  beautifully  em- 

^  Whence  the  term  "  band-box." 

2  Reproduced  by  Waller  ;  also  in  Vol.  I.,  Portfolio  of  Monumental  Brass 
Society,  and  in  Archceologia  Cantiana,  Vol.  XXV.,  1902,  p.  Ivii. 

3  "  Ornatus  muliebris  Anglicanus,  or  the  severall  habits  of  English  Women 
"■from  the  Nobilitie  to  the  Contry  woman  as  they  are  in  these  times  1 640. 
"Printed  and  sold  by  Rob'.  Sayer,  Print  &  Map-Seller,  No.  53,  Fleet 
"  Street.    Wenceslaus  Hollar,  Bohemus,  fecit.  Londini,  A°.  1640. 

In  1643  was  issued  another  set  dealing  with  the  costumes  of  Europe. 
''Theatru  Mulierum  sive  Varietas  atque  Differentia  Habituum  Fceminci 
"  Sexus  diversQvum  Europce  Nationum  hodiemo  tempore  vulgo  in  usu'' 



broidered  are  at  Ardingley,  Sussex,  and  Stoke-by-Nayland, 
Suffolk,  etc.  The  shoes  have  high  heels,  and  sometimes 
rosettes  (e-g-i  1638,  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Thomas 
Rotton,  Meriden,  Warwickshire).  A  handkerchief  is 
held  by  Jane  Septvans,  1642,  Ash-next-Sandwich,  Kent. 
A  feather  fan  hangs  at  the  side  of  Sarah,  wife  of  John  Pen, 
Esq.,  1 641,  Penn,  Bucks.  Rich  necklaces  are  worn. 
Anne,  wife  of  Eustace  Bedingfeild,  Esq.,  1641,  Darsham, 
Suffolk,  wears  a  large,  plain  gown,  similar  to  a  modern 
masculine  great-coat.  She  holds  a  handkerchief  in  her 
left  hand. 

Some  other  examples  of  brasses  of  this  period  are: — 

1625.  The  Lady  Elizabeth,  wife  of  Sir  Arthur  Gorges, 

Chelsea,  Middlesex ;  kneeling. 

1626.  Jane,  wife  of  John  Cradock,  Gent.,  Ightham, 

Kent ;  high-crowned  hat. 
1633.    Ann,  wife  of  John  Arundel,  Esq.,  S.  Columb 

Major,  Cornwall. 
1633.    Mrs.  Ann  Kenwellmersh,  Henfield,  Sussex. 
1633.    Frances,  wife  of  Sir  Thomas  Hord,  Bampton, 


1633.  Elizabeth,  wife  of  Sir  Edward  Culpeper,  Arding- 

ley, Sussex. 

1634.  Elizabeth,  eldest  daughter  of  Sir  Wilham  and 

Jane  Culpeper  (aged  seven),  Ardingley,  Sussex. 

1635.  Elizabeth,  wife  of  John  Blighe,  Finchampstead, 


1 635  {eng.)  The  Lady  Ann,  wife  of  Sir  John  Arundel, 
Knt.,  S.  Columb  Major,  Cornwall. 

1636.  Vahan  and  Elizabeth,  wives  of  Richard  Bugges, 

Esq.,  Harlow,  Essex. 

1 636.  Ann,  wife  of  Henry  Gibbes,  St.  James',  Bristol ; 
kneeling;  hat. 

1638.  Elizabeth,  wife  of  Sir  Edward  Filmer,  Knt.,  East 
Sutton,  Kent ;  in  large  ruff ;  her  nine  daugh- 
ters wearing  falling  collars. 


1640.    Sarah  and  Eleanor,  wives  of  George  Coles,  St. 

Sepulchre's,  Northampton ;  in  hats. 
1642.    Jane,  wife  of  Walter  Septvans,  alias  Harflete, 

Esq.,  Ash-next-Sandwich,  Kent. 
1647.    Grace,  wife  of  John  Morewood,  Bradfield,  W. 

Yorks. ;  high-crowned  hat. 
1650.    Elizabeth,  wife  of  Ralph  Assheton,  Esq.,  Mid- 

dleton,  Lanes. 

1655.  Elizabeth,  wife  of  Adam  Beaumont,  Esq.,  Kirk- 

heaton,  W.  Yorks. ;  holding  infant. 

1656.  Ann,  wife  of  Thomas  Carew,  Esq.,  Haccombe, 

Devon ;  kneeling. 

Two  late  examples  of  brasses,  both  in  Kent,  must  be 
noticed : — 

1.  Three  ladies  of  the  Toke  family,  c.  1680,  Great  Chart, 

kneeling  on  cushions  and  holding  books  and  flowers, 
show  the  low-necked,  short-sleeved  dress  of  the 
ladies  of  Charles  IL's  reign,  so  well  pictured  by 
Lely  and  Kneller,  of  which  Planch^  writes:  "a 
studied  negligence,  an  elegant  ddshabille,  is  the  pre- 
vailing character."'  The  hair  falls  in  curls  on  the 

2.  Philadelphia,  wife  of  Benjamin  Greenwood,  Esq.,  1747, 

St.  Mary  Cray,  gives  a  very  poor  idea  of  the  costume 
of  the  eighteenth  century : — a  low-necked,  tight- 
sleeved  bodice,  with  neck-band  above,  open  skirt 
with  petticoat  beneath,  completed  by  an  immense 
hood  or  veil  (possibly  a  kind  of  cardinal),  framing 
the  head  and  figure. 

The  costume  of  widows  found  throughout  the  fifteenth, 
is  not  so  frequently  met  with  in  the  sixteenth  century. 
Instances  of  widows  wearing  the  ordinary  dress  of  their 

^History  of  British  Costume,  3rd  edition,  1874,  p.  332. 


period  are  not  uncommon/  The  following  show  the 
traditional  costume  already  described  {see  p.  264)  : — 

15 1 2.  Elizabeth,  widow  of  Henry  Porte,  Etwall, 

1 5 19.    Dame  Joan,  widow  of  John  Braham,  Esq., 

Frenze,  Norfolk  {see  p.  98). 
1529.    Joan,  wife  of  John  Cooke,  St.  Mary  de  Crypt, 


1536.  Dame  Alice  Beryff,  Brightlingsea,  Essex;  on 
bracket  with  daughter  Margaret. 

1540.  Dame  Susan  Kyngeston,  "vowess,"  Shalston, 
Bucks.,  widow  of  John  Kyngeston,  of  Child- 
rey,  Berks,  {see  p.  98). 

We  have  mentioned  (p.  245)  a  very  simple  method  of 
wearing  the  hair  long  and  flowing,  either  completely  un- 
adorned, or  encircled  by  a  plain  or  jewelled  fillet  or  by 
a  chaplet  of  flowers.  This  is  usually  found  in  the  case  of 
young  unmarried  ladies,  the  wearing  of  a  garland  being 
supposed  to  be  indicative  of  death  in  virginity.^  Examples 
are  uncommon.    The  following  should  be  noted : — 

^e.g.,  1 521.    Jane,  second  wife  of  John  Blen'haysett,  Esq.,  Frenze, 

1582.    Mistress  Ann  Sackville,  widow,  Willingale  Doe,  Essex. 
1598.    Dame  Mary,  widow  of  Henry  Fortescue,  Esq.,  Faulk- 
bourne,  Essex  (quoted,  p.  289). 

Sometimes  a  veil  alone  would  seem  to  denote  the  widowed  state,  as 
in  more  modern  times : — 

1587.    Margery,  wife  of  Richard  Belassis,  Houghton-le-Spring, 

Durham,  kneeling. 
1 6 14.    Julian,  widow  of  —  Osborne,  Clyst  St.  George,  Devon, 
kneeling  and  wearing  a  high-crowned  hat. 

2  Maiden  Garlands  are  found  hung  up  in  some  churches,  as  memorials 
of  the  deceased ;  for  example,  at  Minsterley,  Shropshire,  an  illustration 
of  which  will  be  found,  p.  237,  of  Nooks  and  Corners  of  Shropshire,  by 
H.  Thornhill  Timmins,  F.R.G.S.  London:  Elliot  Stock,  1899.  This 
practice  seems  to  have  been  popular  in  Derbyshire,  as  at  Ashover  (see 
Collectanea  Topographica  et  Genealogica,  Vol.  II.,  1835,  p.  99,  in  article 
entitled,  "  Notices  of  Dethick  and  Ashover,  co.  Derby,  and  the  families 

Here  i^^bvried  the  sooy  of  "MAiRy  Bkooi^e^ 

LIFE  THE  XXif"w^  OF  Iviy  An  DnI.  16^00^ 

Newington,  Kent. 


c.  1360.    Margaret  Brocas,  Sherborne  St.  John,  Hants; 
wearing  garland  or  jewelled  fillet. 
1360.    Johane  Plessi,  Quainton,  Bucks. 
c.  1 4 CO.    A  Maiden  Lady,  Lingfield,  Surrey;  with  fillet. 
1455.    Isabel,  daughter  of  Robert  Manfeld,  Taplow, 

1458.    Cecilie,  sister  to  GeofiFrey  Boleyn,  Esq.,  Blick- 
ling,  Norfolk  (aged  50). 
c.  1470.    A  Maiden  Lady,  Bletchingley,  Surrey. 
1479.    Anna,  daughter  of  William  Boleyn,  Esq.,  Blick- 
ling,  Norfolk  (aged  three).    Her  hair  appears 
to  be  short. 

1479.  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Thomas  Echyngham, 
and  Agnes,  ,  daughter  of  Robert  Oxenbrigg, 
Etchingham,  Sussex.  The  former  has  a 
narrow  fillet ;  the  latter  wears  the  hair  plaited 
on  the  top  of  the  head, 
f.  1480.    A  Lady,  Felbrigg,  Norfolk.' 

1493.    Ursula,  only  daughter  of  Luke  Caspar,  Low 
Leyton,  Essex. 

of  Dethlck  and  Babington").  Additional  information  may  be  found  in 
the  Gentleman's  Magazine,  May,  1803,  p.  403  (Swanscombe,  Kent)  ; 
Jntiquarian  Repertory,  Vol.  IV.,  1 809,  pp.  663-4  '■>  Brand's  Popular  Antiqui- 
ties of  Great  Britain,  Vol.  II.,  1870,  p.  220.  ^ee  also  the  Journal  of  the 
British  Archaolo^cal  Association,  Vol.  XXXI.,  1 875,  p.  190,  "  On  Funeral 
Garlands,"  by  H.  S.  Cuming,  F.S.A.  Scot.,  and  N.S,  Vol.  VI.,  1900, 
p.  54,  "  Derbyshire  Funeral  Garlands,"  by  T.  N.  Brushfield,  Esq.,  M.D., 
F.S.A. ;  The  Reliquary,  Vol.  I.,  1860-1,  pp.  5-1 1,  "  On  Funeral  Garlands," 
by  Llewellynn  Jewitt,  F.S.A.,  and  Vol.  XXL,  1 880-1,  an  additional  note 
on  "Virgin  Grants"  or  Garlands,  by  the  same,  p.  145  ;  Vol.  XXVI., 
1885-6,  p.  239,  "Funeral  Garlands  at  Astley  Abbots,  Shropshire"; 
Walford's  Antiquary,  Vol.  XII.,  July  to  December,  1887,  p.  i6,  "  Funeral 
Garlands,"  by  J.  Potter  Briscoe,  F.R.H.S. ;  The  Antiquary;  a  Fortnightly 
Medium  of  Intercommunication  for  ArcheeologLsts,  etc..  Vol.  III.,  p.  178,  207, 
by  J.  Perry  ;  Wiltshire  Notes  and  Queries,  Vol.  IV.,  1904,  p.  5 19,  "  Funeral 
Garlands,  an  instance  at  Stockton,  Wilts."  Transactions  of  the  Shropshire 
Archaeological  and  Natural  History  Society,  2nd  series.  Vol.  VII.,  1895, 
p.  147,  mentions  maiden  garlands  formerly  at  Shrawardine. 

'  Compare  two  daughters  on  brass  of  Tomesina,  wife  of  William 
Tendryng,  Esq.,  1485,  Yoxford,  Suffolk. 



1508.  Edith  and  Elizabeth,  daughters  of  John  Wylde, 
Esq.,  Barnes,  Surrey  ;  "  dyed  virgyns,"  with 

1522.    Elisabeth,  daughter  of  George  Fitz-William, 

Esq.,  Mablethorpe,  Lines. 
1524.    Constance,  "  meyden  doughter,"  of  John  Ber- 

ners,Esq.,  Writtle,  Essex;  wearing  pedimental 


1536.  Margaret,  daughter  of  Dame  Alice  BeryfF, 
Brightlingsea,  Essex;  on  bracket  with  her 

1545.  Amphillis,  daughter  of  Sir  Edmund  Peckham, 
Denham,  Bucks. ;  with  pedimental  frontlet. 

1547.  Wenefride  Newport,  Greystoke,  Cumberland; 
in  '  Paris  head,' 

1626.  Grace  Latham,  "died  a  mayde,"  Upminster, 
Essex  (aged  22) ;  hair  brushed  back. 

At  Maids'  Moreton,  Bucks.,  in  1890,  a  brass  was  placed 
in  the  matrix  of  the  lost  original  commemorating  two 
maids,  daughters  of  Thomas  Pever,  died  c.  1480,  repre- 
senting them  in  kirtle  and  mantle  with  long  hair  and 
wreaths  of  roses. 

Occasionally  married  ladies  are  represented  wearing 
their  hair  long.  The  four  examples  following  have  the 
fillet : — 

c.  1450.    Isabel,  wife  of  Sir  Gervase  Clifton,  widow  of 
William  Scott,  Esq.,  Brabourne,  Kent. 
1460.    Douce,  wife  of  Sir  Robert  del  Bothe,  Wilmslow, 

1479.    Jo^^)  wife  of  Sir  Robert  RatclifFe,  widow  of 
Humphrey  Bourchier  (Lord  Cromwell),  Tat- 
tershall,  Lines. 
c.  1480.    Joan,  wife  of  Nicholas  Kniveton,  Esq.,  Muggin- 
ton,  Derbyshire. 

The  palimpsest  fragments  of  the  brass  of  Elizabeth  St. 
John,  second  wife  of  William,  Lord  Zouch,  1447,  Okeover, 


Etchingham,  Sussex. 




Staffs.,  show  her  in  long  hair,  probably  filleted,  on  the 
reverse  of  the  Oker  children. 

Some  peculiarities  in  head-dresses  of  simple  form  of 
the  fifteenth  century  should  be  mentioned.  They  appear 
on  effigies  of  daughters,  as  follows  : — 

The  hair  done  in  plaits  at  the  sides  above  the  ears,  and 
bound  by  a  fillet : — 

141 6.  The  twelve  daughters,  kneeling,  on  brass  of 
Thomas  and  Elena  Stokes,  Ashby  St.  Legers, 

1420.  A  daughter  of  Joan  Waltham,  Waltham,  Lines, 
(half  effigy). 

A  kind  of  flat  cap  surmounting  the  hair,  which  is 
gathered  up  at  the  sides  of  the  face  : — 

14 1 4.  Philippa  Carreu,  with  her  six  sisters,  Beddington, 

1429.  Seven  daughters  of  Roger  and  Agnes  Thornton, 
Ail  Saints,  Newcastle-on-Tyne. 

A  fillet  having  a  rolled  appearance,'  slightly  raised  at 
the  sides : — 

H33-    Four  daughters  on  the  brass  of  Joan,  Lady  de 

Cobham,  Cobham,  Kent. 
c.  1440.    The  daughters  of  Robert  and  Margaret  Pagge, 

Cirencester,  Gloucs. 
c.  1440.    Anna,  Bridgett  and  Susanna,  daughters  of  John 

and  Elizabeth  Arderne,  Leigh,  Surrey. 
c.  1440-50.    Susanna,  daughter  of  the  same,  Leigh,  Surrey. 

At  Long  Melford,  Suffolk,  a  lady  of  the  Clopton 
family,  c.  1420,  wears  a  broad  band  or  cap,  ornamented 

'  A  beautiful  example  of  this  head-dress,  showing  it  in  the  form  of  a 
broad  jewelled  roll  or  fillet  surrounding  the  head  but  exposing  the  hair 
in  the  centre,  is  given  in  Hefncr-Alteneck's  Trachten  des  christlichen 
Mlttelalters,  Plate  65,  Vol.  II. 


with  six  estoiles  of  five  points.  Her  bag-sleeved  gown 
has  a  broad,  falling  collar. 

A  cap-like  head-gear,  from  which  the  hair  escapes 
behind,  is  seen  worn  by  : — 

c.  1480.    Three  daughters  on  the  brass  of  John  and  Joan 
Jay,  St.  Mary  Redcliffe,  Bristol. 
1483.    Two  daughters  on  the  brass  of  Thomas  and 
Isabella  Hampton,  Stoke  Charity,  Hants. 

A  Note  on  the  Effigies  of  Children. 

Effigies  of  children  on  the  brasses  of  their  parents,  rare 
in  the  fourteenth,  become  frequent  in  the  fifteenth,  and 
are  common  in  the  sixteenth  and  seventeenth  centuries. 
The  term  "  children  "  must  not  be  taken  to  indicate  youth, 
but  rather  descent;  for  the  persons  represented  as  chil- 
dren on  the  brasses  of  their  parents  are  often  shown  as 
middle-aged.  As  a  rule,  the  costume  is  a  replica  or 
modification  of  that  worn  by  the  parents,  and  has  been 
already  described.  Sons  are  more  usually  in  the  civilian 
than  in  the  military  habit  of  the  period,  but  instances  in 
armour  are  occasionally  found,  and  a  few  cases  are  known 
of  sons  in  holy  orders  being  represented  in  vestments  or  in 
clerical  habit  {see  pp.  94,  95,  104,  106).  The  head-dress  of 
the  daughter  is,  as  a  rule,  simpler  than  that  of  her  mother,' 
long  hair  being  frequently  found  {e.g.^  four  daughters  of 
Roger  Kyngdon,  1471,  Quethiock,  Cornwall).  In  brasses 
of  the  sixteenth  century  the  daughters  sometimes  wear 
the  Paris  head,  whilst  their  mothers  show  the  older  pedi- 
mental  coiffure  {e.g.,  1542,  Elizabeth,  wife  of  Thomas 
Fromond,  Esq.,  and  daughters,  Cheam,  Surrey,  or  the 
daughters  of  Edward  and  Ciselye  Goodman,  1560,  Ruthyn, 
Denbighshire).    The  early  part  of  the  fifteenth  century 

^  For  instance,  the  pedlmental  head-dress  is  shown  with  frontlet,  but 
allowing  the  hair  to  escape  behind,  e.g.,  the  daughters  of  Edward  Sulyard, 
Esq.,  c,  1495,  High  Laver,  Essex. 


does  not  afford  many  examples  of  these  effigies.  A  few 
exist,  e.g. : — 

1405.  Reginald  and  Robert,  sons  of  Sir  Reginald  Bray- 
brook,  Cobham,  Kent ;  on  small  pedestals. 

1407.  John,  son  of  Sir  Nicholas  Hawberk,  Cobham, 
Kent ;  similar  to  the  last. 

141 6.  The  Children  of  Thomas  Stokes,  Esq.,  Ashby 
St.  Legers,  Northants. 

1419.  The  Children  of  John  Lyndewode,  Linwood, 
Lines. ;  in  small  canopies  beneath  the  larger 

1429.  The  Children  of  Roger  Thornton,  Esq.,  All  Saints, 
Newcastle-on-Tyne ;  similarly  placed. 

As  a  rule,  the  children  are  placed  either  standing  or 
kneeling  beneath  the  principal  effigies ;  but  when  a  rect- 
angular plate  is  employed,  they  are  usually  found  grouped, 
the  sons  behind  their  father,  and  the  daughters  behind 
their  mother.  Brasses  commemorating  young  children 
do  not  become  common  till  a  late  period.  The  following 
are  some  examples,  in  which  seven  of  the  boys  wear  the  long 
skirts  of  childhood,  giving  to  their  costume  a  feminine 
appearance : — 

1585.    Peter,  son  of  Nicholas  Best,  Merstham  Surrey; 

with  towel-like  handkerchief  tied  to  girdle. 

1 601.    John  Shorland,  Woodbridge,  Suifolk  (aged  seven). 

1623.  John,  son  of  Francis  Drake,  Esq.,  Amersham, 
Bucks,  (aged  four). 

1 63 1.  The  Hon.  Edward  Saintmaur,  fourth  son  of 
William,  Earl  of  Hertford,  CoUingbourne 
Ducis,  Wilts,  (in  his  first  year). 

1633.  William,  eldest  son  of  William  Glynne,  Clynnog, 
Carnarvonshire  (aged  two)  ;  a  similar  hand- 
kerchief to  that  of  Peter  Best. 

1 64 1.  George  Evelyn,  Esq.,  son  of  Sir  John  Evelyn, 

West  Deane,  Wilts,  (aged  six). 

1642.  Arthur,  only  son  of  Philip,  Lord  Wharton, 


Woob  urn,  Bucks,  (aged  nine  months)  j  re- 

1599.  William,  son  of  George  Brome,  Holton,  Oxon 
(aged  ten)  ;  in  trunk-hose,  doublet  and  short 

1606.    Ralph,  son  of  William  Wiclif,  Wycliffe,  Yorks. 

(aged  fourteen)  ;  kneeling  in  similar  costume, 
but  without  cloak. 

1628.  Dorothy,  daughter  of  John  Turner,  Gent.,  Kirk- 
leatham,  Yorks.  (aged  four)  ;  large  standing 
rufF  or  collar. 

1630.    Ann,  daughter  of  Barnard  Hyde,  Esq.,  Little 

Ilford,  Essex  (aged  eighteen). 
1683.    Anne,  daughter  of  Henry  and  Anne  Dunch,  Little 

Wittenham,  Berks,  (aged  ten  months). 

PF  Novrffe'DEFHRTED  THIS  UFE  AUG:  30.  r(5a 

Little  Wittenham.  Berks. 



From  The  Antiquities  of  Warwickshire,  by  Sir  William 
Dugdale,  2nd  edition,  revised  by  William  Thomas, 
D.D.    London,  1730,  Vol.  I.,  pp.  445-46.' 

"  On  the  southside,  and  adjoining  to  the  Quire  of  this  Church,  stands 
that  stately  and  beautiful!  Chapell  dedicated  to  the  honour  of  the 
B.  Virgin,  the  fabrick  whereof  was  begun  by  the  Executors  of  Richard 
Beauchamp  Earl  of  Warwick  (according  to  the  appointn\ent  of  his  Will) 
in  2 1.  H.  6.  and  perfected  in  3.E.4.  together  with  that  magnificent  Tombe 
for  the  said  Earl,  inferior  to  none  in  England,  except  that  of  K.  H.  7.  in 
Westminster  Abby;  the  charge  of  all  which  came  to  no  less  than 
248111.  04s.  oyd.  ob.  as  by  the  particular  accompts  appeareth  :  but  to 
how  vast  a  sum  such  a  piece  of  worke  would  have  amounted  to  in  these 
days,  may  be  easily  guest  by  that  great  disproportion  in  the  prizes  of 
things  now,  from  what  they  were  then,  the  value  of  an  Oxe  being  about 
that  time  xlils.  ivd.  and  of  a  quarter  of  bread  corne  ills.  ivd. 

"  That  the  beauty  of  this  goodly  Chapell  and  Monument,  through  the 
iniquity  of  later  times,  is  now  much  impaired,  all  that  have  seen  it  may 
easily  discern,  and  thereby  guess  at  the  glory  wherein  it  once  stood ;  to 
such  therefore  would  there  be  no  great  need  to  say  more  thereof ;  but 
for  the  satisfaction  of  others,  I  have  here  thought  fit  to  insert  a  brief  of 
the  Covenants  betwixt  the  said  Executors,  viz.  Thomas  Huggeford,  Nlch, 
Rodye,  and  Will.  Berkswell,  and  the  severall  Artists  that  were  employed 
in  the  most  exquisite  parts  of  its  fabrick  and  ornaments,  as  also  of  the 
costly  Tombe  before  specified,  bearing  date  xill.  Junli  32.  H.  6. 

"  John  Essex  Marbler,  Will.  Austen  Founder,  and  Thomas  Stevyns 
Copper  Smyth,  do  covenant  with  the  said  Executors,  that  they  shall 
make,  forge,  and  worke  in  most  finest  wise  and  of  the  finest  Latten,  one 
large  plate  to  be  dressed  and  to  lye  on  the  overmost  stone  of  the  Tombe 
under  the  Image  that  shall  lye  on  the  same  Tombe ;  and  two  narrow 
plates  to  go  round  about  the  stone.  Also  they  shall  make  in  like  wise, 
and  like  Latten,  an  Hearse  to  be  dressed  and  set  upon  the  said  stone, 
over  the  Image,  to  beare  a  covering  to  be  ordeyned ;  the  large  plate,  to 
be  made  of  the  finest  and  thickest  Cullen  plate,  shall  be  in  length 
viii.  foot,  and  in  bredth  ill.  foot  and  one  inch.  Either  of  the  said  long 
plates  for  writing  shall  be  in  bredth  to  fill  justly  the  casements  provided 
therefore ;  the  Hearse  to  be  made  in  the  comliest  wise,  justly  in  length, 
bredth,  thickness,  and  height  thereof,  and  of  every  part  thereof,  and  in 

I  See  also  Description  of  the  Beauchamp  Chapel  adjoining  to  the  Church  oj  St.  Mary  at 
W arwickf  and  the  Monuments  of  the  Earls  of  tVarivick  in  the  said  Church  and  elsewhere, 
by  Richard  Gough,  Esq.    New  edition.    London,  Nichols,  1809,  p.  9. 



workmanship  in  all  places  and  pieces  such,  and  after  an  Hearse  of  timber 
which  the  Executors  shall  make  for  a  pattern  :  and  in  ten  panells  of  this 
Hearse  of  Letters  the  said  workmen  shall  set,  in  the  most  finest  and 
fairest  wise,  ten  Scutcheons  of  Armes,  such  as  the  Executors  will  devise. 
In  the  two  long  plates  they  shall  write  in  Latine  in  fine  manner  all  such 
Scripture  of  Declaration  as  the  said  Executors  shall  devise,  that  may  be 
conteined  and  comprehended  in  the  plates ;  all  the  champes  about  the 
Letter  to  be  abated  and  hatched  curiously  to  set  out  the  Letters,  All 
the  aforesaid  large  plates,  and  all  the  said  two  plates  through  all  the  over 
sides  of  them,  and  all  the  said  Hearse  of  Latten,  without  and  within, 
they  shall  repair  and  gild  with  the  finest  gold,  as  finely,  and  as  well  in 
all  places  through,  as  is  or  shall  be  any  place  of  the  aforesaid  Image, 
which  one  Bartholmew  Goldsmyth  then  had  in  gilding;  all  the  said 
workmanship,  in  making,  finishing,  laying  and  fastning  to  be  at  the 
charge  of  the  said  workmen.  And  for  the  same  they  have  in  sterling 
money  Cxxvli. 

"Will.  Austen  Citizen  and  Founder  of  London  xiv.  Martii  30.  H.  6. 
covenanteth,  &c  to  cast,  work,  and  perfectly  to  make,  of  the  finest 
Latten  to  be  gilded  that  may  be  found,  xiv.  Images  embossed,  of  Lords 
and  Ladyes  in  divers  vestures,  called  Weepers,  to  stand  in  housings  made 
about  the  Tombe,  those  Images  to  be  made  in  bredth,  length  and  thick- 
ness, &c  to  xiv.  patterns  made  of  timber.  Also  he  shall  make  xviii.  lesse 
Images  of  Angells,  to  stand  in  other  housings,  as  shall  be  appointed  by 
patterns,  whereof  ix.  after  one  side,  and  ix.  after  another.  Also  he  must 
make  an  Hearse  to  stand  on  the  Tombe,  above  and  about  the  principall 
Image  that  shall  lye  in  the  Tombe,  according  to  a  pattern  ;  the  stufFe 
and  Workmanship  to  the  repairing  to  be  at  the  charge  of  the  said  Will. 
Austen.  And  the  Executors  shall  pay  for  every  Image  that  shall  lye  on 
the  Tombe,  of  the  weepers  so  made  in  Latten,  xiiis.  ivd.  And  for  every 
Image  of  Angells  so  made  vs.  And  for  every  pound  of  Latten  that  shall 
be  in  the  Hearse  xd.  And  shall  pay  and  bear  the  costs  of  the  said  Austen 
for  setting  the  said  Images  and  Herse, 

"The  said  Will.  Austen,  xi.  Feb.  28.  H.  6.  doth  covenant  to  cast  and 
make  an  Image  of  a  man  armed,  of  fine  Latten,  garnished  with  certain 
ornaments,  viz.  with  Sword  and  Dagger ;  with  a  Garter ;  with  a  Helme 
and  Crest  under  his  head,  and  at  his  feet  a  Bear  musled,  and  a  Griffon, 
perfectly  made  of  the  finest  Latten,  according  to  patterns ;  all  which  to 
be  brought  to  Warwick,  and  layd  on  the  Tombe,  at  the  perill  of  the 
said  Austen  ;  the  said  Executors  paying  for  the  Image,  perfectly  made 
and  laid,  and  all  the  ornaments,  in  good  order,  besides  the  cost  of  the 
said  workmen  to  Warwick  and  working  there  to  lay  the  Image,  and 
besides  the  cost  of  the  carriages,  all  which  are  to  be  born  by  the  said 
Executors,  in  total  xl  li. 

"  Bartholomew  Lambespring  Dutchman,  and  Goldsmyth  of  London, 
23.  Mali  27.  H.  6.  covenanteth  to  repair,  whone,  and  pullish,  and  to 
make  perfect  to  the  gilding,  an  Image  of  Latten  of  a  man  armed  that  is 
in  making,  to  lye  over  the  Tombe,  and  all  the  apparell  that  belongeth 


thereunto,  as  Helme,  Crest,  Sword,  &c.  and  Beasts ;  the  said  Executors 
paying  therefore  xiii  li. 

"The  said  Bartholomew  and  Will.  Austen  xii.  Martii  31.  H.  6.  do 
covenant  to  puUish  and  repare  xxxii.  Images  of  Latten,  lately  made  by 
the  said  Will.  Austen  for  the  Tombe,  viz.  xviii.  Images  of  Angells,  and 
xiv.  Images  of  Mourners,  ready  to  the  gilding;  the  said  Executors 
paying  therefore  xx  li. 

"The  said  Bartholomew  6.  Julii  30.  H.  6.  doth  covenant  to  make  xiv. 
Scutcheons  of  the  finest  Latten,  to  be  set  under  xiv.  Images  of  Lords  and 
Ladyes,  Weepers,  about  the  Tombe  ;  every  Scutcheon  to  be  made  meet  in 
length,  bredth,  and  thickness,  to  the  place  it  shall  stand  in  the  Marble 
according  to  the  patterns.  These  xiv.  Scotcheons,  and  the  Armes  in 
them,  the  said  Bartholomew  shall  make,  repare,  grave,  gild,  enamil,  and 
puUish  as  well  as  is  possible ;  and  the  same  Scutcheons  shall  set  up,  and 
pin  fast,  and  shall  bear  the  charge  of  all  the  stuff  thereof,  the  said 
Executors  paying  for  every  Scutcheon  xvs.  sterling,  which  in  all 
amounteth  to  xli.  xs. 

"The  said  Bartholomew  xx.  Julii  31.H.6.  doth  covenant,  &c.  to  gild, 
pullish,  and  burnish  xxxii.  Images,  whereof  xiv.  Mourners,  and  xviii. 
Angells  to  be  set  about  the  Tombe,  and  to  make  the  visages  and  hands, 
and  all  other  bares  of  all  the  said  Images,  in  most  quick  and  fair  wise, 
and  to  save  the  gold  as  much  as  may  be  from  and  without  spoiling,  and 
to  find  all  things  saving  gold ;  the  said  Executors  to  find  all  the  gold  that 
shall  be  occupied  thereabout,  and  to  pay  him  for  his  other  charges  and 
labours,  either  xlli.  or  else  so  much  as  two  honest  and  skilfull  Goldsmyths 
shall  say  upon  the  view  of  the  work,  what  the  same,  besides  gold  and  his 
labour,  is  worth :  and  the  Executors  are  to  deliver  money  from  time  to 
time,  as  the  work  goeth  forward,  whereof  they  pay  Lili.  viiis.  ivd. 

"The  said  Bartholomew  iii°  Martii  32.  H.  6.  doth  covenant  to  make 
clean,  to  gild,  to  burnish,  and  pullish  the  great  Image  of  Latten,  which 
shall  lye  upon  the  Tombe,  with  the  Helme  and  Crest,  the  Bear  and  the 
Griffon,  and  all  other  the  ornaments  of  Latten  ;  and  the  said  Bartholomew 
shall  finde  all  manner  of  stuffe  for  the  doing  thereof,  saving  gold,  and  all 
workmanship  at  his  charges,  the  said  Executors  providing  gold,  and 
giving  to  the  said  Bartholomew  such  sum  and  sums  of  money  for  his 
charges  and  workmanship,  as  two  honest  and  skilfull  Goldsmyths,  view- 
ing the  work,  shall  adjudge,  whereof  some  of  the  money  to  be  payd  for 
the  borde  of  the  workmen,  as  the  work  shall  go  forward,  whereof  they 
pay  xcvli.  iis.  viiid. 

"John  Bourde  of  CorfF  Castle  in  the  County  of  Dorset  Marbler 
16,  Maii  35.  H.  6.  doth  covenant  to  make  a  Tombe  of  Marble,  to  be  set 
on  the  said  Earle's  grave ;  the  said  Tombe  to  be  made  well,  cleane,  and 
sufficiently,  of  a  good  and  fine  Marble,  as  well  coloured  as  may  be  had 
in  England.  The  uppermost  stone  of  the  Tombe  and  the  base  thereof 
to  contain  in  length  ix.  foot  of  the  standard,  in  bredth  iv.  foot,  and  in 
thickness  vii.  inches :  the  course  of  the  Tombe  to  be  of  good  and  due 
proportion  to  answer  the  length  and  bredth  of  the  uppermost  stone  ;  and 




a  pace  to  be  made  round  about  the  Tombe  of  like  good  marble,  to  stand 
on  the  ground  ;  which  pace  shall  contain  in  thickness  vi.  inches,  and  in 
bredth  xviii.  inches.  The  Tombe  to  bear  in  height  from  the  pace  iv.  foot 
and  a  half.  And  in  and  about  the  same  Tombe  to  make  xiv.  principall 
housings,  and  under  every  principall  housing  a  goodly  quarter  for  a 
Scutcheon  of  copper  and  gilt,  to  be  set  in ;  and  to  do  all  the  work  and 
workmanship  about  the  said  Tombe  to  the  entail,  according  to  a  portraic- 
ture  delivered  him  ;  and  the  carriages  and  bringing  to  Warwick,  and 
there  to  set  the  same  up  where  it  shall  stand :  the  entailing  to  be  at  the 
charge  of  the  Executors:  after  which  entailing  the  said  Marbler  shall 
pullish  and  dense  the  said  Tombe  in  workmanlike  sort :  and  for  all  the 
said  Marble,  carriage  and  work  he  shall  have  in  sterling  money  xlv  li. 

"  The  said  Marbler  covenanteth  to  provide,  of  good  and  well-coloured 
Marble,  so  many  stones  as  will  pave  the  Chapell  where  the  Tombe 
standeth,  every  stone  containing  in  thickness  two  inches,  and  in  con- 
venient bredth,  and  to  bring  the  same  to  Warwick  and  lay  it :  and  for 
the  stuff,  workmanship,  and  carriage  of  every  hundred  of  those  stones,  he 
shall  have  xls.  which  in  the  totall  comes  to  ivli.  xiiis.  ivd." 


From  Ancient  Funerall  Monuments  within  the  United 
Monarchie  of  Great  Britaine^  Ireland^  and  the  Islands 
adiacenty  with  the  dissolued  hlonasteries  therein  contained: 
their  Founders^  and  what  eminent  Persons  haue  heene  in 
the  same  interred.  .  .  .  fVhereunto  is  prefixed  a 
Discourse  of  Funerall  Monuments.  Of  the  Foundation 
and  fall  of  Religious  Houses.  Of  Religious  Orders.  Of 
the  Ecclesiasticall  Estate  of  England,  ..."  Com- 
posed by  the  Studie  and  Trauels  of  John  Weever. 
.  .  .  London.  Printed  by  Thomas  Harper, 
1 63 1.  And  are  to  be  sold  by  Laurence  Sadler  at  the 
signe  of  the  Golden  Lion  in  little  Britaine." 

"  The  Author  to  the  Reader — 

"  Having  scene  (judicious  Reader)  how  carefully  in  other  Kingdomes, 
the  Monuments  of  the  dead  are  preserved,  and  their  Inscriptions  or 
Epitaphs  registred  in  their  Church-Bookes ;  and  having  read  the 
Epitaphs  of  Italy,  France,  Germany,  and  other  Nations,  collected  and 
put  in  print  by  the  paines  of  Schraderus,  Chpraus,  Szvertius,  and  other 
forraine  Writers — And  also  knowing  withall  how  barbarously  within 
these  his  Majesties  Dominions,  they  are  (to  the  shame  of  our  time) 



broken  downe,  and  utterly  almost  all  ruinated,  their  brasen  Inscriptions 
erazed,  tome  away,  and  pilfered,  by  which  inhumane,  deformidable  act, 
the  honourable  memory  of  many  vertuous  and  noble  persons  deceased,  is 
extinguished,  and  the  true  understanding  of  divers  Families  in  these 
Realmes  (who  have  descended  of  these  worthy  persons  aforesaid)  is  so 
darkened,  as  the  true  course  of  their  inheritance  is  thereby  partly 
interrupted :  grieving  at  this  unsufferable  injurie  offered  as  well  to  the 
living,  as  the  dead,  out  of  the  respect  I  bore  to  venerable  Antiquity,  and 
the  due  regard  to  continue  the  remembrance  of  the  defunct  to  future 
posteritie ;  I  determined  with  myselfe  to  collect  such  memorials  of  the 
deceased,  as  were  remaining  as  yet  undefaced ;  as  also  to  revive  the 
memories  of  eminent  worthy  persons  entombed  or  interred,  either  in 
Parish,  or  in  Abbey  Churches ;  howsoever  some  of  their  Sepulchres  are  at 
this  day  no  where  to  be  discerned,  neither  their  bones  and  ashie  remaines 
in  any  place  to  bee  gathered.  Whereupon  with  painefull  expences 
(which  might  have  beene  well  spared  perhaps  you  will  say)  I  travailed 
over  the  most  parts  of  all  England,  and  some  parts  of  Scotland,"  etc.  .  .  . 

Chapter  X. — 

[Page  50.]    "  Of  the  rooting  up,  taking  away,  crazing  and  defacing  of 
Funerall  Monuments  in  the  reignes  of  King  Henry  the  eighth,  and  Edward  the 
sixth.    Of  the  care  Queene  Elizabeth,  of  famous  memory,  had  for  the  preserva- 
tion of  the  same.   Her  Proclamation  in  the  second  of  her  raigne  against  defacing 
of  Monuments. 

"Toward  the  latter  end  of  the  raigne  of  Henry  the  eight,  and 
throughout  the  whole  raigne  of  Edward  the  sixth,  and  in  the  beginning 
of  Queene  Elizabeth,  certaine  persons  of  every  County  were  put  in 
authority  to  pull  downe,  and  cast  out  of  all  Churches,  Roodes,  graven 
Images,  Shrines  with  their  reliques,  to  which  the  ignorant  people  came 
flocking  in  adoration.  Or  any  thing  else,  which  (punctually)  tended  to 
idolatrie  and  superstition.  Under  colour  of  this  their  Commission,  and  in 
their  too  forward  zeale,  they  rooted  up,  and  battered  downe,  Crosses  in 
Churches,  and  Church-yards,  as  also  in  other  publike  places,  they 
defaced  and  brake  downe  the  images  of  Kings,  Princes,  and  noble  estates  ; 
erected,  set  up,  or  pourtraied,  for  the  onely  memory  of  them  to  posterity, 
and  not  for  any  religious  honour :  they  crackt  a  peeces  the  glasse- 
windowes  wherein  the  effigies  of  our  blessed  Saviour  hanging  on  the 
Crosse,  or  any  one  of  his  Saints  was  depictured ;  or  otherwise  turned  up 
their  heeles  into  the  place  where  their  heads  used  to  be  fixt ;  as  I  have 
scene  in  the  windowes  of  some  of  our  countrey  Churches.  They 
despoiled  Churches  of  their  copes,  vestments.  Amices,  rich  hangings,  and 
all  other  ornaments  whereupon  the  story,  or  the  pourtraiture,  of  Christ 
himselfe,  or  of  any  Saint  or  Martyr,  was  delineated,  wrought,  or 
embroidered ;  leaving  Religion  naked,  bare,  and  unclad ;  as  Dionysius 
left  lupiter  without  a  cloake,  and  Aesculapius  without  a  beard. 

[Page  5 1 .]    But  the  foulest  and  most  inhumane  action  of  those  times, 



was  the  violation  of  Funerall  Monuments.  Marbles  which  covered  the 
dead  were  digged  up,  and  put  to  other  uses  (as  I  have  partly  touched 
before)  Tombes  hackt  and  hewne  apeeces ;  Images  or  representations  of 
the  defunct,  broken,  erazed,  cut,  or  dismembred,  Inscriptions  or  Epitaphs, 
especially  if  they  began  within  an  orate  pro  anima,  or  concluded  with 
cuius  anima  propitisiur  Deus.  For  greedinesse  of  the  brasse,  or  for  that 
they  were  thought  to  bee  Antichristian,  pulled  out  from  the  Sepulchres, 
and  purloined  ;  dead  carcases,  for  gaine  of  their  stone  or  leaden  coffins, 
cast  out  of  their  graves,  notwithstanding  this  request,  cut  or  engraven 
upon  them,  propter  misericcrdiam  lesu  requiescant  in  pace.  These  Com- 
missioners, these  rvi-t^tiipvypi,  these  Tombe-breakers,  these  grave- 
diggers,  made  such  deepe  and  diligent  search  into  the  bottome  of  ancient 
Sepulchres,  in  hope  there  to  find  (belike)  some  long-hidden  treasure ; 
having  heard  or  read  that  Hircanus  ex  Davidis  Sepulchro  tria  millia  auri 
talenta  eruit:  That  Hircanus  tooke  three  thousand  talents  of  gold  out  of 
King  Davids  Sepulchre ;  Crimen  Sacrilegio  proximum,  a  sinne  the  nearest 
unto  Sacriledge.  Not  so  much  for  taking  out  the  money,  for  Aurum 
Sepulchris  juste  detrahitur,  ubi  Dominus  non  habetur,  as  for  the  drawing  out, 
and  dispersing  abroad  the  bones,  ashes,  and  other  the  sacred  remaines  of 
the  dead.  And  hereupon  the  grave-rakers,  these  gold-finders  are  called 
theeves,  in  old  Inscriptions  upon  Monuments. 

Plutoni  sacrum  munus  ne  attingite  fures. 
And  in  another  place  :  Abite  hinc  pessumi  fures. 

"  But  I  have  gone  further  then  my  commission,  thus  then  to  returne. 

"  This  barbarous  rage  against  the  dead  (by  the  Commissioners,  and 
others  animated  by  their  ill  example)  continued  untill  the  second  yeare  of 
the  raigne  of  Queene  Elizabeth,  of  famous  memory,  who,  to  restraine 
such  a  savage  cruelty,  caused  this  Proclamation  (following)  to  bee 
published  [page  52]  throughout  all  her  dominions;  which  after  the  im- 
printing thereof,  shee  signed  (each  one  severally)  with  her  owne  hand- 
writing, as  this  was,  which  I  had  of  my  friend.  Master  Humphrey 


"  A  Proclamation  against  breaking  or  defacing  of  Monuments  of  Antiquitie, 
being  set  up  in  Churches,  or  other  publike  places,  for  memory,  and  not  for 
superstition.  . 

"The  Queenes  Majestie  understanding,  that  by  the  meanes  ofsundne 
people,  partly  ignorant,  partly  malicious,  or  covetous ;  there  hath  been 
of  late  yeares  spoiled  and  broken  certaine  ancient  Monuments,  some  of 
metall,  some  of  stone,  which  were  erected  up  aswell  in  Churches,  as  in 
other  publike  places  within  this  Realme,  onely  to  shew  a  memory  to  the 
posterity  of  the  persons  there  buried,  or  that  had  beene  benefactors  to 
the  building  or  dotations  of  the  same  Churches  or  publique  places,  and 
not  to  nourish  any  kinde  of  superstition.  By  which  meanes,  not  onely 
the  Churches,  and  places  remaine  at  this  present  day  spoiled,  broken, 
and  ruinated,  to  the  offence  of  all  noble  and  gentle  hearts,  and  the 


extinguishing  of  the  honourable  and  good  memory  of  sundry  vertuous 
and  noble  persons  deceased ;  but  also  the  true  understanding  of  divers 
Families  in  this  Realme  (who  have  descended  of  the  bloud  of  the  same 
persons  deceased)  is  thereby  so  darkened,  as  the  true  course  of  their 
inheritance  may  be  hereafter  interrupted,  contrary  to  lustice,  besides 
many  other  offences  that  doe  hereof  ensue  to  the  slander  of  such  as 
either  gave,  or  had  charge  in  times  past  onely  to  deface  Monuments  of 
idolatry  and  false  fained  images  in  Churches  and  Abbeyes.  And  there- 
fore, although  it  be  very  hard  to  recover  things  broken  and  spoiled :  yet 
both  to  provide  that  no  such  barbarous  disorder  bee  hereafter  used,  and 
to  repalre  as  much  of  the  said  Monuments  as  conveniently  may  be  :  Her 
Majestie  chargeth  and  commandeth  all  manner  of  persons  hereafter  to 
forbeare  the  breaking  or  defacing  of  any  parcell  of  any  Monument,  or 
Tombe,  or  Grave,  or  other  Inscription  and  memory  of  any  person 
deceased,  being  in  any  manner  of  place,  or  to  breake  any  image  of  Kings, 
Princes,  or  nobles  Estates  of  this  Realme,  or  of  any  other  that  have  beene 
in  times  past  erected  and  set  up,  for  the  onely  memory  of  them  to  their 
posterity  in  common  Churches,  and  not  for  any  religious  honour ;  or  to 
breake  downe  and  deface  any  Image  in  glasse-windowes  in  any  Church, 
without  consent  of  the  Ordinary  :  upon  paine  that  whosoever  shal  herein 
be  found  to  offend,  to  be  committed  to  the  next  Goale,  and  there  to 
remaine  without  baile  or  mainprise,  unto  the  next  comming  of  the 
lustices,  for  the  delivery  of  the  said  Goale ;  and  then  to  be  further 
punished  by  fine  or  imprisonment  (besides  the  restitution  or  reedification 
of  the  thing  broken)  as  to  the  said  lustices  shall  seeme  meete  ;  using 
therein  the  advise  of  the  Ordinary,  and  if  neede  shall  bee,  the  advise  also 
of  her  Majesties  Councell  in  her  Starre-chamber. 

"And  for  such  as  bee  already  spoiled  in  any  Church,  or  Chappell, 
now  [page  53]  standing:  Her  Majestie  chargeth  and  commandeth,  all 
Archbishops,  Bishops,  and  other  Ordinaries,  or  Ecclesiastical  persons, 
which  have  authoritie  to  visit  the  Churches  or  Chappels  ;  to  inquire  by  pre- 
sentments of  the  Curates,  Churchwardens,  and  certaine  of  the  Parishoners, 
what  manner  of  spoiles  have  been  made,  sithens  the  beginning  of  her 
Majesties  raigne  of  such  Monuments ;  and  by  whom,  and  if  the  persons 
be  living,  how  able  they  be  to  repaire  and  reedifie  the  same ;  and  there- 
upon to  convent  the  same  persons,  and  to  enjoyne  them  under  paine  of 
Excommunication,  to  repaire  the  same  by  a  convenient  day,  or  other- 
wise, as  the  cause  shall  further  require,  to  notifie  the  same  to  her 
Majesties  Councell  in  the  Starre-chamber  at  Westminster.  And  if  any 
such  shall  be  found  and  convicted  thereof,  not  able  to  repaire  the  same ; 
that  then  they  be  enjoyned  to  doe  open  penance  two  or  three  times  in 
the  Church,  as  to  the  qualitie  of  the  crime  and  partie  belongeth  under 
like  paine  of  Excommunication.  And  if  the  partie  that  offended  bee 
dead,  and  the  executours  of  the  Will  left,  having  sufficient  in  their  hands 
unadministred,  and  the  offence  notorious ;  The  Ordinary  of  the  place 
shall  also  enjoyne  them  to  repaire  or  reedifie  the  same,  upon  like  or  any 
other  convenient  paine,  to  bee  devised  by  the  said  Ordinary.    And  when 


the  ofFendour  cannot  be  presented,  if  it  be  in  any  Cathedrall  or 
Collegiate  Church  which  hath  any  revenue  belonging  to  it,  that  is  not 
particularly  allotted  to  the  sustentation  of  any  person  certaine,  or  other- 
wise, but  that  it  may  remaine  in  discretion  of  the  governour  thereof,  to 
bestow  the  same  upon  any  other  charitable  deed,  as  mending  of  high- 
wayes,  or  such  like ;  her  Majestie  enjoyneth  and  straightly  chargeth  the 
governours  and  companies  of  every  such  Church,  to  employ  such  parcels 
of  the  said  sums  of  money  (as  any  wise  may  be  spared)  upon  the  speedy 
repaire  or  reedification  of  any  such  Monuments  so  defaced  or  spoiled,  as 
agreeable  to  the  originall,  as  the  same  conveniently  may  be. 

"And  where  the  covetousnesse  of  certaine  persons  is  such,  that  as 
Patrons  of  Churches,  or  owners  of  the  personages  impropriated,  or  by 
some  other  colour  or  pretence,  they  do  perswade  with  the  Parson  and 
Parishioners  to  take  or  throw  downe  the  Bels  of  Churches  and  Chappels, 
and  the  lead  of  the  same,  converting  the  same  to  their  private  gaine,  and 
to  the  spoiles  of  the  said  places,  and  make  such  like  alterations,  as  thereby 
they  seeke  a  slanderous  desolation  of  the  places  of  prayer :  Her  Majestie 
(to  whom  in  the  right  of  the  Crowne  by  the  ordinance  of  Almighty  God, 
and  by  the  Lawes  of  this  Realme,  the  defence  and  protection  of  the 
Church  of  this  Realme  belongeth)  doth  expresly  forbid  any  manner  of 
person,  to  take  away  any  Bels  or  lead  of  any  Church  or  Chappel,  under 
paine  of  imprisonment  during  her  Majesties  pleasure,  and  such  further 
fine  for  the  contempt,  as  shall  be  thought  meete. 

"And  her  Majestie  chargeth  all  Bishops  and  Ordinaries  to  enquire  of 
all  such  contempts  done  from  the  beginning  of  her  Majesties  raigne,  and 
to  enjoyne  the  persons  offending  to  repaire  the  same  within  a  convenient 
time.  And  of  their  doings  in  this  behalfe,  to  certifie  her  Majesties  privie 
Councell,  or  the  Councell  in  the  Starre-chamber  at  Westminster,  that 
order  may  be  taken  herein. 

[Page  54.]    "  Teven  at  Windsor  the  xix  of  September  the  second  yeare  of 
her  Majesties  raigne.    God  save  the  Queene.    Imprinted  at  London  in  Pauls 
Churchyard  by  Richard  lugge  and  John  Cazvood,  Printers  to  the  Queenes 
Majestie.    Cum  privilegio  Regime  Majestatis. 

"  This  Proclamation  was  seconded  by  another,  to  the  same  purpose,  in 
the  fourteenth  yeare  of  her  Majesties  raigne,  charging  the  Justices  of  her 
Assise  to  provide  severe  remedie,  both  for  the  punishment  and  reforma- 
tion thereof. 

"  But  these  Proclamations  tooke  small  effect  for  much  what  about  this 
time,  there  sprung  up  a  contagious  broode  of  Sclsmatickes ;  who,  if  they 
might  have  had  their  wills,  would  not  onely  have  robbed  our  Churches 
of  all  their  ornaments  and  riches,  but  also  have  laid  them  levell  with  the 
ground  ;  choosing  rather  to  exercise  their  devotions,  and  publish  their 
erronious  doctrines,  in  some  emptie  barne,  in  the  woods,  or  common 
fields,  then  in  these  Churches,  which  they  held  to  be  polluted  with  the 
abhominations  of  the  whore  of  Babylon." 



Note  on  vestments  showing  personal  devices,  as  illustrated 
by  the  exhibition  of  the  Burlington  Fine  Arts  Club, 

In  the  remarks  made  on  pp.  83-4  concerning  the  ornamentation  of 
Mass  Vestments  as  they  are  shown  on  brasses,  we  mention  the  rare 
occurrence  of  personal  devices  and  of  figures  of  samts  on  chasubles. 
Although  the  latter  are  rare  on  brasses,  they  are  not  uncommon  on  the 
orphreys  of  actual  chasubles,  which  are  still  in  existence,  especially  m  the 
form  of  representations  of  sacred  subjects,  such  as  the  Crucifixion  or 
Assumption.  But  personal  and  heraldic  ^  devices  are  more  rarely  found. 
In  the  Exhibition  of  English  Embroidery,  executed  prior  to  the  middle  of  the 
Sixteenth  Century,  held  by  the  Burlington  Fine  Arts  Club,  1905,  were 
included  some  good  examples  of  this  form  of  decoration,  e.g. : — 

Chasuble  (Case  A,  No.  3),  of  early  sixteenth  century  work,  with  the 
initials  "  R  T "  combined  with  pastoral  staff  and  mitre,  for 
Robert  Thorneton,  Abbot  of  Jervaulx  (1510-1533);  lent  by 
the  Victoria  and  Albert  Museum. 
Chasuble  (M,  3),  early  sixteenth  century,  inscribed  Pray  for  / 
sotvlls  of  Thorns] Sales  and  Helene  hys  wyfe;  lent  by  St.  George's 
Cathedral,  Southwark. 
Chasuble  (M,  5),  early  sixteenth  century,  decorated  with  the 
badges  of  Henry  VIII.  and  Catherine  of  Aragon  ;  lent  by 
the  Right  Rev.  Bishop  Knight. 
Chasuble  (G,  2),  middle  sixteenth  century,  ornamented  with  the 
letters  "  P  "  and  "  R  "  and  gloves,  with  inscription  on  cruci- 
form orphrey.  Orate  p\r6\  ala  fcimli  tui  P  [a  glove]  R,  for  Glover  ; 
lent  by  Downside  Abbey,  Bath. 
Chasuble  orphrey  (B,  2),  middle  fourteenth  century,  with  arms  of 
John  Grandlsson,  Bishop  of  Exeter,  i  327-1 369;  lent  by  the 
Marquis  of  Bute. 

Chasuble  (I)  of  red  velvet,  embroidered  with  the  lions  of  England 
in  gold,  and  with  the  arms  of  Solms  on  the  orphrey,  probably 
made  from  a  horse-trapper  of  fourteenth-century  work ;  lent 
by  H.H.  Prince  Solms-Braunfels. 

Chasuble  (V),  fifteenth  century;  on  cross-shaped  orphrey  the 
Crucifixion,  flanked  by  two  shields  with  bear  and  griffin  sup- 
porters, each  bearing  the  arms  of  Henry  Beauchamp,  Duke  of 

1  Personal  devices  are  not  infrequently  found  on  copes  shown  on  brasses  {see 
pp.  89-90).  Figures  of  saints  on  the  orphreys  of  copes  are  common,  and  are  found  on 
brasses  {see  p.  93).  Fine  examples  were  shown  at  the  Burlington  Fine  Arts  Club 
Exhibition,  and  splendid  copes  figure  in  several  pictures  in  the  National  Gallery. 

2  Good  examples  of  heraldic  chasubles  are  in  the  collection  at  the  South  Kensington 



Warwick  {d.  1445  or  1446)  :— Quarterly,  i,  Beauchamp ;  2, 
Clare;  3,  Despenser ;  4,  Newburgh  ;  impaling  those  of  his 
wife  Cecily  Nevill,  sister  of  the  King-Maker :— Quarterly, 
I  and  4,  Montacute  quartering  Monthermer ;  2  and  3,  Nevill' 
with  a  label  of  three  points.  Lent  by  Mr.  R.  C.  Adams 

Chasuble  (X,  i),  fifteenth  century,  with  the  arms  of  PlantageneC, 
Stafford,  De  Bohun,  Clare,  and  FitzWalter ;  the  shields  sup 
ported  by  swans ;  the  Stafford  knot  figuring  in  the  decoration  ; 
lent  by  Colonel  J.  E,  Butler-Bowdon. 

Chasuble  orphrey  (Z,  1 7),  early  sixteenth  century,  showing  below 
the  Crucifixion  the  arms  of  John  de  Vere,  Earl  of  Oxford 
{d.  1513),  impaling  those  of  his  second  wife,  Elizabeth, 
daughter  of  Sir  Richard  Scrope  and  widow  of  William, 
Viscount  Beaumont;  lent  by  Lieutenant-Colonel  Croft- 

A  fine  heraldic  Stole  (E,  3)  and  Maniple  (E,  2)  of  fourteenth-century 
work,  the  former  decorated  with  forty-six  shields,  were  lent  by  Miss 
Weld,  of  Leagram,  and  a  Stole  (E,  4),  of  similar  date,  containing  thirty- 
eight  shields,  by  Lord  Willoughby  de  Broke. 

Two  other  examples  of  church  needlework,  showing  personal  devices, 
must  be  mentioned,  (i.)  An  altar  cover  (M,  8)  made  from  fragments  of 
three  vestments,  showing  a  rebus,  consisting  of  the  letters  "  Why  "  in 
gold  on  red  velvet  and  the  figure  of  a  church,  for  William  Whychurch, 
Abbot  of  Hayles,  near  Buckland,  in  1470;  lent  by  the  Rector  and 
Churchwardens  of  Buckland  Broadway,  (ii.)  A  Hanging  (BB)  made 
from  parts  of  two  vestments  (?  copes),  showing  an  angel  supporting  a 
shield  with  the  arms  of  Ralph  Parsons,^  d.  1478  (Argent  on  a  chevron 
sable  three  roses  or) ;  a  scroll  below  reading.  Orate p\ro\  ata  dm  Radi />[ar]  sos; 
lent  by  the  Vicar  and  Churchwardens  of  Cirencester. 

I  His  brass  is  at  Cirencester,  showing  him  in  mass  vestments  and  holding  a  chalice 
with  wafer.  See  The  Monumental  Brasses  of  Gloucestershire,  by  Cecil  T.  Davis.  London. 
1899.    Pages  75-6. 



p.  29,  line  I7,>r  Blomfield  read  Blomefield. 

P.  34,  line  18,/or  Bowers  GlfFard  read  Bowers  Giftord. 

P.  40,  line  z,  for  WldvUle  r^^i  Wideville. 

„     line  I  o,_/o;- fourteeth  fourteenth. 
P.  43,  line  16,  for  TopclllF read  Topclyff. 

P.  44,  line  8,  insert  Bishops  before  Burchard  ;  /^r  lohn  r^^^  Johan. 

„     line  22,       note,  Flemish  palimpsests  here. 
P.  50,  line  8,  j^r  enamelling  read  colouring. 
P.  52,  line  20,  r^^^  Bishop  Johan  de  Mul. 

„     line  27,/orTopcllffr^a^  Topclyff;  also  p.  53,  line  3. 
P.  55,  footnote  2,  6,  Grave;  Stone;  line  8,  rivited  &  fastened; 

line  9,  cleane;  line  10,  add  YroY^^  8  June  1631, 
P.  70,  lines  3-4, yor  Gamma  (y)  readX. 

line  lo,_/or  Horsemonden  r^<z^  Horsmonden. 
line  l6,>r  Shottesbrook  r^^z^  Shottesbrooke.  •    1   1  1, 

P.  71.    The  dates  c.  141 1,  1472,  must  not  be  considered  to  include  the 
paragraphs  following ;  but  merely  the  first  brass  in  each  paragraph. 
P.  76,  footnote,  line  4,>r  1630  read  1 630-1. 

P.  80,  footnote  3,  line  2,>- William  Neele,  15 10,  ?W  William  Jomb- 

harte,  c.  1 500. 
P.  82,  line  ■],for  through  read  owing  to. 
P.  84,  footnote  4,  line  /\.,for  sixteenth  read  fifteenth. 

Add  A  Richard  Standon  or  Stondon,  Friar  Preacher,  was  appointed 
a  papal  chaplain,  141 3,  6  Kal.  Feb.    ^ee  p.  175»  Calendar  of 
Entries  in  the  Papal  Registers  relating  to  Great  Britain  and  Ireland. 
Papal  Letters,  Yo\.Yl.,  h.n.  1404-1415,  1904;  and  the  same, 
p.  381. 

P.  86,  footnote  2,  line  3,  add  1895,  p.  41. 

P.  87,  line  zo,  for  Butler  read  Buttler. 

P.  88,  line  \o,for  Clothal  read  Clothall. 

P.  94,  line  \,for  Penhalluryk  read  Penhallinyk. 

P.  95,  line  \<^,for  c.  1490  read  c.  1400. 

P.  102,  line  30,_/o;- Wimlngton  /r^^a' Wymington. 

P.  105,  footnote  I,  line  \,for  Crishall  read  Chrlshall. 

P.  106,  line  \  ^,for  Laycock  read  Lacock. 

P.  108,  footnote  2,  line  (),for  Redfarn  read  Redfern. 

P.  Ill,  footnote  2,  line  zi,  for  Badelsmere  read  Badlesmere. 

P.  112,  footnote  I,  line  'i,for  Ruthyn  read  Ruthin. 

P.  127,  footnote  3,  line  Z,for  Maltheureux  r^rt^^  Malheureux.  ■ 

P.  129,  line  1 2,_;^r  Yslyngtone  r^^zt^  Yslyngton. 

P.  131,  line  7,  p.  132,  line  6,  for  Sowthe  read  Lowthe. 

P.  134,  line  33,70^  Jacob  read  James. 



P.  140,  add  to  footnote:— In  the  Losely  Chapel,  St.  Nicholas'  Church 
Guildford,  IS  the  sculptured  efflgy  of  Canon  Arnald  Brocas,  Rector' 
I  395>  showing  him  in  cassoclc,  surplice,  grey  almuce,  and  red  cope^ 
with  the  close-fitting  buttoned  sleeves  of  a  red  undergarment 
appearing  at  the  wrists.    The  brass  inscription  describes  him  as 
"  baculari'  ut'usq[ue]  iuris." 
P.  141,  line  27, /or  \\io\read  1434.    See  Winchester  Scholars,  by  Thomas 
Frederick  Kirby,  M.A.,  London,  1888,  p.  54.    (An  illustration  of 
this  brass  forms  the  frontispiece.) 
P.  150,  line  z6,for  Neyland  Nayland. 

55,  line  14,  after  torteaux  add  gules,  over  all  a  label  of  three  points. 
61,  line  l/^,for  lohn  read  ]ohn. 

69,  line  I,  for  Sir  John  Leventhorpe  r^^a' John  Leventhorpe,  Esq. 

70,  line  II,  for  Sir  John  Throckmorton  read  John  Throckmorton, 

75,  line  ^,for  Anstey  r^^a' Ansty. 
79,  line  J,  for  Lyttcot  read  Lytkot. 
79,  line  II,  for  Redcliff  r^-^^  Redcliffe. 
81,  line  i<i,for  Heveningham  read  Hevenyngham. 
83,  line  ^,for  Ralph  read  Raphe. 
85,  line  2$,  for  Arundell  read  Arundel. 
90,  line  27,7^;-  Sir  Thomas  Peryent  read  John  Peryent,  Esq. 

90,  line  Suffer  Arnold  read  Arnald. 

91,  line  2S,  for  Sir  Thomas  de  St.  Quintin  read  Thomas  de  St. 
Quintin,  Esq. 

92,  line  JO,  for  Sergeant  read  Serjeant. 

93,  line  16,  for  Coates  read  Cotes. 
P.  200,  line  16,  for  Agnes  read  Agneys. 

P.  201,  line  2%,  for  Frankelein  read  Civilian.    See  p.  200. 

P.  207,  line  33,7^r  Lechdale  r^<7^  Lechlade. 

P.  208,  line  id,  for  Smith  read  Smyth. 

P.  212,  line  ZZ,for  Hatch  read  Hatche. 

P.  214,  line  22,  for  Rawmarch  read  Rawmarsh. 

P.  216,  line  1\,for  William  r^^z^  Walter  (Septvans). 

P.  218,  line  if,  for  Brown  read  Browne. 

P.  228,  line  \,for  Bingham  read  Byngham. 

„      line  ^,for  Urswyke  read  Urswyk. 
P.  232,  line  22,  for  Laycock  read  Lacock. 
P.  234,  line  20,  for  Willesdon  r^^a' Willesden. 
P.  244,  line  \\yfor  Hellesden  read  Hellesdon. 
P.  245,  line  \,for  TopclifF  read  TopclyfF. 
P.  249,  line  \,for  Stapelton  read  Stapleton. 
P.  250,  line  \\,for  Crishall  read  Chrishall. 
P.  251,  line  ig,for  Kerdiston  read  Kerdeston. 
P.  261,  line  i  %,for  Mellicent  r^^;^  Millicent. 

„      line  2  J,  for  Quartermain  read  Quartremayn. 
P.  263,  line  ^,for  Launcelyn  read  Launceleyn. 





p.  265,  line  16,  read  Furneaux  Pelham. 

line  17,  for  Quartermain  read  Quartremayn. 
P.  268,  line  \ojor  Sir  Thomas  Shernborne  read  Thomas  Shernborne, 

P.  268,  line  22,  omit  ?  after  Catherine. 
P.  271,  line  i8,>r  Ingleton  read  Ingylton. 
P.  275,  line  i6,>r  Herling  read  Harling. 
P.  276,  line  %,  for  Laycock  read  Lacock. 

„      line  2  3,>r  Ardingly  read  Ardingley. 
P.  279,  line  \,  for  Dauntesay  read  Dauntsay. 
P.  284,  line  24, /or  Sir  William  Coke  read  William  Coke,  lisq. 
P.  296,  line  33, >r  c.  1480  read  c.  1475. 
P.  298,  line  10,  for  Ruthyn  read  Ruthin. 
P.  299,  lines  1-\,for  Braybrook  read  Braybrok. 




Names  of  Authors  cited  in  italics. 

Abbot,  Alice,  115;  Archbishop 
George,  115;  Maurice,  115; 
Bishop  Robert,  1 1  5 

Abell,  William,  13,  82,  102 

Aberfeld,  John,  139 

Acklam,  George,  1.5 

Adams,  Richard,  95,  102 

Adrianson,  Adrian,  56 

Aileward,  Thomas,  90,  91,  93 

Ailmer,  John,  207,  263  ;  Margery, 

Alray,  Provost  Henry,  14,  117 
Alban,  St.,  47 

Albemarle,  Isabel  de  Fortibus, 
Countess  of,  I47». ;  William  de 
Fortibus,  Earl  of,  I47«. 

Albinus,  Cardinal,  86 

Albyn,  Robert,  160 

Alcala,  Don  Parafan  de  Ribera, 
Duke  of,  25 

Aldeburgh,  William  de,  157,  159, 
1 60 

Alderburne,  John,  71 
Aldrych,  Robert,  235 
Alfounder,  Robert,  216 
Alnwyk,  John,  1 36 
jindre,J .Lems,¥.^.P^.,  98  «.,  247  «,, 

Andrewes,  Agnes,  281;  Thomas, 

Esq.,  281 
Anjou,  Geoffrey  Plantagenet,  Count 

of,  5  :  Rene  d',  272  «. 
Anne  Boleyn,  Queen,  283  «. 
Ansty,  John,  Esq.,  175,  270,  316 
Antiquaries,  Society  of,  2I4«. 
Anyell,  Dame  Juliana,  98 

Appleton,  Mary,  283  ;  Roger,  283 
Arden  family,  lady  of,  280 
Arderne,  Anna,  297  ;  Bridgett,  297 ; 
Dame   Catherine,    268,  317; 
Elizabeth,  297  ;  John,  Esq.,  217, 
297  ;  Dame  Matilda,  2o6«. ;  Sir 
Peter,  Chief  Baron,  227,  268  ; 
Susanna,  297  ;  Sir  Thomas,  2o6w. 
Argentein,  John,  128,  133 
Argenteine,  see  D'Argenteine 
Argentine,  Margery,  265 
Armstrong,  W.,  ^zn. 
Arthur,  Robert,  93 
Arundel  and  Surrey,  Beatrice  Fitz- 
Alan,  Countess  of,  258,  262 ; 
Thomas  Fitz-Alan,  Earl  of,  258 
Arundel,  the  Lady  Ann,  292  ;  Ann, 
292;  Sir  John,  216,  292  ;  John, 
Esq.,  185,  216,  292,  316  ;  Arch- 
bishop Thomas,  90  «. 
Arundell,  family  of,  45  ;  Edward, 
214;  Eleanor,  Lady,  i89«. ;  the 
Lady  Elizabeth,  281  ;  George, 
Esq.,  285  ;  Isabel,  285  ;  Sir  John, 
182,  281  ;  Sir  John,  of  Trerice, 
182,  286;  John,  i66«.  ;  Dame 
Juliana,  286  ;  Dame  Katherine, 
281  ;  Margery,  257,  261  ;  Dame 
Mary,  286;  Richard,   l66«. ; 
Thomas,  Esq.,  261 
Asger,  John,  217 
Asheley,  Robert,  1667;. 
Asheton,  Nicholas,  116 
Ask,  Margaret,  266  ;  Richard,  Esq., 

172,  266 
Asscheton,  Mathew  de,  91  «. 


I  See  also  List  of  Illustrations. 



Persons  Assheton,  Edmund,  yow.,  82,  102  ; 

Elizabeth,  293  ;  Margaret,  269  ; 
Nicholas,  227,  269  ;  Ralph,  Esq., 
186,  293 

Asteley,  Ann,  276  ;  Thomas,  Esq., 

Atchley,  E.  G.  CuthbertF.,  121 «. 

Athelstan,  King,  58«. 

Athole,  David  de  Strabolgie,  Earl 

of,    250,    259;    Elizabeth  de 

Ferrers,  Countess  of,  250 
Athowe,  John,  loi 
Atkinson,  Richard,  56«.,  218,  287; 

his  two  wives,  287 
Attelath,  Johanna,  33,49  ;  Robert, 

33,  42«.,  49,  52,  201 ». 
Attelese,  Dame  Dionisia,  252  ;  Sir 

Richard,  252 
Aubernoun,  see  D'Aubernoun 
Aubrey y  John,  249  ». 
Aubrey,  — ,  Esq.,  175,  272  ;  wife 

of,  272 

Aumberdene,  Nichole  de,  103 »., 

Aurelian,  Emperor,  67 
Austen,  Will.  Founder,  303-5 
Avenyng,  John,  \o\n. 
Awmarle,  Thomas,  103 
Ayl worth,  Anthony,  133 


B.,  A.  L.,  \\n.y  see  Bradbridge 
Babington  family,  295  ». 
Babyngton,  Radulph,  1 01 
Bache,  Simon,  79,  8g,  91,  93 
Bacon,  Adam  de,  1 1 ».,  64  n. 
Bacon,  Joan,  263  ;  John,  207,  263  ; 

Sir  —  de,  151 
Badlesmere,  Joan  de,  ^6;  see  North- 


Bagnall-Oakeley,  Mrs.  M.  E.,  z'^on. 
Bagot,  Dame  Margaret,  190,  248  ; 

Sir  William,  162,  190,  248 
Baigeni,  Francis  Joseph,  54».,  247  «. 
Bailey,  'Nathan,  \o<^n. 
Bailey,  Walter,  133 
Baily,  Charles,  52». 

Baker,  John,  83  ;  Thomas,  141 
Balsam,  John,  82 
Bar,  Catherine  Duchess  du,  289 ». 
Barantyn,  Reginald,  Esq.,  173 
Barbur,  Geoffrey,  204 
Baret,  Valentyne,  Esq.,  165 
Barfoot,  John,  22 
Barfott,  Katheryn,  282;  Robert, 

213,  282 
Barker,  Thomas,  128 
Barkham,  Dame  Mary,  185  a.;  Sir 

Robert,  i85«. 
Barloe,  Joan,  205,  265  ;  John,  205, 


Barnardiston,  Sir  Thomas,  99,  106 
Barnes,  Fridesmonda,  1 5  ;  Bishop 

Richard,  15 
Barratte,  John,  141 
Barron,  Oswald,  F.S.A.,  5«. 
Barstaple,  John,  204 
Bartolozzi,  F.,  iSon.,  283  «. 
Barttelot,  Mary,   291  ;  Richard, 

291  ;  Roesia,  291 
Bauchon,  Johan,  2l». 
Bavaria,  Ameleie,  Duchess  of,  59«. 
Bawdyn,  William,  22  «. 
Baxter,  Cristiana,  265  ;  Robert, 

217,  265 
Bayly,  William,  205 
Baynard,   Elizabeth,    106,  276; 

Robert,  Esq.,   106,  181,  232, 


Baynton,  Dame  Agnes,  287 ;  Sir 

Edward,  184,  215,  287;  Henry, 

Esq.,  215 
Beauchamp,  see  Bedford,  St.  Amand, 

Beauchampe,  Philippa  de,  247 
Beaufo,  Isabel,  249 
Beaufort  family,  190 
Beaufort,  Henry  Cardinal,  64 ». 
Beaujeu,    Marguerite    de,  s6n., 

242  «. 

Beaumont,  Adam,  Esq.,  186,  293; 
Elizabeth,  293 ;  Bishop  Lewis  de, 
28,  42«.,  81,  83».,  84». ;  Wil- 
liam, Viscount,  180,  281,  312 



Beauner,  Robert,  96 
Beck,  R.  C.  Adams,  312 
Becket,  see  St.  Thomas 
Bedford,  Simon  de  Beauchamp, 

Earl  of,  1 6 
Bedingfeld,  family  of,  1 1 
Bedingfeild,  Anne,  292 ;  Eustace, 

Esq.,  292 
Belassis,  Margery,  294??. ;  Richard, 


Bell,  Edward,  214;  Bishop  John, 
35,  74,  80  ;  Bishop  Richard,  80, 

Bellingham,    Elizabeth,    166  «.; 

Walter,  i66w. 
Beloe,  E.  M.,  junr.j  i8«.,  zm., 

32«.,  33«. 
Beltoun,  Richard  de,  71,  82 
Bendlowes,  William,  S.L.,  231 
Bennett,  Richard,  M.A.,  13,  101, 


Benolte  (Benold),  Thomas,  i66«. 

Benson,  Archbishop,  26;  Martin 
White,  26 

Berdewell,  Elizabeth,  275  ;  Wil- 
liam, Esq.,  I70W.,  275 

Beresford,  Margaret,  7 

BerifFe,  Amia,  275;  John,  210, 


Berkeley,  Margaret,  Lady,  254; 

Thomas,  Lord,  161,  191,  254 
Berkswell,  Will.,  303 
Berkyng,  Abbot  Richard  de,  1 7 
Bernard,  Dame  Elena,  268 ;  Sir 

John,  191,  268 
Berners,  Constance,  296 ;  John, 

Esq.,  296 
Bernewelt,  Reginald,  96 
Bertha,  Queen,  58». 
Bertlot,  Petronilla,  269  ;  Richard, 

Esq.,  269 
BeryfF,  Dame  Alice,    294,  296; 

Margaret,  294,  296 
Best,  Nicholas,  299  ;  Peter,  299 
Bethell,  Richard,  106 
Betten,  Abbot  Leonardus,  72^., 

83«.,  84 

BewfForeste,  Richard,  91,  96 
Biconyll,  Dame  Elizabeth,  273 ; 

Sir  — ,  273 
Bill,  Dean  William,  1 1 5 
Billing,  Sir  Thomas,  C.J.,  228 
Billingford,  Richard,  125,  127 
Bingham,  Bishop,  of  Salisbury,  1 7 
Bingham,  see  Byngham 
Bisshop,  William,  1 01 
Bitton,  Sir  Walter  de,  4 
Bladigdone,  Johan  de,  197,  II99» 

242  ;  Maud  de,  197,  242 
Blakwey,  William,  125,  137 
Blanche   de    Castille,    i6«. ;  of 

Champagne,  5  w. ;  de  la  Tour, 

243  ».,  248  «. 

Blen'haysett,  Jane,  294«. ;  John, 
Esq.,  176,  294 ».;  Ralph,  Esq., 

Blighe,  Elizabeth,  292  ;  John,  292 
Blodwell,  John,  89,  93 
Blomefield,  Rev.  Francis,  29,  315 
Blomfield,  Bishop,  1 1 1 ». 
Blondell,  Esperaunce,  71 
Blondevile,  Edward,  183;  Ralph, 

183  ;  Richard,  183 
Bloor,  William,  Gent.,  211 
Blount,  Sir  Hugh  le,  150 
Bloxam,  M.  //.,  87«.,  no 
Bloxham,  John,  134 
Boccaccio,  izjn. 
Bodiham,  John,  Esq.,  160 
Bohun,  de,  see  Gloucester,  Hereford 
Boileau,  Sir  M.,  84«, 
Bokkyngg,  Robert  de,  2 1  n. 
Boleyn,  Queen  Anne,  see  Anne 
Boleyn,  Anna,  295  ;  Cecilie,  295  ; 

Geoffrey,  Esq.,  295  ;  William, 

Esq.,  295 
Borard,  Prior  John,  I27«. 
Borell,  Geraldus,  I27». 
Borrell,  John,  35,  179,  192 
Borrow,  Robert,  Esq.,  180 
Bosard,  Margery,  274  ;  Philip,  274 
Boscawen,  John,  Esq.,  185 
Boselyngthorpe,  Sir  Richard  de, 

145,  150 



Persons   Bossewell,  John,  Gent.,  235 

Bostock,  Hugo,  207,  263  ;  Mar- 
garet, 263 
Boteler,  Elizabeth,  263  ;  John,  263 
Bothe,  Robert,  Esq.,  191  ;  Dame 
Douce  del,  296  ;  Sir  Robert  del, 
174,  296 
Botiler,  Johan  de,  4 
Bourbon,  Katharine  de,  59 
Bourchier,    Bartholomew,  Lord, 
256,  265  ;  Idonea,  Lady,  265  ; 
Margaret,  Lady,  256  ;  see  Crom- 
well, Essex 
Bourde,  John,  Marbler,  305-6 
Boutell,  Rev.  Charles,  i ,  4 «.,  13 

i6».,  43,  48,  55,  64ff.,  235 
Boutrod,  William,  93 
Bovile,  John,  Esq.,  171 
Bowet,  Ele,  254;  Richard,  254 
Bowke,  John,  102,  137 
Bownell,  Constance,  24 ;  Mordecai, 

Bowthe,  Bishop  John,  80 
Bowthe  (Booth)  family,  80 ». 
Bouiyer,  George,  221 «. 
Boynton,  Thomas,  Esq.,  180 
Boys,  Mary,  286  ;  Vyncent,  286 
Bradbridge,  Alice,  I4». ;  William, 

Bradbury,  Henry,  287  ;  Jane,  287 
Bradschawe,  Henry,  C.  Baron,  229 
Bradshawe,  Hen.,  229 
Bradstone,  Blanche,  246 
Braham,    Dame  Joan,  98,  294 ; 

John,  Esq.,  294 
Bramfeilde,  William,  Gent.,  234 
Brand,  Rev.  John,  295  «. 
Brandenburg,  Archbishop  Albrecht 

von,  J  J,  79  _ 
Branwhait,  William,  71 
Brassle,  Robert,  95,  129 
Brasyer,  Richard,  218;  Robert,  218 
Braunche,  Leticia,  43,  48,  5°"3> 

197,   243;   Margaret,  43,  48, 

50-3,  197,  243  ;  Robert,  43,  48, 

Braunstone,  Sir  Thomas  de,  163 

Bray,    Cristina,    262  ;  Edmund, 

Lord,  285 
Braybrok,  Sir  Reginald,  264,  299, 

317;  Reginald,  299;  Robert, 


Brentyngham,  Robert  de,  202 
Brewster,  Humphrey,  Esq.,  184 
Brewys,  Sir  John  de,  57,  168 
Bridlington,  Prior  Thomas,  97  «. 
Brieux,  John,  128 
Brigges,  P.,  1  5 

Brindley,  William,  6jn.;  i58». 

Briscoe,  J.  Potter,  F.R.H.S.,  295  «. 

Bristol,  Digby,  Earl  of,  193  «. 

Brocas,  Canon  Arnald,  316;  Mar- 
garet, 245,  295  ;  Raulin,  199 

Broke,  Thomas,  Esq.,  192 

Brokes,  Joan,  267  ;  William,  Esq., 

Brokill,  Thomas,  Esq.,  169 
Brome,  George,    300 ;  William, 

Esq.,  175;  William,  300 
Bromley,  Sir  Thomas,  C.J.,  223 «. 
Brook,  Dame  Joan,  259;  John,  S.L., 

230;  Sir  Thomas,  204^.,  206, 


Brooke,  Alice,  274;  Dame  Joan, 

290 ;    Sir   John,   278  ;  Dame 

Margaret,  278  ;  Sir  Robert,  290; 

Symon,  274;  Sir  Thomas,  180 
Brounflet,    Margaret,    256;  Sir 

Thomas,  165,  168 
Browne,  Sir  Anthony,  C.J.,  229 
Browne,  Charles,  M.A.,  747?. 
Browne,  John,  Gent.,  184  ;  John, 

217;  John,  junr.,  218,  316; 

Margaret,  268;  William,  217, 


Bruce,  John,  F.S.A.,  225 ». 

Brun,  Bishop  Lambert  von,75».,  77 

Brun,  Nicholas  le,  Bailly  de  Jeu- 

mont,  56 
Brunswick,  Bishop  Otto  de,  17,63 
Brushfield,  T.  N.,  M.D.,  F.S.A., 

57«.,  295«. 
Bryan,  Dame  Alice,  265  ;  Sir  Ed- 
mund, 265 


Bryant,  T.  Hugh,  io6w. 
Buckingham,  Anne  Stafford,  Duch- 
ess of,  187;  Humfrey  Stafford, 

1st  Duke  of,  187 
Bugge,  Edward,  Gent.,  215 
Bugges,  Elizabeth,  292  :  Richard, 

Esq.,  292  ;  Vahan,  292 
Bulkeley,  Margaret,  279  ;  William, 

Esq.,  279 
Bulkley,  Richard,  94 «. 
BuUen,  Sir  Thomas,  K.G.,  Earl  of 

Wiltshire  and  of  Ormunde,  180, 

187,  209 
BuUingham,  Archdeacon  Nicholas, 

1 1 3  «. 

Bulowe,  Bishop  Frederic  de,  27, 
44,  52,  83  ;  Bishop  Godfrey  de, 
27,  44,  52,  83:  Bishop  Henry 
de,  44 ;  Bishop  Ludolph  de,  44 

Bulstrode,  Edward,  Esq.,  193; 
Margaret,  39,  193 

Bures,  Henry,  Esq.,  180;  Isaia, 
M.A.,  116;  Sir  Robert  de,  145, 
147,  148  _ 

Burgate,  Dame  Alianora  de,  256; 
Sir  William  de,  256 

Burgh,  Isabella,  247 «.;  Thomas, 
247  «. 

Burgoyn,  John,  278 ;  Margaret, 

Burgundy,  Isabella,  Duchess  of,  59 
Buriton,  Joan,  289  ;  Thomas,  289 
Burnedissh,  Esm.ound  de,  70 
Burnell,  Sir  Nicholas,  159,  161 
Burton,  John,  116;  Dame  Mar- 
gery, 253  ;  Sir  Thomas,  162, 
190,  253 
Bushell,  Seath,  13 
Bute,  Marquis  of,  311 
Butler,  Alban,  Esq.,  290  ;  Isabella, 
290 ;  Martha,  286 ;  Richard, 
Esq.,  286  ;  Sybilla,  290 
Butler- Bowdon,  Col.  J.  E.,  312 
Buttler,  Thomas,  87,  94,  315 
Buttry,  Eel,  263 

Byngham,  Dame  Margaret,  267  ; 
Sir  Richard,  228,  267,  316 

Byrkhede,  John,  72«.,  90«.,  93  ' 
Byron,  Sir  John,  266  ;  Dame  Mar- 
garet, 266 
Byschop,  Geoffrey,  70 
Byschoppesdon,   Dame  Philippa, 


Byschopton,  William,  70 
Byttone,  Bishop  St.  William  de,  4 


Caerwent,  Nicholas  de,  70 
Calthorpe,  Sir  William,  168,  190 
Calveley,  Sir  Hugh,  278  ;  Dame 

Margery,  278 
Calwe,  William,  104 
Camber,  John,  210 
Cambridge,  Richard  Plantagenet, 

Earl  of,  270 
Camoys,  Elizabeth,  Lady,  13,  190, 

206,  257;  Margarete  de,  57, 
239,  246;  Sir  Richard,  206, 
257;  Thomas,  Lord,  K.G.,  13, 
168,  186,  i87«.,  190,  206,  257 

Campbell,  Sir  Alexander,  Bart., 


Campeden,  John  de,  10,  86,  93 
Campedene,  Roger,  71 
Canteys,  Nicholas,  205 
Cantilupe,   Bishop   Thomas,  18, 

63».,  81 
Capillan,  Jacob,  68 
Capp,  Thomas,  130 
Carew,  Isabelle,  262 ;  Nicholas, 

207,  262 

Carewe,   Elizabeth,   290 ;  John, 

Esq.,  290 
Carreu,  Philippa,  204,  297 
Carter,  John,  67  «. 
Cary,  George,  287  ;  Wilmota,  287 
Cassey,  Richard,  89-90 
Cassy,  Dame  Alicia,  252,  253  ;  Sir 

John,  226,  252 
Caterall,  Raffe,  Esq.,  io6». 
Caterick,  Bishop  John,  57 
Catesby,  Margaret,  278  ;  William, 

Esq.,  278 



Persons  Catherine  of  Aragon,  Queen,  3 1 1 
Cavendish,  George,  277 «. 

Cazmiri,  Cardinal,  64  «. 

Cerne,  Sir  Edward,  248  ;  Dame 
Elyne,  248  ;  Philippa  de,  249 ». 

Cervington,  Sir  Oliver  de,  152«. 

Ceysyll,  John,  210 

Chamberlaine,  John,  zSon.,  283  w. 

Chambers,  Anne,  14;  Edmund, 
I4». ;  Elizabeth,  14«. ;  John, 
14 ;  William,  14 

Chandler,  Thomas,  124 

Charles  I.,  19,  215,  287,  291 

Charles  II.,  293 

Charles  IV.,  57W. 

Charles  VI.,  258 

Charles  le  Chauve,  68 

Charlton,  see  Powis 

Charyls,  Walter,  1 37//. 

Chaucer,  180,  224,  2307;. 

Chaucer,  Matilda,  266 ;  Thomas, 
Esq.,  165,  169,  266 

Cheddar,  Sir  Thomas,  165,  169 

Chernock,  Edward,  141 

Cherowin,  John,  Esq.,  4 

Chervyll,  Thomas,  70 

Cheswryght,  Matilda,  283;  Wil- 
liam, 212,  283 

Chewt,  Arthur,  290;  Margaret, 290 

Cheyne,  Isabella,  273  ;  Margaret, 
5i«.,  258;  Robert,  Esq.,  182; 
Thomas,  Esq.,  158,  161  ;  Wil- 
liam, Esq.,  150W.,  161  ;  William, 
273  ;  William,  51  n.,  258 

Chichele,  Archbishop,  126;  Bea- 
trice, 264;  William,  205,  264 

Chichester,  Edward,  Esq.,  282 ; 
Elizabeth,  282 

Chidiock,  Sir  John,  163  w. 

Child,  John,  104 

Chiverton,  Richard,  216 

Christy,  Miller,  ^n.,21  n.,  27,  105  n. 

Chute,  Anne,  289 ;  Sir  George, 
288  ;  Dame  Margaret,  288 

Chytraeus,  306 

Clarell,  Thomas,  1 00 ;  Thomas, 
Esq.,  191 

Clark,ProfessorE.  C, LL.D.,  F.S.A., 
85».,  86,  121,  123-6,  i3i»., 

223«.,  224,  230«. 

Clark,  a.  T.,  193  «. 
Clark,  Henry,  71 

Clarke,  Humfrey,  287;  John,  233; 

Margaret,  287 
Claughton,  Bishop,  58«. 
Cleaybroke,  William,  Esq.,  185 
Clephan,  R.  C,  1567;. 
Clere,  Dame  Alice,  259  ;  Edmund, 

Esq.,  176,  275  ;  Elizabeth,  275  ; 

Sir  Robert,  178,  259 
Clerk,  Sir  John,  i8i 
Cleves,  Elizabeth,  Duchess,  of,  59  ; 

John,  Duke  of,  59 
Clifford,  Bishop  Richard,  i^Sn.; 

see  Cumberland 
Clifton,  Sir  Adam  de,  150W.,  161?;.; 

George,  Esq.,  215  ;  Sir  Gervase, 

267,  296  ;  Dame  Isabel,  296 
Clippesby,  John,  Esq.,  184,  289; 

Julian,  289 
Clitherow,  Matilda,  266 
Clonvill,  Isabel,  244,  247 
Clopton    family,  ladies   of,  273, 

297-8;    Francis,    Esq.,  184; 

Dame  Joan,  265  ;  Sir  William, 


Cobham,  Dame  Elizabeth,  249 ; 
Dame  Joan  de,  20«.,  240  ;  Joan, 
Lady,  l89«.  ;  Joan,  Lady  de, 
264,  297;  Sir  John  de,  158, 
160;  Sir  John  de,  160;  John, 
Esq.,  287  ;  Dame  Margarete  de, 
250  ;  Dame  Margarete  de,  251; 
Dame  Maud,  250  ;  Sir  Reginald 
de,  163  ;  Sir  Reginald  of  Ster- 
borough,  Lord,  249  ;  Reginald 
de,  86,  95  ;  Sir  Thomas,  250; 
Sir  Thomas  de,  158;  see  Brooke 

Cobleigh,  Isabella,  273  ;  Johanna, 
273  ;  John,  273 

Cod,  Thomas,  40,  72 

Codyngtoun,  Henry  de,  91,  93 

Coggeshall,  Thomas  de  Esq.,  168 

Coke,  Alice,  284 



Coke,  Sir  Edu^ard,  222  «. 

Coke,  William,  Esq.,  229,  284, 


Cokyn,  William,  Esq.,  179 

Colard,  John,  234 

Cole,  Arthur,  92,  135 

Cole,  Rev.  Thomas,  i,  95«- 

Coles,  Eleanor,  293  ;  George,  293  ; 

Sarah,  293 
Colman,  John,  2 1 1 
Colte,  Joan,  191,  273;  Thomas, 

Esq.,  191,  273 
Coly,  Thomas,  102,  137 
Compton  family,  member  of,  1 78 

278  ;  wife  of,  278 
Conquest,  Elizabeth,  278 ;  Richard, 

Esq.,  179,  278  _ 
Constable,  John,  1 5  ;  Katherme, 

15  ;  Sir  Marmaduke,  23  «. 
Constantine,  Emperor,  76 
Cooke,  Joan,  294  ;  John,  218,  294 
Cookesey,  Walter,  Esq.,  190 
Cooper,  C.  H.,  F.S.A.,  247  w. 
Corbet  family,  man  of,  282  ;  wife 

of,  282 

Corbet,  Jane,  286  ;  John,  Esq.,  286 
Cornelius,  St.,  56 
Corner,  G.  R.,  F.S.A.,  224«.,  226«. 
Cornewaylle,  Dame ,  Elizabeth  de, 

Cornish,  Bishop  Thomas,  80 ». 
Cornwall,  John  of  Eltham,  Earl 

of,  i^zn. 
Corp,  Elyenore,  244 «.,  254  ;  John, 

201,  254 
Cortewille,  Ludowic,  9«.,  10,  56 
Coryton,  Jane,  282;  Peter,  Esq., 

180,  282 
Cosowarthe,  John,  183 
Cosyngton,  John,  Esq.,  168,  262; 

Sarra,  262 
Cotman,J.  S.,  i,  33»49»-»  53>64«., 

167,  i87«.,  235,  248 ». 
Cotrel,  James,  24 ». 
Cottesmore,  John,  C.J.,  227 
Couderborch,  Asscheric  van  der,  7 
Coulthirst,  Robert,  216 

Courtenay,  Sir  Edward,  208  ;  Sir  Pe«s° 
Peter,  K.G.,  186;  Sir  Philip, 
279  ;  Archbishop  William,  79 

Courthope,  James,  87,  95 

Covell,  Thomas,  Esq.,  216 

Covert,  Elizabeth,  280;  Henry, 
Esq.,  178  ;  Richard,  Esq.,  280 

Covesgrave,  John,  202 

Cracherood,  Agnes,  283;  John, 

Cradock,  Jane,  292  ;  John,  292 
CrafFord,  Arthur,  Gent.,  215 
Crane,  Edward,  213  ;  Sir  Francis, 
i88«. ;   Henry,   140W. ;  Joan, 
269  ;  Margaret,  269  ;  William, 

Cranley,  Archbishop  Thomas,  78, 

Cranmer,  Archbishop  Thomas,  1 10 
Crauden  (Crowden),  John  de,  96 
Crawford  and  Balcarres,  Earl  of, 
48  «. 

Creeny,  Rev.  W.  F.,  i,  3»  7»  i7> 
25».,  26,  43  w.,  47,  58-9»  64«-» 
73,83, 126W.,  129,  i53«.,  244«. 

Creke,  Dame  Alyne  de,  13,  241, 
242  ;  Sir  John  de,  152 

Cremer,  John,  215 

Crespin,  St.,  i89«. 

Crespinian,  St.,  i89». 

Cressett,  Richard,  1  5 

Cressy,  Cristina,  262,  265  ;  John, 

Crewaker,  John,  71 
Creyghton,  Bishop,  108  «. 
Crispe,   Elizabeth,  290;  Henry, 

Crofton,  William,  Gent.,  B.C.L., 

Croke,  John,  218 

Cromwell,  Ralph,   Baron,  K.G., 

67  ».,  1 74, 1 86,  204  ;  Humphrey 

Bourchier,  Lord,  296 
Crosse,  Ric,  1 5 
Croston,  Edmund,  94 
Croyland,  Abbot  Godfrey  de,  21 




Persons  Crue,  Silvanus,  I  5 

Cruwe,  Juliana  de,  256;  Thomas 

de,  Esq.,  167,  256 
Cullum,  Sir  John,  Bart.,  i 
Culpeper,  Sir  Edward,  292  ;  Eliza- 
beth, 273,  zj-jn.;  Elizabeth, 
278  ;  Elizabeth,  292  ;  Dame 
Elizabeth,  292 ;  Dame  Jane, 
292  ;  Nicholas,  Esq.,  278  ;  Sir 
William,  292  ;  William,  273, 

Cumberland,  Henry  Clifford,  ist 
Earl  of,  188  ;  Margaret  Clifford, 
Countess  of,  188 

Cuming,  H.Syer,  F.S.A.Scot.,  I99«., 
295  n. 

Cumpton,  Sir  Robert  de,  150 

Cunynggam,  Geo.,  100 

Curson,  Dame  Joan,  274 ;  Sir  John, 

176,  274 
Curtes,  William,  100 
Curteys,  Albreda,  247  ;  John,  201, 


Curzon,  Isabell,  28 1  ;  Walter,  Esq., 

Cusanos,  Cardinal,  64  «. 
Cuthbert,  St.,  68,  69 ». 
Cutis,  Rev.  E.  L.,  3  «.,  jn. 


D  -,  Canon  John,  86 ». 

Dagworth,  Sir  Nicholas,  159,  162 
Dalison,  40 

Dalyngrugge,  Sir  — ,251 
Dalyson,  Thomas,  LL.B,,  88,  140 
Dansell,  Dame  Margaret,  286;  Sir 

William,  286 
Danvers,  Dame  Ann,  279;  Dame 

Ann,  281  ;  Sir  John,  279;  Sir 

John,  281 
Darcel,  Alfred,  5  n. 
Darcy,  John,  Lord,  260  ;  John, 

S.L.,  15,  230». 
Darell,  William,  71 
D'Argenteine,  Sir  John,  159,  161, 


Darley,  John,  134;  John,  Gent., 

Daston,  Anthony,  Esq.,  183 
Daubeney,  Sir  Giles,  169,  260 ; 

Dame  Joan,  260  ;  Dame  Mary, 


D'Aubernoun,  Sir  John,  8,  17,  20, 
145,  147-8;  Sir  John,  II.,  152, 

Daundelyon,  John,  173 
Dauntesay,  John,  Esq.,  56,  177, 

Davis,  Cecil  T.,   104 i87»., 

232».,  3I2». 

Deane,  Rev.  John  Bathurst,  F.S.A., 

Dearmer,  Rev.  Percy,  iim. 
Death,  Ann,  289  ;  Elizabeth,  289  ; 

William,  235,  289 
De  la  Hale,  Edward,  Esq.,  191 
Delamere,  Isabella,  259;  Richard, 

Esq.,  173,  259  ;  Abbot  Thomas, 

43,  46-8,  53,  95 
Dely,  Margaret,  99 
Demoke,  Sir  Robert,  179 
Dencourt,  Elizabeth,  268  ;  Roger, 


Dene,  Archbishop  Henry,  80 
Denny,  Edmunde,  1 1  ;  Thomas, 

Denton,  Henry,  loi 
Denys,  Morys,  Esq.,  178 
Derby,  Earl  of,  116;  see  Richmond 
Dermot,  William,  139 
D'Ertham,  Adam,  91 
Deryng,  Julyen,  277 
Des  Essarts,  Pierre,  i66«. 
Desford,  John,  139 
Despencer  family,  155 
Dethick  family,  295  ». 
Devenish  family,  lady  of,  259 
D'Evereux,  see  Salisbury 
Devon,  Baldwin  de  Redvers,  Earl 

of,  147 ». 
Devonshire,  Duke  of,  188 
D'Ewes,  see  Ewes 
Digby,  see  Bristol 



Dillon,    Viscount,    \^6n.,  168 

Dirckz,  Dirclc  Alewyn,  289 ». 
D'Iseni,  Sir  William,  150 
Disney,  Rev,  Dr.,  t,6n.;  Jane,  287  ; 

Margaret,  284W. ;  Nele,  287; 

Richard,  287;  William,  Esq., 

56  ;  i84».  ;  284 
Dixon,  Nicholas,  231 
Dixton,  Richard,  Esq.,  173 
Dobree,  H.  C.  P.,  iiSn.,  i^^n. 
Dod,  Robert,  2  24«. 
Dodding,  Margaret,  290;  Myles, 

Esq.,  290 
Dodschone,  Hen.,  70 
Donne,  Dr.,  23 

Doreward,  Isabella,  261  ;  John, 

Esq.,  261 
Douce,  Francis,  49 
Dowsing,  Samuel,  3 1 «. 
Dowsing,  William,  30,  31 
Drake,  Mr.,  32 

Drake,  Francis,  Esq.,  299  ;  John, 

Drax,  Richard,  140 
Drayton,  Sir  John,  190 
Dreux,  Robert,  Count  of,  i^n. 
Drew,  Edward,  Esq.,  S.L.,  230^. 
Drury  family,  lady  of,  283  ;  Dame 

Margery,  256  ;  Sir  Roger,  256 
Du  Cange,  Charles  du  Fresne  Seigneur, 


Dudley,  see  Northumberland 
Dugdale,  Sir  William,  ()n.,  96,  223  «., 

225,  303 
Duke,  Anne,  283  ;  George,  Esq., 

283  ;  George,  Gent.,  215 
Dunch,  Anne,  300  ;  Anne,  300 ; 

Henry,  300 
Dunkin,  E.  H.  W.,  103 
Duyse,  Mons.  van,  7 
Dye,  William,  1 16 
Dymoke,  Dame  Elizabeth,  261 «.; 

Sir  Thomas,  261  n. 
Dynne,  Henry,  Esq.,  234 
Dyson,  Master  Humphrey,  308 
Dyson  Richard  Randall,  l85-6». 

Dyve,  Sir  John,  40,  263 
Dyxon,  Adam,  40  ;  "  vycar,"  40 


EcHYNGHAM, Elizabeth,  295  ;Danie 
Joan,  259;  Thomas,  295;  Sir 
William  de,  161  ;  Sir  William, 
169,  259 

Edgcomb,  Thomas,  I37«. 

Edvarod,  Joane,  287//. ;  Valontyne, 

Edward  I.,  19,  145,  243  «. 
Edward  II.,  20,  150,  232 «. 
Edward  III.,  21,  38,  42,  52,  155, 

156,  161,  186,  I98«.,  243«., 

248,  253«.,  254,  270 
Edward  IV.,  169,  229,  271,  277, 


Edward  VI.,  30,  102  k.,  107,  193 

284,  307 
Edward  the  Black  Prince,  6,  i^jn. 
Edward  the  Confessor,  i68w. 
Edward,  John,  226,  232 
Elcok,  Christopher,  212;  Ralph, 


Eleanor,  Queen,  58«. 
Eligius,  St.,  52 

Eliot,  Barbara,  290 ;  Roger,  290 
Elizabeth,  Queen,  24,  lozn.,  lojn., 
108,  now.,  114,  133,  177,  183, 
192,  I93».,  213,  230W.,  232»., 
284,  285,  287,  288,  307,  308-10 
Elizabeth  Woodville,  Queen,  277 
Ellacombe,  Rev.  H.  T.,  M.A.,  F.S.A., 
87  ». 

Ellenbridge  (Elyngbrigge)  ,Thomas, 

Esq.,  64^. 
Elliott,  Rev.  H.  L.,  M.A.,  zy^n. 
Elmebrygge,  Roger,  Esq.,  169 
Eltham,  John  of,  see  Cornwall 
Elys,  William,  231  ;  William,  231 
Empoli,  Jacopo  da,  67  «. 
Engliss',  Beneit,  199 
Englissh,  Sir  Henry,  252  ;  Dame 

Margaret,  252 
Eric  Menved,  King,  44,  58 



Ermyn,  William,  yzff.,  90,  93 
Erpingham,  Sir  John  de,  167 
Erton,  John,  68 

Essex,  Henry  Bourchier,  K.G., 
Earl  of,  171,  176,  186,  187,  191, 
270;  Isabel  Plantagenet,  Coun- 
tess of,  191,  192,  270 

Essex,  John,  Marbler,  303 

Estbury,  John  de,  202 

Estney,  Abbot  John,  95 

Etampes,  Charles  Comte  d',  I49». 

Ethelbald,  King,  58». 

Ethelbert,  King  of  Kent,  58». ; 
King,  58  w. ;  St.,  18,  63«.,  81 

Ethelred,  St.,  King  of  West  Saxons, 
17,  58 

Evelyn,  George,  Esq.,  299 ;  Sir 
John,  299 

Everard,  Henry,  Esq.,  279  ;  Mar- 
garet, 279 

Evreux,  Jeanne,  Countess  of,  57». ; 
Philippe,  Comte  d',  57». 

Evyngar,  Andrew,  55,  212,  276 «., 
277  ;  Ellyn,  55,  277 

Ewes,  Adrian  d',  286 «. ;  Alice  d', 
286  «. 

Eyer,  John,  Esq.,  23l,"286;  Mar- 
garet, 286 

Eynns,  Elizabeth,  z^n. 

Eyre,  Philip,  70 ;  William,  Esq., 


Fairbank,  F.  R.,  M.D.,  F.S.A.,  Sn. 

Faireclough,  Nathaniel,  28 

Fairfax,  Robert,  142 

Fairholt,  F.  JV.,  \jon. 

Faith,  St.,  96,  203,  263 

Farrer,  Rev.  Edmund,  27,  iSjn., 

i88«.,  274W. 
Farrington,  Thomas,  79  «. 
Fastolff,  John,  1 1  ;  Katherine,  1 1 
Faversham,  Dame  Joan  |de,  246 ; 

John  de,  200,  246 
Feasey,  Henry  Phillbert,  O.S.B.,  74/?. 
Felbrig,  Alice  de,  246 ;  Elizabeth 

de,  251  ;  Roger  de,  251  ;  Simon 
de,  201,  246 
Felbrigge,  Dame  Margaret,  257; 
Sir  Simon,  K.G.,  165,  167,  186, 

Feld,  John,  218,  271  ;  John,  Esq., 

Felthorp,  Cecily,  268  ;  Roger,  207, 

Fenner,  Joan,  261 
Fenton,  John,  1 16 
Fermer,  Anne,  282  ;  Richard,  Esq., 

Fermoure,  William,  234 
Ferne,  Bishop  Henry,  1 14 
Ferrers  of  Chartley,  Margaret,  Lady, 

256;  Robert,  Lord,  167,  256 
Ferrers  of  Groby,  William,  Lord, 


Field,  Rev.  H.  E.,  32W. 

Field,  Rev.  J.  E.,  ()zn.,  193 «. 

Filmer,  Sir  Edward,  14,  55,  185, 
186,  216,  291,  292;  Dame 
Elizabeth,  291,  292  ;  Sir  Robert, 

Finiquerra,  Mazo,  i6». 

Fisher,  Bishop,  1 10 

Fittz,  Richard,  235 

Fitzherbert,  Sir  Anthony,  97,  228, 

240,  281:  Jane,  56«, ;  Dame 

Mawde,  240,  281 
Fitzherbert,  Rev.  R.  H.  C,  228/?. 
Fitzjames,  Isabella,  zj^n.,  ijSn.; 

John,  275  w.;  Lady,  zj6n. 
FitzLewes,  Dame  Alice,  279;  Dame 

Elizabeth,  279;  Dame  Jane,  279; 

Sir  Richard,  i8o«.,  279 
FitzLewis,  John,  279 tz. 
FitzPatrick,  see  Salisbury 
Fitzralph,  Sir  — ,  2 1 ».,  151 
Fitzwilliam,  Elizabeth,  266  ;  Eliza- 
beth, 296  ;  George,  Esq.,  296  ; 

William,  Esq.,  8«.,  172,  266 
Fleming,  Alan,  43,  46,  48-9,  197, 

198,  202 
Flemyng,  Thomas,  140 
Fletcher,  William,  218 



Folcard,  Richard,  136 
Forde,  Edmund,  Esq.,  207 
Forester,  F"^.  Martin',  97  w. 
Forster  family,  3  5  ;  a  widow  of, 

Fortescue,  Henry,  Esq.,  289, 294«.; 
Sir  John,  C.J.,  222,  223,  226 
Dame  Mary,  289,  294«. 

Fortey,  John,  208  ;  Thomas,  207 

Fortibus,  de,  see  Albemarle 

Foss,  Edward,  F.S.A.,  i89«. 

Fossebrok,  John,  Esq.,  261  ;  Ma- 
tilda, 261 

Fosset,  Franfoise  du,  56 

Foster,  Joseph,  5  n. 

Fowler,  James,  F.S.A.,  io9«. 

Fowler,  Rev.  J.  T.,  M.A.,  F.S.A., 

Fowler,  Richard,  Esq.,  175 
Fox,  Bishop,  1 10 

Foxley,  Dame  Joan  de,  250;  Sir 
John  de,  250;  Dame  Matilda 
de,  250 

Foxwist,  Richard,  235 

Framlingham,  John,  263  ;  Mar- 
garet, 263 

Frankelin,  Frances,  289  ;  Richard, 

Frankishe,  Dorothy,  202 
Fransham,  Geoffrey,  Esq.,  167 
Fraunces,  Jane,  287;  Michael,  Esq., 

214,  287 
Frekylton,  Henry,  100 
Freme,  William,  211 
Freney,  Archbishop  William  de,  4 
Frere,  Rev.  W.  H.,  i37». 
Freshfield,  Edzvin,  LL.D.,  37 
Freville,  Claricia  de,  255^. ;  Mar- 
garet de,  265  ;  Robert  de,  Esq., 
163,  255 «.;  Thomas  de,  Esq., 
163,  265 
Frilende,  Walter,  71,  83 
Frogenhall,  John,  Esq.,  191 
Fromond,  Elizabeth,   281,  298; 

Thomas,  Esq.,  82,  213,  281,  298 
Frowsetoure,  Dean  Edmund,  89, 
94,  126,  129 

Frye,  John,  loi,  138 

Fryth,  William,  134 

Fulburne,  William  de,  89,  93 

Fulwode,  Robert,  233 

Furnivall,  Frederick  J.,  285  «. 

Fyche,  Geoffrey,  95 

Fyn,  Robert,  70  ». 

Fynderne,  Elizabeth,  259;  Wil- 
liam, Esq.,  166,  167,  259 

Fyneux,  Dame  Elizabeth,  284/;. ; 
Sir  John,  284??. 

Fynexs,  John,  94 

Fysher,  John,  Esq.,  179 


Gabriel,  Archangel,  84«.,  92 
Gadburye, Margaret,  290;  Richard, 

215,  290 
Gage,  Sir   John,   K.G.,  .i88». ; 

Dame  Phillipa,  188??. 
Gaignihes,M.  de,  7«.,  2  8«.,  27o«. 
Galychtly,   Johanes   de,    206  n. ; 

Mariota  de,  206  «. 
Garbrand,  John,  D.D.,  116 
Gardiner,  Robert,  218;  William, 


Gardner,  J.  Starkie,  $n.,  6n. 
Garet,  Robert,  235 
Garland,  Thomas,  2 1 5 
Gascoigne,Thomas,  1 2 6«.,  Thomas, 

Esq.,  182K. ;  Sir  William,  181; 

Sir  William,  C.J.,  227  n. 
Gaspar,  Luke,  295  ;  Ursula,  295 
Gaynesford,  Margaret,  85,  274; 

Nicholas,  Esq.,  85,  191,  274 
Geddyng,  William,  105 
Gee,  Henry,  187 
George,  St.,  155 
Gerard,  Piers,  Esq.,  181 
Gery,  Roger,  139 
Geste,  Bishop  Edmund,  1 1 3 
Gibbes,  Ann,  292;  Henry,  216, 


Giffard,  Sir  John,  34,  154,  156, 
161 «. 

Gilbert,  Sir  John,  z'j'jn. 



Persons  Gildesburgh,  Marjorle  de,  249 ». 

Gironde,  Jean  d'Aragon,  Due  de, 
57»-;  Jeanne,  Duchesse  de, 

Gladwin,  John,  2 1 5 

Gloucester,  Alianore  de  Bohun, 
Duchess  of,  2  2».,  248  ;  Thomas 
of  Woodstock,  Duke  of,  22«., 
248,  270 

Glover,  R.,  311 

Glynne,  William,  299 ;  William, 

Goberd,  William,  94,  141 

Goche,  William,  132 

Goddard,    Guybon,    S.L.,    231  ; 

Thomas,  2 1 1 
Godeale,  Roger,  10 1 
Godfrey,  Robert,  107 
Goldingham,Jane,  282;  John,  282; 

Thomasine,  282 
Goldwell,  Avice,  269 ;  Nicholas, 

137;  William,  210,  269 
Gondeby,  Hugo  de,  204 
Goodman,   Ciselye,    iizn.,  282, 

298;    Edward,    112;/.,  217;/., 

282,  298  ;  Dean  Gabriel,  Ii2«., 

2  17«. 

Goodryke,  Bishop  Thomas,  72,  74, 
75,  80,  83 

Goodwin,  Anna,  1 1 4  «. ;  Dean  Wil- 
liam, 114;;. 

Goodzvin,  Gordon,  1 1 4  ». 

Goodwyn,  Robert,  212,  283;  Sa- 
bina,  283 

Goolde,  John,  136 

Gore,  Maria,  98  ;  Nichol  de,  64 

Gorges,  Sir  Arthur,  185,  292  ;  the 
Lady  Elizabeth,  292 

Gorka,  Bishop  Vrielis  de,  83 

Gorynge,  Dame  Elizabeth,  285  ; 
Sir  William,  285 

Gough,  Richard,  i,  7,  \\n.,  29,  30, 

96».,  i89».,  303s. 
Gower,  John,  204 «. 
Graffton,  Adam,  89,  94 
Grandisson,  Bishop  John,  3 1 1 

Grandmaison,  Millin  de,  i66n,ijc,n. 

Gray,  Andrew,  Esq.,  233;  Arch- 
bishop Walter,  69  «. 

Green,  J.  R.,  ii^n. 

Greenwood,  Benjamin,  Esq.,  26, 
2i7»  293  ;  Philadelphia,  26,  293 

Gregory,  St.,  64^.,  68,  75,  loi 

Grene,  Agnes,  275  ;  Edmund,  275 ; 
Henry,  Esq.,  266;  Margaret, 
266;  Dame  Matilda,  266; 
Richard,  lOO;  Sir  Thomas,  171, 
173,  266;  Walter,  Esq.,  174 

Grenefeld,  Archbishop  William,  64, 

7S,79f  83  «. 
Greve,  Fr.  Thomas,  97 «. 
Grevel,  Marion,  253;  William, 

201,  253 
Greville,  Sir  Edward,  179,  182; 

Sir  John,  182;   Thomas,  23; 

Sir  William,  228 
Grey,  Sir  Anthony,    175,   191  ; 

Edmund,  Esq.,  232 «.;  Dame 

Emma,  269  ;  Sir  Henry,  269 ; 

Elizabeth,  de,  i8o«. ;  Grace  de, 

276;  Mary  de,  276;  Thomas 

de,  Esq.,  180W. ;   William  de, 

Esq.,  276 
Grey  de  Ruthin,  Roger  Grey,  Lord, 

I55»  316 

Grey  de  Wilton,  Arthur,  Lord, 

i88«. ;  Richard,  Lord,  180 
Grigs,  Fr.,  15,  z^on. 
Grovehurst,  John  de,  57,  70 
Gueldres,  Adolphus,  Duke  of,  59  ; 

Katharine,  Duchess  of,  59 
Guise,  — ,  Esq.,  191 
Gunner,  Rev.  William  H.,  M.A., 

Gunter,  John,  216 
Guyldeford,  Sir   Edward,  K.G., 


Guyldeford  (Guildford),  see  North- 
Gybbys,  William,  210 
Gybon,  Thomas,  Gent.,  176 
Gyffard,  Roger,  Esq.,  166  n. 
Gyll,  Richard,  Esq.,  180 




Hacombleyn,  Robert,  95 
Haines,  Rev.  Herbert,  i,  2,  3».,  5, 
6,  7,  14,  i7«.,  19,  24,  26,  27, 
29-307  39»'>  53>  64».,  96, 108 
123,  124,  129,  131,  i34-4^> 
i6i«.,  i66».,  167,  185,  i89»., 
201,  202,  205,  207,  2i4».,  217, 
279».,  285W. 
Haitfeld,  Ada  de,  256  ;  Robert  de, 

203,  256 
Hakebech,  Sir  Adam  de,  150 
Hakebourne,  Richard  de,  63, 71, 83 
Halle,  Elizabeth,  258  ;  Peter,  Esq., 
167,  168,  258;  Thomas,  Esq., 

Hallum,  Bishop  Robert,  57,  i87». 

Halsham,  Sir  Hugh,  167,  259; 
John,  259;  Dame  Joice,  259; 
the  Lady  Philippa,  259 

Hampden,  Sir  John,  181  ;  John, 
Esq.,  179 

Hampton,  Dame  Alice,  99  ;  Isa- 
bella, 272 ».,  298;  John,  99; 
Thomas,  Esq.,  176,  272  w.,  298 

Hamsterley,  Ralph,  25 

Hanensee,  Eghardus  de,  72  ;  iz6n. 

Hansard  family,  knight  of,  l68«. 

Hansart,  Anthony,  Esq.,  178K., 
279  ;  Katherine,  279 

Hanson,  Robert,  39 

Hardy,  T.  Duffus,  1 1 5  ». 

Hardyng,  Robert,  193 

Hare,  Nicholas,  Esq.,  232 

Harflet  or  Harflete,  see  Septvans 

Hargreve,  Geoffrey,  138 

Harlakynden,  Thomas,  Esq.,  181 

Harlestone,  Alice,  279 

Harpedon,  Sir  John,  169,  264 

Harper,  Dame  Margaret,  287  ;  Sir 
William,  183,  218,  287 

Harris,  George,  1 5 

Harsick,  Dame  Catherine,  248  ;  Sir 
John,  161,  248 

Harsnett,  Archbishop  Samuel,  30, 
55>  75»  76»-,  108,  113-14 

Hart,  Boneface  de,  2 1 «. 

Harte,  Malyn,  284;  Thomas,  284 

Hartshome,  Albert,  F.S.A.,  i89». 

Hartshorne,  Rev.  C.  H.,  8 

Harvey,  W.,  209/?. 

Harvye,  Sir  Jarrate,  184 

Harwedon,  Margery,  265  ;  Wil- 
liam, Esq.,  265 

Hastings,  Sir  Hugh,  8,  43,  49-50, 
5i>  53>  154;  Ralph,  204». ;  see 

Hatche,  Henry,  212,  276,  316; 
Joan,  276 

Hatton,  Mary,  290  ;  Richard,  290 

Hauley,  Alice,  248  ;  Joan,  248  ; 
John,  Esq.,  163,  248 

Haultoft,  Gilbert,  231  ;  Margaret, 


Hautryve,  William,  125,  130 
Hawberk,  John,  299  ;  Sir  Nicholas, 

264,  299 
Hawford,  Edward,  129 
Hawkesworth,  William,  I27». 
Hawkins,  Aphra,  290;  Henry,  290; 

Thomas,  Esq.,  184 
Haydock,  Dr.  Richard,  14 
Hayton,  Robert,  Esq.,  \6\n. 
Hay  ward,  Richard,  126,  130 
Heere,  Gerard  de,  44,  5 1  ;  John 

de,  44,  5 1 
Hefner- A Iteneck,  J.  H.  von,  I24»., 


Heies,  Humphrey,  215;  Hum- 
phrey, junr.,  215 

Heigham,  Dame  Anne,  286  ;  Dame 
Anne,  286;  Sir  Clement,  229, 

Hellard,  Stephen,  139 
Hemenhale,  Sir  Robert,  264 
Henry  II.,  5  n. 

Henry  IV.,  22,  156,  I57«.,  164, 
i89«.,  202,  2o6«.,  2zjn. 

Henry  IV.  of  France,  289  «. 

Henry  V.,  57,  i<^6n.,  164,  192, 

Henry  VI.,  164,  i66»,,  169,  186, 
224,  231,  303,  304 



Persons  Henry  VII.,  22,  1 7 1,  177,  189, 
247«.,  275,  303 
Henry  VIII.,  29,  74«.,  I26«.,  180, 
190,  192,  21 1,  230,  232«.,  280, 

Henry,  St.,  of  Finland,  Bishop, 
43-4  »• 

Hereford,  Humphrey  de  Bohun, 
Earl  of,  152  n. 

Heringen,  John  de,  \26n. 

Hermanzone,  Arnold,  54». ;  Cor- 
nelius, 54  «. 

Heron,  Alice,  286  ;  Thomas,  142  ; 
William,  Esq.,  286 

Hert,  James,  93,  134,  315 

Hertcombe,  John,  210,  274; 
Katherine,  274 

Hertford,  William,  Earl  of,  299 

Hervey,  Abbess  Elizabeth,  98 

Herward,  Anne,  273  ;  Robert,  273 

Hesilt,  William,  266 

Heth,  John,  93 

Hevenyngham,  Anne,  275  ;  Tho- 
mas, Esq.,  181,  275,  316 

Hewett,  William,  82 

Hewitt,  John,  2427/. 

Hewke,  Walter,  93,  130 

Heylesdone,  Beatrice  de,  200,  246  ; 
Richard  de,  200,  246 

Heyward,  William,  1 29 

Higate,  Thomas,  Esq.,  184 

Higgins,  Thomas,  15 

Hildesley,  Mrs.,  3 1 

Hobart,  Frances,  290;  Henry,  Esq., 
184;  James,  Esq.,  214,  290 

Hodges,  George,  185 

Hogenbergh,  Abraham,  14;  Re- 
migius,  14 

Holbein,  Hans,  280,  283  w. 

Holcot,  Robert,  91 

Holden,  Agnes,  283  ;  William, 

Holes,  Sir  Hugh  de,  227 
Holl,  Thomas,  216;  Thomas,  Esq., 

Holland,  see  Kent 
Hollar,  Wenceslaus,  291 

Hollis,  Thomas  and  George,  i89«., 

240     242  ».,  280 
Holloway,  Henry  Richard,  \n. 
Holte,  Thomas,  Esq.,  228 
Honywode,  Robert,  132 
Hop,  Thomas  de,  71 
Hope,  W.  H.  St.  John,  M.A.,  84»., 

96,  97».,  i88«. 
Hopper,  Thomas,  14 
Hord,  Dame  Frances,  292 ;  Sir 

Thomas,  292 
Hornbie,  Gabr.,  15 
Hornby,  Jane,  279 
Hornebolt,  Gerard,  I4«.,  55 
Horsey,  John,  Esq.,  180 
Horton,  Thomas  de,  43,  49-50, 

S3,  70,  loi 
Hotham,  John,  128 
Hoton,  Joan,  263  ;  Robert,  263 
Hotspur,  see  Percy 
Hovener,  Albert,  44,  50-2 
Howard,  Catherine,   281  ;  Lady 

Katherine,   187W.,  280;  Lord 

William,  281  ;  Norfolk 
Huddesfeld,  Dame  Katherine,  279  ; 

Sir  William,  279 
Huddleston,  Anthony,  Esq.,  287  ; 

Mary,  287 
Hudson,  Franklin,  1 
Huggeford,  Thomas,  303 
Hull,  William,  84«. 
Humfray,  Hugo,  135 
Humfre,  Joan,  64/?. ;  Thomas,  15, 

64  ». 

Huntington,  John,  94,  139 
Hurry,  Jamieson  B.,  M.A.,  M.D., 

Hurst,  Leonard,  1 1 5 
Hutton,  — ,  281  ;  wife  of,  28 1 
Hyde,  Ann,  300;  Barnard,  Esq., 

300;    Laurence,    Esq.,  214; 

William,  38 
Hyett,      H.,  iz^n. 
Hyklott,  Margaret,  99  w. ;  William, 

99  «. 

Hyldesley,  William,  215 
Hyll,  Walter,  89,  138 



Hylle,  Thomas,  128 

Ifield,  Sir  John  de,  152  «. 
Ingeborg,  Queen,  of  Denmark,  44, 

58,  244 ». 
Inglisshe,  Alexander,  10 1 
Ingylton,  Clemens,  269;  Isabella, 

269;  Margaret,  269;  Robert, 

Esq.,  175,  232,  269,  271,  317 
Isabella  of  Bavaria,  Queen  of  France, 


Iwarby,  Dame  Jane,  279  ;  Sir  John, 


James  I.,  193  «.,  214 

James,  St.,  84 

James^  Dr.  M.  R.,  44 

James,  Roger,  214 

Jarmon,   Anna,    z6zn.\  Henry, 

210«.  ;  262». 

Jassy,  George,  136 

Jay,  Joan,  298  ;  John,  298 

Jean  of  France,  son  of  Louis  VIII. 

16;  son  of  St.  Louis  IX.,  5«.  ' 
Jeane,  Queen  of  Navarre,  56». 
Jeans^  Rev.  G.  E.,  yn.,  261  w. 
Je^i>,  Rev.  John^  M.A.,  \  \zn. 
Jemlae,  Rice,  117 
Jenyns,  Jane,  287;  Raphe,  Esq., 

183,287,316  '  ^' 

Jernemu...  (Yarmouth),  William 


Jerome,  St.,  63,  64 «. 
Jewitt^  Llezvellynn,  F.S.A.,  8o»., 
i98«.,  295». 

Joan  of  Navarre,  Queen,  i89«., 

206  «. 
Jocelin,  Bishop,  4 
John  I.  of  Portugal,  262 
John  Baptist,  St.,  104 
John,  Sir  Levies,  272  ;  Margaret 

272  ' 

Johnson,  Hugh,  iijn.;  Peter,  loo 
Johnston,  C.  £.,  zzyn. 

Johnys,  Sir  Hugh,  180,  193 
Jombharte,  William,  140,  315 
Jones,  Rev.  Canon  W.  H.,  ^n. 
Jones,  William,  Gent.,  216 
Jordan,  Agnes,  98 
Jugee,  Archbishop  Pierre  de  la, 
48  w. 

Juyn,  Sir  John,  C.J.,  227 

Katherine,  St.,  94 
Katherine  of  Aragon,  Queen,  58«., 

Kegell,  Richard,  134 
Kelke,Rev.  W.  Hastings.^  106  n. 
Kelly,  lohanna,  262 
Kendale,  Richard,  100 
Kent,  John,   141 -2,  316;  John, 
2I4». ;  John,  Esq.,  216,  291  ; 
Mary,  291  ;  Thomas  Holland, 
Earl  of,  269 
Kenvs^ellmersh,  Mrs.  Ann,  292 
Kerdeston,  Dame  Cecilia  de,  251, 
316;  Sir  William  de,  161,  251 
Keriell,  Jane,  269 
Keyt,  Jerome,  140 
Kidw^elly,  Geoffrey,  Esq.,  210 
KilligreviT,  John,  Esq.,  184 
King,  John,  Gent.,  216 
King,  Thomas  Wm.^  F.S.A.,  ii5«. 
Kirby,  Thomas  Frederick,  M.A.,  316 
Kite,  Edward,  1 1  w.,  17,  21 ».,  103, 

Kneller,  Sir  Godfrey,  293 
Knevet,  Elizabeth,  279;  Sir  Wil- 
liam, 279 

Knevynton,  Ralph  de,  43 , 1 5  7  i  r o, 

Knight,  Bishop,  3 1 1 

Kniveton,  Joan,  296,  317;  Nicho- 
las, Esq.,  191,  296 

Knox,  A.,  115  n. 

Knox,  John,  125  «. 

Knyghtley,  Sir  Edmund,  284^. ; 
Thomas,  Esq.,  181  ;  Dame  Ur- 
sula, 284W. 




Persons  Knyvet,  John,  Esq.,  \6']n. 

Kyggesfolde,  Agneys  de,  200,  246, 

316;  John  de,  200,  246 
Kyllygrewe,  Thomas,  210 
Kyllyngworth,  John,  136 
Kyngdon,  Johanna,  269 ;  Roger, 

94,  208,  2I4«.,  269,  298 
Kyngeston,    John,    294 ;  Dame 

Susan,  98,  294 
Kyngston,  Dame  Elizabeth,  187; 

Sir  William,  K.G.,  187 
Kyrkeby,  William,  88 
Kyrkeham,  Robert,  104 


Lace'j^  Rev.  T.  A.^  103 «.,  109, 
1 2 1 ».,  123  ;;. 

Lacon  family,  member  of,  175, 
273  ;  wife  of,  273 

Lacroix,  Paid,  52«.,  103  «. 

Lacy,  Peter  de,  70 

Lake,  Bishop  Arthur,  114 

Laken,  Sir  William,  227 

Lambarde,  Anne,  274;  John,'94«., 
218,  274 

Lambespring,  Bartholomew,  304-5 

Lancaster,  Aveline,  Countess  of, 
239«.,  243  «.;  Edmund  Crouch- 
back,  Earl  of,  I56«. ;  Henry 
Plantagenet,  Earl  of,  155;  House 
of,  22,  188 

Langeland,  William,  222 2  24». 

Langeton,  Canon  William,  88 

Langham,  George,  Esq.,  266 ;  Isa- 
bella, 266 

Langley,  Prior  Geoffrey,  96 ;  Wil- 
liam, 102 

Langton,  Dame  Eufemia,  266  ;  Sir 
John,  172,  266  ;  Robert,  89,  93, 
132  ;  Archbishop  Stephen,  123  ; 
William,  100 

Latham,  Grace,  296 

Laud,  Archbishop  William,  115, 
1 25  w. 

Launceleyn,  John,  Esq.,  165,,  169 
263  ;  Margaret,  263,  316 

Lawnder,  William,  107 

Lawrence,  St.,  72«.,  84 «. 

Lee,  Rev.  Frederick  George,  D.D., 

F.S.A.,  75      Ill  n. 
Leeds,  Edward,  1 3 1 
Leek,  Simon,  260W. 
Legg,  J.  Wickham,  M.D.,  F.S.A., 

73«.,  74W.,  78«.,  84«.,  !86ff., 

1 10,  I29«. 
Legh,  Elizabeth,  64W.;  Dame  Ellen, 

279;  Sir  Peter,  83,  180,  279; 

Roger,  64».,  loi 
Leigh,  Thomas,  54 «. 
Leland,  John,  16 
Lely,  Sir  Peter,  293 
Leman,  Thomas,  107 
Le  Moigne  family,  member  of,  2  5  5 ; 

Maria,  his  wife,  255 
Lence,  Stephen,  1 1 5  w. 
Le  Neve,  John,  1 1 5  «. 
V Estrange,  John,  2^2  n. 
L'Estrange,  Sir  Roger,  179,  18 1 
Le  Straunge,  Sir  Thomas,  191 
Letarous,  i/\.n. 
Lethenard,  John,  208 
Leventhorp,  Edward,  Esq.,  184; 

Edward,  Esq.,  288,  289  ;  Eliza- 
beth, 289  ;  (Leenthorp),  John, 

Esq.,  178  ;  Mary,  288 
Leventhorpe,  John,  Esq.,  169,  264, 

316;  Katherine,  264 
Leverick,  Sir  John,  i58«. 
Leveson,  Nicholas,  218 
Lewenstein,    Glorius    Count  of, 

Lewis,  David,  I32». 
Lewys,  John,  104 
Lichefeld,  William,  1 3 1 
Liddel,  Duncan,  133 
Liddell,  H.G.,  Dean,  ^-J  n. 
Lindewode,  Bishop  William,  io8ff., 


Lippe,  Bishop  Bernard  de,  57,  74»-> 

Lloyd,  Griffin,  116;  Hugh,  132 

Lloyde,  David,  139 

Lockhart,  Rev.  William,  6^n.,  88 «. 



Lodge^  Edmund^  F.S.A.,  z%on, 

Lodyngton,  William,  227 

Loggan,  David,  izm. 

Loncin,  Antone  de,  3 

Lond,  Robert,  101 

London,  John,  138 

Longe,  Anne,  288  ;  GyfFord,  288  ; 

Henry,  Esq.,   i66». ;  Robert, 


Lorenzetti,  Pietro,  48  ». 
Louis  VIIL,  16 
Louis  IX.,  St.,  5». 
Louth,  Nicholas  de,  91 
Lovell,  Anne,  286;  Gregory,  Esq., 

Lovelle,  John,  88 

Loveney,  William,  Esq.,  163 

Lowe,  Sir  John,  1 64 

Lowthe,  John,  131,  132,  315 

Lucas,  Abbot  John,  95  ». ;  William, 

95«. ;  William,  M.A.,  116 
Ludsthorp,  William,  Esq.,  171 
Luke,  Nycholas,  Esq.,  229;  Sir 

Walter,  228 
Lumbarde,  John,  22 
Lupton,  Roger,  92 
Luttrell,  Sir  Andrew,  161 
Lyndewode,  Alice,  132,  265;  John, 

132,  204,  265,  299  ;  John,  junr., 

205  ;  William,  see  Lindewode 
Lyon, John,  215 

Lyons,    Lieut.-Col.  Croft,  312; 

Raphe,  141  n. 
Lyra,  Nicholas  de,  69 ». 
Lysle,  Sir  John,  168 
Lyte,  H.  C.  Maxwell^  C.B.,  23o«. 
Lyte,  Thomas,  230». ;  William, 

S.L.,  23o». 
Lytkot,   Christopher,   Esq.,  179, 

284,  316;  Katherine,  284 


Macalhter,  R.  A.  S.,  32?/.,  63  77 
Machlin,  Rev.  H.  W.,  1 9, 34^.,  1 24«. 
Macnamara,  F.  N.y  1 63  n. 

Magnus,  Archdeacon  Thomas,  89, 

90,  94 
Maitland,  William,  166  n. 
Malford,  Richard,  89 
Mallet,  Richard,  15 
Mallevorer,  John,  Esq.,  185 
Malmaines,  Richard,  Esq.,  169 
Malster,  William,  134 
Maltoun,  John,  Esq.,  174 
Malyns,  Reginald  de,  251 
Manchester,  Earl  of,  3  i 
Manfeld,  Isabel,    295;  Richard, 

208  ;  Robert,  295 
Mann,  J.,  15  ;  Thos.,  15 
Manners  family,  member  of,  191 
Manning,  Percy,  M.A.,  F.S.A.,  i4^n. 
Mannock,  Dame  Dorothy,  291; 

Sir  Francis,  Bart.,  291 
Manston,  Nicholas,  Esq.,  165,  191 
Mapilton,  John,  90,  93 
March,  Roger  Mortimer,  Earl  lof, 


March eford,  Simon,  92  w. 
Mareys,  Thomas,  136;  William, 
Esq.,  174 

Marie   de   France,   daughter  of 
Charles  IV.,  56  «, 

Markenfield,  Sir  Thomas,  191 «. 

Markham,  John,  C.J.,  229 

Marriott,  Rev.  W.  5.,  75,  86,  108  n. 

Marshall,  Edward,  14,  55s.,  185*.; 
Richard,  100 

Marsham,  Elizabeth,  283  ;  John, 
64».,  212,  218,  283 

Martin,  St.,  94«. ;  Henry,  71 

Martok,  John,  133 

Martyn,  Anna,  259  ;  Prioress  Eliza- 
beth, 98^.;  John,  227,  259; 
Richard,  203,  263  ;  wife  of,  263 

Mary,  Queen,  lo-jn.,  192,  229, 

Marzi,  Bishop  Angelo,  67 ». 
Masaccio,  105  ». 

Mason,  Henry,  117  ;  Thomas,  137 
Massingberd,  Rev.  W.  O.,  256 

Massyngberde,  Dame  Johanna,  190, 
256;  Sir  Thomas,  190,  256 



Persons  Mauleverer,  Elizabeth,  15 

Mauleverere,  Dame  Elianor,  252; 

Sir  John,  162,  252 
Mauntell,  Sir  Walter,  178 
"Max,"  13 

Maynwaryng,  William,  210 
Mayo,  Charles,  M.D.,  lyw. 
Mayo,  Rev.  Canon  C.  H.,  11,  987/. 
Mayo,  John  H.,  189W. 
Mayo,  Bishop  Richard,  2«.,  81-2 
Mede,  Philip,  Esq.,  179 
Memling,  Hans,  64 ». 
Mentmore,  Abbot  Michael  de,  43, 

Mershden,  John,  92  s. 
Merton,  Bishop  Walter  de,  61 
Meryng,    Dame    Millicent,  257, 

261,  316;  Sir  William,  261 
Meyrick,  Samuel  Rush,  145 
Michael,  St.,  84«.,  268 
Micklethzuaite,  J.  T.,  F.S.A.,  11 1«. 
Middiltoun,  William  de,  I27«. 
Mierevelt,  zSgn. 
Milbourn,  Thomas,  30«. 
Millar,  A.  H.,  F.S.A.  Scot.,  206;/. 
Millard,  James  Elwin,  54«. 
Mohun,  Anne,  278  ;  John,  Esq., 

179,  278  ;  Thomas  de,  Esq., 


Molyneux,  Dame  Elizabeth,  2847/.; 

Dame  Jane,  284». ;  Sir  Richard, 

183  ;  Sir  William,  182,  284 «. 
Molyngton,    Dame  Agnes,  266  ; 

Sir  Thomas,  266 
Molyns,  Dame  Margery,  265  ;  Sir 

William,  168,  265 
Mond,  William,  210 
Montacute,  Elizabeth,  Lady,  198s., 

245  n. ;  see  Salisbury 
Montagu,  Sir  Edward,  223  ». 
Montalt,  Sir  Robert  de,  zm. 
Montfaucon,  Bom  Bernard  de,  16, 

28«.,  56,  57«.,  135,  242«. 
Montmorency,  Charles  de,  56;/. 
Moor,  William,  134 
Moore,  John,  95 
Moote,  Abbot  John  de  la,  40 

Mordon,  Thomas,  90,  140 
Moreelse,  Paul,  289 ». 
Morewood,  Grace,  15,  293  ;  John, 

15,  216,  293 
Morgan,  Octavius,  l^zn. 
Morrey,  Thomas,  1 1 5  «. 
Mortimer,  see  March 
Morton,  John,  Cardinal,  64  w. 
Morys,  John,  94 

Mostyn,   Dame   Mary,   15;  Sir 

Roger,  15 
Mott,  James,  233 
Mottesfont,  John,  139 
Mountague,  Thomas,  2I4«. 
Mountain,    Archbishop  George, 

1 15  «. 

Mountford,  Agnes,  99,  105,  267  ; 
Cecily,  99;  Henry,  105;  Tho- 
mas, Esq.,  99,  105,  267 
Mul,  Bishop  Johan  de,  44,  52,  315 
Mullinger,  James  Bass,  M.A.,  izm. 
Mulsho,  Joan,  263  ;  John,  Esq., 

203,  263 
Mundeford,  Francis,  Esq.,  282; 

Margaret,  282 
Murray,  the  Regent  Earl  of,  27 
Muscote,  John,  Gent.,  234 
Musgrave,  Dorcas,  290 ;  Thomas, 
Esq.,  290 


Naylor,  Edward,  117 
Neele,  William,  8o».,  315 
Nelond,  Prior  Thomas,  79,  96 
Neve,  Francis,  290;  Hester,  290 
Nevell,  Sir   Edward,   24?/.;  Sir 

Thomas,  213 
Nevill,  see  Warwick 
Neville,  Sir  Thomas,  267 
Nevynson,  Thomas,  Esq.,  183 
Newcome,  Rev.  Richard,  ziyn. 
Newdegate,  John,  S.L.,  231 
Newport,  Wenefride,  296 
Newton,  Sir  Richard,  C.J.,  227 ». 
Nicholas,  St.,  52 
Nichols,  J.  B.,  29,  35 



llichoh^  J.  G.,  i88«. 

Noke,  Thomas,  Esq.,  214,  286; 

his  three  wives,  286 
Norbury,  Dame  Anna,  266 ;  Sir 

Henry,  266 
"Norden^  John,  9». 

Norfolk,  Agnes,  Duchess  of,  187, 
278 Thomas  Howard,  ist 
Duke  of,  K.G.,  280 ;  Thomas 
Howard,  2nd  Duke  of,  187  ;  see 

N orris,  Hugh,  260 «. 

North,  Richard,  72 

Northen,  Robert,  100 

Northumberland,  Henry  Percy, 
Earl  of,  1 88  ;  Lady  Jane  Guylde- 
ford.  Duchess  of,  i88«.,  285; 
John  Dudley,  Duke  of,  285 

Northwode,  Dame  Joan  de,  56, 
242;  Sir  John  de,  56,  I50»., 
152,  153;  John,  278;  wife  of, 
278  ;  family,  member  of,  175 

Norton,  Dame  Alice,  215,  287; 
Sir  John,  287;  John,  91,  96; 
Richard,  C.J.,  227 
Norwiche,  John,  262 «.;  Maud, 

262  w.;  William,  217 
Notingham,  Herry,  2  3».,  203,  253 ; 
his  wife,  253 


Oker,  Humphrey,  Esq.,  39,  260 ; 

Isabell,  260  ;  their  children,  297 
Oldcastle,  Sir  John,  264 
Ord,  Craven,  i,  33 
Ormunde,  Earl  of,  see  Bullen 
Osborne  family,  member  of,  294  s. ; 

Julian,  his  wife,  294». 
Oskens,  Henry,  56 
Oswyn,  St.,  47 
Otho,  Cardinal,  I03». 
Oudeby,  John,  90  «. 
Ouds,  Thomas,  84 
Ouvry,  Frederic,  F.S.A.,  224?/. 
Overbury,  William,  202 

Oxenbrigg,Agnes,  295 ;  Robert,  295 
Oxford,  Elizabeth  de  Vere,  Coun- 
tess of,  281,  312  ;  John  de  Vere, 
Earl  of,  281,  312 


Pabenham,  Dame  Elizabeth,  262  ; 

Sir  Laurence,  262 
Page,  Arthur,  290 ;  Sessely,  290 
Page,  William,  F.S.A.,  43«.,  84»., 


Pagge,  Margaret,  264,  297;  Robert, 

207,  208,  264,  297 
Palmer,  John,  141  ;  Thomas,  233 
Palmer-Palmer,  Rev.  J.  R.,  26 
Parice,  Henry,  Esq.,  171 
Paris,  Alienora  de,  246 ;  Robert 

de,  198,  246 
Parker,  John,  207 
Parker,  John  Henry,  18 
Parker,  Archbishop  Matthew,  Sfw., 

1 10,  1 13  w. 
Parkers,  Roger,  92 
Parsons,  Ralph,  312 
Patesley,  Thomas,  90 
Paul,  St.,  47,  84,  104 
Paulet  family,  193  ». 
Paycock,  Joan,  283  ;  John,  283  ; 

family,  member  of,  274;  two 

wives  of,  274 
Payn,  John,  Esq.,  179;  William, 


Payton,  Mary,  287;  Richard,  214, 

Peck,  Rev.  Francis,  32 
Peckham,  Amphillis,  38,  296;  Sir 

Edmund,  296  ;  James,  Esq.,  177 
Pecok,  John,  201 
Peeche,  Sir  William,  178-9 
Pekham,  Joyce,  279  ;  Reynold,  279 
Peletoot,  Sir  Philip,  160 
Pembridge,  Sir — ,  ic,zn. 
Pembroke,   Aymer    de  Valence, 

Earl   of,    I56«. ;   William  dc 

Valence,  Earl  of,  6,  18,  57; 

Lawrence  Hastings,  Earl  of,  155 



Persons  Pgn,  John,  Esq.,  292  ;  Sarah,  292 
Penhallinyk,  Warin,  94,  139,  315 
Pennebrygg,  Sir  Fulk,  254;  Dame 

Margaret,  254 
Perch,  John,  140 
Perchehay,  Radulphus,  71 
Percy,  Henry  "Hotspur,"  257 
Perdrier,  Jean,  135 
Perepoynt,  Elizabeth,  28 1 ;  George, 

Esq.,  281 
P^rry,       295  ». 

Peryent,  Joan,  190,   261  ;  John, 

Esq.,  167,  190,  261,  316;  John, 

junr.,  Esq.,  167 
Pescod,  Walter,  201 
Peter,    St.,  47,  6jn.,  84,  104; 

Bishop,  iz6n. 
Pettwode,  — ,  282  ;  Margaret,  282 
Pever,  Thomas,  296 
Peyton,  John,  34;  Margaret,  273  ; 

Margaret,  273  ;  Thomas,  Esq., 

175,  273 
Peytone,  Sir  John  de,  150 

Phelip,  Dame  Christina,  269  ;  Sir 
John,  165,  190,  261  ;  Dame 
Matilda,  190,  257,  261  ;  Mat- 
thew, 269 

Philip,  Bishop,  I4«. 

Philippa ofHainault,  Queen,  253ff. 

Philippe  le  Bel,  56 w. 

Philippe,  son  of  Louis  VIII.,  16 

Phillips^  Claude^  289 ». 

Piatus,  St.,  3 

Pierson,  John,  15 

Piggot,  John,  F.S.A.,  151 ». 

Pisan,  Christine  de,  258ff. 

Plain,  Guillaume  de,  i\n. 

Planche,  J.  R.,  S"-,  69,  ijon., 
i89«.,  192//.,  i98».,  203ff., 
2o6».,  209».,  226».,  24o»;, 
247».,  258»..  270W.,  271,  272W., 
284«.,  289».,  293 

Plantagenet,  the  Lady  Anne,  270  ; 
see  Anjou,  Cambridge,  Essex, 
Gloucester,  Lancaster,  Richmond 

Playters,  Anna,  273  ;  Christopher, 
Esq.,  176;  Thomas,  Esq.,  171, 

175,   273;   Thomasine,  2S7; 

William,  Esq.,  287 
Plessi,  Johane,  244s.,  245,  295 
Plewme,  William,  137 
Plumleigh,  Barbara,   290 ;  John, 


Pole,  Dame  Joan  de  la,  250;  Sir 

John  de  la,  250 ;  see  Suftblk 
Pollard,  Aly  anora,  262  ;  John,  262 
Polton,  Edith,  263  ;  Archdeacon 

Philip,  91,  138,  263;  Thomas, 

204,  205,  263 
Poo/e,  Rev.  G.  J.,  sSn. 
Popham,  Sir  John,  38 
Porte,    Elizabeth,    294 ;  Henry, 


Porieous,  W.  W.^  2iw.,  27,  105  s. 

Porter,  John  Alt,  iS6». 

Porter,  William,  135 

Portyngton,  Thomas,  91 

Potter,  Thomas,  212 

Pettier,  Andre,  igzn. 

Poulett,  Margaret,  290  ;  Nicholas, 

Esq.,  185,  290 
Powis,  Sir  Edward  Charlton,  Lord, 

269;  Eleanor,  Lady,  269 
Pownder,  Emma,  276 ;  Thomas, 

54,  212,  276 
Powys,  John  ap  Meredyth  de,  1 1 


Poyle,  Elizabeth,  262  ;  John,  Esq., 
168,  262 

Prelatte,  William,  Esq.,  175 

Prestwyk,  William,  90,  93 

Price,  Abbot  Hugo,  95  ». 

Prideaux,  Agnes,  ii^n.;  John, 
114W. ;  Bishop  John,  114 

Procter,  William,  117 

Prophete,  John,  93 

Pugin,  A.  W.,  43,  48 

Pulling,  Alexander,  S.L.,  221-3, 
226».,  230^. 

Purdaunce,  Margaret,  266 ;  Rich- 
ard, 217,  266 

Pursglove,  Bishop  Robert,  74,  75//., 
81,  107W. 

Pury,  Nicholas,  Esq.,  233 



Pygott,  Thomas,  S.L.,  230 
Pyke,  John,  38,  97  . 
Pyrton,  Dame  Catherine,  267  ;  Sir 
William,  191,  209 «.,  267 


QUARTREMAYN,    Joan,     265,     3  17; 

Katherine,  261,  316;  Thomas, 
261,  316;  Thomas,  Esq.,  265, 


Quartremayns,  Richard,  Esq.,  171, 

175,  268  ;  Sybil,  268 
Quek,  John,  207  ;  Richard,  208 
Quentin,  St.,  72».,  84. 


Rabenstain,    Eberard   de,  87»., 

RadclifF,  Richard,  133 
Raine,  Rev.  Jmnes,  M.A.,  1 5  «.,  68  »., 

69  ». 

Raine,  Rev.  James,  M.A.,  junr., 

Raleigh,  Sir  Walter,  193  ». 

Rampston,  Robert,  zi\n. 

Randoll,  Elizabeth,  232». ;  Wil- 
liam, 232«. 

Randolph,  William,  216 

Rashdall,  Rev.  Hastings.^  M.A.,  121 ». 

Rashleigh,  Alice,  289;  John,  289 

Ratclifte,  Dame  Joan,  296 ;  Sir 
Robert,  296 

Raynsford,  Hercules,  Esq.,  183 

Rede,  Ann,  285  ;  George,  92,  105  ; 
John,  S.L.,  230;  John,  135; 
Peter,  Esq.,  176,  285 

Redprn,  W.  B.,  108 315 

Redford,  Sir  Henry,  251 ;  Dame 

Redvers,  de,  see  Devon 

Reves,  Thomas,  116 

Reynes,    Agnes,    266  ;  Thomas, 

Esq.,  174,  266 
Ribera,  see  Alcala 
Rice,  Robert  Garratvay^  6\n. 

Richard  II.,  19,  156,  168,  203 »., 

206 ».,  255  ». 
Richard  III.,  169,  274 
Richardson,  Edmund,  82 
Richardson,  Edzvard,  204^.,  2o6«. 
Richers,  William,  100 
Richmond  and  Derby,  Margaret, 

Countess  of,  247  «. 
Ridley,  Bishop,  1 10 
Rickman,  Thomas,  18 
Rikhill,  Catherine,  262  ;  William, 


Robertson,  Professor  J.  C,  1 1 1 «. 
Robertson,  Canon  Scott,  Z\n. 
Robinson,  Bishop  Henry,  14,  77, 

113,  1 1 7  ;  Sir  J.  Charles,  F.S.A., 


Robinson,  Rev.  N.  F.,  106  n.,  109, 
no,  113,  i2i«.,  123-5,  209» 
223  «. 

Robinson,  William,  LL.D.,  F.S.A., 

Robroke,  William,  82 
Robyns,  John,  92 
Rock,  Daniel,  D.D.,  78 
Rodye,  Nich.,  303 
Roger,  Bishop,  3,  4». 
Rogers,  W.  H.  H.,  ^jn.,  iizn, 
Rokeby,  Archbishop  William,  80 
Roli,  Thomas,  S.L.,  103 224, 


Rolond,  Nichol,  230,  265  ;  Perncl, 
265  ;  Walter,  Esq.,  167 

Roope,  Nicholas,  141 

Roos,  Bryan,  131;  family,  lady  of, 

Rose,  Jehan,  and  wife,  6,  7 
Rothewelle,  Archdeacon  William 

de,  51,  86,  87,  91,  93 
Rotton,  Elizabeth,  292 ;  Thomas, 


Rouclyff,  Brian,  228 

Routh,  Dame  Agnes,  190,  257,  261 ; 

Sir  John,  165,  190,  257 
Rowlat,  Ralf,  2 1 1 
Rowley,  Thomas,  218 
Rudhale,  Richard,  130 



Persons  Rudolphus,  Bishop,  72  ». 

Rugge,  Elizabeth,  283;  Robert,  81, 

218,  283 
Rupez,  Thiebauz,  7 
Rusche,  John,  211 
Russel,    Dame    Isabel,   251  ;  Sir 

Morys,  157,  251 
Russell,  Elizabeth,   278  ;  Bishop 

John,  82;  Sir  John,  182;  Sir 

John,  184';  Robert,  Esq.,  278 
Rust,  Mary,  289;  Robert,  289 
Ruston,  Joseph,  289 ». 
Rutland,  Thomas,  96 
Rutter,  Bishop  Samuel,  27,  115 
Rye,  Walter,  23 2 w. 
Rykeman,  John,  97 
Ryther  family,  lady  of,  24.2 «. 


Sackville,  Mistress  Ann,  287, 294«. 
St.  Amand,  Almeric,  Lord,  155; 

Elizabeth,  Lady,  275  ;  William 

Beauchamp,  Lord,  275 
St.  John,  see  Zouch 
Saintmaur,  Hon.  Edward,  299 
St.  Maur,  Laurence  de,  42/;.,  70, 

72».,  84 

St.  Quintin,  Dame  Agnes  de,  257  ; 
Sir  John  de,  11,  157,  158,  254, 
255». ;  Dame  Lora  de,  254, 
255 w.;  Sir  Thomas  de,  165, 
168,  257;  Thomas  de,  Esq., 
173,  191,  316 

St.  Veraen,  Jeanne  de,  56ff.,  242/7. 

Salaman  family,  a  member  of,  153  n. 

Sales,  Helene,  311;  Thomas,  3  1 1 

Salisbury,  Countess  of,  189 
William  D'Evereux  or  Fitz- 
Patrick,  Earl  of,  5  n. ;  Alice  de 
Montacute,  Countess  of,  1 1 ». ; 
Alianore  de  Montacute,  Coun- 
tess of,  1 1 «. ;  Thomas  de  Mon- 
tacute, 4th  Earl  of,  1 1 ». ;  Wil- 
liam de  Montacute,  Earl  of,  192 

Salle,  Thomas,  Esq.,  165,  168 

Salmon,  Agnes,  262;  Thomas,  Esq. 

Sampson,  Henry,  94  ;  John,  1 1 

Samson,  James,  4 

Samwaies,  Peter,  1 5 

Sanderson^  Bishop  Robert^  32 

Sanderson,  H.  K.St.  J.,  i6w.,  i89». 

Sandford,  Francis,  \%(^n. 

Sandys,  Dame  Margaret,  54 w. ; 
William,  Lord,  54». ;  Sir  Wil- 
liam, 54W. 

San  Gallo,  Francesco  di,  67/;. 

Saunder,  Alice,  282;  Nicholas,  Esq., 
180, 282 

Saunders,  Francis,  233 

Savage,  Sir  Arnald,  165,  190,  316; 
Sir  Arnold,  265  ;  Dame  Johanna, 

Sawnders,  Richard,  212 

Saxaye,  William,  234 

Saxony,  Albert,  Duke  of,  599. ; 
Barbara,  Duchess  of,  59«.;Ernst, 
Duke  of,  59«. ;  Frederick  the 
Good,  Duke  of,  59W. ;  Frederic, 
Duke  of,  59». ;  Frederic,  Duke 
of,  59». ;  John,  Duke  of,  59W. ; 
John  Ernst,  Duke  of,  59». ; 
Sidonia,  Duchess  of,  59«. 

Say,  Dame  Elizabeth,  273 ;  Sir 
John,  8,  172,  191,  273 

Sayer,  John,  210 

Scarisbrick  family,  member  of,  181 
Schelewaerts,  Jacobus,  129 
Schorne,  John,  105 lo6». 
Schraderus,  306 
Schurmans,  Maria,  289 ». 
ScolfFyld,  John,  loi 
Scors,  William,  207 
Scot,   William,   Esq.,    165 ;  Sir 

William,  177 
Scott,  William,  Esq.,  296 
Scott,  Dean  Robert,  37». 
Scrope,  Sir  Richard,  312 
Sedley,  John,  211  ;  John,  234 
Seford  (Sever),  William,  I26«. 
Segrym,  Ralph,  218 
Seint-John,  William  la,  2l«. 



Selntlegier,  Thomas,  Esq.,  163 
Selby,  Isodia,  273  ;  Thomas,  210, 


Selwyn,  John,  24,  289  ;  Susan,  289 
Selyard,  John,  213 
Seman,  Simon,  217 
Semys,  John,  218,  280;  Margaret, 

Sender,  Roger,  205 
Senno,  Archbishop  Jacobus  de,  77 
Septvans  {alias  Harflete),  Christo- 
pher, 184,  289;  Jane,  292-3; 
Mercy,  289  ;  Walter,  Esq.,  216, 

293,  316 
Serken,  Bishop  Burchard  de,  44, 

47,  52,  315 
Seroux  d'  Agincourt^  J.-B.L.G.,lo^n. 

Setvans,  Sir  Robert  de,  145,  147, 


Sever,  Henry,  93,  126,  128;  see 

Sextus,  St.,  Pope,  68 
Seymour,  Sir  John,   211;  John, 

211;  see  Hertford 
Seyntaubyn,  Alicia,  274,   275  w.; 

GeofFry,  274,  275  k. 
Seyntmaur,  John,  Esq.,  176 
SAazv,  Henry^  F.S.A.,  86«.,  I49». 
Shawell,  Richard,  192 
ShefFeld,  Edward,  132 
ShefFelde,  Robert,  94,  137 
Sheldon,  Elizabeth,  279 
Shelley,  Edward,  Esq.,  286  ;  Eliza- 
beth, 279  ;  Joan,  286 ;  John, 

Esq.,  181,  279 
Shelton,  Dame  Alice,  257;  Sir 

Ralph,  167,  257 
Sherard,  Geoffrey,  278  ;  Joyce,  278 
Shernborne,  Jamima,  268 ;  Thomas, 

Esq.,  172,  174,  268,  317 
Shiers,  Robert,  233 
Shorland,  John,  299 
Shrewsbury,  John  Talbot,  Earl  of, 

206  ». 
SImplicius,  St.,  i89». 
Simpson^  Grace  H.  M.,  z'J'jn. 
Simpson^  Rev.  W.  Sparrow^  io6«. 

Singer,  E.  R.,  26 

Skelton,  William,  140 

Skerne,  Joan,  259;  Robert,  207, 

232,  259 
Sleford,  John  de,  93 
S/W///5,  E.  Bertram^  \n. 
Smith,  Tom  C,  13W. 
Smith,  Walter,  I37». 
Smyght,  William,  106 
Smyth,  Anne,  274K. ;  Jenkyn,  192, 

2o8,_  274,  316;  John,  274«. ; 

Marion,   274;   William,  Esq., 


Snayth,  Alicia,  256  ;  William,  256 
Snell,  William,  136 
Soden-Smith,  R.  H.,  M.A.,  F.S.A., 

Solms-Braunfels,  Prince,  311 

Somer,  Thomas,  202 

Sondes,  Thomas,  138 

Songar,  — ,  105 

Sothill,  Gerard,  Esq.,  4 

Southwell,  Robert,  Esq.,  232 

Sowthe,  John,  see  Lowthe 

Spekynton,  Richard,  140 

Spelman,  Ela,  278  ;  Dame  Eliza- 
beth, 282;  Henry,  Esq.,  218, 
278;  Sir  John,  193,  229,  282 

Spence,  John,  135,  137W. 

Sperehawke,  John,  129 

Spetyll,  Hugo  atte,  205 

Spicer,  John,  70 w. 

Spycer,  Joan,  263  ;  Margaret,  263  ; 
Margaret,  264;  Reginald,  263, 

Stafford,   Archbishop   John,   80 ; 

Ralph,    Lord,    155,  249;  see 

Sia/ey,  Rev.  Femon,  J\n. 
Stanberry,  Bishop  John,  8 1 
Standon,  see  Stondon 
Stanley,  Henry,  Esq.,  178,  179; 

Sir   Humphrey,   178;  Bishop 

James,  74,  75«.,  80 
Stapel,  Thomas,  192 
Stapilton,  Brian  de,  169,  258 ».; 

Cecilia  de,  2  58«. 




Pkksons  Stapleton,  Dame  Ela,  265  «. ;  Dame 

Elizabeth,  274;  Dame  Joan  de, 

249  ;  Dame  Katherine,  274;  Sir 

Miles  de,  33,  161 «.,  249,  316  ; 

Sir  Miles,  265  n. ;  Sir  Milo,  274  ; 

William,  Esq.,  172 
Starky,  Hugh,  Esq.,  181 
Stathum,  Thomas,  Esq.,  174 
Staunton,  Dame  Agnes,  268  ;  Sir 

Robert,    174,    268;  William, 

204  ». 
Staverton,  John,  227 
Stephanus,  Bishop  of  Tournay,  86 
Stephen,  St.,  84 ». 
Stephenson,  Mill^  F.S.A.,  i5«.,  37^., 

42«.,  43».,  45«.,  56».,  81//., 

96n.,  i92».,  i97». 
Stevyn,  William,  134 
Stevyns,  Thomas,  303 
Steyne,  Paesschine  van  den,  56 
Stigand,  Archbishop,  68 
Stodeley,  John,  97 
Stoke,  Abbot  John,  97  «. 
Stokes,  Elena,  263,  297;  Thomas, 

Esq.,  204,  263,  297,  299 
Stoket,  Katherine,  263/;. 
Stokys,  Elizabeth,  284  ;  John,  102  ; 

John,  211  ;  Robert,  284 
Stondon,  Richard,  84/7.,  315 
Stone,  John,  4 ;  Peter,  207 
Stones,  Thomas,  117 
Stonor,  John,  142 
Storke,  Alice,  275  n. 
Siothard^  C.  A.,  $n.,  6n,,  239;/., 

242  n. 

Stoughton,  Thomas,  Gent.,  184 
Stow,  John,  i66w. ;  226«. 
Strabolgie,  see  Athole 
Strange  of  Knokyn,Jacquetta,  Lady, 

277 ;  John  le  Strange,  Lord, 

180,  277 
Strangways,  Sir  Gyles,  184 
Strelley,  Dame  Issabella,  273  ;  Sir 

Robert,  273 
Strensall,  John,  93 
Strete,  John,  104,  128 
Strode,  Arthur,  234 

Strutt,  Joseph,  246  n. 
Stuart,  House  of,  24,  183,  185 
Stubbes,  Phillip,  285 288 ». 
Style,  Dame  Brydgett,  285  ;  Dame 

Elizabeth,  285;  Sir  Humfrey, 

182,  285 
Suckling,  Alfred,  1 1 
Suckling,  Sir  Robert,  167,  190 
Suffolk,  Michael  de  la  Pole,  Earl 

of,  168  w. 
Sulyard,    Edward,    209  r,.,  278, 

298  «. ;  Myrabyll,  278 
Surrey     Archasological  Society, 

178//.,  278 
Surrey,  Earl  of,  see  Arundel 
Sussex,  Robert,  Earl  of,  29 
Suttherton,  Nicholas,  99 
Sutton,  Fayth,  30;  Abbot  John, 

96 ;    John,    30 ;    Robert,  95  ; 

Thomas,  30 
Svanders,  Margaret,  14,  55 
Swan,  Joan,  267  ;  John,  267 
Swayn,  Thomas,  135 
Swertius,  306 

Swetenham,  Matthew,  Esq.,  190 

Swift,  Robert,  213 

Swynborne,   Sir   Robert,    l64». ; 

Sir  Thomas,  164,  190 
Swynstede,  John  de,  70 
Sylvester,  Pope,  68 
Symonds,  Richard,  Esq.,  235 


Taberam,  William,  137 

Tacham,  Edward,  72 

Takeley,  Abbot  Thomas  of,  96 

Taknell,  John,  71 

Talbot,  Roger,  15;  see  Shrewsbury 

Tame,  Alice,  278 ;  Sir  Edmond, 

181  ;  John,  Esq.,  177,  178,  278 
Tannere,  William,  87^.,  94 
Taylard,  William,  133 
Taylare,  Dame  Dorothe,  287  ;  Sir 

Lawrence,  287 
Taylor,  William,  30 
Tendring,  Sir  William,  159 



Tendryng,  Tomesina,  295//. ;  Wil- 
liam, Esq.,  295  ». 
Terri,  John,  212,  2 1 8,  283  ;  Lettys, 

Teylar,  Thomas,  94 
Thaseburgh,  Richard,  yon. 
Theel,  John,  Esq.,  191 
Thinne,  William,  Esq.,  180 
Thomas,  St.,  of  Canterbury,  69«., 


Thomas,  Wiliiam^  D.D.,  303 
Thompson,  -Sir   Edward  Maunde, 

K.C.B.,  i27«.,  2o6». 
Thornely,  Ja?nes  L.,  I3». 
Thorneton,  Abbot  Robert,  3 1 1 
Thornhlll,  Richard,  214 
Thornton,  Agnes,  54,  260 ».,  297; 

Roger,  27,  51,54,  72 ».,  91,205, 

26o».,  297,  299;  Thomas,  1 1 5  «. 
Throckmorton,    Alianora,     266 ; 

John,  Esq.,  170,  173,  266,  316 
Thurbern,  Robert,  89,  93 
Tibarde,  William,  134 
Timmins^  H.  Thovnhill,  F.R.G.S., 


Tiptoft  and  Powis,  Sir  John  Tiptoft, 
Lord,  269 ;  Joice,  Lady,  269 ; 
see  Powis 

Todenham,  John,  207 

Toke,  John,  Esq.,  178  ;  John,  Esq., 
182;  Nicholas,  Esq.,  185;  family, 
ladies  ot,  293 

Tonge,  Thomas,  71,  89 

Tooke,  William,  Esq.,  234 

Topclyff,  Mabel  de,  43,  245,  247, 
315,  316;  Thomas  de,  43,  48, 
52,  53,  201,  247,  315 

Torksay,  John,  117 

Tornay,  James,  2I4». 

Torrell,  Thomas,  Esq.,  174 

Torrington,  Margaret,  ^50;  Rich- 
ard, 202,  250 

Towne,  William,  128 

Tregonwell,  Sir  John,  184,  231 

Trembras,  John,  136 

Trencreeke,  Robert,  233 

Trenowyth,  John,  Esq.,  180 

Trevnwyth,  Agnes,  268  ;  Oto,  268  Persons 
Trilleck,  Bishop  John,  73,  80,  83 
Trond,  St.,  84 

Trumpington,  Sir  Roger  de,  17, 

20,  145,  148,  149 
Tucker,  Stephen,  Somerset  Herald, 


Tudor,  House  of,  24 
Turner,  Dorothy,  300;  John,  300 
Tumour,  Joan,  276-7;  William, 

T'jack,  Rev.  George  Smith,  won. 

Tyard,  Thomas,  135 

Tylbert,  John,  71 

Tylson,  Thomas,  140 

Tyndall,  Avice,  287  ;  Dean  Hum- 

frey,  116;  Thomas,  287 
Tyrell,  Dame  Alice,  260?;. ;  Dame 

Anne,  267;  Sir  John,  260 

Sir  Thomas,  267 
Tyrrell,  Anne,  24 «. 


Ulger,  Bishop  of  Angers,  6  n. 
Underhill,  Anne,  283  ;  Thomas, 

283  ;  Bishop  John,  81 
Unton,  Henry,  Esq.,  175,  234 
Urban,  Johanna,  256;  John,  204, 


Urswick,  Christopher,  130 
Urswyk,  Dame  — ,  271,  272  ;  Sir 
Thomas,  99,  228,  271,  272,  3  16 


Valence  (or  Varleance),  John  de, 

17,  18  ;  see  Pembroke 
Vandyke,  291 
Vaughan,  Guil.  15 
Vawdrey,  Ralph,  138 
Verdun,  Dame  Matilda  dc,  240 ; 

Sir  Theobald  de,  240 
Vere,  de,  see  Oxford 
Verieu,  John,  71 



Peksons  Verney,  Dame  Elizabeth,  285  ;  Sir 

Ralph,  182,  285 
Vernon,  Arthur,  100,  136;  Dame 

Margaret,  266,  27 : ;  Sir  William, 

171,  172,  175,  266,  271 
Verzelini,  Elizabeth,  290 ;  Jacob, 

Esq.,  214,  290 
Vincent,  Miss  E.  M.,  18  ft. 
Viollet  le  Due,  E.  E.,  48  «. 
Vir,  Bishop  Barthelemy  de,  3 
Vynter,  William,  205 


Wadham,  Dorothie,  290  ;  Nicholas, 
Esq.,  185,  290;  Sir  William, 
173,  266;  his  wife,  266 

Wake,  Walter,  138;  Archbishop 
William,  1 1 5  «. 

Wakeherst,  Elizabeth,  276  ;  Rich- 
ard, Esq.,  211,  276 

Walcott,  Rev.  Mackenzie  E.C.^i  09  ». 

Waldeby,  Archbishop  Robert  de, 

Walden,  John  de,  199 
Waleis,  Robert,  136W. 
Wales,  Arthur,  Prince  of,  128,  133; 

Prince  Edward  of,  ^8n. 
Waller^].  G.,  15W.,  647/.,  241,248, 

260  ». 

Waller^  J.  G.  andL.  A.  B.,  i,  9,  10, 
H»-,  37,  44,  45.  55,  "4«m 

Waller,  William,  14 

Walsh,  Dame  Katherine,  252  ;  Sir 
Thomas,  252 

Walshe,  Joan,  198,  246;  Simon, 
198,  246 

Walsokne,  Adam  de,  28,  43,  48, 
50,  52,  197,  198,  202;  Mar- 
garet de,  43,  48,  197,  243 

Walter,  Archbishop  Hubert,  84 «. 

Walter  the  Mason,  1 3 

Waltham,  Joan,  297  ;  Bishop  John 
de,  75,  80,  83,  84 

Walysch,  Thomas,  Esq.,  i64».,  168 

Wantele,  John,  166,  167 

Wantyng  (Wantone),  Dame  Ellen, 
243  ;  Sir  John  de,  154  ' 
Warde,  Robert,  71 

Wardeboys,  Abbot  John  Laurence 

de,  41,  95 
Warham,  Elizabeth,  106;  Robert, 

106;  Archbishop  William,  106, 

1 10 

Warner,  Sir  Edward,  182 
Warthim,  Philip,  100,  105,  138 
Warwick,  Cecily  {ne'e  Ncvill), 
Duchess  of,  312;  Henry  Beau- 
champ,  Duke  of,  311-12  ;  Mar- 
garet de  Beauchamp,  Countess 
of,  252;  Richard  Beauchamp, 
Earl  of,  9«.,  II,  9o».,  303-6; 
Thomas  de  Beauchamp,  Earl  of, 
36,  162,  252;  Thomas  Beau- 
champ, Earl  of,  155;  Richard 
Nevill,  Earl  of  (King-Maker), 

Washington  family,  34 
Waterton,  Edmund.^  F.S.A.,  74 «, 
Watton,  Alicia,  269  ;  Robert,  Esq., 

170,  269 
Wattys,  John,  235 
Way^  Albert^  37 
Wayte,  Thomas,  Esq.,  176 
Weather  ley  ^  W.  S.,  i^Sn. 
Webbe,  Anne,  286;   John,  214, 


Weever^Jokn,  30,  48».,  286«.,  306- 


Weld,  Sir  Humphrey,  290 ;  Miss, 

of  Leagram,  312 
Welley,  William,  207 
Wells^  Edtcard,  D.D.,  3 1  n. 
Welysham,  Roger,  1 1 
Wenemaer,  Willem,  I53». 
Wenslagh,  Simon  de,  43,  46,  53, 

70,  lOI 

West,  Edmund,  S.L.,  231  ;  John, 
68,  71,  205  ;  Maria,  264;  Rev. 
Richard  Temple,  26  ;  William, 
205,  264 

Westeley,  Thomas,  lOI 

Westlake,  John,  136 



Weston,  Richard,  229 
Weststow,  William,  100 
Whalley,  Robert,  214 
Whappelode,  William,  6^n. 
Wharton,  Arthur,    299;  Philip, 

Lord,  299 
Wheathamstead,  Abbot  John  of, 

46,  207 
Whelpdall,  John,  132 
White,  Bishop  John,  88-90,  114. 

264;  John,  Esq.,  181  ;  William, 


Whltelocke^  Sir  J  antes  ^  225  », 
Whittingham,  Dean,  30,  32 
Whychurch,  Abbot  William,  312 
Whyte,  Edward,  Esq.,  283  ;  Eliza- 
beth, 283 
Whytton,  John,  85,  104 
Wiclif,  Ralph,  300 ;  William,  300 
Wideville,  Alice,  262  ;  Elizabeth, 
262 ;  Thomas,  Esq.,  40,  191, 
262,  315 
Wilkins^David^  D.D.,  69».,  103 

II2».,  I23». 

Wilkynson,  Thomas,  138 
Willement,  Thomas,  F.S.A.,  224». 
Willemin,  N.  X,  5».,  192 k. 
Willesden,  Bartholomew,  234 
William  of  Hatfield,  Prince,  198  «.; 

of  Windsor,  Prince,  I98«. 
WilHams^  Charles,  14 ». 
Williams,  Erasmus,  14, 116  ;  John, 

Lord,  182 
Williams^  Rev.  J.  F.,  M.A.,  I30», 
Williams,  Stephen  fF.,  F.R.LB.A., 


Willis,  Browne,  32,  232 
Willoughby    de     Broke,  Lord, 

Willoughby  d'Eresby,  Lucy,  Lady, 
260;  Margaret,  Lady,  252; 
Matilda,  Lady,  267 ;  Robert, 
Lord,  252;  Robert,  6th  Lord, 
K.G.,  267  ;  William,  4th  Lord, 
163,  260 

Wilson,  John,  1 5  ;  Mr.,  127a. 

Wiltshire,  Earl  of,  see  Bullen 

Winder,  Peter,  1 16 
Windham,  Thomas,  Esq.,  184 
Wingfeld,  Dame  RadclifF,  288  ;  Sir 

Thomas,  288 
Wingfield,  John,  Esq.,  183 
Wiot,  Edward,  Esq.,  215 
Woddomes,  Richard,  1 16 
Wodehowse,  Robert,  1 00 
Wolsey,  Cardinal  Thomas,   1 10, 

182,  277«. 
Wolstonton,  William,  45.  199 
Wood,  Jnthony.^  izzn.,  izSn. 
Wood,  J.  G.,  26 ». 
Wood,  Nicholas,  233 
Woodstock,  see  Gloucester 
Woodville,  see  Elizabeth 
Worsley,  Thomas,  1 40 
Wotton,  Nicholas,  139;  Richard 

de,  104 ». 
Wren,  Bishop  Matthew,  108  «. 
Wright,  Thomas,  zS». 
Wrioihesley,  109  w. 
Wryght,  John,  1 39 
Wyard,  Richard,  139 
Wybarne,  40 

Wygornia,  Hawisia  de,  14 

Wykys,  Henry,  88 

Wylcotes,  Dame  Alicia,  253  ;  Sir 

John,  163,  191,  253 
Wylde,  Cecilia,  265  ;  Edith,  296; 

Elizabeth,  296  ;  John,  Esq.,  296; 

William,  Esq.,  265 
Wylleys,  Richard,  93 
Wylloughby,  Margaret,  274 ;  Rauf, 

Esq.,  274 
Wyllynghale,  John,  71 
Wymbyll,  Robert,  211 
Wynne,  Sir  Richard,  1 5  ;  Dame 

Sarah,  15 
Wynston,  Ismayne  de,  249 
Wynter,  John,  208 
Wyntryngham,  Robert,  93 
Wyntworth,  Thomas,  139 
Wythe,  Robert,  100 
Wythines,  John,  D.D.,  117 
Wyvill,  Bishop  Robert,  7,  80,  192, 




Persons  Yden,  Pawle,  2I2 

Yelverton,  Dame  Agnes,  272  ;  Sir 

William,  191,  229,  272 
Yerd,  John,  28 

Yong,  Bishop  John,  70,  74,  80,  82 
Yonge,  Anne,  281;  Francis,  Esq., 

York,  House  of,  22,  188,  269 
Younge,  John,  207 
Yslyngton,  John,  102,  106,  129, 

Ysowilpe,  Bishop  of  Verden,  16, 
63,  69,  78 


Zeigeler,  Eobanus,  iz6n. 

Zenobio,  San,  67  ». 

Zoest,  Johan  von,  44,  49.  51,  52, 
244 ». ;  his  wife,  44,  244?/. 

Zouch,  Alice,    Lady,    39,   260 ; 
Elizabeth  {ne'e  St.  John),  Lady 
39,  296;   William.  Lord,  39' 
260,  296  ;  Eudo  de  la,  131 

 ,  Elizabeth,  252 

 ,  Elizabeth,  268 

 ,  Nicholas,  192 



Aberdeen,  27,  133 
Abergavenny,  I32». 
Abingdon,  Berks.,  St.  Helen's,  129, 

Abingdon  Pigotts,  Cambs.,  208, 

Acle,  Norfollc,  117 
Acton,  SufFolk,  145, 146,  147,  180, 

Acton  Burnell,  Salop,  159,  161 
Adderbury,  Oxon.,  174,  191 
Adderley,  Salop,  81 
Addington,  Kent,  170,  256,  269 
Aire  in  Artoise,  54», 
Aldborough,  Norfolk,  273 
Aldborough,  Yorks.,  36,  157,  159, 

Aldbourne,  Wilts.,  4,  1 00 
Aldbury,  Herts.,  182,  285 
Aldermaston,  Berks.,  35 
Allerton  Mauleverer,  W.  Yorks., 

162,  252 
Althorne,  Essex,  99 
Amberley,  Sussex,  166,  167 
Amersham,  Bucks.,  299 
Amiens,  z6n. 
Amsterdam,  54«. 
Angers,  St.  Maurice,  6«. 
Anthony,   East,   Cornwall,  257, 


Antwerp,  54«. 
Aosta,  2i«. 

Apuldrefield,  Kent,  zt^on. 
Ardingley,  Sussex,  211,  276,  278, 

292,  317 
Arundel,  Sussex,  71,  83,  91,  94, 

191,  258 

Ash-next-Sandwich,  Kent,  1 5 1  w., 
I58«.,  184,  216,  266,  269,  289, 
292,  293 
Ashbourn,  Derbyshire,  17 
Ashbury,  Berks.,  140,  199 
Ashby  de-la-Zouch,  Leics.,  204 «. 
Ashby  Puerorum,  Lines.,  7 
Ashby  St.  Legers,  Northants,  106, 

204,  263,  278,  297,  299 
Ashford,  Kent,  250,  259 
Ashover,  Derbyshire,  70,  294 ». 
Ashringe  House,  Bucks.,  70 
Aspley  Guise,  Beds.,  104,  191 
Assington,  SufFolk,  176,  282 
Assisi,  67;/. 

Astley  Abbots,  Salop,  295  «. 
Aston,  Herts,  214^. 
Aston,  Warwickshire,  228,  280 
Aston-le-Walls,  Northants,  290 
Aston  Rowant,  Oxon.,  150 
Attenborough,  Notts.,  77/. 
Attleborough,  Norfolk,  29 
Attlebridge,  Norfolk,  100,  231 
Auckland,  St.  Andrew's,  Durham, 

IS,  91 

Aughton,  East  Yorks.,  172,  266 
Autun,  77  «. 

Aveley,  Essex,  43, 45,  50, 1 57,  1 59, 

Avenbury,  Herefordshire,  4 
Aylesford,  Kent,  45,  168,  262 
Aylsham,  Norfolk,  140 


Badlesmere,  Kent,  1 1 1 315 
Baginton,  Warwickshire,  162,190, 

Sainton,  E.  Yorks.,  loi 
Baldock,  Herts.,  205,  269 

I  See  also  List  of  Illustrations. 



Pj-aces  Balsham,  Cambs.,  89,  90,  93 

Bamberg,  75«.,  77,  87 w.,  izGn. 
Bampton,  Oxon.,  91,  292 
Banwell,  Somerset,  133 
Barcheston,  Warwickshire,  135 
Bardfield,  Great,  Essex,  231 
Barham,  Suffolk,  232 
Barking,  Essex,  102,  136s. 
Barneck,  Northants,  67 
Barnes,  Surrey,  296 
Barningham,  Suffolk,  132 
Barrow,  Suffolk,  229,  286 
Barsham,  Suffolk,  167,  190 
Barton-on-Humber,  Lines.,  217 
Barwell,  Leics.,  117 
Basingstoke,  Hants.,  Holy  Ghost 

Chapel,  54», 
Bath,    114;    Downside  Abbey, 


Battle,  Sussex,  117,  165 
Bawburgh,  Norfolk,  100,  135 
Bayeux,  68 
Bayford,  Herts.,  84 
Beachamwell,  Norfolk,  70 
Beauchampton,  Bucks.,  zzn. 
Beaumaris,  Anglesea,  94  n. 
Beckenham,  Kent,  182,  285,  286 
Beckington,  Somerset,  176,  273 
Bedale,  Yorks.,  15 
Beddington,  Surrey,  169,  204,  207, 

262,  297 
Bedford,  St.  Paul's,  14,116,  183, 

218,  287 
Bedwyn,  Great,  Wilts.,  2 1 1 
Beeford,  Yorks.,  71,  89 
Belaugh,  Norfolk,  176,  274 
Belgium,  3,  26  ». 
Belstead,  Sufi'olk,  282 
Bennington,  Herts.,  92».,  233 
Bentley,  Little,  Essex,  191,  209/;., 


Bergholt,  East,  Suffolk,  216 
Berkeley,  Gloucs.,  211 
Berkhampstead,  Great,  Herts.,  15, 

64«.,  202,  244,  250,  254 
Berwick,  21 

Berwick  Basset,  Wilts.,  205 

Bettws-Cedcwain,  near  Newtown, 
Montgomery,  loi  ' 

Biddenden,  Kent,  216 
Biddlesden,  Bucks.,  228 
Blgbury,  Devon,  263,  268 
Bigby,  Lines.,  1 1 7 
Billingham,  Durham,  94 
Bircham,  Great,  Norfolk,  235 
Birchington,  Kent,  207,  208 
Birmingham,  Municipal  Art  Gal- 
lery,  277  w.;   Oscott  College, 
2  24«. ;  St.  Martin's,  no 
Bisham  Priory,  Berks.,  ii»,,  21 

Bishop  Burton,  E.  Yorks.,  100 
Bitton,  Gloucs.,  4,  86«.,  87s. 
Blakesley,  Northants,  190 
Bletchingley,  Surrey,  295 
Blickling,  Norfolk,  22,  159,  162, 

199'  207,  268,  273,  276,  295 
Blisland,  Cornwall,  82 
Blockley,  Worcs.,  8ow.,  100,  105, 

138,  140 
Bobbing,  Kent,  165,  190,  265 
Bocking,  Essex,  261 
Boddington,    Upper,  Northants, 


Bodiam,  Sussex,  160 
Bookham,  Great,  Surrey,  233 
Boroughbridge,  Yorks.,  36,  160 
Bosbury,  Herefordshire,  4 
Boston,  Lines.,  7,  93,  201 
Bottesford,  Leics.,  90,  91,  93 
Boughton-under-Blcan,  Kent,  184 
Bowden,  Great,  Leics.,  45,  199 
Bowers  Giffbrd,  Essex,  34,  154, 

Boxgrove,  Sussex,  97//. 
Boxley,  Kent,  136,  183 
Brabant,  44 

Brabourne,  Kent,  165,  177,  296 
Bradfield,  W.  Yorks.,  15,  216,  293 
Bradford-on-Avon,  Wilts.,  288 
Brading,  Isle  of  Wight,  4 
Brampton,  Norfolk,  231 
Brampton-by-Dingley,  Northants, 



Brancepeth,  Durham,  140 
Brandsburton,  Yorks.,  ii,  71,  I57> 

158,  254,  255». 
Braunton,  Devon,  282 
Bray,  Berks.,  192,  227,  250,  290 
Bredgar,  Kent,  102,  1 37 
Bredon,  Worcs.,  114 
Breslau,  72».,  126//. 
Brightlingsea,  Essex,  210,  275,  294, 


Brightwell,  Berks.,  10 1 
Brightwell  Baldwin,  Oxon.,  227 
Brington,  Great,  Northants,  71 
Brisley,  Norfolk,  10 1,  102 
Bristol,  Cathedral,  26;  St.  James', 
216,  292;  St.  John,  218;  St. 
Mary  Redcliffe,  179,  227,  230, 
298,    316 ;    St.  Peter's,    loi  ; 
Temple  Church,  40,  88,  202, 
264  ;  Trinity  Almshouses,  204 
Broadclyst,  Devon,  2  30«. 
Broadwater,  Sussex,  90,  93 
Broadway,  Worcs,,  183 
Bromham,  Beds.,  40,  191,  262 
Bromham,  Wilts.,  184,  215,  275, 

Bromley,  Kent,  214 
Bromley,  Great,  Essex,  70 
Broughton,  Lines.,  251 
Broughton,  Oxon.,  257 
Broughton  GifFord,  Wilts.,  l66». 
Brown  Candover,  Haets,  212 
Broxbourne,  Herts.,  8,  35,  101, 

137,  172,  179,  191,  192,  273 
Bruges  Cathedral,  129,  199 
Brundish,  Suffolk,  70 
Brussels,  44 
Buckland,  Herts.,  102 
Buckland  Broadway,  312 
Budock,  Cornwall,  184 
Burford,  Salop,  245 
Burgate,  Suffolk,  256 
Burgh,  Norfolk,  1 1 6 
Burgh  Wallis,  Yorks.,  182 k, 
Burlingham,  South,  Norfolk,  100 
Burnham  Thorpe,  Norfolk,  168, 


Burton,  Sussex,  285-6 
Burton,  Long,  Dorset,  28 
Burwell,  Cambs.,  41,  72,  76,  95 
Bury  St.  Edmunds,  Suffolk,  Abbey, 
38;  St.  Mary,  94,  192,  208, 

Buslingthorpe,  Lines.,  140 
Buxton,  Norfolk,  100 
Byfleet,  Surrey,  94 
Byland  Abbey,  96  «. 


Callington,  Cornwall,  227,  269 
Callipolis,  80 

Camberwell,  Surrey,  see  London 

Cambridge,  13,  65,  122,  283  ; 
University,  121  ». ;  Christ's  Col- 
lege, 129,  247 Clare  Hall, 
131;  Corpus  Chrlsti  College, 
127,  I36«. ;  Fitzwilliam  Mu- 
seum, 155  ;  Gonville  and  Caius 
College,  116;  King's  College, 
95,  128,  129,  133;  Pembroke 
College,  lo8». ;  Queens'  Col- 
lege, 116,  134,214;  St.  Benet's, 
125,  127;  St.  John's  College, 
34,  12IW.,  131,  247«. ;  St. 
Mary  the  Less,  128;  Trinity 
College,  115;  Trinity  Hall,  93, 
130,  132,  139 

Cambridgeshire,  1 3 

Campese,  263 

Campsey  Ash,  Suffolk,  10 1,  102 
Canterbury,  See  of,  78,  90©.,  106, 
II3».,  115,  123;  Cathedral,  6, 
64».,  79,  84?/.,  I57«.,  l89». ; 
Hackington,  i89«.;  St.  George's, 
88;  St.  Margaret's,  208;  St. 
Martin's,  58^.,  184,  214,  287; 
St.  Mary  Magdalene,  Burgate, 
34,  212;  St.  Stephen's,  i89«. 
Cardington,  Beds.,  181,  184 
Cardynham,  Cornwall,  103 
Carisbrooke,  Isle  of  Wight,  3 
Carlisle  Cathedral,  77,  80,  8i«., 



Places  Carshalton,  Surrey,  6^n.,  85,  191 
Cartmel,  97  «. 

Casterton,  Little,  Rutland,  162, 
190,  253 

Castle  Ashby,  Northants,  72  «,,  90, 

Castle  Donnington,  Leics.,  174, 


Cawood,  Yorks.,  li^n. 
Cawston,  Norfolk,  105  ». 
Chalcedon,  81 

Chalfont  St,  Peter,  Bucks.,  39,  64  h. 
Chalgrove,  Oxon.,  173 
Chalons-sur-Marne,  7 
Channel  Islands,  27 
Charlton  Makerel,  2  30«. 
Charlwood,  Surrey,  180,  282 
Chart,  Great,  Kent,  178,  182,  185, 

210,  269,  293 
Chartham,  Kent,93,94, 137, 145-7 
Charwelton,  Northants,  281 
Cheam,  Surrey,  28,  82,  200,  201, 

'213,  281,  298 
Checkcndon,  Oxon.,  230 
Cheddar,  Somerset,  165,  169 
Chedzoy,  Somerset,  1 78/;, 
Chelsea,  see  London 
Chelsfield,  Ken4  82,  271 
Cheltenham,  Gloucs,,  228 
Cherlton,  Kent,  36,  104 
Chesham  Bois,  Bucks.,  182 
Cheshunt,  Herts,,  11,  12,  231 
Chester,  See  of,  114;  Holy  Trinity, 

187  ;  St.  Peter,  232 
Chesterford,  Great,  Essex,  283 
Chesterford,  Little,  Essex,  266 
Chevening,  Kent,  116 
Chichester  Cathedral,  14s.,  79»., 


Chigwell,  Essex,  30,^55,  75,  108, 

Childrey,  Berks.,  131,  166,  167, 

259,  294 
Chingford,  Essex,  2I4». 
Chinnor,  Oxon.,  64,  128,  244,  251 
Chipping  Campden,  Gloucs.,  201, 

207,  208,  210,  253 

Chipping  Norton,  Oxon,,  34,  207 
Chiselhurst,  Kent,  235 
Chittlehampton,  Devon,  273 
Cholsey,  Berks.,  21 
Chrishall,  Essex,  lo^n.,  208,  250, 

274»  315-16 
Christchurch,  Hants,  31,  33,  iO()n., 

127/;.,  i63». 
Church  Oakley,  Hants,  106 
Churchill,  Somerset,  183,  287 
Cirencester,   Gloucs.,  85,  io.\.n., 

173,  I75»  203,  207,  2i6,  263, 

264,  297»  312 
Clapham,  Sussex,  181,  279 
Clavering,  Essex,  104 
Claydon,  Middle,  Bucks.,  166 n. 
Cleh  ongre,  Herefordshire,  1 5 1  w., 

I52».,  175,  272 
Clerkenwell,  see  London 
Cleves,  59 

Cley-next-the-Sea,   Norfolk,  102, 

106,  129 
Clifford  Chambers,  Gloucs.,  183 
Clifton,    Pro  -  Cathedral   of  the 

Apostles,  I23«. 
Clifton,  Beds.,  179 
Clifton,  Notts.,  215 
Clifton  Campville,  Staffs.,  145 «., 


Clippesby,  Norfolk,  184,  289 
Clothall,  Herts.,  88,  116,  139,  140, 

Clynnog,  Carnarvonshire,  299 
Clyst  St.  George,  Devon,  294^. 
Coates,  Great,  Lines.,  see  Cotes 
Cobham,  Kent,  20w.,  86,  87».,  93, 
94,  158,  160,  180,  240,  245, 
250,  251,  264,  278,  297,  299 
Coburg,  5977. 

Coggcshall,  Great,  Essex,  274,  283 
Colan,  Cornwall,  183 
Colchester,  ii^n. 
Coleshill,  Warwickshire,   13,  82, 

102,  1 16 
Collingbourne  Ducis,  Wilts.,  299 
Cologne,  9,  56 

Constance  Cathedral,  57,  l87». 



Constantine,  Cornwall,  45 

Conway,  95  «. 

Cookham,  Berks.,  45 

Cople,  Beds.,  165,  167,  169,  228- 

30,  263,  265 
Corfe  Castle,  Dorset,  305 
Corringham,  Essex,  71,  82 
Cortville,  near  Li(^ge,  56 
Cotes,  Great,  Lines.,  99,  106,  193, 


Cottingham,  Yorks.,  91,  93 
Cowfold,  Sussex,  79,  97 
Cowthorpe,  W.  Yorks.,  228 
Cracow,  64;;. 

Cranford  St.  Andrew,  Northants, 

Cranley,  Surrey,  193 
Crawley,  Bucks.,  116 
Cray,  St.  Mary,  Kent,  26,  217, 

Creak,  North,  Norfolk,  105 
Creak,  South,  Norfolk,  9 1 ,  96,  97  «. 
Cressing,  Essex,  290 
Cressingham,  Great,  Norfolk,  139, 

Crishall,  Essex,  see  Chrishall 

Croft,  Lines.,  145,  146,  150 

Crondall,  Hants,  70 

Crowan,  Cornwall,  272,  274,  275». 

Crowmarsh  Giffard,  Oxon.,  215 

Croxden  Abbey,  240 

Croxton,  Cambs.,  1 3  i 

Croydon,  Surrey,  ii5«.,  216,  286 

Cuckfield,  Sussex,  I27». 

Cues,  64  «. 

Cuypgat,  near  Ghent,  7 

Dagenham,  Essex,  98,  228,  271, 

Darley,  Staffs.,  29 

Darsham,  Suffolk,  292 

Dartford,  Kent,  203,  235,  263, 

266,  289 
Dartmouth,  Devon,  163,  248  ;  St. 

Petrock,  290 

Dauntsay,  Wilts.,  279,  281,  317 
Daylesford,  Worcs.,  216 
Deane,  West,  Wilts.,  299 
Debenham,  Suffolk,  263 
Deddington,  Oxon.,  15,  200 
Deerhurst,  Gloucs.,  226,  252 
Denchworth,  Berks.,  21,  38 
Dengie,  Essex,  277 
Denham,  Bucks.,  38,  97,  115,296 
Denmark,  26».,  44,  58 
Denstone,  Suffolk,  279,  283 
Dethick,  Derbyshire,  294 «. 
Devizes,  Wilts.,  St.  John's,  216, 

Digswell,  Herts.,  167,  190,  261 
Ditchingham,  Norfolk,  274 
Ditton,  Long,  Surrey,  290 
Dodford,  Northants,  262,  265 
Dol,  77  ». 
Doncaster,  8». 

Dorchester,  Oxon.,  89,  91,  95,  96, 

97».,  190 
Douay,  26;/. 
Dover,  St.  Mary's,  216 
Dowdeswell,  Gloucs.,  89,  91 
Downe,  Kent,  214,  290 
Downside  Abbey,  Bath,  3  1 1 
Draycot  Cerne,  Wilts.,  248,  249/7. 
Drayton  Beauchamp,  Bucks.,  150^., 

158,  161 
Dry  Drayton,  Cambs.,  281 
Dublin,  See  of,  79,  80;  Castle, 

i88k.  ;  Christchurch  Cathedral, 

27,  i88». ;  St.  Patrick's  Cathe- 
dral, 27,  95 

Durham,  See  of,  I26«. ;  Cathedral, 

28,  30,  32,  427;.,  68,  69«.,  81, 
83  ;  Greatham  Hospital  Chapel, 

Duxford,  Cambs.,  139 
Dyrham,  Gloucs.,  157,  251 


Earls  Barton,  Northants,  234 
Eastington,  Gloucs.,  279 
Easton,  Suffolk,  183,  288 

2  A 



Places  Easton,  Little,  Essex,  70«.,  172, 
176,  186,  187,  191,  192,  270 
Easton  Neston,  Northants,  282 
Eastry,  Kent,  183 
Eaton  Socon,  Beds.,  202 
Edenbridge,  Kent,  213 
Edenhall,  Cumberland,  172 
Edenham,  Lines.,  79 
Edgmond,  Salop,  281 
Edinburgh,  St.  Giles',  27 
Elford,  Staffs.,  204 «.,  206 «. 
Ellough,  Suffolk,  290 
Elmdon,  Essex,  283 
Elsing,  Norfolk,  8,  43,  49-50,  51, 

Elstow,  Beds.,  98,  265 

Ely,  See  of,  80,  io8ff. ;  Cathedral, 

72,  75,  80,  83,  96,  116 
Emneth,  Norfolk,  150 
Enfield,  Middlesex,  269 
England,  42,  255  ». 
Epping,  Essex,  233 
Erfurt,  126  n. 

Erith,  Kent,  205,  207,  263 
Erpingham,  Norfolk,  167 
Essendon,  Herts.,  234 
Essex,  13,  27,  93,  283 
Etchingham,  Sussex,  161,  169,259, 

Eton  College,  92,  115,  128,  137//., 

142,  180,  284 
Etwall,  Derbyshire,  294 
Europe,  42 
Euston,  Suffolk,  212 
Evesham,  Worcs.,  203  ». 
Evreux,  i^n. 
Ewell,  Surrey,  279 
Ewelme,  Oxon.,  45,71,  135, 137«., 

165,  169,  192,  266 
Exeter,  See  of,  57,  80;  Cathedral, 

88,  186 
Eyke,  Suffolk,  117,  227 
Eyworth,  Beds,,  215,  290 


Fairford,  Gloucs.,  177,  178,  181, 


Faulkbourne,  Essex,  289,  294/7. 
Faversham,  Kent,  165,  174,  212, 

224//.,  276 
Fawsley,  Northants,  181,  284/7. 
Felbrigg,  Norfolk,  165,  184,  186, 

201,  246,  251,  257,  295 
Felstead,  Essex,  262 
Feltwell,  Norfolk,  282 
Finchampstead,  Berks.,  292 
Finland,  43  «.,  44«. 
Firle,  West,  Sussex,  i88«. 
Fishlake,  West  Yorks.,  100 
Fladbury,  Worcs.,  90,  137,  140, 

170,  173,  266 
Flamborough,  Yorks.,  23  ». 
Flamstead,  Herts.,  907/. 
Flanders,  9,  27,  44,  53 
Fletching,  Sussex,  251 
Florence,  l6n.;  Certosa,  15877.; 

Church  of  the  Annunziata,  67  n. ; 

San  Lorenzo,  57;  Santa  Croce, 


Fordham,  Cambs.,  212,  283 
Fordwich,  Kent,  290 
Fountains  Abbey,  Yorks.,  96 
Fovant,  Wilts.,  92,  105 
Fowey,  Cornwall,  289 
France,  2677.,  25577.,  306 
Fransham,  Great,  Norfolk,  167 
Frenze,  Norfolk,  98,  176,  283,  294 
Fryerning,  Essex,  38 
Fulbourn,  Cambs.,  70,  89,  93 
Fulham,  see  London 
Furneaux    Pelham,   Herts.,  205, 
265,  317 


Gateley,  Norfolk,  10577, 
Geddington,    Northants,    2  ion., 

262  77. 
Gedney,  Lines,,  25  i 
Germany,  2677.,  306;  North,  9 
Ghent,  I53«. ;  Museum,  7,72;/., 

8377.,  84 
Girton,  Cambs.,  134 
Glasgow,  27 
Glastonbury  Abbey,  231 



Gloucester,  See  of,  138;  Cathedral, 
26;  St.  John  Baptist,  218,  280; 
St.  Mary  de  Crypt,  218,  294 

Gloucestershire,  9«.,  79  ». 

Gnesen,  64^.,  77 

Gonalston,  Notts.,  2  39«. 

Goodnestone,  Kent,  286 

Goring,  Oxon.,  252 

Gorleston,  Suffolk,  151 

Gosfield,  Essex,  103  w.,  224,  230 

Graveney,  Kent,  200,  227,  246, 

Gratham  Hospital,  Durham,  127  w. 
Greens  Norton,  Northants,  171, 

173,  266 
Grendon,  Northants,  267 
Greystoke,  Cumberland,  132,  296 
Grinstead,  West,  Sussex,  167,  259 
Guildford,  Surrey,  Abbot  Hospital, 

1 1 5  «. ;  Holy  Trinity,  115;  St. 

Nicholas,  Losely  Chapel,  316 
Gunby,  Lines.,  190,  227,  256 


Haccombe,  Devon,  290 
Hackney,  see  London 
Hadleigh,  Suffolk,  45 
Hadley,  Middx.,  276 
Hainault,  44 
Hailing,  Kent,  234 
Halstead,  Essex,  256,  265 
Halton,  Bucks.,  229 
Halvergate,  Norfolk,  97 
Ham,  Essex,  290 

Hampden,  Great,  Bucks.,  179,  181 
Hampsthwaite,  Yorks.,  40,  197?;., 

Hampton  Poyle,  Oxon.,  168,  262 
Hanningfield,  West,  Essex,  244, 

Hardrcs,  Upper,  Kent,  22,  104, 

Hardwick  Hall,  209 
Harefield,  Middx.,  231 
Harewood,  Yorks.,  227 

Harford,  Devon.,  114;/.,  Places 
Harley,  Salop,  175,  272,  273 
Harling,    West,  Norfolk,  lyon., 

Harlington,  Middx.,  286 
Harlow,  Essex,  215,  262,  292 
Harpham,  Yorks.,  165,  168,  173, 

191,  257 
Harpsden,  Oxon.,  266 
Harpswell,  Lines.,  136;;. 
Harrow,  Middx.,  45,  72  w.,  90, 

92ff.,  93,  104,  202,  215 
Harrowden  Magna,  Northants,  265 
Hartly  Wintney,  Hants,  98  ». 
Haseley,  Great,  Oxon.,  87,  94, 


Hatley  Cockayne,  Beds.,  179 

Haughmond  Abbey,  198  «. 

Havant,  Hants.,  90,  93 

Hawton,  Notts.,  150 

Hayes,  Kent,  235 

Hayes,  Middx.,  174,  184 

Hayles  Abbey,  3  1 2 

Headbourne  Worthy,  Hants,  141-2 

Hedenham,  Norfolk,  100 

Hedgerley,  Bucks.,  38,  81,  193 

Heigham,  Norfolk,  216 

Hellesdon,  Norfolk,  70 w.,  200, 
244,  246,  316 

Hellingly,  Sussex,  259 

Helmsley,  Yorks.,  191 

Hemel  Hempstead,  Herts.,  160 

Hempstead,  Essex,  209,  283 

Henfield,  Sussex,  292 

Hereford,  See  of,  108 Cathed- 
ral, 2«,  18,  32,  63«.,  73,  80, 
81,  83,  89,  94,  126,  129,  130, 
i35>  139.  i52«-,  i73»  202,  259 

Heme,  Kent,  134,  167,  168,  258, 
269,  28477. 

Heston,  Middx.,  24 

Hever,  Kent,  5  i  180,  187,  209, 

Hexham,  97», 
Heydon,  Norfolk,  234 
Heyford,  Nether,  Northants,  1 78 
Hickling,  Notts.,  loi 


Places  Higham  Ferrers,  Northants,  lo, 
42ff,  70,  72W.,  84,  93,  lOI, 
102,  205,  264 
Hildersham,   Cambs,,   171,  198, 

Hildesheim,  17,  63,  73,  iz6n. 
Hillingdon,  Middx.,  178-80,  277 
Hillmorton,  Warwickshire,  256 
Hinxworth,  Herts.,  94».,  218, 233, 

Hitchin,  Herts.,  93,  129,  134 
Holm-by-the-Sea,  Norfolk,  23  w., 

203,  253 
Holme  Hale,  Norfolk,  235 
Holton,  Oxon.,  175,  300 
Holwell,  Beds.,   100,  lozn. 
Honington,  Suffolk,  215 
Horkesley,  Little,  Essex,  164,  190 
Horley,  Surrey,  I53».,  261 
Hornby,  N.  Yorks.,  99,  105,  267 
Hornchurch,  Essex,  2 1  n. 
Horndon,  East,  Essex,  iSon.,  267 
Horndon,  West,  Essex,  279W. 
Horseheath,  Cambs.,  159,  161 
Horsham,  near  Norwich,  96 
Horsham,  Sussex,  66,  68,  71 
Horshill,  Surrey,  30 
Horsley,  East,  Surrey,  80,  202 
Horsmonden,  Kent,  57,  70,  315 
Horton  Kirby,  Kent,  268 
Houghton  Conquest,  Beds.,  179, 


Houghton -le- Spring,  Durham, 

294  w. 
Howden,  Yorks.,  175 
Hull,  81 

Hunstanton,  Norfolk,   179,  181, 

Husbands  Bosworth,  Leics.,  117 
Hutton,  Somerset,  179 


ICKLEFORD,  HcrtS.,  202 

Ifield,  Sussex,  152W. 
Ightfield,  Salop,  210,  278 
Ightham,  Kent,  292 

Ilford,  Little,  Essex,  142,  300 
Ilminster,  Somerset,  173,  185,266, 

Impington,  Cambs.,  278 
Ingham,  Norfolk,  33,  161  «.,  169, 

249,  258  w.,  265  K.,  274 
Ingleby  Arncliffe,  Yorks.,  15 
Ingrave,  Essex,  272,  279 
Ipswich,  St.  Mary  Quay,  54,  212, 

276  ;  St.  Mary  Tower,  209,  21 1 
Ireland,  27 
Irnham,  Lines.,  161 
Isleham,  Cambs.,  175,  191,  214, 

233,  268,  273,  287 
Isleworth  (Thistleworth  or  Istle- 

worth),  Middx.,  9,  45,  99,  171, 

Italy,  306 

Ivybridge,  Devon.,  II4«. 


Jervaulx  Abbey,  311 

Kelsey,  South,  Lines.,  i68».,  261 
Kemsing,  Kent,  71 
Kent,  27,  293 

Ketteringham,  Norfolk,  181,  269, 

275  ;  Park,  84;/. 
Kidderminster,  Worcs.,  165,  190, 

257,  261 
Kilburn,  see  London 
Kingsclere,  Hants,  235 
King's  Lynn,  Norfolk,  10,  28,  32, 

42«.,   43,    48-53,    197,  198, 

201  243 
Kingsnorth,  Kent,  287 
King's   Sombourne,  Hants,  200, 


Kingston -upon -Thames,  Surrey, 

207,  210,  232,  259,  274 
Kinnersley,  Herefordshire,  139 
Kirkheaton,  W.  Yorks.,  186,  293 
Kirkleatham,  Yorks.,  216,  300 
Knebworth,  Herts.,  79,  89,  90, 

91,  93 




Lacock,  Wilts.,  1 06,  181,  232, 

276,  315-17 
Lakenheath,  Suffolk,  283 
Lambeth,  see  London 
Lambourn,  Berks.,  202 
Lambourne,  Essex,  213,  282 
Lancaster,  St.  Mary,  216 
Lan teglos-j  uxta-  Fowey,  Cornwall, 

I73»  179,  278 
Laon,  3 

Latton,  Essex,  227,  268,  289 
Laughton,  Lines.,  40,   157,  159, 

Laughton -en  -  le  -  Morthen,  W. 

Yorks.,  185 
Laver,  High,  Essex,  209 278, 


Lavington,  West,  Wilts.,  56,  177, 

Laycock,  see  Lacock 
Lechlade,  Gloucs.,  207,  316 
Ledbury,  Herefordshire,  104 
Leeds,  St.  Peter,  100,  172.  266 
Leicester,  St.  Martin,  29 
Leigh,  Surrey,  217,  297 
Le  Mans,  5 
Le  Puy,  77  «. 
Letchworth,  Herts.,  202 
Letheringsett,  Norfolk,  235 
Lewes,  Sussex,  79,  96 
Lewknor,  Oxon.,  71 
Leyton,  Low,  Essex,  295 
Lichfield  Cathedral,  1 32 
Liege,  3,  56 

Lillingstone  Lovell,  Oxon.,  191 
Lincoln,  See  of,  114;  Cathedral, 
32,  58».,  82,  134;  St.  Andrew, 
30  ;  Monks  Manor,  near,  289  ». 
Lincolnshire,  13 

Lingfield,  Surrey,  163,  249,  263, 

Linwood,  Lines.,  132,  150,  204, 

205,  265,  299 
Littlebury,  Essex,  loi,  102,  209, 


Llanbeblig,  Carnarvonshire,  235 
Llanrwst,  Denbigh,Gwydir  Chapel, 

Loddon,  Norfolk,  184,  214,  290 
London,  12,  64«.,  201,  205,  304; 
All  Hallows'  Barking,  55,115  ».,. 
180,  193,  207,  211,  212,  214, 
218,  263,  276«.,  277  ;  Augmen- 
tation Office,  29 ;  Burlington 
Fine  Arts  Club,  48».,  123;/., 
224«.,  311-12;  Camberwell, 
Surrey,  45  ;  Chelsea,  St.  Luke's, 
185,  i88«.,  285,  292;  Clerken- 
well,  St.  James',  35,  80;  Ful- 
ham,  Middlesex,  14,  55  ;  Gray's 
Inn,  233,  234;  Hackney, Middle- 
sex, 1 1 7?/.,  130  ;  Kilburn  Priory, 
99  ;  Kilburn,  St.  Mary's,  99 ; 
Lambeth,  Surrey,  St.  Mary's, 
187,  278  «.,  281  ;  Lincoln's  Inn, 
233  ;  Museum,  British,  i,  4,  5 
I3«.,  2IW.,  33,  43,  48,  49,  51, 
56,  75,  95,  109,  I26«.,  I27»., 
i^6n.,  178,  210,  239«.,  258?/.; 
Museum,  Jermyn  Street,  56; 
Museum,  Victoria  and  Albert 
(South Kensington),  9«.,  56,  191, 
311;  National  Gallery,  Sjn., 
3il«. ;  Paddington,  St.  Mary 
Magdalene,  26 ;  St.  Andrew 
Undershaft,  218;  St.  Helens, 
Great,  Bishopsgate,  104,  128, 
139,  i66w.,  178;  St,  Martin 
Outwich,  128,  140;  St.  Michael 
Bassishaw,  286  ;  St.  Olave,  Hart 
Street,  i66«. ;  St,  Paul's  Cathe- 
dral, 74W.,  I09».,  13  I;  Serjeants' 
Inn,  Fleet  Street,  225  «, ;  South- 
wark,  St.  George's  Cathedral, 
3 1 1  ;  Southwark,  St.  Saviour's, 
204«,;  Staple  Inn,  235  ;  Temple, 
Inner,  233  ;  Temple,  Middle, 
225  ».,  234  ;  Westminster  Abbey, 
6,  17,  i8w.,  22«.,  26,  57,  73«., 
74,  75,  79,  80,  83,  84,  91,  95, 
ii2«.,  114,  115,  152;/.,  i56«., 
169,  178,  i98«.,  2i7«,,  239//., 



243W.,  248,  253W.,  254,  264, 

303  ;  Westminster.  Courts  at, 
223  w.,  224W.,  309,  310;  West- 
minster Hall,  222,  277 ». ;  West- 
minster, St.  Margaret's,  31 

Longforgan,  Perthshire,  206 w. 

Louvain,  University  of,  129 

Lowick,  Northants,  264,  266 

Lowthorp,  Yorks.,  15 

Lubeck,  44,  47,  52 

Lucca,  77  ». 

Ludlow,  Salop,  258». 

Lullingstone,  Kent,  179 

Luton,  Beds.,  33,  132,205,  267 

Lydd,  Kent,  139,  284 

Lytescary,  2307/. 


Mablethorpe,  Lines.,  296 
Macclesfield,  Cheshire,  64^.,  10 1 
Magdeburg,  79 
Maids'  Moreton,  Bucks.,  296 
Maidstone,  All  Saints',  79 
Mailing,  East,  Kent,  95,  102,  210, 

Mailing,  West,  Kent,  102  w.,  281 
Malmesbury,  Wilts.,  58». 
Malvern,  Great,  Worcs,,  192  w. 
ManchesterCathedral,  80,  94,  139, 

March,  Cambs.,  lySn.,  279 
Marden,  Herefordshire,  288 
Margate,  Kent,  45,  173,  185,  205, 

Markham,  East,  Notts.,  257,  261 
Marston  Morteyne,  Beds.,  174,266 
Marsworth,  Bucks.,  231 
Mattishall,  Norfolk,  233 
Mawgan-in-Pydar,  Cornwall,  45, 

88,  214,  285 
Mayence,  77,  79 
Meaux  Cathedral,  7 
Mecklinburg,  44 
Meissen,  59 

Melbury  Sampford,  Dorset,  184 
Melford,  Long,  Suffolk,  184,  272, 
273,  297 

Melton,  Suffolk,  104,  206,  264 
Melverley,  97  w. 
Mendlesham,  Suffolk,  i67«. 
Meopham,  Kent,  33 
Mepshall,  Beds.,  263 
Merevale,  Warwickshire,  167,  256 
Mereworth,  Kent,  213 
Meriden,  Warwickshire,  292 
Merstham,  Surrey,  299 
Merton,  Norfolk,  i8o».,  276 
Messing,  Essex,  281 
Methley,  Yorks.,  logn. 
Methwold,  Norfolk,  I50»,,  16 in. 
Middleburgh  in  Walcheren,  56 
Middleton,  Essex,  4 
Middleton,  Lanes.,  Jon.,  82,  102, 
186,  293 

Middleton,    Warwickshire,  228, 

Milan,  87W. 

Mildenhall,  Suffolk,  189W. 
Milton,  Cambs.,  229,  284 
Milton  Abbas,  Dorset,  96^.,  184, 

Milton-next-Sittingbourne,  Kent, 

175,  278 
Mimms,  North,  Herts.,  7,  43,  49, 

5o>  52,  53»  7°y        178,  286 
Minchinhampton,  Gloucs.,  99 
Minehead,  Somerset,  268 
Minety,  Wilts.,  185,  290 
Minster,|Kent,  56,  1 50».,  152,  242 
Minsterley,  Salop,  294^. 
Mirival,  Warwickshire,  29 
Missenden,  Little,  Bucks.,  39 
Monewden,  Suffolk,  n6 
Monkton,  Kent,  70W. 
Morland,  Westmorland,  zjn. 
Morley,  Derbyshire,  174 
Mugginton,  Derbyshire,  191,  296 
Musgrave,  Great,  Westmorland,  84 


Narbonne  Cathedral,  48  «. 
Narburgh,  Norfolk,  193,  218,229, 

231,  278,  282,  286 
Naudhausen,  68 



Necton,  Norfolk,  212,  247,  249, 
283,  289 

Netley  Abbey,  Hants,  278 

Newark,  Notts.,  43,  46,  49,  50-53, 
Ii6w.,  1277/.,  197,  198 

Newcastle-on-Tyne,  AH  Saints',  27, 
51,  54,  jzn.,  91,  205,  26o», 
297,299;  St.  Nicholas,  151 » 

Newington,  Kent,  210,  215,  287 

Newnton,  Wilts.,  68 

Newton  Bromshold,  Northants,  82 

Newton-by-Geddington,  North- 
ants, 203,  263 

Newton,  Flotman,  Norfolk,  183 

Nippes  near  Cologne,  56 

Noke,  Oxon,  229 

Norbury,  Derbyshire,  97,  228, 
240,  281 

Norfolk,  I,  13,  23,  27,  53,  100, 
176,  274,  282 

Normanton,  Yorks.,  1 5 

Northampton,  St.  Sepulchre,  293 

Northamptonshire,  I 

Northfleet,  Kent,  70,  262,  266 

Northleach,  Gloucs.,  107,  201, 
207,  208,  253 

Northolt,  Middx.,  116 

Northumberland,  27 

Northumbria,  47 

Northwood,  Kent,  287 

Norton  Disney,  Lines.,  56,  150, 
i84».,  2847?.,  287 

Norton  St.  Philip,  Somerset,  232«. 

Norwich,  12,  13,  108 176, 
232«;  St.  Andrew,  81,  218; 
St.  Clement,  282 ;  St.  George 
Colegate,  217;  St.  Giles,  217, 
265,  266  ;  St.  John  de  Sepul- 
chre, 184;  St.  John  Madder- 
market,  64^.,  81,  99,  207,  2  12, 

218,  283;   St.  Laurence,  96, 

217;   St.  Margaret,  285;  St. 

Michael    at    Thorn,    26 ;  St. 

Peter  Mancroft,  45,  176;  St. 

Stephen,  130,  218,  263 
Nousis,  S.  Finland,  43  ». 
Noyon,  86». 

Nuffield,  Oxon.,  199 
Nunkeeling,  Yorks.,  1 5 
Nymwegen,  59 


Oakwood,  Surrey,  191 

Ockenden,  North,  Essex,  2l«. 

Ockham,  Surrey,  71,  83 

Oddington,  Oxon.,  25 

OfFord  Darcy,  Hunts.,  133,  262 

Ogbourne  St.  George,  Wilts.,  211 

Okeover,  Staffs.,  39,  260,  296-7 

Olveston,  Gloucs.,  178 

Ore,  Sussex,  202,  244,  251 

Orford,  Suffolk,  3 1 

Ormesby,  Great,  Norfolk,  178,  259 

Ormskirk,  Lanes.,  181 

Orpington,  Kent,  138 

Oscott  Coll.,  see  Birmingham 

Ostia,  77  «. 

Otterden,  Kent,  35,  163 

Oulton,  Suffolk,  II,  34,  647/. 

Outwell,  Norfolk,  231 

Over,  Cheshire,  181 

Over  Winchendon,  Bucks.,  97 

Owston,  Yorks.,  203,  256 

Oxford,  26,  65,  122;  All  ^Souls' 
College,  89,  91,  104,  138-41; 
Bodleian  Library,  7,  I4».,  28»., 
126/?. ;  Brazenose  College,  141  ; 
Broadgates  Hall,  141,  234; 
Christ  Church,  87,  95,  II4»., 
1 15«.,  198;/., 208, 243 245  «.; 
(St.  Frideswide's),  97 ;  Exeter 
College,  II4». ;  Magdalen  Col- 
lege, 82,  92,  94,  134-8,  141  ; 
Merton  College,  22,  25,  64,  71, 
83^  85,  90,  93,  102-4,  126,  128, 
134,  136,  137;  New  College, 
14,  70,  74,  78-80,  82,  89,  101, 
124,  iiSn.,  128,  130-5,  138-41, 
211  ;  -Oriel  College,  127^.  ; 
Queen's  College,  14,  77,  89,  93, 
113,  117,  128,  132;  St.  Aldate, 
141,  234;  St.  John's  College, 
115;  St.  Mary  the  Virgin,  94, 



I27».,  141  ;  St.  Mary.Magdalen, 
56//. St.  Michael,  II4«. ;  St. 
Peter  in  the  East,  45,56^.,  133, 
218,287;  Wadham College,  185 


Paderborn,  57,  74«.,  83 

Painswick,  Gloucs.,  187 

Pakefield,  Suffolk,  136 

Paris,  127;  Bibliotheque  Nation- 
ale,  7».,  52  «;  Eglise  des  Math- 
urins,  i66«. ;  Louvre,  5?/.; 
Musee  des  Monuments  fran9ais, 
192  ».;  Saint  Antoine,  192 
Sainte  Catherine  du  Val  des 
Ecoliers,  192//. 

Paston,  Norfolk,  45 

Pavia,  77  «. 

Pays  de  Caux,  Normandy,  272 ». 
Pebmarsh  Essex,  21//,,  151 
Peckham,  West,  Kent,  273,  277 
Peel,  Isle  of  Man,  Castle,  II5«. ; 

St.  Germain's  Cathedral,  27,  1 1 5 
Pelham,  Furneaux,  Herts.,  205,  265 
Pembridge,  Herefordshire,  230 
Penn,  Bucks.,  292 
Penshurst,  Kent,  212 
Pepper  Harrow,  Surrey,  267 
Peterborough,  2 1  ff.,  5 8//.,  96, 126;/. 
Petherton,  South,  Somerset,  169, 


Pinner,  Middx.,  45 
Pleshey,  Essex,  187 
Pluckley,  Kent,  169,  277 
Plumstead,  Little,  Norfolk,  182 
Poissi,  Notre  Dame,  i6«. 
Poitiers,  86 n. 
Poland,  Prussian,  44,  52 
Pool,  South,  Devon,  1 1 1 
Posen,  83 

Pottesgrove,  Beds.,  45,  212 
Powderham,  Devon,  279 
Preston  Bagot,  Warwickshire,  23  2  n. 
Preston  in  Amounderness,  Lanes., 

Preston    near   Faversham,  Kent, 
165,  174 


QUAINTON,      Bucks.,      104,  244«. 

Quethiock,    Cornwall,    94,  108 

214W.,  216,  269,  298 
Quinton,  Gloucs.,  265 
Quy,  Cambs.,  175,  270 


Rainham,  Essex,  177/7.,  271 

Rainham,  Kent,  2 1 1 

Rainham,  East,  Norfolk,  107 

Ramsey,  Hunts.,  41,  95,  126ft. 

Reveningham,  Norfolk,  274 

Ravenna,  68,  78 

Rawmarsh,  Yorks.,  214,  316 

Reading  Abbey,  i26«. ;  St.  Law- 
rence, 38 

Redbourne,  Lines.,  4 

Redgrave,  Suffolk,  151 «. 

Redlynch,  Somerset,  275 

Reepham,  Norfolk,  161,  244,  251 

Rhuddlan,  N.  Wales,  4 

Ringstead,  Great,  Norfolk,  134 

Ringstead  in  Zealand,  44,  58, 244 ». 

Ringwood,  Hants,  90,  93 

Ripley,  W.  Yorks.,  40,  100 

Ripon  Cathedral,  191 

Rochester,  Cathedral,  6  ;  St,  Mar- 
garet, 40,  72 

Roding,  Essex,  35 

Rodmarton,  Gloucs.,  226,  232 

Romaldkirk,  N.  Yorks.,  71 

Rome,  68,  88 

Rotherham,  Yorks.,  213 
Rothwell,  Northants,  51,  87,  91, 

Rougham,  Norfolk,  191,  229,  256, 

Routh,  E.  Yorks.,  165,  190,  257, 

Roxby  Chapel,  Yorkshire,  180 
Roydon,  Essex,  191,  273 
Royston,  Herts.,  33,  97K.,  137 
Rudstone,  Yorks.,  15 



Rusper  Sussex,  200,  246 

Ruthin,  Denbighshire,  II2».,  217, 

298,  3i5»  317 
Ryther,  Yorks.,  242  ». 


Saffron  Walden,  Essex,  70,  g$n., 

273,  283 
St.  Alban's,  Herts.,  40,  43,  46-8, 

49«.,  50-2,  84;/.,  95,  96,  97«., 

142,  175,  191,  207,  211;  St. 

Michael,  201,  203 
St.  Asaph,  139 
St.  Breock,  Cornwall,  211 
St.  Bride's,  Glamorgan,  4 
St.  Columb  Major,  Cornwall,  182, 

185,  216,  281,  292 
St.  David's,  133 

St.  Denis,  France,  5,  149 ».,  192;;. 
St.  Erme,  Cornwall,  233 
St.  Giles-in-the-Wood,  Devon,  262 
St.  Gluvias,  Cornwall,  210 
St.  Ives,  Cornwall,  268 
St.  Just-in- Roseland,  Cornwall,  85, 
88,  91 

St.  Lawrence,  Thanet,  165,  191, 

St.  Mellion,  Cornwall,  180,  282 
St.   Memmie,  near  Chalons-sur- 

Marne,  7 
St.  Michael  Penkivel,  Cornwall, 

136,  180,  185 
St.  Nicholas,  Thanet,  287;/. 
St.  Osyth,  Essex,  15,  230 «. 
St.  Trond,  84 

St.  Yved  de  Braine,  France,  147/. 
Salisbury,  See  of,  17,  57,  75,  83, 

l87«. ;  Cathedral,  3,  4,  7,  80, 

113,  115,  192;  St.  Thomas  the 

Martyr,  30«.,  214,  286 
Sail,  Norfolk,  45,  235 
Saltwood,  Kent,  71,  169 
Sandal  Parva,  W.  Yorks.,  80 
Sanderstead,  Surrey,  233 
Sandwich,  Kent,  St.  Peter,  152 


Sarum,  Old,  4«. 

Sawbridgeworth,  Herts.,  169,  184, 

264,  288,  289 
Sawley,  Derbyshire,  191 
Sawston,  Cambs.,  82 
Sawtry,  All  Saints,  Hunts.,  25  J 
Saxony,  59 
Schwerin,  27,  44,  83 
Scotland,  27,  307 
Scrivelsby,  Lines.,  179,  261;;. 
Sculthorpe,  Norfolk,  175,  234 
Seclin,  near  Lille,  3 
Sedgebrook,  Lines.,  229 
Sedgefield,  Durham,  241 
Seend,  Wilts.,  21 1 
Sefton,    Lanes.,    182,    183,  279, 

Sens,  69?;. 

Sessay,  Yorks.,  89,  90,  94 
Sevenhampton,  Gloucs.,  210 
Seville,  25 

Shalston,  Bucks.,  98,  294 
Sheepy  Magna,  Leics.,  33 
Sheldwich,  Kent,  252 
Shelford,  Great,  Cambs.,  90 
Shelford,  Little,  Cambs., 163,  255;/., 

Sherborne,  Dorset.,  58^.;  Castle, 

Dorset,  192,  193  w. 
Sherborne  St.  John,  Hants,  199, 

H5,  295 
Shernbourne,  Norfolk,  172,  174, 

Shillingford,  Devon,  279 

Shillington,  Beds.,  91 

Shopland,  Essex,  192 

Shorwell,  Isle  of  Wight,  106 

Shotesham  St.  Mary,  Norfolk,  283 

Shottesbrooke,  Berks.,  70,  1 80,  200, 
201,  214,  254,  286,  315 

Shrawardine,  Salop,  295?/. 

Shrewsbury,  Abbey,  198;;.;  Bat- 
tlefield Church,  I57«. ;  St. 
Alkmund,  198,  201 ».,  246 

Sibson,  Leics.,  95 

Siena,  48  «. 

Skipton-in-Craven,  Yorks.,  188 



Places  Slapton,  Bucks.,  214W. 

Slaugham,  Sussex,  193,  280 
Snettesham,  Norfolk,  215 
Snoring,  Great,  Norfolk,  167,  257 
Sodor  and  Man,  See  of,  115 
Somerton,  Oxon.,  234 
Sotterley,  Suffolk,  171,  175,  176, 

273,  287 
Soutliacre,  Norfolk,  107,  159,  161. 

Southfleet,  Kent,  204,  211,  234, 

Southminster,  Essex,  213,  216 
Southwark,  see  London 
Southwick,  Hants.,  181 
Spain,  6;;.,  26/7.,  255  w. 
Spilsby,  Lines.,  163,  245,  252,  260 
Springfield,  Essex,  168 
Sprotborough,    Yorks.,  8».,  172, 

Sprowston,  Norfolk,  286 
Stalbridge,  28 

Stamford,  Lines.,  All  Saints',  88, 

217,  218,  268 
Standon,  Herts.,  172,  218,  271 
Stanford-in-the-Vale,  Berks.,  71 
Stanford-on-Soar,  Notts.,  70,  10 1 
Stanford  Rivers,  Essex,  23,  180 
Stanstead  Abbotts,  Herts.,  234 
Stanstead  Montfitchet,  Essex,  z\n. 
Stanton  Harcourt.  Oxon.,  70 
Stapleford,  Leics.,  278 
Stebbing,  Essex,  247 
Steeple  Langford,  Wilts.,  4 
Stevenage,  Herts.,  92^.,  139 
Stevington,  Beds.,  165,  168 
Stifford,  Essex,  71 
Stockton,  Wilts.,  295  «. 
Stoke-by-Nayland,    Suffolk,  150, 

160,  i87».,  280,  291,  292,  316 
Stoke  Charity,  Hants,  64^.,  176, 

272/;.,  298 
Stoke  D'Abernon,  Surrey,  17,  20, 

H5,  146^  152,  266 
Stoke  Fleming,  Devon,  201,  244/;., 

Stoke-in-Teignhead,  Devon,  70 

Stoke,  North,  Oxon.,  92 
Stoke  Poges,  Bucks.,  168,  265 
Stokerston,  Leics.,  171 
Stokesby,  Norfolk,  176,  275 
Stondon  Massey,  Essex,  45 
Stone,  Kent,  22 
Stopham,  Sussex,  269,  291 
Stourmouth,  Kent,  136 
Stralsund,  St.  Nicholas,  44,  45,  50 

Strata  Florida  Abbey,  \c)%n. 
Strata  Marcella  Abbey,  198  w. 
Stratford,  31 

Stratford  St.  Mary,  Suffolk,  2 1 3 
Stratton,  Cornwall,  182,  286 
Streatley,  Berks.,  289 
Strelley,  Notts.,  273 
Strensham,  Worcs.,  182,  184,  27^ 
Strethall,  Essex,  104 
Stretham,  Cambs.,  264,  267 
Sudborough,  Northants,  68,  71 

205,  264 
Sudbury,  Suffolk,  31,  94 
Suffolk,  13,  27,  31,  176 
Sulgrave,  Northants,  34 
Surlingham,  Norfolk,  136 
Sutton    Coldfield,  Warwickshire 


Sutton,  East,  Kent,  14,  55,  185 

216,  291,  292 
Swainswick,  Somerset,  207 
Swallowfield,  Berks.,  179,  285 
Swanscombe,  Kent,  295  w. 
Swansea,  Glam.,  180,  193 
Syon,  Bridgetine  Convent  of,  98, 



Tamworth,  Warwickshire,  14,233 
Taplow.  Bucks.,  103?/.,  197,  208, 

Tattershall,  Lines.,  67».,  91,  93, 
130,  134,  I74r  186,  204,  267, 

Tattisfylde,  Kent,  116 
Taunton,  132 
Tenos,  8o». 



Tew,  Great,  Oxon.,  15 163, 

Tewkesbury  Abbey,  58^. 

Teynham,  Kent,  191 

Thame,  Oxon.,   171,   175,  181, 

182,  261,  265,  268 
Thannington,  Kent,  179 
Thaxted,  Essex,  136 
Theddlethorp,  Lines.,  l64». 
Thetford  Priory,  Norfollc,  187 
Theydon  Gernon,  Essex,  88 
Thirsk,  Yorks.,  43 
Thorn,  in  Prussian  Poland,  44,  49, 

52,  244 w. 
Thornbury,  Gloucs.,  287 
Thorncombe,  Devon,  204,  206, 


Thornton,  Bucks.,  175,  232,  269, 

Thornton-le-Street,  Yorks.,  15 
Thruxton,  Hants,  168 
Thurcaston,  Leics.,  gin. 
Thurlow,  Great,  Suffolk,  266,  283 
Thurrock,  West,  Essex,  215 
Ticehurst,  Sussex,  40 
Tideswell,  Derbyshire,  8 1 
Tilbrook,  Beds.,  203,  256 
Tillingham,  Essex,  215 
Tilty,  Essex,  96 
Tingewick,  Bucks.,  14,  116 
Tintagil,  Cornwall,  262 
Tintinhull,  Somerset,  93 
Tisbury,  Wilts.,  214 
Todwick,  Yorks.,  215 
Tolleshunt  Darcy,  Essex,  45,  81, 

Tong,  Salop,  94,  100,  102,  136, 
17I;  172,  175,264,  266,  271 

Topcliffe,  Yorks.,  43,  45,  48,  50-2, 
201,  244,  247 

Toppesfield,  Essex,  283 

Tormarton,  Gloucs.,  210 

Tor  Mohun,  Devon,  287 

Torrington,  Devon,  262 

Tottenham  High  Cross,  185/?. 

Totternhoe,  Beds.,  97 », 

Tredington,  Worcs.,  89,  94 

Trotterscliffe,  Kent,  234 
Trotton,  Sussex,  13,  57,  168,  186, 

i87«.,  190,  206,  239,  257 
Trumpington,    Cambs.,    17,  20, 


Trunch,  Norfolk,  1 3  w. 
Tuxford  Hall,  Notts.,  I27». 


Ufford,  Suffolk,  274 
Ufton,  Warwickshire,  116 
Ulverstone,  Lanes.,  290 
Upchurch,  Kent,  199,  241,  247 
Upminster,  Essex,  81,  84,  268, 

Upsala,  43  w. 

Upton  Cressett,  Salop,  15 
Upton  Lovel,  Wilts.,  71 
Upwell,  Norfolk,  66,  68,  7 1 


Vauluisant  Abbey,  242 ». 

Verden,  16,  63 

Vernon,  Normandy,  175  «. 

Verona,  77  «. 

Vienne,  94  w. 

Villers,  Brabant,  7 


Walcherf.n,  56 

Waldingfield,  Little,  Suffolk,  211, 

Wales,  27 

Walkern,  Herts.,  45,  234 
Wallop,  Nether,  Hants,  98 
Walsham,  North,  Norfolk,  100 
Walsingham,  Little,  Norfolk,  100 
Waltham  Abbey,  95».,  96«. 
Waltham,  Lines.,  297 
Waltham,  Little,  Essex,  174 
Walthamstow,  Essex,  1407/. 
Walton-on-Thames,    Surrey,  24, 

Walton-on-Trent,  Derbyshire,  i  o  i 



Places  Wanborough,  Wilts,,  204,  263 
Wandsworth,  Surrey,  192 
Wanlip,  Leics.,  252 
Wantage,  Berks.,  71,  105 
Wappenham,  Northants,  228 
Warbleton,  Sussex,  90,  93 
Wardour  Castle,  Wilts.,  45,  51 
Warkworth,  Northants,  171 
Warley,  Little,  Essex,  24 ». 
Warminghurst,  Sussex,  286 
Warter  Priory,  Yorks.,  97 ». 
Warwick,  St.  Mary,  9».,  36,  90/?., 

162,  252,  303-6. 
Warwickshire,  I4«.,  303 
Waterpery,  Oxon.,  39,  249,  281 
Watford,  Herts.,  227 
Wath,  N.  Yorks.,  227 
Watlington,  Norfolk,  2i». 
Watton,  Herts.,  91,  160 
Weald,  South,  Essex,  215,  229, 

Wedmore,  Somerset,  185 
Weekley,  Northants,  223  «. 
Welford,  Berks,  136 
Welford,  Northants,  233 
Wellesbourne,  Warwickshire,  191 
Wells  Cathedral,  4,  8o«.,  87«., 

io8«.,  114,  133,  140 
Welpe,  Lower  Saxony,  16 
Wendens  Ambo,  Essex,  163 
Wendon  Lofts,  Essex,  95  w. 
Wendron,  Cornwall,  94,  139 
Wennington,  Essex,  249//. 
Wensley.  Yorks.,  43,  46,  49,  50-3, 

70,  lOI 
Westerham,  Kent,  116,  212 
Westley   Waterless,  Cambs.,  13, 

152,  241 
Westminster,  see  London 
Westmonstre,  Holland,  56 
Westmorland,  27 
Weston,  North,  Oxon.,  10 1 
Weston-upon-Avon,  Gloucs.,  179, 


Wetherden,  Suffolk,  3  I 
Whaddon,  Bucks.,  230 
Whalley,  Lanes.,  io6». 

Whatley,  Somerset,  I52». 
Wheathampstead,  Herts.,  207,  263 
Whichford,  Warwickshire,  116 
Whissonsett,  Norfolk,  176 
Whitchurch,    Oxon.,    116,  139, 

i64».,  168  ' 
Whitnash,  Warwickshire,  13,  10 1, 


Wicken,  Cambs.,  34 

Wickham,  East,  Kent,  197,  199, 

2I4»,,  242 
Wigtoft,  Lines.,  30 
Wilberfosse,  Yorks.,  263 
Wilbraham,  Little,  Cambs.,  125, 


Willesden,  Middx.,  131,  234,  316 
Willingale  Doe,  Essex,  174,  287, 

Wilmslow,  Cheshire,  174,  296 
Wimbish,  Essex,  154,  156,  243 
Wimborne  Minster,  Dorset,  17, 


Wimington,  see  Wymington 
Wimpole,  Cambs,,  140 
Winchester,  64;/.,  142;  College, 

26,  37,  71,  72,  88-90,  93,  94, 

114,  141,  264,  316;  St.  Cross, 

10,  86,  93,  126,  130 
Windsor  Castle,  310;  St.  George's, 

92,  132,  i88«, 
Winestead,  E.  Yorks.,  45,  281 
Wingfield,  Suffolk,  i68». 
Winkfield,  Berks.,  zi^n. 
Winterbourne,  Gloucs.,  246 
Winwicic,  Lanes.,  83,   180,  181, 


Wisbeach,  Cambs.,  163 
Wiston,  Sussex,  57,  168 
Withington,  Salop,  89,  94 
Wittenham,   Little,   Berks,,  210, 

Witton  (Blofleld),  Norfolk,  98 
Wivenhoe,  Essex,  180,  281 
Wiveton,  Norfolk,  loi 
Wixford,  Warwickshire,  167,  256 
Wooburn,  Bucks.,  135,  300 
Woodbridge,  Suffolk,  299 



Woodchurch,  Kent,  64,  181 
Wood  Ditton,  Cambs.,  252 
Woodrising,  Norfolk,  i88«. 
Woodstock,  Oxon.,  140 
Worcester,    See    of,    80,  114; 

Cathedral,  240  k. 
Worlingworth,  Suffolk,  106 
Wotton- under -Edge,  Gloucs., 

I04ff.,  161,  191,  254 
Wrentham,  Suffolk,  184,  254 
Writtle,  Essex,  214,  229,  296 
Wrotham,  Kent,  177,  279,  290 
Wroxall  Abbey,  Warwickshire,  262 
Wroxeter,  Salop,  223 «. 
Wycliffe,  Yorks.,  300 
Wymington,  Beds.,  102,  165,  168, 

201,  247,  256,  315 
Wyrardisbury,  Bucks.,  1 42 
Wyvenhoe,  Essex,  10 1,  102 

Y  Places 

Yarnton,  Oxon.,  218 
Yatton,  Somerset,  227/?. 
Yaxham,  Norfolk,  71 
Yealmpton,  Devon,  45 
Yeldham,  Great,  Essex,  235 
Yeovil,  Somerset,  97?/. 
Yetminster,  Dorset,  180 
York,  12,  13;  See  of,  69W.,  113, 

ii5». ;  Minster,  24Z?.,  32,  64, 

75,  79»  83».,  90,  134,  198?/. ; 

St.  Mary's  Abbey,  \z6n;  St. 

Michael  Spurriergate,  100 
Yorkshire,  13,  23,  100 
Yoxford,  Suffolk,  262     290,  295  n. 


Zealand,  44 



Academical  Costume,  65,  91,  102, 

Allettes,  147-51 

Alb,  46,  47,  5  I  66  (described), 
71,  72,  85,  86,  91,  92,  i37«. ; 
apparels  of,  46,  47,  6^n.,  82; 
figures  of  saints  on,  84;;. ;  for- 
bidden, 108  ;  girdle  or  cord  of, 
66,  67 »,,  258  ;  plain  {a3a />ura), 

Alba  (alb),  66 

Almayne  rivets,  177 

Almuce,  8,40,41,  65,  86-8  (de- 
scribed), 92,  94-5,  105,  109;/., 
no,  122,  124,  132,  138,  316; 
absence  of,  140  ;  morse  of,  87 

Almutium  (almuce),  86 

Amess  (almuce),  65,  86 

Amice,  40,  41,  46,  47,  51H.,  65 
(described),  71,  72,  91,  102, 
I37«.,  258,  307;  apparels  of, 
47,  65  ;  arms  on,  83  ;  inscrip- 
tions on,  83,  84W. ;  saints  on, 

Amictus  (amice),  65 

Amys  (almuce),  65,  86 

Anabolagium  (amice),  65 

Anelace,  104,  173,  198-208,210; 
worn  by  Judges,  227;  scabbard 
or  sheath  of,  200,  205,  208  ;  see 

Annulus  (episcopal  ring),  74 

Apparels  of  amice  and  alb,  65  n. 

Arming  points,  1 5  i 

Armour  (Military  Costume),  39  w., 
143-93,  229,  231-4;  Periods  of : 
Surcoat,  145-51;  Mixed  Mail 
and  Plate  (Cyclas),  152-4  ;  tran- 
sition, 154-6;  Camail,  156-64; 

Complete  Plate,  164-9  I  Yorkist, 
169-76;  Early  Tudor  or  Mail 
Skirt,  177-83  ;  Tasset,  183-6; 
Garter  Knights,  186-8;  Livery 
Collars,  188-92 
Aumusse  (almuce),  86 
Aurifrigia  (orphrey),  65  «. 
Aventaille,  see  Helm 


Backplate,  160,  164,  170 
Baculus  pastoralis  (episcopal  cro- 

zier),  75 
Baguette,  mail,  171  ;  plate,  164 
Bainbergs  (jambs),  1 5  i 
Baltheus  (alb  girdle),  66 
Bandeau  (hair  fillet),  245 
Bands  (legal),  103  ».,  222  «.,  224, 

230;  (female),  291;  bandbox, 

291 ». 
Banner,  168 

Barbe  (monastic  female),  98,  99  ; 
plaited  (female),  245,  247,  264, 
266  ;  absence  of,  253,  264 

Barbes  d'ecrevisses  (dagging),  159 

Bards  (horse  armour),  I56«. 

Bascinet,  152-5,  172,  174;  orle  or 
wreath  of,  163,  168;  vervelles 
of,  152,  157;  vizor  of,  154,  155, 
157,  162,  164 

Bases,  177 

Basilard,  159,  200 

Bastardeau  (small  knife),  205,  208, 

Baton  (military),  192  ;  (scholastic), 

Bawdric,  159,  160,  163,  168,  198, 

202  ;  initials  on,  164 
Bear-paw  sabbatons,  178 
Beard,  see  hair 



Bee  de  cane  sabbatons,  178 
Belt,  see  sword 
Birch  rod,  97 

Birettum  album  (coif),  222 

Bliaus  (surcoat),  147 

Bodice,  291,  293  ;  vandyked  skirt 

of,  291 
Bongrace,  288 
Bonnet,  245/?.,  275,  284 
Book  hanging  from  waist,  285 
Boots,  half,  205-8  ;  jack,  185,  215- 

Bourrelet,  209 

Bouterolle  of  scabbard,  148 

Brassarts,  151,  156,  1 64 ;  rerebraces, 

151,  158,  1 64 ;  absence  of,  1 5  3  ; 

vambraces,  \^on.,  151-3,  158, 

164,  170W. 
Brayette,  171 

Breastplate,  160,  162,  164,  170; 

peascod,  183 
Brech-rand,  177K. 
Breeches,  185  ;  see  Stocks,  upper 
Buskins  (episcopal),  73 
Butterfly  head-dress,  1 1  n.,  270-2, 

274-6;  cornet  of,  271 2727;., 

275  ;  drawn   en   profile,  272  ; 

wires  sustaining,  271 «. 
Buttons,  198-200,  202-3,  215,217, 

242,  244-56 


Calash  (caleche),  288,  291 
Caligae  (episcopal  buskins),  73 
Camail  (mail),  152-4,  157,  159, 
160,   162-4;   period,  156-64, 
186,  192,  250W. 
Cambuca  (episcopal  crozier),  76 
Camisia  vestis  (cassock),  85 
Campagae  (episcopal  sandals),  73 
Cannons,  nebule-shaped,  216 
Cap, academical,  102,  io5«.,  I2iff., 
125,  128,  133,/^-^  Pileus:  square, 
/^^Pileusquadratus;  civilian,  2 1 6, 
2I7«. ;  ecclesiastical  skull  cap, 

113,  116,  117;  priest's  square  Costume 

cap,  121 «.;  female,  244,  245, 

249,  264,  271,  275,  284,  291, 

297  ;  flat,  297  ;  Mary  Queen 

of  Scots,  284;  tam-o'-shanter, 

283;  Garter, /^-i?  Garter;  John 

Knox  laical,  12577.;  legal,  high, 

226,  232  ;  judge's  black  skull 

cap,  223,  22677. ;  judge's  square 

or  corner  (sentence)  cap,  121 77., 


Capa  manicata,  12477. 
Cape,  female,  282  ;  legal  fur,  see 

Cappa  (cope),  88,  clausa,  10377., 
109,  123-5,  127,  130;  nigra 
(choral  cope),  91-2,  1 10  ;  pluvi- 
alis  (choral  cope),  9777.;  serica 
(cope),  88,  1 13  77. 

Caputium  (hood  of  cope),  88 

Carcanet  (necklace),  272 

Cardinal  (hood),  288,  293 

Cassacca  (cassock),  85 

Cassock,  40,41,  72,  85-6,  92,  95-7, 
100,  102,  104-7,  112,  1 14-17, 
123,  124,  127,  128-38,  316 

Casula  (chasuble),  69  ;  (Roman 
costume),  69 

Catercap,  1 25  77. 

Cauchoise  head-dress,  27277. 

Cauls  of  head-dress,  245,  253,  255, 
258,  260,  262,  263,  268-70, 
274-6;  square,  257,  261;  un- 
ornamented,  259,  260,  262,  267 

Cerveliere,  plate,  146 

Chains  for  neck  (civilian),  213; 
(military),  179-82  ;  (female), 
268,  277-9,  281;  pendant,  see 

Chamfron  (chanfrien),  horse  ar- 
mour, 15677. 

Chape  of  scabbard,  148 

Chapelle  de  fer  (kettle  hat),  155 

Chaperon,  12477.,  197-200,  202; 
liripipe  of,  202  ;  scarf-like,  209, 
210,  234;  worn  turban-wise, 
20677.,  209  ;  hood,  49,  198,  200, 



202-6,  209,  210,  270;  tippet, 
198,  201,  209 
Charles  II. 's  Court,  female  dress  of, 

Chasuble,  46,  47,  6477.,  67,  69-70 
(described),  72,  78-9,  80,  82, 
88 ». ;  use  forbidden,  108  ;  worn 
over  armour,  1 80 ;  orphreys  of, 
47,  64  w.,  65  K.,  70,  311  ;  orna- 
mentation of,  83  ;  cross  on,  83  ; 
inscriptions  on,  84 ;  saints  on, 
84,  3  1 1  ;  personal  devices  on, 
311-12  ;  rarity  of,  83  ;  heraldic, 
83«.,  311-12 

Chau9ons,  149,  151  ;  see  cmsseaux 

Chausses  (mail),  146,  156-8 

Chesible  (chasuble),  69 

Chimere  (episcopal  habit),  108, 
109,  1 13-14,  121 123W. 

Chin-cloth,  264;  see  barbe 

Chirothecas  (episcopal  gloves),  73 

Chlamys,  217 

Cidaris  (mitre),  74-5 

Cingulum  (alb  girdle),  66 

Clerical  habit,  65,  103-7 

Cloak,  short,  186,  213-16,  300 

Coat,  buff,  185 

Cod-piece,  mail,  171 

Coif,  I03».,  222-6,  230,  231; 
absence  of,  227-30 ;  strings  of, 
222  ». 

Coifde  mailles,  146,  147,149,150, 

152,  182,  239W. 
Cointisse,  148 

Collars,  185,  186,  215  ;  lace,  216; 
female  lace,  291  ;  see  falls  ;  mail, 
171  ;  plate,  154;  livery,  163, 
169,  173,  174,  182,  191 ;  devices 
employed  on,  189-90  (Lancas- 
trian, Yorkist,  Tudor) ;  of  SS., 
162,  164,  167,  168, 186, 188-90, 
192,  204,  2o6w. ;  female,  248, 
256,  257,  259,  261,  262;  pen- 
dant of,  257;  trefoil  toret  or 
clasp,  192  ;  of  Suns  and  Roses, 
I73»  17s.  176,  186,  188,  190, 
191,  229;  female,  270,273,274; 

pendant,  white  lion  couchant  of 
March,  192,  208,  270  ;  suns  and 
roses  on  head-dress,  269  ;  of  mer- 
maids, 162,  191  ;  of  park  palings 
with  pendant,  hart  lodged,  191  w. 

Colobium  (alb),  66,  108  ;  (Roman 
costume),  66 

Comb,  hair,  289 

Cope,  40,  67«.,  71,  72,  87,  88-91 
(described),  92-5,  102,  107,  1 14, 
122,  124,  129,  130,  I37».,  138, 
264,  307,  316;  use  forbidden, 
108;  embroidered  throughout, 
89  ;  hood  of  (caputium),  88  ; 
morse  of,  88  ;  decorated,  91-2  ; 
orphreys  of,  6^fi.,  89-90,  12377., 
3  1 1 77. ;  figures  of  saints  and  per- 
sonal devices  on,  71,  79,  90,  93, 
22477.,  3ii».,  312 
Cope,  choral,  monastic,  plain,  8677., 

89,  91-2,  96,  9777.,  no,  138 
Cornet,  see  Butterfly  head-dress 
Coronet,  253,  258,  260,  269,  270, 

27877.,  281 
Cote  hardie  (male),  49,  199-201, 
243  ;  semee  of  peascods  (?)  parti- 
coloured, 201 ;  long,  1037/.,  197; 
pockets  of,  197;  short  (just  au 
corps),  198;  liripipia  of,  10377., 
1 97-200  ;  mitten  sleeves  of,  198  ; 
(female),    239-51;    semee  of 
shields,  239  ;  liripipia  or  lappets 
of,  242,  243,  246,  249,  250; 
pockets  of,  245,  249  ;  sideless, 
female,  241,  243,  244,  248-52, 
254,  257-60,  266,  268-70,  273, 
275,   278-81  ;    ermine  or  fur 
flounce  of,  249,  250,  258,  269, 
270,  275,  279-81  ;  ornamenta- 
tion of,  244,  248-50,  252,  257 
Cote,  ijiedlee,  224;  regal,  58 
Coudi^res,  1 5  i 
Couteau  de  chasse,  200 
Coutes,  151,  152,  154,  158,  164, 
170,  176,   177,   181  ;  buckle- 
shaped,  165;  fan-shaped,  165 
Covrechef,  239-44,  246,  264 



Cowl,  Benedictine,  96  ;  Cistercian, 

Cow-mouth  sabbatons,  178 
Crespine  head-dress,  245,  253"5> 

257,  260 
Crest,  see  Helm 

Crestine  head-dress,  2^^  ;  see  Cres- 

Crinet  (horse  armour),  l^6n. 
Crinoline,  288 
Croc,  192 

Cross,  pendant,  213,  268,  277,  278, 
281  ;  Tau,  179,  181,  278,  279 
Cross-guard,  see  Sword 
Cross-stafF,  archiepiscopal,  6^n.,  77 
Croupiere  (horse  armour),  156s. 
Crown,  regal,  58,  155 
Crozier,  see  Pastoral  StafF 
Cubitiere,  1 5  i 

Cucullus  (cowl),  Benedictine,  96 
CufFs,  185,  215 

Cuirass,  162,  170,  171,  177;  tapul 
of,  171,  177,  180;  heraldic 
(Molyneux),  182;  see'  breast- 

Cuirasse,  defaut  de  la,  158 
Cuir-bouilli,  146 

Cuisseaux  gamboises,  149, 151,1 54, 

Cuisses,    158,    165,    178;  pour- 
pointed  or  studded,  160,  161 
Culettes,  178 

Cyclas,  152-4;  period,  152-4 

Dagger,    i53».,    183,  304;  see 

Misericorde  ;  sash  of,  183 
Dagging,  I58».,  159,  I98». 
Dalmatic,  41,  46,  66,  72-3,  83 
Diamond-shaped  head-dress,  275 
Doublet,  1 16-17,  ^32,  I4°>  H''' 
212-15,  217,  300 


^y^Hpiov  (maniple),  68 
Eighteenth  century  female  costume, 
one  instance  on  a  brass,  293 

Elbow-cop,  151  Costume 

Epauli^res,  154,  156,  158,  164, 

170,  171  ;  splint-like,  171 
^■mTpa-^rjXiov  (stole),  66 

Epomis  (amice),  65 

Ermine  on  robes  of  C.J.,  226^?.; 
see  cote  hardie,  sideless 

Escoffion  cornue   (horned  head- 
dress), 258 

Estivals  (horse  armour),  156/?. 


Falls,  collars,  291,  292 

Fan,  feather,  292 

Fanon  (maniple),  68 

Farthingale,  288,  291  ;  wheel,  288 

Fermailes,  see  mantle,  female 

Ferula  (pastoral  staff),  76 

Ferule  (scholastic),  97  «. 

Fichus,  291 

Fillet,  tee  Hair 

Flail,  military,  193 

Flanchi^re  (horse  armour),  i^6n. 

Frills,  179,  183,  185,  214,  280, 

285  ;  see  Head-dress 
Frontlet,  see  Pedimental  head-dress 
Fustis  cornutus  (croc),  192 


Gadlings,  see  Gauntlet 
Gambeson,  leather,  146 
Garde  de  bras,  170,  177 
Garde  de  cou,  I77». 
Garland,  maiden,  245,  294-6 
Garter,  Order  of.  Mantle  of  Canons, 

91,  92,   135;   morse  of,  92; 

Mantle  of  Knights  of,  174,  176, 

186,   187  ;    badge  of,  186-7; 

surcoat  of,  187  ;  jewelled  cap  of, 

187;    Collar   of,    187,  189; 

Humerale  (hood)  of,  187,  209; 

Garter,  186-8,  304 
Garters,  213 

Gauntlets,  156,  158,  165, 179, 180, 
181,  184;  absence  of,  168,  171, 

2  B 



Costume  17^;  shell-backed,  158,  172; 
gadlings  of,  158 

Genouillieres,  146,  153-4,  158, 
l6l».,  165,  171,  178,  181, 
183-5  ;  pot-lid  shape  of,  158 

Girdle,  male,  199-201,  203-5,  207- 
13,215  ;  initial  T  on,  201,  203  ; 
absence  of,  203-5  ?  J^'^g^'sj  227* 
229  ;  female,  see  Gown  ;  female 
monastic,  98,  99  ;  child's,  299 

Gloves  (episcopal),  76 ;  jewelled, 
46;  absence  of,  8 1 ;  monial  on,  73 

Gloves,  150;  see  Gauntlet 

Gonfanon  of  lance,  148 

Gorget,  plate,  154,  155,  162-4, 
i68«.,  170,  174,  177,  182,  185  ; 
female,  242-5,  247 

Gown,  academical,  122,  123; 
doctor's  scarlet,  114W. ;  M.A., 
112,  ii5». ;  B.A.,  112;  with 
two  slits,  see  taberdum  talare ; 
bag-sleeved  male,  142,  202,  203  ; 
sleeves  of,  pokys,  bagpipe,  203  n. ; 
female,  232,  255-7,  262-3,268, 
297;  girdle  of,  256-7,  262; 
mantle  worn  with,  263  ;  cassock- 
like male,  142,  208,  212;  clerical, 
103 preaching,  112,  113, 
1 1 6- 1 7  ;  Genevan,  1 1 2  «. ;  false- 
sleeved  male,  112,  113,  1 15-17, 
131-3,  140,  141,  212,  213,  215, 
2 17 M.,  233-5  ;  fen^'il^j  284;  fur- 
lined  male,  210,  233  ;  fur-lined 
and  cuffed  female,  267-9,  ^7^> 
272-4,  276,  278,  281-2;  em- 
broidered throughout,  273  ; 
heraldic,  276 ;  diapered  lining 
of,  272  ;  girdle  of,  ornamented, 
267,  272,  276,  277  ;  open,  fe- 
male, with  puffed  sleeves,  281, 
282,  284,  288 ;  embroidered, 
290;  scarlet,  of  Judges,  223 »,; 
surplice-sleeved  female,  254, 255, 
258,  260,  264;  girdle  of,  255  ; 
swan  on  collar  of,  261  ;  see 
Houppelande  ;  female  with  wide 
sleeves  (sixteenth  century),  280 

Guige,  see  Shield 
Gussets,  see  Mail 

Gypci^re  (gibier)  purse,  199,  209- 
13,215;  worn  by  Judges,  227-9 


Habergeon,  157 

Habit,  Benedictine,  96,  I22». 

Habi  tus  clericalis,  see  Clerical  habit 

Hair,  male:  beards,  159,  167 «., 
179,  182,  183,  198-201,  203-5, 
213;  moustache,  115,  159,  1 79, 
183, 198,-203,213;  tonsure,223, 
226;  absence  of,  107,  1 1  2,  1 30  ; 
female,  curls  worn  in,  291,  293  ; 
false,  245  ;  flowing,  245,  294-8  ; 
short,  295  ;  plaited,  241-3,  248, 
295,  297  ;  remarkable  dressing 
of,  288-9  »  fillets  containing,  239, 
243-5  (bandeau),  2j\.S,z^z,2^^?i., 
294-7  ;  roll-shaped,  297 

Halberd,  193,  214//. 

Handkerchief,  292,  299 

Hat,  Cardinal's,  64 «. ;  Doctor's, 
1 2 1  122;  broad-brimmed, 
civilian,  215  ;  female,  289,290, 
292-4  ;  kettle,  155 

Haukcton,  leathern,  146,  149,  153, 

I54»  I57»  I7i» 

Hausse-col  (mail),  171 

Hawberk  (mail),  146,  147,  149, 
152-4,  157,  159-61,  163  ;  gloves 
of,  146,  149 

Head-dress,  female,  258??.;  frills 
on,  245,  264;  lace  used  on, 
289 ».  ;  network  ornamented  or 
jewelled,  245,253,  255  ;  pearls, 
string  of,  254;  border  of,  275  ; 
three-cornered,  287;  suns  and 
roses  shown  on,  269  ;  see  Bonnet, 
Butterfly,  Cap,  Caul,  Coronet, 
Covrechef,  Cresplne,  Diamond, 
Hat,  Heart,  Hennin,  Hood, 
Horned,  Kennel,  Kerchief,  Lu- 
nar, Mitre,  Nebule,  Paris  head. 



Pedimental,  Reticulated,  Steeple, 

Veil,  Wired,  Zig-zag 
Heart-shaped  head-dress,  258 
Helm,  tilting,  148,  154,  155,  159, 

162-4,  172,  I74»  1 75'  1 79-84* 
187,  304,  305  ;  vizor  of,  175  ; 
aventaille  (ocularia)  of,  I48».; 
crest,  155,  156;/.,  159,  172,  179, 
304,  305;  panache,  168,  184; 
lambrequins,  159,  172;  mant- 
ling, I79»  1 81 

Helmet,  179, 182-4;  vizor  of,  184; 
oreillettes  of,  179 

Hennin  head-dress,  258,  271,  272 

Holy-water  sprinkler,  193 

Hood,  academical  (caputium),  85, 
logn.,  1 15-17,  121 ».,  124-5, 
127-9,  ^31-8,  140,  1^1  ;  gradu- 
ate's, 1 25 ;  undergraduate's,  125; 
liripipium  of,  125  ;  (clerical 
habit),  100,  104;  liripipe  of, 
1 10;  Judges'  and  Serjeants', 
224-6,  228-31;  see  Chaperon; 
female,  large  (sixteenth  and  seven- 
teenth centuries),  288-91,  293  ; 
French,  head-dress,  284 

Horned  head-dress,  258,  261,  262, 
267,  269-71 

Horse  armour,  I56«. 

Hose,  tight,  193,  198,  203,  206; 
trunk,  183,  213,  215,  300; 
bombasted,  214 

Houppelande,  male,  206 ;  female, 
255,  260;  swan  on  collar  of, 
261  ;  see  gown,  surplice-sleeved 

Humerale  (amice),  65  ;  (Garter 
hood),  see  Garter 

Hunting-horn,  205 


Infula  (scarf  of  crozier),  76 
Infulae  (mitre  strings),  75  ;  (coif 

strings),  222  «. 
Inkhorn,  142,  209,  211,  235 
Insignia,  academical,  122;  legal, 

223  ;  civic,  I09«.,  217 


Jack,  leathern,  193 

Jambs  or  jambarts,  151,  154,  156, 

158,  i6i«.,  165,  176,  178,  185  ; 

studded,  161 «. 
Jewel  worn  on  forehead,  288 
Jupon,  154-63,  i68«. ;  heraldic, 

155,  159-62,  250». 


Kennel  head-dress,  275 
Kerchief  (female),  239,  244,  291 
Kettle-hat,  155 

Kirtle,  239,  241-4,  246-58,  263, 
264,  267-70,  272-3,  275-6,  296; 
diapered,  252;  heraldic,  248, 
252,  254,  257,  259,273  ;  girdle 
of,  248,  252,  258,  260;  mitten 
sleeves  of,  244,  245,  254,  255, 
258,  263-5 

Knee  cops,  146 

Labell^  (mitre  strings),  75  «. 
Lace,  see  Collar,  Head-dress 
Lacerna  (Roman  costume),  88». 
Lamboys,  skirt  of,  177 
Lambrequins,  see  Helm 
Lance,  148,  155,  170 ;  pennon, 

148,  155  ;  rest,  171,  177 
Lappets,   103 «.;  see  Paris  head, 

Pedimental  head-dress 
Legal  Costume,  221-35 
Lineas  of  archiepiscopal  pall,  78  «. 
Liripipe  (academical),  127W.,  131, 

132,  137W. ;  see  Chaperon,  Cote- 

hardie.  Hood,  Tippet 
Lunar  head-dress,  258 


Mace,  179,  192;  spiked,  193 
Mail,  banded,   146,  150-2,  156, 
157  ;  interlaced,  146,  151,  157  ; 




fringe  of,  i6o,  163,  164,  167, 
168;  gussets  of,  157,  171,  174, 
178;  see  Camail,  Chausses, 
Habergeon,  Hawberk 

Mail,  collar  of,  171 

Mail  skirt,  171,  175,  177,  178, 
181-3  ;  period,  177-83,  188,  192 

Mammeli^res,  i^zn.,  153 

MavSwuc  (cope),  88 
Manicae  (episcopal  gloves),  73 
Maniple,  41,  46,  47,  68-9;  shape 

of,  82;    absence  of,  82,  134; 

crosses  on,  83W. ;  heraldic,  312 
Manipulus  (maniple),  68 
Mantle,  male,  fastened  on  right 

shoulder,  49,   141,   198,  200, 

203,    205  ;    fastened    on  left 

shoulder,  182;  absence  of,  20 1  -2 ; 

dagged,  198W. ;  civic,  183,217; 

Judge's,  223/?.,  225,  226,  228; 

absence  of,  229;  regal,  58;  see 


Mantle,  female,  240,  241,  243, 
244,  246-8,  250-5,  257,  258, 
260;/.,  263,  264,  268,  270,  272- 
5,  277-9,  ^9^  '  'ibsence  of,  242  ; 
diapered,  252;  how  fastened, 
241,  244,  246;  ermine-lined, 
266,  269  ;  hood  of,  247  ;  cords 
of,  246  ;  slide,  244,  246  ; 
brooches  or  studs  of  (tasseaux, 
fermailes),  241;  heraldic,  181, 
187,  188,  252,  254,  259,  269, 
273»  27Sy  276,  278-82,  285  ; 
monastic,  98  ;  absence  of,  99 

Mantling,  see  Helm 

Mappula  (maniple),  68 

Martel  de  fer,  192 

Mentoni^re,  172,  176 

Mirror  hanging  from  v/aist,  285 

Misericorde,  159-61,  165,  173, 
174,  178,  192  ;  absence  of,  168, 
169,  171,  173-5 

Mitra  (mitre),  74-5  ;  aurifrigiata, 
75  ;  pretiosa,  46,  75,  82  ;  sim- 
plex, 75 

Mitre  (episcopal),  41,  47,  48,  55 

^7";  74-5»         96,  108,  11^., 

I26«,,  311  ;  strings  of  (infuls, 

labellas,  vittas),  75 
Mitre  head-dress,  258,  269,  270 
Mitten    sleeves,  see  Cote-hardie, 

Kirtle,  Subtunica,  Undertunic 
Monastic  habit,  male,  95-7;  female, 


Monial    (ornament   of  episcopal 

gloves),  73 
Morning  star  (morgenstern),  193 
Morse  of  almuce,  87  ;  of  cope,  88, 

Moton,  170,  171 
Mourning,  246  24777. 
Moustache,  see  Hair 
Muff-warmer,  277 


Nebule  head-dress,  244,  245,  249- 
5^  253 

Necklace,  254,  258,  259,  270,  272, 
273»  277,  292  ;  pendant  of,  254, 
258,  259  ;  see  Chain 

Network,  see  Head-dress 


OcuLARiA,  see  Helm 

Odovrj  (maniple),  68 

Q/.io(l>6piov  (pall),  78 

Qpapiov  (stole),  66 
Orarium  (stole),  66-7  ;  (Roman 

costume),  78 
Oreillettes,  see  Helmet 
Orle,  see  Bascinet 
Orphreys  of  vestments,  65  ». 


PiENULA,  69 

Palettes,  165,  167-70 

Pall,  archiepiscopal,  67,  77».,  78  ; 

lineas  of,  78  w. ;  crosses  on,  78 
Pallium,  archiepiscopal,   78  ;  or 

cloak  (Roman  costume),  67,  78 



Pallium  llnostimum  (maniple),  68 

Panache,  see  Helm 

Paris  head  (dress),  282-4,  ^^7'  ^9^» 
296,  298  ;  lappet  of,  jewelled  or 
embroidered,  284;  turned  up, 
288  ;  wires  sustaining,  284 

Partlet,  279,  280,  285 

Parura,  see  Apparel,  65//. 

Passguards,  177 

Pastoral  staff  (crozier,  episcopal), 
47,  55«-»  75-7,  81,  107,  108, 
113,  1 14,  126 K.,  31 1  ;  scarf  of 
(infula,  vexillum),  76  ;  inscrip- 
tions on,  77 ;  abbess',  98 ;  abbot's, 
95«.,  96 

Ilarf jO£<T(ra  (pastoral  staff),  1 1 3 

Pauldrons,  170,  176,  177,  183 

Pearls,  see  Head-dress 

Peascod  breastplate,  183 

Pedimental  head-dress,  272,  275, 
276,  278,  280,  286,  298  ;  dis- 
appearance of,  284  ;  frontlet  of, 
embroidered  or  jewelled,  272, 
275,  296,  2987/.;  lappets,  276; 
turned  up,  280;  surmounted  by 

coronet,  188 

Pedum  (pastoral  staff),  76 
Pelease  (legal  tippet),  224 
Pellicium  (cassock),  85 
Penner  (pencase),  142,  209,  211, 


Pennon,  see  Lance 

Perfume  box,  277 

Petticoat,  embroidered,  284,  285, 
288,  291-3;  hoop,  288;  of 
mail,  see  Mail  Skirt 

^aivoKiov  (chasuble),  69 

Pici^re  (horse  armour),  i^dn. 

Pike,  185 

Pike  guards,  177 

Pileus,  pointed  (academical), 
109,  125,  127-33,  136, 
without  point,  107,  125, 
quadratus,  1 1 1  «.,  1 12-13,  117, 
121 «.,  125  «.;  rotundus,  125  «. 

223  ; 

Pillion  (pileus),  cardinal's  scarlet,  Costume 
277  «. 

Placcards,  170;  demi-,  170 
Placcates,  170;  demi-,  170,  177 
Planeta  (chasuble),  69 ;  (Roman 

costume),  69  ;  plicata  (chasuble), 


Plastron  de  fer,  153 

Plate  armour.  Complete,  period  of, 

160,  164-9,  186 
Plates,  demi-,  151 
Pluviale  (cope),  88 
Pokys,  see  Bag-sleeved  Gown 
Poleyns,  146 

Pomander  (pomme  d'ambre),  277, 

281,  282 
Pommel,  see  Sword 
Pommes  chaufferettes,  277 
Pontificalia  (pontificals),  3,  16,41, 

43»  46,  57»  72-9»  95»  io7«., 

I  26». 

Pontificals  (rings),  74 
Pourpoint,  153,  160 
Pourpointerie,  ouvrage  de,  149, 

154,  158,  160,  161 
Purse,  106,  199;  /^•^  gypciere 
Pyramidal  head-dress,  275 


QuiLLONs,  see  Sword 


Randt,  ijjn. 
Rapier,  214,  215 
Rerebrace,  see  Brassart 
Reticulated  head-dress,  244,  245, 

252,  253 
Reticule,  282 

Ring,  episcopal,  74;  (academical 
insigne),  122  ;  female,  247,  253  ; 
monastic,  98,  99 
Rivets,  sliding,  "  almayne,"  177 
Roba   talaris    (academical),  122; 
(legal),  226  ». 



E  Robe,  long,  Serjeants',  224,  225, 
226«.,  230,  231  ;  parti-coloured 
(medlee  cote),  224,  225  w. 

Rochet, episcopal,  107-9,  ^^3'  ^H? 
lawn  sleeves  of,  108,  109,  113, 
114,  280;  academical,  123; 
monastic  (Augustinian),  97 

Rochetum,  rochetto,  see  rochet 

Rosary,  105, 106,208-12,267,269, 
276-8, 28 1, 282 ;  worn  by  Judges, 
227,  228  ;  female  monastic,  99 

Roundels,  15 1-3,  158,  162,  164, 
165,  170,  177 

Ruffs,  115,  179,  182,  183,  185, 
186,  214,  215;  Elizabethan 
(female),  285,  288,  291,  292, 
300;  upheld  by  wires,  288 


Sabatyns  (episcopal  buskins),  73 
Sabbatons,  176,  178,  183,  208 
Salade,  172,  174-6;  vizor  of,  172 
Sandalia  (episcopal  sandals),  73  .- 
Sandals,  episcopal,  46,  73 
Sash,  military,  185,  216-17;  fe- 
male, 282 
Scabbard,  see  Sword 
Scale  work  (armour),  153,  i6i 
Scarf,  Black  (tippet),  86«.,  102, 
105,  109-1 13,  115-17;  mayoral, 
I09».,  217 
Sceptre,  regal,  58 
Scimitar,  193 
Shadoe,  288 

Shield,  147-9,  151,  153-6,  159, 
193 ;  absence  of,  150;  enamelled, 
8;guigeof,  147,  153,  154;  roses 
on,  147 ».;  tilting  (a  bouche), 

Shoes,  male,  pointed,  49,  198,  203, 
208 ;  round-toed,  2 1 o,  2 1 3,  2 1 7 ; 
square-toed,  208,  211,  212; 
female,  broad,  277  ;  pointed, 
239;  round-toed,  285,  289; 
rosettes  on,  291  ;  high  heels  of, 

Skirt,  of  mail,  see  mail  skirt;  of 

taces,  see  taces 
Skirts,  long,  of  children,  299 
Skull  cap,  see  cap 

Sollerets,  150^.,  151,  154,  158, 
161,  165,  176,  178,  208  ;  a  la 
poulaine,  158;  lames  of,  151 

Sotulares  (episcopal  buskins),  73 

Splint  armour,  184 

Spring  pins,  170 

Spurs,  prick,  146,  153,  i54;rowell, 
150,  152,  154,  158,  165,  178, 
185,  216;  spur  leathers,  185; 
length  of,  4 

SS.,  see  Collar 

Standard  (collar),  mail,  171,  177; 

plate,  162,  164 
Starch,  288  «. 
Steeple  head-dress,  271 
Stick  held  in  hand,  216 
Stockings,  episcopal,  73  ;  mail,  see 


Stocks,  nether  (stockings),  213,217; 
upper  (breeches),  213-16 

^TOf^apiov  (alb),  66 

Stole,  46,  66-8,  71,110-11;  shape 
of,  82  ;  absence  of,  8 1,  82,  1 34  ; 
heraldic,  312 

Stomacher,  peaked  or  pointed,  288 

Stoss-kragen,  ijjn. 

Subtunica,  82,  86,  1 22,  3 16  ;  with 
mitten  sleeves,  worn  beneath  cas- 
sock, 82  ;  see  Tunic,  under 

Sudarium  (maniple),  68 

Suns  and  roses,  see  Collar 

Superhumerale  (amice),  65 

Superpellicium  (surplice),  86 

Supportasse,  288 

Surcoat,  145,  147-9,  151,  i53»-» 
1 56«.,  197;  superseded  by  cyclas, 
152;  see  Garter ;  female,  hood 
of,  242  ». 

Surcote  overte  (surcoat,  female), 

Surplice,  40,  41,  72,  85-6,  88,  92, 

95,  107-9,  112,  114,  138,  316 
Sword,  147,  I53».,  159,  161,  165, 



173-6,  178,  183-6,  192,  2I4»., 
23 1»  304'  305  ;  regal,  58  ;  belt, 
147,  160,  162-5,  i69».,  185; 
absence  of,  167;  initials  on,  165; 
crossguard,  159;  pommel,  147, 
159;  arms  on,  I73». ;  quillons, 
147;  173;  scabbard,  147,  159, 
162,  178;  initials  on,  167; 
bouterolle  or  chape  of,  148 


Tabard  (academical),  sleeved,  1 24, 
129,  131,  135-41;  sleeveless, 
ad  medias  iibias,  12  4,  132,  i35»-j 
136-8,    141  ;    (legal),  sleeved, 

224,  225 230,  231  ;  heraldic 
military,  166-7,  172-3,175,178, 
179,  181,  184,  231,  232,  285  ; 
female,  285-6 

Taberdum  talare  (academical), 
105K.,  109,  123,  128,  129,  131, 

132»  134 

Taces,  skirt  of,  160,  162-9,  ''7^» 
174,  177,  1 8 1-3;  manner  of 
fastening,  163  «. 

Tapul,  see  Cuirass 

Tasseaux,  see  Mantle,  female,  241 

Tassets,  178,  182-5,  a  I'ecrevisse, 
183  ;  period,  178,  183-6 

Tena  (coif),  222 

Tenae  (coif-strings),  222 «. 

Tiara,  papal,  64?;. 

Tibialia  (episcopal  buskins),  73 

Tilting  shield  (a  bouche),  I77». 

Tippet  (academical),  85,  124,  125, 
127-36,  138;  liripipesof,  izjn., 
(civilian),  see  Chaperon  ;  (eccle- 
siastical), TOO,  104-5  ;  see  Scarf, 
Black;  of  sables,  1 10,  277 w.; 
monastic,  97  ;  (legal)  cape,  224, 

225,  228,  230,  231  ;  Serjeants' 
lined  with  budge  (lambs'  wool), 
224  ;  judges'  with  minever,  226  ; 
(regal),  ermine,  58 

Toga  (Roman  costume),  69,  78  ; 
talaris  (academical),  122 

Tonsure,  see  Hair 

Toret,  see  Collar  of  SS. 

Trapper,  horse,  156,  311 

Trunk  hose,  see  Hose 

Tuilles,  166,  168,  169,  171,  174, 
176,  178,  180,  181,  183  ;  ab- 
sence of,  174 

Tuillettes,  171 

Tunic,  long  male,  202 ;  long  female, 
c.  1380,  251-4  ;  girdle  of,  253-4 

Tunic,  under,  49,  198-200,  203  ; 
mitten  sleeves  of,  49,  199-201, 
203,  226,  230;  see  Subtunica 

Tunica  alba  (alb),  66;  Benedictine, 
96  ;  Cistercian,  96  ;  dalmatica 
(alb),  66  ;  (dalmatic),  72  ;  mani- 
cata  (alb),  66  ;  pontificalis  (tu- 
nicle),  73  ;  talaris  (cassock),  85  ; 
(Roman  costume),  66,  67  ;  clavi 
of,  lati  and  angusti,  segmenta, 
calliculae  of,  66,  67 

Tunicella  (tunicle),  73 

Tunicle,  46,  66,  73,  83,  I07  ;  ab- 
sence of,  81,  83 


Underpropper,  288 

Vair,  242,  243,  248 

Vambraces,  see  Brassarts 

Vardingale  (Fr.  vertugale),  288 

Veil,  239,  245,  246,  248,  249, 
253-5»  257,  258,  260,  261,  267, 
268,  270-2,  275,  276,  284,  293, 
294  ;  absence  of,  270  ;  monastic 
female,  98,  99 

Veiled  head-dress,  244-7,  253,  263 

Velvet,  275,  277 ». 

Vervelles,  see  Bascinet 

Vestimentum,  a  set  of  vestments, 
69  «. 

Vestis  talaris  (cassock),  103 
Vestment  (chasuble),  107, 108,  307 
Vestments,  ecclesiastical,  63  ;  em- 
broidery of,  47,  50;  apparels 




and  orphreys,  65?;.;  Eucharistic, 
see  Mass ;  Mass,  49,  65-73,  86  w., 
107;  Processional  or  Choral,  85- 
95,  126,  128-33 
Vexillum  (scarf  of  crozier),  76 
Vif  de  I'harnois,  158 
Virago  sleeve,  291 
Virga  pastoralis  (pastoral  staff),  75 
Vittas  (mitre  strings),  75 
Vizor,  see  Bascinet,  Helm,  Helmet, 

Volant  piece,  I77». 


Waistbelt  (girdle),  49 
Waistcoat,  217 

Widows'  weeds,  247,  264 
Wig,  109,  217;  Serjeants'  long, 

Wimple,  99,  239,  241,  243,  244, 

Wings  or  lappets  at  shoulders,  288 
Wired  (butterfly)  head-dress,  272 
Wreath  or  orle,  see  Bascinet 


Zig-zag  head-dress,  244,  245,  249- 

Zimarra  (simarre)  chimere,  109 
Zona  (alb  girdle),  66 


See  also  List  of  Contents 


Abbess,  65,  98 

Abbot,  17,  2i«„40,  41,  43,46, 
.48,  65,  73».,  74,  76,  83;;.,  84, 
95-7,  1 26;/.,  i37«.,  207,  311, 

Acolytus,  64 

Agnus  Dei,  47,  76 

Alderman,  205,  217 

Altar  cover,  312 

Ancients  (legal),  222;;. 

Angels,  47,  48,  50,  51,54,  55>9i» 
258,  270,  312;  contract  for 
making,  304-5  ;  archangels,  84W., 

92,  268 

Apprenticii  ad  Barros,  222 ;  ad 
legem,  221,  232,  233 

Archbishops,  4,  30,  48«.,  55,  64, 
67-9*  75»  76«.,  77-80,  83-5 »., 
90W.,  106,  108,  1 10,  1 13-5, 126 

Archdeacons,  51,  86,  87,  89-91, 

93,  94,  ii3».,  123,  I27«.,  130, 
132,  I37«.,  141 

Architecture  (canopies,  etc.),  18-20, 
23,  41,  42,  44,  47,  50,  51,  54, 

55»  57»  79»  148,  i5o»  i55»  iS^w., 
164,  181,  187,  202,  240,  299 

Arts,  Faculty  of,  122,  /^-^  Masters 

Attornati,  221 


Bachelor,  122,  125  ;  of  Arts,  135, 
141  ;  of  Divinity,  92,  116,  117, 
132,  134;  of  Canon  Law  (De- 
crees), 138-9;  of  Laws,  104, 
107,  116;  Utriusque  Juris,  140, 
316  ;  of  Physic,  140 

Bar,  the,  221  ;  gentlemen  under 
the,  222 ». 

Barristers,  232,  233  ;  Inner,  222 ».; 
Utter,  222,  233 

Bencher  (legal),  233 

Bishops,  2-4,  6,  7,  14-18,  27,  35, 
38,  42-4,  52,  55«.,  57,  63,  64, 
67».,  69,  70,  72-7,  80-4,  86, 
88-90,  95,  107-8,  no,  1 13-15, 
i26«.,  133,  137?;.,  187?^.,  192, 


Books  shown  on  brasses,  80,  81, 
113,  116,  216,  231,  233,  293  ; 
on  incised  slab,  126K. ;  scrolls, 
209,  2247/.,  228,  229,  231  ;  slab 
semee  of,  168,  228 

Brasses,  Monumental,  see  Introduc- 
tion, also  Flemish  and  Palimpsest 
Analysis  of  Cortewille  brass, 

Artists  of,  and  their  signatures, 
14-15,  55«.,  185  ?z.,  devices,  etc.. 

Bracket,  20,49,  93'  ''°4'  ^5°» 
160,  181,  247,  250,  254,  256, 
265,  294,  296 

Chrysom,  23,  25 

Colour  on,  270,  274 ;  enamel 
on,  148 

Cross,  22,  81,  104,  246; 
floriated,  lyn.y  20,  21 «.,  22,  64, 
103,  156,  197,  202,  203,  263 

Engravers  (provincial)  of,  172, 
174,  176,  216,  261,  282,  283  ; 
error  of,  178W. 

Extra-mural,  79 

Goldsmiths'  work  on,  15 

Modern,  26,  58».,  218,  296; 
artist,  26 



Objects  (animals,  etc.),  de- 
picted on  :  butterflies,  dragons, 
50;  peacock  feast,  52;  shears, 
207  ;  stag-hunt,  52  ;  wodehouses 
feasting,  52 

Pardon,  64?;. 

In  private  possession,  215,  262 
Rectangular  shape   of,  162, 
185,  213,  214,  216,  281,  299 
Shroud  or  skeleton,  23,  25, 

I35»  HO 
Burlington  Fine  Arts  Club  Exhibi- 
tions, 48  ».,  I23«.,  224».,  311- 


Candles,  5  i 

Canons,  Ecclesiastical,  1 1 i  izn. 

Canons,  857/.,  86-91,  93,  123, 
I26«.,  131-4,  139  ;  of  Windsor, 
92-3,  132  ;  Augustinian,  Austin 
or  Black,  96-7 ;  pety  (minor), 
93,  109W. 

Cardinals,  6^n.,  S^n.,  86,  103/?., 
1 10,  277». 

Casement,  see  Matrix 

Chalice,  49,  64«.,  68,  99-102,  107, 
135-9,  3I2»- 

Chamberlain  of  London,  i66w. 

Chancellor,  Lord,  80  ;  of  Univer- 
sity, 127 

Chancery,  Court  of,  2  24». ;  Cur- 
sitor  in,  235  ;  Masters  in,  226, 

Choristers,  1257/, 

Christ,  figure  of,  47,   81,  107; 

Crucifixion,  311,312;  Stigmata, 

235  ;  Vernicle,  91 
Cirographorius  (engrosser),  234 
Civic  dignitaries,  200,  217 
Coif,  Order  of  the,  222,  225,  226 
Collections,  Gough  (Gaignieres),  7, 

I4«.,  28». ;   British  Museum, 

Craven  Ord  (Douce),  I,  33,  49  ; 

Huybrechts,  6477. 
Commoners,  12577. 
Communion,  Holy,  107 

Consecration  of  Archbishop  Parker, 

no,  11377. 
Constable  of  the  Tower,  18877. 
Constitutions   of  Cardinal  Otho, 


Contracts  for  Beauchamp  tomb,  977., 
303-6  ;  for  Sandys  tomb,  Basing- 
stoke, 547;, 

Copper,  alloys,  manufacture  of,  2  ; 
engraving  on,  discovery  of,  16^7. 

Council  of  Constance,  57;  of 
Milan  5  th,  8777.;  of  Oxford, 

Counsel,  King's,  222 

Crants,  Virgin,  295  77. 

Cross,  fylfot,  6777.,  83,  14777.; 
Keltic,  3;  Tau,  128,  139;  see 
also  Costume  Index 

Crown-keeper,  214;  his  badge, 

Cullen  plate,  9 


Deacon,  41,  64,  67,  72-3,  107 ; 

sub-,  64,  73 
Deans,  89,  94,  95,  112 77.,  11477., 

115,  123,  12677.,  129,  140 
Doctor,  122,  12377.,  222 
Doctors,  of  Divinity,  8577.,  89,  94, 

104,  106,  10877.,  10977.,  111-17, 

125,  126-9,  223 ;  of  Canon  Law, 

126,  129-30;  of  Law,  8577.,  89, 
92,  12577.,  12677.,  131-2,  184, 
223-4;  Utriusque  Juris,  132-3  ; 
of  Medicine,  12577.,  133;  of 
Music,  125  77.,  142 

Draper,  212 


Easter  sepulchres,  193 

Effigies,  kneeling,  174,  175,  178- 
85,  18877.,  198,  203,  208,  210, 
213-16,  227-9,  234'  235,  246, 
263,  267,  268,  274-6,  279,  281, 
282,  285-7,  290,  292-4,  297, 

Sitting,  290 



Standing,  on  chequered  pave- 
ment, 184,  214  ;  on  low  circular 
pedestals,  289 

Male  and  female,  hand  in 
hand,  161,  168,  174,  204,  248- 
50,  2^5«.,  256,  258,  265 

Hands  of,  crossed,  46,  49 «. 

Heads  of,  resting  on  cushions, 

50,  51,54,  91,  150,  181,  185, 
242,  246,  248,251,252,254-6, 

258,  266,  268,  270,  279,  281, 

Objects  at  feet  of :  two  animals 
addorsed,  52  ;  bear,  162  ;  bedes- 
men, 263  ;  dog,  9I«.,  148,  151, 
159,  163,  167, 168, 169  (Jakke), 
171-4,  176,  179,  199,  201-3, 
205-8,  228,  239-41,  243,  247- 

51,  254,  274;  greyhound,  162, 
163,  173-6, 180,  182,  281  ;  toy- 
terrier  with  bell  collar  (lap  dog), 
242,  243W.,  245,  247,  248,  250- 
3,  252  (Terri),  255,  26o«.,  272  ; 
gnawing  a  bone,  205,  247  ;  two, 
fighting,  _  247  ;  dragon,  274  ; 
two  fighting,  46,  52  ;  eagle,  176, 
270;  fighting,  52;  elephant, 
180,  266  ;  griffin,  174,  180,  304, 
305  ;  hedgehog,  261  ;  leopard, 
167,  227  ;  lion,  91  134,  148, 
149,  159,  163,  167,  169, 
171-6,  179, 181,  226,  227,  240, 

259,  266;  fighting,  52;  two 
addorsed,  201  n.  ;■  mount,  ground 
sown  with  flowers,  etc.,  167, 168, 
172,  173,  175,  179,  201,  203, 
209,  227,  228,  230  ;  sheep,  208  ; 
stag,  49  ;  unicorn,  169  ;  wine- 
cask,  203  ;  wodehouses  (wild 
men),  174;  woolpack,  201,  204, 
205,  207,  208 

Of  children  on  brasses,  20,  54, 

94>  95 »v  99»  io4-7»  ^.'^^n., 
ii4».,  132, 175,  185, 186,  201, 
204-7,  209».,  211, 214-16,  246, 
247,  266,  268,  270,  271,  276, 
281,  282,  291-300 

Halfor  demi,  Ijn.,  2I«.,  24W.,  General 
4o»  55»  63, 7^-2, 83, 92,  94,iioi, 
102,104, 117, 127».,  128,132-3, 
136-41, 145,150, 197,199,200, 
202,  204,  205,  241,  242,  244-7, 
262,  263,  287,  297 

Sculptured,  2,  67».,  77,  79, 
87W.,  io8«.,  lion.,  112,  I32«, 
I36«.,  i49«.,  i5i-3».,  i56«., 
I57».,  I58».,  163W.,  i68w., 
i88w.,  189W.,  191?/.,  I92»., 
I98«.,  204;;.,  223W.,  227W., 
230«.,  232W.,  2397/.,  2407;., 
242 ».,  243  245  K.,  248 
253W.,  258,  280,  316 

Enamels,  Limoges,  5,  6 

Esquires,  see  Chapters  III.,  IV.,  V., 

Exchequer,  Court  of,  224W.,  226; 
Chancellor  of  the,  232;  Chief 
Baron  of,  222,  226-9  ?  Barons  of, 
226-9,  231*  266  ;  Clerks  of,  234; 
Auditor  of,  234 


Fellows  of  Colleges,  71,  72,  loi, 

116,  137-41 
Flemish  brasses,  5,  9«.,  10,  14,  16- 

18,  20,  25-8,  33,42-56,63,70, 

72,  75»-»  77-9.  83,  84,  91,  95, 
101,  129, 154, 161,  197-9,201, 
202,  205,  212,  243,  244W.,  247, 
260W.,  276,  277,  297,  299; 
palimpsests,  I3«.,  38,  44-6,  51, 
56,  199,  202 

Flowers,  240,  293 

Frankelein,  70,  201 

French  workmanship,  brasses  show- 
ing»  56-7,  153,  242 


Garlands,  Funeral,  295  w. 
Garter,  brasses  of  Knights  of  the, 

167,  168,  174,  176,  180,  1 86-8  ; 

stall  plates,   i88w. ;  Chancellor 

of  the,  i88w. 



ERAL  Gens  de  robe,  221 

Glass,  mosaic,  17;  red  cassock 
depicted  in,  85;  St.  Jerome 
depicted  in,  I09«, ;  Serjeant-at- 
law  depicted  in,  2307;.;  lady- 
wearing  heraldic  tabard  depicted 
in,  2867?, 

Gueux,  League  of  the,  44 


Heart,  inscribed,  211,  227,  251, 


Coats  blazoned: — 

Albemarle  (de  Fortibus),  I47«, 

Aldeburgh,  160 

Bacon,  151  ;  of  Redgrave,  i^m. 

Beauchamp,  155,  252 

Beaumont,  83/;. 

Brocas,  250 

Bures,  149 

Camoys,  1877;. 

Chelvey,  259 

Creke,  153 

Daubeney,  i6()n. 

D'Aubernoun,  148 

Delamere,  48 

Denmark,  58 

Des  Essarts,  i66«, 

Dixton,  173W. 

Edward  the  Confessor,  i68«. 

Edward  III.,  155 

Ermyn,  90 

Feld,  172-3 

Ferrers,  252 

Fitz  Ralph,  151 

Foxley,  250 

Fulburne,  90 

Fynderne,  167,  259 

Geslingthorpe  (Calthorpe),248». 

GifFard,  156 

Grey  de  Ruthin,  155,  316 
Harsick,  161 
Hastings,  154 
Horton,  50 

Kent,  Holland,  Earl  of,  270  n. 

Kyngeston,  259 
Lippe,  74 ». 
Mauleverere,  162 
Mayo,  81-2 
Molyneux,  182 
Northwode,  154 
Paderborn,  See  of,  74 «. 
Parsons,  3  1 2 

Plantagenet,    Henry,    Earl  of 

Lancaster,  1  55 
Powys,  Charlton,  Lord,  270«. 
Richard  IL,  168  n. 
Rivers  (Redvers),  Earl  of  Devon, 

Russell,  82 

St.  Alban's  Abbey,  47 

St.  Amand,  155 

Say,  172 

Setvans,  149 

Stafford,  155 

Stapleton,  172 

Trumpington,  148 

Uvedale,  257 

Valence,  155 

Vipont  (Veteripont),  172 

Wantele,  166  n. 

Coats  mentioned: — 
Arundel,  90??. 
Bagot,  162 
Baynard,  276 

Beauchamp,  907;.,  162,  311-12 

Bodiham,  160 

Bohun  de,  3 1 2 

Braunche,  53 

Bray,  285 

Bulowe,  de,  83 

Canterbury,  See  of,  78 

Cheyny,  273 

Clare,  3  1 2 

Clifford,  2407;. 

Courtenay,  279 

Covert,  286 

Delamere,  53 

England,  1877/.,  311 

Fitz  Walter,  3  1 2 

France,  187W. 



Gage,  188?/. 
Gorynge,  286 
Grandisson,  3 1 1 
Grey  of  Wilton,  188?/. 
Hevenyngham,  275 
Howard,  iSyn.,  280 
Ipswich,  town  of,  5  5 
Laon,  Chapter  of,  86 
Legh,  83 

Lincoln,  See  of,  82 
Lippe,  83 
Ludlowe,  276 
Merchant  Adventurers,  55 
Michelgrove,  279 
Montacute,  312 
Monthermer,  312 
Nevill,  312 
Newburgh,  312 
Northumberland,  i88«. 
Oxford,  see  Vere 
Plantagenet,  312 
Salisbury,  See  of,  84 
Salters'  Company,  55 
Scrope,  281 
Shelley,  279 
Solms,  311 
Stafford,  312 
Thornton,  54. 
Tiptoft,  281 
Topclyff,  53 
Vere,  de,  312 
Verney,  285 

Warwick,  see  Beauchamp,  Nevill 

Badges,  Crests,  Devices — see 
Costume  (Collars,  Garter) : — 

Aileward  (garb),  90 

Beauchamp  (bear,  304,  305, 3 1 1 ; 
griffin,  31 1  ;  staff  ragule,  162) 

Berkeley  (mermaid),  162 

Bohun,  de  (swan),  312 

Bourchier  (eagle),  270 

Burghersh  (lion),  266 

Catherine  of  Aragon,  311 

Foxley  (fox),  250 

Henry  VIII.,  311 

Setvans  (motto),  I49». 

Stafford  (knot),  312  Gi 
Tudor,  1 14 

See  also  Effigies,  Objects  at  feet  of 

Heralds,  Kings  of  Arms,  brasses  of, 

l66w. ;  Visitation,  166?;. 
Herse,  303,  304 
Hospes  of  Norwich,  218 
Host,  sec  Wafer 
Hostiarius,  647/. 

Household,  Royal,  Master  of,  1 80  ; 
Officers  of,  179;  of  Cardinal 
Wolsey,  Comptroller,  182 

Hunter,  brass  of  a,  205 


Indent,  see  Matrix 
Injunctions  of  Queen  Elizabeth, 
102  K. 

Inns  of  Court,  Grey's,  233,  234; 
Lincoln's,  233  ;  Staple  (Prynsi- 
pall  of),  235  ;  Temple,  Inner, 
233  ;  Middle,  225  w. 

Inscriptions,  16,  17,  20,  21,^23, 

25,  30,  3i»  4°>  45»  47»  49»  52» 
54-8,  6\n.,  81,  84,  96-8,  115- 
17,  izjn.,  129, 131,  133-6,  139, 
140,  148-50,  151W.,  153,  i66w., 
i8o«.,  197,  201,  211,  230-5, 
240,  259,  263,  265 


Judges,  200,  221-3,  225-30 
Justice  of  North  Wales,  228 


Kings,  58 

King's  Bench,  Court  of,  222, 
2  24». ;  Chief  Justice  of,  223  w., 
226ff.,  227;  Justice  of,  227-9, 
259,  267;  Clerk  of  the  Crown 
in,  234 

Knights,  see  Chapters  III.,  IV.,  V., 




Latten,  2,  9,  29 
Lector,  64 
Lecturer  (legal),  233 
Licentiati,  127;  in  decretis,  iiSn., 


Manuscripts,  4,  5W.,  52W.,  68, 
69W.,  75,  83«.,  84W.,  95«.,  io3«., 
109,  124,  \z6n.,  izjn.,  i^6n., 
igyti.,  2o6«.,  224«.,  239«., 
247 258 «. 

Mar  bier,  205 

Mary,  B.V.,  51;  and  Child,  84, 
107;  Annunciation,  105;  As- 
sumption, 311  ;  Pieta,  81 

Masters  of  Arts,  94,  95,  1 00-2,  1 04, 
105,  115-17,  124,  135-8, 


Master  of  Clare  Hall,  1 3 1 
Master  of  Queens'  College,  Cambs., 

Matrix,  II,  i7«.,  18,  20,  27,  28, 
42?/.,  80,  81,  96,  i04«.,  I27«., 
i3i«.,  150, 156, 187,229,249?/., 
zyzn.,  296 

Mayors,  1097/.,  217,  218 

Mercer,  zijn. 

Merchants' Marks,  53,  55,205,207 
Missal,  64».,  1 01 
Monks,  65,  96-7,  99«. 
Monuments,    Queen  Elizabeth's 

Proclamation  against  breaking  or 

defacing,  308-10 
Mootmen  (legal),  222 «. 
Mosaics,  Ravenna,  78 


Notary,  209,  211,  235 
Nuns,  65,  99,  247 


Orders,  Holy,  22 1 
Ostiarius,  64 


Page  of  Honour,  180 

Paintings,  48 w.,  6^n.,  d-jn.,  105  w., 

224«.,  289«. 

Palimpsest  brasses,  13K.,  15,  21, 
27«.,  29,  35,  37-42,  64«.,  81, 

95>  97>  99»  i38«.,  145 
187,  i88«.,  193,  233,  240,  259, 
261,  263,  264,  281,  296-7; 
Flemish,  44-6 

Paten,  49 

Pilgrim,  204  w. 

Pipe  subthesaurarius,  231  ;  Comp- 
troller of  the  great  roll  of  the, 

Pleas,  Common,  Court  of,  222, 
224«.,  234;   Chief  Justice  of, 

226-9 ;  Justice  of,  227-9 ; 

"Secundarie"  of,  227  ;  Attorney 

of,  235  ;  prothonotary  of,  234 
Popes,  64«.,  68,  73,  75,  78 
President  of  Magdalen  College, 

Oxon.,  82,  92,  134,  135 
Priests,  see  Chapters  I.  and  IL,  4, 

7,  10,  1 1 «.,  13,  21 22,  26, 

39-43»  49»  20S>  231,  264, 
3i2».,  316 

Priors,  65,  79,  96,  I27», 

Prioress,  65,  98,  263 

Privy  Council,  309 

Provost  of  Eton,  92 ;  Vice-,  of 
Eton,  128;  of  King's  College, 
Cambs.,  129;  of  Oriel  College, 
Oxon.,  1277/,;  of  Queen's  Col- 
lege, Oxon.,  117,  128  ;  of  Tat- 
tershall,  93,  130,  134 

Pulpit  represented  on  brass,  1 17 

Puritans,  1 1 2  «. 


Readers  (legal),  222 «.,  233 
Rebus,  maple  leaves,  90  ;  peascods, 
201  ;  Whychurch,  312;  wood- 
howses,  100 
Recorder  of  London,  228  ;  of  Nor- 
wich, 218 



Reformation,  25,  82,  I93«. 
Regulas  generales  of  the  Judges,  222 
Renaissance,  19,  24,  25 
Restoration,  291 
Resurrection,  193 
Roses,  Wars  of  the,  169 


Saints,  Alban,  47 
Cornelius,  56 
Cuthbert,  68,  69  ». 
Eligius,  52 
Ethelbert,  18,  63  «. 
Ethelred,  17,  58 
Faith,  203,  263 
George,  155 
Gregory,  6\n.,  75,  loi 
James,  84 

Jerome,  647/.,  logw. 
John  Baptist,  104 
Katherine,  94 
Lawrence,  72«.,  84». 
Martin,  94  ». 
Nicholas,  52 
Oswyn,  47 
Paul,  47,  84,  104 
Peter,  47,  Sjn.,  84,  104 
Quentin,  72  w.,  84 
Sextus,  Pope,  68 
Stephen,  84 «. 

Thomas  (a  Becket)  of  Canter- 
bury), 69«.,  79 

Trond,  84 

Zenobio,  67  w. 
Scholars  of  Divinity,  101,135,138; 

foundation,  125  w. 
Schoolboys,  141-2 
Seal,  the  Great,  80 
Seneschallus  domus,  64 «. 
Serjeants-at-arms,  179,  192 
Serjeants-at-law,  221-31  ;  King's, 


Sheriff  of  London,  205 
Shield  Bearer,  161 
Sisters  of  Charity  of  St.  Vincent  de 
Paul,  272 «. 

Slabs,  Incised,  3-7,  I4«.,  86;;.,  87«.,  General 
97«.,  100,  126;;.,  158;;.,  2o6»., 

Soul,  conventional  treatment  of,  48, 

Squire  of  the  Body  to  Richard  IIL, 

Stalls,  carved  woodwork  of  choir, 

Standard  Bearer,  168 
Staple  of  Calais,  Mayor  of,  201  ; 

Merchant  of,  211 
Star  Chamber,  Court  of,  309,  310 
Statutes,  Oxford  Laudian,  I25». 
Steward,    Chief,  of  Glastonbury 

Abbey,  230-1 
Student  of  Civil  Law,  141 
Suit  of  Bishop  Wyvill  v.  Earl  of 

Salisbury,  192-3 
Supremacy,  Oath  of,  loyn.,  114 
Symbols,  evangelistic,  47,  50,  52, 

54,  57,  84«. 


Tailor,  207 
Tapestry,  Bayeux,  68 
Thurible,  50,  5  i 
Tiles,  encaustic,  198  «. 
Treasurer,  Lord  High,  of  England, 

Trinity,  emblem  of  the,  91 

Undergraduate,  141 
Uniformity,  Act  of,  108 


VowEssES,  98,  265,  294  ;  Order  of, 
98,  247 


Wafer,  99-102,  107,  135,  137-9, 

Warden  of  Merton  College,  126, 
128;  of  New  College,  80,  89, 



I24»  I3S»  138;  of  Winchester, 
89,  94,  1 14  ;  of  Greatham  Hos- 
pital, I27«. 

Wardes  and  Liveries,  Court  of, 
Auditor  of,  234 

Weepers,  50 ;  contract  for,  304, 

Widows,    245-7,  264-7,  293-4; 

benediction  of,  247  ». 
Wills  cited  : — 

Dene,  Archbishop  Henry,  Son, 

Denny,  Thomas,  1 1-12 

Elyngbrigge,  Thomas,  64  «. 

Fastolff,  Katherine,  1 1 

Fitzherbert,  Sir  Anthony,  228  w, 

Fitz James,  Isabella,  275  w.,  276 ». 

FitzWilliam,  William,  8». 

Foxle,  Sir  John  de,  z^on. 

Harsnett,  Archbishop  Samuel, 

30,  55».,  76W. 
Martyn,  Elizabeth,  98  «. 
Salisbury,  Thomas  de  Montacute, 

Earl  of,  1 1  n. 
St.  Quintin,  Sir  John  de,  1 1 
Warwick,  Richard  Beauchamp, 
Earl  of,  303 
Wine  merchant,  203 
Wool  merchant  (woolman),  97?.; 

201,  204,  205,  207,  208,  253 
Wool  trade,  9?/.,  53 


Yeoman  of  the  Crown,  286  ;  of  the 
Guard  (with  badge  of  Rose  and 
Crown),  2i4n. 

